2022.05.11 - CHENXin - BRI - New Pattern

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中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

The Belt and Road Initiative and China's New

Pattern of International Cooperation
Prof. Dr. CHEN Xin

Vice President, Deputy Director General

2022.05.11 Beijing - Coimbra

中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

1. Chinese experiences in the recent economic

2. The Belt and Road Initiative: policy framework
3. New pattern of international cooperation
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

1. Chinese experiences in the recent economic

中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

China's peaceful development

Ø The significence:
Ø the only big power in the world who's development is based on its
own peaceful path.
Ø No war, no colonization, and no ideology export.
Ø This is the biggest contribution to the world development.
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Approach: Economic integration

Ø Globalization
Ø Factors mobility:
ü Commodity
ü Labour
ü Service
ü Capital
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

The role of infrastructure

Ø If you want to develop, build the road first
Ø No infrastructure, no FDI
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China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Ø By the end of 2021
Ø Highways: more than
160,000 km
Ø Road: 5.28 million km
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Highway Highest bridge: 565m, 1.028 bn RMB

World top

longest bridge on sea: 36 km, 11.8 bn RMB

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China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Hong Kong -
Zhuhai - Macao
Bridge: 55km
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China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

High speed train lines

Ø Started in use in 2003
Ø By the end of 2021:
more than 40,000 km
Ø including:
ü 300-350km/h high speed
lines, 43%
ü 250km/h passenger lines,
ü 200km/h intercity and
mixed lines, 21%
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

High speed trains

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China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

The civil aviation

Ø By 2021
Ø 248 airports in 244 cities in
Ø 29 airports with more than
10 million passengers
Ø 17.8 million ton cargo
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China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

The infrastructure
Ø Broadband access hub:
1.018 billion
Ø Fiber: 54.88 million km
Ø Fiber access hub: 0.96
Ø Mobil base station: 9.96
million set
ü 5G: 1.425 million
ü 4G: 5.9 million
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

The internet penetration rate

Ø By December 2021
Ø Neters: 1.032 billion
ü 72.4% in city
ü 27.6% in countryside
Ø Mobil users: 1.029 billion
Ø Internet penetration rate
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Electricity and water supply

Ø Electricity
Ø traditional energy: coal,
hydro, nuclear
Ø new energy: wind, solar,
Ø Water supply
Ø water treatment
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

The role of government in infrastructure

Ø Planning
Ø Financing
Ø Public goods
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Global value chain

Ø Accession WTO
Ø Close connection with the
global economy

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China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Ø Cross boarder e-commerce
Ø 27% in Chinese foreign trade, 7
trillion RMB
Ø Shopping season of 11.11 in 2021,
965 billion RMB sales online
Ø BAT: Baidu, Alibaba, Tengsen
Ø JD.com
Ø TikTok
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Impact for the development

Ø Income improvement
Ø Reduction of poverty
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Ø 2. The Belt and Road Initiative: policy framework

中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Ø In September 2013, when President Xi Jinping visited Central Asian
countries, he initiated to build Silk Road Economic Belt.
Ø In October 2013, when President Xi Jinping visited South-East Asian
countries, he initiated to build 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
Ø The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), One Belt One Road (OBOR)
Ø In March 2015, Chinese government announced t official document on
One Belt One Road,
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

New opportunities for

China's reform
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Principles Aims
Ø In accordance with the UN Ø High standard
Ø Sustainability
Ø Openness
Ø Improving people's life
Ø Inclusive
Ø Market oriented
Ø Win-win approach
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

3. New pattern of international cooperation

中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Ø Road of peace
Ø Road of prosperity
Ø Road of opening up
Ø Road of green development
Ø Road of innovation
Ø Road of connected civilization
Ø Road of clean government
Ø Road of health
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China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Policy coordination
Ø Intergovernmental
Ø Policy comunication
Ø Trust building
Ø Economic
development plan
Ø Priority area
Ø Projects
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Infrastructure connectivities

Ø Backbone
Ø Railway, flight,
Ø Customs cooperation
Ø Energy cooperation
Ø Internet, fiber cable,
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Trade promotions
Ø Trade facilitation
Ø e-commerce
Ø Investment promotion
Ø Value Chain,
production chain
Ø Industrial parks
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Financial cooperations
Ø Financial stabilization
Ø Currency swap
Ø Bond issuing
Ø Silk Road Fund
Ø Financial suprvision
Ø Commercial bank cooperation
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

People to people exchanges

Ø Academic, culture exchanges
Ø Media coopration
Ø Student exchanges
Ø Tourism
Ø Party exchanges
Ø Local government exchanges
Ø Twin cities
Ø Think-tanks
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

Cooperation formats
Ø Bilateral
ü Multi layer
ü Multi channel

Ø Multi lateral
ü SCO, ASEAN+China, APEC, ASEM, China-Arabic Forum, China-Gulf
Cooperation Counci, Lancang-Mekong Coopertion, 16+1, etc

Ø BRI Forum, Shanghai Expo and Impo, Kanton International Fairs

中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS

New pattern of international cooperation

Ø Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

Ø Mutual willingness
Ø Teach people to fish instead of give fish
Ø Think about network
Ø Think about spill-over effect
Ø Think about interconnection
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS


Ø Economic initiative, instead of geo-political strategy

Ø Sharing experiences, seeking common opportunitie
Ø Based on willingness, instead of ideological dividence
Ø Be realistic
Ø Commercial linkage is not always the most important, it is as
important as to enhance better understanding toward eah other.
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS


Ø How do you think about the cooperation between China and

Portuguese-speaking countries in the framework of BRI?
中国—中东欧研究院 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所

China-CEE Institute Institute of European Studies, CASS


Thank You for

China-CEE Institute Institute of European
Studies, CASS

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