Exemple Plan Détaillé - Civilisation Britannique

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Exemple plan détaillé – Civilisation britannique

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un exemple d’introduction et de plan détaillé pour vous donner une
trame pour votre partiel de Civilisation britannique en janvier 2022.

Exemple pour le texte n°12 ‘Queen’s message on the Handover of Hong Kong’.

La consigne qui figurera en tête du partiel sera la suivante :

Read the text. Write the introduction and give a detailed outline.

In December 1984, Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Chinese high-ranking
politician Zhao Ziyang signed the Chinese British Joint Declaration. This document enacted the
forthcoming end of British presence in Hong Kong after a 99-year lease of Hong Kong and the
New Territories. Although it was signed in 1984, the official end of Hong Kong lease came in
The text under study is the speech delivered by Prince Charles, heir to the throne, on behalf of
the Crown on 30th June 1997 during the ceremony celebrating the handover of Hong Kong to
Although it is formal, it appears that the Queen’s message is an optimistic farewell speech to
its last British colony. In order to highlight this optimism, my first section will deal with the
important British role in Hong Kong. My second section will be devoted to the need and the
will to keep a link between Britain and Hong Kong.

I. British role in Hong Kong

A. Throughout History
ll.3-7: ‘During that time Hong Kong has grown from a small coastal settlement into one of the
leading cities and one of the greatest trading economies in the world. There have been time of
sacrifice, suffering and courage. As Hong Kong has risen from the ashes of war a most dramatic
transformation has taken place. Millions of destitute immigrants have been absorbed and Hong
Kong has created one of the most successful societies on Earth.’ 1
Hong Kong developed from ‘a small coastal settlement’, a heap of rocks acquired at the time
of the signing of the Peking convention in 1860 and later the lease of islands and territories, to

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a thriving and strong colony thanks to the British guidance and help (growth of population,
especially after World War II and development of infrastructures…). Also mention that ‘during
that time’ refers to the British presence in Hong Kong (from 1842 to 1997).

B. Close bond
ll.14-19: ‘More than three and a half million Hong Kong residents are British nationals.
Thousands of young Hong Kong men and women study […] history runs strong and deep.’
 The two countries are closely intertwined: student exchanges with the University of Hong
Kong for example (l.16), expatriation (ll.13-15 and ll.17-19). Also, add economic links between
them as well as the implementation of British values in Hong Kong through the years (English
common law…).

II. Preservation of the link between Britain and Hong Kong

A. Sino-British Joint Declaration

ll.29-31: ‘That Joint Declaration […] will command our attention.’

 implementation of the ‘one country, two systems’ in Hong Kong as a way to preserve the
economy and the lifestyle of the inhabitants as well as preserving the country from

B. Resilience of Hong Kong

ll.37-39: ‘We have no doubt […] the key to Hong Kong’s continued success.’
 The ‘one country, two systems’ will come to an end in 2047, thus making Britain a kind of
‘policeman’ in this region so far.
ll.32-33: ‘Hong Kong now faces […] stable and dynamic.’
 The message is also meant to give strength and courage to Hong Kong inhabitants and the
international community: the colony is thriving and economically strong. The speech also
stresses the ability of Hong Kong to overcome difficulties (in the past: invasion and occupation
by Japan during World War II: see ll.5-7).

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