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1. The thief admitted _________ the wallet

a. To steal.
b. To be stealing.
c. Stealing.
d. Stole.
e. Be stealing
2. The boy is handsome. He wears black jacket.
The correct adjective clause of the sentences above is …….
a. The boy that is handsome is wearing black jacket.
b. The boy with the black jacket is handsome.
c. The boy wears black jacket hansome.
d. The boy who is handsome is wears black jacket.
e. The boy whoy wears black jacket is handsome.
3. A pharmacist_______ medicines in a drugstore or hospital
a. Prepared.
b. Prepare.
c. Is preparing.
d. Prepares.
e. Preparing.
4. X : Who is the beautiful woman?
Y : She is a singer ______ album. Become top hit
a. Who.
b. Whom.
c. Whose.
d. What.
e. Where.
5. The box is _____ heavy ______ the little girl to carry.
a. Too- to.
b. Enough-to.
c. Enough-for.
d. Enough-too.
e. Too-for.

II. Do the questions briefly and correctly!

1. Make a text that tells about your family! Usw at least two comparative sentences and one
superlative sentences!

Introducing my name is Haristiyadi, I come from the Tangerang area, I am the first child
and have one younger brother named Ghozi Fatta Hilla and one younger sister named Alisa
Fadhilla. I have a mother who I love, named Rusni, she has a very beautiful face and has a very
patient, diligent, smart and obedient personality. I also have a father who I really admire named
Aryadi, he has a very intelligent, kind, tough personality, and a high sense of responsibility.

I feel very happy to have both good, friendly parents who can guide their children,
especially me to the right path, for my mother always pays attention to me, and my father always
provides positive life motivations, I I learned from my parents who were always patient in
guiding their children. And I am very proud to have both parents like Rusni's mother and
Aryadi's father, I really love my family.

2. Make a long text with minimum five paragraph, you can describe about one of your friend
at campus!
3. Make 10 sentences of request, permission and offers!
1. Permission
-ask permission to enter the room
- the teacher gives me permission to go out
-let me pick you up
-can I sit dow
-do you accept my idea
-can I borrow a pencil
-can I stay here
- I ask permission to play
-do you allow me here
-do you agree with my opinion.
2. Offers
-Shall I help you?
-Shall I cook the dinner for you now?
-Shall I help you with your homework?
-Shall I clean this up now?
-Shall I accompany you?
-Shall I turn off the AC
-Shall I walk you out?
-Shall I give you a ride?
-Shall I take over it now?
-Shall I buy you some food?
4. Make a your curriculum vitae!
5. Make five sentences of ability and inability!
6. Make a text that telss your most exciting story. Telss it in two paragraph!

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