Chapter 10 Endocrine System

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Chapter 10

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Table 10.1

Classes of Chemical Messengers

Chemical Messenger Description Example
Autocrine Secreted by cells in a local Eicosanoids
area; influences the activity (prostaglandins,
of the same cell or cell type thromboxanes, prostacyclins,
from which it was secreted leukotrienes) Chemical messenger

Paracrine Produced by a wide variety Somatostatin, histamine,

of tissues and secreted into eicosanoids
extracellular fluid; has a Chemical messenger
localized effect on other tissues


Neurotransmitter Produced by neurons; Acetylcholine, epinephrine

secreted into a synaptic cleft
by presynaptic nerve terminals;
travels short distances;
influences postsynaptic cells

Neuron Neurotransmitter

Endocrine Secreted into the blood by Thyroid hormones,

specialized cells; travels some growth hormone, insulin,
distance to target tissues; epinephrine, estrogen,
results in coordinated progesterone, testosterone,
regulation of cell function prostaglandins Hormone


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Figure 10.1


Thyroid (posterior
part of

Adrenals Pancreas

(female) Testes

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Figure 10.2

Low Increased
blood blood
Ca2+ Ca2+

Endocrine cell
when blood
Ca2+ is too low



Endocrine cell
when blood
Ca2+ is too high

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Figure 10.3


An action potential
(AP) in a neuron
innervating an
endocrine cell
stimulates secretion
of a stimulatory

The endocrine cell AP

secretes its hormone
into the blood where
it will travel to its

Endocrine cell

Hormone Capillary

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Figure 10.4


Releasing hormone

Anterior pituitary
Posterior pituitary

Target Target


Neurons in the hypothalamus release stimulatory hormones, called

releasing hormones. Releasing hormones travel in the blood to the
anterior pituitary gland.

Releasing hormones stimulate the release of hormones from the anterior

pituitary, which travel in the blood to their target endocrine cell.

The target endocrine cell secretes its hormone into the blood, where
it travels to its target and produces a response.

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Figure 10.5

Negative feedback by hormones Positive feedback by hormones

Anterior pituitary Anterior pituitary

Tropic hormone Tropic hormone

Negative Positive
feedback feedback

Target Target
Target endocrine Target endocrine
cell cell

Hormone Hormone

The anterior pituitary gland secretes a tropic hormone, which travels in The anterior pituitary gland secretes a tropic hormone, which travels in
the blood to the target endocrine cell. the blood to the target endocrine cell.

The hormone from the target endocrine cell travels to its target. The hormone from the target endocrine cell travels to its target.

The hormone from the target endocrine cell also has a The hormone from the target endocrine cell also has a
negative-feedback effect on the anterior pituitary and positive-feedback effect on the anterior pituitary and increases
hypothalamus and decreases secretion of the tropic hormone. secretion of the tropic hormone.

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Figure 10.6

Hormone 1 Hormone 2


Hormone 2
Hormone 1 cannot bind to
bound to this receptor
its receptor

Hormone 1

Target cell
for hormone 1

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Figure 10.7

Water-soluble hormone
(glucagon, prolactin)
Lipid-soluble hormone Membrane-bound receptor
(thyroid or steroid)

G protein
Cellular ATP Adenylate
responses cyclase

Nucleus Protein
DNA Cellular responses

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Figure 10.8

Lipid-soluble hormones diffuse through

the cell membrane.
Lipid-soluble hormones either bind to membrane
cytoplasmic receptors and travel to the
nucleus or bind to nuclear receptors.

The hormone-receptor complex binds

to a hormone-response element on the Nuclea
DNA, acting as a transcription factor.

The binding of the hormone-receptor
complex to DNA stimulates the
synthesis of messenger RNA (mRNA),
which codes for specific proteins.
Nuclear receptor
The mRNA leaves the nucleus, passes Hormone-receptor complex
into the cytoplasm of the cell, and binds
to ribosomes, where it directs the
synthesis of specific proteins. DNA

The newly synthesized proteins
response mRNA synthesis
produce the cell's response to the
lipid-soluble hormones—for example,
the secretion of the new protein.
Proteins produced


Nuclear pore

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Figure 10.9

Water-soluble hormone
Water-soluble hormone binds to its receptor.


γ β α γ β α

GTP replaces
GDP on α subunit. GDP

Before the hormone binds to its receptor, the G protein consists of After the hormone binds to its membrane-bound receptor, the receptor
three subunits, with GDP attached to the α subunit, and freely floats changes shape, and the G protein binds to it. GTP replaces GDP on the
in the cell membrane. α subunit of the G protein.

Water-soluble hormone
Water-soluble hormone
bound to its receptor.
separates from its receptor.

γ β α γ β α

GTP Phosphate (Pi) GDP

G protein is removed from
separates α subunit separates GTP on α subunit.
from receptor from other subunits. Pi
The G protein separates from the receptor. The GTP-linked When the hormone separates from the receptor, additional G proteins are
α subunit activates cellular responses, which vary among no longer activated. Inactivation of the α subunit occurs when phosphate (Pi)
target cells. is removed from the GTP, leaving GDP bound to the α subunit.

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Figure 10.10

After a water-soluble hormone binds to its Water-soluble hormone

receptor, the G protein is activated. bound to its receptor.

The activated subunit, with GTP bound to it, binds to

and activates an adenylate cyclase enzyme so that it
converts ATP to cAMP.

The cAMP can activate protein kinase enzymes,

which phosphorylate specific enzymes activating γ β α
them. The chemical reactions catalyzed by the
activated enzymes produce the cell's response.
Phosphodiesterase enzymes inactivate cAMP Adenylate cyclase
by converting cAMP to AMP.

inactivates cAMP.

cAMP is an
Protein intracellular mediator AMP
kinase that activates protein (inactive)

Cellular responses

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Figure 10.11


G proteins



Activated protein
kinase enzymes

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Figure 10.12



Infundibulum gland

Sella turcica
of sphenoid

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Figure 10.12 Contd.

nerve cell


Posterior Anterior
pituitary pituitary Growth
hormone (GH)

hormone Adrenocorticotropic Adrenal
(ADH) hormone (ACTH) cortex
hormone (TSH)

(FSH and LH)
Prolactin stimulating



Mammary Mammary
glands glands Skin

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Table 10.2

Endocrine Glands, Hormones, and Their Target Tissues

Gland Hormone Target Tissue Response

Pituitary gland

Anterior Growth hormone Most tissues Increases gene expression, breakdown of lipids, and
release of fatty acids from cells; increases blood
glucose levels

Thyroid-stimulating hormone Thyroid gland Increases thyroid hormone secretion (thyroxine and
(TSH) triiodothyronine)

Adrenocorticotropic hormone Adrenal cortex Increases secretion of glucocorticoid hormones,

(ACTH) such as cortisol; increases skin pigmentation at
high concentrations

Melanocyte-stimulating Melanocytes in skin Increases melanin production in melanocytes to make

hormone (MSH) skin darker in color

Luteinizing hormone (LH) or Ovary in females, testis in males Promotes ovulation and progesterone production in
interstitial cell–stimulating ovary; promotes testosterone synthesis and support
hormone (ICSH) for sperm cell production in testis

Follicle-stimulating hormone Follicles in ovary in females, Promotes follicle maturation and estrogen secretion
(FSH) seminiferous tubules in males in ovary; promotes sperm cell production in testis

Prolactin Ovary and mammary gland in Stimulates milk production and prolongs progesterone
females, testis in males secretion following ovulation and during pregnancy
in women; increases sensitivity to LH in males

Posterior Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Kidney Conserves water; constricts blood vessels

Oxytocin Uterus Increases uterine contractions

Mammary gland Increases milk letdown from mammary glands

Thyroid gland Thyroid hormones Most cells of the body Increase metabolic rates, essential for normal process
(thyroxine, triiodothyronine) of growth and maturation

Calcitonin Primarily bone Decreases rate of bone breakdown; prevents large

increase in blood Ca2+ levels following a meal

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Table 10.2 Contd.

Parathyroid glands Parathyroid hormone Bone, kidney Increases rate of bone breakdown by osteoclasts;
increases vitamin D synthesis, essential for
maintenance of normal blood calcium levels

Adrenal medulla Epinephrine mostly, Heart, blood vessels, Increases cardiac output; increases blood flow to
some norepinephrine liver,adipocytes skeletal muscles and heart; increases release of
glucose and fatty acids into blood; in general,
prepares body for physical activity

Adrenal cortex Mineralocorticoids Kidneys; to lesser degree, intestine Increase rate of sodium transport into body; increase
(aldosterone) and sweat glands rate of potassium excretion; secondarily favor
water retention

Glucocorticoids (cortisol) Most tissues (e.g., liver, fat, skeletal Increase lipid and protein breakdown; increase
muscle, immune tissues) glucose synthesis from amino acids; increase blood
nutrient levels; inhibit inflammation and immune

Adrenal androgens Most tissues Insignificant in males; increase female sexual drive,
growth of pubic and axillary hair

Pancreas Insulin Especially liver, skeletal muscle, Increases uptake and use of glucose and amino acids
adipose tissue

Glucagon Primarily liver Increases breakdown of glycogen and release of

glucose into the circulatory system

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Table 10.2 Contd.

Gland Hormone Target Tissue Response

Reproductive organs

Testes Testosterone Most tissues Aids in sperm cell production, maintenance of

functional reproductive organs, secondary sex
characteristics, sexual behavior

Ovaries Estrogens, progesterone Most tissues Aid in uterine and mammary gland development
and function, external genitalia structure,
secondary sex characteristics, sexual behavior,
menstrual cycle

Uterus, ovaries, Prostaglandins Most tissues Mediate inflammatory responses; increase uterine
inflamed tissues contractions and ovulation

Thymus Thymosin Immune tissues Promotes immune system development and function

Pineal gland Melatonin Among others, hypothalamus Inhibits secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone,
thereby inhibiting reproduction
Pineal gland

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Figure 10.13

Stimuli from the

nervous system

Stimuli within the nervous system Hypothalamic

regulate the secretion of releasing neurons
hormones (green circles) and inhibiting
hormones (red circles) from neurons
of the hypothalamus.
Optic chiasm
Releasing hormones and inhibiting
hormones pass through the
hypothalamohypophysial portal Hypothalamohy- Artery
system to the anterior pituitary. pophysial portal
Releasing hormones and inhibiting Anterior pituitary
hormones (green and red circles) leave Releasing
capillaries and stimulate or inhibit the and
release of hormones (yellow squares) Anterior pituitary
inhibiting endocrine cell
from anterior pituitary cells. hormones
In response to releasing hormones,
anterior pituitary hormones (yellow squares) Posterior
travel in the blood to their target pituitary Vein
tissues (green arrow), which in some cases,
are other endocrine glands.


Target tissue
or endocrine gland

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Figure 10.14

Stimuli from the nervous system

Stimuli within the nervous system neurons in
cause hypothalamic neurons to supraoptic
either increase or decrease their nucleus
action potential frequency.

Action potentials are conducted by AP

axons of the hypothalamic neurons
through the hypothalamohypophysial
tract to the posterior pituitary. The Hypothalamo-
axon endings of neurons store hypophysial Optic
neurohormones in the posterior pituitary. tract chiasm

In the posterior pituitary gland,
action potentials cause the release
of neurohormones (blue circles) from Neurohormone
axon terminals into the circulatory

The neurohormones pass through the

circulatory system and influence the Vein
activity of their target tissues.

Target tissue

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Figure 10.15


Posterior aspect
of thyroid gland
Thyroid glands

Thyroid gland


Trachea Esophagus


Anterior view Posterior view

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Figure 10.15 Contd.

Thyroid follicle
(containing thyroglobulin)

C cells
Follicular cells
Thyroid follicles


Parathyroid gland
LM 100x

(d) ©Victor Eroschenko

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Figure 10.16

and other stressors

Stress and hypothermia cause TRH to be

released from neurons within the
hypothalamus. It passes through the
hypothalamohypophysial portal system to TRH
the anterior pituitary. Hypothalamus

TRH causes cells of the anterior pituitary

to secrete TSH, which passes through
the general circulation to the thyroid
gland. Hypothalamohypophysial
portal system
TSH causes increased synthesis and
release of T3 and T4 into the general
T3 and T4 act on target tissues to pituitary
produce a response.
T3 and T4 also have an inhibitory effect
on the secretion of TRH from the
hypothalamus and TSH from the anterior

Thyroid gland

T3 and T4

T3 and T4 in target tissues:
• Increase metabolism
Inhibitory • Increase body temperature
• Increase normal growth and

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Figure 10.17

Stimulus Response

Receptors and control

Parafollicular cells increase Effectors:
calcitonin secretion. Decreased bone
reabsorption and
Parathyroid gland decreased uptake
decreases PTH secretion. of Ca2+ from
intestine and
kidney result.


Blood Ca2+ levels increase. Blood Ca2+ levels decrease.
(normal range)

(normal range)
Blood Ca2+

Blood Ca2+
Start here

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Figure 10.17 Contd.


Blood Ca2+ levels decrease. Blood Ca2+ levels increase.

Stimulus Response

Receptors and control

Parafollicular cells decrease Effectors:
calcitonin secretion.
Increased bone
reabsorption and
Parathyroid gland increases
increased uptake of
PTH secretion.
Ca2+ from intestine
and kidney result.

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Figure 10.18

Abdominal aorta

Adrenal gland

Adipose tissue

Renal artery
Renal vein



Anterior view

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Figure 10.18 Contd.

tissue capsule

glucocorticoids Cortex



epinephrine and Medulla
LM 100x

(c) ©Victor Eroschenko

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Figure 10.19

Stress, physical activity, and • Physical activity

low blood glucose levels act as • Low blood glucose
stimuli to the hypothalamus,
• Other stressors
resulting in increased
sympathetic nervous system
activity. Epinephrine and norepinephrine in the
target tissues:
• Increase the release of glucose
An increased frequency of
from the liver into the blood
action potentials conducted
• Increase the release of fatty acids
through the sympathetic
from adipose tissue into the blood
division of the autonomic
• Increase heart rate
nervous system stimulates the
• Decrease blood flow through blood
adrenal medulla to secrete
vessels of most internal organs
epinephrine and some Spinal • Increase blood flow through blood
norepinephrine into the cord Sympathetic vessels of skeletal muscle and the
circulatory system.
nerve fiber heart
• Increase blood pressure
Epinephrine and • Decrease the function of visceral
norepinephrine act on their organs
target tissues to produce • Increase the metabolic rate of
responses. skeletal muscles
Adrenal medulla

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Figure 10.20

Increased blood
K+ levels
decreased blood Blood vessels
Na+ levels constrict

Increased blood K+ levels or decreased

blood Na+ levels cause the adrenal cortex
to increase the secretion of aldosterone
into the general circulation. Angiotensin II

The kidneys detect a decrease in blood
pressure. In response, they increase the
Angiotensin I
secretion of renin into the general Decreased blood
circulation. Renin converts angiotensinogen pressure
to angiotensin I. A converting enzyme Aldosterone
changes angiotensin I to angiotensin II, Renin
which causes constriction of blood vessels, Adrenal
resulting in increased blood pressure. cortex
Kidney (from the liver)

Angiotensin II causes increased secretion of

aldosterone, which primarily affects the
• Na+ retention
• K+ excretion
• Decreased
water loss

Aldosterone stimulation of the kidneys

causes Na+ retention, K+ excretion, and
decreased water loss.

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Figure 10.21

Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is

released from hypothalamic neurons in Low blood glucose and other stressors
response to stress or low blood glucose
and passes, by way of the
hypothalamohypophysial portal system, to
the anterior pituitary.
In the anterior pituitary, CRH binds to and
stimulates cells that secrete Hypothalamus
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

ACTH binds to membrane-bound

receptors on cells of the adrenal cortex
and stimulates the secretion of Hypothalamohypophysial
glucocorticoids, primarily cortisol. portal system

Cortisol acts on target tissues, resulting in

increased lipid and protein breakdown, Anterior
increased glucose levels, and pituitary
anti-inflammatory effects.
Cortisol has a negative-feedback effect
because it inhibits CRH release from the
hypothalamus and ACTH secretion from Cortisol
the anterior pituitary.

Adrenal cortex
(zona fasciculata)

Stimulatory Cortisol in the target tissues:

• Increases lipid and protein breakdown
• Increases blood glucose
Inhibitory • Has anti-inflammatory effects

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Figure 10.22

Common bile
duct from liver

Pancreatic duct
(first part of Pancreas
small intestine)


Acini make up the

exocrine portion
of the pancreas, which
secretes enzymes that
Acini move through the ducts
to the small intestine.
Delta cell
Pancreatic (secretes
islets make somatostatin)
up the
endocrine Alpha cell
portion of the (secretes glucagon)
which Beta cell
secretes (secretes insulin)

To pancreatic
duct and the
small intestine
LM 400x
To vein

©Biophoto Associates/Science Source

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Table 10.3

Effects of Insulin and Glucagon on Target Tissues

Target Tissue Insulin Responses Glucagon Responses
Skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, Increases glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis; Has little effect
cartilage, bone fibroblasts, increases uptake of amino acids
blood cells, mammary glands

Liver Increases glycogen synthesis; increases use of Causes rapid increase in the breakdown of glycogen
glucose for energy to glucose and release of glucose into the blood;
increases the formation of glucose from amino
acids and, to some degree, from lipids; increases
metabolism of fatty acids

Adipose cells Increases glucose uptake, glycogen synthesis, High concentrations cause breakdown of lipids;
lipid synthesis probably unimportant under most conditions

Nervous system Has little effect except to increase glucose Has no effect
uptake in the satiety center

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Figure 10.23

Stimulus Response

Receptors and control centers:

Pancreatic islets detect an increase
in blood glucose and secrete insulin.
Insulin stimulates
Intestine: glucose uptake by most
Digestive hormones (gastrin, tissues and promotes
secretin, cholecystokinin) stimulate glycogen storage in
insulin secretion. skeletal muscle and
liver. Excess glucose is
converted to adipose.
Autonomic Nervous System:
Parasympathetic stimulation of
pancreas promotes insulin secretion.


Blood glucose level increases. Blood glucose level decreases.

(normal range)
Blood glucose
(normal range)
Blood glucose

Start here

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Figure 10.23 Contd.


Blood glucose level decreases. Blood glucose level increases.

Stimulus Response

Receptors and control centers:

Pancreatic islets detect a decrease
in blood glucose and do not secrete
Decreased insulin results
Intestine: in decreased glucose
Inactivity of the intestine decreases uptake, increased
insulin secretion. glycogen breakdown by
the liver and skeletal
muscle, and increased
glucose synthesis in
Autonomic Nervous System:
the liver.
Sympathetic stimulation of the
pancreas inhibits insulin secretion,
including during exercise.

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Figure 10.24

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Table 10.4


Condition Description
Diabetes insipidus Due to a lack of ADH from the posterior pituitary; results in excessive urination

Hashimoto thyroiditis Autoimmune disease in which thyroid hormone secretion can be decreased; metabolic rate is decreased, weight gain is
possible, and activity levels are depressed

Primary 90% of cases due to adenoma of the parathyroid gland; causes blood PTH levels to increase above normal; elevated
hyperparathyroidism blood Ca2+ levels, weakened bones and possible muscular weakness

Addison disease Low levels of aldosterone and cortisol from the adrenal cortex; low blood Na+ levels, low blood pressure, and excessive

Gestational diabetes Develops in pregnant women due to actions of the placental hormone, human placental lactogen (HPL); in some
women, HPL overly desensitizes the woman’s insulin receptors; causes elevated blood glucose levels in the mother
and, if left untreated, excessive fetal growth

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Figure 10.25

Some increased bone reabsorption
occurs, which can decrease bone
density; increased blood Ca2+
levels can occur in severe cases. MUSCULAR
Muscle atrophy and muscle weakness result
Excessive sweating, flushing, and warm skin
from increased metabolism, which causes the
result from the elevated body temperature
breakdown of muscle and the increased use of
caused by the increased rate of metabolism.
muscle proteins as energy sources.
The elevated metabolic rate makes amino acids
unavailable for protein synthesis, resulting in
fine, soft, straight hair, along with hair loss.

REPRODUCTIVE Graves Enlargement of the extrinsic eye muscles,
Disease edema in the area of the orbits, and
Reduced regularity of menstruation the accumulation of fibrous connective
or lack of menstruation may occur (Hyperthyroidism) tissue cause protrusion of the eyes in
in women because of the elevated 50–70% of individuals with Graves disease.
metabolism. In men, the primary Damage to the retina and optic nerve and
effect is loss of sex drive. paralysis of the extraocular muscles can
• Hyperactivity occur. Restlessness, short attention span,
• Rapid weight loss compulsive movement, tremor, insomnia,
and increased emotional responses are
• Exopthalmos
consistent with hyperactivity of the
• Excessive sweating nervous system.
Weight loss occurs, with an associated • Exposure to radioactive io-
increase in appetite. Increased peristalsis dine
in the intestines leads to frequent stools • Treatment with drugs that
or diarrhea. Nausea, vomiting, and inhibit thyroid hormone
abdominal pain also result. Hepatic CARDIOVASCULAR
glycogen stores and adipose and
protein stores are increasingly used for • Removal of all or a part An increased amount of blood pumped by
of the thyroid gland the heart leads to increased blood flow
energy, and serum lipid levels (including
through the tissues, including the skin. The
triglycerides, phospholipids, and
heart rate is greater than normal, heart
cholesterol) decrease. The tendency to
sounds are louder than normal, and the
develop vitamin deficiencies increases.
heartbeats may be out of rhythm periodically.

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Figure 10.25 Contd.


Breathing may be labored, and the volume Antibodies that bind to receptors for thyroid-
of air taken in with each breath may be stimulating hormone on the cells of the
decreased. Weak contractions of muscles of thyroid gland have been found in nearly all
inspiration contribute to respiratory difficulties. people with Graves disease. The condition,
therefore, is classified as an autoimmune
disease in which antibodies produced by the
lymphatic system result in abnormal functions.

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