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(ESA Template v.2.1 of 10/05/2022)

[N.B. Please use this template to prepare the Cover Letter of your proposal. Once the Cover
Letter is complete and internally validated, please remove all captions in red colour, add your
own logos and headers/footers prior to finalising your proposal for submission to ESA.

When submitting to “esa-star” system, separate the Cover Letter from the Full Proposal
Template according to the required proposal elements]

From: (insert the name of the Tenderer or use your letterhead)
Date: (Tenderer to fill in the date of the Full Proposal)
The European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC),
Keplerlaan 1,
2201 AZ Noordwijk,
The Netherlands
Subject: ARTES 4.0 Downstream Applications CALL FOR PROPOSALS
Ref.: AO/1-10494/20/NL/CLP (Issue 2.0)
Our ref.: Proposal Title (proposal title)
No. (proposal reference number)


Dear Sir or Madam,

With reference to the above Call for Proposals, we present this proposal for a (Feasibility
Study / Demonstration Project) under (BASS / 5G / 4S) Programme Line.

1. Validity Period
This proposal is valid for a period of four months from the date of proposal submission to
ESA with implicit extensions as per Article 37 points 3 & 4 of the Agency’s Procurement

2. Overview of the Proposed Activity

The proposed activity (very short introduction of the project and the contents of the proposal
as a whole, you can use part of the information provided in Par.1 of the Outline Proposal,
adapted as you deem useful).
The proposed start date for the activity is (start date).
We hereby inform the Agency, that we (will/will not) start the work prior to contract award.

3. Bidding Team and Price Breakdown
Our Firm Fixed Price for the activity, in accordance with the funding conditions stated in the
Call for Proposals, amounts to (total price1) Euro all included, with the sole exception of any
import duties and value added taxes in the Agency’s Member States. This price is based on
a total cost of (total cost2)] Euro.
The geographical distribution within the Bidding Team is indicated in the table below.

Geographical Distribution within the Bidding Team

(for Contractor and Subcontractor(s) only, not for suppliers)

(2-letter ISO code)
country 1 xx %
country 2 xx %
country …. xx %

The details of the Bidding Team are as follows:

Bidding Team and Price Breakdown Information (all figures in EUR)

Contractor Subcontractor3 1 Subcontractor ..

Tenderer’s Complete Name and ........ ........ ........

Legal Nature

SME yes/no yes/no yes/no

Entity Code 1000xxxxxx 1000xxxxxx 1000xxxxxx

Country (2-letter ISO code) XX YY ZZ

Price Type FFP FFP FFP

Total Cost (total cost planned

........ ........ ........
for carrying out the activity)

Total Price (what is requested

........ ........ ........
to ESA)

Contact Details
Entity and contact details for the Tenderer (potential Contractor) are given below:

Activity Price is what is requested from ESA
Activity Cost is the total cost planned for carrying out the activity
Please fill in the table and do not forget the obligation for all components of the proposed bidding Team to
have at least completed the “Light Registration” in esa-star registration.

Entity Details Full Name: (full name of the Tenderer)
Address: (address of its seat)
Telephone: ........
Nationality ........
(according to
Contact person to whom all Name: ........
communication related to the Full Telephone nr.: ........
Proposal should be addressed:
Email address: ........
Postal address: ........
Author(s) of the Full Proposal: Name: ........
Job Title: ........
Person who will be responsible for the Name: ........
technical management of any Telephone nr.: ........
resulting contract, and who would be
nominated as such in the contract:
Email address: ........
Postal address: ........
Person who will be responsible for the Name: ........
contractual management of any Telephone nr.: ........
resulting contract, and who would be
nominated as such in the contract:
Email address: ........
Postal address: ........
Legal representative who will sign Name: ........
any resulting contract: Job Title: ........

Contact details for the Subcontractor(s) are given below:
Please fill in the table below and do not forget the obligation for all components of the proposed
bidding Team to have at least completed the “Light Registration in esa-star Registration (or delete the
above statement and the following table if no subcontractors are proposed).
Subcontractor Contact Details

Subcontractor 1 Subcontractor 2 Subcontractor

Subcontractor details Name: ........ ........ ........
Address: ........ ........ ........
........ ........ ........
Contact person for Name: ........ ........ ........
the purposes of their Telephone ........ ........ ........
Full Proposal to the nr.:
Email ........ ........ ........

4. Declaration Compliances

With respect to the “Declaration of Compliances” we herewith officially declare the following:

- In regard to the ESA General Conditions of Tender (GCT), we hereby certify that the
legal entities identified in sections 3 above have filled in the Agency Questionnaire in
“esa-star”, which has/have been updated not earlier than 12 months before proposal
- Regarding management contents of this proposal, we hereby certify that this tender
fully complies with the Management Requirements.
- Regarding financial contents of this proposal, we hereby certify that this tender fully
complies with the financial requirements of this CfP.
- We hereby state that we have read and understood all the terms and conditions of
the Draft Contract included in the subject Call for Proposals and that we accept the
said terms and conditions without any reservations. (Full and unconditional
compliance is expected. However, you are invited to propose how to complete the
parts of the Draft Contract which are left blank).
- We confirm that any sales conditions of our own shall not apply.
- We hereby acknowledge the right of the Agency during the validity period of this
tender, to require the Tenderer to provide evidence of any element of its proposal
and to give additional detailed information, including on the price quotation. This
includes the right for the Agency to perform an audit if the Agency deems it
appropriate (see Part 2 B7 of the GCT).
- This proposal is consistent with the Outline Proposal approved by the Agency
- With regard to the requirements in ESA’s Policy on the Prevention, Detection and
Investigation of Fraud (special reference is made to paragraph 5.8), the tenderer is

We hereby explicitly state that we have read, understood and accepted the Personal Data
Controller to Controller (PDCC) Annex to the Draft Contract. (This Annex forms an integrated
part of the Contract and the Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the fact that it will not be subject of
separate signatures. Should the tender lead to a Contract award, the PDCC will enter into force upon
signature of the Contract by both Parties.)

Done and signed for, and on behalf of .....................

Signature: ..............................

Name and title of the signatory: (full name and function) duly authorised to commit the
tendering entity and its proposed Subcontractor(s) for this purpose.

Signed Letters of Authorisation of Funding are attached as Annex 1 (if not already delivered
directly by the National Delegate(s) to ESA) for the following countries: xx, xx, xx.

Annex 1

Letter(s) of Authorisation of Funding from National Delegation(s)

Please enclose a copy of the letter from each relevant National Delegation.

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