GEC 11: Understanding The Self: Activity On Social Self

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GEC 11: Understanding the Self

Activity on Social Self

Name: Bernard S. Rosal Jr Section:

I. Below are the different types of love. You are tasked to find a picture that you
think best represents each type of love. (5 pts. each picture)
Non-Love Friendship

Infatuation Empty Love

Romantic Love Companionate Love

Fatuous Love Consummate Love

II. Among the
types of love, which do you think best represents the idea
relationship and why? Please explain 3-5 sentences only. (10 pts.)

There are many types of love if we look at Robert
Sternberg’s theory of love which is according to his work
that love composes of 3 dimensions. These three
dimensions are called: infatuation, liking, and commitment
and with these 3 comes the different types of love. Each
one of these components contributes greatly in the
system of love that all of us have experience through our
lives. For me consummate love is the best type of love
that best represents ideals and relationship. This is a type
of love that all of the three components are present which
explains why it is called the rarest type of love. The
lover’s have a feeling of closeness and connectedness
which they feel on each other. Both lover’s have physical
attraction on each of them added by the right romance
that leads to a healthy relationship. They also shared a
long time commitment that the two of them must be
committed to enable them to reach that common goal.
Lastly, for me love cannot only be seen by the external
product but by these 3 components. We need to look at
these components as a guide to a right, healthy, and
productive relationship.

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