Write An Article For The Living To Change Blog.

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Write an article for the Living to Change Blog.


When I was a child, I had a bad habit of biting my mouth every

time, in the end it hurt a lot and I got some deep wounds.
My grandmother had told me about it and she was a little upset
because she said it was rude to do that so she wanted to change
that because it was bad for me and my grandmother didn't like
me doing it.
At first it was very difficult because it became a habit in my body,
I did it without knowing and I thought it would be impossible to
make my body forget that habit but when I learned to control it
it became easy to start forgetting. and in the end I completely
forgot about it and didn't do it again.
Now I am happy for that small achievement and I recovered from
the injuries I did, but I still wonder why this bad habit started in

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