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Characters: Professor

Student 1
Student 2

Scene Title: Freedom of Expression and Diversity of Perspective

Scene description: Months before the election, a Professor is taking her class
discussion when her students suddenly say something out of the blue.

Professor:(Standing and discussing something in front of the class)

Student 1: (Raise his hand,stand and call the attention of the Professor)
Prof., it really bothers me, the election is coming around. I feel like something
is interrupting other people to voice their opinion.

Student 2: What damn kind of question is that? Why do you care so much about people
voicing out their opinion?

(Student 1 and Student 2 started to have a conversation fight)

Student 1: Don’t you want to be heard and feel you belong in this society? Don’t you
want to speak up for your rights?

Professor: STOP ARGUING!....We all want to be heard and speak freely without
hesitation, without harming ourselves and others, because this is our right.

Student 1: Then why teachers aren’t allowed and prohibited from doing things related to
elections? Freedom of expression should supposedly not be suppressed on this day.
Right, Prof? Is it crossing the line if a teacher voices out his opinion in a minute in his
class. Does it violate the rules?

Student 2: Why are you so curious about this? Will you shift your course because of
that situation? Teachers may be punished if caught forming a group for or against a
candidate,or even discussing political issues and opinions inside the school, because it
was listed on a DepED order.

Student 1: Why shifting course? Why not shift the order itself?

Professor: You,two, I said stop arguing! (discuss the case)

The case here is, it is because it is inappropriate for a teacher to express their political
opinions and beliefs because we all know there is a great power imbalance between
teachers and student relationships. Teachers are very influential, insulating students in
political issues from our viewpoints as teachers may let them agree and disagree with
us. Some students will think disagreeing will lead to belittlement especially on this day
when you have a different view from the others. Aside from that, teachers have the
authority in school and what all they speak for remains to the student,that’s how
influential a teacher could be. A teacher’s political opinion may persuade students and
that's the challenge here, as teachers it is not our role to persuade or sway our students,
under the civil service law, if you are a public servant, you must not be involved in any
political issue and they must possess impartiality at times like this. Teachers must be

Scene 2: (Tolerance of dissent to achieved informed and responsible decision making )

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