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Microcity College of Business and Technology Guidance Consulting


A Research Project Presented to

Microcity College of Business and Technology

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strand of Information

Communication and Technology (ICT)

John Marvin Nepomuceno

Krizzel Mae Nojadera

Darwyn Pakinggan

Rio Trisha Gracio

Kzel Compahinay

Daniel Tenedero

Harold Palmar

Rosendo Cueto

Aldren Atienza

Marjun Lidres

Bryan Valisno

S.Y. 2018 – 2019




John Marvin Nepomuceno

Krizzel Mae Nojadera

Darwyn Pakinggan

Rio Trisha Gracio

Kzel Compahinay

Daniel Tenedero

Harold Palmar

Rosendo Cueto

Aldren Atienza

Marjun Lidres

Bryan Valisno


Ms. Shaira Shennieth Manalaotao


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the strand of INFORMATION

COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGY (ICT), this research entitled “Microcity
College of Business and Technology Guidance Consulting Website” has
been prepared and submitted by John Marvin Nepomuceno, Krizzel Mae
Nojadera, Darwyn Pakinggan, Rio Trisha Gracio, Kzel Compahinay, Daniel
Tenedero, Harold Palmar, Rosendo Cueto, Aldren Atienza, Marjun Lidres and
Bryan Valisno, who are hereby recommended for oral examination.


Research Project

Approve in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the strand of

Information Communication and Technology (ICT) by the committee on oral


Member Member


Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Strand of

Information Communication and Technology (ICT).


College Registrar College Administrator

The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the

following for this study will not be possible without their support and guidance:

Nepomuceno Family, Nojadera Family, Pakinggan Family, Gracio Family,

Compahinay Family, Tenedero Family, Palmar Family, Cueto Family, Atienza
Family, Lidres Family and Valisno Family for their broad understanding and for
both moral and financial support.

To Ms. Jean Ella Ladia, as the adviser, for her support in making this
project, assistance and guidance. We acknowledge that this project would not
have been possible without her wholehearted encouragement and ensuring that
the project is correct and improving

To the member of the panel, Mr. Rogelio Emperado, Ms. Mayel Mejia,
Mrs. Marlyn Dacpano- Navarro and Mr. Arvey Nunez for lending their time,
encouragement and giving their precious ideas for the improvement of this study.

To Ms. Carmen M. Mallari, College Administrator, for compassionately

giving the researchers all the chances and resources to make this study

It’s a great pleasure to acknowledge to our God Almighty for without His
blessings and guidance this study would not have been possible.

Again, a sincere gratitude to all of you. May the Lord bless you all.

The researchers conducted this research to help the students to

realize the efficiency of counseling in Microcity College of Business and
Technology. Based upon the researchers conducted survey, most of the student
are satisfied to use this project for them to have a prior knowledge of what is
counseling and how effectives it is. Researchers decided to make a Guidance
Consulting Website that serves as a way for the students to have an idea on how
effective the counseling is and what sort of advice that the Guidance Counselor
is telling to the students. It contains some advices that the Guidance Counselor
gave to us on every particular problem that a student’s commonly deal with. The
students can realized that counseling is a very effective way for them to have a
good path on their future career as a student and for their problem to be

Based on the survey that the researchers conducted, it shows

that most of the Grade 12 students are satisfied to this website to use as another
way of assessing their concerns in Guidance Counselor. It also shows that they
really do not want to do the casual way of counseling.

So therefore the researchers concluded that the Grade 12

students are not really used in way of counseling and they prefer to use some
alternative way for them to assessed their problems, but with the help of our
product, they can realized how important the counseling for their life as a student.

Title Page

Approval Sheet



Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The problem and Its Background

Introduction 1

Background of the study 3

Theoretical Framework 4

Statement of the Problem 7

Conceptual Framework 8

Scope and Delimitation 9

Significance of the Study 9

References 11

Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature 12

References 15
Chapter 3. Research Methodology

Method of Research 16

Respondents 17

Population 17

The Research Instrument 18

Validation of the Instrument 18

Data Gathering 18

Statistical Treatment 19

References 20

Chapter 4. Result and Discussion 21

Chapter 5. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary 25

Conclusion 27

Recommendation 27
CHAPTER ** Expression is faulty **


According to Michael J. Lambert and Kara Cattani‐Thompson(1996) of

“Current Findings Regarding the Effectiveness of Counseling: Implications for


“Research on the effectiveness of counseling is reviewed, and conclusions

are drawn about the consequences for professional practice. The research

literature clearly shows that counseling is effective in relation to no‐treatment and

placebo control conditions. The effects of counseling seem to be relatively

lasting. These effects are attained in relatively brief time periods, with the

percentage of clients who show substantial improvement increasing as the

number of counseling session’s increases. There continues to be little evidence

of specific efficacy for particular techniques or counseling theories, and a small

portion of clients seem to deteriorate while undergoing, and perhaps because of,

counseling interventions.”

One of the foundations that a school should have is the, Guidance

Counselor. Teachers are not the only person in school to help or guide the

students to the right part of their journey, whether in terms of academic

performance or their attitudes and behaviors too. A school Guidance Counselor

exists to aid students in several different ways such as, giving an advice to

students in their emotional and psychological problems in school or even in their

own house that affects their studies.

Being a Guidance Counselor is not just that about, how good they are in

giving an advice to students. Counselors are trained professionals who typically

have a Bachelors or Master’s Degree in fields like psychology, counseling, social

work, or education.

Here in Microcity College of Business and Technology, one of the main

concerns of this school is to have a decent Guidance Counselor. This school

prioritizes the seriousness of the job that the Guidance Counselor has. But it is

just the school who appreciate the importance of the Guidance Counselor, not

the students.

There will be student that carrying a problem on its back while studying in

school. But not all the students, wants to open their problem or concern to their

Guidance Counselor for some reasons, like, they don’t want to go to the

Guidance Counselor’s room to open up their concern. They also don’t want to be

notice by the other students. So the importance of having Guidance Counselor in

school is not having a big impact for the students because they are shy to open

up their problems and concerns.

As a researcher, want to give a way on how the students could consult

their problem to the Guidance Counselor in such way, that their shyness will not

occur. So we, the future Researchers, conclude a study that will lead to a useful

product that can be a solution to eliminate the barrier between the students and

the guidance counselor in school and can help to increase the potential of the

students to undergo in real process of counseling.


The Microcity College of Business and Technology has its own Guidance

Counselor. MCBT definitely prioritizes the importance of having a decent

Guidance Counselor, not for the sake of the school, but for the student. In this

case, the Guidance Counselor in MCBT is not being prioritized by the students

themselves. The role of the Guidance Counselor is like a substitute teachers that

if their teachers are not around the Guidance would take over the responsibilities.

According to Susan Furr and Jane Carroll (2011) of “Critical Incidents in

Student Counselor Development”

“Students in a master's degree program in counseling were asked to

report critical incidents that had influenced their development as counselors.

Participants most frequently cited courses based on experiential learning and

field experiences as being influential in their development. Events external to the

graduate program also were frequently reported as influencing their professional


The data review of those students who consult to their Guidance

Counselor was, more or less 5 students in this semester A.Y. 2018-2019.

The students in MCBT forgot what is the main role of the Guidance

Counselor in their school.

The students are so shy, to visit the room of the guidance counselor, and

even to share up their concerns that affects their performance in school. The

students just want to hide their concern rather than consulting it to the

professional. They don’t want to be addressed. They’re just being selfish with

themselves, rather than going to the guidance and open up their problems. They

don’t have also time to visit the guidance room.


Myers, J.E. (2005) Counseling for Wellness: Theory, Research, and


“One of the goals of the counselor is to enable clients to clearly define

what they want and to question the effectiveness of their current lifestyle in

achieving wellness, and then to change what needs to be changed.”

This study was the basis of the current study in such way that it includes

the goals of the counselor is to enable clients to clearly define what they want

and to question the effectiveness of their current lifestyle in achieving wellness,

and then to change what needs to be changed.

Prout, H. (2007) Counseling and psychotherapy with children

and adolescents: Theory and practice for school and clinical


“This book is about psychotherapy and mental health counseling with

children and adolescents. It brings together in a comparative format the major

theoretical views of psychological treatment of children and highlights major

issues in the area”

This theory has been studied extensively by an American Researcher, H.

Thompson Prout. According to this theory, it emphasizes the psychological

treatment of children’s problem is the focus of several professions and carried

out in many settings and situations. Although Theoretical viewpoints are wide-

ranging and essentially rooted in adult-based theories, the child or adolescent

presents a unique challenge to the child mental health worker.

This study has relation in the current study in such way that there are

those statements that prioritizes the difference of the adult and the child

(students) in terms of how they should be treated by the counselors.

Katz, J.H. (1995) The Sociopolitical Nature of Counseling

“Counseling is a sociopolitical act. However, many counselors are

unaware of the fact that the profession has at its core a set of cultural values and

norms by which clients are judged. In order to make the counseling psychology

field more responsive to the needs of multicultural populations, the profession

must be willing to engage in self-examination.”

This study has something to do with the current study in such a way that it

also describes the effectiveness and the importance of being a counselor, on

how they are going to treat the students or clients for them not to feel they are

being judge instead they are trying to resolve their problem.


Being a Guidance Counselor means a lot of things, especially if we are

going to talks about what is their importance to the students in terms of their

career and in their social and emotional state as students. But being a Guidance

Counselor nowadays means nothing for those students who feel so ashamed to

consult their concerns to the Guidance Counselor. The result of it is that the role

of the Counselor will not be prioritized by the students because of their shyness

to the Counselor itself.

The students can also have a hard time studying whenever they have a

problem that they can't even try to solve it or try to consult it to the Guidance

Counselor. They are more likely to share their problems whenever they are in

front of their gadgets or whenever they are in their social media. They prefer to

consult their problems with their friends, and not even trying to consult in their

own counselor.

This study sought to the following questions:

1. Do the counseling through students is very effective?

2. Why the students is being shy or not used to with the guidance

counselor in terms of counseling?

3. Why the students prefer to consult their problem to their friends, not on

their guidance counselor?


 Behavioral/ Attitude

-Student’s Dependent Variable

impression towards
to the counselor
 Factors affecting the number of
 The problem itself the students who consult to the
Factor Guidance Counselor
 Effectiveness of the Guidance
-Whether a huge Counselor
problem or not
 Technology based

-Social media


The scope of this study covered only all of the factors that has something

to do with our study such as the behavioral or attitude factor, Technology based

factors and to those factors that the student will specify in our study. The study is

delimited to the private issue of the student or client that is not necessary to

include on the website because of its privacy.


By making this research project, entitled Microcity College of Business

and Technology Guidance Consulting Website, this will benefit to the following:

Guidance Counselor: This study can help the Counselor in terms of, she

or he will have a lot of clients and for her or him to apply his or her knowledge to

the students and to help the students to be more productive in their life.

Student: The students can realize how important the counseling is and

how convincing or important the advice of the guidance counselor. They can also

realize within that simple website, somehow it help them to assess their problem,

what more if they really under go in counseling with the guidance counselor.

Parents: The parents will also benefits to this study, by which the parents

will not worry about his/her children even she/he on the school about any

problems that his/her child had.

Teachers: The teachers will also benefits to this study, by which the

students can excel to their classed by having zero problems in their life as a


Future Researchers: The future researchers can benefits to this study in

such way that they can help to improve their study by using our research as one

of their basis.


Lambert and Cattani-Thompson, “Current Findings Regarding the

Effectiveness of Counseling: Implications for Practice” American Counseling

Association 1996.

Furr and Carroll “Critical Incidents in Student Counselor Development”, 2011

Myers and Sweeney, “Counseling for Wellness: Theory, Research, and

Practice.” Alexandria, VA, US: American Counseling Association, 2005.

Prout, “Counseling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents:

Theory and practice for school and clinical settings ” Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey,


Katz “The Sociopolitical Nature of Counseling.” , 1995 .



Beesley, D. (2004) Teachers’ perceptions of school counselor

effectiveness: Collaborating for student success.

“This study was designed to survey K-12 classroom teachers (N = 188)

across the Southwest as to perceptions of the effectiveness of school counseling

services in their educational setting. “

This study has already been studied by Beesley which he emphasize the

role of the teacher in terms of the effectiveness of the counselor to the students.

This study has a relation to the current study in such way that it tells how

the teachers should help the Counselor by giving them an importance for them to

have a good and effective way of counseling for their students.

Tolbert, E.L. (1994) Counseling for Career Development

“The book is designed for a one-quarter or one-semester course in

preparation programs for secondary school counselors, and it should be useful

as well for career guidance workshops, institutes, and in service education


This study has been studied extensively by Tolbert which emphasize the

importance of the career development in counseling.

This study has a relation to the current study in such way that it tells about

that counseling is not only to assess problems of the students, but also it should

be useful for career development and other stuffs like, in service education


Moyer and Michael (2011) Effects of Non-Guidance Activities, Supervision,

and Student-to-Counselor Ratios on School Counselor Burnout

“School counselors, like all mental health professionals are at high risk for

burnout. High caseloads, job role ambiguity, and lack of supervision increase

their propensity for burnout.”

This study has been studied carefully by Moyer and Michael. It emphasize

the weakness of counseling on their school, because of some negative thoughts

and way that influence the counseling of the counselor.

This study has a relation to the current study because it has something to

do with the way on how not to decrease the importance of the Guidance

counselor in our school.

Mghweno, L.R. and Eliamani, B. (2014) Access to guidance and counseling

services and its influence on Students' school life and career choice.

“A study was conducted to examine the influence of secondary school

students' access to guidance and counseling services on school life, attitude

towards studies and career choices.”

This study has been studied by Mghweno and Eliamani which emphasizes

the importance for the students to undergo on counseling.

This study has a relation to the current study in such way that those

statements describes the influence of counseling in students towards their school

life and their career choice in their future careers.


Beesly, “Teachers' Perceptions of School Counselor Effectiveness:

Collaborating for Student Success.” Education, v125 n2 p259 Win, 2004.

Tolbert, “Counseling for Career Development”, 1984.

Moyer, “Effects of Non-Guidance Activities, Supervision, and Student-to-

Counselor Ratios on School Counselor Burnout” Journal of School Counseling,

v9 n5, 2011.

Mghweno and Peter “Access to guidance and counseling services and its

influence on Students’ school life and career choice”, Bugema University, School

of Social Sciences, P.O. Box 6529, Kampala, Uganda, 2013.



The researchers manage to use the inductive reasoning method because

it makes broad generalizations from specific observations. “In inductive

inference, we go from the specific to the general. We make many observations,

discern a pattern, make a generalization, and infer an explanation or a theory,"

this statement is according to the Utah State University.

While according to Margaret Rouse (2000), Inductive reasoning is a

logical process in which multiple premises, all believed true or found true most of

the time, are combined to obtain a specific conclusion. Inductive reasoning is

often used in applications that involve prediction, forecasting, or behavior. 

This method of research is suited in the researchers study which the

researchers use the research question to narrow the scope of the study, and it

focused on new study that can help the effectiveness of counseling.


The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 students in the strand of

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) , General

Academic Strand(GAS), Information Communication and Technology(ICT) and

Home Economics(HE) of Microcity College of Business and Technology for the

school year 2018-2019.

The researchers choose the grade 12 students as a respondent to know

what are the factors that held back to them to consult to the guidance counselor

throughout their two years here in Microcity College of Business and Technology,

to implement the confirmation to the upcoming grade 12 students in next school



In Microcity College of Business and Technology the whole year of Grade

12 students is made up only of four strands: Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics (STEM) , General Academic Strand(GAS), Information

Communication and Technology(ICT) and Home Economics(HE). The population

of STEM is 17, the GAS is 24, the ICT is 40 and the HE has 22 students, the total

number is 103

The sampling method that the researchers will be using is randomly

sampling Method.


The first section of the questionnaire is mainly about the respondent itself.

It specifies the name, grade and strand, age and also the address of the

respondent. The second part of the questionnaire talks about the efficiency of the

product , and for the third section of the questionnaire it talks about the reliability

of the website and for the last part is all about the general acceptability of our



After determining and analyzing those data from the related literature and

studies located at chapter two, the researchers finally conceptualized our

questionnaire. The first draft of our questionnaire was shown to our Research

adviser, after they deliberated it, and bunch of revision and editing, the

questionnaire was finalized.


A request letter was approved to the Administrator of Microcity College

Business and Technology for the permission of conducting a survey study for all
of the strands in Grade 12 students.

After they respond to our request letter, the Researchers look for the

vacant time of the respondents for them to clearly analyze our questionnaire.

After we gave our questionnaire to the respondents, they were guided in

answering our survey question.


The statistical tools that are used in this study are:

1. Slovins's formula is used to calculate an appropriate sample size from a


1+ Ne ²

n Sample

N Population

1 Constant

E Margin of Error (0.10)

2. Percentage Formula is used because it isa very handy way of writing

fractions. Percentages can be compared more easily than fractions. 

∗100 %

X Part

Y Whole

% 100


Utah State University “Inductive Method”, 2013

Margaret Rouse “Inductive Reasoning Method”, 2000



This chapter presents the data gathered through questionnaires

distributed to the respondents to answer questions posed in this study.

The number of respondents is only the 30% of students in every strand in

Grade 12.

Table 1

Strands Number of Students Needed respondents

STEM 17 15 (19%)

GAS 24 19 (23%)

ICT 40 29 (36%)

HE 22 18 (22%)

Total 103 81 (100%)

1. Effectiveness of Guidance Consulting Website

Table 2

Distribution of Respondents according to the effectiveness of the


Effectiveness No. of students

Satisfied 49

Very Good 20

Good 12

Needs Improvement 0

Not Satisfied 0

Total 81


Very Good

Needs Improvement

Not Satisfied

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

The table above shows Effectiveness of the Guidance Consulting Website

This states that majority of the respondents are satisfied to the Guidance

Consulting Website in terms of its effectiveness, while some of them says that

the website are very good and good.

2. Reliability of Guidance Consulting Website

Table 3

Distribution of Respondents according to the reliability of the website

Reliability No. of students

Satisfied 42

Very Good 26

Good 13

Needs Improvement 0

Not Satisfied 0

Total 81


Very Good

Needs Improvement

Not Satisfied

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The above shows the reliability of the Guidance Consulting Website.

This states that the majority of respondents are also satisfied in terms of

the reliability of the Guidance Consulting Website, while some of the

respondents says that the website is very good and few of the respondents

says that the website good based on their ratings.

3. General Acceptability of Guidance Consulting Website

Table 4

Distribution of Respondents according to the general acceptability

General Acceptability No. of students

Satisfied 41

Very Good 29

Good 11

Needs Improvement 0

Not Satisfied 0

Total 81


Very Good

Needs Improvement

Not Satisfied

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The above shows the general acceptability of the Guidance Consulting


This states that the majority of respondents are also satisfied in terms of

the general acceptability of the Guidance Consulting Website, while some of

the respondents says that the website is very good and few of the

respondents says that the website good based on their ratings.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusion

made in light of the research output and the recommendations based on

conclusion drawn are included here as regard to the salient future of this



The purpose of this research project is to help the student to

realize themselves that consulting to the guidance can benefits a lot to

their life as a student, not only for their current state but only for their

future careers. This project aims to give some overview on how important

the counseling is and how good is the advice of the Guidance Counselor

in their school, Microcity College of Business and Technology. The

independent variable was the three common factors, behavioral/attitude

factors, the problem itself factor and the technology based factor, while the

dependent variable is the factors affecting the number of Grade 12

students who consult to the guidance counselor.

The number of respondents was made using Slovins’s formula

among all the grade 12 students in Microcity College of Business and

Technology. Once the respondents were made, the questionnaire was

conceptualized after validating it to the Guidance Counselor. Then, after

the letter had been approved by the administrator, the survey was made in

to action.

The results that the researchers got from the study was majority of

the grade 12 students are satisfied in the effectiveness, reliability and the

general acceptability of the Guidance Consulting Website.


The researchers therefore conclude that the Guidance Consulting Website,

which serves as another way for students to consult their problem, had a better

rate rather than the Casual Guidance Counseling came from the respondents.

The researchers want to prioritize the good old way of consulting to the guidance

because it is way better than anything.


The researchers recommend on having a further research about this study. The

researchers also recommend on doing the backend code of the given product,

Guidance Consulting Website. It is useful for the students so they can see how

good is the advice of the counselor on every aspects of problem that they have.


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