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An Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion Project Presented to

The Senior High School Department

Dominican College of Tarlac

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Program

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

BENITEZ, Joanne Fey D.
CAPIZ, Daisy P.
CUARESMA, Kathleen Joy Y.
GABATIN, Joshua P.
GOPEZ, Macy Grace A.
MALONG, Aira Carise B.
TORALES, Francis Matthew C.

December 2021

This Senior High School Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion Project of AUSTRIA, John E.,
BENITEZ, Joanne Fey D., CAPIZ, Daisy P., CUARESMA, Kathleen Joy Y., GABATIN,
Joshua P., GOPEZ, Macy Grace A., MALONG, Aira Carise B., TANGLAO, Kurt M., and
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Senior High School program, is hereby


Research Adviser



Research Facilitator

Panelist Panelist


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Senior High
School program.

Final Oral Defense:


Strand Head, STEM Principal, SHS Program


Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: December 2021


First and foremost, the researchers would like to express their gratitude to everyone who

contributed to this study. All of their efforts in providing motivation, inspiration, and completing

this research paper have made it what it is now. This research report would not be complete

without these individuals, according to the researchers. The researchers were able to complete

their research with joy thanks to their positivism, cooperation, guidance, and contributions..

To Ms. Ma. Alelee M. Masanque, O.P., the school administrator, the researchers want to

express their gratitude for your unwavering support for each student researcher while they

undertake their research papers.

To Sir Leo Sagun, the senior high school principal, and the researchers' Inquiries,

Investigations, and Immersions facilitator, the researchers would like to express their gratitude for

your unwavering support and encouragement to each student researcher as they undertake their

research. The researchers would also like to express their gratitude for inspiring them to pursue

their studies with enthusiasm and for sharing your expertise with them.

To Ms. Fatima Tanhuenco, the researchers' strand head, for her support and reminders

to every student researcher in conducting their research papers.

To Ms. Mae Ann Dela Cruz, the researchers' research adviser, the researchers appreciate

all of your hard work, time, patience, and good thoughts. It was one of the most significant

contributions to this publication. The researchers would also want to express their gratitude for all

of your suggestions, constructive criticism, and unwavering support and enthusiasm, which

enabled them to conduct and complete this study with enthusiasm. When the researchers were

losing confidence and feeling depressed, you had inspired them and given them the motivation

they needed. The researchers sincerely feel that without your assistance, this would not be


The researchers' grade 11 facilitators, Ms. Cielo Quiambao and Sir Ronald Vergara, The

researchers would like to convey their heartfelt gratitude to the prior research facilitators for their

guidance and for providing them with the information they need.

The researcher's class adviser, Sir Ricky Calara, for his comforting messages and

countless reminders and advice, which served as a source of motivation and encouragement.

For STEM 2D 2021–2022, The researchers would like to express their gratitude for all of

the good luck you have given them, as well as the numerous occasions you have cheered them

up. The researchers are really grateful for all of your assistance. The researchers also believe that

the entire class's passion and unity enabled each group to complete their research papers. All of

the researchers are grateful that you have been a part of their SHS journey and have always been

willing to lend a hand.

To the research instrument validators, Mrs. Catherine A. Pabustan and Mrs. Annie P.

Sicat, The researchers appreciate your time and work in helping to improve the researcher's data

collection equipment. They honestly feel that without your assistance, this research would not be

as reliable.

To the participants of this study,The researchers would like to express their gratitude

for your time and effort in assisting the researchers, despite your hectic schedule and exhaustion

from work. The researchers would like to express their gratitude and appreciation for all of the

assistance you have provided them. The researchers truly believe that you are one of the most

important reasons in the completion of this study work.

To all the members of the MDDRMC team, the researchers know that the war the world

is now facing is tough, but thank you for not giving up your devotion and sacrifices, which show

that you are a true hero in this pandemic crisis. The researchers understand you have your own

family to defend, yet you continue to battle and protect the people needing your help. The word

"thank you" is still insufficient to express everyone's deep concern and appreciation for all you've

done to defend your fellow citizens. Please do not give up fighting until this epidemic is over and

the world returns to normal. The researchers will continually pray to God for your safety and


To the researchers' beloved parents and family, The researchers would like to

express their gratitude for always being there for them when they were at their lowest and for

cheering them up. All of your encouragement, love, reminders, and advice have been stored in the

hearts and thoughts of the researchers, assisting them in the completion of this research paper. In

whatever they do, you are their greatest source of inspiration and motivation, and the researchers

believe you are always proud of them.


Lastly, to the Almighty God, the researchers would like to thank you for always guiding

them and giving them strength when they are at their lowest. Thank you for always being there

for them and helping them get through all the stressful, heart-wrecking situations and for not

letting their negative emotions get through them and take their toll on them. The researchers

know that you are proud of them for accomplishing this research paper.


TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………… i
APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………… ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ……………………………………………………… iii
DEDICATION ……………………………………………………… vi
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………… xv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………… xvi
LIST OF TABLE ……………………………………………………… xvii
LIST OF FIGURE ……………………………………………………… xviiii


Introduction ………………………………………………………
Research objective ………………………………………………………
Scope and Delimitation ………………………………………………………
Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………
Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………


Related Literature ………………………………………………………
Related Studies ………………………………………………………
A. Foreign Studies………………………………………………………
B. Local Studies ………………………………………………………


Research Design ………………………………………………………
Research Participants ………………………………………………………
Research Instruments ………………………………………………………
Data Collection ………………………………………………………
Ethical Considerations ………………………………………………………
Data Analysis ………………………………………………………



Summary of the findings ………………………………………………………
Conclusions ………………………………………………………
Recommendations ………………………………………………………
Framework of the Study ………………………………………………………

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………

APPENDICES ………………………………………………………

A. Request for Research Adviser …………………………………………………

B. Research Adviser Contract ………………………………………………………
C. Request Letter for Data Gathering ……………………………………………
D. Informed Consent ………………………………………………………
E. Validated Instrument ………………………………………………………
F. Transcribed Interview ………………………………………………………
G. Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………………




Disasters pose a huge danger to sustainable development around the world. In addition to

the loss of life, damage and illness, and the destruction of property and resources, catastrophes

could also cause disruptions in social and economic life, as well as damage to infrastructure and

the environment (Twigg, 2015). Natural catastrophes occur when calamities are caused by natural

factors over which men have little to no control. Man-made disasters, on the other hand, occur

when disasters arise as a consequence of human carelessness or the mismanagement of harmful

equipment (Nikita, n.d). Natural disasters were unavoidable due to the inability of humans to

regulate natural forces, but it might take emergency measures to mitigate their impact. Man-made

disasters, on the other hand, can be avoided and stopped with adequate preparation and

precautions (Stratuss, 2018).

When the natural processes of the earth cause any catastrophic events, it is called a natural

disaster. From year to year, around 60,000 people, which was 0.1% of the global death toll, were

caused by natural disasters. Natural disasters of all frequencies and low-to-high impacts are not

preventable, but losing a large number of people's lives was. (Ritchie & Roser, 2014) According to

Laframboise & Loko (2012), natural disasters could significantly affect poverty and social welfare.

Ritchie and Roser (2014) also added that improving the regions' response systems could prevent

future deaths that were caused by natural disasters. Countries with low incomes were often the

ones that were most vulnerable to disaster events. David Alexander stated in his book "Natural

Disasters" in 2018 that disaster plans should be tested and made known to all participants before

being used. David Alexander also added that information and knowledge about disaster situations

and emergency plans were also vital keys that could help during disasters.

Since the early 1980s, the four-phase model of government budgeting has existed, and

preparation and mitigation were referred to distinctly as important components of disaster

management by the United Nations and World Bank in the 1970s and '08s. In this earlier year, the

connection between development and disaster mitigation and preparation had not been

recognized, and that it would take a while for the officials of the Philippines to have this

conventional mindset (Gaillard, 2011).


Developing countries, like the Philippines, tend to suffer from the incorrect belief that

disasters are unpredictable and uncontrollable. They argued that this perception of the people and

a lack of proper preparations contributed to the causes of the casualties (Gaillard, 2011).

Through the establishment of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

(NDRRMC), which serves as the lead agency for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the Philippines,

the Philippine government has made substantial progress in disaster risk reduction planning and

activities (Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, 2018).

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), also known as "Disaster Reduction," is the definition and

application of lessening disaster risks through systematic analysis and assessment of their

underlying causes, such as decreased exposure to hazardous chemicals, decreased vulnerability of

persons and property, prudent property protection, and improved preparedness for harmful

effects. (Van Niekerk, 2011)

In 2010, the Philippine government approved the Philippine Risk Reduction and Management

Act of 2010 (Mohammed, 2018). The passage of Republic Act 10121, also known as the Philippine

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010, established the groundwork for a

fundamental shift away from disaster preparedness and response and toward disaster risk

reduction and management (NDRRMP, 2011). The present DRRM framework was established by

Republic Act No. 10121 (RA10121) in 2010 to move from reactive to proactive governance by

better involving local governments (LGUs), communities, and the corporate sector to decrease

long-term disaster risk. This Republic Act set up a national disaster risk reduction and

management council (NDRRMC) to establish risk management and risk reduction measures (Iuchi

et al., 2019).

The NDRRMP plan in 2011 discusses the roles of the national government and LGUs and

partner stakeholders such as the DRRM, OCD, Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Council (RDDRMC), the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices (LDRRMOs), as

well as the Provincial, City, and Municipal Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Councils

(PC/MDRRMC or DRRMCs) in developing their policies, implementation of new strategies and

mechanisms especially in building and ensuring the disaster resilience of each community. (DILG,


Tarlac is a province in the Philippines' Central Luzon region. Tarlac City serves as the

country's capital (PhilAtlas, n.d.). The province's population, according to the Philippine Statistical

Authority (PSA), was 1, 366, 027 as of 2015. Following the enactment of RA 10121 in 2010, the

Tarlac government responded by enacting a city ordinance in support of the aforesaid law in 2012.

(Mohammed, 2018). Furthermore, the Municipal Disaster and Risk Reduction Management

(MDRRMC) in Tarlac province, where Bayan ng Capas is located, is known as a first-class

municipality in the province of Tarlac, Philippines. It should also be noted that Tarlac's Municipal

Disaster and Risk Reduction Management (MDRRMC), where Bayan ng Capas is located, promotes

the effective and efficient implementation of civil protection programs through a multi-sectoral and

community-based approach (GOVPH, 2011).

In the Mission of the MDRRMC of the Municipality of Capas, it was stated that it encompasses

a holistic vision of risk assessment, disaster risk reduction, mitigation, and giving early warning

and emergency alerts for preparedness, response, relief, recovery, search, rescue, and

rehabilitation, which play a vital role in disaster management. In addition, it was also stated in the

Vision of the MDRRMC of the Municipality of Capas that it also aimed to strengthen the

municipality's resilience to disasters, mitigate the loss of lives and negative impact on the

municipality's economic, physical, social, and environmental status caused by disastrous situations,

and aim to develop and improve the community's capacity to respond effectively. (Municipality of

Capas, Province of Tarlac, n.d.)

In December of the year 2019, the world was devastated by a global epidemic that began

in Wuhan, China. Coronavirus or COVID-19 was a newly found coronavirus that caused an

infectious disease (World Health Organization, 2021). According to the WHO's monitor, there had

been 41,104,946 confirmed COVID-19 cases as well as 1,128,325 fatalities globally as of 2:45 p.m.

CEST on October 22, 2020. (Khaliq, 2020). Since January 30, 2020, there have been 391,809

instances in the Philippines, with over 7,461 as of November 6, 2020 (Worldometer, 2021). As a

result, it has now surpassed the top 20 countries in terms of COVID-19 instances (Madarang,


According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2021), coronaviruses are highly infectious and

have become a large family of viruses that can cause diseases ranging from common colds to

much more deadly illnesses such as MERS and SARS (Peeri et al., 2020). Furthermore, facilities

where people who have been infected by the virus stay must improve their health protocols and

double their preventive measures in order to survive the crisis (Ishiwatari et al., 2020).

Respondents in locales could strengthen their approach to the COVID-19 pandemic by applying

the practices and experiences of the disaster team (Ishiwatari et al., 2020).

Disaster management teams, including barangay tanods, were in charge of helping to facilitate the

community quarantine in different areas of the country, as well as strict implementation of face

masks and protective gear, as well as social distancing to reduce the risk of COVID-19 cases and

prevent them from spreading (Recuenco, 2020). This includes inspecting quarantine passes,

managing checkpoints, and enforcing the curfew to ensure that minimal health requirements are

met by all parties involved (Caliwan, 2020). Due to their exposure to public locations, front-liners

were not immune to the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, these front-liners were subjected to

mistreatment by offenders. These frontline issues exacerbate their financial demands, as most

barangay workers make less than the minimum wage (Ismael, 2020). Furthermore, the continuing

pandemic of COVID-19 was a testament to the tight relationship between public health and

catastrophe risk reduction.

When responding to emergency situations, especially during disasters, the confidence and

willingness of healthcare staff to work might be affected (Carlström et al., 2020). Furthermore,

(Carlström et al., 2020) added that the type of disaster being faced can also affect their

willingness to work, as well as their concern for their family, concern for their own safety, and the

lack of personal protective equipment (PPE). In addition, even though healthcare staff was

expected to work despite disaster situations, they might also be reluctant to work when the

situation could be a threat to their own safety (Carlström et al., 2020).

In addition, solidarity was one vital key in fighting the virus (Cordaid, 2020). Everyone, not just

high-level decision-makers like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health

Organization, and national government leaders, needed to work cooperatively and collaboratively

to prevent and reduce the threat of the COVID-19 virus (Cordaid, 2020).

The global COVID-19 outbreak has sparked an extraordinary amount of research. There were

many lessons to be learned from this pandemic, including the necessity of real-time pandemic

research, its limitations, and the need for a healthcare professional union. This pandemic will have

long-term implications for our world, including academic and medical research. It's vital to

acknowledge and address research potential and difficulties, as well as the healthcare personnel

workforce, while we navigate through and beyond this crisis.

Research Objectives

This study aims to describe and understand the lived experiences of the municipal disaster team in

response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scope and Delimitations

The study focused on describing the lived experiences of the municipal disaster team in response

to the COVID-19 pandemic through a phenomenological study method with the use of online


Moreover, this study relied on the response of the MDRR team from Capas, Tarlac, to collect

unbiased data.


1. The participants are full-time MDRRMC employees.

2. The participants can be male or female.

The data used were collected from online interviews, surfing the net, and some reading materials

like journals as references. And to further support the study, the researchers also made use of

related studies and literature of other researchers and individuals. This study will be conducted in

the school year of 2021-2022.

Significance of the Study

The study was conducted to undertake an in-depth exploration of the Municipal Disaster Team's

experience in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The findings of this study will be extremely

beneficial for the following:

MDRRMC. This study will help them to be more aware, familiarized, and able to relate to their

difficult work as a member of the Municipal Disaster Team, recouping the losses caused by COVID-

19's effects while continuing to manage related risks and dangers in the middle of the "new

normal" to develop a more suitable, feasible, and responsive recovery.

LGU. This study will indicate the necessity of local government units planning for recovery (LGUs).

It can also motivate other local governments to keep innovating and implementing recovery

programs that address COVID-19's impacts.


provide the necessary support, cooperation, and assistance as we face the challenges of this

worldwide epidemic.

INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS. This study will be beneficial to help them understand and

be aware of and knowledgeable about the Municipal Disaster Response Team's views on COVID-

19 and its transmission.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This research will help other researchers learn more about the

Municipal Disaster Team's skills and expertise in managing their responses in the event of a

COVID-19 pandemic. This will also serve as a guideline for any future studies they may conduct on

the subject.


For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in the content of this


Disaster is an event that happens and severely hinders the normal function of a community,

causing damage and disruption in various aspects of the society or community.

Disaster Management is a process or set of policies implemented before, during, and after a

disaster occurs.

Disaster Resilience individuals, groups, institutions, and nations' ability to react to and

overcome dangers, shocks, or pressures without harming long-term development possibilities is

known as resilience.

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is a systematic approach to discovering, assessing, and

managing disaster risks. It aimed to reduce socio-economic vulnerability to tragedies and also

environmental and other factors that create them.

Hazard is a potentially dangerous origin of harm. Substances, events, or circumstances can be

considered hazards if their nature allows them to cause harm to health, life, property, or any other

valuable interest, even if only ideally.

Man-made disasters, as opposed to natural disasters caused by natural hazards, are an element

of human intent, negligence, or mistake encompassing an inability of a man-made system. Crime,

arson, civil disorder, terrorism, war, biological/chemical risk, cyber-attacks, and other man-made

catastrophes are examples.


National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) is composed of

members from respective governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society, and the

corporate sector who collaborate throughout disasters and crises to assure people's safe and

secure environment.

Natural disasters are major negative events caused by natural Earth processes, such as floods,

hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, as well as other

geological events.



This chapter mainly presents the various studies and other research from international and local

studies that have parallels and variations with the current research undertaken. Journals, websites,

electronic materials such as PDFs, and other recent theses and dissertations originate from the

topic's literature and research. This chapter's literature and studies address the different ideas,

concepts, generalizations, conclusions, and further developments related to the study from the

past to the present. It will serve as a guide for the researchers in developing the project.

Foreign Literature

The World Health Organization (WHO), which employs thousands of people, is on the front

lines, providing guidance, training, equipment, and concrete life-saving service providers to

national governments and their societies, particularly the much more vulnerable among them, as

they fight the COVID-19 virus.

Many disaster management challenges have arisen since COVID-19 was declared a global

health emergency (Chattarjee et al., 2020). Managing another disaster amid the COVID-19

pandemic is an emerging challenge in the world (Philips, et al., 2020). When cyclone Amphan

struck Bangladesh, the authorities struggled to implement social distancing and preventive

measures for COVID-19. In addition, effective cooperation is an important component in mitigating

the spread of the virus. However, these challenges from serious outbreaks can teach the world

many lessons, which can, later on, be applied to the implementation of more efficient disaster risk

reduction management (Chatterjee et al., 2020).

Together, the Sendai Framework and the IHR provide a basis for coordinated action to

assist communities and countries in achieving resilience and health security. Furthermore, the

WHO Health Disaster and Disaster Risk Management (EDRM) Framework provides countries with

global principles for building the capacities and functions required to minimize health emergency

risks and impacts across all sectors, including health. As an example of a multi-sectoral perspective

to disaster risk reduction and management, the UNDRR and WHO were conducting a webinar to

showcase current methods to enhance the implementation of disaster risk reduction across all

areas to handle healthcare as well as associated risk, notably disease outbreaks. (UNDRR, 2020)

According to WHO (2020), EMTs are WHO-classified teams of healthcare professionals that

can be deployed to just provide quick responses to countries and territories during natural

disasters, outbreaks, and emergencies.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a supply shortage for EMTs in various areas, and

WHO helped facilitate the exchange of data and procedures in the spirit of solidarity. They are

WHO-designated teams of healthcare professionals that can be deployed to provide emergency

assistance to countries or regions in the event of natural disasters, outbreaks, or emergencies.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a huge requirement for EMTs in different areas, and

WHO guided the transmission of learning and processes in the spirit of solidarity (WHO, 2020).

Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are also developed by nations in response to

local, regional, and national requests in order to tightly implement the IPCs as well as guarantee

PPE during the pandemic (Noreen et al., 2020). When individuals leave their houses, they cover

their faces with masks and their hands with gloves, keep a distance, use sanitizers, and practice

proper hygiene. To lessen the chance of such a pandemic outbreak, people are being encouraged

to work at home and take the appropriate precautions. Pakistan has enacted similar legislation

(Noreen et al., 2020). The SOPs are established here, and indeed, the lockdown is also

implemented (Khan et al., 2020). People were urged to stay at home and not leave their homes

needlessly. Similarly, employees were advised to follow the IPC rules while wearing PPE to guard

against COVID-19 (Noreen et al., 2020). In Pakistan, risk reduction has become a national

embarrassment among the population. Therefore, people do not follow SOPs [IPCs] and are quite

likely to utilize PPE in crowded locations and hospitals (Mukhtar, 2020).

Throughout history, constant emerging pandemics have been a major threat to the world

that many countries struggle to combat (Hussein, Zidan & Stip, 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic is

no doubt a big stressor to the world affecting the mental health of people, and through individual

experiences during this pandemic, it can potentially damage the psychological, physical, social,

and spiritual aspects of a person's life (Chatterjee, K. & Chauhan V.S., 2020).

According to the results of the study "Disaster management of the psychological impact of

the COVID-19 pandemic" by Hussein, Zidan & Stip (2020), the COVID-19 pandemic is major

emotional distress. The combination of fear of being infected by the virus and guilt of not being

able to save people may take its toll on the vulnerable health workers, and these moral injuries

can be carried for a long time.

In addition, it is important to address the psychological effects because they are an important

component in managing disasters relating to infectious pandemics, through the whole spectrum of

managing disasters, including their actions on preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery

(Hussein, Zidan, & Stip, 2021).

Local Literature

Health Program Officer Clint served in a recovery center's operations section. They have

been put under surveillance as a result of an interaction with an individual who has been reported

to have COVID-19. They keep themselves occupied during their 14-day quarantine by developing

a module to help patients and co-workers cope with stress and anxiety. Pharma works as an

administrative assistant in a DOH-accredited hospital, and despite the fact that they have

contracted the virus, their only concerns during the pandemic are transportation and their health.

People should take care and be grateful that, unlike hospital frontline staff, they can operate from

home (Arpia et al., 2020).


Barangay tanods were the first responders in a barangay, no matter what the issue was, and they

were ready to help, even if it was during a pandemic. Tanods' daily duties included patrolling the

barangay, cleaning the barangay, and directing traffic, but when the COVID-19 virus spread, their

tasks became more difficult, and being considered front-liners added more work to their

responsibilities. However, the danger of contracting COVID-19 scares them, particularly when they

interact with citizens to make sure they stay inside their homes (Cruz et al., 2021).

According to Finegan et al., 2020, lessons from the struggle in Philippine prison systems

might also help to guide the fight against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) inside prisons. They

include infection control protocols (proper entry screening and mass screenings within detention

facilities) as well as the institution of seclusion bases with hospitalized persons to prevent the

disease from spreading further. A health center dedicated to the isolation and treatment of

prisoners with tuberculosis in the Calabarzon region – home to some of the Philippines' most

overcrowded jails – is the first of its kind in the country's overburdened prison system.

According to WHO (2021), these factors add to the difficulty of preventing, treating, and

controlling infectious diseases. Furthermore, a considerable number of the prisoner demographic

have weak points such as pre-existing medical problems (high blood pressure, heart disease,

respiratory tract disease, cancer, or diabetes) and old age, which could indeed result in increased

seriousness of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic if afflicted.


Cordaid is assisting the Calamianes Resilience Network (CRN) in conducting COVID-19

prevention and response actions, strengthening adaptability and humanitarian assistance efforts to

prevent the virus's spread by assisting the most vulnerable (Cordaid, 2020).

To limit the spread of the virus, government offices throughout the Calamianes imposed

strict quarantine protocols after assessing the most critical needs. At the same time, people are

allowed to go to work to provide important services such as water and lifeline assistance,

agricultural production, the fishing industry, and livestock farming, in addition to precautionary

measures. However, it is critical that crowded areas such as public markets and cargo ports have

sufficient hygiene and sanitation facilities, and also, the public media materials have been widely

distributed (Cordaid, 2020).

In order to assist, the CRN conducted an analysis of the most important priorities throughout the

municipalities. The leading trend is the need for further sufficient personal protective equipment

(PPE), hand washing and hygiene facilities, and increased public education and awareness to

lessen the spread of the virus (Cordaid,2020).

Foreign Studies

Good Practice Review identifies and discusses disaster risk reduction (DRR) ideals and practices,

drawing on global experiences. It provides guidance on the major issues that should be considered

when carrying out projects and programs, as well as methods for addressing these issues in

practice. DRR is a broad field of activity (Twigg, 2015).


According to Le Roux & Niekerk (2019), the study is one of the first to provide a clear picture of

the scope of emergency communication required in the event of a disaster. It also emphasizes the

community's capacity to contribute to disaster communication management, which is not

addressed in disaster management protocol, protocols, or management systems.

Since March 19, 2020, the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has prompted stay-at-

home orders in 43 states. There is little evidence about how these orders affect people's behavior

and emotional stress. Researchers compared risk-reduction behaviors and psychological harm in

states with or without instructions using data from the national survey of 1094 American adults

collected between March 19 and March 31, 2020 (Ying & Soeren, 2020).

Hand washing, wearing a face mask, as well as social distancing were all risk reduction behaviors,

and mental distress was evaluated using a four-item version of the Patient Health Questionnaire

(PHQ-4). Using the number of days since their state gave the order, particularly in comparison to

those who are in non-order states, researchers anticipated the likelihood of a person having

adopted risk reduction behaviors as well as the mental distress status, while controlling for COVID-

19 prevalence in the state, self-reported symptoms, and demographic characteristics (Ying &

Soeren, 2020).

In the result of the previous study by Carlström et al. (2020), most of their respondents would

only consider going to work if only they were provided with PPE and if they were insured that their

families were safe. Furthermore, they are only willing to work if they have an appropriate level of

training and knowledge of certain seasonal influenza.


In summary, instructions to stay at home were affiliated with a relative increase in risk-reduction

behaviors. People's mental distress increased during the first week of the order and then

decreased (Ying & Soeren, 2020).

Local Studies

According to Asuncion & Flores (2020), risk or crisis communication is an integral component in

the LGUs crisis response and management. It involves not only the question of whether or not

something is being done but also whether or not it is being done correctly. This necessitates the

ability and willingness of danger communicators, typically the LCEs, to transform their various

LGUs into indicators of mutual trust and collective action in health emergency situations. Their

willingness to respond to the demands of more practical policy options and the evolving issues of

their districts can become defining factors for mutual trust-building among people, businesses, and

other social sectors. The research findings can assist local governments in deciding what and how

to communicate with the public during this time of health crisis.

According to Master in Crisis and Disaster Risk Management (MCDRM) and Education in Time of

Pandemic, in this time of the COVID-19 crisis, with more time to think of things happening around,

one may ask what could be the role of education and academic institutions in general. A well-

known university has decided to shorten its semester, refund tuition fees, and give those students

a passing grade in all courses. At the moment, there is indeed a call for another university to finish

this same school term decisively for the benefit of the students. While others continue to deliver

educational services through online platforms, these are welcomed by critics and other concerned

parties. In the light of the COVID-19 crisis in the country, the education sector, probably, is not on

the same footing as others like the uniformed and medical sectors. The MCDRM is the PPSC's

preventive response to the call for training and support in emergency and disaster preparedness.

The program covers the three thematic areas of Crisis Management, Climate Change Adaptation,

Disaster Risk Management, Crisis Management. In light of the current health and economic crisis

brought about by COVID-19, education silently finds its way to the center stage. (Deldacan, 2020)

According to the literature review and studies gathered, respondents' lived experiences

demonstrate how difficult it is for their country to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, with

respondents being sick, being scared of the virus, working long hours, lack of equipment, and

coping with mental health issues. During the pandemic, respondents went through hell and back

to rid their country of COVID. The results revealed that the nurses were confronted with an

unexpected situation and lacked the necessary expertise and ability to cope with an outbreak of

this magnitude. During their experiments, they had undergone no specific training. Most

significantly, neither the medical staff nor the doctors had the necessary expertise and skills to

deal with the disease. (Deldacan, 2020)



The primary purpose of this qualitative study is to describe the lived experience of the municipal

disaster team in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this chapter, a description of the

research process will be presented. It provided information concerning the method that will be

utilized in undertaking this research, as well as justification for the utilization of this method.

Various stages of the research will also be described in this chapter, which includes the research

design, participants of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure, ethical

considerations, and data analysis.

Research Design

Qualitative research design is used to understand concepts, opinions and have in-depth knowledge

of how people experience the world (Bhandari, 2020). A qualitative research design is believed to

be suited for this research since this study aims to provide in-depth knowledge about the

experiences of the Municipal Disaster Team in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A qualitative study approach, specifically the phenomenology study method, will be used by

the researchers since this study aims to describe the lived experience of the municipal disaster

team in response to COVID-19. The phenomenology study approach is believed to be the most

suited for this study since it allows the researchers to have a better understanding of how a

phenomenon affects the subject or actor in relation to their life experiences (Qutoshi, 2018). The

phenomenology study approach would allow the researchers to uncover the respondent's lived

experience as a part of the municipal disaster team in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The strength of a phenomenology study is that before the perception and experiences of the

respondents are interpreted, it is mainly focused on the description of the phenomena, which

makes the findings more fundamental and vivid for the readers. It explores the world of complex

experiences of the respondents. This approach also helps both the readers and researchers in

gaining a deeper level of consciousness about the certain phenomena being studied (Qutoshi,

2018). Another strength of the phenomenological study is that it asks the researchers to suspend

all judgments about the physical world. The researchers need to hold back even most of their own

basic beliefs about nature (Rawat, n.d.)

The researchers would also make use of thematic analysis. According to Caulfield (2019), when

trying to gather information about people's perspectives, interpretations, opinions, beliefs, and

experiences about a certain phenomenon, thematic analysis is a good approach that can be used

in that kind of research. It gives the researchers a lot of flexibility in interpreting the data, and it

also allows the researchers to sort large data sets easily by sorting them into broad themes.

Participants of the Study

For this research, the researchers aimed to study the lived experiences of the MDRRMC personnel

during the COVID-19 pandemic by interviewing the informants and investigating their lived

experiences in terms of how they cope up with their work and as well as the safety precautions

they do. Demographic profiles of the participants were also asked; (a) sex (b) age © current

position (d) total years of service (e) years/months of service during COVID-19 pandemic. A non-

probability sampling approach is used to select the participants of the study, specifically

judgmental or purposive sampling. This study has five (5) participants who were chosen according

to the following criteria:

1. The participants were full-time MDRRMC employees.

2. The participants were both male and female.

Research Instruments

In this study, an unstructured questionnaire was also used by the researchers, which was

validated and evaluated by subject-matter experts. The unstructured questionnaire was used by

the researchers to explore and gain a deeper understanding of the lived experiences of the

Municipal Disaster Team in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Part I consisted of three

questions about the demographic profile of the MDRRMC team individuals. Part II of the

questionnaire consisted of 12 open-ended questionnaires that focused more on the overall

perspective of the participants when it comes to their work experiences and their coping strategies

in serving and responding to COVID-19 pandemic situations.

The researchers and informants both served as instruments in this study. The informants acted as

interviewees, and the researchers acted as interviewers. In addition to memos and pens, the

researchers employed Zoom and Messenger Rooms as online tools for interviewing and recording

the interviews.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the finalization of the instruments, the researchers secured written permission from

the school administration of Dominican College of Tarlac, the research team of DCT, and the

MDRRMC Head of Capas, Tarlac, to perform the research and execute the interviews for the

needed information.

The researchers collected data through unstructured online interviews using the online

platforms Zoom and Messenger Rooms. The researchers provided a schedule for the interview that

was the most accessible for both the researchers and the informants. The finalized schedule made

by the researchers is presented to the informants to know if the finalized schedule is accessible

and convenient for all. Open-ended questions and guide questions were used to interview the

informants, which flowed like a normal conversation.

After finalizing the schedule of the interview, the researchers proceeded to conduct the

unstructured online interview using the online platform Zoom and Messenger Rooms. Questions

that mainly focus on knowing and getting in-depth knowledge about the informants' day at work;

their frustrations, their joy of service, and their experiences with their family after work are used

as guide questions. In conducting the interview, the flow was like a normal conversation where

the researchers used their own words and asked questions that were adapted from the informants'

answers. One strength of unstructured interviews is that the researchers will be able to adapt and

change the questions depending on the informants' answers (McLeod, 2014). After conducting the

interview, the researchers checked and reviewed the documented information and the recorded

interview for deeper understanding and in-depth knowledge about the informants' experiences.

Ethical Consideration

According to Bhasin (2020), ethical consideration should be guided by a collection of principles and

values when conducting human affairs. This qualitative research will be conducted with basic

ethical concepts in research. In conducting the online interview, the researchers escorted the

informants about their rights in participating voluntarily. All informants were not forced or

blackmailed in any way. Informants have all the right to decline to be participants in the study or

participate willingly. Equally important, the confidentiality and anonymity of the informants are


According to Lithmee (2019), confidentiality is when only authorized users can access sensitive

and protected data. In simpler words, sensitive data and information are only disclosed to

authorized users. Anonymity, according to The Evergreen State College (n.d.), is a condition in

which the researchers don't know the identity of individual subjects not related to the subject of

the project or research. The confidentiality and anonymity of the informants' will be secured and

won't be disclosed to other people.


However, the researchers informed the informants of the potential harm that might happen. The

researchers ensured to consider how the research may affect the informants negatively and

carefully evaluated the potential harms that may arise. Before conducting the said interview, the

researchers yield details to the respondents to first ask their permission for the upcoming interview

to know about the topic that they answered.

Data Analysis

According to Bernardita Calzon (2021), data analysis is a process of gathering, generating, and

evaluating data that researchers have been using to gather insights throughout the time that help

decision-making. According to Caulfield (2019), when trying to gather information about people's

perspectives, interpretations, opinions, beliefs, and experiences about a certain phenomenon,

thematic analysis is a good approach that can be used in that kind of research. It gives the

researchers a lot of flexibility in interpreting the data, and it also allows the researchers to sort

large data sets easily by sorting them into broad themes.

In this research, a thematic analysis is used to analyze the data and better understand and have

an in-depth knowledge of the lived experiences of the MDRRMC team in response to the COVID-19

pandemic. After gathering all the data needed for the research, the researchers transcribed the

recordings into a readable format to be able to familiarize them with them easily. When going

through the data collected, the researchers took notes primarily and tried to identify basic themes

that could be used for the analysis (Smith, 2020)—after familiarizing the data, coding the

transcripts of the organized data with the relevant points and keywords that can be used to make

an effective analysis.

Highlighting the themes is one of the most important steps in thematic analysis (Smith, 2020). For

this research, the researchers made use of the deductive method of thematic analysis wherein

there are predetermined themes and categories where the data is evaluated. (i) work as self-

sacrifice, (ii) work as self-fulfillment, and (iii) work as struggle are the themes used to

analyze the data. The researchers then reviewed the importance of each theme that is relevant

and suitable for the main purpose of the study. After reviewing and finalizing the themes, the

researchers defined each theme and interpreted the informants' answers through the interview.

The researchers then explained and showed how the research question was answered by the

analysis of the data.


In this chapter, the data collected and interpretations of findings are presented. The data were

organized, examined, and reviewed by the researchers. The interpretation of findings is based

on the predetermined major themes and the sub-themes that have emerged from the answers

of the participants. Response of the participants explained the perspective, perceptions, and

their own experiences as part of the Municipal Disaster Team in response to the COVID-19

pandemic. In addition, the participants were coded as P1 (participant one), P2 (participant two),

P3 (participant three), P4 (participant four), and P5 (participant five)

Table 1. Demographic Information of the Participants




P1 36 8 YEARS 2019 - LDRRMO IV




P3 46 5 YEARS 2019 - MEDIC


P4 36 2 ½ YEARS 2019 - MEDIC


P5 43 10 YEARS 2019 - LDRRMO III


The demographic information of the participants of this research is shown in Table 1. In

this phenomenological research, there are qualifications required for the participants of this study,

and all the demographic information shown above is all fit. There are five (5) participants in this

study, and all of them are males (100%). The participants are also full-time employees of the

MDRRMC team and are aged between 36 to 46 years. The participants have been a part of the

MDRRMC for 2 to 10 years and have been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic since March

2020, the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Theme 1: Work as self-sacrifice

This theme has three (3) sub-themes, which are mentioned below. Working amid the

COVID-19 pandemic is a big challenge for everyone. Especially for the respondents, their work has

piled up and doubled, which has made it more demanding for their time. The respondents have

sacrificed their time with their families, their time for resting and leisure, and taken the risk of

acquiring the virus and risking their family’s health and safety just for their work as a part of the

MDRRMC in responding to COVID-19 situations.

Sub-theme 1: Working beyond the required hours

In their duty as part of the MDRRMC responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the

respondents revealed that their duties have doubled, and they are on duty 24-hours due to the

high demand for help with COVID cases and other disasters like vehicle accidents. They are

usually left with the high demand of time for their duty to respond and to be on-call 24-hours,

contributing to their lack of rest and burnout.

(Going through this situation is indeed not easy, and it has never been easy for anybody else.

They are indeed being pressed to their utmost as they care for people compassionately. Working

during the COVID-19 pandemic has put frontline workers under tremendous as well as

unprecedented demand.)

P2 [...] “ang ano lang namin ngayon hindi kami gaanong nakakapag-pahinga ng maayos. Pero

okay lang. Kaya naman eh. Yun lang parang medyo dumoble lang yung pagod lang namin ngayon

tsaka yung trabaho namin. pero kaya. Yun lang. Yun yung medyo napansin ko ngayon medyo

naging ano yung oras namin.” (“-the only issue we have right now is that we can't rest well. But

that's okay because we can do it. It's just that our work and tiredness have doubled. But we can

manage. It’s just that, as I've noticed, our time has been limited.”)

P4 [...] “Syempre sabi ko nga, yung pagod na pag biyahe biyahe biyahe. Tapos dun sa biyaheng

yon, may halo pang disinfect, pag didisinfect ng bahay, pagdidisinfect ng lugar, nakakapagod.

Talagang nakakapagod siya.” (“As I said, we are tired of the continuous traveling. Then when we

travel, we also disinfect. We disinfect the house. We disinfect the whole place. It’s tiring. It’s really


Sub-theme 2: Responding to many COVID-19 situations every day

In the respondents’ everyday jobs, they revealed that almost every day, they deal with COVID

situations and assist the patients mainly on transportation to and from quarantine facilities. The

MDRRMC they have gone through a lot of hardships and tiredness of their work. In their work, it

has a very high risk of contracting a deadly disease profit for them and especially also to their

family. The COVID threat is huge to them every time they work, especially when they go to

different houses to pick up the COVID patient. Every time they shift to work, that is another

challenge for them because they will once again face the big threat of a virus disease that can

infect them. However, a daunting task responding to disasters other than the current pandemic

has helped them to get used to this kind of environment. They see the covid 19 pandemic not as a

roadblock but as a hill that they need to climb to get to a better place.

P4 [...] “-kase kame yung nagta-transport ng mga covid positive patient noh, hinahatid natin sila

or kinukuha natin sila sa mga resident nila and then dinadala sa quarantine facility or dun sa

treatment area, noh, treatment facilities.” (“-because we are in charge of transporting the COVID-

positive patient. We assist them or we get them from their house and bring them to the

quarantine facility and to the treatment area and treatment facilities.”)

Participants 2 and 1 added that quarantine facilities and hospital rooms nowadays are full and that

they give the COVID positive patients hospital beds and oxygen tanks so that they can stay at

home instead of staying in tents for days.


P2 [...] “-yung sa COVID patients, transport, tapos yung mga disinfection sa mga barangay, yun

sir medyo nag patong patong ang trabaho namin pero kinakaya. ‘Pag kailangan na ng tao kahit

kailangan siyang itakbo sa hospital, eh puno. Kaya ang ginawa namin nagbibigay na lang Kami ng

hospital bed tapos oxygen para sa mga patients natin para sa bahay na lang sila” (“For the COVID

patients, we transport them as well as disinfect the barangays. Those things—the duties have

piled up, but we are trying our best to continue helping. When more personnel are needed, they

need to rush the patient to the hospital, but there are no more rooms available. That’s why we

just give oxygen tanks and hospital beds so that the patients can stay at home.”)

Other participants also added that they are in charge of the disinfection of the COVID-positive

patient’s house, barangay disinfection, as well as transportation disinfection.

Sub-theme 3: Extra measures for safety [at home and at work]

As a part of the MDRRMC, the respondents revealed that it is their duty to do their work

and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic despite the riskiness of their job. Safety measures that

the respondents do at home and at work are mostly the same- sanitizing and disinfecting using

alcohol, wearing a face mask, and wearing a face shield.

(They put their own safety and well-being aside in all of these unusual times to give life-saving

help and assistance to those who need it most, regardless of the very dangerous possibility to


P1 [...] “-bago pumasok ng bahay is talagang nagsasanitize muna kame. Karating sa

bahay bago namin hawakan yung mga babies is naliligo muna kame. Alcohol, yun noh number 1.

Tsaka we take good care of ourselves, umiinom kami ng vitamins and di kami nagtatanggal ng

face mask sa labas. Pagkapunta naman sa work, ganun din same lang. Lagi kaming may alcohol,

may mga spencers yung mga spray na naka attached samin para na yun, nagsasanitize kami once

in a while.” (“-so before I go inside our house, I really make sure to sanitize first. As we arrive in

our house, before we go to our kids, we take a bath and use alcohol - that’s the number 1. And

we take good care of ourselves. We take vitamins and we don’t remove face masks outside. That’s

it. Same with when we go to work. We always have alcohol that is attached to us so that we can

sanitize once in a while.”)

Participants 4 and 3 added that they also use lukewarm water when bathing so that they

can get rid of the virus that goes to their clothes or body while at work and avoid the risk of

spreading the virus at home. Other respondents also added that they make sure that they will not

meet anyone as they arrive at home without properly sanitizing first. The respondents also make

sure that their rooms are in the back part of the house, away from their family members, and that

the things they use are separated from their family’s.

P3 [...] “Bago ako umuwi sa bahay nag sasanitize tapos uhh pag uwi ko yung pinapaligo

paligo ko uhh ko yung maligagam na tubig, tapos ung mga damit ko nakahiwalay sa mga kasama

ko sa bahay.” (“Before I go home, I sanitize first. Then, when I arrive home, I use lukewarm

water when I take a bath, and the clothes I use are separated from my family’s.”)

P5 [...] “-inaano ka nalang sa panginoong diyos yung mga bagay na gagawin ko sa buong

maghapon sa trabaho ko. In line of my duties as i said full disinfection and full protection with the

help of PPEs. Yun yung mga talagang cinoconsider natin” (“For me, I just let God [guide me] with

the things I do at work. In line with my duties as I said, full disinfection and full protection with

the help of PPEs. Those are the things that we really consider.”)

Participants 2 and 5 said that they also ask God to help them in their line of work and to

protect them from the virus.

Theme 2: Work as self-fulfillment


This theme has two (2) sub-themes, which are mentioned below. Working as a frontline

throughout this crisis provided them with pride, dignity, and self-satisfaction within the fulfillment

of their oath as a front liner, despite the challenges and risks. They were considering the threats

to their safety imposed by performing their jobs, as well as the responsibility to ensure an

effective response and preparedness for the people. The majority of respondents acknowledged

their value as compassionate about their job. During the COVID-19 crisis, a simple "thank you"

from their patients gave them support and inspiration to continue their fight to serve and assist

amid this pandemic.

Sub-theme 1: The joy of helping and serving people

They find satisfaction in helping and serving others every day. Assisting and offering help,

happiness begins in an instant. Their duty as front liners shows exceptional bravery as well as

devotion towards their job. They appreciate their job as a frontline since simply seeing pleased

people whom they have assisted fulfills their struggles and exhaustion for the entire day. Helping

others in need is a major accomplishment for them, and those people are the prize that they

received after a long, grueling day, which is why, despite the pandemic, they enjoy helping others.

Others' struggles fade away since they enjoy what they do.

P2 [...] “-oo mahirap pero yun, ini-enjoy nalang namin para atleast di mo maramdaman yung

pagod” (“-yes it's hard, but that's it, sir. We just enjoy it so that at least you don't feel tired.”)

Others brush off their struggles and take them positively, especially when they see the smiles of

the people they help.

P4 [...] “Para saken, masarap makatulong eh… Masarap makatulong. So hindi mo

mararamdaman yun [pagod] pag nakatulong ka. Kahit na ilan beses na ako muntik ma hospital

pero hinde ko ininda, after ko gumaling papasok at papasok ako [trabaho]. Pero yung pag nakikita

mo na nagpapasalamat sayo yung tao masarap sa pakiramdam. Ayun. Yun ang panlaban ko sa

pagod.Kahit sino naman siguro basta meron kang taong napangiti, mawawala yung pagod mo.

Yun. Di ako nakakaramdam ng pagod ‘pag ganon.” (“For me, it's good to help… It's good to help.

So, I won't feel that [tired] when I help. Although I was almost hospitalized a few times, I didn't

bother. After I recovered, I would come in and go in. But when you see that the person is grateful

to you, it feels good. There. That's my resistance against being tired. As long as you know that

you have someone who smiles at you, your tiredness will fade away. I don't feel tired like that.”)

Respondents and their teams are already exhausted, but patients' modest gestures motivate them

to keep going. They find it rewarding to assist a patient, and it empowers them when the patient

expresses gratitude.

P1 [...] “-kapag natulungan mo yung tao at nagpasalamat sayo, there is no monetary value na

katumbas nung pagpapasalamat niya sayo. Kaya kaming mga front sa DRRM masaya kami

‘pagka… lalo na yung pasyente namin is pagkatransport namin sa kanya at bumabalik sa office,

kung minsan may dalang merienda, salamat ganyan, nagpapasalamat [smiling] Yung mga…

simple ways na… yun is yung nagpapalakas ng aming loob to keep on going na hindi kami mag

give up” (“-when you help that person and they thank you, there is no monetary value equal to

that. That’s why we, the fronts, in DRRM, are especially happy when a patient we once helped

comes back to the office, sometimes bringing food with them, and they thank us. Those simple

ways are the ones that encourage us to keep on going and not give up.”)

P1 [...] “As I have said, There is no monetary value pagka yung tinulungan mo, yung pasyente

mo dinisinfect mo yung bahay nila, tinransport mo sa hospital nabuhay. That was very satisfying.

Yung mga pasasalamat po na ganun is yung mga nagpapalakas po sa akin at sa mga tropa.” (“As

I have said, there is no monetary value when you help your patient. You disinfect their house. You

transport them to the hospital alive. That was very satisfying. Those thank yous are the ones that

strengthen me and the troops.”)

Even when they're exhausted, they get to see people's smiles and excitement. That's when they

are satisfied. They can see how their eyes sparkle and how delighted and grateful they are when

they deliver the items they asked for.

P2 [...] “-gusto namin araw-araw election, eh. Kasi bakit? Lahat ng tao na hirap at hindi nakikita

ng gobyerno na kailangan niyang ganito, ganoon, nabibigyan sir diba? dun kami nag eenjoy. kahit

pagod at least nakikita mo aabutan mo yung tao na napakasaya niya. Dun ang masaya, sir.

Nakikita mo talaga pagdating nung uh nirequest niyang bed- hospital bed, oxygen. Makikita mo

yung may sakit, tumatawa, masayang-masaya nagpapasalamat. Yun sir.” (“If it’s only up to us,

sir, we want there to be an election every day. Why? It’s because the government sees all those

people who need help and gives them what they need and ask for, right sir? That’s when we

enjoy it. Even though we’re tired, at least you get to see the smiles and joy of people. That’s

when we are happy, sir. You really see how their faces light up and you see them really happy

and thanking you when you bring them the things they requested, like hospital beds and oxygen.

Those things, sir.”)

It offers them a positive feeling to comprehend that they have already recovered.

P3 [...] “-’pag alam namin na gumaling na syempre nakakaluwag sa sarili mo na na nakakatulong

ka sa kanila.” (“-when you know that [your patient] has recovered, of course, it gives you a warm

feeling that you were able to help them.”)

They remain content as long as they can help. When the people around them are satisfied, they

are pleased as well. The joy that they feel is one of their defenses against COVID.

P4 [...] “Wala akong masabing definite eh. Kasi nageenjoy ako kapag meron akong natutulungan.

Para sa akin. Walang halong kaplastikan. Basta’t nakakatulong ako masaya ako. Pag masaya yung

nasa paligid ko, masaya ako. Ganun ako lumaki eh. Basta meron akong natulungan masaya ako.

Yun lang yung pang-pawi ko ng- [pagod ], yung ngiti ng matanda, yun ngiti ng natulungan ko,

yung ngiti ng mga natutulungan ko. At tsaka sabi nga nila sa sa panglaban sa COVID na yan is

yung saya na nararamdaman mo.” (“I can't say anything definite because I really enjoy it when

I’m able to help people. For me. Honestly, as long as I can help, I’m happy. When the people

around me are happy, I am happy. Because that's how I grew up. As long as I am able to help, I

am happy. That's all I need to get rid of- [my tiredness], the smiles of older people, the smiles of

the people I helped, and the smiles of those I am helping. That's all. As they say, one of your

defenses against COVID is the joy you feel.")

Respondents feel great to be able to assist others and have a pleasurable feeling, especially when

they are the first to arrive at an accident scene.

P4 [...] “Pero masarap pa rin talaga yung nakakatulong ka. Halimbawa kapag kami ung first sa

scene, yung matutulungan mo kung sino ung naaksidente, ang sarap sa pakiramdam.” (“But it

feels really good when you are helping. For example, when we are the first on the scene, we can

help whoever has an accident. It feels good.”)

Sub-theme 2: Calling of their duty and profession

Being a frontliner, they play a critical role. Dealing with this challenging situation throughout this

study is their passion and chosen career. Despite their long-standing commitment to society as

frontline workers, this situation certainly helped them to appreciate, enjoy, and also make

progress as a person.

Respondents feel exhausted and frustrated, but looking at their line of duty and obligations gives

them newfound confidence in themselves.

P5 [...] “Yung ayaw pumasok hindi, pero yung pagod tsaka yung frustration dahil nga nag aalala

nga dun sa dadatnan mo sa pamilya mo and nandun na yung pangamba at takot mo. But then

again, kapag naman titignan mo yung line of your duty and responsibilities sa gantong panahon

yun nagkakaroon naman ng panibagong pag asa sa sarili mo.” (“Those who don't want to come

in, no, but the tiredness and frustration because you are worried about what will happen to your

family and your fears and anxieties are already there. However, looking at your line of duty and

responsibilities at this time gives you renewed faith in yourself.”)

Other happenings like now, they are the ones that transport the patients, but since hospitals are

full, all they really do is give the patients hospital beds and oxygen.

P2 [...] “tulad nung pag may nag positive, kami ang nag tatransport. yung ibang ambulance yung

nasa hospital, dapat sa kanila patients yan eh. Pero kami yung nag tatransport. Halimbawa,

dadalhin sa TPH (Tarlac Provincial Hospital), dadalhin sa quarantine facilities, sa MDRRMC lahat

binibigay yung lahat ng transport ng COVID patients. Kaya yung mga ibang tulad nung nangyayari

ngayon, yung tinatawag nilang e-consultant kasi dahil puno na yung mga hospital. ‘Pag kailangan

na ng tao- kailangan siyang itakbo sa hospital eh puno, kaya ang ginawa namin nagbibigay na

lang kami ng hospital bed tapos oxygen para sa mga patients natin para sa bahay na lang sila.”

(“-like when someone is positive, we are the ones who transport the patients. Those ambulances

in the hospitals, these should be their patients. However, we are the ones who transport them.

For example, transporting them to TPH (Tarlac Provincial Hospital), transporting them to

quarantine facilities, and other transportation tasks of COVID patients were all given to the

MDRRMC. That’s why other happenings like now, the one that they call e-consultant because all

the hospitals are full. When a person needs to be rushed to the hospital, but it’s full, what we do

is just give the patients hospital beds and oxygen so that they can just stay at home.”)

Others picked this area of employment even though they had graduated with different degrees

because they noticed the development when they were able to aid other people in rescue,

especially during this period of COVID.

P5 [...] “-in line sa duty natin and then call of duty noh. Napili ko itong line ng job uhhh.. though

ako ay educator, bachelor arts education ako graduate major industrial arts at tiyaka board passer

din ng licensure examination for teacher. Uhh nakita ko naman yung progress nung uhhh

nakakatulong ka sa mga kapwa natin for rescue and recently nitong panahon ng covid kaya malaki

yung role natin sa ano sa lumaganap na pandemic. Kaya for me it’s magandang line of duties

yung napili natin.” (“-in accordance with our duty and then called to duty. I chose this line of work

even though I am an educator. I’m a graduate of industrial arts education with a major in

industrial arts and (I’m) a board passer for the licensure examination for teachers. I saw the

progress when we were able to help other people in rescue and recently during this time of

COVID. Thus, we have a significant part to play in the pandemic's spread. So it's a nice line of

duty that we picked.”)

There is really no uncertainty that they've been coping with, particularly in terms of duty as well

as relaxation time, but they'll do all possible to continue to serve.

P2 [...] -kasi ano dati yung duty namin, 24 hours duty tapos 3 days off. Ngayon yung ginawa

namin 24 hours duty 2 days off nalang, tapos nag dagdag Kami ng grupo kasi nga sa amin lahat

naka toka yung aksidente, yung sa COVID patients, transport, tapos yung mga disinfection sa mga

barangay, yun sir medyo nag patong patong ang trabaho namin pero kinakaya, lahat kaming naka

duty, kung kailangan pa ng personnel, nag-oon call nalang yung iba. Yun sir. Kasi yun ang

ginagawa namin sir.” (“-before, we were on duty 24 hours a day and then had 3 days off, but now

we are on 24-hour duty and we only have 2 days off. Then another group has been added to the

team because we handle everything like accidents. For the COVID patients, we transport them as

well as disinfect the barangays. Those duties have piled up, but we are trying our best to continue

helping. All of us are on duty and if more personnel are needed, there are others who participate

or volunteer. That’s what we do.”)

There's always someone to pick them up and assist them at the hospital with their every

duty. However, the respondents expressed concern when the employees in a particular place were

tested positive.

P3 [...] “-every duty may kinukuha kami tapos hinahatid sa mga hospital, almost ano yon

everyday. May time pa nga na nung nabalitaan nyo siguro yung nangyari sa Talaga diba, nung

umusbong yung marami nag positive dun. So kami lahat ng mga staffs pumasok kami lahat para

alternate kami sa pagkuha sa mga nag positive.” (“-every duty we have someone to pick up and

assist the hospital. Almost everyday, there was even a time where maybe you heard about the

news in Talaga. When many employees in Talaga had tested positive for COVID-19. All of us in

the MDRRMC came to work and we took turns assisting those who were tested positive.”)

Sometimes hospitals will call them at dawn, and they can't tell if they do not want to come

or to help the patients because that's part of their work.

P3 [...] “Kadalasan kasi diba yung mga yung mga pasyente natin dinadala sa NCC kung minsan

tatawag yung hospital mga madaling araw na uhh syempre kasi trabaho yun. Hindi ka naman

makapag- Hindi ka naman pwedeng mag ano sa kanila na ayaw nyo, baka ma-masumbong pa

tayo.” (“Because our patients are brought to the NCC, sometimes the hospital will call at dawn, of

course, because that's work. You can't tell them you don't want to; we might be sued.”)

Theme 3: Work as a struggle

This theme has two (2) sub-themes, which are mentioned below. All of the participants agreed

that working as an MDRRMC during the Pandemic presents unique obstacles in enforcement. The

abrupt shift in their work environment, as well as the difficulty of doing their duties in the face of

the COVID-19, makes it even more difficult for them to play their job as an MDRRMC efficiently.

This subject encompasses the contrasts in their job function prior to and during the Pandemic, as

well as how they coped with it, and how these obstacles helped them grow as individuals in terms

of their work function.

Sub-theme 1: Presence of stigma as a front liner

The danger of exposure, as well as the significant number of frontline workers who have tested

positive and died from this illness, are some of the reasons why most people in the community are

reluctant to interact with and deal with them, making it difficult for MDRR team to respond.

The respondents had to make significant adjustments since, while they adjust to a new normal

life, they are working and taking risks in a job with no guarantee. Because of their job, notably

transferring COVID-19 patients to quarantine facilities or treatment places, they are sometimes

criticized and discriminated against by others. People are keeping a safe distance from them out of

concern that they will become infected with the illness.

P1 [...] “You can not satisfy everybody, diba hindi po tayo magkakautak pero if they were in our

shoes, they should try to be in our shoes po para maramdaman nila kung gaano kapagod kung

gaano kahirap ang aming trabaho” (“you can't satisfy everybody. We don't have the same

mindset, but if they were in our shoes, they should try to be in our shoes so that they could feel

how tired and hard our work is.”)

P4 [...] “Di na lang ako magsasabi kung anong department, basta nasa munisipyo din sila. Na-

“Ay! Mga COVID yan. COVID. Layuan natin COVID yan.” (“ I won't say which department, but

they are also in the municipality. Like- “Hey! Those are COVIDs. COVID. Let's stay away from


P5 [...] “noong time na talagang alam nila na expose sa COVID-19, hindi pa naman nila alam ako

ay positive sa COVID, alam niyo bang dati office mate ko talagang na naramdaman ko na yung

pag layo nila, yung consider ka na positive agad, kahit wala pang result’” (“that time that they

knew I was exposed to COVID-19, they still didn't know that I was positive to COVID, do you

know that my officemates, I really felt that they became distant. That they already considered you

as positive [to the virus] even though the test results aren’t out.”)

Others also have misjudged their assistance and believe it is for their own gain. They believe that

the MDRRMC team assists and responds because they want anything in return, but they must

realize that they do it since it is their profession.

P2 [...] “-imbes na magpasalamat sa amin na nabibigyan yung kababayan nila ng hospital bed,

oxygen bed sinasabi nila na dahil election lang daw” (“-instead of thanking us for giving their

compatriots a hospital bed, an oxygen bed, they say it's because it's just election”)

One of the participants was also "posted" on a social media site; this individual wishes to complain

about why they did not notify them of a COVID positive near them. According to the participant,

these issues should be resolved privately rather than publicly. Posting worries or problems on

social media might lead to a negative backlash and further misconceptions, among others.

P1 [...] “There was once may kinonfront lang ako, pinost kami sa Bamban pero taga Capas sila,

pinuntahan ko “Ma’am ano po bang problema” sabi ko, “kasi hindi niyo sinabi na may COVID pala

dito sa tabi namin”, “bakit po ba, pinupuntahan niyo po ba… Pumupunta po ba kayo sa tabi nya?”,

“Hindi po” sabi niya “Kung kayo po let’s change place” sabi ko “kung kayo po yung nagpostive

gusto niyo po ba ibroadcast natin sa buong barangay?” sabi ko sakaniya. So nakaisip, binura yung

post niya sa isang page. Sabi ko nga po “kung konting problema na lang you can go to my office”

sabi ko “let’s talk about it” sabi ko. Huwag ng palakihin… huwag ng maging attention seeker,

bakit? What’s the purpose para mag post ka? To seek attention? diba… minsan imbis na

pasalamatan mo na lang yung mga laging pagod eh… ikaw pa yung reason para lalo silang

mapagod eh…okay po.” (“There was one time when I confronted someone. They posted us on

Bamban [page], but they were from Capas. I went there and said, "Ma'am, what is the problem?"

Then she replied, "Because you didn't say that there was a COVID [positive] here next to us.",

"Why? Do you go next to him?" I asked. "No" she replied. “Let's change place, if you are the one

who tested [positive to the virus], do you want us to broadcast it to the whole neighborhood?" I

said. She took down her post on the page. "If it's simply a little issue, you may come to my

office." I stated. "Let's discuss it," I added. Don't exaggerate, don’t be an attention seeker, why?

What's the purpose for you to post? To seek attention? Because sometimes, instead of just

thanking those who are always tired, you are the reason for them to get even more tired.”)

Sub-theme 2: Challenges in dealing with disasters and accidents amid COVID 19


Dealing with catastrophes prior to the pandemic was challenging enough; now comes the COVID,

making the MDRR team's response considerably more difficult. Respondents had to make

significant adjustments as they transitioned to a new normal life. They didn't know who was

infected since they couldn't see the infection, which made them feel concerned and nervous,

making it difficult for them to carry out their jobs.

There’s no doubt that we are living through challenging times today. When confronted with these

uncertainties and new norms, one might go insane. Everything needs to be adjusted; coping is

nearly impossible.

P1[...] “Ah…How do we cope with the new normal? actually it’s very difficult for us till now we are

still coping with the new normal ehh... uhh… ito yung para bang lahat is bago sa atin…” (How do

we cope with the new normal? Actually, it’s very difficult for us. We are still adjusting to the new

normal. It's like everything is new to us…)

They are constantly prepared for calamities or things that happen in the world that cannot be

prevented, and they are always prepared to tackle that type of task. However, the respondents

express their concerns on how the virus can’t be seen, making it hard for them to respond.

P1 [...] “kailangan lagi tayong ready, kase di katulad sa mga police, yung mga terrorists, mga

ganyan, mga criminals is nakikita natin. But the virus… hindi po natin nakikita.” (“-we should

always be ready. Because they are not like the police, terrorists, or those other criminals we see.

However, we don’t see the virus...”)

P5 [...] “mas mahirap kalabanin yung hindi mo nakikita diba? Ahh so before kapag nakita mo

yung isang vehicular accident and you know how to manage ahh alam mo kung ano gagawin mo.

Ok, pero ngayon dahil nga yung covid ay… alam naman natin kung ano yung covid, so hindi natin

alam kung sino yung meron at wala.” (“It's easy to manage vehicular accidents, but a serious

vehicular accident is a bit risky, but now we don't see our opponent, right? It's, it's harder, it's

harder to fight what you can't see, right?”)


P2 [...] “ibang cases tulad nung sa disaster. Tulad nung may bagyo ‘di ba gagawin lang namin

lahat ng uh bumagsak na… na mga puno sa kalsada aayusin naming para atlis uh.. possible na

gamitin yung ano yung kalsada tapos uh atleast yung mga taong natatrap sa mga ano sa mga...

halimbawa yung mga lumulubog dito sa atin. Koko- konkonti lang din naman yung mga lumulubog

sir sa Capas, okay lang. At least alam mo yung gagawin mo. Alam mo yung, kumabaga alam mo

yung kalaban mo eh ‘di ba? Nakikita mo yung kung ano yung ginagawa mo eh. Yun lang sir.

Parang… kailangan mo lang... kahit sabihin mong safe na ko dito, yung katabi mo pala sir di siya

naging ano naging maingat. Edi damay ka rin sa kanya.” (“In other cases, such as a typhoon, we'll

simply repair all of the fallen trees on the road so that it's possible to use the road and rescue

people trapped by floods. Unlike in a pandemic, you don't know who your enemy is, and even if

you think you're safe, if those around you aren't cautious, you will be affected as well.”)

They remain fearful because, while they continue to battle pandemics while working every day,

they are getting exposed to it, and they do not want their family to become infected as a result of

their exposure.

P4 [...] “So… nakakapag- yung mahirap lang sa akin is yung sa pagbiyabiyahe. So... kami kasi

meron kaming privilege na mag biyahe. dahil nga sa isa kame sa mga frontliner ng... buong

mundo kung tutuusin ‘di ba? so pwede kaming makapunta sa iba't-ibang lugar, makatulong sa

iba't-ibang lugar. Ganon po. Nakakapag-cope? Medyo mahirap pa din kasi... yun nga ‘di ka

makakadikit masyado o dimo madidikitan masyado yung mga pamilya mo. so dapat masy

distansya talaga. Kasi para- for the safety of your- for the safety of your family ‘di ba? Ganon po. “

(The only hard part for me is travelling. We have the privilege to travel because we are one of the

frontliners of the world after all, so we can go to different places or help people from different

places. How to cope? It is a bit difficult because you can’t just interact too much like, you can’t

interact with your family too much, you really have to distance yourself because for the safety of

your family right? It’s a bit difficult but we have to cope because we are frontliners.)



This chapter involves the main findings of the researchers from the analysis of the results,

wherein the information gathered is discussed and interpreted to further understand the

significance and relevance of the findings.

Summary of Findings

The interpretations of the findings of this study about the lived experience of the

municipal disaster team in response to the COVID-19 pandemic were based on the three major

themes: (i) work as self-sacrifice, (ii) work as self-fulfillment, and (iii) work as a

struggle. The interpretation of the findings was further assessed.

The entire world is unprepared for the emergence of COVID-19. Sustaining health and

sanitation supplies has become a concern, particularly in developing nations such as the

Philippines. Health procedures to reduce the danger of transmission, such as physical separation,

have proven difficult to apply successfully. With the surge in cases, front-liners have been working

numerous hours a day to fulfill their responsibilities (Tiquia, 2020). This situation has not been

easy. They are constantly left with such tremendous demands. This contributes to their lack of

relaxation and exhaustion. As the participants explained, their work had indeed doubled. The

transportation of COVID-positive patients, the disinfection of houses, barangays, and

transportation, as well as other disasters and accidents, are all the duties given to them at this

time of the pandemic. They had limited time for themselves to spend with their families, especially

for resting, which caused the respondents to be burned out.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a big test for all governments, organizations, and

individuals at all levels when it comes to their response to the pandemic (Tyler and Gluckman,

2020). To minimize the spread and progression of the COVID-19 disease, precautions need to be

taken. Once exposed to COVID-positive patients, they should stay at home and isolate themselves,

in addition to wearing masks, disinfecting, and social distancing. Furthermore, when declared as

the first contact with a COVID-positive patient, extra preventive measures should be taken like

wearing gloves, eating separate meals, using different and separate items, and disinfecting the

things used and the house (Fisher et al., 2020).

(In their daily duties, the participants indicated that they handle COVID instances roughly

every day and accompany patients mostly with transport into and out of isolation sites. They have

endured a great deal of struggle and exhaustion as a result of this situation at the MDRRMC.

There is also a very significant chance of developing a communicable disease that may bring

danger to them as well as, notably, to their families. Whenever they work, the COVID risk is

enormous for them, especially once they go to various residences to pick up COVID patients.)

The participants shared that whenever they are exposed to a COVID-positive patient, they make

sure to isolate and disinfect first before going back to their office. It is the same as what the

participants do when going home to their families. Another factor contributing to the respondents'

burnout, aside from their lack of sleep, is their worry and fear of risking their family's health. That

is why they make sure to follow safety protocols and preventive measures both at home and at


(And they made sure that their rooms were in the back part of their house away from their family

members and that the things they used were separated from their family's.) The participants also

said that wearing a face mask and always disinfecting has helped a lot in protecting themselves

from acquiring the virus.

(One participant stated that they also pray to God to protect and help them throughout their area

of work and also to keep the virus away from them.)

On the bright side, some participants demonstrated optimism in the face of adversity. Small

gestures of compassion and appreciation from members of the community make their job a bit

easier. One participant noted that witnessing people smiling after receiving their food delivery

from the community warms their hearts.

(The patients' simple acts encourage them to persevere. They find it relaxing to help a patient,

and it gives them confidence whenever the patient expresses appreciation. One of the participants

stated that his protection against COVID is the happiness that he experiences from serving and

helping people.)

The COVID-19 Pandemic has elicited the greatest (along with some of the most terrible) in

us. Everything has been spoken, shared, and even sung about front-line healthcare practitioners.

Whether they are the front line or the final line of defense, all "front-liners"—essential-service

employees, transporters and transport people, security officers, the army, and policemen who

physically serve in the trenches of this unseen battle—are being recognized. Indeed, reading

inspiring comments, hearing encouraging words, listening to uplifting (sometimes hilarious) music

and songs, seeing moving memes and animations, seeing refreshed performances and tributes,

and receiving therapeutic blessings as well as prayers on different media and social media

platforms is encouraging. Certainly, they are compelled to keep working so that everyone can

securely remain at home. Some of them have even been called upon to make sacrifices in order

for others to survive. They believe that they really do provide optimism because someone else, in

return, gives people hope (Lapeña, 2020).

Together with the joy of being of assistance during what they felt was a once-in-a-lifetime

chance came unfaltering worry. It was one thing to have the sickness while working, although it

was inconceivable to transfer it to one's personal family. As they continued working in the

screening center, performing long shifts and coming into direct contact with suspicious and

reported cases, many of them made arrangements to limit interaction with their family members

by sleeping at secluded temporary accommodation facilities throughout their high-risk job. Fear

crept back into it as a response to their prospective new job's inexperience and obligations, and

also to their own self-doubt. They realized, however, that they'd have to fight not just for the

cause but also for the close friend and colleague with whom they battled. It was an honor to serve

the country during these challenging times (K & JYL, 2020).

The worldwide epidemic is not new to humanity's history; yet, it tested our preparedness. With the

abrupt shift in police techniques, the participants thought about their responsibilities as front-line

officers and felt that it helped them grow as public servants. They've learned that patience is key,

as evidenced by the number of violators they've faced while on duty. The pandemic made them

more efficient and prepared in the event of another national calamity in the future. There may be

a variety of challenges in adjusting to the new normal, but concentrating on their core

responsibility as public servants motivates them to do their job appropriately (Cruz et al., 2021).

While HCWs in most nations across the world have been praised as heroes in the fight against the

coronavirus pandemic, many nurses and physicians have encountered discrimination despite

increased social media initiatives to highlight their participation (Corpuz, 2021).


According to some, COVID-19 does not discriminate against anyone. COVID-19 is not an Asian

problem, a European problem, or even an American one. It's a global issue that affects all of us,

and we should all be involved in finding answers for ourselves, our neighbors, and the planet

(Momplaisir, 2020). During the COVID-19 crisis, officials and society must focus on providing

comprehensive assistance to front-line healthcare professionals in order to establish an enabling

environment for improving the mental health of patients, recovered patients, and front-line

healthcare personnel. (Singh & Subedi, 2020)


This section involves the conclusions made by the researchers based on the main findings

of this present study. The current study has tried to reveal the lived experiences of the Municipal

Disaster Team in response to COVID-19 situations with all the struggles they are facing, safety

precautions they follow, their joy of service, and the sacrifices they've made for their work.

The MDRRMC team, as front-liners in the fight against this pandemic, plays key and critical duties

and functions in managing and preventing the spread of this virus. They are the ones who are

summoned while dealing with COVID-19 patients or determining the best pandemic reaction.

Undoubtedly, COVID-19 has shocked the world. The quick increase in overall cases, along with

increases in fatality rates, has fostered dread and uncertainty, making a recovery appear to be a

tough and slow process. People are unable to attend funerals for relatives, and everyone is

missing out on happy occasions such as get-togethers, celebrations, and weddings, and

youngsters are missing out on birthday parties. Every day brings them new heartbreak. It's easy to

deny the numbers, but it's not so simple to dismiss the incredibly painful deaths that are taking

place in hospitals throughout the world. In a nutshell, the new normal is frightening.

There is undoubtedly a big change in the job environment all over the world. No one expected the

sudden outburst of the COVID-19 virus, and this has brought extreme challenges and difficulties to

everyone, especially to the front-liners. With the abrupt changes, enough pandemic preparations

weren't done by the government and healthcare institutions. Although the MDRRMC team is

trained for different disasters and accidents, even they didn't expect this outburst of the virus and

just tried their best to cope with their new roles and responsibilities.

Even during the lockdown, many sectors, such as the MDRRMC team, require the actual presence

of their staff in order to provide their services. The abrupt changes caused by the pandemic have

affected their job environment. Although they are wearing gloves, masks, and PPEs for the

MDRRMC team, they will still come into contact with numerous individuals, particularly in places

where Corona-positive patients will be brought and isolated from others. Working from home is

not an option for the MDRRMC team. They must rush to the location where there is an issue.

They are on the front lines of the COVID-19 outbreak response, and as such, they are exposed to

dangers that might lead to infection. This danger includes pathogen exposure, long working hours,

psychological distress, fatigue, occupational burnout, stigma, and physical and psychological

violence. The terror becomes worse with each passing day and with each deed they do. Their

awareness is preoccupied with keeping track of the objects they touched, the people they

encountered, and calculating the many possibilities of becoming infected with the virus.

It has the potential to cause serious sickness, death, and long-term changes in how we live and

work. The coronavirus 2019, or COVID-19, has jolted the globe into action to figure out how to

restrict the outbreak, create speedier testing tools, and several research efforts are being

conducted to uncover possible vaccines and antiviral drugs to prevent or cure the illnesses.

However, in these circumstances, it is critical not to panic and instead to keep calm while

implementing certain crucial safeguards and taking precautions as needed.

With being a part of the MDRRMC, with the sudden shift of their work and responsibilities

in responding and providing assistance to the COVID-19 situation, extra precautions were taken to

avoid virus transmission. Wearing PPE every day is one of the most important safety precautions

that the MDRRMC team and all health professionals should follow. However, wearing PPE is also a

struggle for the MDRRMC since it causes them to sweat too much. They also encourage all

individuals to cover their faces with masks, wear face shields in public, and bring sanitizing alcohol

with them, or if not, wash their hands thoroughly with water and soap. Keeping their distance is

also one of the safety measures to avoid easy transmission of the virus. The fewer people an

individual interacts with, the less likely they are to become infected by the virus.

With all the safety precautions they follow, it is still not 100% guaranteed that they cannot be

transmitted with the virus. However, despite all this, the MDRRMC team is still trying its best to

help respond to COVID-19 situations.

When the news is all doom and gloom, as it has been since the coronavirus epidemic, even

the most optimistic among them find it difficult to remain enthusiastic. The MDRRMC teams

acknowledged their concerns and fears, but in the face of adversity, they must mentally prepare

themselves to stay positive, level-headed, analytical, reasonable, and attentive to the needs of

others in order to be highly functional and assist more people. All they ask is that they stay

indoors and be mindful of others so that they can continue to perform their job and offer the best

care possible to the patients and people.

The MDDRMC had to adjust its workflow as a result of the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.

The arrival of COVID-19 in the country brought more than illness; it also created a change in the

MDRRMC team's surroundings. They weren't just concerned about the COVID-19 virus; they were

also concerned about exhaustion, stigma, a lack of family time, and their mental health. However,

most MDRRMC teams regard it as an annoyance rather than a stumbling block, and they will assist

people regardless of whether or not it is due to Covid. They are dedicated to their work and willing

to put their lives on the line for it.

Despite the challenges and limitations brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, the MDDRMC

team enjoys serving and helping other people. As long as they are able to help, they just shrug off

the prejudice and discrimination they experience because of their job. Helping people in this time

of the COVID-19 pandemic is not an easy job to do. The job of the MDRRMC team can put their

health at risk, as well as their families. However, despite all the psychological, physical, and

emotional challenges brought by the sudden change in their everyday lives to what they call the

"new normal," the MDRRMC team still does their work with joy and keeps a positive attitude.

Receiving gratitude from people the MDRRMC helps is one of their biggest sources of

strength at work. They give their all and are completely dedicated to their work; they help not

because it is their job but because it is something they enjoy doing. Working as a front liner, they

get satisfaction from seeing their patients recover, which gives the MDRRMC team motivation and

strength to get through their daily tasks. Receiving gratitude from people the MDRRMC helps is

one of their biggest sources of strength at work. They give their all and are completely committed

to their work; they help not because it is their job but because it is something they enjoy doing.


In light of the aforementioned analysis of the participants' answers, the researchers

henceforth recommend the following:


1. For the immediate family, researchers encourage the immediate family members to have

more patience and a better understanding of the MDRRMC team's role in this COVID-19

pandemic. Keeping their distance from the MDRRMC individual as they return home will be

of great assistance to them and will alleviate their concerns about spreading the virus to

their family. We also encourage the family members to remind and tell the MDRRMC

individuals how great and amazing their job is despite the danger of it. They understand

that their job is very demanding of time and that the only time they can rest is when they

are at home. Be there for them and cheer them up when they feel burned out or stressed

from work. The MDRRMC are the people who help others in this time of the COVID-19

pandemic, and they play a critical role in everyone's life as they respond to the COVID-19

situations. On the other hand, their family is the strength of the MDRRMC team in this time

of the COVID-19 pandemic, and their family plays a critical role in the MDRRMC individuals'


2. To the LGU, researchers urge local authorities to place a greater focus on the MDRRMC

team's efforts by supporting and meeting their needs during a pandemic. This includes the

provision of both material and non-material essential needs, such as psychological and

mental support and counseling; supply chain needs such as adequate PPE, appropriate

housing, and food supplies; adequate financial compensation; additional human resources;

and continuous workplace recognition in order to continuously safeguard and protect their

well-being as front-line responders in this pandemic crisis.

3. To the citizens of Capas, the researchers encourage everyone to recognize that the

MDRRMC's role is critical not only because it is their mission to eliminate the virus but also

because they give themselves to save other people's lives, and they do not deserve any

prejudice, especially from their families. Staying at home and adhering to all of the

regulations and protocols established by the government is the simplest way for me to

contribute to lessening their workload.

4. To future researchers, the outcomes of this study can be used as a starting point for future

research on front-line workers and public servants, specifically the MDRRMC team. Future

research may also provide in-depth examinations of each front-liner's experiences

throughout the pandemic.

Figure 1. Framework of the Study


The findings and results of this study formed the basis for the study's framework. The COVID-19

epidemic caught the entire world off guard, particularly the government and Risk Reduction

Management teams in various parts of the globe, to form a plan to mitigate and respond to the

COVID-19 pandemic. With all of the abrupt changes in job responsibilities and other areas of the

MDRRMC team's lives, the respondents' perceptions at work and how they coped were better


Depending on how people interpret and give meaning to their experiences, each person's

experiences vary from one another. They expanded upon the respondents' perceptions of their

jobs. These MDRRMC team members' perceptions cannot be gathered from other people who

can make it as significant. The MDRRMC team received gratitude and observed the happy faces

and smiles of the individuals they helped, which provided them self-fulfillment as they assisted

and served others.

Despite the exhaustion caused by their jobs, each respondent has mentioned how they still like

working. Even if they are physically exhausted at times, they go to duty, especially when they

receive a call from work. The respondents had demonstrated their dedication and enthusiasm for

their profession in a variety of ways. And it is no secret that every employee, especially those at

the MDRRMC, dread going to work for fear of becoming infected with the virus.

Because of the virus, most people all around the world are terrified and anxious during the onset

of the pandemic. Most people were afraid to interact with others since they didn't know whether

or not the person they were talking to or interacting with was infected with the virus. Different

people coped and adjusted in various ways, and the MDRRMC is no excuse for that.

As the MDRRMC team coped and adjusted to their new duties, there have been sacrifices that

they've made and struggles that they faced due to their job being doubled, requiring more of

their time, and due to changes in their disaster, accident, and COVID-19 pandemic response

plans. With no proper and adequate pandemic preparedness plan and action plan to fight the

COVID-19 virus, safety precautions and new strategies such as wearing PPE when interacting

with COVID positive people, wearing face masks and face shields, disinfecting, and social

distancing were taken and followed to avoid the transmission of the virus. The MDRRMC was

exhausted from transporting COVID-positive patients, sanitizing locations, and dealing with other

COVID-19 scenarios, and they are still reacting to numerous disasters and incidents.

Because of the high time demands of their professions, the majority of MDRRMC

personnel experience burnout and lack time for their families. They are on duty for 24 hours and

are exposed to COVID-positive patients almost every day. Despite the fact that most MDRRMC

employees are burnt out and sleep-deprived, when they receive a call from work, they quickly


However, because no one can please everyone, the MDRRMC faces bias and discrimination in

their work. They know better than to take it to heart and allow the words to control them. The

MDRRMC team was satisfied and happy with their work as long as they were able to assist.

The researchers were able to obtain different significant words from the participants of this

study at the conclusion of this research article. The pandemic has impacted our lives for the

better and for the worse. It's frustrating when people are too far apart socially. Getting one

square meal a day became quite challenging for some people. Many have been affected by the

severe financial crisis. Jobs have vanished. People were placed in isolation. Some had to leave

their houses because the government required their assistance, such as bank tellers, social

workers, doctors, nurses, and the MDRRMC team. Every day, they had to combat the virus.

COVID-19 has been challenging for everyone and is a roller coaster of ups and downs. However,

whatever difficult scenario people find themselves in, God will always be there to guide them

and assist them in getting through it. Furthermore, people have just one another; they are the

only ones who can assist one another. Someone will ask for help in difficult situations, and

someone will be there, ready to help.


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Request for Research Adviser

Date filed: August 17, 2021

Name of group coordinator: Macy Grace A. Gopez

AUSTRIA, John Christian E. GOPEZ, Macy Grace A.

BENITEZ, Joanne Fey D. MALONG, Aira Carrise B.
CAPIZ, Daisy P. TANGLAO, Kurt Hansly M.
CUARESMA, Kathleen Joy Y. TORALES, Francis Matthew C.
GABATIN, Joshua P.

Names of Group Members: (Surname, First/Second Name, Middle Initial-In alphabetical order)

Contact no. of group coordinator: 09297059092
Working Title:

Lived Experience of Municipal Disaster Team Respondents in the Time of


Research This study aims to describe and understand the Lived Experiences of
the Municipal Risk Reduction Team in the middle of the pandemic. 

It intends to answer the question: 

What are the lived experiences of municipal disaster

team respondents during the time of pandemic?

Name of desired research adviser: Ms. Mae Ann J. Dela Cruz

Research Adviser Contract


Ms. Mae Ann J. Dela Cruz and;

AUSTRIA, John Christian E. GOPEZ, Macy Grace A.

BENITEZ, Joanne Fey D. MALONG, Aira Carrise B.
CAPIZ, Daisy P. TANGLAO, Kurt Hansly M.
CUARESMA, Kathleen Joy Y. TORALES, Francis Matthew C.
GABATIN, Joshua P.

From STEM 2D – Mater Salvatoris

(Strand and Section);

With a Research Working Title: Lived Experiences of Municipal Disaster Team

Respondents in the time of Pandemic

WHEREAS, the research adviser gives his/her full consent to the group to perform his/her
duties and responsibilities starting from the data gathering procedure up until the revisions
phase after final defense (from August 2021 until December 2021/before the semester ends);

WHEREAS, the research group has secured the Form 1-Request for Research Adviser prior to
accomplishing this contract;

WHEREAS, the research adviser understands and will perform his/her duties and responsibilities
which are enumerated below:

(a). Give directions to the research group. This includes checking, commenting and
recommending for each part of the research paper;
(b). Ensure that the right methodology is being followed ethically and responsibly, and that
plagiarism is avoided at all costs;
(c). Set realistic deadlines for their group and deadlines that corresponds with the ones set by
the research committee;
(d). Should always made him/herself available for consultation;
(e). Prepares the students for final defense which includes setting up a mock defense;
(f). Attends the final defense;
(g). Provides evidence/s in case of conflict or disagreement between advisees;

WHEREAS, the research group understands and will perform their duties and responsibilities
which are enumerated below:

(a). Follow the directions given by the research adviser;

(b). Will not consult anyone else besides the research adviser and subject facilitator;
(c). Consults the research adviser regularly. Consultation time is agreed and arranged between
the adviser and should be within reasonable time/s;
(d). Provides evidences in case of conflict or disagreement between members and research
WHEREAS, the research adviser’s services can be terminated if the research group will file a
complaint pertaining to non-performance of his/her duties and responsibilities. This complaint
can only be processed if the research group will provide evidence/s. A conference will also be
conducted by the research committee to give due process for both parties. This termination of
services includes:

(a) The terminated adviser will no longer function as the research adviser of the group;

(b) The terminated adviser’s honorarium shall not be given if proven that no help/assistance
was given to the students;
(c) In case that an adviser has partially functioned in the middle of finishing the paper, the
honorarium to be given will be reviewed by the research committee.

WHEREAS, after reaching out for more than 3 times, the research adviser has the right to
terminate his/her own services if the group will not cooperate and perform their duties and
responsibilities. In this case, the adviser will receive an honorarium if he/she has partially
functioned. This will be further reviewed by the research committee. No honorarium will be
given if no assistance/help was provided.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above conditions, the parties agree for the
execution of this contract.

Signed by:

Ms. Mae Ann J. Dela Cruz

(Signature over printed name of Research Adviser)

Macy Grace A. Gopez

(Signature over printed name of the Group Coordinator/Representative)

Witnessed by:

(Signature over printed name of III Subject Facilitator)


Request Letter for Data Gathering
To: Mark Mercado


Greetings of Peace in the name of our Patron Saint, St. Dominic De Guzman!

We, the Grade 12 students of the Dominican College of Tarlac are currently enrolled in
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion subject as a partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the completion of the Senior High School program. As STEM students, we have

proposed a research entitled: Lived Experience of Municipal Disaster Team in

Response to COVID-19 Pandemic. This study aims to give an in-depth understanding
and describe the lived experiences of the municipal disaster team in response to the
COVID-19 pandemic.

In line with this, we are asking for your permission to let us conduct our research in with
your team.

Rest assured that the data will be purely for academic and research purposes only.
Furthermore, policies and procedures will be followed and any information that will be
obtained will be secured and kept confidential.

Should you have further inquiries, you can contact Macy Grace Gopez through messaging
09297059092 or macygracegopez@gmail.com

We are hoping for your kind consideration.

Thank you and more power!

Respectfully yours,
BENITEZ, Joanne Fey
CAPIZ, Daisy
CUARESMA, Kathleen Joy
GOPEZ, Macy Grace
MALONG, Aira Carise
TORALES, Francis Matthew

STEM 2D – Mater Salvatoris

Noted by:


Research Adviser Research Facilitator

Informed Consent
We are Grade 12 students from the Dominican College of Tarlac and are currently conducting a
research entitled “Lived Experiences of Municipal Disaster Team in Response to COVID-
19 Pandemic”.

The purpose of the research is to describe and understand the Lived Experiences of the
Disaster Team in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic.

In line with this, we are requesting your valuable contribution as one of our
respondents/participants. You have been chosen because you met our paper’s criteria, which are
as follows:

1. The participants are full-time MDRRMC employees.

2. The participants are both male and female.

Moreover, this study will only be relying on the response of the MDRR team of Capas, Tarlac to
collect unbiased data.

Your participation is voluntary and will involve the researchers and the informants only. The
researchers will serve as the interviewer and the informants as the interviewee. The researchers
will be collecting data through online unstructured interviews using the online platform Zoom.
Open-ended questions and guide questions will be used to interview the informants which will
flow like a normal conversation. The duration of involvement is estimated to be around 45
The researchers will provide a schedule for the interview that is the most accessible for both of
the researchers and informants.

Please take note that there are no incentives and you will not be paid for your participation.

Rest assured that your identity will be kept anonymous, all gathered data is confidential and will
be used for academic/research purposes only. Any question you have concerning the research,
or your participation can be answered by (Ms. Macy Grace Gopez, Contact no:
and E-mail address:macygracegopez@gmail.com; Ms. Mae Ann Dela Cruz, Contact
09461780820 and Email address: msdelacruz019@gmail.com). If you wish to participate
the study, kindly affix your signature below and return this form to the researcher/s.

I have read the above informed consent form. I understand that I may withdraw my consent
discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which I may otherwise
be entitled. Should I select to discontinue participation, any information already collected will be
discarded. A copy of this consent form has been given and explained to me.

In signing this consent form, I agree with the aforementioned terms and conditions.

Signature Over Printed Name of the Respondent/Participant

Date: _______________________

Validated Instrument
Stage 1:
1. How old are you?
(Ilang taon ka na?)
2. How long have you been working as an MDRRMC?
(Gaano ka na katagal nagtatrabaho bilang MDRRMC?)
3. What is your current position on the MDRRMC?
(Ano ang iyong kasalukuyang posisyon sa MDRRMC?)

Stage 2: Semi-Structured Questionnaire

1. Why did you choose to become a part of the MDRRMC?
(Bakit mo napiling maging bahagi ng MDRRMC?)

2. As a part of the MDRRMC, given that you are trained to be ready for different disasters,
how do you cope with what we call the new normal?
(Bilang myembro ng MDRRMC, ikaw ay nahasa upang maging alerto sa iba’t-iba klase ng
sakuna. Ngayong may pandemiya ng COVID-19, paano ka nakakapag-adjust sa tinatawag nilang
“new normal”?)
3. While working during the COVID-19 pandemic, what safety precautions & preventive
measures do you do before you go home to your family and before you go to work?
(Habang nagtatrabaho ka ngayong may pandemiya ng COVID-19, ano-ano ang mga safety
precautions at preventive measures na ginagawa mo bago umuwi sa pamilya mo at bago po
pumunta sa trabaho?)
4. Are there any additional preventive measures that your family follows aside from the ones
given by the government and health officials?
(Ngayong may pandemiya ng COVID-19, may mga bago bang preventive measures na
sinusundan ang iyong pamilya maliban sa mga ipinatupad lamang ng gobyerno?)
5. In your opinion, what preventive measures and health protocols that you follow are the
most effective in mitigating the COVID-19 virus?
(Sa mga health protocols at preventive measures na sinusunod at ginagawa ng mga tao, ano sa
palagay mo ang pinaka-nakatutulong sa pagpapakaunti ng paglaganap ng sakit na COVID?)
6. When working it is given that we struggle at some point. Where or when do you struggle
the most when giving a response to COVID-19 situations?
(Sa pagtatrabaho, normal lamang ang mahirapan at mapagod. Saan at kailan ka nahihirapan sa
pagbibigay ng tulong sa mga sitwasyon haabang mayroong COVID-19?)
7. Do you feel exhausted, sad, or frustrated with your job especially when you are exposed
to a person infected with the virus? Were there instances when you didn't want to go to work
because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
(May mga pagkakataon ba na sobrang pagod ka na, lungkot o “frustrated” sa trabaho mo lalo na
tuwing nakakasalamuha mo yung taong may COVID-19? Dumating ka na po ba sa punto na
ayaw mo na lang pumasok sa trabaho?)
8. While giving response to COVID-19 situations, what has been the one you were most
happy or satisfied with?
(Sa pagbibigay tulong mo sa mga sitwasyong pang COVID-19, ano-ano at saang sitwasyon ka
pinakanasiyahan at natuwa?)
9. Some reports have surfaced about how people avoid or discriminate against those whose
job involves dealing with COVID-19. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your
job and how did you handle it?

(May mga balita tungkol sa kung saan nagkakaroon ng diskriminasyon sa mga taong ang
kanilang trabaho ay may kinalaman sa COVID-19. Nakaranas ka na ba ng diskriminasyon sa
trabaho mo? Paano niyo mo ito na-”handle”?)
10. For you, what are the struggles you are facing and going through right now in responding
to COVID-19 situations compared to other disasters?
(Ano ang mga pasakit na kinakaharap at pinagdadaanan mo ngayon sa pagtugon sa mga sakuna
habang may COVID-19 kumpara sa dati na walang COVID-19?)
11. Is it easier for you to respond to other disasters than COVID-19 situations?
(Mas madali ba para sa iyo ang tumugon sa iba pang mga sakuna kaysa sa mga sitwasyon ng
12. If ever in the future another pandemic has happened, do you still see yourself as a part of
the MDRRMC helping and saving people in need and trying to fight the pandemic?
(Kung sa hinaharap ay may isa pang pandemya na mangyari, nakikita mo pa ba ang iyong sarili
na tumutulong, nagliligtas sa mga taong nangangailangan, at susubukang labanan ang
pandemya bilang isang myembro ng MDRRMC?)

Transcribed Interview

Interviewer/s: Capiz, Daisy (DC)

Cuaresma, Kathleen Joy (KC)
Gopez, Macy Grace (MG)
Participant: Participant One (P1)

MG: Why did you choose to become a part of the MDRRMC po?
(Why did you choose to become a part of the MDRRMC?)

P1: [chuckles] Actually po ma’am, I didn’t uh…choose to be part of the team. I was appointed
to be head of the team…. ah.. yun po yung nangyare. So being, I'm before my previous job,
before this uh… my…. my work now before, before I was working the Ospital ning Capas as
ahh… an Emergency Room Nurse in- an Operating Room Nurse then uhh… nagkaroon po tayo
ng change of Administration way back 2016, uhh… the MDRRMO Office was created and I was
appointed to be the head of the office.

(Actually ma’am, I didn’t choose to be a part of the team. I was appointed to be head of the
team… that's what happened. So, before, my previous job, before this job, I was working as an
Emergency Room Nurse in- an Operating Room Nurse at the Ospital Ning Capas, and then…

uh… there has been a change of administration in 2016. Uh.. The MDRRMO Office was
established, and I was appointed as the head of the office.)

DC: Okay po, sir. Uhmm… Next question po sir is as a part of the MDRRMC po, given that you
are trained to be ready for different disasters po. Uhm.. how do you cope with what we call new
normal po, sir?

(Okay, sir. Uhm... Next question sir is as a part of the MDRRMC, given that you are trained to be
ready for different disasters, uhm.. how do you cope with what we call new normal, sir?)

P1: Ah…How do we cope with the new normal? Actually it’s very difficult for us till now we are
still coping with the new normal ehh... uhh… Ito yung para bang lahat is bago sa atin… So eto
yung bumili ka lang sa tindahan ngayon, lalabas ka ng bahay is, kailangan mo ng naka face
mask kase as uhh.. As I was uhh… telling with the other uhh… mga tropa, mga tropa naten
sinasabi ko nga sa kanila kailangan lagi tayong ready, kase di katulad sa mga police, yung mga
terrorists, mga ganyan, mga criminals is nakikita natin but the virus… hindi po natin nakikita. So,
uhh… we should comply the minimum health standards, yun lang po yung pinaka ano sa lahat
laging mag alcohol and uhh… face mask, yun po.

[Ah… How do we cope with the new normal? Actually, it’s very difficult for us. We are still
adjusting to the new normal. Uh... It's like everything is new to us.... Even though you’re just
going to buy something in the store outside, or you just want to go out of your house, you need
to wear a face mask as... uhh… Like what I was saying with my other uh... colleagues "tropa", I
tell them that we should always be ready. Because they are not like the police, terrorists, or
those other criminals we see. However, we don’t see the virus .... So, we should comply with the
minimum health standards, that's the most important of all, always use alcohol and wear a face
mask, that's it.]

MG: So ayun po. While working during the COVID-19 pandemic, what safety precautions and
preventive measures do you do before you go home to your family and before you go to work

(So that’s it, sir. While working during the COVID-19 pandemic, what safety precautions
and preventive measures do you do before you go home to your family and before you go to

P1: Uhh… Before I go to my family and before I go to? Maam ano yun?, ano po yung last part?

(Uhh… Before I go to my family and before I go to? Maam what was that? What was the
last part?)

MG: Sa trabaho po.

(At work, sir.)

P1: Work?


MG: [nods]


P1: Sa work okay po, so… before uhh… pagka… bago pumasok ng bahay is talagang
nagsasanitize muna kame, me and my wife uhh… we are frontliners, my wife is in nurse too, sa
Tarlac Provincial Hospital, sila yung mga vaccinator so we are exposed talaga sa virus so uhh..
before going home uhh… karating sa bahay bago namin hawakan yung mga babies is uhh…
ahh…naliligo muna kame. Alcohol, yun noh... number 1. Tsaka we take good care of ourselves
uhh… nag uhh… umiinom kami ng vitamins and uhh… di rin namin laging di kami nagtatanggal
ng face mask sa labas. Yun lang yung mga, pagkapunta naman sa work, ganun din same lang
uhh… may lagi kaming may alcohol, may mga… dispenser yung mga… spray na naka attached
samin para na yun, nagsasanitize kami once in a while.

(Ah… at work. Okay. So before uhh… before I go inside our house, I really make sure to
sanitize first. Me and my wife uhh… we are both frontliners. My wife is a nurse too at Tarlac
Provincial Hospital. They are the ones who are in charge of the vaccination, so both of us are
really exposed to the virus so uhh... Before going home uh..., as we arrive at our house, before
we go to our kids, we uhhh take a bath and use alcohol - that’s the number 1 and we take good
care of ourselves. Uh.. we uh.. take vitamins and we don’t remove face masks outside. That’s it.
Same with when we go to work. We always have alcohol that is attached to us so that we can
sanitize once in a while.)

DC: Okay po, sir. Uh.. next po is uhm ngayon pong may COVID-19 mayroon po ba pa kayong
ibang preventive measures na sinusunday- sinusundan niyo po at ng pamilya niyo po aside po
sa uhm binigay po ng gobyerno?

(Okay, sir. Uh.. next sir is uhm now that there’s COVID-19 pandemic, are there any
additional preventive measures that your family follows aside from the ones given by the
government and health officials?)

P1: Aside from us, we met talaga yung aming mga exposure namin lalong lalo na sa mga taong
di namin kilala, yon uhh…we talagang… we practice social distancing, uhh… since nung nag
pandemya uhh… yung mga bata is hindi na nakalabas, hindi na sila nakapag uhh… tawag dito
uhh… mall dahil bawal na sa mall, kakain kami sa labas siguro with a reservation for example
pagka pupunta kame sa restaurant to celebrate our birthday ganyan kakain kami sa labas we
make sure na… nandon kame sa pinaka walang taong part. Yun lang po tsaka uhh… [mouth
gesture] yun hand washing talaga yung mga minimum health standards po yung mga sinusunod
natin. Yun po

(Aside from us, we really met our exposures, especially with people we don't know. That's why
we really… We practice social distancing. Since the pandemic happened, kids have been unable
to go outside. They cannot go to (what do you call it) the malls because they are restricted.
We'll eat outside, maybe with a reservation. For example, when we go to a restaurant to

celebrate our birthday, we make sure… we eat where there are less people. That's all. After all,
hand washing is really the minimum health standard that we follow.)

MG: Ayun po. Uhm sa mga preventive measures po and health protocols na sinusundan niyo,
ano po yung sa palagay niyong pinaka-effective sa pagpapakaunti po ng spread nung [hand
gestures] virus na COVID-19.

(That sir. Uhm from the preventive measures and health protocols that you follow, what
do you think is the most effective in mitigating the spread of the COVID-19 virus?)

P1: [Moving] Actually po ma’am, hindi na po, for my… own opinion, hindi na natin kailangan
yung ano ehh… kailangan lang natin disiplina… disiplina lang. kung wala ka naman gagawin sa
labas, wag ka ng lumabas diba. Yung iba… I was suggesting sa mga Barangay Captains to… to
launch the Oplan Sita yung mga taong walang face mask sa daan is sisitahin noh kase the
simplest uhh… na naka face mask ka can prevent the spread of the virus talaga. So, why use
face mask? why use uhh… face shield? kung nasa loob ka lang ng bahay at dika lumalabas diba,
pero minsan uhh… yung mga APORS naten yung mga A Person Outside our Residence is
minsan nagiging complacent sila, na para bang walang gana yung uhh… kampante na kase
everyday nasa uhh… kasama naman nila yung mga workmates nila so… minsan kampante na
sila na uhh… kahit nagtatanggal sila ng face mask… yung mga ganon, so sakin lang kailangan
talaga natin discipline pero para mapaano talaga, kailangan talaga pag ka lumabas, face mask,
number 1 face mask and alcohol, yun po.

(Actually ma’am, not anymore. In my… own opinion, we don’t need the... we just need self-
discipline. Just self-discipline. If you don't have anything to do outside, don't go out. Other
people... I was suggesting the Barangay Captains was to... launch the "Oplan Sita" to those who
do not wear a face mask when they are outside will be sewn up because the simplest uh..
Wearing a face mask can really prevent the spread of the virus. So why use a face mask? Why
use a... face shield? If you're just inside the house and you don't come out, right. However, our
APORS (A Person Outside of Our Residence) sometimes become complacent, as if the
complacent people don't feel like it because every day they have their workmates with them, so
sometimes they are complacent even if they remove the face masks. So for me, we really need
discipline, but to really do it, we really need a face mask, number one face mask, and alcohol.)

DC: Okay po, sir. Uhm… Next po is uhm when working it is given that uhm you struggle at some
point po. Pero saan at kailan po kayo uh nahihirapan sa pagbibigay ng tulong po sa mga
sitwasyong habang merong pong COVID-19?

(Okay, sir. Uhm Next question is uhm When working it is given that we struggle at some
point. Where or when do you struggle the most when giving a response to COVID-19

P1: [Wipes his sweat] Mahirap ngayon tao- uhh… season..pandemic season na to ma’am, kase
you have to assist lahat ng mga may sakit, lahat ng may mga COVID. Pero lahat po ng ating
mga hospitals ay punuan na, punuan na po sila. So they will stay at the tent. They are covid
positive with symptoms, they are uhh.. persons..geriatric persons yung mga patients na
matatanda na. So nasa loob sila ng tent uhh… they will spend 2-3 days dun sa loob ng tent,

nahihirapang huminga noh.. uhh… while waiting for their turn na ma admit sa loob ng hospital.
There was one time nag hatid po kame ng patient sa Tarlac uhh… sa isang hospital po sa uhh…
Government hospital sa Tarlac is dalawang patient na ang nag arrest at siniCPR po sa loob ng
tent. Ganun po kahirap ang panahon na to pero… luckily through the efforts of our Local Chief
Executive uhh… Mayor, dahil po… kesa naman po maghihintay po sila sa hospital ay sa mga tent
yung mga nahihirapan huminga is ginawan po nya ng paraan, ngayon po is nagpapahiram po
siya ng mga hospital bed at sa mga oxygen sa mga nahihirapan huminga sa ating mga ka
constituent sa Municipality of Capas……. Okay po.

(It’s a difficult season, it’s pandemic season, ma’am, because you have to assist all the sick
people, all the COVID (positive patients). But all our hospitals are already full. They are already
full. So they need to stay in the tent. They are COVID positive with symptoms, they are persons,
geriatric persons are elderly patients. So they are inside the tent. They will spend 2-3 days inside
the tent, having difficulty in breathing while waiting for their turn to be admitted into the
hospital. There was one time when a patient in Tarlac was taken to a hospital at the
Government hospital in Tarlac. Two patients were arrested and given CPR inside the tent. It's
such a difficult time, but luckily, through the efforts of our Local Chief Executive Mayor, those
who have difficulty breathing are now in the tents. He made a way. Now he is lending hospital
beds and oxygen to those who have difficulty breathing in our constituents in the Municipality of
Capas… Okay.)

MG: Uhm may mga pagkakataon na po ba na sobra na lang po na pagod na pagod na po kayo
or sobrang frustrated niyo na lang po sa trabaho niyo? Especially nga po ‘pag naeexpose po
kayo sa may uh virus. Uh may mga instances na po ba na ayaw niyo na lang pong pumasok?
Yung ganon po.

(Uhm are there instances where you felt exhausted or frustrated with your job? Especially
when you are exposed to a person infected with the virus. Uh Were there instances where you
didn't want to go to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic?

P1: [short pause] [smiles] Yes ma’am, almost everyday. Burn out na po yung mga front liners
naten, pagod na pagod na po mga frontliners uhh… kadalasan sabi ko nga sa kanila sa staff ko
“Isadsad yu naku rugu” aku isad sad yu naku rugo [smiling] Pero yung on the back of your mind
[hand gesture] gusto mo na mag give up eh.. pero iniisip mo rin may… may angel na
bumubulong sayo [hand gesture] pag nag give-up ka paano yung mga tao? yun ang inaano mo
tsaka yung kapag natulungan mo yung tao tao at nagpasalamat sayo, there is no monetary
value na… na katumbas nung pagpapasalamat niya sayo. Kaya… kami mga… kaming mga
front… sa DRRM masaya kami pagka… lalo na yung pasyente namin is pagkatransport namin sa
kanya at bumalik… bumabalik sa office, kung minsan may dalang merienda, salamat ganyan,
nagpapasalamat [smiling] Yung mga… yung mga simple ways na… yun is yung nagpapalakas
ng aming loob para… to keep on going na hindi kami gumive- mag give up, yun lang po.

(Yes ma’am, almost everyday. The front liners are already burned out. The frontliners are very
tired. I usually tell my staff, " Isadsad yu naku rugu" (Help me go through this). But in the back
of your mind, you want to give up, but you also think there… there is an angel whispering to you
when you give up, what about the people? Moreover, when you help that person and they thank
you, there is no monetary value equal to what they say when they thank you. So we are the

fronts, in DRRM we are especially happy that our patient is after we transport him and come
back to the office, sometimes with a snack. Those simple ways are the ones that encourage us
to keep on going and not give up, that's all.)

DC: Sir, uh connected po siya. Sir, yung next question po is when giving response to COVID-19
situations, what has been the one you were most happy or satisfied with po?

P1: Yun po ma’am. As I have said, There is no monetary value pagka yung tinulungan mo…
yung pasyente mo dinisinfect mo yung bahay nila, tinransport mo sa hospital uhh… nabuhay…
at ahh… That was very uhh.. satisfying [shakes his head] there was once [hand gesture] once…
our boss uhh… the head of the public order safety management office was uhh… uhh… was hit
by… covid and he was severely, severe po talaga yung covid niya he was admitted in St.
Raphael hospital in Mabalacat City uhh… he was in the ICU for 30 days noh… intu…intubated.
So when he was uhh… recovering na, he insisted to go home na. So when he got home, I was
the one assisting him through the ambulance. So pagkauwi po nya ng bahay… he was from
Magalang pagkauwi po niya ng bahay nagstep… lumakad lang po siya ng 3 steps after that nag
arrest po sya… namatay… namatay… after that po namatay sinipr po siya uhhh… nag uhh…
[shaking his head] life saving measures. After that… [gulp] binalik… [tongue clicking] po namin
sya sa St. Raph [stutters] Hospital tumatawag na po kami, As stating the condition of the patient
after that uhh… he was yung tansya nga po nila ma’am after 6 months pa comatose [eyebrows
raised]. So… luckily I was happy and yung kanyang bantay tinawagan ako after 4th day ng
kanyang pagbantay sa hospital is gumising na siya and now after 2 weeks nag recover pa sya sa
hospital, and now he is back on his work [nod] malakas na malakas na siya parang walang
nangyare. So, sabi nya nga sakin uhh…“kung wala ka nun Mark” sabi niya sakin “baka siguro
namatay na na talaga ako” so [tongue clicking] yung mga pasasalamat po na ganun is yung
mga nagpapalakas po sa akin [scratch his forehead] at sa mga tropa [nod]

(As I have said, there is no monetary value when you help. (When) you disinfect your patient’s
house, you transport them to the hospital… they survived and uh… That was very uh.. satisfying.
There was once… once… our boss uh, the head of the public order safety management office
was uh… was hit by... COVID and he was severely, the covid he had was severe. He was
admitted at St. Raphael hospital in Mabalacat City. Uh He was in the ICU for 30 days intubated.
So when he was uh... was recovering, he insisted on going home. So when he got home, I was
the one assisting him through the ambulance. So when he came home, he was from Magalang.
When he came home, he just walked 3 steps after that, he was arrested, he died... after that he
died, he took life-saving measures. After that, we returned him to St. Raph Hospital we are
calling, As stating the condition of the patient after that he was the estimate that they ma’am
after 6 months still comatose. So, luckily I was happy and his guard called me after the 4th day
of his guard at the hospital he woke up and now after 2 weeks he is still recovering in the
hospital, and now he is back on his work he looks very strong like nothing happened. So, he said
to me "If you are not there, Mark” he said to me "Maybe I'm really dead." Those thank yous are
the ones that gives me and the troops strength.

MG: Ayun po uhm meron po- Some reports po have resurfaced how people avoid or
discriminate against those whose job involves dealing with COVID-19. Nadiscriminate na po ba
kayo dahil sa trabaho niyo? And if yes po, paano niyo po ito na-handle?

(That… Uhm there have been- Some reports have surfaced about how people avoid or
discriminate against those whose job involves dealing with COVID-19. Have you ever been
discriminated against because of your job? And if yes, how did you handle it?)

P1: Yes po ma’am uhh… [shakes his head] almost every day [smiles] dahil you can not satisfy
everybody, diba hindi po tayo magkakautak [furrowed eyebrows] pero if they were in our shoes,
they should try to be in our shoes po [smirks] para maramdaman nila kung gaano kapagod….
kung gaano kahirap ang aming trabaho. Tapos makikita mo ang ating Local Chief Executive is
uhh… masipag is a proactive uhh… sumasama siya sa amin. so may mga pages ngayon na
against sa mga ginagawa niya, so kahit kami minsan dahil araw-araw kami nagdidisinfect ma’am
alam niyo po ba nakabotas po talaga dapat pero dahil po sa araw araw ang bigat ng botas at..
[shaking his head] [stutters] nakasubok na po ba kayo makapagsuot ng PPE?

(Yes ma'am, almost every day, because you can't satisfy everybody. We don't have the
same mindset, but if they were in our shoes, they should try to be in our shoes so that they
could feel how tired and hard our work is. Then you can see our local Chief Executive is
hardworking and proactive. He is with us, so there are pages now that are against what he is
doing, because we disinfect every day. Ma'am, do you know we really have to wear boots but
because every day the weight of the boots and- have you tried wearing PPE?)

DC: [shook her head]

KC: [shook her head]

MG: [shook her head]

P1: Ah hindi pa po? Ang PPE po ma’am kapag sinuot nyo po ng mga 5 minutes to 10 minutes
siguro 1 liter na ng pawis yun [eyebrows raised] kahit hindi ka naglalakad [door creaks]
pagkalumakad ka pa may buhat buhat kang pagdisinfect siguro yung 10 minutes na yon siguro
ma’am nasa 2 liters na yung pawis mo… So… tapos PPE diretso.. Hindi siya nagaabsorb ng
pawis didiretso sa paa… sa sapatos so nagkakablisters na po yung mga paa ng mga tropa, so
kaya minsan uhh… nagtsitsinelas na lang to make comfortable pero syempre uhh… we will still…
bago kami pumasok sa office dinidisfect po namin yung mga sarili namin uhh… tapos uhh…
mahirap lang po dyan ma’am [wiping his sweat] ginagawa mo yung trabaho mo uhh… tapos
may mga tao [winks] ka pang naririnig na…. There was once may kinonfront lang ako, pinost
kami sa Bamban [smirks] pero taga Capas sila, pinuntahan ko “Ma’am ano po bang problema”
sabi ko “kasi hindi niyo sinabi na may COVID pala dito sa tabi namin”, “bakit po ba,
pinupuntahan niyo po ba… pumupunta po ba kayo sa tabi nya?”, “Hindi po” sabi niya “Kung
kayo po let’s change pace” sabi ko “kung kayo po yung nagpostive gusto niyo po ba ibroadcast
natin sa buong barangay?” sabi ko sakaniya [smiles]. So nakaisip, binura yung post niya… sa
isang page [eyebrows raised] nagano nga po… sabi ko nga po “kung konting… kung konting
problema na lang you can go to my office” sabi ko “let’s talk about it” sabi ko. “Huwag ng
palakihin… huwag ng maging attention seeker, bakit? what’s the purpose para mag post ka? To
seek attention?” diba… minsan imbis na pasalamatan mo na lang yung mga laging pagod eh…
ikaw pa yung reason para lalo silang mapagod eh…okay po.[nod] [smiles]

(Ah not yet? The PPE, ma'am, when you wear it for about 5 minutes to 10 minutes, maybe it's
already 1 liter of sweat, even if you're not walking. Then when you walk, you have to bring
disinfection tools. Maybe it's been 10 minutes, maybe ma'am, your sweat is already 2 liters. The
PPE doesn't absorb sweat, so the sweat will go directly to our feet in our boots. The troops
already have blisters, so sometimes we just wear slippers to be comfortable. But of course, we
still disinfect ourselves before we enter the office. Then it's just hard there because you're doing
your job but then you will still hear people say something. There was once a time when I just
confronted someone. They posted us in Bamban, but they were from Capas. I went there and
said, "Ma'am, what is the problem?" Then it replied, "because you didn't say that there was a
COVID here next to us.","Why? Are you going? Do you go next to him? " I asked. "No" it replied.
“Let's change pace,if you are the one who posted, do you want us to broadcast it to the whole
neighborhood?" I said He deleted his post on a page. “ If it's just a little problem, you can go to
my office," I said. "Let’s talk about it," I added. "Don't exaggerate… don’t be an attention
seeker, why? What's the purpose for you to post? To seek attention? " Maybe sometimes,
instead of just thanking those who are always tired, you are the reason for them to get even
more tired.)

DC: Okay po. Uh next po, sir. Ano po yung mga struggles na pinagdadaanan niyo po sa mga- sa
pagtugon po ng mga sakuna ngayon pong may COVID, sir compare po dati na wala?

(Okay. Uh next, sir. What are the struggles you are facing and going through right now in
responding to disasters now with COVID-19 situations compared before?)

P1: [tongue clicking] Katulad po ngayon ma’am, kasi hindi mo nakikita yung virus ma’am. Yung
mga… hindrances lang ma’am kapag ka dati kapag ka ahh.. matanda uhh… nag complain ng
difficulty of breathing pupuntahan mo yan nakafacemask ka lang pero ngayon pagka…nagsabi
nanlalambot, nagelbm, may ubo mag PPE ka pa, dati, sasampa ka lang ng ambulance, ngayon
mahabang preparations [scratching his forehead] mahirap, tapos minsan may naaaksidente,
hindi mo alam baka… baka… baka [crying baby] naano sya uhh… nainfected yung patient na
naaksidente. So yun ung mga mahihirap, so we ensure sa mga tropa na… to follow talaga yung
mga… minimum na health protocols lalo na yung face mask and gloves kung hindi man sila
makapag PPE lalo na kapag may aksidente. [nod] [door creaks]

(It’s like today ma’am, because you don’t see the virus ma’am. The only hindrances, ma'am, are
when older people used to complain of difficulty of breathing, you went there, you just wore a
facemask, but now when they say they are experience being weak, have a lbm, or have a
cough, you still have to wear PPE, before, you just went to the ambulance. Now it's hard and
requires a long preparation. Then, sometimes someone has an accident and you don't know if
the patient is infected. So those are the hard things, so we ensure the troops really follow the
minimum health protocols, especially the face mask and gloves, if they can't get PPE, especially
when there is an accident.)

MG: Uhm… Mas madali po ba para sa inyo na tugunan yung mga disas- ibang disasters po
compared sa COVID-19?

(Uhm is it easier for you to respond to other disas- other disasters compared with COVID-

P1: Ano yon ma’am? Please pakirepeat po medyo hindi ko nagets.

(Come again, ma’am? Please repeat (the question) I didn’t get it.)

MG: Is it easier po ba para sa inyo na magrespond or tugunan yung ibang disasters compared
po sa COVID-19?

(Is it easier for you to respond to other disasters compared with COVID-19?)

P1: Ah! Yes, mas ma’am mas madali po siya, kasi ma’am pagka typhoon nasa uhh… office ka
lang naka uhh… standby, yung mga goods mo naka preposition na. Yung mga motor pool, yung
mga heavy equipments naka ready na rin, so alam muna talaga yung mga gagamitin, pero sa…
COVID mahirap, talagang hindi mo nakikita kasi tska hindi talaga… basta mahirap yung COVID.

(Ah! Yes, ma’am. It’s easier because when there is a typhoon, you’re just in the... office on...
standby. Your goods are already prepositioned. The motor pools and the heavy equipment are
already ready, so you really know what you will use, but in COVID it's a lot harder, you really
can't see it. COVID (situations) are really hard.)

DC: Okay, sir. Uh last question na po ito sir. Uhm kung in the future po may isa pa pong
pandemiya na mangyari, pero ‘wag naman po sana po. Uh nakikita niyo pa po ba yung sarili
niyo yung tumutulong, nagliligtas sa mga taong nangangailangan, susubukan labanan yung
pandemiya bilang isang member po ng MDRRMC?

(Okay, sir. Uh this is the last question, sir. Uhm if ever in the future another pandemic has
happened, hopefully not, do you still see yourself as a part of the MDRRMC helping and saving
people in need and trying to fight the pandemic?)

P1: [wipes sweat]Ah! Yes ma’am, kasi po being a nurse meron po kaming sinumpan, kami po sa
PRC noong kinuha po namin yung mga uhh… licensed na.. [shakes his head] talagang we are
ready to help. yun po. yun po. [nods]

(Yes ma’am, because being a nurse, we took our oath, we were in the PRC when we got our
license. And that we are really ready to help. That's all.)

Interviewer/s: Capiz, Daisy (DC)

Cuaresma, Kathleen Joy (KC)
Gopez, Macy Grace (MG)
Torales, Francis Matthew (FM)
Participant: Participant two (P2)

FM: First question po is… tagalog po sir. Bakit niyo po napi-napiling maging bahagi ng MDRRMC

(First question… is tagalog, sir. Why did you choose to become a part of the MDRRMC?)

P2: [chuckles] uh.. Kasi sir ano... yung sa may… MDRRMC maraming chalen-challenges kasi
eh... tapos yung... tulad ng sa pandemic diba? Madaming… tulad nung pag may nag positive
Kami ang nag tatransport yung iba kasi sir yung ibang ambulance na ano... yung nasa hospital…
uh... dapat sa kanila patients yan eh. pero kami sir yung ano… kami yung... nag tatransport
halimbawa sa... dadalhin sa TPH (Tarlac Provincial Hospital) dadalhin sa quarantine facilities...
sa MDRRMC lahat binibigay yung ano sir… lahat ng transport ng COVID patients. Kaya *tsk*
[fixed his clothes] sa ano sir, eh... yung... yung mga ibang… tulad ng ano… tulad nung
nangyayari ngayon yung nakikita niyo sir sa yung nila-nilalive ni ma- ni mayor diba? yung
tinatawag nilang econsult… e-consultant kasi dahil puno na yung mga hospital.... pag kailangan
na ng tao kahit ah… kailangan siyang itakbo sa hospital eh puno... kaya ang ginawa namin...
nagbibigay na lang Kami ng hospital bed tapos ano ahh… oxygen para sa mga patients natin
para... para sa bahay na lang sila. kasi sa hospital laging puno, kaya ayun sir… kaya yung Napili
ko yung trabahong ito.... gusto ko kasing... makatulong sa mga taong nangangailangan.

((i joined) because the MDRRMC team faces many challenges. Then now during the COVID-19
pandemic, we are the one who accompany the people to the emergency facilities wherein it
should be the Hospitals’ duty to do so. But however, we, the MDRRMC are the one who
transports COVID-19 patients. Just like what our Mayor says during the live sessions, there are
no more available rooms in the hospital that’s why we just give oxygen tanks and hospital beds.
That’s the reason why I chose this job. Because I want to help people who are in need.)

FM: Uhm second question po is bilang miyembro po ng MDRRMC, kayo ay nahasa upang
maging alerto sa iba’t-ibang klase ng sakuna. Ngayon pong may COVID paano po kayo naka-
nakapagadjust sa tinatawag nilang new normal?

(Uhm second question sir is, As a part of the MDRRMC, given that you are trained to be
ready for different disasters, how do you co- cope with what we call the new normal?)

P2: Yung ngayon sir kaya… ang ginawa namin, kasi ano dati yung duty namin… 24 hours duty
tapos… ahh... 3 days off. ngayon yung ginawa namin 24 hours- 24 hours duty 2 days off nalang,
tapos dal- nag dagdag Kami ng grupo kasi nga saamin- sa amin lahat naka toka yung aksidente,
yung sa COVID patients, transport, tapos yung mga disinfection sa mga barangay, yun sir
medyo nag patong patong ang trabaho namin pero kinakaya, lahat kaming nagdu- naka duty,
kung kailangan pa ng.... personnel, nago- nag-oon call nalang yung iba. Yun sir. Kasi yun ang
ginagawa namin sir.

(Right now, what we do is, before, we are on duty 24 hours then 3 days off but now, we
are on 24 hours duty and we only have 2 days off. Then another group has been added to the
team because we handle everything like accidents. For the COVID patients we transport them as
well as the disinfection of the barangays. Those things- the duties have piled up but we are
trying our best to continue helping. All of us are on duty and if more personnel are needed,
there are others who participate/volunteer. That’s what we do.)

FM: Yes, po. Uhm third question is, habang nagtatrabaho po kayo ngayong pandemiya ng
COVID-19 ano-ano pong safety precautions or safety measures po yung bago po umuwi sa
pamilya mo at bagong- bago po pumunta sa trabaho? Ano pong ginagawa niyo, sir? Mga safety
measures po. And precautions na din po.

(Yes, sir. Uhm third questions, while working during the COVID-19 pandemic, what are
the safety precautions or safety measures before you go home to your family and before going
to work? What do you do, sir? Safety measures. And precautions, sir.)

P2: Ah yun sir. Yung ginagawa naming kasi... umuuwi kami sa pamiya namin. halimbawa kapag
nag transport kami ng covid patient, uh.. kumpleto. naka PPE, naka face shield, naka mask,
naka gloves. tapos lahat ng... dugtungan ng PPE- ng sinusuot namin, uh bali uh... tinaktakpan
naming nung… nung yung ano tape namin ung micropore para atleast walang kahit- mahila man
yung PPE hindi siya… hindi siya mabubuksan. walang sumisingaw walang papasok sa loob kahit
mahawakan mo yung patient natin, ok lang. Uh.. pagakatapos ng transport, back to base
ididisinfect kami. kung nakikita niyo sir yung pang spray namin na... disinfectant. iispray lahat.
ambulance, tapos ung tao, tas tatangal ng PPE susunugin. ah.. 30 minutes, doon ka muna sa
labas mag iisolate ka bago pumasok sa office. Uh.. ganon din sir pag uwi sa bahay. wag muna
papasok sa bahay tanggalin lahat ng suot. ligo. tapos sir lahat ng sinuot na galling sa opisina
lahat sa trabaho namin... lalagyan ng ano… lalagyan ng disinfectant. bababad muna para safe
lang. Yun lang para atleast kahit umuwi ka sa bahay alam mong wala kang naiuwing virus.

(What do we do when we go home to our family? For example, when we transport covid
patient, we wear complete PPE, we wear a face mask and a face shield. We also wear gloves
and we make sure that we tape the micropore to make sure that the PPE won’t be opened and
nothing would go in even though we interact with the patient. Then after we go back to the
base, we disinfect and if you know the spray, we use a disinfectant spray like the ones we use
for the ambulance. Then we stay 30 minutes outside and they burn the PPE that we used. We
isolate ourselves before going to the office and same when we go home. Before we enter our
house, we remove our clothes first then we take a bath. Then all the clothes we used at work,
we soak it in the disinfectant so that it will be safe and to make sure that we did not bring the
virus at home.)

FM: Yes, po. Uhm… Uhm yung fourth question po- pang-apat po na question is, ngayong may
COVID-19 po, may mga bago po bang preventive measure na sinusundan ninyo at ang pamilya
ninyo keysa sa mga ipinatupad lang ng gobyerno, sir?

(Yes, sir. Uhm… Uhm the fourth question, the fourth question sir is, now during the
COVID-19, are there any additional preventive measures that your family follows aside from the
ones given by the government and health officials?)

P2: Uh.. Sa amin kasi sir ang ginagawa ko... yung… yung safety protocols naka ano sa atin sa
gobyerno syempre kailangan pa din sundin. pero kasi ako ang ginagawa ko pag... ang patient
kasi namin tulad ng mga covid positive pag ano sir… pag symptomatic— ibig sabihin pag
symptomatic linalagnat, inuubo syempre sir ang ginagawa namin… uh ganon nalang. kung
malakas naman ung patient natin, kaya nyang tumayo mag isa, aassist lang namin siya
kakausapin namin, sir. ganito baba kalang. mag- mag ano kalang ng distansya sakanya, sir. para

atleast kahit alam mong… delikado kahit naka safet- naka ano ka sir kumpleto yung suit mo,
syempre iba rin sir nag iingat ka diba? oh ganyan sasabihin namin papaliwanag naming sakanya
na pasenya na ma’am hindi naman- hindi naman kami sa natatakot. syempre alam mong
symptomatic si sir, inuubo, nilalagnat, madali kang kapitan ehh. un na lang sir ginawagawa
namin. pero pag ganon sir ang patient namin, ganon din sa bahay ang ginagawa namin. mag
isolate ka muna sa bahay. hiwalay ka ng higaan, ng kwarto. obserbahan mo ung sarili mo kung
uubuhin kaba lalagnatin ka. atleast safe ung sa inuwian mo sa bahay. di mo naman na dinadasal
na ma… mainfect ka sa kanila. pero atleast nakapag- naka pag adjust ka na kapag advance ung
ginagwa mo, kahit na tamaan ka, kung… kung mainfect ka sakanila, atleast naka isolate kana
sir. hindi ka na na… hindi ka na… hindi ka na naka nakapag-ano… nakapag… nakapag naka ano
sa inuwian mo sa bahay. gayan lang ginagawa namin. advance nalang ginagawa namin. kahit
sabihin namin na wala kaming nararamdaman basta kasi pag nakasama mo, minsan maghapon
naming kasaam sir eh.. nasa ambulance kami, kasama namin sa loob. kaya yun sir ginagawa
nalang namin ganon nalang. kahit walang nararamdaman, yun nalang ang... preparation namin
pag-uwi ng bahay. atleast safe ung uuwian mo yung mga pamilya mo, yung mga anak mo.
ganon lang sir uh yung ginagawa namin ngayon.

(For me of course I follow the safety protocols that the government told us to do and we
must comply with that. But what I do when the COVID patient is symptomatic, meaning they
have a fever and cough. What we do especially if the patient is still strong, we ask them to do
this like go down, we assist them but we still make sure to keep our distance because you know
it’s still dangerous even though you are wearing a complete suit. We explain to them that it is
not because we are scared but it’s because the cough can easily be passed from one person to
another. That’s what we do when our patients are symptomatic. Same in our house when we
interact with COVID patients. We isolate first, have a different room to sleep then observe
yourself if you’ll have a fever or cough. It’s not like you are praying to be infected with the virus
but it’s just you readying yourself and adjusting yourself in case the virus gets into you. We just
isolate in advance, because even though we say that we don’t feel anything, if we got exposed
to a COVID patient for hours even though you don’t feel anything, you prepare in advance so
that you know you’re safe to go home to your family and kids. That’s what we do sir.)

FM: Ahh… Sa mga health protocols po and preventive measures na sinusundan ninyo at
ginagawa niyo po, ano po sa palagay niyo ang pinakanakakatulong sa papa- pagpapakaunti ng
spread ng virus po?

(Ahh… In your opinion, what preventive measures and health protocols that you follow
are the most effective in mitigating the COVID-19 virus?)

P2: Uh Yun sir… Tulad ngayon sir yung sa atin, yung Delta Variant natin nasa Capas na diba
kung alam niyo sir? “Opo” Kung wala ka rin naming importanteng gagawin sa labas sir, mas
magandang sa bahay ka na lang. tapos kung kailangan mo naman lumabas, yun sir sunod
kalang dun sa safety protocols natin. kailangan mong mag face mask, mag face shield, tapos
mag social- social distancing lang, sir. tapos, uh.. basta, sir uh... pag nasa ano ka na sa public
place ka... ganun. kasi iba’t ibang tao sir yung nandon eh.. edi gawin mo lang sir sunod kalang
dun sa safety protocols natin. syempre sir kahit sabihin mong susunod ka kung tatamaan ka
wala ka namang magagawa eh. pero pag sir nag-iingat, mas magandang- halimbawa yung nag-
iingat diba? makahanap ka man, may makatabi ka man na ano na in… na na infected. at least

sir safe ka. hindi ka na mahahawa sa kanya. ako sir ganon, pag lumabas ka ,uuwi ka sa bahay,
ganun lang sir gawin mo tulad ng ginagawa namin. na yung suot mong galling sa labas, mas
mainamtanggalin mo na wag- bago ka pumasok sa bahay tanggalin mo na.

(Isn't it just like today, sir? If you know, our Delta Variant is in Capas, isn't it. If you don't have
anything important to do outside, it is better to just stay at home. Then, if you really need to go
outside, sir, just follow the safety protocols. You need to wear a facemask, a face shield, and do
social distancing if you are in a public place because there are different people there. Of course,
just follow our safety protocols. Even if you say that you follow it, if you get infected, you cannot
do anything. That is why it is better to be careful. A better example is that if you are careful,
even if you find it, even if you are sitting next to an infected person, at least you are safe and
you won't get infected by him. I'm like that, sir. Then, when you go out, you go home, just like
that, sir. Just like we do, it's better to take off what you're wearing outside before you enter the
house. Take it off, sir.)

FM: Yes, po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Yun lang sir ganon lang. Para...

(That's all.)

FM: Uhm sa pag- sa pagtatrabaho po normal lang ang po mahirapan at mapagod. Saan at
kailan po kayo nahihirapan sa pagbibigay ng tulong sa mga sitwasyon habang mayroong COVID-
19 po?

(Uhm When working it is given that we struggle at some point. Where or when do you
struggle the most when giving a response to COVID-19 situations?)

P2: Siguro kami sir…. ngayon sir talagang kung titignan mo mahirap ngayon sir eh. pero kapag
sir nakikita mong marami kang natutulungan hindi mo mararamdaman yung hirap at tsaka
pagod eh.

(Maybe we are, sir… Now sir if you are going to look at it, it’s really hard, sir. But when
you see that you are helping a lot (of people), you wouldn’t feel the struggles and tired.)

FM: Yes, po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: tulad ngayon sir halos… doble yung doble yung trabaho namin. lahat kasi ng ano ngayon
lahat ng ginagawa namin halos nag sabay-sabay tulad ng paghahatid ng mga oxygen kung
makikita niyo sir lahat ng nagpopost jan sa munisipyo na kailangan nila oxygen, hospital bed
nebulizer, tapos wheelchair basta na inaprubahan sa po sa munisipyo sir kami pupunta ihahatid
namin kahit saan sa kahit nasa bundok nga eh hung iba nga nasa bundok nasa Sta. Juliana sa
may Sitio Bulacan yung kailangan ng ambulance assistance yun sir tapos yung mga na-infect na
pamilya pag kailangan nila mag pa disinfect sa lugar nila yun sir halos lahat ginagawa naming

ngayon. pero nakakaya naman sir. oo mahirap pero yun sir ine enjoy nalang namin para atleast
di mo maramdaman yung pagod.

(Just like now, sir. Our work is twice as hard as before. Because all of the things that we
do are given to us at the same time, such as delivering oxygen if you see those posts of the
people in the Municipality (fb page) that they need oxygen, hospital bed, nebulizer and
wheelchair. As long as it has been approved by the municipality, we will give those to the people
who asked for it, sir, wherever their address is, even if it is in the mountains we will send it
there. Others that live on the mountain in Sta. Juliana in Sitio Bulacan, those who need
ambulance assistance, sir. Then the infected families, when they need to disinfect their house,
sir, we do almost everything now. But we can do it, sir. Yes, it's difficult but we just enjoy it so
that at least we don't feel tired.)

FM: Uh… may mga pagkakataon na po bang sobrang pagod na po kayo or lungkot po or
frustrated po kayo sa trabaho niyo po lalo na nakakasalamuha po niyo po ang may ang taong
may mga COVID-19 po? Yung mga taong ganon po. Dumating ka na po ba sa point na ayaw
niyo na po bang pumasok sa trabaho niyo po?

(Uh… Were there times when you felt exhausted, sad, or frustrated with your job
especially when you are exposed to a person infected with the virus? Those people, sir. Did you
come to the point where you didn't want to go to work (because of it)?)

P2: Ah… Oo sir yung nakaraan kasi... yung bali ang nangyari sa amin yung sa gru— yung sa
kasamahan namin. Aksidente ay- bale ano sir humingi ng assistant support sa ano sa
ambulance. Uh.. bali ano sya sir ah heart attack. tapos pinuntahan namin. syempre sir
emergency yun ehh. Oras ang hinahabol mo doon. romesponde kami dalawa kaming
ambulance. ginawa namin rinevive, dinala sa hospital. pag dating sa hospital sir positive siya.
hindi kami nakapag ready ng PPE kasi nga oras kasi hinahabol namin ehh [raised his eybrows]
pagdating sa hospital na swab test siya positive. yun ang... medyo na ano kami dun sir. kasi
lahat kami ng MDRRMC noon na quarantine kami. halos 33 kami na dinala sa quarantine facility
for safet- for safety lang na at least walang makakalabas sa amin na makauwi sa bahay hanggat
hindi kami na saswab. yun sir nag quarantine kami ng 5 days pagkatapos nung swab test namin
lumabas, balik trabaho ulit sir. negative- basta lumabas ung negative result namin, back to work
na ulit kami kaagad. yun lang sir ung medyo naranasan namin na medyo nakakalungkot kasi
kung nag positive kami kawawa yung pamilya namin. kasi umuwi kami ng ilang araw, di ba sir?
Yun lang sir. Yung…

(Yes sir, in the past… uh what happened to our team- our colleague asked for assistant
support in the ambulance. He had a heart attack. Then we went there, of course, sir, it was an
emergency. It is the time that you're chasing there. So we responded. We brought two
ambulances. We revived him and took him to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, sir,
he was positive (to COVID). We got quarantined. Almost 33 of us were taken to the quarantine
facility just for safety purposes, so that at least no one can go home as long as we didn’t get the
swab result sir. We were quarantined for 5 days, then after the swab test, we went back to
work, sir. As the negative result came out, we went back to work. We were back to work right
away. That's all, sir. We've experienced this (sadness)… it's a bit sad because if we were

positive, our family would be miserable because we wouldn't be able to go home for a few

FM: Sa pagbibigay tulong niyo po sa mga sitwasyong habang may COVID-19 po or pagiging
MDRRMO po, ano-ano at saang sitwasyon po kayo pina- pinakana- naka.. Naka.. nasiyahan..
Nasihayaan. Nasiya- [clears throat] sorry po, sir. Nasiyahan po. Na-Na- nasihayan. [chuckles]
Sorry po sir.

(In giving help to situations during COVID-19 or in being an MDRRMO, what situation did
you feel the most sa- satis- sasit- Natisfied. Sasistfied. Sasit- Sorry, sir. Satisfied, sir. Sa- Sa-
Sasistfied. Sorry po sir. )

P2: Nasiyahan, sir?

(Satisfied, sir?)

FM: Nasiyahan po at natuwa po.

(Satisfied and happy, sir.)

P2: Yung ngayon sir… Yung tulad nang sinasabi ko sir. Yung nangyayari ngayon. Yung
binibigyan naming mga hospital bed at oxygen yung mga taong hirap talaga sila, sir. kahit
sinasabi nila na... yung iba kasi mbes na magpasalamat sir… di mo naman nilalahat, sir diba?
Ah.. Imbes na magpasalamat sa amin na nabibigyan yung kababayan nila ng hospital bed,
oxygen bed sinasabi nila na dahil election lang daw. Kung kaming tatanongin sir, gusto namin
araw-araw election, eh. Kasi bakit? Lahat ng tao na hirap at hindi nakikita ng gobyerno na
kailangan niyang ganito, ganoon, nabibigyan sir diba?

(Right now sir… As I’ve said, sir. What happens right now… We give hospital beds and
oxygen (tank) to people who are having difficulty breathing, sir. Even though they say that…
There are other people who… instead of thanking us for helping them, they say that it is only
because the election is near. If it’s only up to us, sir, we want it to be an election every day.
Why? It’s because the government sees all those people who need help, they get what they
need and ask for, right sir?)

FM: Yes, po. Opo.

(Yes, sir. Right, sir.)

P2: Dun kami nag eenjoy. kahit pagod at least

(That’s when we enjoy it. Even though we’re tired, at least-)

FM: Yes, po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Nakikita mo aabutan mo yung tao na napakasaya niya. Yun, sir. Yun.. Dun. Dun ang
masaya, sir. Nakikita mo talaga pagdating nung uh nirequest niyang bed- hospital bed, oxygen.
Makikita mo yung may sakit, tumatawa, masayang-masaya nagpapasalamat. Yun sir.

(you get to see the smile and joy of people. That, sir. That… There… That’s the time we are
happy, sir. You really see how their faces light up and you see them really happy and thanking
you when you bring them the things they requested for like hospital bed and oxygen. Those
things, sir.)

FM: May mg balita po, patungkol sa kung saan nagkakaroon ng diskriminasyon sa mga taong
nagtatrabaho na may kinalaman sa COVID-19. Naka-nakaranas na po ba kayong diskriminasyon
sa trabaho- sa trabaho niyo po? Paano niyo po ito na-handle?

(Some reports have surfaced about how people avoid or discriminate against those whose
job involves dealing with COVID-19. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your
job- your job? How did you handle it, sir? )

P2: Uh.. minsan meron. Pero kasi sir, sasabihin lang naman sakanila na yun yung nakuha
naming trabaho eh wala kaming magagawa. Pero sir halos kasi ng- yung naranasan kong ganito
ibang tao kasi sir. Sa pas- patient namin na nagrecovery. Bale… ang nangyari kasi sir ah… ano
siya uh... second patient na positive ng Capas. Ay third patient ata yon. Tapos nung iniwu namin
siya galing quarantine facilities, kung saan siya nagnegative, nung nag-okay na, isesend from
home, babalik na sa bahay. Pagdating dun sa lugar, Uh parang hinold kami na bawal na muna
daw siyang bumalik don. Na kasi nga... natatakot daw yung mga tao dun sa kanila. Yun sir...
Pero lahat nang ganon na nagsalita sa kanya na… Nung pinahold siya. kinausap namin, ginawan
ng report, yun sir. dahil pwede silang kasuhan kasi pag ganon eh..

(There were times when there was, but we would tell them that we couldn’t do anything
because it’s the job we have. But what I experienced was with other people. With our pa- with
our patient who recovered. So… What happened is uh… The patient is uh… the second person
who tested positive for Capas. Ay i think the third patient. Then when we assisted the patient
home from the quarantine facility, as we arrived at their place. Uh… they got us on hold. They
don’t want us to put the patient back because the people in their place are scared. That sir. But
everyone who talked that way to the patient… When they got the patient on hold, we talked to
them and made a report about it. Because they can get sued because of that, sir…)

FM: Yes, po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Yung diskrimi- yung diskriminasyon sa kanila...

(The discrimination with them....)

FM: Opo.

(Righ, sir.)

P2: Bawal kasi yun sir eh. Yung… Halimbawa sabi ko nga dun sa pinakacheif din nila, kasi ano
yon eh parang isang barangay. “Halimbawa sir, sayo yan mangyari? Sayo gawin ng… gawing ng
tao yan baka di mo rin tanggapin ‘di ba?”

(That’s not allowed sir. The… Example, I told their head, because it’s like a barangay. “Example
sir, that happened to you. If you were in the patient's shoes and the people at your place did the
same thing to you, you wouldn't accept it as well, right?”

FM: Yes, po. Mahirap po.

(Yes, sir. It’s hard.)

P2: Yun lang basta kausapin lang- kakausapin lang namin yung mga tao na ganun yung
pananaw nila tapos yung patient din nati kakausapin. Para hindi siya makapag-isip ng anong
sinabi ng mga kababayan niya na dun sa lugar niya. Yun sir. papaliwanag mo lang sakanya ng
maayos baka hindi lang naintindihan. Oh sabihin nating takot sir. Oo takot. Pero di na mawawa-
di mo maaalis sa kanila yung takot sila , eh. pero yung patient natin sir… uh recovered na totally
recovered na okay na yun. yun pinapaliwanag namin sakanila. Oh yun lang sir.

(That sir. You just talk to them- we talk to them about their perspective and we also talk
to the patient. So that the patient wouldn’t think of the things his/her neighbors told about
him/her. That sir. Just explain it better, because maybe they just don’t understand the situation.
Okay let’s say they are scared. That wouldn’t- we could’t remove their rights to get scared, but
our patient sir… is fully recovered. He’s/she’s okay already. We just explained the situation. That

FM: Uhm Ano po ang mga pasakit at mga kinakaharap at pinagdadaanan niyo po ngayon, sa
pag tugon ng mga sakuna habang habang may COVID-19 po kumpara po sa dati na walang

(Uhm what are the struggles you are facing and going through right now in responding to
COVID-19 situations compared to other disasters?)

P2: Uh Yung ngayon medyo… o- medyo okay naman sir kaso nga lang medyo doble yung yun
nga doble pagod. Minsan kasi sir, uh... hindi na kami nakakatulog, minsan maghapon kaming
bumabiyahe, naghahakot ng covid patient, nagdidisinfect sa mga bahay tapos minsan may
tatawag na mag- yung sa dengue, kailangan naming mag fogging yung mag- mag hapon na yon
sir pagod na, pag dating ng gabi sir yun nanaman. aksidente, tapos yung mga emergency cases
na kailangan naming puntahanan. Yun sir. Uh medyo ang ano lang namin ngayon hindi kami
gaanong nakakapag-pahinga ng maayos. pero okay lang sir, kaya naman eh.

(It’s okay... but we're twice as tired, we can't sleep, we travel all day transporting covid patients,
disinfecting the houses, and then sometimes, someone will call asking help for dengue, we have
to fog the place. That goes on continuously until the afternoon, sir, we're already tired. Then
when the evening arrives another accident happens and then there are emergency cases that
we had to go to. The only issue we have right now is that we can't sleep well, but that's okay
because we can do it.)

FM: Yes, po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Yun lang parang medyo dumoble lang yung pagod lang namin ngayon tsaka yung trabaho
namin. pero kaya. Yun lang sir. Yung yung medyo napansin ko ngayon medyo naging ano yung
oras namin. Yun sir.

(It’s just that our tiredness and work appear to have doubled, but we can manage. That,
sir. It’s just that I really noticed that our time (to do other things) became limited.)

FM: Yes, po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Hmm-hmm [hummed in agreement]


FM: Uhm… Mas madali- mas madali po ba para sa inyo na tumugon sa ibang sa- iba pang
sakuna kaysa sa mga sit-sitwasyong COVID-19 po?

(Uhm… Is it easie- easier for you to respond to other dis- other disasters than COVID-19

P2: Uh… Oo sir. Medyo ah.. Mas mas okay lang din naman sir. Pero kasi sir pag ibang
halimbawa ibang... ibang cases tulad nung sa disaster. Tulad nung may bagyo ‘di ba gagawin
lang namin lahat ng uh bumagsak na… na mga puno sa kalsada aayusin naming para atlis uh..
possible na gamitin yung ano yung kalsada tapos uh atleast yung mga taong natatrap sa mga
ano sa mga... halimbawa yung mga lumulubog dito sa atin. Koko- kokonti lang din naman yung
mga lumulubog sir sa Capas, okay lang. At least alam mo yung gagawin mo. Alam mo yung,
kumabaga alam mo yung kalaban mo eh ‘di ba?

(Uh… Yes, sir. It’s a little… It’s easier as well, sir. But if it’s a different example different…
different cases like with disasters. If there’s a typhoon what we do is just uhh clean the trees
that fell down in the road so that uh… the road will be accessible again. And uh at least the
people who have been trapped in the… the places that are prone to flooding here in our place.
But only a few places here in Capas are prone to flooding, it’s okay. At least you know what
you’ll do. You know… It’s like you know what your enemy is, right?)

FM: Yes, po. [nods in agreement]

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Nakikita mo yung kung ano yung ginagawa mo eh. Hindi kamukha ng... tulad sa pandemic.
‘Di mo alam sir kung sino yung kaaway mo eh.

(You see what you do. Unlike with… with this pandemic. You don’t know what your enemy is.)

FM: Yes po. Kung sino yung makakasalamuha mo po.

(Yes, sir. Who you’re going to interact with.)

P2: Yun yung kalaban mo ngayon.

(That, your enemy right now.)

FM: Yes, po. [nods in agreement]

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Yun lang sir. Parang… kailangan mo lang... kahit sabihin mong safe na ko dito, yung katabi
mo pala sir di siya naging ano

(That’s it, sir. It’s just that… you need to… even though you say that you’re safe, what if the
person beside you

FM: Positive na po pala. Yun po...

(Is alread positive (to the virus)... That sir...)

P2: naging maingat. Edi damay ka rin sa kanya.

(If you aren't careful enough, then you’ll get affected as well.)

FM: Yes po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Oh yun lang, sir yung ano...

(That’s the only thing sir...)

FM: Last question na po ito, sir ano.

(This is the last question, sir.)

P2: Okay.


FM: Uhm kung sa hinaharap po, sir ay may isa pang pandemiya at na- na nangyari, nakikita
niyo po ba ang inyong sari- iyong sariling tumutulong, nagliligtas sa mga taong nangangailangan
at susubukan- susubukan labanan ang pandemiya bilang isang miyembro ng MDDRMC-
MDRRMC? Sorry po.

(Uhmm If ever in the future another pandemic has happened, do you still see your- see
yourself helping and saving people in need and trying to fight the pandemic as a part of the
MDDRMC- MDRRMC? Sorry, sir.)

P2: Ah.. Siguro sir oo. Uh halos… halos ngayon ilang taon na ito nakayanan natin di ba?

(Ah… Yes, sir. Maybe. Uh it’s been… this (pandemic) has been almost for years but we
manage to get through it right?)

FM: Yes po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Siguro sir kung meron pa man na ganito. Tulad nito yung 4 th wave. Pang-apat na tayo. Ap-
kung meron pang pandemyang ibang darating na ganito siguro sir kakayanin ng tulong ng ano…
galling sa taas.

(Maybe sir if there’s still another (pandemic) like this. Like this, the 4th wave. We are on the
fourth one already. If there’s still another pandemic that will happen in the future, sir we can get
through it with the help of God above.)

FM: Yes po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Bahal- ano na lang sir. Ah Syempre.. Kailangan din natin kahit sabihin natin na uh
sumusunod tayo dun sa safety protocol syempre kailangan din natin magdasal na ano sir.
Syempre sir dahil kailangan na… na suportahan tayo at protektahan tayo, kasi sir ang inaano
lang namin ngayon kahit na sir na medyo…. delikado yung trabaho namin. Kahit sabihin mong
naka PPE ka, kumpleto lahat. Yung naka- alam mong safe kana eh. Pero hindi sir. Nagdadasal
pa rin kami na protektahan kami lagi. Kasi nga kung kami yung ma-infect, sino paba sir magtra-
trabaho sa trabaho namin? Eh Yung ibang tao nga natatakot sa mga nagpapositive ‘di ba?

(It’s just that, sir… Of course. We also need to- even though we say that uh we follow the
safety protocol, of course we also need to pray sir. Of course we need the support and
protection from above. Because what we are worried about is that our work is a little…
dangerous. Even though you are wearing complete PPE- everything you wear is complete. You
think you are safe, but that’s not the case, sir. We still pray to God for Him to protect us.
Because if we will be the one infected by the virus, who will be doing our job? Other people are
scared of people with the virus, right? They keep their distance?)

FM: Yes po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Pero kami sir pinupuntahan namin at kasama namin maghapon.


(But us (the MDRRMC team) sir we go near them and we are with them until afternoon.)

FM: Yes po.

(Yes, sir.)

P2: Yun sir. kung meron sana, wala nalang sana, sana matapos na. [voice cracked] pero kung
meron man sir... kakayanin pa rin kasi sir ilang taon na nating [gulped] inaano to eh…

(That, sir. If there’s still another pandemic (that’s going to happen), I hope it won’t
happen anymore. I hope it will end soon. But if there’s still another pandemic, we will get
through it, sir. It's been years since we’ve been...

FM: Serbisyo po.

(Service, sir.)

P2: nakayanan. ngayon pa kayang... kumbaga parang anaano na tayo. Parang… nalampasan
lahat na natin yung kumpara mo dati na ang hirap talaga sir. madaming humihingi ng tulong.

(Got through it. (Are we going to give up) now that… It’s like we… like we manage to get
through the toughest time compared to before, it’s really hard, sir. There’s a lot of people asking
for help.)

FM: Serbisyo po.

(Service, sir.)

P2: Kung… Uh nakita niyo sir yung mga tao na unang kasagsagan ng pandemic, yung galing
Parañaque na naglalakad hanggang Bulacan. Oh yun sir. Hindi mo alam wala pang swab test
non kung positive sila o hindi. pero ang ginagawa namin sir, basta't may tumawag ng ganto
“Kailangan po namin ng tulong sir. Naglalakad po kami mula Bulacan hanggang…. Mula
Paranaque hanggang Bulacan.” Yun sir kukunin namin iuuwi sa Capas. Lahat ng Norte kukunin
namin na- yung mga stranded, iuuwi sa Capas, sa Munisipyo, papakainin tapos yung iba taga
Panggasinan. Tatawag sa Panggasinan kung wala ba silang maghahatid, kami pa rin yung
maghahatid sir. Yun na lang sir. Yun yung… ‘Di ba ang hirap nang dinanas ng ibang tao sir?
[voice cracking]. Kumpara mo dito sa probinsya sir ano… Uh.. i- nahihirapan tayo pero hindi
naman ganong todong mahirap. di kamukha ng sa Metro Manila, kasi si- kasi doon sir sa kanila
tulad nung nagyaring ibang- naging sakay namin non, na nagpapasundo na yung mga
istranded, oo sir nangungupahan ka ng bahay. Kahit ilang buwan kang- ilang buwan kang di
magbayad, di ka pwedeng paalisin eh. Sa tubig di rin pwedeng putulan kung nasa Metro Manila
ka yung ko- yung kuryente mo rin di pwede. Eh syempre sir kumakain ka. Hindi kamukha dito sa
probinsya. Kahit lumabas kalang kuha ka ng anong gulay, pwede. Sa Metro Manila sir, hindi.
Kailangan mo ng perang pambili. di ka pwedeng humingi. Yun sir, kaya… Pero kahit ganun yung
hirap na dinanas ng iba sir, nalampasan nila. At least ngayon ‘di ba bumabawi na ng konti. Yung
iba naka- nakabalik sa trabaho. Yung iba… Yung iba oh… Kung oo. Yung iba sir nawalan na ng
trabaho, nagsara na yung mga kumpanya nila pero nakakaangat sila ng konti kasi may ibang

trabahong pumasok eh. At least sir hanggang nagyon lumalaban parin yung mga tao na
dumanas ng ganoon. Di sila sumuko. Yun lang sir.

(If uh you see sir those people during the first outbreak of the pandemic. The one from
Paranaque walking to Bulucan. That, sir. You don’t know if he’s positive (to the virus) since swab
tests weren’t still available at that time. But what we do, sir whenever someone calls for help
llike “I need your help, sir, I’m currently walking from Paranaque to Bulacan.” That sir, we
picked him up and brought him to Capas. All the stranded people from the North we pick them
up and bring them here in Capas, in the Municipality office and we feed them. Some of them are
from Pangasinan. We will call the Municipalit of Pangasinan if they have any available
transportation to pick up the stranded people. (If they don’t have any available transportation)
we will be the one to send them there. That, sir. That’s the… The people went through such a
hard time, right sir? If you’re going to compare it here in the province, sir, we are not struggling
as much like in Metro Manila. Because in their place, just like what happened to our- passenger
that got stranded and who was renting a house. If you live in Metro Manila they are not allowed
to cut your line of water same with water. Of course sir, you eat. Unlike here in the province,
you can just pick vegetables outside. In Metro Manila, you can’t do that. You need money to buy
your necessities. You cannot ask for it. That sir. That’s why… But even though it has been tough,
people still manage to get through it. At least now we are coping a lot better. Other people got
back to work. Others… Others… Yes… They lost their jobs because their companies had closed.
But still they manage to get through it. At least sir, us people are still fighting to get through this
pandemic. They are not giving up. That, sir. )

Interviewer/s: Capiz, Daisy (DC)

Cuaresma, Kathleen Joy (KC)
Gopez, Macy Grace (MG)
Participant: Participant three (P3)

MG: Pinakaunang tanong po sir. Bakit niyo po napiling maging part ng MDRRMC po?

(First question, sir, Why did you choose to be a member of the MDRRMC?)

P3: Actually uhh, aksidente lang talaga yung pag-pasok ko sa munisipyo.. dati kasi
nagtatrabaho ako sa clark, ehh na aksidente ako ehh tapos nag-resign ako. Tapos yung kapatid
ko nagtuturo sa ECC, ehh dahil yung ECC nagtuturo sila doon ng ano ng ecc ng e-EMS. sa
abroad kasi tawag sa uhh EMS Emergency Medical Services pero dito sa atin ano uhh
Emergency Medical Technician. So nag apply ako doon sa- sa- nung una sabi sakin parang nag-
bubuhat lang, pero noong nag start na kami dahil kung wala ka talagang medical uhh
background sa- medical background talagang mahihirapan ka, kasi noong una uhh tinuturo sa
amin yung ano more on medical situation kesa sa mga ano, sa trauma.

(Actually, it’s just an accident that I entered this kind of job. I used to work in Clark.
Unfortunately I got in an accident and quit my old job. However, my sister teaches in ECC and
since ECC teaches EMS. In other countries, they call it Emergency Medical Services but here in
our country we call it Emergency Medical Technician. So I submitted my resume since they said

that it was just physical labor. However, when we started, since we don’t have any medical
background, we really struggled. Because they teach us more about medicine.)

DC: Opo.. okay po sir uhh. Next question po sir uhm.. miyembro po kayo ng MDRRMC kayo po
yung uhh nahasa po kayo maging alerto sa iba’t ibang klaseng sakuna. Ngayon pong may
COVID 19 sir paano po kayo nakakapagadjust sa new normal po sir?

(Yes, sir. Okay, sir uh.. Next question, sir. As a member of the MDRRMC, you are uhh you
are trained to be alert in different disasters. Now that there’s COVID-19, how do you cope up
with the new normal, sir?)

P3: Sa new.. Actually. ngayon yung mga uhh covid cases natin bumababa na, hindi kamukha
dati every duty may kinukuha kami tapos hinahatid sa mga hospital, [looks away] uhh almost
ano yon everyday [looks back] may time pa nga na nung nabalitaan nyo siguro yung nangyari
ah- sa Talaga diba, nung umusbong ung pag- uhh marami nag positive dun so.. kami lahat ng
mga staff pumasok kami lahat para alternate kami pag ahh- pagkuha sa mga ano nag positive.

(Actually nowadays, our COVID-19 cases have decreased. Unlike before, every duty we
have someone to pick up and assist in the hospital. Almost everyday, there was even a time
where maybe you heard about the news in Talaga. When many employees in Talaga had tested
positive for COVID-19. All of us in the MDRRMC came to work and we took turns assisting those
who were tested positive.)

MG: Ayun po, habang nagtatrabaho po ngayong may pandemya ano-ano po yung mga safety
mga safety precautions po or yung mga preventive measures na ginagawa niyo po bago po kayo
pumunta sa trabaho at bago po umuwi sa family niyo?

(while working now that there is a pandemic, what are the safety precautions or the
preventive measures that you take before you go to work and before you go home to your

P3: yung.. Yung ano Bago ako umuwi sa bahay nagpapa muna uhh nag aano muna ako nag
sasanitize tapos uhh pag uwi ko yung uhh pinapaligo pinapa paligo paligo ko uhh ko yung ano
maligagam na tubig, tapos ung mga damit ko nakahiwalay sa mga kasama ko sa bahay. [pause]
Se- syempre sa office hindi natin maiiwasan yung ano nandoon parin yung ano social distancing,
pag suot ng facemask tiyaka faceshield.

(Before I go home, I sanitize first and take a bath using lukewarm water. Then my clothes
are separated from the others. Of course when you’re at the office, the social distancing,
wearing of face mask and face shield.)

DC: okay.. Ahh sir next question po sir uhmm maliban po dun sa mga preventive measures po
na sinabi niyo po sir , meron pa po ba kayong sinusundan at yung pamilya niyo po maliban po
dun sa parang pinapatupad lang po ng gobyerno po?

(okay .. Ahh sir next question sir uhmm except for the preventive measures that you said
sir, are you and your family follow measures other than what the government implements?)

P3: [Looks away and Looks back] Oo Yung ano uhh, kadalasan kasi pag nasa labas tayo ma-
may kanya-kanya tayong baon na alcohol, uhh syempre kung minsan bago ka pumasok uhh sa
example sa church okaya sa mall kukuhanan ka muna ng temperature diba?

(Yes. Most of the times when we go out we bring our own alcohol with us. Of course
before going inside the church or malls they get your temperature right?)

MG: Para po sainyo sir ano po yung mga… ano po yung mga preventive measures at health
protocols po na sa palagay niyo po pinaka effective po sa pagpapakonti ng cases?

(For you sir, what are the… what are the preventive measures and health protocols that
you think are most effective in reducing cases?)

P3: Actually dapat yung mga tao ngayon uhh pag nasa labas nag susuot ng facemask. uhh yung
mga tao dapat kasi uhh mag pa-vaccine na, hindi naman porket na-vaccine ka hindi kana
tatamaan sa covid diba? Minsan tatamaan ka parin kaso yung magiging case mo noon ah ay
mild lang hindi ka magiging severe.

(Actually, supposedly when people go outside, they should wear a facemask and they
should be vaccinated already. (Because) if you’re vaccinated, it doesn’t mean that you won’t get
the virus, right? There’s still a chance that you can be infected by the COVID-19 virus but it
won’t be that severe.)

DC: Okay po sir uh.. Next question po sir uhh sa trabaho niyo po uhh normal lang pong
mahirapan at mapagod uhh saan po kayo pinaka nahihirapan po uh.. Sa pagbibigay po ng
tulong uhh sa mga sitwasyon po habang meron pong COVID .

(Okay sir uh .. Next question sir uhh in your work uhh it's normal to have difficulties and
be tired uhh where do you have the most difficulty uh .. In giving help uhh in situations while
tehre is COVID.)

P3: Dati kasi ang trabaho namin dito sa sa MDRRMC noong wala pang COVID ah almost pag
ano lang pag rescue, ngayon yu- uhh nadagdagan pa yung trabaho namin sa pag kuha ng
COVID tiyaka pag uhh disinfect sa mga bahay, At tiyaka ngayon yung ano mga tao kasi nagre-
uhh nagre-request ng mga oxygen tiyaka hospital bed ngayon pag may nag request uhh,
sasabihin ni saamin ni mayor na ihatid naming sa kanyang lugar yun yung ginagawa naming

(Because we used to work here at MDRRMC almost entirely on rescue when there was no
COVID, our job has risen as a result of receiving COVID and sanitizing the residences, and now
individuals are seeking oxygen and hospital beds. When someone makes a request, the mayor
will order us to take them to his residence, which is what we're doing right now.)

MG: Next question po.. Uhm.. May mga pagkakataon na po ba na sobrang napagod na po kayo
or sobrang lungkot niyo na po ganon po na dumating na po kayo sa point na uhh parang nasabi
niyo po sa sarili niyo na “ay! Ayoko nalang pumasok ngayon” yung ganon po.

(Next question.. Uhm .. Are there times when you feel so tired or you are so sad that you
have come to the point where uhh you seem to have said to yourself “ I just don't want to go to
work today ”he said.)

P3: Hindi pa naman, kasi sa dati kasi yung duty naming noon 1 day duty, 3 days off, ehh ka-
ngayon nung nag ka pulilyaso sa pag responde ginawa ng boss namin binawasan yung duty
namin yung isang grupo dinagdagan, so.. sa duty namin ngayon yung dalawang dri- yung driver
namin dalawa tiyaka yung mga medic namin uhh depende kasi sa grupo ehh yung iba mga..
mga lima hanggang anim, para kung may uhh aalis man na isang ambulansiya may maiiwan
padin sa ano sa office.

(Not yet, because in the past, our duty was one day duty, three days off. Now, because
something happened while responding, our boss reduced our duty, one group was added, so our
duty now has two drivers and our medics depend on the group, the others are about five to six,
so that if an ambulance leaves, someone will be left in the office.)

DC: uhh sir uhh san naman po kayo uhm pinakanatuwa po habang nagbibigay po ng tulong sa
habang may COVID 19 po?

(uhh sir uhh where are you uhm most excited while giving help while there is COVID 19?)

P3: uhhh Syempre pag kumuha kami ng umm COVID [patient] uhh tapos pag alam namin na
gumaling na syempre nakakaluwag sa [stutters] sarili mo na na nakakatulong ka sa kanila, lalo
na sa mga ano sa mga senior citizen minsan hindi narin kasi sila nakakapag lakad ng maayos so
ginagawa namin tinutulungan namin na mag buhat ng mga gamit nila.

(Of course, when we have someone with COVID and know that they have recovered, it is
self-relieving that you can help them, especially for elderly people who can't walk properly
occasionally, so we do what we can to help them move their belongings.)

MG: Next naman po sir uhh meron po kasing mga report na uhm dinidiscriminate daw po
yung mga related po yung trabaho nila sa COVID 19. Nakaranas na po ba kayo ng ganon?
Discrimination po tapos pano niyo po nahandle?

(Next, sir, uhh, there are reports that uhm, those people whose job is related in COVID 19
are being discriminated against. Have you ever experienced that? How did you handle

P3: Actually, sa part ko wala pa [shakes head] wala pa ‘ko na experience nag ano yung parang
pinandidirian ka? yun lang... sakin wala pa.

(Actually, I don't have any experience as of now. I hadn't had the opportunity to
[experience] it yet.)

DC: uhh ano po yung mga pasakit na kinakaharap at pinagdadaanan niyo po ngayon sa
pagtugon po sa habang may COVID 19 kumpara po dati na wala pa pong COVID?

(uhh what are the struggles that you are facing and going through now in responding to
while there is COVID 19 compared to before when there is no COVID?)

P3: uhh nga- kasi uhh [stutters] Ngayon kasing COVID kung minsan ginagawa namin kasi, yung
pasyen- yung patient kukunin namin sa bahay nila ah tapos [stutters] dadalhin muna sa hospital
uhh provincial hospital iaassess muna doon tapos uhh pag-katapos nila maassess minsan pag
hatid namin indose muna namin sa mga nurse at mga doctor na aalis nakami pag tapos na
assess nila uhh tatawag sa office namin kung mag-iistay sa hospital or kung saan man
itatransfer yung patient. [Long Pause] Kadalasan kasi diba yung mga yung mga patyente natin
dinadala sa ncc kung minsan tatawag yung hospital mga madaling araw na uhh syempre kasi
trabaho yun. Hindi ka naman makapag uhh- Hindi ka naman pwedeng mag ano sakanila na
ayaw nyo, baka ma-masumbong pa tayo [chuckles]

(Now, as COVID, we do this occasionally because we will take the patient to their home, then to
the provincial hospital to assess him first, and then they will assess once when we bring we first
indose to the nurses and doctors who will leave me when done assessing, and they will call our
office if the patient is staying at the hospital or wherever the patient will be transferred. Because
our patents are usually transported to the ncc, the hospital will occasionally call at dawn, of
course because that's work. You can't not do it. You can't do anything to them that you don't
want to; else, we could get sued.)

MG: Ano po to, parang related lang po sa nauna uhmm mas madali po ba sainyong magrespond
po or tumulong sa mga disaster po na iba compare po sa.. sa COVID 19? Yung mas madali po
bang, kunwari po mas madali po bang mga disaster noon kesa ngayong pandemic?

(This is related to the previous question, uhmm, is it easier for you to respond or help with
disasters that are different compared to ... in COVID 19? Is it easier, suppose disasters were
easier then than now in pandemic?)

P3: Actually, sa mga disaster wala pa talagang nangyari na sakuna dito sa capas, more on
nalang tayo yung mga COVID patient, tiyaka wala naman kasing baha dito uhh [Short pause]
yung mga actual- yung mga bumabahang lugar halos mga sa part ng western almost na alam
na nila mga ginagawa nila...

(Actually, in the disasters there has never really been a catastrophe here in Capas, we are
just more on the COVID patients, of course there aren't as many floods here uhh the actual- the
flooded areas are almost in the western part and they already know what they are doing...)

DC: Okay sir uh.. Next po sir. Uhm kung sa hinaharap po sir uh meron pa pong pandemyang
mangyayari uhh sana po wag naman po pero sir nakikita niyo pa po ba yung sarili niyong
tumutulong at uh nagliligtas po sa mga nangangailangan bilang member po ng MDRRMC?

P3: [Wipes sweat] hmm.. Ahh.. Oo naman, kasi masarap talagang tumulong lalo na sa mga
nangangailangan at talaga ng tulong natin, Hindi ka naman pwedeng mamili kung sino yung
tutulungan mo o hindi. [Wipes sweat] hmm yun lang..

(Of course, because it's really nice to help especially those who really need our help, You
can't choose who you will help or not.)

MG: Given po na member kayo ng MDRRMC, you are ready po to respond anytime, tama po ba?
If ever po na mayroong mainfect na family member niyo po, which is wag naman po sana, how
would you feel and react po?

(Given that you are a member of MDRRMC, you are ready to respond anytime, right? If
ever a family member is infected, I hope not, how would you feel and react?)

P3: Actually, dito sa family namin may nag COVID nayung nanay ko so siyempre yung una kasi
alam naming maraming tao kung sa hospital siya mag iistay mahihirapan siya so nag ano nalang
siya nag home quarantine, siyempre kahit ako dahil kasama ko sa bahay at nag quarantine narin
ako. Pero yung pag positive niya parang ano lang mild lang hindi siya nagging severe.

(Actually, here in our family someone had COVID, my mother. So of course the first one
because we know a lot of people if she stays in the hospital she will have a hard time so that's
why she did home quarantine, of course even me because I was at home and also quarantined.
But when she was positive, it seemed like it was just mild, she didn't become severe.)

MG: We all know po na your job is very demanding especially po sa time, how do you manage
po your time between your family and work?

(We all know that your job is very demanding, especially the time. How do you manage your
time between your family and work?)

P3: Actually, yung ganyang issue nasanay na yung misis ko minsan kasi lalo na pag may bagyo
yung health head namin si sir Mark tatawagin kaming lahat incase na kailangan ng mag
evacuate ng mga tao tatawagan at saka last year na bagyo yung ginawa namin yung mga
nagtumbahan na mga puno kami nag putol doon.


MG: Last question na po uhm.. Bilang ayun po bilang bahagi po ng MDRRMC gaya po ng sinabi
niyo diba po naeexpose po kayo sa uhh sa virus. May mga nasasabi po ba yung family niyo
about dun? Yung kanyari po uhm may nasasabi po ba silang masama or ayos naman po

(Last question uhm .. As part of MDRRMC as you said, you were exposed to the uhh virus. Does
your family have anything to say about that? Like for example, uhmm do they say anything bad
or is it okay with them?)

P3: Yung una kasi, halos araw araw nasa office kami hindi kami umuuwi, ako naman ang
ginagawa ko noon umuuwi lang ako para maligo tapos ginagawa nila sakin hindi ako sumasabay
na kumakain sa kanila, tapos yung plato ko nakahiwalay din para maiwas din sa ano sa
maeexpose din sila.

Interviewer/s: Capiz, Daisy (DC)

Cuaresma, Kathleen Joy (KC)
Gopez, Macy Grace (MG)
Participant: Participant four (P4)

MG: First question po, bakit niyo po napiling maging miyembro ng MDRRMC?

(First question, sir. Why did you choose to become a part of the MDRRMC?)

P4: Uh… Gusto niyo po ba talagang malaman yung totoong history paano ako nakapasok sa
MDRR team?

(Do you want to know the real story of how I got in the MDRR team?)

MG: *nods*


DC: *nods*


P4: Oh.. Ganito po kasi eh. ‘Di ba po bago mag start yung pandemic na to… di po ako dyan
nagtatrabaho. sa Clark pa po ako. And ma popromote na sana ako dun kaso tinawagan ako ng
tito ko na meron daw slot na open dyan. so hindi ko pa alam kung anong slot yun. Then pagda-
pagdating ko diyan pagkapass ng resume, pinatawag kaagad ako sa MDRRMC so yun po. Dun
na po ako nag apply. So tinanong nila sa akin- yung unang tanong saken kung hinde ba ako
takot sa dugo. Sabi ko hindi po.

(This is what happened… Before this pandemic started, I wasn’t working as a part of the
MDRRMC. I was still working at clark. I was actually being promoted but my uncle called me
saying that there was alreadly a slot available there. And I have no idea what kind of slot it is.
When I arrived there, I passed my resume then I got a call from the MDRRMC. So that is the
reason why I applied. The first question that they asked me was if I’m scared of blood? And I
told them i’m not.)

DC: Sir next question po is uhm uhh bilang miyembro po kayo ng isa- uhm MDRRMC sir kayo po
uhm nahasa po kayo iba’t ibang klase po ng sakuna sir, uhh ngayon pong may COVID sir paano
po kayo nakakapagadjust sa tinatawag nilang new normal po sir?

(Sir next question is uhm uhh as a member of one- uhm MDRRMC sir you uhm you have
been trained in various types of disasters sir, uhh now that we have COVID sir how do you
adjust to what they call new normal sir ?)

P4: So… ako kasi yung taong… ‘di takot sa mga ganyang klaseng pandemic. So… kung ano
yung gagawin ko… [scratched his nape] tulad ng… yan di ako takot dumikit sa mga taong may

COVID. Di talaga. [chuckles] So… nakakapag- yung mahirap lang sa akin is yung sa
pagbiyabiyahe. So... kami kasi meron kaming privilege na mag biyahe. dahil nga sa isa kame sa
mga frontliner ng... buong mundo kung tutuusin ‘di ba? so pwede kaming makapunta sa iba't-
ibang lugar, makatulong sa iba't-ibang lugar. Ganon po. Nakakapag-cope? Medyo mahirap pa
din kasi... yun nga ‘di ka makakadikit masyado o dimo madidikitan masyado yung mga pamilya
mo. so dapat masy distansya talaga. Kasi para- for the safety of your- for the safety of your
family ‘di ba? Ganon po. Medyo mahirap pero kailangan kayanin dahil nga frontliner tayo.

(I’m actually the kind of person who’s not afraid of pandemics. So what I do… Like… I’m
not scared to interact with a COVID positive patient. I really am not. The only hard part for me is
travelling. We have the privilege to travel because we are one of the frontliners of the world
after all, so we can go to different places or help people from different places. How to cope? It is
a bit difficult because you can’t just interact too much like, you can’t interact with your family too
much, you really have to distance yourself because for the safety of your family right? It’s a bit
difficult but we have to cope because we are frontliners.)

MG: uhh next question po sir, uhmm ngayon po diba pandemic? Ano po yung mga ginagawa
niyo safety precautions and preventive measures po bago po kayo pumunta sa- nago po kayo
umuwi sa family niyo and sa trabaho po.

(uhh next questio sir, uhmm there is a pandemic now right? What are the safety
precautions and preventive measures that you are taking before you go home to your family and
before you go to work?)

P4: So, safety precautions? bago ako pumasok ng bahay sisiguraduhin kong wala akong
makakasalubong. Yun.. Then so yung kwarto ko sa likod bandang likod naman ako lang mag-isa
don. Diretso agad ako maligo. Papakulo akong tubig. Magpapakulo akong tubig. Yun naman ang
pagpapaligo ko. Syempre [inaudible] yung tamang init lang. Para at least ah… makaiwas dun
sa… Pagkahawa or kung may nadikit na virus sa akin. Para di ko madala yuon sa loob ng bahay.
Same us pumasok sa trabaho. Syempre ano… uhm… [hand gestures] check mo yung temp
[temparature] mo, mag spray ka ng alcohol, ganun po. And social distancing pa rin. As much as
possible may distansya. Ganon po.. Ganon po tayo dapat mag-ano… mag-cope sa ibang tao.
Wag kang lalapit agad. Or… use your facemask. Lagi kang naka-facemask dapat bago ka
makipag-usap sa ibag tao. Yun po. To prevent.

(So, safety precautions before I enter the house I will make sure I do not encounter
anyone. I immediately took a bath. Same with us going to work, checking your temperature,
spraying alcohol and social distancing. Do not approach the person immediately, and always use
a facemask. Being vaccinated is also a big help.)

DC: Sir dun po sa mga sinabi niyo po sir meron pa bo ba kayong uhmm iba pang sinusundan
aside po sa uhmm sinabi lang po ng gobyerno? Ganon po.

(Sir base on what you said, do you have any other uhmm to follow aside from uhmm, the
what the government just said?)

P4: Ayun… Para hindi mahawa or… para maprevent lalo na’t para sa amin, para maprevent
namin yung pagkakaroon ng ganong klaseng sakit. Ano po… Siguro malaking tulong din kung
vaccinated ka, para sa akin. Vacci- ‘Pag vaccinated ka kasi eh.. ‘Pag vaccinated ka may panlaban
ka. At least yung virus kung makapasok man sa katawan mo, dun lang siya. Hindi na siya
makakalabas. Dun na siya mamamatay at yung katawan mo na lang mismo yung magtatanggal
nung sa virus sayo. Tapos, to prevent, sabi ko nga, yung ano, social distancing pa rin. [does
with hand gestures] Kahit hindi masyadong malayo basta may distance. Para sa akin ganon.
Tapos, kahit face mask lang. Sabi nga nila face mask na lang, wala ng face shield eh. Pero dito
sa atin, syempre kailangan.. Kailangan pa rin nating sundin din ang sinasabi ng gobyerno. Para
sa akin din naman yon.

(There… To not be infected or… to be prevented especially for us, so that we can prevent
the occurrence of that kind of disease. What… Maybe it's a big help if you're vaccinated, for me.
Vacci- ‘When you are vaccinated, eh ..‘ When you are vaccinated, you have a defense. And at
least if the virus can enter your body, it's just there. The virus can no longer get out. It will die
there and only your body will get rid of the virus from you. Then, to prevent, I said, what, social
distancing is still there. [does with hand gestures] Even if it's not too far as long as there is
distance. For me that's it. Then, even just a face mask. They said it's just a face mask, no face
shield. But here with us, of course we have to .. We still have to follow what the government
says. That's for me too.)

MG: Ayun po, next question naman po uhh sa palagay niyo po ano po yung pinaka effective sa
pagpapakonti po ng ano spread ng virus?

( next question uhh what do you think is the most effective in reducing the spread of the

P4: Para saken. Yun nga. Uhm.. kay.. Para sa akin… Social distancing pa din. hindi mawawala
dapat yung social distancing and always wear your face mask kahit nasa loob ka ng bahay kase,
lalo na, kame lagi kameng naka- may mga nakakahalubilong ibang tao. tapos syempre ang
trabaho namin hindi lang po pag kuha ng may covid, kung hindi pagpatay or pag alis nung virus.
Halimbawa, nag positive ka, pumunta kami sa bahay niyo at naka PPE kame, naka well dress
kame, naka face shield, face mask, gloves, PPE and shoes. Tapos meron pa minsan meron pa
kameng sinusuot na scrub na plastic para sa para hinde makapasok makadikit yung virus sa
sapatos. Tapos yung bacteria ang [inaudible]. Hinde lang naman kase pagkuha lang, pagpuksa
pa din pagpuksa pa din sa virus na nago-occur at lalo na meron kameng mga ginagamit na
antivirusna mga gamot pang virus pang patay ng virus.

(for me. That's it. Uhm .. kay .. For me… Social distancing anyway. the social distancing
should not be lost and always wear your face mask even if you are inside the house, especially,
we are always able to interact with other people. then of course our job is not just to get a
covid, but to kill or remove the virus. For example, if you are positive, we go to your house and
wear PPE, well dressed, face shield, face mask, gloves, PPE and shoes. Then there's another
time we wear plastic scrubs so that the virus can't get in and stick to the shoes. Then the
bacteria is [INAUDIBLE]. It's not just about getting it, it's also about eradicating the virus that is
occurring and especially there are antiviral drugs that are used to kill the virus.)

DC: Okay po sir, uhh next po sir uhh yung trabaho niyo po sir normal lang po kayo na mapagod
at tiyaka mahirapan po sir. Uhm sa pagbibigay po ng tulong ngayong may COVID 19 sir saan po
kayo pinaka nahirapan?

(Okay sir, uhh next sir uhh your job sir it's normal for you to get tired and it will definitely
be difficult sir. Uhm for giving help now with COVID 19 sir where are you having the most

P4: Sa pag… What you mean is pag ako napagod or talagang napagod talaga eh? [chuckles]

(When… What do you mean is when I'm tired or really really tired eh? [chuckles])

DC: Opo ganon po sir.

(Ye sir, like that)

P4: Ah Para saken, masarap makatulong eh… Masarap makatulong. So hinde mo

mararamdaman yun pag nakatulong ka. Kahit na ilan beses na ako muntik ma hospital pero
hinde ko ininda, after ko gumaling papasok at papasok ako. Kase masarap yung pakiramdam
na... Para saken, yung… pagkatapos mo mag disinfect alam naman naten na well suit. maiinit sa
loob talgang kung- pag tinanggal mo yung scrub suit or pag tinanggal mo yung PPE talagang
pawis na pawis ka. Pero yung pag nakikita mo na nag papasalamat sayo yung tao masarap sa
pakiramdam. Ayun. Yun ang pang laban ko sa pagod [chuckles]. Kahit sino naman siguro basta
meron kang taong napangiti, mawawala yung pagod mo. Yun. Di ako nakakaramdam ng pagod
‘pag ganon.

( Ah For me, it's good to help… It's good to help. So, you won't feel that [tired] when you
help. lthough I was almost hospitalized a few times, I didn't bother, after I recovered, I would
come in and go in. Because it feels good ... For me, the… after you disinfect, we know it's a
good suit. it will be really hot inside if- when you remove the scrub suit or when you remove the
PPE you are really sweaty. But when you see that the person is grateful to you, it feels good.
There. That's my resistance against being tired. [chuckles]. As long as you know that you have
someone who smiles at you, your tiredness will fade away. I don't feel tired like that.)

MG: Ayun po, uhm parang ganun lang din po sa kanina pero ngayon po diba po pag sobrang
pagod na po kayo or frustrated dumating na po ba kayo sa point na ayaw niyo nalang po
pumasok? [chuckles]

(uhm this question is related to the previous one but now, when you're really tired or
frustrated, have you come to the point where you just don't want to go to work? [chuckles])

P4: Dumating na sa point na suko na ganon?

(Came to the point where I want to give up, that?)

MG: Opo, kasi po diba gaya po ng sabi niyo kanina lagi po kayong expose sa virus so dumating
na po ba kayo sa point na ayaw niyo nalang pumasok?

(Yes, because, as you said before, you are always exposed to the virus, so have you come
to the point where you just don't want to go to workr?)

P4: Hin…di. Kailan ba? Siguro yung ako, hindi ako sumuko yung katawan ko yung sumuko, kaya
nagkasakit ako. muntik mahospitalised. Pero okay lang. Hinde pa din ako nagpatalo- Hindi pa
din ako nagpatalo kay covid [chuckles] Never ako mag papatalo sa bwiset na covid. Naiinis.
nakakaiinis na kasi minsan yung mga kaibigan mo hinde mo mapuntahan dahil nga...
isinasaalang-alang mo yung kaligayahan mo para para lang maging safe sila. Yun lang. Naiinis?
Oo. Sumuko? Hinde. Hindi. Hindi ako mapapasuko ng virus na yan.

(Came to the point where I want to give up, that? no…o. When? Maybe for me, I didn't
give up but my body did so I got sick. Almost got hospitalized. But it's okay. I won’t lose- I won’t
lose to covid [chuckles] I'm never going to lose to covid. it's annoying because sometimes you
can't go to your friends because ... you sacrifice your happiness just to make them safe. That's
all. Pissed off? Yes. Give up? No. No. The virus won’t make me give up.)

DC: Sir sa ano naman po uhm sa pagbibigay tulong niyo po habang may COVID 19 po sir saan
po kayo pinaka nasiyahan na situation po sir?


P4: Meron… Siguro.... Wala akong masabing definite eh. Kasi nageenjoy ako kapag meron
akong natutulungan. Para sa akin. Walang halong kaplastikan. Basta’t nakakatulong ako masaya
ako. Pag masaya yung nasa paligid ko, masaya ako. So… Ganun ako… Ganun ako lumaki eh.
[smiles widely] So.. Yun na yon. Basta meron akong natulungan masaya ako. Yun lang yung
pang-pawi ko ng- yung ngiti ng matanda, yun ngiti ng natulungan ko, yung ngiti ng mga
natutulungan ko. Yan lang. Yun.. At tsaka… sabi nga nila isa sa- isa sa panglaban sa COVID na
yan is yung saya na nararamdaman mo. So.. Meron na ngang mga nagkaron ng virus sa opisina,
pero hindi pa rin ako natatakot lumapit sa kanila. Kasi alam ko na hinding-hindi ako
mahahawaan ng sakit kasi masaya ako.

(For sure, I have nothing to complain about, but I'm enjoying, I'm very happy when I
helping, when my neighborhood is happy same as me, because I grew up full of happiness, so
that's it, the bright smile of people, and the people that I help when I see them happy I'm
satisfied, and people saying that a cure in COVID is Happiness, even in office, some of the
worker they got positive in the virus, but I'm not afraid to come closer to them, because I
knew, that I'm immune in that virus.)

MG: Ayun po, uhm next question naman po. Meron po kasing mga reports na yung mga tao
pong related sa COVID 19 yung trabaho nadidiscriminate daw po. Nakaranas na po ba kayo ng
dscrimination and kung nakaranas po kayo pano niyo po nahandle?

(Ayun po, uhm next question naman po. There are reports that people whose jobs are
related to COVID 19 said to be discriminated against. Have you ever experienced discrimination
and if so, how did you handle it?)

P4: Nakaranas ng discrimination… ganon? Dahil dumidikit kami sa mga positive? ….


(Experienced discrimination… like that? Because we go near with the positives?)

MG: Opo [Nods]

(Yes [Nods])

P4: Marami, eh. [scratches his nape] Pero tinatawanan ko lang sila kasi... katulad last time. Di
na lang ako magsasabi kung anong department, basta nasa munisipyo din sila. Na- “Ay! Mga
COVID yan. COVID. Layuan natin COVID yan.” [chuckles] So.. ang gingawa namin. Sa sarili-
para sa sarili ko, binubulong ko na lang sa sarili ko na “Hmp! MagkakaCOVID din kayo. Kanino
kayo papatulong? Sa amin din.” ‘Di ba? Ganun lang. Natatawa lang ako [chuckles]. So…
Discrimination? Hindi ko sila pinapansin [laughs]. Sila lang… Sila rin kasi ang lalapit sa amin.
Katulad- “Example, kayo. Sa inyong tatlo, kung magkaron ng COVID sinong lalapit lalo na
talagang dito kayo sa Capas? Sinong pupunta sa inyo? Kami [with hand gestures] ang pupunta
sa inyo. Kami ang didikit sa inyo. Kami ang tutulong sa inyo. Dadalhin namin kayo sa quarantine
facility. And then after that, ‘pag magaling na kayo, sino pa rin? Kami pa rin ang dadampot.
Kami pa rin ang pupulot- or kami pa rin ang kukuha sa inyo dadalhin sa loob ng bahay ninyo. ‘Di
ba po?” [chuckles] Yung discrimination, ‘di ko sila pinapansin. Tinatawanan ko sila. Makaka- I-
tatawanan ko sila. Galit pero tatawanan ko sila kasi sila- kami pa rin, wala silang ibang
pupuntahan kung ‘di kami pa rin. [nods] Yun.

(I experience the discrimination many times, but I laugh at them, and people saying to us
is " Don't come closer to them, because they have a virus", and saying to myself that someday
they will get positive in virus, that's it I laughing at them, Discrimination don't mind them,
because someday they will realize and begging help to us MDDRMC, for example you if you are
a positive in COVID, we MDDRMC will come to help, and transport in quarantine facilities, and
after that if you successfully survive to virus we are still checking up, and until discharge and can
go home we still supporting, Discrimination don't mind them, I only laughing at them.)

DC: Next po sir uhm, ano naman po yung mga struggles na pinagdadaanan niyo po ngayon
habang uhm nagrerespond po kayo sa mga disasters po habang may COVID 19 po?


P4: Uh… Disasters… Syempre sabi ko nga, yung [scratches his eyes] pagod na pag biyahe
biyahe biyahe. Tapos dun sa biyaheng yon, may halo pang disinfect, pag didisinfect ng bahay,
pagdidisinfect ng lugar, nakakapagod. Talagang nakakapagod siya. Tapos… Sabi ko nga, Hindi
ko pinapansin yung pagod or yung discrimination or yung nakaka- tinatawanan ko lang talaga
lahat, para makapag focus. Or struggle. Siguro struggle, dahil nga 24 hours kami per day... yung
syempre kailangan malakas ka parin lalo na kapag merong aksidente sa madaling araw. Pero
masarap pa rin talaga yung nakakatulong ka. Halimbawa kapag kami ung first sa scene, yung
matutulungan mo kung sino ung naaksidente, ang sarap sa pakiramdam. Pero nakakainis kapag
lasing… [chuckles] or yung naaksidente nakainom. Medyo mainit- puyat ka na, ganon pa din
yung reaksyon na mukukuha mo kaya kailangan mong makacope don para at least hindi mo siya
ma- masaktan [chuckles] or syempre gusto mo madala siya sa ospital ng maayos, ‘di ba? Yun.
Struggles. Di ko yan pinapansin eh [laughs]. Ganon ako eh, ganon ako. Ewan ko sa mga kasama
ko pero ako napapansin talga nila na gustong-gusto kong nakakatulong. Syempre iba-iba ung

mga- ako kasi lumaki akong ganon. Na kahit ano man yung struggles ko, hindi ko dinadala sa-
although minsan merong, medyo mainit ung ulo ko… ibig sabihin non meron akong
nararamdaman sa sarili ko na masakit or… Gutom? Hindi rin [laughs]. Sakit. Masakit sa kata wan.
Ganun. Ganun mainit ang ulo ko. Struggles? [shakes head] Di ko pinapansin. Yun lang po.

(Uh… Disasters ... Of course as I said, we [scratches his eyes] are tired of traveling,
traveling, traveling. Then on that trip, there was a mixture of disinfection, disinfection of the
house, disinfection of the place, it was tiring. He was really tiring. Then… I said, I don't pay
attention to the fatigue or the discrimination or the ones that make me laugh at everything, just
to be able to focus. Or struggle. Maybe struggle, because we are 24 hours a day ... of course
you still need to be strong especially when there is an accident at dawn. But the ones you help
are still really good. For example, when we are the first in the scene, you can help whoever had
the accident, it feels good. But it's annoying when drunk… [chuckles] or the person in the
accident drank. You’re a bit warm- you’re awake, you still have the same reaction so you have to
cope so that at least you don’t hurt him [chuckles] or of course you want to take him to the
hospital properly, ‘right? Yah. Struggles. I don't pay attention to that [laughs]. I'm like that, I'm
like that. I don't know about those with me but I really notice that they really want me to help.
Of course they are different- I grew up that way. That no matter what my struggles are, I don't
bring it to- although sometimes there is, my head is a bit hot… meaning I don't feel like I'm in
pain or… I'm hungry? Neither [laughs]. It hurts. Pain in the body. Like that. My head is so hot.
Struggles? [shakes head] I don't care. That's all.)

DC: Sir uhh mas madali po ba sainyo na magrespond po sa ibang disasters po habnag walang
COVID 19 or ngayon pong may COVID po?

(Sir uhh is it easier for you to respond to other disasters without COVID 19 or now with

P4: Madaling mag response? Aksidente ganon? Or … Actually [Inaudible] para kaseng ano eh
etong pandemic parang risk parin eh diba? Risk parin ang pandemic diba isa pa rin siya sa mga
risk ng or risk ng ating bansa so same lang eh kung may aksidente risk din. Parehas lang so
wala kang mapagpipilian, so lulusubin at lulusubin namin yan so… yun. Risk pa rin yan, ganon
lang. Hindi ko siya.. Hindi ko siya… para sa akin hindi ko siya [short pause] sinasabing [short
pause] istorbo ba siya, hindi risk parin [smiles] yan pa rin ang trabaho namin. Trabaho naming
makatulong, Trabaho naming rumesponde sa kahit ano. Halimbawa; covid ngayon may bagyo
pa, parehong risk yan hindi natin maalis yon nandun na - nandun pa rin kami, nandun parin ako,
kami ng mga kasama ko nandun pa rin para maka cope dun sa risk na yon [opens his palms] or
ma prevent yung risk na yon, sabi nga nila; prevention is better than cure so yung risk na yon
kami yung iri- iririsk nanamin yung buhay namin para dun, kasi yun ang trabaho namin nasa
MDRRMC merits or Response Team, yun po.

(Easy to respond to? Like an Accident? Or … Actually [Inaudible] It’s just like the
pandemic because there’s still a risk involved right? The pandemic is a risk on our or of our
country so it’s quite the same because an accident is a risk as well. They are the same because
you can’t stop either of them, so we will keep trying and trying so… that. It’s still a risk, that’s
that. I can’t… I can’t for me I can’t [short pause] say [short pause] that it’s troublesome,
because it’s still a risk [smiles] and because that’s our job. It’s our job to help, It’s our job to

respond to anything. For example; right now we have covid and a typhoon, they are both risks
we can’t remove that because we are still the-there, I’m still there, I will still be there with my
comrades to cope on that risk [Opens his palms] or to prevent that risk, as the saying goes;
prevention is better than cure and that’s what we risk our lives for, because that’s our job and
it’s in the MDRRMC merits or Response team, that’s that.)

MG: Ayun po, last question na po sir. If ever po sa future magkaroon po ng bagong pandemic
pero wag naman po sana uhm nakikita niyo pa din po ba yung sarili niyo na part ng MDRRMC?

(f ever in the future there will be a new pandemic but please don't uhm do you still see
yourself as part of the MDRRMC?)

P4: Ahhhh… Sana ako kase ako gusto ko talaga. Hindi ko alam bat nag enjoy ako talaga, siguro
nga dahil sinabi ko na nag eenjoy ako kapag meron akong nagtutulungan na tao. Siguro in the
near future sana… kung magkakaroon ng pagkakataon [Looks at the sky] isa ako sa mga
maging Leaders, yung ang gusto ko isa ako sa maging leaders ng MDRRMC or isa akong
[Gestures like he’s shaking an object] mataas sa isang branch ng MDRRMC, ayon po. Kasi...
[short pause] ewan ko talaga nag enjoy ako eh kaya nga yung gagawin ko niyan… papasukin ko
yun dapat kong pasukin para maging credited ako sa [Inaudible] sa pagiging [Inaudible] yun
[Clap]. Nakikita ko in the near future nakikita ko pa, isa pa rin ako dun sa mga nakasuot ng
scrub suit na mainit na mainit at yung nagbubuhat ng pag disinfect yun.

(Ahhhh… I hope so because I really want to. I don’t know why I enjoy it, probably it’s
because I enjoy helping people. Probably in the near future… if given the chance [Looks at the
sky] I want to be one of the Leaders, that’s what I want to be one of the Leaders of MDRRMC or
a person with [Gestures like he’s shaking an object] a high position in a MDRRMC branch, that’s
that. Because… [short pause] I don’t really know why I enjoy it so much but what I will do is…
I'll do whatever that I need to do to be credited on my [Inaudible] on being [Inaudible] that
[Clap]. In the near future I still see myself, I’m still one of the people wearing a scrub suit that
makes you really sweat and still carrying a disinfectant, something like that.)

MG: We all know po na your job is very demanding especially po sa time, how do you
manage po your time between your family and work?

(We all know, sir, that your job is very demanding especially in time. How do you manage
your time between your family and work?))

P4: Ahhhh… sa family ko alam na nila yung mga trabaho namin, kasama ko rin yung tito
ko siya yung nagpasok sakin sa ganito so kung pasahan man sana nga sinasabi
halimbawa kunwari; bago kami umuwi o… galing kami a positive, sarado niyo yung pinto
bago kami pumasok. Alam nila yung distance or alam nila yung gagawin nila para I
safety yung sarili nila samin para saamin, kami naman sinasabi namin sa kanila…
sinasabi namin kaagad sakanila kung ano yun sitwasyon namin. So hindi kami didikit sa
kanila alam naming… [short pause] hindi ako didikit sa kanila or alam nilang hindi sila
didikit saakin lalu na kapag galing ako sa… [short pause] positive or dun sa virus.
Actually… alam na nila eh, alam na nila yung trabaho namin, yun.

(Ahhhh… in my family they know what our job is, I work with my uncle he is the one who
convinced me to work in my current job so if i got infected i hope so they say something like for
example; before we go home or… we were from a positive case, they will close the door before
we come in. They know what to do to make sure that they are safe for our sake, for us we say
to them… we tell them early what our situation is. So we won’t get near them because we
know… [short pause] I won’t get close to them or they know not to get close to me especially
after I come from somewhere… [short pause] where someone is positive or has the virus.
Actually… they know, they know what our job is, that.)

Interviewer/s: Capiz, Daisy (DC)

Cuaresma, Kathleen Joy (KC)
Gopez, Macy Grace (MG)
Participant: Participant five (P5)

MG: First question po sir, bakit niyo po napiling maging bahagi ng MDRRMC?

(First question sir, why did you choose to be part of MDRRMC?)

P5: Okay, first of all, uhh syempre uhh, in line sa duty natin and then call of duty noh. Uhh
since 2012....sa MDRRM office as a… uh… ano palang temporary [Scratches head] nohh.. Then
way back 2015, dun palang ako na uhh permanent talaga as a Municipal disaster risk reduction
manager assistant. And then, followed by [short pause] come 2017 uhhh naging MDRR officer
tayo.. Officer one and then nito lang recently uhh promoted as officer three. MDRRM officer
three yun na. Soo napili ko itong line ng job uhhh.. though ako ay educator, industial arts
education ako graduate, major industrial arts at tiyaka board passer din ng licensure
examination for teacher. Uhh nakita ko naman yung progress nung uhhh nakakatulong ka sa
mga kapwa natin for rescue and recently nitong panahon ng covid kaya malaki yung role natin
sa ano sa lumaganap na pandemic. Kaya… for me it’s a uhhh magandang uhh line of duties
yung napili natin.

(Okay, first and foremost, of course in accordance with our duty and then call of duty. Since
2012, in the MDRRMC as uh… (I was) a temporary (employee) only. Then way back in 2015, I
was hired on as a Municipal disaster risk reduction manager assistant on a full-time basis. And
then by… come 2017 uhhh I was promoted as a MDRRm officer… Officer one. And then recently
uhhh (I was) promoted as an officer three. Officer three of the MDRR. So I chose this line of job
uh… though I am an educator. I’m a graduate of industrial arts education major industrial arts
and (I’m) a board passer for the licensure examination for teachers. Uhhh I saw the progress of
uhhh… when we are able to help other people for rescue and recently during this time of covid,
thus we have a significant part to play in the pandemic's spread. So… it's a… nice line of duty we

KC: uhh next question po uhh bilang miyembro po ng MDRRMC kayo po ay nahasa upang
maging alerto sa iba’t ibang klase ng sakuna ngayon pong may COVID paano po kayo
nakapagadjust sa tinatawag nilang new normal?

(uhh next question uhh as a member of MDRRMC you have been trained to be alert to
various types of disasters now that there is COVID how do you adjust to what they call the new

P5: Aahmm tayo bilang mga rescuer we are always ready for the, for the event na.. Ahhhhh
yung mga ahh disaster, or ahh mga bagay na pangyayare sa mundo na uuhh hindi maiiwasan,
so yung adjustment siguro ahhh kame, dahil nga siguro nahasa tayo sa mga ganyang bagay,
ready’ng ready tayo na sagupain yung ganyang klaseng trabaho, so for us it’s not good for us to
ano, to adjust.. ready’ng ready tayo..

(We, as rescuers we are always ready for the, for the event that the disasters, or things that
happen in the world that cannot be avoided, so the adjustment maybe, we, because maybe
we're trained in such things, we're ready to face that kind of work, so for us it's not good for us
to do anything, to adjust .. We're ready.)

MG: Okay po, next question naman po sir. Ano po yung mga diba po COVID 19 pandemic? So
ano po yung mga safety precautions po na ginagawa niyo bago po kayo pumuntang trabaho
and bago po kayo umuwi sa pamilya niyo?

(Okay, next question sir. It is COVID pandemic right? So what are the safety precautions
you take before you go to work and before you go home to your family?)

P5: Sa line of ano naman naten [uhh] before we go to our [uuh] area of responsibility make
sure na naka full PPE’s tayo noh, [uhh] naka disinfect yung sarili naten, ayun.. katawan naten
and then kapag ka sinasagupa na naten, kase kame yung [aahh] nagta-transport ng mga covid
positive patient noh, [uhh] hinahatid natin sila or kinukuha natin sila sa mga resident nila and
then dinadala sa quarantine facility or dun sa treatment area, noh, treatment facilities. [Aahh]
yung sa sarili naman naten we will make sure na naka full PPE tayo [uuhh] i can send yung
pictures para dun sa mga documentation for our.. [uhh] pwede.

(In the line of what we did before, we go to our area of responsibility to make sure that we have
full PPE's, we have disinfected ourselves, well. Our body and then when you are confronted by
us, we are the ones who transport the covid positive patients. We deliver them or we take them
to their residents and then take them to the quarantine facility or to the treatment area or
treatment facilities. We will make sure that we have full PPE, I can send the pictures for the
documentation for us. Possible.)

KC: Uh okay po, next question po. Uhh ngayong may COVID 19 po may mga bago po bang
preventive measures na sinusundan niyo at ng pamilya niyo kaysa sa mga pinapatupad lamang
ng gobyerno po?

(Uh okay, next question. Uhh now that there is COVID 19, are there any new preventive
measures that you and your family are following other than the ones implemented by the

P5: Yes Of Course meron no ahh.. lalo na yung pamilya mga bata na maliliit ganyan uhm..
[inayos ang camera] yan. Which is kapapanganak lang ah.. Dinadagdagan nalang yung pag
iingat syemrpe una yung pananalangin number one na sandata ko personally ah..syempre ahh..
Inaano konalang sa panginoong diyos yung, yung mga bagay na ahh..gagawin ko sa buong
maghapon sa trabaho ko in line of, in line of My duties, and then ahh..as i said full disinfection
and ahh..full protecion ah..with the help of PPE’s yun yung mga talagang inaano naten,
cinoconsider natin, yun lang.

(yes of course there is like .. especially the children of the family who are small like that uhmm ..
[the camera is fixed] that's just a baby ahh .. it's just being more safe and follow the precautions
of course first the prayer, my number one weapon. personally like ... of course like .. I'm just
telling the lord god those like ... I'll do my job all day in the line of, in the line of my duties, and
then ah ... as i said the full disinfection and like ... full protection like ... with the Help of PPE
That is the important we consider. That’s all)

MG: Okay po, uhm next question naman po. Ano po sa palagay niyo yung pinaka nakatulong po
sa pabpapabagal sa spread ng virus na mga safety measures and protocols?

(Okay, uhm next question. What do you think are the safety measures and protocols that
have helped the most in slowing down the spread of the virus?)

P5: Uhm..with the help of PPE’s ahh...ayon napeprevent natin na[Hand gestures] mag spread
kung talagang nasusundan lang yung mga safety precaution ng mga tao yun yung makakpag
pigil ng pag spread ng virus[hand gestures] kasi yang virus nayan ay nagmumula halimbawa
kapag na ah...na..napunta na sa katawan naten kung talagang pinoprotect naman natin yung
sarili naten [hand gestures]k, ahh… with the help of face mask and face shield ah.. Malaki yung
chances na hinde masyado ma spread tybg virus kaya nasa disiplina din ng tao[nod] self
discipline yan.

(Uhm..with the help of PPE's like ... we can prevent it[Hand gestures] from spreading if the
safety precautions of the people are really followed, that's what can prevent the spread of the
virus [hand gestures] because it's a virus comes for example when like ... when..the virus went
in our body if we really protect ourselves [hand gestures] ok, like… with the help of face mask
and face shield like .. there is a big Chances that we can slowly spread the virus that is why
nasa it is in based on the discipline of the people [nod] self discipline yan.)

KC: Next question po uhh sa pagtatrabaho po normal lang ang ang mahirapan at mapagod.
Saan at kailan po kayo nahirapan sa pagbibigay ng tulong sa mga sitwasyon habang mayroong
COVID 19 po?

(Next question, uhh, when working it's normal to have a hard time and get tired. Where
and when did you have difficulty in providing assistance in situations while there was COVID

P5: Hirap nang pagbibigy ng [shrugs and then shakes his head] Since sinumpaan ko na yung
trabaho ko, as permanent employe wala naman tayong karapatan mag reklamo doon sa trabaho
naten. Uhm yung hirap ay dahil nga ako ay Self into God dun nga sa my line of my duty and
Responsibilities dun sa trabaho ko. Netong pandemic actually I already experience na
magkaroon ng covid, I got possitive result way back this Sep 1, dahil nga dun sa risky na
trabaho na ginawa ko last August 22. Nag manage ako ng covid possitive sa hospital for 9 days
and then lumabas ako ng hospital. Ayon pag labas ng hospital naiwan pa yung pasyente ko for 4
days and then uhmmm.... kase special ano to job or ano ko to, kumbaga sa ano ehh.. special
task na trabaho kase yung nga supirior naten ang nag bigay ng ano saken ng task. So yun na
experience ko na mag karoon ng covid. Pagkalabas ko ng hospital ehhh... nag positive ako ng
covid and I experience na magkaroon ako ng symptoms uhmm... lost of smell, lost of taste,
nagkalagnat kaya hinde na bagong bagay yun saaken. So Kaya yung takot almost wala ng takot
kahit ngayon kase unang una sabe ko nga sa inyo ibinibigay naten lahat sa Diyos yung bagay na
para sa protection para sa sarili naten and sa mga frontliners.

(I swore my job, as a permanent employee we have no right to complain about our work. Uhm,
the difficulty is because I am Self into God in my line of duty and Responsibilities in my work.
This pandemic actually I already experience to have covid, I got positive result way back this
Sep 1, because of the risky work I did last August 22. I managed covid positive in the hospital
for 9 days and then I left of the hospital. According to when I left the hospital, my patient was
left for 4 days and then uhmmm .... because it's a special job or what is it, it seems like a special
task job because the superior gave me something for the task. So that's my experience to have
a covid. When I got out of the hospital ehhh ... I tested positive for covid and I experienced that
I had symptoms uhmm ... lost of smell, lost of taste, got a fever, but that's not a new thing for
me. So that's why there is almost no fear even now, because first of all, I know that we all give
God the things that are for protection for ourselves and the frontliners.)

MG: Uhm next question po sir, May mga pagkakataon na po ba na sobrang napagod na po kayo
uhm lalo na or sobrang nafrustrate na po kayo lalo na po ngayon yun nga po lagi po kayong
expose sa may COVID po. Dumating na po ba kayo sa point na ayaw niyo nalang pumasok?

(Uhm next question sir, Are there times when you are very tired uhm especially or you are very
frustrated especially now that you are always exposed to COVID. Have you come to the point
where you just don't want to go to work?)

P5: Yung ayaw pumasok hinde, pero yung pagod tsaka yung frustration dahil nga nag aalala
nga dun sa dadatnan mo sa pamilya mo and nandun na yung pangamba at takot mo. But then
again, kapag naman titignan mo yung line of your duty and responsibilities sa gantong panahon
uhm... yun nagkakaroon naman ng panibagong pagasa sa sarili mo and then pagod nga, lalo na
nung nag sunod-sunod nga yung mga cases naten, mga covid posstive patient naten. Sa isang
araw makakapag transport kame ng 10-20 possitive na pasyente dun sa provincial hospital,
quarantine facilities. May mga time na wala na tayong mapag lagyan doon sa mga possitive
patient naten. Yun yung nga nakaka frustrate, yung awa sa mga pasyente dahil hinde na naten
alam saan sila dadalhin.

(The one I don't want to come in? No, but the tiredness is also the frustration because you are
worried about what will happen to your family and your fears and anxieties are already there.

But then again, when you look at the line of your duty and responsibilities at that time, uhm ...
that's when you have new hope in yourself. And then this time is tiring, especially when there
are a series of cases, covid positive patients. In one day, 10-20 positive patients can be
transported to the provincial hospital, quarantine facilities. There are times when we don't have
anything to put on those positive patients. That's what can frustrate, pity the patients because
we don't know where to take them.)

KC: Next question po uhh, sa pagbibigay tulong niyo po sa mga sitwasyon habang may COVID
po,ano-ano at saang sitwasyon po kayo pinaka nasiyahan at natuwa po?

(Next question, uhh, in assisting in circumstances when COVID is present, what and in
which situation did you enjoy and felt the happiest?)

P5: Yun, ahhh it's good timing question yung special task na binigay saakin, ahh positive COVID
patient with a, na alam natin kapag direct contact ka nagkakaroon kang o makukuha mo yung
sakit, ahh Doon napaka, kung iisipin mo o iisipin ng ibang Tao, napaka delikado [Coughing] pero
alam niyo, noong time na buhong buho ko binigay ang sarili ko na, ahh "kakayanin ko Ito", at
Hindi ko Siya kinaya na may takot, kinaya ko Siya na may say sa sarili ko and I accomplished,
ahh isipin mo9 days kang ma expose for the COVID patient, and then ahh give full attention
Doon sa patients Hindi Lang siya binabantayan, pinapalitan mo Siya ng diaper or something like
ikaw nagpapa inom ng medical medicine, and that's the big accomplishment to me, yon ang
pinakama highlight nong itong trabaho ko na ginawa ko or nagawa ko.

(That's ahhh good timing question, they give me a special task, ahh positive COVID patient with
a, we know that when direct contact you will get positive in the virus, think about it or thinking
of another person, it's too dangerous [Coughing] you know it, in that time I gave my best all I
can do, ahh "I can do it", I did it doesn't even afraid, I did it with happiness in myself and I
accomplished, think about it 9 days you are expose for the covid patient and then give ahh full
attention to the patient not only that checking up them, even changing their diaper and giving a
medical medicine to patient, and that's the big accomplishment to me, that's is the highlight of
my work and I've done.)

MG: Ayun po, next question po sir. May mga balita po kasi na yung mga uhmm tao daw po na
yung trabaho po nila is related to COVID or yung pong nakakasalamuha po nila yung may covid
po as- yung mga COVID patients po sinasabi po nila na nadidiscriminate daw po. Have you
evern been discriminated po because of your job? If ever po paano niyo po nahandle?

(Next question sir. There ARE news because the uhmm people say that when their work is
related to COVID or that when they meet those who have covid as- the COVID patients say that
they are discriminated against. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your job? If
ever, how did you handle it?)

P5: Yes of course, lalong lalo na noong time na talagang alam nila na expose sa COVID 19,
hindi panaman nila alam ako ay ahh positive sa COVID, ahh alam niyo bang dati office mate ko
talagang na naramdaman ko na yung pag layo nila, yung ahh consider ka na positive agad, kahit
wala pang result, ahh for me myself it's normal, saakin it's normal to discriminate dahil nag
iingat din naman yung mga Tao or iniingatan mo rin naman sila, so for me na handle ko Yun in

positive way, Hindi yung maaawa ka sa sarili mo it's just because nilalayohan ka o dini
discriminate ka, for me it's good kasi I always positive or I always think positive Doon sa mga
bagay bagay kahit na ahh kahit sa iba ay negative, think positively.

(Yes of course, especially in the time that they know you are expose in covid 19, they doesn't
even know that's I'm positive in covid, ahh you know even my office mate I feel that they always
distancing to me, they ahh consider you a positive, even doesn't have a result, ahh for me
myself it's normal, for me it's normal to discriminate because they care for their health or I care
for them, so for me I handle that in a positive way, not a giving up because they distance to you
or discrimination you, for me it's good because I always positive or I always think positive, ahh
to others is a negative, think positively.)

KC: Next question po, ano po ang mga pasakit na kinakaharap at pinagdadaanan niyo po
ngayon sa pagtugon sa mga sakuna habang may COVID po kumapara po sa dati na walang

(Next question, what are the struggles that you are facing and going through now in
responding to disasters while having COVID compared to before without COVID?)

P5: Ok, yung mga hirap na dinadanas natin unang una yung sakit sa damdamin nung, for to
consider to ni patient for, for hindi man doon sa will parin ng sarili ko ehh, doon sa will parin ng
mga tao. Ok, before we only ahh… rinerescue lang natin yung mga… yung mga accident tapos
kung magkakaroon na lang tayo ng mga disaster like typhoon, earthquake and all, yun lang
yung mga line of duties natin and its seasonal, but then again ito it’s a continuous process na
halos wala pang kasiguraduhan kung kailan matatapos uhm… ayun yung mga bagay na
kinoconsider natin na pahirap at saka pasakit na hirap na mararanasan pa ng tao pag hindi sila
magpapakita ng disiplina sa sarili.

(Ok, the hardships we are going through are the emotional pain when, for the patient to
consider for, for not even in the will of myself ehh, but in the will of the people. Ok, before we
only ahh… were just rescuing the… the accidents then if we just have disasters like typhoons,
earthquakes and all, that's just our line of duties and its seasonal, but then again it's a
continuous process in which there is almost no certainty as to when it will end uhm… those are
the things that we consider to be torture and then the pain that people will experience if they do
not show self -discipline.)

MG: Tutuo po yun sir, tapos yung question po ngayon is related lang din po sa kanina. Uhm
mas madali po ba yung magrespond sa disasters dati po kesa sa ngayon na COVID- kesa po sa

(That’s true sir, then the question now is also related to before. Uhm, is it easier to
respond to disasters before than now with COVID- than with COVID?)

P5: Yes, of course madali mag, madali mag manage ng ahh… ano mga vehicular accident, pero
yung grabeng vehicular accident ehh medyo risky din yung pag aano, pero ngayon kasi ang
kalaban natin ay hindi natin nakikita noh? Mas, mas mahirap na... mas mahirap kalabanin yung
hindi mo nakikita diba? Ahh so before kapag nakita mo yung isang vehicular accident and you

know how to manage ahh alam mo kung ano gagawin mo. Ok, pero ngayon dahil nga yung
covid ay… alam naman natin kung ano yung covid, so hindi natin alam kung sino yung meron at
wala. So with that mas siyempre… mas ahh hirap tayo itong panahon nato, pero we have to face
the reality to this is… this is the new normal kaya yung mga safety precautions ehh… kailangan
ipatupad natin sa mga tao para hindi na mag spread yung virus.

(Yes, of course, it's easy... it's easy to manage ahh… vehicular accidents, but the serious
vehicular accident is a bit risky, but now we don't see our opponent, right? It's, it's harder... it's
harder to fight what you can't see, right? Ahh... so before when you see a vehicular accident and
you know how to manage ahh you know what to do, ok. but now because covid is… we know
what covid is, so we don't know who has it and who doesn't. So with that more... of course…
more ahh we have a hard time this time, but we have to face the reality to this is… this is the
new normal so the safety precautions ehh… we need to implement it on people so that the virus
does not spread…)

MG: Uhmm, last question po sir. If ever po na sa future or sa hinaharap po magkaroon na

naman po ng bagong pandemya pero wag naman po sana uhmm nakikita niyo parin po ba yung
sarili niyo as a part of the MDRRMC team tumutulong po and nagliligtas po ng mga tao?

(Uhmm, last question sir. If ever in the future or in the future there will be a new
pandemic but please don't uhmm do you still see yourself as a part of the MDRRMC team
helping and saving people?)

P5: Definitely! Yes of course! Uhhh... alam naman natin na yung ahhh.. nakita niyo ah
[Gestures with both hands] kinuwento ko na yung progress natin sa trabaho, nagsimula ako as
a… dun sa… sa hr as a ahhh… ahhh… salary grade 3 lang, three? And then nung nalipat ako dun
sa disaster is a-a parang voluntarily na nilipat lang din nung may plenty of position tapos nag
ah… naging medical amend mdrrm officer or assistant tayo tas salary grade 8 and then nag ah...
officer 1 and then ito yung pinaka high rate is officer 3 noh? nakita ko yung progress ko, nakita
ko yung paano ako naging better person. So there is no reason for me to back out on this kind
of job. Susulong tayo, ay... tutuloy natin yung [short pause] pakikipagdigma laban dun sa
[waves to the camera] sinumpaang nating tungkulin. At tsaka masaya natin tong ginagawa...
dahil number 1 na tatandaan natin yung always yung pinaka center ng life natin ang diyos yun
ang number 1, yun ang number 1 na i-consider natin. kayo kapag ka dumating yung panahon
na nandoon na kayo sa line of job or line of your duties, mahalin niyo yung trabaho niyo and
then to follow nalang na mamahalin kayo ng… nung… nung job ninyo and you became

(Definitely! Yes of course! Uhhh… we all know that ahhh… you saw… i told you my progress in
my job, I started as a… in… in hr as a ahhh… ahhh.. With a salary grade 3 only, three? And then
I was transferred in a disaster is a-a voluntary transfer because there were plenty of positions
then I became… officer 1 and then officer 3 which has the highest rate right? I saw my progress,
I saw how I became a better person. So there is no reason for me to back out on this kind of
job. We will move forward, then… we will continue the war because that is our job. And I am
happy with what I am doing… always remember that the number 1 priority, the center of our life
is God, that is number 1 thing that we should consider. You guys when the time comes when

you find your line of job or line of duties, love your job and your job will love you and you will
become progressive.)

MG: Diba po, uh gaya po ng sinabi niyo po kanina na sobrang demanding po sa time ng uhm
trabaho niyo po so pano niyo po nahahati yung time niyo sa work niyo po and sa family niyo?

(Isn't it, uh like you said before that your work time is very demanding, uhm, so how do
you divide your time between your work and your family?)

P5: Even before, [stares blankly] ahhh… napag aralan ko yung time table ah… magkaroon ka ng
balance o scheduling for your… for your personal, sa church... most likely sa church then sa job
mo. Uhhh.. Nandoon eh kailangan marunong, alam mong ibalanse ang lahat. Noh? Balance…
time table… so… and then there is no reason for you to, para ma conflict sa schedule nung in
your particular line of duties and responsibilities.

(Even before, ahhh… I studied how to utilize a time table ah… you need to have a balance or
scheduling for your… for your personal, church… most likely in the church then in your job.
Uhhh… It’s already there, you just need to know how to balance it. Right? Balance… time table…
so… and there is no reason for you to have conflict in your schedule for your line of duties and

Curriculum Vitae

During this pandemic everyone is affected by it, whether it be directly or indirectly.

Birthday parties, weddings, graduations and other celebrations are being cancelled.
Dream vacations are being postponed. Families and friends are losing loved ones
from this horrible virus. Thousands are losing their jobs and trying to figure out how
to make ends meet, not knowing when the end is in sight. So many of us feel
helpless and wondering when will this ever end. Here, we must accept the simple
truth that you and I sometimes suffer not because of our own mistakes, but because
of others’ faults, too. I hear some people say that they wish that they had a faith,
something to cling on to. Perhaps they are unable to have faith in God because of
their bad or bitter experiences in life. In that situation, I would try to persuade them
to be open-minded and to seek God. In his abundant love for humanity, God
promises that those who seek him will find him. God keeps his promises. I would add
here that we should not give up until we find God. So i pray and worship him through
online with all my sincerity that this pandemic will end so we can do the things that
makes us happy outside of our house without wearing a facemask and our parents
have jobs again so that they can feed us. We have to acknowledge that we live in a
fallen and broken world. The present epidemic is a crisis delivered by nature.

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