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Different Types of Computer Components

Task 1
Arrange the arrows so they provide a link between the correct names for the
different types of computer components.


Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Read Only Memory (ROM)

Internal Hard Disk Drive

External Hard Disk Drive

Graphics Card


Sound Card

Unit 1: Types and Components of Computer Systems Mark Nicholls – ICT Lounge
Task 4

Look at the list of devices below. You should state whether it is an

input device or an output device:







Unit 1: Types and Components of Computer Systems Mark Nicholls – ICT Lounge
Types and
components of
computer system
Question and answers
• An operating system is a
software program that manages
What is an computer resources. Operating
operating systems allow components to
communicate with each other
system? and enables the computer to
run software applications."
Describe • The main features of a GUI
are Windows, Icons, Menus and
three Pointers.(WIMP)
features of a • Instead of typing in commands, the
graphical user can use a mouse to point and
click objects on the screen.
user • Less chance of users making
interface errors (Just clicking icons)
Describe a command line interface?
A command line interface is an older style operating system
where users type in commands using keyboard.

# Command Line Interface's do not make use of

images, icons or graphics. All the user is sees is a
plain black screen like the one to the right.

# Because they use no graphics they require very little

computer power.
What does • Random access memory
• RAM is used to temporarily store information that
RAM stand for is currently in use by the computer. This can include
anything from word documents to videos.
and what does RAM can be read from and written
it do?
• RAM is a fast memory. Data can be written to and read
from RAM very quickly. RAM is Volatile Memory.
• Read only memory
• ROM is used to permanently store
instructions that tell the computer how
to boot (start up). It also loads the
What does operating system (e.g. Windows).
Rom stand for • Information stored in ROM is known as READ
and what does ONLY.
• ROM is fast memory. Data stored in ROM
it do? can be accessed and read very quickly.
ROM is Non-Volatile memory. This means
that stored information is not lost when the
computer loses power.

You are going out for the day but need to be able to carry on working .
you need to decide whether to take your smart phone or your tablet
with you. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both?
Difference between RAM and ROM

Contents are lost when the Contents are not lost when the
computer is turned off. computer is turned off.

Stores instructions that tell the

Stores data and programs computer how to start up.
currently in use.
This cannot be written to
Your computer will perform (altered).. only read.
faster with more of this.
Non volatile
• Explain what is meant by virtual reality
• Name two pieces of hardware used in virtual
reality systems.
Q and A It is a compute generated environment, where
a person can immerse themselves and interact
Past papers to perform a wide variety of actions.
Pieces of hardware used in virtual reality are:
Q and A
Past papers
Past papers
Write down the type of interface shown.

Graphical user interface

The use of laptop computers and tablet computers by people on the
move is becoming very popular. Describe four advantages of using a
tablet computer rather than a laptop computer.
A train company is improving security on its journeys. They are planning
to introduce a facial recognition system for passengers using their trains.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using facial recognition
systems rather than manually checking tickets.
• Enhanced security
• The first thing to start with is surveillance. With the help of facial
recognition, it will be easier to track down any burglars and thieves
• Faster processing
• The process of recognizing a face takes a second or less — and this is
incredibly beneficial for the companies.
• Automation of identification
• Before, security guards had to perform manual identification of a person
that took too much time and did not boast high accuracy.
• Disadvantages
• Breach of privacy
• Massive data storage
• Vulnerability in recognition
1.A tablet computer consists of both hardware and software.
(a) Define the term hardware.
Physical components of a computer system
(b) One input device used on a tablet computer is a touchscreen
Name two other input devices built into a tablet computer.
 Microphone
 Camera
 Sensors
(c) Write down two examples of system software.

 Compiler
 Linker
 Operating system

2) A computer consists of hardware and software.

(a) State what is meant by software. There are two types of software.

Programs for controlling the operation of a computer Programs for processing

of data
b) Name one of the two types of software used by a computer.

 System
 Applications
(c) Name the piece of hardware found in a tablet computer that is both
an input and output device.
3) There are many types of data storage.

Tick whether the following statements are examples of read-only memory

(ROM), random access Memory (RAM) or a hard disk drive (HDD).

4) (a) Identify two uses of 3D printing that help doctors and patients in
Any two from:

 Create prosthetics
 Create dental implants
 Create customized tablets
 Create skeletal model
 Create blood vessels
 Create anatomical models for surgery
(b) Identify two uses of holographic imaging that help doctors and patients in

 Create MRI scan images

 Create ultrasound images
 Create 3D views of our internal organs

5) Give three advantages of using a graphical user interface (GUI) rather

than a command line interface (CLI).

 Don’t have to type in commands/just use mouse to select options

 Easier to change/edit action
 Don’t have to learn/be familiar with a lot of commands
 Easier to open/load programs
6) Most smart phones can carry out many functions which, until recently, only
a computer could perform. Explain why computers of all types are still
applications which require high speed processing
Mainframes/ PCs/laptops needed for applications which require greater
internal memory capacity, backing storage capacity, applications which
require bigger displays, applications which require easy navigation from
screen to screen, applications which require high speed processing and
easier to monitor use.
7) Describe the differences between RAM and ROM


Contents are lost when the Contents are not lost when
computer is turned off. the
computer is turned off.
Stores data and programs
currently in use. Stores instructions that tell
the computer how to start
Your computer will perform up.
faster with more of this.
This cannot be written to
Volatile (altered) only read.


8) Explain what is meant by virtual reality

Name two pieces of hardware used in virtual reality systems.

It is a computer-generated environment, where a person can immerse themselves

and interact to perform a wide variety of actions. Pieces of hardware used in virtual
reality are:

 Headphones
 Gloves
 Googles

9) A train company is improving security on its journeys. They are

planning to introduce a facial recognition system for passengers using

their trains. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using facial

recognition systems rather than manually checking tickets.

Advantages Disadvantages
Enhanced security Breach of privacy
The first thing to start with is surveillance. Massive data storage
With the help of facial recognition, it
will be easier to track down any burglars Vulnerability in recognition
and thieves

Faster processing

Automation of identification

Before, security guards had to perform

manual identification of a person that
too much time and did not boast high
10) Computer operating systems have developed since early computers used
Command Line Interfaces (CLI). Many computers now use Graphical User Interfaces
(GUI), some of which can use touch screen technology.

Compare and contrast CLI and GUI.

 GUI allows the use of pinching,  CLI you have to type out the
scrolling, expanding commands in full
 GUI allows the use of touch  CLI does not allow for this
screen  If a mistake is made in CLI it
 Icons speed up finding could have major
instructions. consequences
 GUI more user friendly  CLI the commands must be
 Due to graphics GUI uses a lot of memorized
memory. 

11) Tick the three most accurate statements regarding computer hardware.
12) What is an Operating system?
An operating system is a software program that manages
computer resources. Operating systems allow components to
communicate with each other and enables the computer to
run software applications.

13) Many companies use video conferencing instead of face-to-face

conferencing. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.

 Workers can use own office so documents do not get lost in

transit/bulky documents/equipment
 do not have to be carried around
 Company can call meeting at short notice
 Employees can work from home
 Company does not have to pay travelling expenses
 Company does not have to pay hotel expenses
 Company does not have to pay for conference room facilities
 Travelling time is saved

 Takes time to train employees

 Difficult to call international meetings because of time differences
 Initial cost of hardware
 Equipment can break down
 Loss of personal/social contact
 Takes time for workers to learn new technology
 Can’t sign documents

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