EC8391 CS IA2 QB IIIyear

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Agni College of Technology

Thalambur, Chennai 600 130

Office of Examcell
Question Bank For Internal Test -2
Sub Name : Control System Engineering Department : Mechatronics
Sub Code : EC8391 Year & Sec : III
1. What are the advantages of Nichol’s chart?
2. Define gain cross over frequency.
3. Define Phase Margin.
4. Define Gain Margin.
5. What is cut off frequency?
6. What is the correlation between phase margin and damping factor?

7. Mention the frequency response specifications.

8. How will you get closed loop frequency response from open loop response?

9. What are the advantages of frequency response analysis?

10. What are M & N Circles?

11. write the correlation of time domain specifications & frequency domain specifications.

12. Draw the polar plot for the following system G(S)= 10/S(S+1)(S+2) (or)

Draw the polar plot of the function G(S) =1/S(S+T1)(1+ST2).

13. What is the effect of lead compensator on system response?

14. (i) The damping ratio and undamped natural frequency of a second order system are
0.5 and 5 respectively. Calculate the resonant frequency.
(ii)The damping ratio and undamped natural frequency of a second order system are
0.5 and 8 respectively. Calculate the resonant peak & resonant frequency.
15. Draw the polar plot of G(S)= 1/(1+ST), Draw the polar plot of an integral term transfer function.
16. What is the need for compensator?
17. What is the transfer function of lead compensator and draw its pole-zero plot?
18. What is the transfer function of lag compensator and draw its pole-zero plot?

19. Write transfer function of lag-lead compensator?

20. What type of compensator suitable for high frequency noisy environment?
21. State Nyquist stability Criterion.

22. Define stability of a system.

23. What do you mean by dominant pole?

24. What is BIBO stability criterion?

25. Write the necessary & sufficient condition for stability in Routh stability criterion.

26. What is meant by relative stability?

27. Using Routh criterion, determine the stability of the system represented by the
characteristics equation S4+8S3+18S2+16S+5=0

State any two limitations of Routh-stability criterion.
29. State the advantages of Nyquist stability criterion over that of Routh’s criterion.
30. What is characteristic equation?
31. How the roots of characteristic equations are related to stability?
32. What is Routh Stability criterion?
33. What are the effects of adding a zero to a system?

34. What are the two types of compensation schemes?

35. What is the necessary condition for stability?

What is root locus?
37. How is the value of gain k determined from root locus plot?
38. What is centroid?
State the rule for obtaining the breakaway point in root locus.
40. What are the effects of addition of open loop poles?

1. Sketch Bode plot for the following transfer function and determine the system gain [13]
K for the gain cross over frequency to be 5 rad/sec.
KS 2
G( s) 
(1  0.2S )(1  0.02S )
2. Sketch the bode plot for the following transfer function and determine the phase [13]
margin and
gain margin.

G(s) = 75(1 + 0.2s) / s(s2 + 16s + 100)

3. The open loop transfer function of unity feedback system is given by

(1  0.2s )(1  0.025s)
G(S )  3 .Sketch the polar plot and determine the phase
s (1  0.005s)(1  0.001s)

3. Sketch polar plot for the following transfer function and determine the system gain [13]
K .so that gain margin is 18db, and phase margin is 600
G( s) 
(1  0.2S )(1  0.05S )

Agni College of Technology
Thalambur, Chennai 600 130
Office of Examcell
4.. Draw the polar plot for the open loop transfer function with unity feedback system is [13]
given by G ( s)  . Determine the phase and gain margin
[ S (1  S )(1  2S )]
5. Sketch Nichols chart for the given open loop transfer function and determine the
closed loop frequency response Mr,wr,wb G ( s) 
s( s  2)( s  5)

6. Sketch polar plot for the following transfer function and determine the system gain
K , G( s)  .so that gain margin is 6db, and phase margin is 400
(1  0.1S )(1  S )

7. Consider a unity feedback system whose open loop transfer function is [13]
G(s)  .Design a lag lead compensator to meet the following
s( s  3)( s  6)
specifications .(i) velocity error constant Kv=80 , phase margin >=350.
8. [13]
Explain in detail the design procedure of lead compensator using Bode plot.

9. The characteristics polynomial is [13]

.Determine the location of

roots on s -plane and hence the stability of the system.

10. Obtain the Routh array for the system whose characteristic polynomial equation is [13]
S6 + S5 + 3S4 + 3S3 + 3S2 + 2S + 1 = 0. Check the stability .

11. Determine the range of K for stabiltity of unity feedback system whose open loop [13]
transfer function is G( s) 
s( s  1)( s  2)

12. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is [13]
given by G ( s )  . By applying routh criteria discuss the
( s  2)( s  4)( S 2  6s  25)
stability of closed loop system as a function of K. Determine the value of K which
will cause sustained oscillation in closed loop system .what are the corresponding
oscillating frequencies.

13. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by [13]
G(s)= K(s+1)/S3+aS2+2s+1). Determine the value of K when the system oscillates at
a frequency of 2 rad/sec.

14. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by [13]
K ( s  9)
G(s)  .Sketch the root locus of the system.
S ( S 2  4 s  11)
15. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by [13]

G( s)  .Sketch the root locus of the system.
S ( S  6 s  10)

16. Construct the Nyquist plot for a system whose open loop transfer function is given [13]
by G ( s)  . Find the range of K for stability
s( s  2)( s  10)
17. (1  4s ) [13]
The open loop transfer function is G ( s ) H ( s )  2 . Determine the
s (1  s )(1  2 s )
stability of closed loop system. If closed loop system is not stable then find the
number of closed loop poles lying on the right half of s plane.
18. Explain the design procedure of bode plot. [13]
19. For a unity feedback control system the open loop transfer function [13]
10( S  2)
G(S )  2 . Find i) The position, velocity and acceleration error constants.
S ( S  1)
3 2 1
ii)The steady state error when the input is R(S),where R ( S )   2  3
S S 3S
20. The open loop transfer function of a servo system with unity feedback [13]
G(s)=10/s(0.1S+1). Evaluate constants of the system. Obtain the steady state error of
the system, when subjected to an input given by the polynomial r(t)= a0+a1t+(a2t2)/2

Subject Incharge HOD


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