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Dean Warren P Booc

Grade 11 – Equinox

• How to dissect a frog? (Sequence)

One of the best ways to learn about adult amphibian anatomy is to dissect a preserved frog
and see how all the organs fit together inside its body. The Requirement of dissecting a frog
is; Preserved frog specimen, Dissection tray, Scalpel, Dissecting scissors, and Forceps.
Lay the frog on its back, spread out its limbs, and pin them to the tray. Use forceps to lift the
skin between the hind legs and make a small incision with a scalpel. The first incision you
make should be from the top of the frog’s jaw all the way down to between its legs. When you
cut you want to be more careful to cut skin only so that you can peel away the layer gently.
After you make the vertical incision, next you’re going to want to peel the skin back on the
ventral side of the frog by making two horizontal incisions, one up towards the frog’s neck and
one towards the bottom of the frog’s legs.
After that. You should see some organs and you will have a clear view of its abdominal cavity.
When opening the abdominal cavity of the frog you will need to repeat the three cuts you just
made, except this time you will do it with scissors so you can cut through the muscle and the
hard sternum. After that you need to peel back the muscle and the rib cage so you can see
the internal organs. Once you have your frog fully open, you will want to try identify as many
internal structure as you can.

• Most Fillipino Students hates Mathematics (Problem and Solution)

I know why most Filipino students hate Mathematics, because they think its dull or
uninteresting. They don’t get excited about numbers and formulas the way they get excited
about the other subjects. As a Filipino student like me I also feel the same way, because math
can be really boring and confusing.
The problem why we Filipino students hate math because sometimes we just get confused
how the numbers or the solution came from, but that’s the real challenge of the subject math,
solving and understanding the problem. We can overcome these problems by putting more
time and effort on the subject.
• Mathematics and Science (Compare and Contrast)

Math and Science are kind of the same because, Math is like science and Science is like math,
but they have their own similarities and differences. Regarding their similarities, mathematics
and science both are seen by society in general as essential components of schooling, rivalled
by literacy.
Math is not science because sciences seek to understand some aspect of phenomena, and
based on empirical observations, while math seeks to use logic to understand and often prove
relationships between quantities and objects which may relate to no real phenomena.

• The Solar System (Description)

The Solar System contains the sun and everything bound to it by the sun’s strong gravity – the
planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; including the
dwarf planets such as Pluto; dozens of moons; and millions of asteroids, comets, and
Our solar system is elliptical in shape. That means it is shaped like an egg. The sun is in the
center of the solar system. Our solar system is always in motion. Eight known planets and
their moon, along with comets, asteroids, and the other space objects that orbit around the
Sun. The sun is the biggest object in our solar system. It contains more than 99% of the solar
system’s mass. Astronomers thinks that the solar system is more than 4 billion years old.
Astronomers are now finding new objects, far from the sun which they called dwarf planets.
Pluto, which was once called a planet, but now called a dwarf planet.

• Calamba’s Garbage Problem (Cause and Effect)

In Philippines, we normally produce so much trash. As a result, we burry our garbage or burn
them, neither one is good for us for the environment. Burning garbage release dangerous
gasses and dust which contribute to global warming and pollute lakes, forest, ocean, and
cities. Burrying a garbage also causes both air and water pollution, and simply transporting the
garbage to the landfill consumes an increasing amount of valuable fossil fuels, which produces
more pollution and other problems.
Same happens in Calamba City sanitary landfill site with
As a result, DENR shuts down the landfill sanitary in Calamba City for violating the
Environmental Compliance Certificate, due to heaps of garbage stacked on a Landfill site.

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