Assignment #02

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Assignment #02:

Predliction of fully developed (FD) laminar flow between two paralel plates
Grid sensitivity study - Evaluate the accuracy of 'C_f' as a function of grid size and bias factor
1 Study 3D N-S equation and the derivation for fully developed conditions
2 Obtain the analytical value for C_f*Re
3 Select duct width (2*H) as <1.last_digit_of_your_RollNumber>mm. (Eg for RollNo.210110066; 2*H=1.6mm)
4 Obtain average velocity and Re based on 50 or 80ml flow rate. RollNo.210110067; 2*H=1.7mm)
5 Extract coefficient of friction value Cf=24/Re
Procedure: Use properties of water for the simulation Re= 83 Re=rho*U*Dh/mu
1 Selection dimenions X and Y for the representaiton of flow between the parallel plates (2-D only) Dh= 0.002 m
(Y dimensions should be half-duct width (H), but X dimension is arbritray) mu= 0.001003 Pa.s (Viscosity of water, obtain it from Fluent at default temperature)
2 Generate the model in CAD rho= 998.2 kg/m^3 (from Fluent)
3 Name the edges appropriately (inlet, outlet, symmetry, wall) U= 0.0416996 m/s (obtained from 'sample calculations')
4 Generate mapped quad mesh in Ansys mesher with coarse uniform mesh (10 grids in x and 3 in y direction) C_f= 0.2892 C_f * Re=24
Preferable to use Fluent with 'Double precision' for full convergence. (In the video signle precision is used) tau= 0.25095 Pa
5 Change flow conditions to 'Laminar flow' in Fluent and also change fluid material to 'water' mass flow= 0.002081225 kg/s
6 Specify inlet velocity conditon (for the specified Re) through profile specification
7 Solve the model and get C_f based on wall shear value (keep convergence <1e-6 for all) C_f computation and % error in computed C_f compared to analytical solution
8 Successively keep increasing the mesh in the cross-stream direction each time doubling in y direction (6,12, 24, 48 etc) Grid size Mass flow Wall shear (Pa) Cf C_f % Error Bias factor Mass flow Wall shear (Pa) Cf C_f % Error
9 Obtain and notedown C_f from each simulation and error for each case compared to C_f*Re=24 10x3 0 0.23 0.2650 8.35 2
10 Use 10x6 grid with non-uniform mesh in y direction. Change bias factor to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and obtain wall shear and Cf 10x6 0 0.246 0.2835 1.97 4
11 Plot C_f vs grid size (both uniform and non-uniform) 10x12 0.2419 0.2787 3.61 8
10x24 0.0000 100.00 16
Report: 10x48 (optional) 0.0000 100.00 32 (optional)
You can opt for the default report (pdf) available in Fluent
If you use other Apps for x-y plots, you can add additional file with those images
Preferably mention the time spent by you for this assignment.
Sample Calculations
Volumetric flow rate Q_v 50 mL/min (from the brochure)
8.33E-07 m^3/s Assume working fluid to be water
Width W 20 mm
Length L 100 mm
Gap 2H 1 mm To be changed as per your Roll number
Aspect ratio (2H)/W 0.05 1/AR=20
Area of cross section A 0.00002 m^2
Flow velocity U 4.17E-02 m/s
Hydraulic diameter Dh 0.002 m Dh=4*H
Temperature T 10.00 degC T_ref=T_in
Kinematic viscosity nu 1.00E-06 m^2/s to be changed as per T_ref
Density rho 998 kg/m^3 to be changed as per T_ref
Specific heat Cp 4,187 J/kg-K to be changed as per T_ref
Thermal conductivity k 0.598 W/m-k to be changed as per T_ref
Reynolds number Re 83.00 Re= U*Dh/nu

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