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ECE 2303



Capillarity is the rise of water in soil through the voids found in soil without the assistance of
external forces. It occurs due to two forces; cohesion, and adhesion. Cohesion is the attraction of like
particles of water molecules to other water molecules. Adhesion is the attraction of unlike particles
of water molecules to molecules of other substances. These forces make water to achieve surface
tension, since cohesive forces are stronger than adhesive forces. Thus, the surface of water acts like
a stretched film. The phenomenon of capillary rise is demonstrated in the laboratory by the use of
different sized capillary tubes. Water rises through the narrow tube against the force of gravity. The
pressure in the tube is less than atmospheric pressure. This is known as capillary pressure. Water
rises to a higher height in the tubes with a smaller diameter.

Soil contains a number of interconnected voids that act as capillary tubes. The water below the soil
in the water table is under compression, and its pore water pressure (u) is positive. The water will
rise due to the effect of capillarity as the water is in tension and the pore water pressure is negative.

Like in capillary tubes, the soils with larger voids will have less capillary rise in them, as compared to
soils with smaller voids. Thus, coarse-grained soils with larger grains would have larger voids thus
there is less capillary. They will retain less water. Finely grained soils like clay retain more water due
to smaller voids. Capillary rise is therefore dependent on the size of the void, not the size of the

As water rises in soil, the part of soil directly above the water table becomes saturated. The part of
soil above that generally has less water as water only rises through the narrower voids, while the
larger voids are occupied by air. In the higher zones, soil may have some water trapped. This is
known as contact water and mainly occurs due to fluctuation in the level of the water table or
infiltration from the surface.

Water moves upwards as it experiences an upward force, an equal and opposite force is experienced
on the soil particles, which pulls them together and inter-granular force is developed. Capillarity thus
increases inter-granular pressure which increases effective stress. As the water rises and the soil
becomes more saturated, the meniscus formed by water is removed, thus generated tension in
water reduces, which reduces inter-granular pressure, which reduces effective stress.

Effective stress is equal to total stress minus pore water pressure

Effective stress, σ’ = total stress, σ – pore water pressure, u

Below the ground water table, water is under compression, and pore water pressure is positive

Therefore, effective stress is;

σ’ = σ – u

The pore water is in tension when it is above the water table. As such, it is negative.

The equation of effective water pressure is;

σ’ = σ – (-u)

σ’ = σ + u

effective pressure is thus greater when pore water is under compression.

This is best seen when fine sand exhibits different strength under different conditions of moisture
when subjected to the same load. When entering a beach, dry sand is encountered first, and we find
it difficult to walk on sand as it is difficult to support our load. But on moving closer to the coastline,
the soil begins to get wet due to capillary rise. The soil is more stiff and is easier to walk on, due to
an increase in effective stress. On moving even closer to the coastline, capillarity is broken since the
soil becomes more saturated. This causes a decrease in effective stress. The soil is difficult to walk
on, and it becomes increasingly difficult to walk on soil.

Soil voids are a complex network. It is therefore difficult to predict capillarity in soil. If possible, we
should rely on direct observation.

A formula can also be used to predict capillarity

Capillary rise= hc = C

eD 10

C – empirical constant

e- void ratio

D10 – effective diameter

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