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TEDDY: Ladies and gentlemen,as we are about to begin the program everyone is requested to settle
down and pleas take your seats.

REXELL: Leadership is not about holding a title, position, or authority over a certain group. It’s about the
impact, influence ,and inspiration you can bring to your people. It is based on a person's character and
capacity for leadership, not on how well-known, attractive, or attractively dressed they may be.

MC: Good morning hijos and hijas! Welcome to our Miting de Avance 2022!

REXELL: It is our great pleasure to be your moderators for today's program. I am Rexell Mae Dumaguin.

TEDDY: And I am Teddy Babac Jr. To officially start the event, we would like to request everyone to
please stand for the opening prayer to be led by Rodry Daluz, and to be followed by the singing of the
National Anthem.


- Opening Prayer

- Philippine National Anthem

Rexell: Please all be seated. To begin this program, we would like to invite our school
directress/principal, Sr. Irene C. Anapi, FAS to give the opening remarks. Let's give her a round of

-Opening Remarks given

TEDDY: Thank you so much Sr. Irene. To start our program enthusiastically, the social studies member
prepared a special number.

-intermission number done

Rexell: I hope that number gave you a little bit of vitality. Before we get to the highlight of the program,
we will present first the rules and guidelines for the Grand rally.

-read the guidelines

TEDDY: And now, for the most awaited part of our rally, the speeches of our candidates.

REXELL: Let us call on the campaign managers of each party to introduce their candidates.


TEDDY: Thank you for the amazing speeches our candidates for representatives. Before we listen to our
councilors, to awaken our mind, body and soul with her beautiful voice, let’s give the floor to Audrey
Jorge for an intermission number. Please give her a round of applause.
- Intermission

Rexell: Thank you so much Audrey for that wonderful performance. Now, let’s lend our ears to our
councilors as they deliver their speeches.


TEDDY: Job well done for all our councilors for delivering their speeches.

REXELL: Hijos and hijas, okay pa ba kayo? Let’s have a crowd check. Can we hear the 3? Louder!(4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10) Let’s keep this energy up until the end of the program. To give you another boost of energy,
let’s witness another performance from the social studies club.

- Intermission

REXELL: Let’s clap our hands to the talented members of the social studies member.

TEDDY: For the most significant part of our miting, let us all hear the speeches and platforms of our
candidates for the chairman and vice chairman of each parties.

-Vice Chairman


TEDDY: Amazing and wonderful speeches from our candidates for chairman and vice chairman. And
now, the most awaited and exciting part of our program has finally come.

REXELL: Let’s cheer and clap our hands to the first presenter. Let’s give the floor to the DARNA Party.


TEDDY: That was an amazing and wonderful performance. Last but definitely not the least, let’s cheer
and clap our hands to the FORDA Party.


REXELL: Thank you candidates. For the last part of our program, may we call on Mr. Leo Mer Gumawa
for the closing remarks.

- Closing remarks

TEDDY: We have heard their discourse of each candidates. We quote from John Lewis that “The vote is
precious. It is the most powerful, non-violent tool we have in a democratic society, and we must use it”.

REXELL: So to our dearest hijos and hijas, remember that your vote matters. Vote responsibly and
wisely. This is Rexell Mae Dumagin.
TEDDY: And this is Teddy Babac Jr., we now officially end this program. Before you leave, please clean
your areas. Thank you and Godbless everyone.


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