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• Biochemistry • Water accounts for about 70-75% of the

explores weight of the cell.
molecular • Organic compounds accounts for 25-30% of
mechanisms the cell weight.
of normal • They are nucleic acids, proteins,
cellular polysaccharides (carbohydrates) and lipids.
processes as • Inorganic compounds account for the rest of
well as the cell weight. (electrolytes or ions) ; salt,
diseases. potassium, magnesium and manganese
• All higher
living EUKARYOTIC CELL (humans)
including humans are made up of cells.
• Two major classes:
o Prokaryotes
o Eukaryotes

• Robert Hooke was the first person to use the
term “cell”. He referred to the small empty
chambers in the structure of cork as cells.
• Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann
concluded that all plant and animal tissues
were composed of cells.
• Rudolf Virchow proposed the theory of
biogenesis where cells only arise from pre- • Eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound
existing cells. nucleus and a number of other membrane-
bound subcellular (internal) organelles, each
CELL THEORY of which has a specific function.
• A cell is the basic structural and functional
unit of living organisms. PLASMA MEMBRANE
• The activity of an organism depends on the
collective activities of its cells.
• According to the principle of
complementarity, the activities of cells are
dictated by their structure (anatomy), which
determines function (physiology).


DNA is found in the DNA is not enclosed
nucleus of the cell. within the membrane. • Structure: Phospholipid bilayer containing
Contain membrane- cholesterol and proteins and some
bound organelles carbohydrates; forms a selectively permeable
which include boundary of the cell.
Lack membrane- • Functions: Acts as a physical barrier to
enclosed organelles enclose cell contents; regulates material
reticulum, and Golgi movement into and out of the cell; functions in
complex cell communication with the environment and
Cell division involves Usually divide by other cells
mitosis. binary fission.

NUCLEUS • Structure: Double-membrane-bound
organelles containing a circular strand of DNA
• Outer membrane is highly permeable to
small molecules, due to the presence of a pore-
forming protein called porin.
• Intermembrane contains many proteins that
participate in oxidative phosphorylation.
Inner membrane has multiple folds
projecting inwards, called cristae
• Function: It is responsible for the production of
• Structure: It is enclosed within a double energy in the form of ATP.
membrane called nuclear envelope; contains
nucleolus LYSOSOMES
• Nucleolus: It consists of RNA and proteins
which functions in ribosomal unit assembly.
• Nucleoplasm: It surrounds the chromatin
and the nucleoli.
▪ Function: It contains the DNA that serves
as the genetic material for directing protein


• Structure: Spherical shaped membrane bound

organelles formed from the golgi apparatus;
contain digestive enzymes
• The fluid inside lysosomes is much more acidic, at
about pH 4.8, than the normal pH of about 7.0–
• Function: Digest microbes or materials by the

• Structure: This can be seen between the
plasma membrane and the nucleus where the
other cellular elements are embedded.
• Organelles are membrane-bound structures
which carry out specific metabolic activities
of the cell.
• Cytosol provides support for organelles and
serves as the viscous fluid medium.
• Function: It is responsible for various
cellular processes.

• It is further subdivided into:
• Rough endoplasmic reticulum
• Structure: Extensive interconnected
membrane network that varies in shape;
ribosomes attached on the cytoplasmic
• Ribosomes are involved in the protein

• Functions: Modifies, transports, and stores CYTOSKELETON
proteins produces by attached ribosomes
• Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
• Structure: Extensive interconnected
membrane network lacking ribosomes


• Cytoskeleton
• Structure: Organized network of protein
• Function: Maintains integral structural
support and organization of cells
• Microfilaments maintain cell shape.
• Structure: Series of several elongated, • Intermediate filaments give mechanical
flattened saclike membranous structures. support to structures like nucleus and
• Functions: Modifies, packages, and sorts plasma membrane.
materials, that arrive from the endoplasmic • Microtubules provides structural support.
reticulum in transport vesicles
• Vesicles transport cellular material. IMPORTANT NOTES IN PROKARYOTIC CELL
Mature vesicles are called secretory


• Prokaryotes (Eubacteria and Archaebacteria)

are the most abundant organisms on earth.
• A prokaryotic cell does not contain a
membrane-bound nucleus.
• Each prokaryotic cell is surrounded by a
plasma membrane.
• The cell has no subcellular organelles, only
infoldings of the plasma membrane called
• Structure: smaller, spherical membrane mesosomes.
bound organelles formed from the • The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is condensed
endoplasmic reticulum. within the cytosol to form the nucleoid.
• Functions: Detoxify specific harmful • Some prokaryotes have tail-like flagella.
substances either produced by the cell or
taken into the cell CELL MEMBRANE TRANSPORT
Passive Transport Process
• Diffusion is the movement of a substance from
an area of its higher concentration to an area
of its lower concentration.

• Simple diffusion is the type of diffusion of
dissolved solutes through the plasma
• Facilitated Diffusion is the type of diffusion
that requires a protein carrier.
• Osmosis is the diffusion of water point
across a selectively permeable membrane.

Active Transport Process

• This type of cell membrane transport uses
energy (ATP) provided by the cell.
• For example, cell has low intracellular
sodium; but concentration of potassium ADDITIONAL NOTES:
inside the cell is very high. This is maintained CELL
by the sodium–potassium activated • Fundamental units of life all living things are
ATPase, generally called as sodium pump. composed of cells therefore, all organisms are
• Exocytosis refers to bulk movement of highly organisms including humans are
substance out of the cell by fusion of constructed are made up of cells
secretory vesicles with the plasma • All biochemical processes are carried out by
membrane. our cells
• Endocytosis refers to bulk movement of • One cell is grouped accordingly once they are
substance into the cells by vesicles forming group, they can be organized and function as
at the plasma membrane. multi-cellular organisms
• The cells of the multi-cellular organisms can
CEL LIFE CYCLE be specialized in form and it can be function to
Interphase carry out sub processes of the multi-cellular
• It is the longer phase of the cell cycle where microorganisms
the cell is active and preparing for cell • Cell only arises on the pre-existing cells
• The DNA molecule is duplicated exactly in a BINARY FISSION
process called DNA replication which • A sexual reproduction wherein we separate
occurs toward the end of the interphase. one cell into to new bodies
Cell Division • It will duplicate the genetic material and
• Cells arise from the division of other cells. divide into two parts which is knows as
• Mitosis consists of four stages-prophase, cytokinesis.
metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The
result is two daughter nuclei, each identical PLASMA MEMBRANE
to the mother nucleus. • It’s the cell boundary it defines the perimeter
• Prophase- each chromosome consists of of the cell
two chromatids joined at the centromere. • It is a place of communication
• Metaphase- chromosomes align at the
center of the cell
• Anaphase- chromatids separate at the
centromere and migrate to opposite poles.
• Telophase- two new nuclei assume their
normal structure, and cell division is
completed, producing two new daughter

Occurrence and Functions of Carbohydrates CARBOHYDRATES
• Carbohydrate oxidation provides energy. • is the most abundant class of bio organic
• Carbohydrate storage, in the form of molecules on earth
glycogen, provides a short-term energy • In a living organism on what we called the
reserve. biochemical substances.
• Carbohydrates supply carbon atoms for the • biochemical substances are we found in a
synthesis of other biochemical substances living organism
(proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids) o Bio-inorganic molecules – do not contain
• Carbohydrates form part of the structural carbon in their structure example is the
framework of DNA and RNA molecules. water and inorganic compounds such as salt
• Carbohydrates linked to lipids are structural o Bio-organic molecules – This substance
components of cell membranes. contains carbon in their structure such as
• Carbohydrates linked to proteins function in carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids
a variety of cell–cell and cell–molecule • Glycogen are stored in liver and muscle
recognition processes. • Among the bio-organic substances the
carbohydrates is a major role in different
biochemical metabolism
• DNA and RNA have different sugar unit
o Deoxyribose (DNA)
o Ribose (RNA)
• Without your sugar unit no nucleic acid can be
formed because one of the major components
of the cell structure the monomer nucleotide is
your sugar
• Carbohydrates once it’s bound or attach to a
lipid is known as glycolipid. Glycolipid is part
of the plasma membrane or specifically
structural component of your cell membrane
• Carbohydrates once it’s bound or attach to a
protein is known as glycoprotein.
Glycoprotein it serves as the marker or
recognition between different cell or the

• A carbohydrate is a polyhydroxy aldehyde, a Carbohydrate - CnH2nOn or Cn(H2O)n

polyhydroxy ketone, or a compound that • Simplest type of sugar is monosaccharide
yields polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy • CHO - represent for carbohydrates because all
ketones upon hydrolysis. carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and
• The carbohydrate glucose is a polyhydroxy an oxygen
aldehyde, and the carbohydrate fructose is a • Carbon has a double bond O (C=O) –
polyhydroxy ketone. functional group
• -OH – hydroxyl group
• Derivatives of Carbohydrates – phosphates,
sulfates, amines
• Poly (many) hydroxy (used for hydroxyl
• Aldehyde – RCHO
• Ketone – RCOR’
o R- represent the side chain which are known
to be alkyl group
o O – double bonded to your central atom
which is your carbon

• Aldehyde is always at the carbon number one
(function group) while for the ketone its
always found at the carbon number two
• Why is ketone always found at the carbon
number two?
o Because of the alkyl group must be bonded at
the terminal end or prior to the carbon
which contains the double bond O
• If sugar contains aldehyde structure – aldose
• If the carbohydrate contains a ketone – ketose

• 3-7 carbon atoms in the structure
• Also known as monoses or glycoses
• -ose prefix
• Triose (3)
• Tetrose (4)
• Pentose (5)
• Hexose (6)
• Heptose (7)
• Pentose and hexose usually biochemically
CLASSIFICATION OF CARBOHYDRATES significant and are more abundant than the
• Monosaccharides are classified as aldose or other type of monosaccharide
ketose on the basis of the type of carbonyl • Ribose and deoxyribose which are also
present. known as pentose sugar. The ribose and
• Disaccharides are glycosides formed from the deoxyribose is for nucleic acid
linkage of two monosaccharides. • Hexose; glucose, fructose and galactose are
• Oligosaccharides are carbohydrates that biochemically important because the complex
contain three to ten monosaccharide units. carbohydrates. Also, the three of them have 6
• Polysaccharides are polymers in which carbon atoms in their structure
monosaccharides are the monomers. • They cannot be broken down into simpler
CHO substance because monosaccharides are
already known as the monomer unit of
HO H HO H • This is the simplest from
H OH H OH • It also known as simple sugar
H OH H OH • Straight chain compound
CH2 OH CH2 OH • The simplest aldose is the D- glyceraldehyde
it is considered as triose
• Ex: 5 C + RCOR’ = Ketopentose
Glucose and fructose are monosaccharides 7 C + RCHO = Aldoheptose
• Reaction involves for breaking down of the
carbohydrates is the hydrolysis – water
• Pure monosaccharides are water soluble

• Linkages that could be found between the two
or more monosaccharides unit in the complex
carbohydrates is the glycosidic
• Example of covalent bond
• SACCHARIDE – saccharum means sugar

• D- glyceraldehyde – being the one being STEREOISOMERISM: ENANTIOMERS AND
occupited there is the handedness or the DIASTEREOMERS
chirality of the molecule • Stereoisomerism. The atoms of stereoisomers
When we say handedness it’s the form of are connected in the same way but are
isomerism arranged differently in space.
Two types: enantiomers and diastereomers.
Objects and Mirror Images • have structures that are nonsuperimposable
• Most monosaccharides exist in two forms: a mirror images of each other.
“left-handed” and “right-handed” form. • They have chiral center
• Superimposable (Achiral) – mirror images • Left and right handedness
are images that coincide at all points when • Greek word enantios which means opposite
the images are laid upon each other. • Single chiral center
• Nonsuperimposable (Chiral) – mirror Diastereomers
images are images where not all points • have structures that are not mirror images of
coincide when the images are laid upon each each other
other. • Same side and opposite side; cis and trans
• It contains more than 1 chiral center
CHIRALITY • Also inform of enantiomers
• A chiral center is an atom in a molecule that
has four different groups bonded to it in a FISCHER PROJECTION FORMULAS
tetrahedral orientation. • A Fischer projection formula is a two-
• A molecule that contains a chiral center is dimensional structural notation for showing
said to be chiral. the spatial arrangement of groups about chiral
• A chiral molecule is a molecule whose mirror centers in molecules.
images are not superimposable. • In a Fischer projection formula a chiral center
(Carbon) is represented as the intersection of
vertical and horizontal lines
• It is important to right the functional group
of high priority
• Aldehyde is the high priority than
• D – dextro (right)
• L – levo (left)
• We check on the last OH group


• The carbon atom must be seen attach to • D and L system used to designate the
four different groups in a tetrahedral handedness of glyceraldehyde enantiomers.
• Example:

H – C – OH

H – C – OH If you see 2 atoms
attach to carbon atom
H 7
• The D,L system used to designate the Galactose and Ribose
handedness of glyceraldehyde enantiomers D-Galactose CHO
can be extended to other monosaccharides 1. Milk sugar H OH
with more than one chiral center. 2. Synthesize in human HO H
• The carbon chain is numbered starting at the 3. Used to differentiate between HO H
carbonyl group end of the molecule, and the blood types H OH
highest-numbered chiral center is used to 4. Six membered cyclic form CH2 OH
determine D or L configuration. D-Galactos e
• Other name is also known as (aldohexose)
• Monosaccharides • ABO blood group system
are often • Why is it named as brain sugar? Because it is
classified by both H OH O part of the brain and nerve tissue
their number of HO H HO H • Less sweet than your glucose
carbon atoms and H OH H OH
• They are actually seldom free
their functional monosaccharides
group. H OH H OH
• Galactosemia difficulty in breaking down or
• A six-carbon CH2OH CH2OH converting galactose to glucose
monosaccharide D-Glucose D-Fructose
with an aldehyde
(aldohexose) (ketohexose)
D-Ribose CHO
functional group is an aldohexose; a five- 1. Part of RNA H OH
carbon monosaccharide with a ketone 2. Part of ATP H OH
functional group is a ketopentose. 3. Part of DNA H OH
4. Five membered cyclic form CH2 OH
Biochemically Important Monosaccharides D-Ribose
Glucose (C6H12O6) CHO • Fructose is also having five (aldopentose)
• Dextrose or blood sugar and membered cyclic form
also known as grape sugar
• Grape sugar is the good HO H

source of your glucose H OH Carbohydrates – almost all of the

• Among all the type of H OH monosaccharides their handedness is
monosaccharides this is the biochemically significant right handedness or d
biochemically important it is designation
the aldohexose (aldohexose) Amino acids – left handedness
• Most common
• Source of energy and metabolic intermediate • A Haworth projection formula is a two-
• D-glucose is the most abundant in nature and the dimensional structural notation that specifies the
most important from a human nutritional three-dimensional structure of a cyclic form of a
standpoint. monosaccharide.
• Named after Walter Norman Haworth
Fructose (C6H12O6)
• D-Fructose is biochemically O

the most important O

ketohexose. It is also known HO H OH

as levulose and fruit sugar. H OH

• Sweetest tasting of all sugar -D-Glucose
 -D-Fructose
(fruit sugar)
• Semen contains fructose CH2OH CH2 OH CH2 OH

• Dietary sugar due to D-Fructose


sweetness OH
• More water-soluble compare to glucose -D-Fructose -D-Ribose

• Can serve as for preservative for food and for

intravenous nutrient

What are we going to check to know if it is SUGAR ALCOHOLS
Dextro or Levo • Reduction to sugar alcohols: The carbonyl
• We check the CH2OH position group in a monosaccharide (either an aldose
• Upward CH2OH used the D (right) or a ketose) is reduced to a hydroxyl group
• Downard CH2OH used the L (left) using hydrogen as the reducing agent.
• Either aldose or ketose
Pyranose – six atom ring (glucose) • Form of hydroxyl group
Furanose – five atom ring (fructose and ribose) • Hydrogen as reducing agent
Glucose (RCHO) -→ Glucitol
• Alpha or Beta configuration is determined by Ex: of sugar alcohol – D – Sorbitol –
the position of the —OH group on C1 relative common name of Glucitol
to the CH2OH group that determines D or L
• In a Beta configuration, both of these groups • The general name for monosaccharide acetals
point in the same direction is glycoside.
• In an Alpha configuration, the two groups • A glycoside is an acetal formed from a cyclic
point in opposite directions. monosaccharide by replacement of the
hemiacetal carbon -OH group with an -OR
Five important reactions of monosaccharides: • Reaction of your sugar specifically of
• Oxidation to acidic sugars monosaccharide with alcohol will form your
• Reduction to sugar alcohols glycoside
• Glycoside formation Monosaccharide + ROH → glycoside
• Phosphate ester formation • Ex: Glucose → Glucoside
• Amino sugar formation Galactose → Galactoside


• Oxidation to acidic sugars: The redox • Blood Types and Monosaccharides: Human
chemistry of monosaccharides is closely blood is classified into four types: A, B, AB, and
linked to the alcohol and aldehyde functional O:
groups present in them. • The biochemical basis for the various blood
• Oxidation can yield three different types of types involves monosaccharides present on
acidic sugars depending on the type of plasma membranes of red blood cells.
oxidizing agent used: • The monosaccharides responsible for blood
groups are D-galactose and its derivatives.
Aldose • Need cross matching it will not yield in
Weak oxidizing agent (c1): tollens and transfusion reaction
benedicts (aldehyde) → aldonic acid (RCOOH) • AB+ → They are known to be as the universal
carboxylic acid recipient
• Ex: Glucose to gluconic acid • They do not have Anti-A and Anti-B which the
Strong Oxidizing agent (c1 and c6) antibodies for the AB
• RCHO + CH2OH → aldoric acid • Universal donor is the Blood Type O-
• 2 RCOOH → di-carboxylic acid
• Ex: glucose → glucaric acid PHOSPAHATE ESTER FORMATION
• Phosphate ester formation: The hydroxyl
Enzyme reacts with aldehyde containing sugar groups of a monosaccharide can react with
(c6) inorganic oxyacids to form inorganic esters.
CH2OH → alduronic acid • Phosphate esters of various monosaccharides
Glucose → Glucoronic acid are stable in aqueous solution and play
important roles in the metabolism of
• Glucose – 6- phosphate dehydrogenase
• G6pd deficiency

• Amino sugar formation: An amino sugar - • Maltose, often called malt sugar, is produced
one of the hydroxyl groups of a whenever the polysaccharide starch breaks
monosaccharide is replaced with an amino down, as happens in plants when seeds
group germinate and in human beings during starch
• Amino sugars and their N-acetyl derivatives digestion.
are important building blocks of • Structurally, maltose is made up of two D-
polysaccharides. glucose units, one of which must be 𝒂-D-
• Galactosamine example of amino sugar glucose.
• Amines (formula) : NH2 • Common on baby foods
• C2 – OH → NH2 • Also known as reducing sugar
Glucose → glucosamine • The water was released during the reaction to
Galactose → galactosamine form the glycosidic bond
• Humans can digest your maltose because we
have an enzyme responsible for the digestion
DISACCHARIDES or for breakdown of disaccharide
• Two • The enzyme that could breakdown for the said
monosaccharides disaccharide is maltase
can react to form • During the breakdown of the maltase acidic
disaccharide condition is needed
• The bond that
links the two LACTOSE
monosaccharides • Lactose is made up of 𝜷-D-galactose unit and
of a disaccharide a 𝜷-D-glucose unit joined by a b(1-4)
(glycoside) glycosidic linkage.
together is called • Lactose is the major sugar found in milk.
a glycosidic • Lactose intolerance: a condition in which
linkage. people lack the enzyme lactase needed to
hydrolyze lactose to galactose and glucose.
• Monosaccharides that has cyclic form will • Lactase hydrolyzes b(1-4) glycosidic linkages.
react with an alcohol to form a glycoside • Deficiency of lactase can be caused by a
• Glycosidic linkage- it forms of C – O – C genetic defect, physiological decline with age,
bond. The type of reaction that will happen or by injuries to intestinal mucosa.
is condensation. Because they elicit water • Is known the principal carbohydrate in
during the reaction mineral
• It is important to distinguish between the • In human 7-8% is lactose
structural notation used for an 𝒂 (1 : 4) • The cow’s milk is 4-5%
glycosidic linkage and that used for a 𝜷 (1 • Lactose it could be breakdown by human
: 4) glycosidic linkage. • Lactose → Lactase is the enzyme
• 𝒂 (1: 4) – both downward
• 𝜷 (1: 4) – c1 (upward) and C4 (downward) • D-Galactose
 (1-4)
• Cellobiose is produced as an intermediate in OH
the hydrolysis of the polysaccharide
cellulose. OH • D-Glucose
• Cellobiose contains two 𝜷 - D-glucose Lactose

monosaccharide units linked through a 𝛽

(1—4) glycosidic linkage. SUCROSE
• Cellobiose cannot be digested by humans. • Sucrose (table sugar): The most abundant of
• Cellulose - we do not have an enzyme that all disaccharides and found in plants.
could breakdown for 𝛽 (1—4) glycosidic • It is produced commercially from the juice of
linkage. CH2OH sugar cane and sugar beets
CH2OH  (1-4)
O OH • Sucrose is a nonreducing sugar.
OH 10
• Common table sugar • All of the glycosidic linkages in starch (both
• It also called as saccharose amylose and amylopectin) are of a type.
• Best known disaccharides Amylose
• It could only exist in one form, either solid or • straight chain polymer
aqueous solution • glycosidic bond: 𝜶 𝟏 − 𝟒
• Provide a major portion of the carbohydrate • 15-20%
intake for many individual • Molecular mass: 50,000 amu
• Sucrose → sucrase is the enzyme needed to • Glucose unit: 1,000
break glucose molecules which is present in
our human body Amylopectin
• Sucrose, lactose, maltose could be break by • Branched chain polymer
human because it has enzymes. • Straight chain: 𝜶 𝟏 → 𝟔
CH2 OH • 80-85%
O • Molecular mass: 300,000
CH2 OH • Glucose unit: 100,000

• Humans can hydrolyze alpha linkage but
-D-Glucose OH
not beta linkage
+ OH  (1-2) • When starch breaks down we have maltose

• Glycogen, like starch, is a polysaccharide


CH 2OH CH 2OH containing only glucose units.

OH OH • Liver cells and muscle cells are the storage
-D-Fructose Sucrose sites for glycogen in humans.
• Glycogen is an ideal storage form for glucose.
• It also known as animal starch
General Characteristics of Polysaccharides
• Is known to be branched chain polymer
the Polymer Chain
• Molecular mass: 3,000,000
• A polysaccharide is a polymer that contains
many monosaccharide units bonded to • Glucose unit: 1,000,000
each other by glycosidic linkages. • 3 times more highly branched than
• A homopolysaccharide is a
polysaccharide in which only one type of • Excess glucose in the body it could be stored
monosaccharide monomer is present. (ex: in the form of glycogen
• Polysaccharides is also known as glycans
• A heteropolysaccharide is a
polysaccharide in which more than one
(usually two) type of monosaccharide
monomer is present. (ex: lactose or • Linear homopolysaccharide with 𝛽 (1 → 4)
sucrose) glycosidic bond
o Humans don’t have enzymes that hydrolyze 𝛽
(1 → 4) - so humans cannot digest cellulose --
STARCH (C 1 and 6)
animals also lack these enzymes but they can
• A storage polysaccharide is a polysaccharide
digest cellulose because they have bacteria in
that is a storage form for monosaccharides
their guts to hydrolyze cellulose
and is used as an energy source in cells.
o It serves as dietary fiber in food-- readily
• Starch is a homopolysaccharide containing
absorbs water and results in softer stools.
only glucose monosaccharide units.
• Dietary fiber: 20-35 grams needed by
• It is the energy-storage polysaccharide in
our body everyday
• Molecular mass: 900,000
• Amylopectin, the other polysaccharide in
• Sugar unit: 5,000 glucose
starch, has a high degree of branching in its
polyglucose structure. • Example: cotton 95% , wood 50%

• Intermediate product during the breakdown • Highly viscous - serve as lubricants in the fluid
of cellulose is the cellubiose of joints and part vitreous humor of the eye.
• Enzyme reacts with aldehyde containing
sugar (c6)
OH Glucose → Glucoronic acid
OH (1-4) OH
OH (1-4)
OH (1-4)

• Similar to cellulose in both function and
• Linear polymer with all b (1→4) glycosidic Heparin:
linkages - it has a N-acetyl amino derivative • An anticoagulant-prevents blood clots.
of glucose • This polysaccharide contains 15-90
• Function is to give rigidity to the exoskeleton disaccharide residue
s of crabs, lobsters, shrimp, insects, and • sulfate or carboxyl group
other arthropods.

O OH HN O N-Acetyl



• an amino group replace the OH group of • A glycolipid is a lipid molecule that has one or
the carbon number 2 of your glucose unit more carbohydrate (or carbohydrate
on that said amino group and its acetyl derivative) units covalently bonded to it.
group • A glycoprotein is a protein molecule that has
one or more carbohydrate (or carbohydrate
ACIDIC POLYSACCHARIDES derivative) units covalently bonded to it.
• Acidic polysaccharides - polysaccharides
with a repeating disaccharide unit
containing an amino sugar and a sugar with
a negative charge due to a sulfate or a
carboxyl group.
• Structural polysaccharide present in
connective tissue associated with joints,
cartilage, synovial fluids in animals and
• They are considered as
• Examples:
o Hyaluronic acid
o Heparin


Hyaluronic acid:
• Alternating residues of N-acetyl-b-D-
glucosamine and D-glucuronic acid.

Blood glucose level
Fasting blood sugar (FBS) 8hrs fasting Specimen: serum
red top (non additive)
Serum separator tube (SST)
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) 75 g oral glucose load Gray top – sodium chloride
Random Blood Sugar (RBS) Anytime of the day Specimen: Serum
Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1C) - Glycemic control Whole blood: EDTA (purple top)
- Diabetes mellitus - Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid
- 2-3 months
2-hr PPBS (Post-Prandial) Specimen: serum
2hrs after meal Tube:
red top (non additive)
Serum separator tube (SST)
Oral Glucose Challenge Test (OGCT) - Screening of gestational
diabetes mellitus
- 50 grams
Fructosamines - is known as glycosylated Specimen: Serum
- monitoring every 3 weeks

• Monomer unit: Amino acid
• Comes from the Greek word “proteios”,
• 15% of the cell has a protein
meaning primary importance
• Water has 70-75%
• Molecules were first described and named
by the Swedish chemist Jons • Carbohydrates has 2%
Jakob Berzelius in 1838. • Ex: P - casein
Fe - Hemoglobin
• Naturally occurring, unbranched polymers
• Most abundant molecules in the cells after water
• Elemental composition: Contain C, H, O, N,
most also contain S
• The average nitrogen content of proteins is 15.4%

BUILDING BLOCKS OF PROTEINS • Building blocks of proteins is the amino acid

• All protein has amino acid and all amino acid
has amino group NH2, carboxyl group COOH
and a hydrogen group in the structure
• Based on the common R groups there are 20
standard amino acid which are common in the
• In the proteins more than 700


Methaionine (M) Isolucine (I) Valine (V) leucine (L) Aspartic acid (D)

Glutamic acid (E)

phenylalanine (F) tyrosine (Y) tryptophan (W) aspargine (N)

glutamine (Q)
glycine (G)
lysine (K) arginine (R) histidine (H)

threonine (T)
alanine (A)

serine (S)
cysteine proline

• insoluble to water; polar solvent
• 8 Standard amino acids are non-polar
• When present in proteins, they are located in
the interior of protein where there is no
• It is also known as hydrophobic or water
• 9- Tryptophan – polar neutral (weak
interaction to water) borderline member of
non-polar amino acids)
• they are in the interior because there is no

2. Polar Amino Acids RSR’ (sulfur

a. Polar Neutral (7/20) • Aliphatic it means open chain /sulfide)
One carboxyl and one amino group, and a side • Your carbon as a central proof has capacity and
chain that is polar but neutral the ability for different groups meaning to say
b. Polar Acidic your proteins and amino acids could be
• 2 carboxyl and one amino group. 2nd carboxyl categorized based on chirality
group being part of the side chain. • All the amino acid are chiral
• Negative charge ; lost H+
• Glycine is the only amino acid considered as
• 2 (aspartic and glutamic acid)
o Is the simplest amino acid
c. Polar Basic
• One carboxyl and two amino group. 2nd • Alanine- side chain is the methyl group (CH3)
amino group is a part of the side chain • Proline is not considered as a true amino acid
• Positive charge ; accept H+ instead it is considered as imino acid. It is
• 3 (lysine, arginine, histidine) because of the cyclic chain
o Propyl group as the side chain in Proline,
Single-letter Abbreviation Full name however the side chain is bonded on both
code alpha carbon and to the nitrogen of the
A Ala Alanine amino group it gives a cyclic side chain
R Arg Arginine • Imino acid – carbon bonded to a nitrogen and a
N Asn Asparagine
carbon to carbon bonded to a carboxylic group
D Asp Aspartic acid
C Cys Cysteine
Q Gln Glutamine
E Glu Glutamic acid
G Gly Glycine
H His Histidine
I Ile Isoleucine
L Leu Leucine
K Lys Lysine
M Met Methionine
F Phe Phenylalanine
P Pro Proline • Phenylalanine- is a non-polar
S Ser Serine • Tyrosine and Tryptophan – is known as the
T Thr Threonine npolar neutral
W Trp Tryptophan • If the benzene is used as the side chain, we call
Y Tyr Tyrosine it as phenyl
V Val Valine • Tryptophan- it is actually considered as a
border line member of a non-polar
o It contains indole ring as it side chain
o Has a specific test to identify the tryptophan
Aspartic acid Asp D negative
Glutamic acid Glu E negative
Arginine Arg R positive
Lysine Lys K positive
Histidine His H positive

Asparagine Asn N uncharged polar

Glutamine Gln Q uncharged polar
Serine Ser S uncharged polar
Theonine Thr T uncharged polar
Tyrosine Tyr Y uncharged polar
• It is also known as polar neutral (hydrophobic)
• Serine – contains hydroxy methyl
• Cysteine (Thiol) – is the derivative of
alcohol, instead of oxygen a sulfur is bonded AMINO ACID SIDE CHAIN
to a hydrogen Alanine Ala A nonpolar
• Asparagine and Glutamine- related to polar Glycine Gly G nonpolar
acidic amino acid Valine Val V nonpolar
• Cysteine and Methionine have a sulfur in Leucine Leu L nonpolar
their structure Isoleucine Ile I nonpolar
Proline Pro P nonpolar
Phenylalanine Phe P nonpolar
Methionine Met M nonpolar
Tyrtophan Trp W nonpolar
Cysteine Cys C nonpolar


• Aspartate and Glutamate – the reason they • Standard amino acid needed for protein
are acidic because of their carboxyl in their synthesis that must be obtained from dietary
structure sources because the human body cannot
• Aspartate – the side chain is acetic acid synthesize it in adequate amounts from other
• Glutamate – the side chain is propanoic acid substances.
• 10 out of 20 There are 10 essential amino
• 9 essential amino acids for adults
• 10th amino acids are for the children growth

Proteins are made up of about 20 common amino

acids. The first column lists the essential amino
acids for human beings (those the body cannot
make – that must be provided in the diet). The
second column lists the nonessential amino acids I
special cases, some nonessential amino acids may
• Histidine – the side chain is imidazole become conditionally essential (see the text). In a
newborn, for example, only five amino acids are
truly nonessential; the other nonessential amino
acids are conditionally essential until the metabolic
pathways are developed enough to make those
amino acids in adequate amounts.


Essential Amino Acids Nonessential Amino Acids

Histidine (HISS-tuh-deen) Alanine (AL-ah-neen)
Isoleucine (eye-so-LOO-seen) Arginine (ARJ-ih-neen) Arginine
Leucine (LOO-seen) Asparagine (ah-SPAR-ah-geen) Essential only for
Lysine (LYE-seen) Aspartic Acid (ah-SPAR-tic acid) children not for adults
Methionine (meh-THIGH-oh-neen) Cysteine (SIS-the-een)
Phenylalanine (fen-il-AL-ah-neen) Glutamic acid (GLU-ta-mic acid)
Threonine (THREE-oh-neen) Glutamine (GLUE-tah-meen)
Tryptophan (TRIP-toe-fan) Glycine (GLY-seen)
(TRIP-toe-fane) Proline (PRO-leen)
Valine (VAY-leen) Serine (SEER-een)
Tyrosine (TIE-roe-seen)

Acid-Base Behavior of Amino Acids
Amino acids exist as a zwitterion: a dipolar ion
having both a formal positive and formal negative
charge (overall charge neutral).

• 19 out of 20 have a chiral center

• They can exist as left or right-handed forms
pKa ~ 5 pKa ~ 9
• Zwitterion it is a German term which means
double ion because it considered as di-polar ion
there is positive and negative charges both of the
same molecule in amino and carboxyl group
• There is no net charge
• Negative charge – carboxyl
• Positive charge – amino group

Amino acids are amphoteric: they can react as

either an acid or a base. Ammonium ion acts as an
acid, the carboxylate as a base.
• The side chain and COOH is always at a
vertical position Isoelectric point (pI): The pH at which the amino
• Hydrogen and NH3 they are always in a acid exists largely in a neutral, zwitterionic form
horizontal position (influenced by the nature of the sidechain)
• The one that we check for the handedness or
the enantiomer’s we check for the amino acidic amino acid
group position or the NH3 • Aspartate - 2.77ph
• For amino acid the naturally occurring • Glutamate - 3.22ph
proteins or amino acid are always in form of
L-form or left Basic amino acid
• Amino group can also represent as NH2 • Arginine – 10.76ph
• Bacteria have dextro or right-handed amino • Lysine – 9.74ph (basic)
acid • Histidine – 7.59ph (slightly basic)

PEPTIDES - the chain covalently link of the amino acid
Amino Acid + Amino Acid --> Dipeptide Amino Acid + Dipeptide --> Tripeptide

A.A. + A.A. + …..+ Tripeptide --> Polypeptide

• Oligopeptide: 10-20 amino acid residues

• The linkage the amino group and the carboxyl group of the amino acid to form your peptide bond
• Every peptide has the N-terminal end (left side) and also C-terminal end (right side)
Amino group Carboxyl group

DIPEPTIDE Alanine Phenylalanine Condensation

Water is liberated during the process because of condensation

Amino acid residues

It’s the portion of amino
acid structure that remains
after the water is release

POLYPEPTIDE – unbranched

Di sulfide bonds
Di sulfide bond - Responsible for the hardness of the
We can only see the
keratin (nails and hair)
di-sulfide branch in 2
Cysteine in amino acid

Protein Classification Based on Chemical

1. Simple protein- A protein in which only amino
acid residues are present:
• More than one protein subunit may be present
but all subunits contain only amino acid
2. Conjugated protein- A protein that has one or
more non-amino acid entities (prosthetic groups)
present in its structure: Organic – lipid and carbohydrate
• One or more polypeptide chains may be present Inorganic – metals
• Non-amino acid components- may be organic or
inorganic – prosthetic groups Proteins- 40 amino acid residues to be
o Lipoproteins; Glycoproteins; considered as protein

Levels of Organization
• Primary structure
o Amino acid sequence of the protein

• Secondary structure
o H bonds in the peptide chain backbone
▪ -helix and -sheets

• Tertiary structure
o Non-covalent interactions between the R groups
within the protein

• Quaternary structure
o Interaction between 2 polypeptide chains

The first protein that was sequenced and determine
o Primary structure of protein refers to the order
is the insulin
in which amino acids are linked together in a
o Every protein has its own unique amino acid
(Methionine-glutamic acid-Arginine-Tyrosine)
▪ Frederick Sanger (1953): Sequenced and
determined the primary structure for the
first protein

• SECONDARY STRUCTURE Beta-pleated sheet
- Refers to the regular geometric pattern • Example is the globular protein
along a polypeptide brought about by • Completely extended amino acid chains
hydrogen bonding • H-bonding between two different chains- inter-
- Two Arrangements and/or intramolecular
- Alpha – helix • Side chains below or above the axis
- Beta – pleated sheet

- Refers to the three-dimensional folding of
polypeptide to form a complex molecular shape
- Globular irregular ball shape form

Example: Chain B of Protein

Kinase C

- Refers to the organization among the various
Alpha-helix peptide chains in a multimeric protein:
• Example is fibrous proteins - Highest level of protein organization
• A single protein chain adopts a shape that - Present only in proteins that have 2 or more
resembles a coiled spring (helix): polypeptide chains (subunits)
• H-bonding between same amino acid chains- - Subunits are generally independent of each
intramolecular other- not covalently bonded
• R-group outside of the helix- not enough room for - Proteins often referred to as oligomeric
them to stay inside proteins
- Contain even number of subunits
- Some proteins are made of several polypeptide
- (e.g. hemoglobin has four)
- 2 alpha and 2 beta chain

Kinase C


Fibrous proteins Collagen
• Tend to have simple, regular, linear structure • Is the most abundant protein in humans
• Tend to aggregate together to form • Rich in proline -> (imino acid) 20% of collagen
macromolecular structures made up of proline
• (e.g. hair, nails)
• Involved in structure: tendons, ligaments, blood Keratin
vessels and skin • 30%
(e.g. collagen and keratin) • Hydrophobic amino residues
• Contractile proteins in movement: muscle, • Cysteine
(cytoskeleton, mitotic spindle, cilia, flagella) • NUTRIENT: ovalbumin (in eggs), casein (in
milk), zein (in maize)
Globular proteins
• Protein molecule with peptide chain that are
• most proteins which move around (e.g. albumen,
casein in milk) folded into either sphere or globular
• Proteins with binding sites: • Enzymes – that the largest type of protein
o enzymes, haemoglobin, immunoglobulins, • BUFFER: hemoglobin
membrane receptor sites

• Hemoglobin- oxygen carier molecule in blood; • Hemoglobin – is responsible for transporting the
transports O2 from lungs to tissues oxygen
o Tetramer: 4 peptide chains (each subunit has
a heme group)
o has 2  globin subunits and 2  globin

• Myoglobin- oxygen storage molecule in muscles; • The myoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen
binds one O2 molecule than hemoglobin
o Monomer: single peptide chain with one
heme unit

PROTEIN FUNCTIONS • Denaturation - There is a complete disorganization

• Protein structure determines protein function
or partial disorganization of your protein structure
• Denaturation or inhibition which may change
• Protein are being denature if the are subjected in
protein structure will change its function
high temperature
• Coenzymes and cofactors in general may enhance
the protein's structure

Proteins classified by function • Enzymes – are used to speed up the reaction

• CATALYTIC: enzymes • Example of immunoglobulin (antibodies): IgG,
• DEFENSE/PROTECTIVE: Immunoglobulin, IgM, igA, IgE, IgD
fibrinogen, blood clotting factors o Past or chronic – IgG
• TRANSPORT: haemoglobin, transferrin, HDL, o Recent/acute- IgM
LDL • Fibrinogen
• MESSENGER/COMMUNICATION: hormones (eg o clotting factor 1
insulin) and neurotransmitters o They are responsible of formation of the clot to
• CONTRACTILE: actin, myosin, dynein (in stop bleeding
microtubules) • Transferrin – main protein of the blood that binds
• STRUCTURAL: cell membrane proteins, keratin the iron from liver to bone marrow
(hair), collagen • HDL and LDL – lipoprotein they are the carry the
• TRANSMEMBRANE cholesterol in the blood stream (high and low
• STORAGE: myoglobin
• REGULATORY: insulin
• Transmembrane - responsible for the passage of the
• Insulin is the only hormone that could lower
21 the
blood glucose level
• FLUID BALANCE: albumin and globulin • The oxygen concentration or the saturation of
• TOXINS: snake venom oxygen place a role on the buffer system of the
body which is the bicarbonate buffer system
• Oxygen saturation – to make sure that are blood
ph is normal (7.35-7.45)
• Liver function: albumin and globulin

Peptides: A Variety of Functions

• Hormones and pheromones
• Sex peptide – is responsible for the how the
– insulin (think sugar)
opposite sex of the certain specie or organism is
– oxytocin (think childbirth)
attracted to its partner
– sex-peptide (think fruit fly mating)
• Neuropeptides
– substance P (pain mediator)
• Antibiotics
– polymyxin B (for Gram – bacteria)
– bacitracin (for Gram + bacteria)
• Protection, e.g., toxins
– amanitin (mushrooms)
– conotoxin (cone snails)
– chlorotoxin (scorpions)

Proteins are:
• Polypeptides (covalently linked -amino acids) +
o cofactors
− functional non-amino acid component
− metal ions or organic molecules
o coenzymes
− organic cofactors • NAD – nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
− NAD+ in lactate dehydrogenase o Always utilize in most of the biochemically
o prosthetic groups processes
− covalently attached cofactors • Prosthetic groups – metal ions
− heme in myoglobin
o other modifications
− example: have metal ions or carbohydrates
and lipids

• Lipids provide a major way of storing the
CHARACTERISTICS chemical energy and carbon atoms in our body
• Occur frequently in nature • Example of their function is they are possible
• Solubility: marginally soluble in for thermal regulation so individuals with
water, soluble in organic solvents more fat in their body or lipocytes must
regulate the body temperature
• As well as it can also be used for protection
from mechanical shock
• Lipids is primarily composed of mostly carbon
in hydrogen bonds
• The defining parameter for lipids is solubility
rather than the structure the reason why is
because the structure of lipids is diverse
• Lipids it plays a role of storing the chemical
energy, it’s a rich source of energy and it has an
efficient way to store in the body the excess
• Lipids also it provides or it plays a variety of
biologic roles it could also provide the
structure example in cell membrane and also
to furnish biochemical energy

CLASSIFICATION • Hydrophilic (water-loving) it could be

• Open-chain compounds with polar head groups and soluble in water when its open-chain
long nonpolar tails (fatty acids, triacylglycerols, compounds with polar head groups
sphingolipids, phosphoacylglycerols, glycolipids) Example of open-chain compounds
o Fatty acids – the simplest lipid class
• Fused-ring compounds or closed chain ring (steroids
o Triacylglycerols also known as
e.g. cholesterol)
o Phosphoacylglycerols also known as
• Hydrophobic (water-heating) it is insoluble
in water when it’s a long non-polar tail

CLASSIFICATION BY FUNCTION 1. Energy storage lipids

1. Energy storage lipids • Triacylglycerol (TAG) – the most abundant
2. Membrane lipids fatty acids
3. Emulsification lipids 2. Membrane lipids
4. Messenger lipids • Sphingoglycolipids
5. Protective-coating lipids
• Phospholipid
• Cholesterol
3. Emulsification lipids
• Bile acids it emulsifies the fats
4. Messenger lipids
• Steroid hormones
• Eicosanoids
5. Protective-coating lipids
• Biological waxes

1. Saponification lipids • Energy storage
Converted into smaller molecules when • Membrane lipids
hydrolysis occurs • Protective-coating lipids
2. Non-saponification lipids
Cannot be broken into smaller units since they do 2. Non-saponification lipids
not react with water • cholesterol
• Emulsification lipids
• Messenger lipids

Complex lipids
CLASSIFICATION BY STRUCTURE • Aside from the lipid itself, they have
1. Simple lipids (fats and waxes) organic molecule that is bonded to the
2. Complex lipids lipids structure
3. Steroids o phospholipids
4. Prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes o glycolipids
o lipoprotein

LIPID TYPES • Characterized as:

o Long-chain - >12 (12-16)
o Medium-chain – 8-10
FATTY ACIDS – simplest lipid class
o Short-chain – 2-6 even number
• Carboxyl group at the polar end and a
hydrocarbon chain at the nonpolar tail Fatty acids
• Amphipathic – both hydrophilic and • It’s known to be naturally occurring
hydrophobic monocarboxylic acid
• Saturated fatty acids – single bond • One could be functional group that could be
• Unsaturated fatty acids – double bond found in the structure is carboxylic acid
• Monounsaturated – has single double bond (COOH) can react to water to form
• Polyunsaturated – 2 or more double bonds hydrogen bonds
• Nearly always contain an even number of carbon • It could be classified based on the number
atoms and have a carbon chain that is of double bonds
Unsaturated fatty acids are known to be
dehydrogenated because once they undergo

Dietary Fatty acids usually have the carbon

chain size is 4-24 carbon atoms they are known
to be straight-chain compounds

• For the size of the carbon chain could actually

related to the water solubility of the fatty
• For its relation as the carbon chain length
increases the water solubility decreases

• Long-chain – insoluble to water

• Short-chain – slightly/marginally soluble to

• For the relationship of the solubility of water

of carbon-chain length it is inversely


Number Melting
Acid of Formula point
Carbon (°C) Saturated fatty acids
• solid at room temperature
Lauric 12 CH3(CH2)10COOH 44
• Straight chain
• There have a carboxylic acid and hydrocarbon
Myristic 14 CH3(CH2)12COOH 58
• The relationship of melting point and carbon-
chain length is directly proportional, when
Palmitic 16 CH3(CH2)14COOH 63
carbon chain increases, melting point is also
Stearic 18 CH3(CH2)16COOH 71
• Usually found in animal source
Arachidic 20 CH3(CH2)18COOH 77

Unsaturated fatty acids

UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS • Liquid at room temperature
• The degree of unsaturation we have to
Number Melting consider that in melting point of unsaturated
Acid of Formula point fatty acids. The relationship of the two they
Carbon (°C) are inversely proportional
Atoms • The higher degree of unsaturation then the
Palmitoleic 16 16:1 - 9 -0.5 lower melting point has
• Mostly they are from plant source
Oleic 18 18:1 – 9 16 • The healthier one is the unsaturated fatty
acids it makes easily broken down by the body
Linoleic 18 18:2 – 9,12 -5
first number- represents the number of carbon
Linolenic 18 18:3 – -11 atom
9,12,15 after the colon – number of double bonds
last number – position/location of double bonds
Arachidonic 20 20:4 – -11
5,8,11,14 • the term that we used to specify the location
of double bond is delta
• function of fatty acid is the building blocks of
Unsaturated fatty acids will be converted to triglycerides and phospholipids
saturated fatty acids o also sources of metabolic energy

Oleic- only have a single bond

cis – same side of double bond

trans – opposite or across

• on relation of the fatty acids that could be
TRYGLICERIDES – (UFA) found on its structure
• Animal fats and plant oils • other term is triacylglycerol
• Triester of glycerol and long chain of • there are three fatty acid are present and a 1
carboxylic acids called fatty acids. glycerol
• ester – linkage bond between the glycerol and
fatty acids
• role:
o can be part of the cell membrane
o storage form of the lipids
• energy storage lipid – the most abundant
type of lipid
• most of triglycerides are from plant sources
o example: corn and sunflower seeds
• In room temperature most of them or typically
In liquid state, they are in form of oils
• Neutral lipid because it has no charge or polar
hydrophilic group meaning its water
insoluble for hydrophobic
• Two fatty acids are esterified to the glycerol
molecules → phosphatidic acid
• Component of biological membrane • Structurally similar to triglycerides
• 2 fatty acids and phosphate group
• Also known as phosphoglyceride
• Since its charge group it could interact with
water it has a polar and non-polar end
• ester – linkage bond
• esterification – alcohol and carboxylic acid
react to form ester (ROR)
• The most abundant type of membrane lipid
• 80% of mass of a cell membrane
• Amphipathic
• Polar or the charge portion is the hydrophilic
and the non-polar is the hydrophobic is the
non-charge is the fatty acids

One phosphoric acid can form ester bonds both to

glycerol and to some alcohol

B D-Galactose

WAXES • Fatty acids could be found is saturated fatty
• Lipid that is a monoester of long-chain acids and 14-36 carbon atoms
carboxylic acids and long chain alcohols • alcohol – unsaturated or saturated and 16-30
• Protective coatings for both plants and animals carbon atoms
• They are saponifiable
• Do not contain glycerol but contain long-chain
amino alcohol sphingosine
• Abundant in nervous system
• Ceramides- consist of one fatty acid linked to • Sphingosine – is abundant in nervous system
the amino group of sphingosine by an amide • Amide bond – linkage bond
• Amino group of sphingosine can from an amide
bond with a FA carboxyl


Common constituents of plasma membranes

GLYCOLIPIDS • Its sugar containing lipid

• Carbohydrate is bound to an alcohol group of a • Glycosidic linkage bond
lipid by a glycosidic linkage • Cerebroside
• Cerebroside (primary alcohol of ceramide + o the simplest glycolipid
sugar residue) o single monosaccharide unit either galactose
• Gangliosides or glucose
o glycolipids with complex sugars • Gangliosides
o Often found as markers on cell membranes o It could be branched of up to 7
and play a large role in tissue and organ monosaccharides residues
specificity o Major lipid of cell membrane of the brain
and central nervous system


Cerebroside and Ganglioside

• 7% of dry mass of the brain is cerebroside
• Present in myelin sheet of nerve

STERIODS – (UFA) •Also known as steroid nucleus

• A fused-ring containing 3 six membered rings •important constituent of cell membrane
and 1 five membered ring •ester – linkage bond and 1 fatty acid
• Cholesterol – unsaturated steroid alcohol •cholesterol
o hydrophilic group – OH (single) o found exclusively in animals
o Hydrophobic o is the most abundant steroid in the body
o Precursor of other steroids and of Vitamin D3 o has 27 carbon atoms
however it is best known for its harmful o alcoholic group is found in the carbon 3 of
effects steroid nucleus
o a waxy material could form a platelike crystal
Cholesterol o responsible for the fat that are being deposited
Important constituents of cell membranes on the lining of your blood vessel which is
known as plaque it plays a role in the plaque
o The condition wherein plaque condition is
atherosclerosis the one being responsible is
the cholesterol
different functions
o use for manufacture and repair of the cell
o for synthesis for bile acids and vitamin D3
• Decreases the mobility of hydrocarbon tails of
phospholipids what is the function of bile acid based on its
• Interferes with the closely packing of FA tails in function? It is emulsification
the crystalline state thus inhibits transition to
the crystal state • bile acid is synthesis in the liver
• Phospholipid membranes with high conc. of • example of bile acid is cholic acid
cholesterol have a fluidity intermediate between
crystal and crystal state. pre-courser of 5 major classes of steroid
• Hydroxyl group on the aqueous side while the hormones
ring is towards the FA chains of phospholipids. • androgens
• OH group of cholesterol forms H bond with the • estrogens
polar phospholipid head groups. • glucocorticoids
• mineralocorticoids
• progestin

unsaturated of the one that we are referring to is

the steroid nucleus

how the cholesterol convert to cholic acid through

the help of hepatic enzyme but the example of is
hepatic lipase 28
Lipid Soluble Vitamins
Vitamins A • unsaturated hydrocarbon
• Β carotene it has a double and triple bond on its structure
o unsaturated hydrocarbon
o Precursor of vitamin A (retinol) opsin
• A derivative of Vit A plays a crucial role in • universal photo receptor molecules
vision when it is bound to a protein called • visual system for animal kingdom
opsin • light sensitive and it is found on the retina

Vitamin D
• Major role in regulation of calcium and
phosphorus metabolism
• Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) formed from
cholesterol by the action of UV from the sun
o Further processed in the body to
hydroxylated derivatives
o Presence of Vit D3 leads to increase
synthesis of a Ca2+ binding protein,
increases absorption of dietary calcium in
the intestines → inc calcium

Vitamin E
• α-tocopherol is the active form
• Antioxidant – good reducing agent • a-tocopherol is the most biologically active
• It reacts with oxidizing agents before they can form of Vitamin E
attack other biomolecules
• Reacts with free radicals

Vitamin K
• Comes from the German word “Koagulation”
because it is an important factor in the blood- • Vit K dependent –Factors II, VII, IX, X
clotting process • Vitamin K is other term for Phytonadione
• Requirement to modify prothrombin and other
proteins involved in the clotting process

• Messenger lipid; oxygenated C20 fatty acid
• It has 4 double bonds have the arachidonic
• Metabolic precursor is arachidonic acid
acid and poly unsaturated fatty acids
• Almost all cells produce eicosanoids
• Exception is the red blood cells
• Physiological effects of eicosanoids include
mediation of:
o Regulation of blood pressure
o Production of pain and fever
o Inflammatory response
o Induction of blood clotting
o Control of reproductive functions
o Regulation of sleep/wake cycle

• Metabolic precursor is arachidonic acid
• Dense tubular system of platelets • It has a cyclopentane ring and it has an oxygen
• Functions: containing functional group
o Control of blood pressure • It was named after the gland human’s body it is
o Stimulation of smooth muscle contraction the prostate gland
o Induction of inflammation
o Raise body temperature
o Inhibit the secretion of gastric juices

• Found in leukocytes and have 3 conjugated
double bonds
• Constriction of smooth muscle • It also has hydroxyl group on its structure
• Inflammatory properties • Inflammation and hypersensitivity (allergy)
• Maybe involved in rheumatoid arthritis

• Derivative of arachidonic acid
• Contains cyclic ethers as part of its structure • It has cyclic ether ring and oxygen containing
• Thromboxane A2 is the most widely studied, is final group
known to induce platelet aggregation and
smooth muscle contraction • Aspirin: known to be blood thinner

• Unbranched polymer in which a monomer unit
is a nucleotide
• Nucleic Acid it was actually discovered
• Nucleotide- is a three-subunit molecule in
while Friedrich Miescher (1869) was
which a pentose sugar is bonded to both
studying the nucleus of the wbc, since the
phosphate group and nitrogen-containing
wbc or the nucleus of the cell was said to be
heterocyclic base
acidic and it was then discovered that the
ph of the nucleus its because of the nucleic • If your protein has amino acid as its
acid that was found inside it. monomer unit or its building block
• The building block of nucleic is nucleotide
TYPES OF NUCLEIC ACID • Your cell in an organism are have exact
• DNA replicas, they have information on how to
o Found within the cell nucleus and small make a new cells and those information are
amounts in mitochondria stored on the nucleic acids Specifically, we
o Storage and transfer of genetic information have DNA for genetic information
• Nucleic acid or the DNA are found in the
• DNA is passed from existing cells to new cells
nucleus and are acidic in nature
during cell division.
• DNA is replicated during the cell cycle.
Specifically, during S phase of interphase.
• Pentose sugar 5 carbon atom is found on
Replicated DNA is the one passed from
the sugar unit
existing cells to new cells during cell division.
o RNA – Ribose
• Double stranded
o DNA - Deoxyribose
• Heterocyclic base and also known as
nitrogenous bases
o Occurs in all parts of a cell.
o 90% in cytoplasm and 10% on nucleolus
o Synthesis of proteins

• 90% in cytoplasm because ribosomes contain

RNA in their structure where in there are
free ribosomes in the cytoplasm as well
as ribosomes that are attached in the rough
endoplasmic reticulum
• 10% in nucleolus because they synthesis
some of the RNA
• RNA is translated to form amino acid and
once you have a sequence of the specific
amino acid, it could produce proteins coded Contains deoxyribose
based on the amino acid sequence
• Single stranded

• One of the microorganisms are classified
based on the type of the nucleic acid that • First sub-unit of nucleic acid and are the bases
could be found inside them of the name of your nucleic acid types
• Viruses they could be classified whether they • The sugar unit of nucleotide is either pentose
have DNA or RNA ribose or pentose 2’-deoxyribose
• Example is the corona virus is a single
stranded RNA virus

Beta D- deoxyribose Beta D- ribose

• The highlighted side chains make it your

ribose different from your deoxyribose
• The only difference between the two sugar
units is the side chain which is found on the
carbon 2 of both sugar units
• Based on the name of deoxyribose, you might
figure out what it is that he doesn’t have that
the ribose has and that is oxygen. Purine
• Adenine and Guanine, they could occur
• Hayworth projection is used. (Cyclic form is in both DNA and RNA
used) • N9 – bond with sugar unit during the


BASE (BASES) • Cytosine the only side chain has the
NH2 on its structure
• Purine – a bicyclic base with fused five and • Uracil and Thymine they have almost
six- membered rings similar structure except that the
• Pyrimidine – a monocyclic base with a six- Thymine has methyl on its structure
membered ring • Not all pyrimidine could occur or found
• The reason why they are known to be bases in DNA and RNA
it’s because of the specific functional group • Uracil can only occur on RNA and also
that is found on their structure known as unmethylated thymine
• Amine group (NH2) this functional group is • Thymine could only be found on DNA
the reason why nitrogenous bases exhibit • Cytosine can also occur in both DNA
basic behavior meaning they could accept and RNA
protons and hydrogen ions • N1 - bond with sugar unit during the
• Purine has 2 types of bases while the
Pyrimidine has 3 types of bases however, not
all pyrimidine bases could occur on both DNA
and RNA there is specific base

It will bond on sugar

to form nucleotide

• Third component of the nucleotide from the
Phosphoric acid which is H3PO4 it loses two • if the sugar unit is deoxyribose, we used
hydrogen atoms and then giving off what we prefix deoxy
called now the hydrogen phosphate ion • if the sugar unit is ribose there is no
Nucleotide Formation
1. Condensation, with formation of water molecule • Purine -osine
between sugar-base and sugar-phosphate Adenine – Adenosine
2. Base – C-1’ of sugar. For purine base (N-9), Guanine – Guanosine
pyrimidine (N-1); sugar and base (β-N)
glycosidic linkage • Pyrimidine – idine
3. Phosphate to sugar (C-5’) phosphate-ester Cytosine – Cytidine
linkage Uracil – Uridine
Thymine - Thymidine
• In nucleotide the reaction involve for the
formation of nucleotide is the condensation
• There are also macro molecules where in the Nucleotide Formation
reaction involve to form their linkages is also
• Proteins, to form the peptide chains it utilizes
the reaction condensation to form what we
called the peptide bonds
• During the reaction water molecule is yield
and also, the carbohydrates for the glycosidic


• Once we are done in nucleoside, we could

now form the nucleotide, to form the
Nucleoside nucleotide we need the sub-unit of
• Prior to the formation of your nucleotide phosphate group, for the phosphate group
which a three sub-unit molecule the it is bonded in the nucleoside
nucleoside is formed first • The nucleotide is sequencing at 5’ → 3’
• Sugar unit – ribose meaning the leading strand or the
• Nitrogenous base – adenine arrangement of nucleic acid will always
start at 5’ and it ends at 3’
In naming the nucleoside the first thing that • 3’ can only be seen after the formation of
you need to do is to check if the sugar unit is the nucleotide sequence to from the nucleic
ribose or deoxyribose acid but, initially their always bonded at 5’
• Since the phosphate group could be bond
also to the carbon 3 of another sugar unit
Deoxycytidine we have what we called phosphodiester
• For the primary nucleic acid structure, you
• Sugar unit – deoxyribose had the sequence in which molecules are
• Nitrogenous base – cytosine link together in a nucleic acid, it depends on
the sequence bases it usually depends on
the sequence of bases present 33

• are nucleosides in which single monophosphate Comparison of the General Primary

group is attached to hydroxyl group of the Structures of Nucleic Acids and Proteins
pentose sugar. • Backbone: -Phosphate-Sugar- Nucleic acids
• Ex. AMP= adenine + ribose + phosphate • Backbone: -Peptide bonds – Proteins

• 2 phosphate groups = nucleoside diphosphate

• 3 phosphate groups = nucleoside triphosphate
Nucleoside + prefix for the no. of phosphate
group + phosphate

A- Represents the nucleoside name

M- represents the prefix

• Deoxyribose + guanine + 2 phosphate
Deoxyguanosine diphosphate = dGDP
DNA Structure and Function
• Ribose + uracil + 3 phosphate • Serves as genetic material for cells both
Uridine Triphosphate= UTP prokaryotes and eukaryotes
• In eukaryotes
o Located in the nucleus separated from the
cytoplasm by the nuclear membrane.
• In prokaryotes
o DNA is not separated from the rest of the
cellular contents they are known to be
nucleoids which are scattered on the
• Chromatin
o Complex of eukaryotic DNA bound to
Base Ribonucleoside Ribonucleotide
Adenine Adenosine Adenosine Structure of DNA
Guanine Guanosine Guanosine • DNA is a very long, thread like macromolecule
monophosphate made up of a large number of
Uracil Uridine Uridine deoxyribonucleotides (N+S+P)
monophosphate • Base of DNA molecule
Cytosine Cytidine Cytidine o Carry genetic info
monophosphate o Purine (A and G)
BASE Deoxy Deoxyribonucleotide o Pyrimidine (T and C)
nucleoside • Sugar and phosphate groups
Adenine Deoxyadenosine Deoxyadenosine o Structural role
monophosphate o Deoxyribose
Guanine Deoxyguanosine Deoxyguanosine
monophosphate • N- Nitrogenous base
Cytosine Deoxycytidine Deoxycytidine • S – sugar
monophosphate • P- Phosphate group
Thymine Deoxythymidine Deoxythymidine
monophosphate NSP is the sub-unit of the nucleotide

• In DNA structure, the content of A is equal to
that of T and the contents of G equals to that of
C. (Chargaff’s Rule)
• B form of DNA (B-DNA) which is a right-
handed helix of 10 pairs per turn, containing
grooves of alternate size known as major and
minor grooves.
• A-DNA and Z-DNA
• Under physiologic conditions, almost entirely

• The A and the B form of DNA are based on

the conformation/positioning of
• Thee 3’ → 5’ strand it compliments your 5’ → 3’, deoxyribose sugar
so the leading strand is the 5’ → 3’, while your In most cases, we have B form of DNA
3’ → 5’ strand it is the complimentary strand. • Francis Crick & James Watson these two
• Complimentary strand it has bases and they are individuals are attributed to base
paired on bases that they are found on 5’ and 3’ composition of patterns associated with the
strand. DNA nucleus.
• We call them as Antiparallel strands they ran • The A and the B form of the DNA are based
at the opposite direction it compliments the 5’ on the confirmation of deoxyribose sugar
and 3’ strand • Zigzag pattern is based on the
• For the DNA molecule it is composed of two phosphodiester bond or linkage
strands which are held together by your • The backbone of DNA is the phosphodiester
hydrogen bonds linkage between sugar and phosphate
• The one that binds the two strands of DNA is • group, that is why we have 5’ to 3’ – leading
hydrogen bond strand, 3’ to 5’ – complementary strand
• For the hydrogen bonds are found on the bases
• Complimentary bases they are pair of bases Chargaff’s Rule
that are held together y hydrogen bond.
• In a DNA sequence we write the sequence using • Was named after Erwin Chargaff
the first letter of the bases • In DNA structure, the content of A is equal to
• The broken lines it represents the number of that of T and the contents of G equals to that
hydrogen bonds that are found on the of C.
complimentary bases • Watson and Crick deduced that A must pair
• We always start at the 5’ and end at the 3’ with T and G to C because of stearic and
hydrogen bonding factors.
Leading strand: 5’-A-G-T-A-C-G-3’ • Thus, one member of a base pair in a DNA
Complimentary strand: 3’-T-C-A-T-G-C-5’ must always be a purine and the other a
A-T- 2 hydrogen bonds • Adenine and Guanine – Both purine
C-G - 3 hydrogen bonds • Thymine and cytosine – Both pyrimidine
C-A - 1 hydrogen bond • Purine is always with pyrimidine
G-T – 1 hydrogen bond • The bases are located at the center and they
are known to be hydrogen bond
Watson-Crick DNA Double-Helical Structure • In base composition, the ratio of bases is
always 1
• Hydrogen bonds • The percentage of adenine is equal to the
o held the chains percentage of thymine
o adenine and thymine • Percentage of guanine is equal to percentage
• 2 H bonds of cytosine
o Guanine and cytosine • Example: 20 % A = 20 % T & 30 % G = 30 % C
o 3 H bonds = 100 % nucleic acid

Function of DNA
• DNA replication – duplicate exact copy of DNA
• store genetic information (genes passed from existing cell to new cell,
o source of information for the synthesis from parent cell to progeny or daughter cell)
of all protein molecule of the cell however, • mRNA – messenger RNA translated in amino
it is not the one who directly produces the acid
proteins • Protein synthesis / production
o responsible in the information in • According to Francis Crick, this information
synthesizing protein but not directly cannot be transferred from protein to either
producing protein protein or nucleic acid
o provides the information inherited by • This dogma also includes the replication of DNA
daughter cells or offspring’s • It may start from RNA to DNA, and RNA can also
o In cell cycle, DNA is being replicated in be replicated
• backbone of molecular biology
o It only replicates one regardless of the cell
division (mitosis or meiosis), DNA
replication is only done once in a cell cycle Three Major Stages in Central Dogma
1. DNA Replication
Comparison of DNA and RNA • Produces two identical molecules
Unlike double-stranded DNA, RNA is a single- 2. Transcription
stranded molecule • Genetic information in the DNA is copied
• While DNA contains deoxyribose, RNA in mRNA.
contains ribose • Sequence of the mRNA bases is the same
• Complementary base to adenine is as that of the DNA
not thymine, as it is in DNA, but rather uracil, 3. Translation
which is an unmethylated form of thymine • Codons in the mRNA direct the sequence
of aa in the protein

Flow of Biologic Information

(Central Dogma) Replication

• DNA contains the genes that encode the DNA replication

information for the synthesis of a protein • The doubling/duplication of DNA & occurs
• Sequence of the bases in the DNA codes for the during the interphase period of mitosis (S)
sequence of the amino acids in proteins • Replicated only once
• However, the DNA does not direct protein • If replicated from a single ori, with same rate
synthesis. as bacteria, this would take over 150 hours
• The genetic information in the DNA is decoded • DNA to be copied is fed through the proteins
in the form of messenger RNA, which is then of the replication factory
translated to Amino acid sequence of a protein • The duplex DNA to be copied is first split into
• Central Dogma is the backbone of molecular single strands
biology without central dogma it will be hard • Each of the two template strands is copied and
for us to check for the amino acids that could becomes half of a new DNA double helix
be coded based on the genetic information (semi-conservative)

o Region in the chromosome which is the
• Provision of progeny with the genetic
initiation point for DNA replication
information possessed by the parent
o Form a structure known as replication fork
• The daughter cells or offspring will get the
genetic information form the parent
Replication Enzymes

Proteins/Enzymes Function
Helicase Processive unwinding of

- split/unzipped the
double strand of DNA 2. Primase
into two • Binds the initiation point of the 5’-3’ parent
- first enzyme involved chain and synthesizes the RNA primer
in DNA replication • RNA primer
Topoisomerase Relieves torsional strain o Has the required 3’-OH end for the addition
that results from of a new nucleotide

- To relax the DNA

from local unwinding
Primase Initiate’s synthesis of
RNA primers

- will attached/bind in
the strands that are
split from the DNA 3. DNA Polymerase
DNA polymerase Polymerization of DNA • Elongates the new DNA strand at a 5’-3’
direction using the 3’-5’ template
- polymer means • 5’-3’ strand that proceeds to the direction of
multiple the replication fork (leading strand)
- responsible for the • New strand using the 5’-3’ template is
elongation synthesized in a discontinuous manner
Sliding clamp Anchors DNA (lagging strand)
polymerase • Okazaki fragment are the short DNA
Single-strand binding Prevents premature fragments added.
proteins (SBB) reannealing of ssDNA o There are possible nicks that could be form
RNase H/DNA Removes RNA primers during the DNA replication
Polymerase I (E. coli) o Nicks – dent or gaps that could be found in
DNA Ligase Links short DNA pieces short DNA fragments – known as Okazaki
together fragments
4. DNA Polymerase I
• Removes the primer in the lagging strand and
General Steps in DNA Replication in fill the gap with appropriate nucleotides
Prokaryotes • If there are nicks that could be found in the
lagging strand, DNA polymerase will fill
1. DNA Helicase
necessary nucleotides
• Break the hydrogen bonds between bases of
5. DNA Ligase
the two anti-parallel strands resulting in the
• Gaps between the Okazaki fragments are
unwinding of the helix
• Origin of replication

Replication • All RNA’s are synthesized using DNA template
• Process requires the enzyme RNA polymerase
o RNA polymerase can access the DNA it does
is it makes a complementary strand or it
complements the bases that are found on
the DNA

• For the transcription it unwinds the DNA

double-helix to expose the bases which are the
• A gene it’s a segment of a DNA base sequence
responsible for the production of specific
hnRNA or mRNA molecules
• For the human genes has about 20,000 to 25,
000 thousand genes it makes up the genome
• Genome it’s the sum of all genes that are found
in an organism
• Most of the human genes they have about
1,000-3500 nucleotides units long
• RNA polymerase will catalyze the linkage of
ribonucleotides 1 by 1 to form the mRNA


Sense strand
RNA • Codes for the sequence of the gene
• The bases or the nucleotides that are found
• Another type of nucleic acid on the sense strand are the one which are
• Made up of unbranched chain of nucleotides responsible for the sequencing of the gene
as in DNA Anti-sense strand
• D-ribose, U instead of T and single stranded. • Opposite complimentary strand that is
• Instead of Thymine , Uracil is the pyrimidine used as the template for RNA synthesis
that is paired with/or complements the base • RNA base sequence is identical with that of
of adenine the sense strand except for the presence of
• Instead of thymine which paired to
• Second step or stage of Central Dogma prior Adenine, Uracil will be used as the
to transcription, we have to unwind the complementary base for Adenine
chromosomes which essential to allow RNA
polymerase to access the DNA
• Responsible to relax the DNA is the enzyme TYPES OF RNA MOLECULES
topoisomerase, it removes the torsional Heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA)
strain for your DNA • formed directly by DNA transcription
• Process by which the DNA directs the • During the post transcription processing the
synthesis of mRNA, it a two-step process hnRNA is converted into mRNA
o First step is to synthesized heterogenous • The process involved in converting the
nuclear RNA hnRNA to mRNA is splicing
o Second step is editing it to yield your mRNA
mRNA molecule
• carries instructions for protein synthesis
• Process of copying of a DNA template in the
• genetic information that came from the DNA
form of RNA
• the molecular mass of mRNA it depends to
on the length of proteins can produce

Small nuclear RNA (snRNA) hnRNA → mRNA
• facilitates the conversion of hnRNA to mRNA 3’ UAA GCA ACA – AAA GGG – UCA CGG 5’
• it contains little amount of nucleotides A B C D E
• 100-200 nucleotides
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) mRNA (combined exons)
• Structural component of the ribosomes (sites 3’ UAA-ACA-AAA-CGG 5’
of protein synthesis)
• It is usually combined with a specific protein codon- will be translated into amino acid
the ribosomes are formed 5’ GGC-AAA-ACA-AAU 3’
• Ribosomes are known to be physical site for
protein synthesis anti-codon
• Molecular masses 3 million 3’ CCG-UUU-UGU-UUA 5’
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
• delivers amino acids to the site for protein amino acids: Gly-Lys-Thr-Asn
• is known to be the smallest type of RNA example:
• it has 75-90 nucleotide units
• It acts as what you called the anti-codon


• Involves conversion of hnRNA to mRNA A=U
• Splicing: Excision of introns and joining of T=A
o Exon - a gene segment that codes for hnRNA → mRNA
genetic information 3’ GCG – UAU AAU AUC CAU UGC UUU – GUA 5’
o Intron – a DNA segments that interrupt a A B C D E F
genetic message
▪ The splicing process is driven by mRNA (combined exons)
• Alternative splicing - A process by which
several different protein variants are codon- will be translated into amino acid
produced from a single gene 5’ AUG – UUU – CGU – UAC – UAA 3’
o The process involves excision of one or
more exons anti-codon
3’ UAC – AAA – GCA – AUG – AUU 5’
Splicing- we have first the leading strand coming
from the DNA amino acids: Met – Phe – Arg – Tyr – stop codon
Sequence of nucleotide – 5’ →3’
hnRNA- will act as the complementary strand
Example: • Transcriptome: All of the mRNA molecules that
Exons – A, C, E can be generated from the genetic material in a
Introns – B, D genome.
o Transcriptome is different from a genome
C=G o Responsible for the biochemical complexity
A=U created by splice variants obtained by hnRNA



• The loop opposite to the open end of tRNA is
the site for a sequence of three bases called an
• 1966, it was discovered anticodon.
• Scientist are now able to predict characteristics • Anti-codon - a three-nucleotide sequence on a
by studying DNA. tRNA molecule that is complementary to a
• Genetic code is the assignment of the 64 mRNA codon on an mRNA molecule.
codons to specific amino acids.
• Leads to genetic engineering, genetic
• Codons – three nucleotide sequence in a mRNA • Protein synthesis
molecule that codes for a specific amino acid • Process by which the sequence of nucleotides
• 61 codons amino acids in an mRNA molecule directs the
• 4 different bases (U,C,A,G) incorporation of amino acid into protein
• Stop codon is known to be termination codons • The site of the protein synthesis is the
they are known as stop signal ribosome, ribosome is known as ribosomal
• UAA, UAG, UGA are known to be stop codon RNA protein complex wherein the ribosome
• AUG - the only start codon has 65% rRNA ; 35% protein by mass
• Marshall Nirenberg and Har Gobind Khorana (Ribosome- rRNA – protein complex)
they were awarded for noble prize in chemistry
because they were able to know/illuminate how FIVE STEPS OF TRANSLATION PROCESS
the mRNA encodes for the proteins
Activation of tRNA:
• addition of specific amino acids to the 3’-OH
group of tRNA.
• Bonded on the sugar unit
Initiation of protein synthesis:
• Begins with binding of mRNA to small
ribosomal subunit such that its first codon
(initiating codon AUG) occupies a site called
the P site (peptidyl site)
• Adjacent to the P site in an mRNA–ribosome
complex is A site (aminoacyl site) and the next
tRNA with the appropriate anticodon binds to
• The polypeptide continues to grow via
translocation until all necessary amino acids
are in place and bonded to each other.
Post-translational processing
• gives the protein the final form it needs to be
fully functional


• During protein synthesis amino acids do not
directly interact with the codons of an mRNA
• tRNA molecules as intermediaries deliver
amino acids to mRNA.
• Two important features of the tRNA
• The 3’ end of tRNA is where an amino acid is
covalently bonded to the tRNA.


ENZYMES • Cofactors could either be small organic
• Catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in molecules or coenzymes, inorganic ions
our cells by lowering the energy required for • Important for the chemically reactive
the reaction. enzymes, it needs to be bonded to apoenzyme
• They are extremely effective, up to 1020 times to activate it
faster • Organic molecule cofactors they are known
• They are not consumed in the reaction coenzyme or co-substrate
instead they just help in speeding up the • Inorganic ion cofactors – metal ion cofactors:
reaction itself zinc, magnesium, manganese and iron and
• Enzymes are the most effective catalyst are non-metallic – chlorine
• Most of them are globular proteins • Holoenzyme – biochemically active
• Enzymes are classified based on their conjugated enzymes. apoenzyme + cofactor
function (type of reaction where they are = holoenzyme
involved) rather than their structure • Once cofactor is removed in apoenzyme
• Specific – they will only react on certain /holoenzyme, apoenzyme will be converted
substance back into inactive and incomplete
• 1,500- 3,000 different enzymes • A conjugated enzyme containing apoenzyme
• Since enzymes are protein it could also and cofactor (inorganic ions or organic
undergo denaturation molecules)
• Almost every reaction may cell require its
own specific enzymes (specific enzyme • Coenzyme – also known as co-substrate
reacts with specific substrate) • Organic molecule cofactors
• Catalyst • Derive from dietary vitamins
o Substance that lowers the activation
energy of a reaction without being Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes
changed itself • Enzyme could be named or classified based on
Example of enzyme: their function, reaction involved, substrate
• Hydrolysis of protein in our diet (trypsin or where they react
pepsin) • For nomenclature, they are commonly named
• Carbonic anhydrase in blood with their function, type of reaction catalyze
o 35M reactants in a minute by an enzyme and identify of the substrate
• In enzyme catalyze reaction we have substrate
ENZYME STRUCTURE – reactant in an enzyme catalyze reaction
2 General Structural Classes: • Suffix: End in –ase

1. Simple Enzyme Identifies a reacting substance

An enzyme composed an only one protein • sucrase – reacts sucrose
• lipase - reacts lipid
2. Conjugated Enzyme • lactase – reacts with lactose
• An enzyme that has a nonprotein part in • maltase – reacts with maltose
addition to protein part
• Apoenzyme – protein part, part of the Describes function of enzyme
enzyme which lacks the cofactor • oxidase – catalyzes oxidation
• its catalytically inactive and incomplete, it • hydrolase – catalyzes hydrolysis
needs a cofactor for it to react on a certain
substrate or substance (cofactor is needed Common names of digestion enzymes still use
for it to be activated) –in
• Cofactor – non-protein part of • pepsin, trypsin
conjugated enzyme
• Hemp in making sure that apoenzyme will Identify of the substrate is often noted in
be activated addition to the type of reaction
• Cofactors will bind tightly or loosely with • glucose oxidase – reacts with glucose and
the apoenzyme – cofactor convert the type of reaction involved is oxidation
apoenzyme to holoenzyme apoenzymes
• succinate dehydrogenase – it reacts with
succinate and the reaction involved is
dehydration organs –
increase: liver
Classification and Names of Enzymes damage, fatty
Class Reaction Examples
catalyzed Kinases: transfer
Oxidation – Oxidases – phosphate group
reduction oxidation from ATP to
substrate. (ADP
Ex: Glucose
- Redox oxidase will be yield as
reaction product – one
Reductases – phosphate group
- It is a linked reduction of ATP is
process –
oxidation is Dehydrogensase
always linked s – removes
Es: creatine
to reduction hydrogen
Oxidoreducta kinase (CK)/
se - Example: creatine
oxidoreducta Lactate phosphokinase –
se requires dehydrogenases cardiac marker
enzyme that (LDH) – remove
could either hydrogen in Isomers of CK:
oxidize or lactic acid
reduce the (substrate), CK-MB – in heart
substrate in cardiac marker
the reaction CK-MM – skeletal
Transfer a Transaminases/ muscle
group from aminotransferas
one molecule es: catalyze the CK-DB - brain
to another transfer of amino
group to a Hydrolysis
- catalyzes substrate
transfer of
functional SGOT (serum - addition of Proteases – react
group from glutamic
water during in peptide bond
one molecule oxaloacetic
to another transaminase) / the reaction
Lipases – react in
AST (aspartate
Transferase aminotransferas Carbohydrates, ester linkage
e) – increase of proteins and
AST indicates Hydrolase Carbohydrases –
lipids - During
problem in liver, react in
the formation
fatty liver glycosidic linkage
of bond water
SGPT (serum is elicit Phosphatases
glutamic-pyruvic (condensation) and Nucleases –
transaminase)/ water react with
ALT (alanine The phosphodiester/
aminotransferas hydrolysis phosphate ester
e) – found in reaction are linkage
liver and in other central to the
process of

Decarboxylases – Models of Enzyme Action
react in carboxyl Enzyme active site
group and releases • Small part of an enzyme’s structure that is
Add or remove carbon dioxide actually involved in catalysis/reaction
groups during the reaction • It is the place where substrate (substance that
involving a (decarboxylation) acts to an enzyme) bind to an enzyme
double bond
Lyase • A three – dimensional entity formed by groups
without Deaminases –
that come from different parts of the protein
hydrolysis deamination – react
with amino group
It doesn’t • It is formed due to folding and bending of
involve Dehydratases – proteins
hydrolysis or water is removed • Crevice-like appearance – narrow or small
oxidation opening
Hydratases – • Active site has different geometrical shape –
addition of water basis on what substrate could react on that
during the reaction enzyme
Rearranging • There are some enzymes that has more than
atoms in a
one active site
molecule to
• Once substrate binds to enzyme – it is called as
Isomerases enzyme-substrate complex (ES complex)
form an
Isomerase isomer Epimerases Enzyme – substrate Complex
- conformation • The intermediate reaction species that is
of atoms in a formed when a substrate binds to the active
molecule Mutases site of an enzyme.
• This type of complex is needed for the activity
– changes the of the enzyme
position • The orientation a proximity is favorable and
making the reaction fast.
Form bonds
• Enzyme just helps in making sure that the
desired product will be formed during the
using ATP


- used when
simultaneous Synthetases
input of energy
is required or Carboxylases
when high Enzyme Action: Lock and Key Model
energy is • Active site in the enzyme has the fixed, rigid
needed in geometrical conformation. (predetermined
• enzyme and substrate are complementary by
- We chemical nature and geometrical shape (just
converted like Cinderella – the shoes fit perfectly to her)
ATP to ADP in • Shape of active site does not change, it will not
during adjust for others (loyal to one another, they fit
hydrolysis for each other)
• only substrate of a specific shape and chemical
nature can bind with the active site to form ES
• Substrate with a complementary geometry
can be accommodated.

Enzyme Specificity

Enzyme Reaction Example

specificity Type
One type of
reaction for
one substrate

restricted to
Urease – will only
substrate, it
react to urea
will only react
for only one Catalase – will only
substrate reacts to hydrogen
Enzyme Action most
• Enzyme catalyzed reaction restrictive Catalase test – for
among staphylococcus
specificity specie

it is not

stick to one
• Substrate will bind and after the reaction is (loyal)
done the product will be released in the
Hexokinase –
circulation and the enzyme can be use again One type of
for another reaction reacts with sugar
reaction for (hexose – glucose
substrate with or galactose -
Enzyme Action: Induced -Fit Model
• “ipilit natin” “mag aadjust si enzyme” the same
• Substrate contact with enzyme will change functional
the shape of the active site groups Glucose
• Enzyme’s active site is not rigid and static. Group determination –
- Involve
(marupok) hexokinase is
• There’s a constant change in shape similar used
• Allows for changes in the shape or geometry compounds,
of the active site of an enzyme to reacts for Carboxypeptidase
accommodate a substrate. substrate – react with
• Result of the enzyme’s flexibility; it adapts with same proteins
the incoming substrate. functional (carboxyl group
• It allows for changes group of peptide
• There is a constant change in shape chains).

Factor Influencing Enzyme Activity
One type of
• Enzyme and substrate concentration
reaction for a
particular o E+ S= EA
o Increase enzyme and the amount of
Lipase – react substrate is constant it will yield increase
- It is with ester
enzyme activity
irrespective o The enzymes are not consumed in the
Linkage of the
reaction they just hasten the reaction
Phosphatase– o The greater the enzyme concentration, the
hydrolyses greater the reaction rate
features in o At a constant substrate concentration, the
the vicinity of enzyme activity increase for as long as you
ester bond
the bond increase the enzyme concentration as well
general of
o When enzyme is constant and the substrate
is increased it will reach saturation curve
o Saturation curve – It already reached the
One type of
reaction for
maximum rate, there will be plateau, there
a particular will be no increase of enzyme reaction
stereoisomer because it already reached the maximum

An enzyme Temperature
that can • Changes the conformation of the enzyme
distinguish • Enzyme can be denatured in extremely high
between temperature - the enzyme will be destroyed
stereoisomer pH
• R groups of amino acids have proper charge;
Chirality variation of pH can affect the ions of groups on
the substrate
Amino acid
are known to Factors Affecting Enzyme Action
be chiral
Stereochemical Isomerase
Ex: Enzyme:
L-amino acid
oxidase – it
will only
involving L
amino acids
and not D
amino acids

The • Extremely high temperature will yield to

arrangement decrease enzyme activity
be disrupted • Denaturation of enzyme (proteins) in high
to from temperature
another type
of substrate

• Until we haven’t reached the optimum
temperature, the higher temperature result • At a constant enzyme concentration, the
in higher kinetic energy which causes enzyme activity increases with increase
increase in number of reactant collision, substrate concentration, but it could reach
because of that enzyme activity increases. saturation curve
• Optimum temperature – is the temperature • Saturation curve – the concentration at which
at which the rate of the enzyme catalyze
maximum rate is reached and all active sites of
reaction is maximum
enzyme is already full, then enzyme activity will
• In human body the optimum temperature for
human enzyme is 37 degrees Celsius (normal not increase no matter how much substrate,
body temp.) unless you add more enzymes to increase the
• At the normal body temperature, the activity
enzymes are at their maximum activity • once substrate reaches its maximum rate, all
• When we have fever, enzyme activity active site of enzymes is full
decreases which could be fatal.
Turnover number
• Number of substrate molecules transformed
per minute by one molecule of enzyme under
optimum conditions of temperature, pH and
saturation of the substrate.
• Catalase: 5,600,000
• Lactate dehydrogenase: 60,000
• DNA Polymerase I: 900

Enzyme Inhibition
• pH when changes it affects the enzyme • Slows or stops the normal catalytic activity of
the enzyme (by binding to enzyme)
• Change the protein structure of an enzyme
• drastic change in pH, enzyme (protein) can (like in induced-fit)
denature – the structure and integrity of the • May be competitive or noncompetitive
enzyme will be destroyed; therefore, the • Some effects are irreversible
enzyme will no longer have a reaction or
activity. Competitive Inhibition
• Optimum pH at which the enzyme has A competitive inhibitor
• Has a structure similar to
maximum activity – 7.0 – 7.5
• Ave Blood pH: 7.35 – 7.45 • Occupies active site
• except digestive enzymes: Optimum pH • Competes with substrate
• pepsin in stomach: 2.0 and; for the same active site
• trypsin in small intestine: 8.0 • It will have similar charge and shape, will
occupy the active site
• Has effect reversed by increasing substrate
• For as long as you add more substrate, the
active site can be recovered again and that is
the time when the active site can react to the

Noncompetitive Inhibition
A noncompetitive inhibitor
• Does not have a structure like substrate
• Binds to the enzyme but not active site

• It binds in allosteric site – site other than
active site, wherein the noncompetitive
inhibitor binds
• Changes the shape of enzyme and active site
• Change in the structure of enzyme and
therefore preventing enzyme activity
• Substrate cannot fit altered active site
• No reaction occurs
• Effect is not reversed by adding substrate
• Increasing the concentration of substrate
does not completely overcome the inhibition
• Heavy metal ions – lead, silver, mercury
Analogy: gender orientation

Irreversible Inhibition
A irreversible inhibitor
• Inactivates enzymes by forming a strong
covalent bond to an amino acid side-chain
group at the enzyme’s active site
• Does not reverse the inhibition process
• Enzyme is permanently deactivated
• Effect is not reversed by adding substrate
• Binds in active site and irreversible
Medical Uses of Enzymes
• Example: chemical warfare agents (nerve
gases), insecticides (organophosphate) • Used to diagnose certain diseases. (SGOT &
SGPT – marker for liver, LDH – marker for
Feedback Regulation heart, amylase, lipase – marker for pancreas)
Feedback control – process in which you either • Appearance of these enzymes in the blood
activate (positive feedback) or inhibit (negative often indicates that there is tissue damage in
feedback) the first reaction in a reaction an organ and that cellular contents are spilling
sequence out into the bloodstream. (normal value for
• Negative feedback – pathway is inhibited by enzymes in the body)
accumulation of final product • Used in the treatment of disease. (Example:
• Positive feedback – a regulatory molecule antibiotics
stimulates the activity of the enzyme, usually
between 2 pathways
o  ADP levels cause the activation of the
glycolysis pathway to make more ATP

GENERAL CHAACTERISTICS OF VITAMINS o Your vitamins play as cofactors for many
• Organic compounds enzymes
• The term vitamins it was derived from the • Two classes
word vita which means life o Water soluble and Fat soluble
• The vitamins originally, we know them as o There are two classes they could be
vitamine wherein beta/vita means life characterized or divided based on their
• They thought that the substances actually solubility
contain amine as their functional group that o Water soluble – they can only be soluble in
is why it was known to be or called as water
vitamins o Fat soluble – they are not soluble in water but
• Some vitamins contain amine functional rather they could be soluble to lipids
group but not all • Synthetic and natural vitamins are same
• Must be obtained from dietary sources o 13 known vitamins
• Vitamins are actually considered as cofactor o They could be divided based on their solubility
of most of the enzymes, your enzymes o 9 of known vitamins are actually water soluble
contain vitamins as part of their structure and 4 of them fat or lipids soluble
• The vitamins must be obtained from dietary o Lipids soluble vitamins – A, D, E, K
sources because human body can’t synthesize o Water soluble – Vitamins C, and B complex
in enough amounts
• Essential for proper functioning of the body WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS
• Needed in micro and milligram quantities per Vitamin C
day in comparison with the 50-200 grams per • The water-soluble vitamins need constant
day of major food categories replenishment in our body so they can be
• Vitamins are actually differed from major eliminated quickly from the body and they are
classes it can be carbohydrates, lipids and excreted along with urine
proteins • They are rapidly excreted in our body together
• 1 gram of vitamin B is sufficient for 500,000 with the urine
people • The water-soluble vitamins they are carried in
• Only micro and milligram quantities is the bloodstream or circulation so we need
needed by the body them in frequent and small dozes
• Our body has what we called RDA or • Water-soluble vitamins are actually
Recommended Daily Allowance we have to considered to be unlikely toxic, even though
get that certain vitamin intake we take them in unusually large dozes they are
• Example: Vitamin B12 we only need 2 not that toxic however, they must only be
micrograms per day for adults taken frequent but small dozes only
• Enough vitamin can be obtained from • They function as coenzymes and most of the
balanced diet important biochemical reactions in humans,
• Supplemental vitamins may be needed after animals and microorganisms the coenzyme
illness used are water-soluble vitamins
• Whether it synthetic (manufacture in our • 8 of which vitamins are under the B complex
laboratory which are known to be taken as • 9th one is the vitamin C
supplement) or natural resources (from our • Vitamin C is the simplest structure out of the
food intake) they are similar so the body 13th vitamins
cannot differentiate whether the vitamins we • Regarding to its fat or water soluble the most
get are from synthetic or from our food simple or simplest is the Vitamin C
intake • Humans, monkeys, apes and guinea pigs need
• Same benefits just what we can get dietary vitamins
regardless if natural resources or synthetic • Co-substrate in the formation of structural
• Many enzymes contain vitamins as part of protein collagen
their structures – conjugated enzymes • Vitamin C have 2 forms that exist in our body
o Conjugated enzymes – this are enzymes o Oxidized
which has protein and non-protein part o Reduced
o Protein part – called as apoenzyme • Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic
o Non-protein part – we have cofactor acid/ascorbate

• Vitamin C was actually the first Vitamin, it was Two forms of Vitamin C
discovered in 1928
• Also, the first Vitamin that was characterized
the structure in 1933
• And it was also the first Vitamin that could be
synthesized in the laboratory since they were
able to figure out the structure of the vitamin
C on that same year that was also the Vitamin
C was synthesized in the laboratory which is in
• Involved in metabolism of certain amino acids Vitamin B
• This amino acid they end up being converted • The preferred and alternative names for the B
to the hormones; norepinephrine and vitamins
thyroxine • When we say Vitamins, they are essential and
• Vitamin C is involved in the metabolism of the required for normal human growth and it gets
certain amino acids by food and diet because cannot afford the
• It also functions as a general antioxidant in body to manufactured however, the other
water-soluble substances in our body and types of vitamin is supposedly are part before
other body fluids of B complex does not meet the said definition
• It also has anti-oxidant properties but as we of your Vitamin
all know that Vitamin E is the anti-oxidant • B4 is nitrogenous based (adenine) however B4
vitamin is not considered as vitamin anymore
• Your Vitamin C actually helps the Vitamin E • Thiamin (vitamin B1)
because the active form of Vitamin E which • The function is for carbohydrate metabolism
acts as antioxidant is regenerated by the • Responsible for (decarboxylation’s)
Vitamin C • If there are deficiency in Vitamin B1
• The Vitamin C aside from being known to be o infants it may cause dyspnea – difficulty in
general antioxidant and it is involved in the breathing, cyanosis and diarrhea
amino acid metabolism it could also be used as o Adults – beriberi (fatigue and peripheral
preservatives neuritis – there is inflammation on the
• 100 mg/day saturates all body tissues – excess peripheral nervous system)
vitamin is excreted • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
• RDA (mg/day): • Function is redox reaction
o Great Britain: 30 • If the patient is suffering from deficiency in
o United States and Canada: 60 riboflavin, they will suffer in angular
o Germany: 75 stomatitis it means that there is lesion,
o Men: 90 dermatitis, photophobia
o Female: 75 • Niacin (nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, vitamin
• When our body lacks Vitamin C it could cause B3)
the condition of scurvy • Function is redox reaction
• It was named ascorbic acid because it is known • If the individual is suffering from deficiency in
to be anti-scurvy the Vitamin B3 it could suffer from the
• When it is deficient in Vitamin C it causes this condition Pellagra
condition is scurvy it has hemorrhages in the • Pellagra – could suffer from dermatitis,
skin, delayed in wound healing, have anemia diarrhea, weight loss, mental disturbance,
and alimentary and urinary track is also mucous membrane inflammation
affected • Found in meat poultry fish
• If it is too much Vitamin C it depends to person • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal,
to person it could cause diarrhea, nausea, pyridoxamine)
headache, heartburn and insomnia • Involve in amino acid such as transaminases,
phosphorylase and decarboxylases
• Co-substrate and coenzyme

• If you are suffering from deficiency in Vitamin • B7 – it doesn’t contain tin as what the name
B6 implies but it does contain sulfur on its
o Infants – irritability; seizures, anemia structure
vomiting and weakness • Most of under the Vitamin B they are usually
o Adults – facial seborrhea (dandruff) found in dietary sources in plants, grains, beans
• Vitamin B is usually we do is we take them as and vegetables
complex rather than taking 1 by 1 it is more • If there are deficiency it will cause dermatitis,
convenient to take them as one anorexia, nausea in neurologic changes and
o For adults is recommended is 400mg daily vasoconstriction
• If there excess of Vitamin B its possible it will • It is a co-enzyme for carbon dioxide in
cause increase blood sugar level, and it will carboxylation for reaction
cause liver damage that’s why you take them • Exhibit structural diversity
in the RDA only because it can cause mood • Major function: B Vitamins are components of
swing, even panic attacks if you take too much coenzymes
of Vitamin B
• But even in the large dozes most of under the FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS
Vitamin B complex is relatively safe Vitamins A, D, E, K
• Found in meat poultry fish • Involved in plasma membrane processes
• Folate B9 (folic acid) • More hydrocarbon like with fewer functional
• Function is for the amino acid and nucleic acid groups
synthesis • They’re structure are known to be non-polar
• If you have deficiency in Folic acid you might which enhances their solubilities in cell
suffer from megaloblastic anemia membrane
• megaloblastic anemia – very large of red blood • Vitamin A
cells and anemia therefore, there is a o Has role in vision – only 1/1000 f vitamin A
decreased number of the RBC is in retina
• Usually, this type of anemia could either be o 3 forms of vitamin A are active in the body
due to deficiency in B9 or B12 o Derived from b-carotene
• Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
• Could suffer from megaloblastic anemia Functions of Vitamin A
• DNA synthesis and folate interconversion • Vision: In the eye – vitamin A combines with
• The reason why it can cause megaloblastic opsin protein to form the visual pigment
anemia if there are deficiency in B12 is because rhodopsin which further converts light
it also functions on folic acid interconversions energy into nerves impulses that are sent to
• It is being found exclusive in animals (meat, the brain
poultry fish eggs and milk) • Vitamin A has a pre-formed type which is
• Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) known to be retinoids: retinal, retinol;
• Responsible for the acyl group transfer reaction retinoic acid
is a part of the coenzyme • Common name of Vitamin A is retinol
• What if the Vitamin B5 is too low, it will caused • 0.1% of Vitamin A which could be found in
depression (not just on the mental health but the eyes
could also caused our immune system to be • Regulating Cell Differentiation – process in
depressed as well), muscle weakness which immature cells change to specialized
• Biotin (vitamin B7) cells with function
• The only common thread of the structure is • During the hematopoiesis it differentiate the
that they have heterocyclic nitrogen ring cells into specialized cells
system with the exemption of the pantothenic o Examples: Differentiation of bone marrow
acid cells white blood cells and red blood cells
• B1 and B7 they have sulfur on their structure • Vitamin A it binds the protein receptors
• B12 – cobalt which could be responsible for the specific
type of white blood cell
• Maintenance of the healthy of epithelial
tissues via epithelial tissue differentiation:

o Lack of vitamin A causes such surfaces to • Function of Vitamin D is calcification of bones
become drier and harder than normal and teeths for hardening or mineralization of
o It plays a role on the body surfaces as well bone
as lining of internal cavities and tubes such • If there is deficiency in Vitamin D it could
as your bladder. Vagina, lungs, mouth and cause the condition of:
stomach o rickets (bone deformation) – young
• Reproduction and Growth: In men, vitamin A individuals
participates in sperm development. In o Osteomalacia (soft bones) – adults
women, normal fetal development during
pregnancy requires vitamin A. Vitamin E
• Its role is to differentiate the cells your • Four forms of Vitamin Es: a-, b-, g- and d-
Vitamin A also place a role in cancer Vitamin E
prevention the reason why is because the • Alpha-tocopherol is the most active biological
retinoic acid actually used as a positive active form of Vitamin E
control when studying the formation of o Gamma – Vitamin E rich food
blood vessels, they could decrease the • Peanut oils, green and leafy vegetables and
formation of blood vessels whole grain products are the sources of
• If they have the formation of blood vessels it Vitamin E
could attribute the cancer formation so that’s • Primary function: Antioxidant – protects
why the retinoic acid helps in cancer against oxidation of other compounds
prevention • After we use the Vitamin E as an anti-oxidant
• If the Vitamin A is too low it will cause once it reacts with the Vitamin C It will be
blindness, growth retardation, abnormal regenerated by the restoring the hydrogen
taste response, dermatitis and recurrent atom which is previously loss of Vitamin E
infection • Vitamin E – important location in the lungs
because lungs can expose the cells to oxygen
Vitamin D and air pollutants that is why it needs Vitamin
• Two forms active in the body: Vitamin D2 and E for anti-oxidation
D3 • If there is deficiency in Vitamin E it could
o D2 – ergocalciferol cause mild hemolytic anemia (newborn), red
o D3 – cholecalciferol cell fragility and ataxia
• Sunshine Vitamin: Synthesized by UV light
from sun (D3 – It is produced in the skin of Vitamin K
the humans and animals by action of UV • Two major forms; K1 and K2
light) o K1 – phylloquinone
• The precursor molecule you have the o K2 – menaquinone
cholesterol the cholesterol it can be • K1 found in dark green, leafy vegetables
converted into cholecalciferol of UV light (plants)
• It controls correct ratio of Ca and P for bone • K2 is synthesized by bacteria that grow in
mineralization (hardening) colon
• No matter how much calcium we have in our • Dietary need supply: ~1/2 synthesized by
body, if you don’t get enough Vitamin D, bacteria and ½ obtained from diet
calcium will become useless • Leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage they
• Vitamin D plays a role in the calcium how it are rich in Vitamin K
makes our bones strong • Oher vegetables example is the peas,
• You need to have enough Vitamin D for it to tomatoes, animal tissue such as liver they only
utilize the calcium and phosphorus for bone have lesser amounts compare to what as we
mineralization can get Vitamin K in cabbage and spinach or
• As a hormone it promotes Ca and P leafy green vegetables
absorption in intestine • If there is deficiency in Vitamin K it could
• In Vitamin D there are few food natural cause hemorrhage
resources such as liver, fatty fish, salmon, egg • There are clotting factors that are known to be
yolks, fish liver oils, fortified milk, butter Vitamin K dependent: II, VII, IX, X

• Vitamin K is also required for synthesis for • As much as possible we should not take to
other proteins which can be seen in plasma, much iron because what will happen is the
bone and kidney excess amount are stored in the body tissues,
• If the Vitamin K is too low it can cause easy they could affect the body immune function,
bruising to even massive bruising and post cell growth and even the heart
traumatic bleeding • If it is too much it could be toxic to the body
especially on the liver
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MINERALS • The iron is related to hemoglobin
• Unlikely vitamins which are organic • Sources: red meat, liver, eggs, bread,
substances, minerals are inorganic green vegetables
substances which is needed in small amounts • Deficiency: Anemia (IDA)
that must be obtained from food
• Minerals can be divided into two groups – CALCIUM
those needed in large quantities (major • Functions: Teeth and bones, blood clotting,
minerals) and those only required in tiny nerve and muscle contraction, heart
amounts (trace elements) regulation
• Without your Vitamin D the Calcium can’t be
utilized properly
• It is vital for the building for strong bones and
teeth usually it is very important during
childhood and teen years
• It is very important to get enough calcium to
fight the bone loss later in life
• Sources: Dairy products, fortified white bread,
green vegetables, nuts and seeds, canned
• Deficiency: Stunted growth can cause rickets
and osteoporosis
• Sodium and potassium are considered as
major cations while chlorine is known to be PHOSPHORUS
major anion • Same as calcium it also helps for the formation
of the bones and teeths and it also helps the
• Body building – teeth and bones like the • It’s a part of every cell membrane, each cell
calcium needs a phosphorus for it to function
• Control of body processes, especially the • Usually if the phosphorus is too low it will lead
nervous system to bone demoralization it means possible
• Essential part of body fluids and cells softening the bones or weak bones
• Form part of enzymes and other proteins • Phosphorus and calcium are responsible for
necessary for the release of energy bone mineralization or hardening of the bones
• Functions: Bones and teeth accompanied by
IRON calcium, muscle contraction
• Functions: Production of hemoglobin in red • Sources: Dairy products, nuts, meat, fish, oats,
blood cells to carry oxygen in the blood cocoa
• It very necessary for the production of • Deficiency: Rarely deficient but could cause
energy it also responsible for the synthesis of tiredness and depression
collagen and also for the functioning of the
immune system SODIUM
• If their iron deficiency usually common only • A major cation, it’s a major extra cellular
among children and pre-menopausal women cation
but if there is a case if the iron is too low it • It is very important component of body fluids
could cause this type of anemia: Iron • Functions: Maintains water balance in the
Deficiency anemia (IDA) body and controls body temperature, helps
you sweat when body temperature rises

• It also helps in maintaining muscles and ZINC
nerves for it to work properly • Functions: Aids the immune system. Cofactor
• It works together with potassium the reason in enzymes. Needed for the senses of smell
why is because when sodium enters your and taste
potassium will come out • It basically supports the health of the immune
• potassium is known to be your major system
intracellular cation • Responsible for the normal synthesis of
• sodium is known to be your major protein and the reproductive organs specially
extracellular cation for the men
• They are responsible for it to be balance or • Zinc could actually found on the sperm of
to regulate the fluid in our body men
• Sources: Cheese, smoked meats, fish, table • Sources: Meat esp. lamb meat, oats, eggs, nuts
salt • Deficiency: Retarded growth, skin and nerve
• Deficiency: deficiency is highly unlikely health, hearing ability, and immune function
• If you are suffering in diarrhea or vomiting (infants)
it can have a deficiency in sodium it causes • Excess: Enlarged liver
dizziness, muscle crumps and dehydration • Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
• If the sodium is too low your water follows could actually adversely affect the zinc levels
the sodium, if the sodium is low in the body • The zinc enables the male body for it to
also the sodium level is low produce testosterone
• Hyponatremia – low (hypotension) • Levels of zinc can affect erectile disfunction
• Hypernatremia – high • Individuals who can’t sleep properly it is
• We differentiate elements and minerals: actually an excellent sleep aid because it has
minerals are actually ions they have charges antidepressant effect
• PISO – potassium in; Sodium out IODINE
• Functions: Thyroid gland function (controls
POTASSIUM how quickly the body uses energy) and body
• potassium is known to be your major metabolism
intracellular cation • Sources: Milk, eggs, yogurt, seafood, iodized
• It helps with the muscle and nervous system salt
function • Deficiency: enlargement of gland which
• Functions: Muscle contraction and in causes goiter
maintaining body fluid. It is necessary for • When iodine is deficient during pregnancy
the building of muscle and for normal body and infancy it can lead to abnormality in brain
growth development and in the growth of the
• Sources: Banana, celery, meat, fruits, milk, children
grains, legumes, raisins, dates, figs • Disease involved Goiter
• Deficiency: dry skin, acne, muscle spasms or MAGNESIUM
weakness • Functions: muscle contraction, DNA synthesis,
• It could also cause excessive vomiting, controls blood sugar and blood pressure,
chronic diarrhea or even kidney failure cofactor of enzymes
• Potassium deficiency the common side • Most of the time your magnesium and calcium
effect of the individual taking laxatives and are the two evident cofactors of the enzymes
diuretic because when the water is low the • It helps the muscle and nerve function as well
potassium also is low just like the sodium • Magnesium could actually steady the heart
• If the potassium increases there could be a bleeding and it could also keep the bone
problem in the nervous and muscle function strong it also helps the body create energy and
• Hypokalemia – decrease in water proteins we need
• Hyperkalemia – increase (problem in • Sources: Cheeses, cocoa, chocolate, nuts, beans
nervous and muscle function it could also • Deficiency: it can cause muscle twitches,
affect your heart (arrythmia), numbness, nervousness and arrythmia and disorientation
chest pain, heart attack it could also associated to hypocalcemia or
calcemia meaning there is a decrease in

• We have different biochemical reactions that • In the citric acid cycle the end product is
takes place in a living organism oxaloacetate but it also takes part on the first
• The totality or sum of those biochemical step of your citric acid cycle
reactions called metabolism • The Kreb’s Cycle is one of the most important
• For the metabolism or biochemical reactions metabolic pathways in our body because it
once the food being take goes into our body, generates the energy that we need in our
they will undergo different biochemical everyday lives. Aside from that it could also
reactions depending on what our body needs generate carbon dioxide
• For the metabolism essentially our body
composed of 6,000 of solid foods and 10,000 Overview of the Biochemical Energy Production
gallons of water • Energy needed to run human body is obtained
• 70% of our body is made up of water from food
• The food that we intake once they undergo • Multi-step process that involves several
specific biochemical reactions, they will be different catabolic pathways
used for different processes such as protein • There are four stages in the biochemical
synthesis, DNA replication, RNA production process:
transcription and other biochemical o Stage 1: Digestion
processes o Stage 2: Acetyl group formation
• For the metabolism there are 2 types: o Stage 3: Citric acid cycle
o Catabolism and Anabolism – they are o Stage 4: electron transport chain (ETC) and
opposite to one another if one metabolism oxidative phosphorylation
is responsible for energy consumption or it • For biochemical energy production humans
requires energy during the process while have eukaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells has
the other one it releases energy during the different structure which is found on the cell
process itself it has a DNA, enclosed in the nucleus,
o Between the two the catabolism is the one different organelles, has a cytoplasm, etc.
which releases energy during the process. • Cytoplasm – water-based material of eukaryotic
All the metabolic reaction in catabolism cell and the organelles are located on it
will break down large molecules into • Cytosol – is the water-based fluid of the
smaller molecules. Hence if you’ll break cytoplasm of a cell
down large molecules an energy will be • There are certain processes which undergo on
release during the process specific organelle or part of your cell and most
o While the anabolism its opposite of the of the important processes they take place on
catabolism, in anabolism the small the mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell)
molecules they are joined or combined • Most of the energy of the cell found in the
together to form larger molecules. Hence mitochondria
for you to form larger molecules you need • Most of the biochemical processes or pathway
energy during the reactions they undergo in mitochondria usually on the
o catabolism: oxidation of glucose matrix of the mitochondria (inner membrane)
o anabolism: synthesis of protein from your responsible of the ATP synthesis
monomer units (amino acids) • Each stage also involves numerous reactions
• For the metabolic reactions or metabolic
pathways is a series of molecular or Stage 1: Digestion
biochemical reactions which are organized in • It is not considered as part of metabolism
sequence which means you have starting because it is extracellular
materials and you also have an end product • Metabolic processes this processes or this
• Two types of metabolic pathways: biochemical reaction happens inside the cell
o Linear pathways – starting point and or intracellular. Hence, it will start that on the
specific end product; series of reactions to Stage 2
generate a final product • Begins in mouth (saliva contains starch
o Cyclic pathways – is a series of reaction digesting enzymes), continues in the stomach
which generates the first reactant (gastric juice), completed in small intestine:

• Majority of the digestive enzymes such as the • The carbon oxide we exhale comes primarily
trypsin and other bile salts (responsible for from this stage
breaking down of lipids) • Most energy is trapped in reduced coenzymes
• The end product of digestion are the monomer NADH and FADH2
units of your macromolecules • Some energy produced in this stage is lost in
• The carbohydrates your monosaccharides are the form of heat
the monomer units but basically it was • Carbon dioxide and reduced coenzyme are
pointed out. Hence, we have glucose and other formed
saccharides such as galactose and fructose
o Results in small molecules that can cross Stage 4: Electron Transport Chain (ETC) and
intestinal membrane into the blood oxidative phosphorylation (respiratory chain)
• End Products of digestion: • Same as the Stage 2 and 3 it also takes place in
o Glucose and monosaccharides from mitochondria however in Stage 2 it can also
carbohydrates take place in cytosol
o Amino acids from proteins • The reduced coenzymes that were produced
o Fatty acids (simplest form of lipids) and on your citric acid cycle they are needed to
glycerol from fats and oils produced ATP molecules which are primarily
• This end products of the digestion they are the energy carriers in metabolic pathways
small enough to absorb it in our body for it to • NADH and FADH2 are oxidized to release H+
pass across the intestinal membrane. and electrons
• The digestion products are absorbed int the • H+ are transported to the inter-membrane
blood and transported to body’s cell space in mitochondria
• Electrons are transferred to O2 and O2 is
STAGE 2. Acetyl Group Formation reduced to H2O
• The metabolic processes will start here • The molecular oxygen it will react with the
• The small molecules from Stage 1 are further electrons and those electrons are the
oxidized. hydrogen ions to form the water
• End product of these oxidations is acetyl CoA • H+ ions reenter the mitochondrial matrix and
and reduced coenzyme (nicotinamide drive ATP- synthase reaction to produce ATP
adenine dinucleotide NADH) • ATP is the primary energy carrier in metabolic
• Involves numerous reactions: pathways
o Reactions occur both in cytosol (glucose • The final product on this stage is water
metabolism) as well as mitochondria (fatty
acid metabolism) of the cells. Citric Acid Cycle
• The final product is acetyl CoA and as the • Citric acid cycle: A series of biochemical
initial reactant is oxaloacetate reactions in which the acetyl portion of acetyl
CoA is oxidized to carbon dioxide and the
Stage 3: Citric Acid Cycle reduced coenzymes FADH2 and NADH are
• In this stage the acetyl CoA is oxidized to produced
produce carbon dioxide and energy • It utilizes he final product of the Stage 2 as its
• And the energy we are pertaining here are first reactant
reduced coenzyme (NADH) and Flavin • It is mainly a cycle or pathway with 8 steps
adenine dinucleotide FADH2 • The 8 steps they actually takes place in
• The reduced coenzymes most energy is mitochondria specifically on the mitochondrial
trapped because the NADH and FADH2 they matrix the reason why is because the enzymes
have equivalent ATP molecules that are needed or necessary for the
• Takes place in inside the mitochondria metabolism is found on the mitochondrial
• First intermediate of the cycle is citric acid matrix except for the enzyme used in Step 6
(citrate) – therefore designated as Citric acid which takes place on the inner mitochondrial
cycle membrane
• In this stage acetyl group is oxidized to • Also known as tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA)
produce CO2 and energy or Krebs cycle:
o Citric acid is a tricarboxylic acid – TCA cycle

o Named after Hans Krebs who elucidated • Pink – enzyme
this pathway • Blue – intermediate product
• Two important types of reactions: • Red – for the other product that could be form
o Oxidation of NAD+ and FAD to produce after the reaction
NADH and FADH2 • Green – reactant
o Decarboxylation of citric acid to produce
carbon dioxide oxaloacetate to form
o The citric acid cycle also produces 2 ATP by citrate
substrate level phosphorylation from GTP • The reaction involve is
• Summary of citric acid cycle reactions: condensation
Acetyl CoA + 3NAD+ + FAD + GDP + Pi + • During the reaction the
2H2O -> 2CO2 + CoA-SH + 3NADH + 2H+ + enzyme involve is citrate
FADH2 + GTP synthase
• Once oxaloacetate and
• Out of 8 steps there are 4 steps in which the acetyl CoA react to one
type of reaction involve is oxidation; Step another through
3,4,6,8 condensation it will
• And then for the decarboxylation; step 3 and 4 formed the intermediate
• For those 4 steps which has oxidation as product citryl CoA
reaction not the same as NADH and FADH2 are • For the citryl CoA it will
formed, there is only one between those two then proceed in
that can be produced during the reactions and hydrolysis
it because during the reactants are also used • Water is involved during
during the reactions the reaction and then the
• For the citric acid cycle the product after the enzyme will still be used
reaction is oxaloacetate which is also, is citrate synthase
considered as the first reactant, together with • Once it hydrolyse it will
the acetyl CoA this are the two reactants that now then form the
are being utilized as the starting point citrate
• Primarily Step 2 to 7 considered as • The product that will be
intermediate product they are not being listed form aside from citrate is
as part of the reaction because they are still or CoA- SH + H+
being consumed during the reaction • Citryl CoA undergo
• While the oxaloacetate since it works as your hydrolysis it needs water
first reactant and it also consider as the final during the reaction
product it is not stated on the chemical
reaction Synthase – is an enzyme
wherein he can form a bond
1. Condensation • The carbon atom even without the
Acetyl CoA (C2) present on the involvement of ATP
molecule molecule
• The 2 carbon atoms 2. Isomerization • Citrate is converted in
on Acetyl CoA will be Citrate (C6) less symmetrical isomer
transfer to and that isomer is
oxaloacetate. Hence, isocitrate. Hence, the
that’s how we will reaction is known as
able to form your isomerization
citrate • There are other
• We need to combine reactions involved we
the carbon atoms of have the dehydration
acetyl CoA and the 4 and hydration it
carbon atoms of necessary for the

• For the oxidation it
• The enzyme involve is needs to be
aconitase oxidized to form
• The aconitase will react the oxalosuccinate
to the citrate forming it is form through
an intermediate the reaction of
product isocitrate together
• During the process the with the NAD and
citrate will be first H+
dehydrated • Enzyme involve
• After the citrate being isocitrate
dehydrated forming the dehydrogenase
cis-aconitate • For the oxidation
• Cis-aconitate will still process the
react with the enzyme enzymes name the
still aconitase follow this format
• Cis-aconitate will react the name of the
to your aconitase to reactant followed
form your isocitrate by dehydrogenase
• Aconitase it will • The oxaloacitate it
hydrate the cis- will still undergo
aconitate another reaction
• When cis-aconitate is the reaction will be
hydrated the water decarboxylation
molecules will separate • For the
and form a hydroxyl decarboxylation it
sidechain and hydrogen requires hydrogen
sidechain on the ions and then after
isocitrate that carbon dioxide
• They change the will be released
conformation or the from the carboxyl
position of the group
sidechain • Once the carbon
dioxide been
- Citrate is considered as removed it will now
tertiary alcohol they are form your
not readily oxidized intermediate
- We try to find a way to product of this step
for the molecule to which is a-keto-
undergo oxidation. Hence, glutarate, CO2 and
we change citrate into NADH
- From tertiary alcohol CO2 it is from the
after isomerization the carboxyl group of
type of alcohol formed is oxalosuccinate
secondary alcohol 4. Oxidation and • The product will be
(isocitrate) carboxylation formed is the CO2
3. Oxidation and • Aside from the a-keto-glutarate NADH and H+
carboxylation isocitrate it also has the (C5) and formation • It also involved
Isocitrate (C6) NAD as reactant of carbon dioxide redox reaction
• Another reactant is • And the enzyme
being used is the H+ involve is a-keto-

• It also utilizes the NAD • The hydroxyl group is considered as a
H+ and CoA-SH as the functional group for the alcohol. Hence, malate
reactant is secondary alcohol
• The a-keto-glutarate
once it undergoes 6. Oxidation • This is the third redox
oxidation it will Succinate (C4) reaction
produced succinyl CoA • Enzyme: succinate
• The carboxyl group dehydrogenase
from COO it will form • It has a COO, CH2, CH2, COO, when
S-CoA you oxidized it, the two
5. Phosphorylation • Thiol-ester bond hydrogen atoms are
Succinyl CoA (C4) cleaving in succinyl removed, and it will from
CoA and the double bonds
phosphorylation of • For the structure its more
GDP extensive since it has double
• The succinyl CoA will bonds it could either be cys
react to GDP, Pi or trans types of molecule
• The enzyme involve • In this case, the fumarate its
here for the cleaving is consider as a trans double
succinyl CoA bond, meaning at opposite
synthetase direction is the sidechain
• There is a removal of • Out of all the steps in citric
the thiol-ester bond acid cycle only the step 6
using your succinyl doesn’t undergo or they take
CoA synthetase place in mitochondrial
• The Pi will be bonded matrix because the reaction
or will have is involves is FAD
phosphorylation from • The enzyme that catalyzes
GDP it will now form • This reaction is in the inner
the GTP, CoA-SH mitochondrial complex and
that enzyme is the succinate
• Once you are done with the Step 1 to 5, Step dehydrogenase
6 to 8 there is a sequence of functional group • product: fumarate
changes • aside from fumarate the FAD
• During the Step 6 succinate it has only a which is a reactant will be
single bond between the two carbon, it’s reduced during the process
between C2 and C3 but after the oxidation it • FAD it works as an oxidizing
will become double bond those in C2 and C3 agent, since it has an
forming your fumarate oxidizing agent it will also
• And then for fumarate when the double bond reduced forming the FADH2
being hydrated, when undergoing hydration, 7. Fumarate • It has a trans double bonds
other bond will break it will go back to one (C4) structure
bond carbon to carbon, it will be break and • The reason why it is trans
forming the malate double bond because the
• The hydration of fumarate will form a enzyme was used during the
secondary alcohol and it is malate step 6 the only thing it can
• When malate is oxidized, the product of this produce is trans isomer it
reaction is ketone (C2) cannot form cys double bond
• The succinate is considered as alkene. It has • Enzyme: Fumerase
two carboxyl group on both ends of structure • Reaction: hydration
• The other reactant is H20 it
• also helps for the hydration

you add water, it will react on the • Stage 1 – final product are the small molecules
double bond of the fumarate or the monomer units of the macromolecules
• The fumarase is stereospecific • Stage 2 – end product is the acetyl CoA
it could only yield the l-isomer • Stage 3 – the final products are carbon dioxide
of malate and reduced coenzymes such as NAD, NADH,
• Levo isomer can the fumarase FADH2
can form. Therefore, the • Stage 4 – ETC the final product is ATP; have a
product that will be formed water and being formed after the process itself
after the reaction is L-malate • The electron transport chain (ETC) facilitates
• Fumarate breaks the double the passage of electrons trapped in FADH2 and
bond and the carbon will have NADH during citric cycle
free valence. The first one is • ETC is a series of biochemical reactions in
hydroxyl group and the other which intermediate carriers (protein and non-
is hydrogen protein) aid the transfer of electrons and
• Malate – secondary alcohol; hydrogen ions from NADH and FADH2
and it is possible that it will • The ultimately receiver of electrons is
undergo oxidation molecular oxygen
immediately unlike the citrate • The electron transport (respiratory chain)
8. L-Malate • Enzyme: Malate gets its name from the fact electrons are
(C4) dehydrogenase transported to oxygen absorbed via
• Oxidizing agent or reactant: respiration
NAD it can be reduced forming • For this process basically the NADH and
NADH and it will now yield FADH2 they are being oxidized in the process
another hydrogen ion (H+) once they were oxidized in the process it will
return to the oxidizing reagent (NAD and FAD)
• The hydrogen ions that were utilize during
Reactions of the Citric Acid Cycle oxidation will be come free hydrogen ions and
• Step 1: Formation of Citrate have extra electrons that could be used during
• Step 2: Formation of Isocitrate the process
• Step 3: Oxidation of Isocitrate and • For the ETC the water is formed when the
Formation of CO2: involves oxidation– electrons and hydrogen ions is reacted to each
reduction as well as decarboxylation other it will form your water molecule is
• Step 4: Oxidation of Alpha-Ketoglutarate produced
and Formation of CO2 o The overall ETC reaction: 2 H+ + 2e- + 1/2 O2
• Step 5: Thioester bond cleavage in Succinyl -> H2O + energy and O2 + 4e- + 4H+ -> 2H2O
CoA and Phosphorylation of GDP o The oxygen involved in the water formation
• Step 6: Oxidation of Succinate is associated in ETC
• Step 7: Hydration of Fumarate • Energy is used to synthesize ATP in oxidative
• Step 8: Oxidation of L-Malate to Regenerate phosphorylation
Oxaloacetate • Note that 2 hydrogen ions, 2 electrons, and
one half-oxygen molecule react to form the
Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle product water
• The rate at which the citric acid cycle • This relatively straight forward reaction
operates is controlled by ATP and NADH actually requires eight or more steps
levels • The reaction releases energy (exothermic
• When ATP supply is high, ATP inhibits reaction)
citrate synthase (Step 1 of citric acid cycle) • The energy released is coupled with the
• When ATP levels are low ADP, ADP formation of three ATP molecules per every
activates citrate synthase molecule of NADH processed through ETC
• Similarly, ADP and NADH control isocitrate • The enzymes and electron carriers needed for
dehydrogenase (Step 3) the ETC are located along inner mitochondrial
o NADH acts an inhibitor membrane
o ADP as an activator

o Citric acid cycle is on the mitochondrial • The only step occurring in the inner
matrix with the exception of the Step 6 mitochondrial membrane is step 6 which is
which is on the inner mitochondrial forming the succinate to form fumarate hence
membrane the complex II is form in that process
• They are organized into four distinct protein • In the process it generates FADH2
complexes and two mobile carriers • CoQ is the final recipient of the electrons from
• The four protein complexes tightly bound to FADH2
membrane; and two mobile carriers they are • The common product for the Complex I and
not tightly associated in any four complexes Complex II is the reduced CoQH2
• Complex I: NADH-coenzyme Q reductase
• Complex II: Succinate-coenzyme Q reductase Complex III: Coenzyme Q - cytochrome C
• Complex III: Coenzyme Q - cytochrome C reductase
reductase • Complex III contains 11 different subunits
• Complex IV: Cytochrome C oxidase • Several iron-sulfur proteins and cytochromes
• Two mobile electron carriers are: are electron carriers in this complex
o They work or serves as shuttle of electrons • Cytochrome is a heme iron protein in which
o They just carry or transport the electrons reversible oxidation of an iron atom occurs
between the complexes o Heme – is a compound which is present in
o Coenzyme Q and cytochrome c hemoglobin and myoglobin
• Various cytochromes, e.g., cyt a, cyt b, cyt c,
Complex I: NADH-coenzyme Q reductase differ from each other by:
• NADH from citric acid cycle is the source of o Their protein constituents
electrons for this complex o The manner in which the heme is bonded to
• It is the largest complex out of the four the protein
complexes o Attachments to the heme ring
• It contains >40 subunits including flavin • The reduced CoQH2 it will be oxidized when it
mononucleotide (FMN) and several iron- became oxidized it will lose the H+ and it will
sulfur protein clusters (FeSP) form the CoQ, 2H+ and extra 2e-, and after
o Flavin mononucleotide – it basically which the electrons and hydrogen ions will be
works also as reactant for the oxidation utilized by the iron-sulfur proteins
reduction process
• Net result: Facilitates of single steps direct Complex IV: Cytochrome C oxidase
transfer of electrons from NADH to • Contains 13 subunits including two
coenzyme Q cytochromes
• Several intermediate reactions are involved • The electrons flow from cyt c to cyt a to cyt a3
in this electron transfer but basically the o The difference of cyt c and cyt a is the
type of reaction is involved is oxidation attachment or how heme ring bonds to
• NADH is will be oxidized and when it became protein constituent
oxidized NADH lose the hydrogen and will • In the final stage of electron transfer, the
just form the NAD. Hydrogen ions (2), and electrons from cyt a3, and hydrogen ion (H+)
two electrons combine with oxygen (O2) to form water
o The 2 hydrogen ions and 2 electrons they • O2 + 4H+ + 4e- -> 2 H2O and ATP after the
will react with the flavin mononucleotide process
and it will reduce the said structure • It is estimated that 95 % of the oxygen used by
forming the FMNH2 cells serves as the final electron acceptor for
the ETC
Complex II: Succinate-coenzyme Q reductase • NAD, NADH, FADH2 produce during the citric
• Smaller than complex I acid cycle they are utilize in the ETC
• Contains only four subunits including two
iron-sulfur protein clusters (FeSP)
• Succinate is converted to fumarate by this

Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Step 1: Phosphorylation: Formation of Glucose 6-
Digestion is the biochemical process by which Phosphate. Glycolysis begins with the
food molecules, through hydrolysis, are broken phosphorylation of glucose to yield glucose 6-
down into simpler chemical units that can be phosphate.
used by cells for their metabolic needs. • The enzyme will react to glucose to produce
glucose 6-phosphate
• Hexokinase its needs magnesium ion for its
• For the phosphorylation the enzyme involves
in glycolysis they end with kinase
• We utilize ATP to from the glucose 6-
• One phosphate group from the ATP it will be
attached to the carbon number 6 of glucose
• The energy needed is derived from ATP
• Also, endothermic reaction is involved in step
• Conversion of glucose to pyruvate
• The process is oxidation but there is no
molecular oxygen to utilize
• Oxidation: NAD, hence aside for pyruvate
NADH-reduced coenzymes are produced
• Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway by which
glucose (a C6 molecule) is converted into
two molecules of pyruvate (a C3 molecule), Step 2: Isomerization: Formation of Fructose 6-
chemical energy in the form of ATP is Phosphate
produced, and NADH-reduced coenzymes • Glucose 6-phophate is isomerized into
are produced fructose 6-phosphate basically the net result
• Anaerobic pathways of the chain is the carbon 1 is no loner part of
o metabolic pathways in which molecular the ring structure
oxygen is not a participant • The Glucose 6-phosphate is a six membered-
o Example: glycolysis – ten step process ring after it become isomerized it became 5
wherein every step is known to be enzyme membered-ring
catalyzed • Glucose 6-phophate it will now produce
• Aerobic pathways – pathways that require fructose 6-phosphate through the help of the
molecular oxygen enzyme phospoglucoisomerase which is
responsible for the isomerization of this
Six-Carbon Stage of Glycolysis (Steps 1–3) molecule
• It is known to be energy consuming meaning • The phosphate is still in carbon 6 what has
it utilize energy changed is that carbon 1 is no longer part of
• Energy consuming: Step 1 and 3 because it the ring structure. Aside from that, the
utilize the ATP during the reaction functional group that could be found on the
• Energy utilized in the process is the ATP two structure is different
• In this process it produces the phosphate • Functional group in glucose 6-phosphate is
derivatives glucose and fructose meaning, aldehyde but in fructose 6-phosphate it is
the glucose and fructose coupled by ATP known to be a ketose therefore, ketone is the
• Phosphate group to be bond to glucose and functional group
fructose It will come from the ATP • Once fructose 6-phosphate was produced on
this step it could then proceed to another

• Because fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, the
molecule being split, is unsymmetrical, the
two trioses produced are not identical. One
product is dihydroxyacetone phosphate, and
the other is glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.
• The six-carbon molecule are cleaved which is
the fructose 1,6-biphosphate, when it cleaves
Step 3. Phosphorylation: Formation of Fructose two molecules with three carbons are formed
1,6-Bisphosphate. This step, like Step 1, is a meaning it is being split into 2 triose species
phosphorylation reaction and therefore requires • Fructose 1,6-biphospahte is unsymmetrical
the expenditure of energy. hence, the formed product is different one is
• The enzyme involve in the reaction is dihydroxyacetone which is derivative of
phospofructokinase, for this enzyme it also acetone (has ketone as its functional group)
requires magnesium ion for its activity while the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
• Fructose 6-phosphate additional phosphate aldehyde is the functional group we can see on
group is bonded to your phosphate its structure and its derivative is glycerol
derivative of fructose it will become 2 • The enzyme involve for the cleaving of
phosphate group fructose 1,6-biphosphate to produced two
• The additional phosphate group coming from molecules of triose is aldolase
ATP will be bonded to the carbon 1 of the
fructose. Hence, it will be produced fructose
• The biphosphate we used it when the two
phosphate groups are bonded to different
carbon atoms it means they are not
connected to each other
• In Step 3 its product can enter glycolysis
while the other product in step 1 and 2 they Step 5: Isomerization: Formation of
can enter another metabolic pathway but the Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate.
fructose 1,6-biphosphate it could only enter • The one in the triose form it being converted
glycolysis into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
• From the acetone phosphate derivative, it will
Three-Carbon Stage of Glycolysis (Steps 4–10) from another glycerol phosphate derivative
• It is known to be energy generating meaning • Dihydroxyacetone phosphate it will be
it produces ATP during the three-carbon isomerize using the enzyme triosephosphate
stage isomerase
• The three-carbon stage of glycolysis they are all • The double seen in carbon 2 in the structure of
phosphorylated derivatives either glycerol or dihydroxyacetone phosphate it will be broken
acetone bonded to the phosphate group down to from your aldose which is your
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate

Step 6: Oxidation and Phosphorylation:

• Step 4: Cleavage: Formation of Two Triose Formation of 1,3 Bisphosphoglycerate. Phosphate
Phosphates. In this step, the reacting C6 group is added to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to
species is split into two C3 (triose) species. produce 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate.
• Step 6 to Step 10 you have 2 molecules of
three-carbon compound participate for every

• The two molecules is glyceraldehyde 3- • In this step 2 ATP will be produced aside from
phopshate that will undergo oxidation and the product which is 3-phosphoglycerate, two
phosphorylation molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate will also be
• For the oxidation it requires oxidizing agent, produced
the oxidizing agent is the NAD and Pi for the • The reaction involve is phosphorylation of
reaction ADP
• The enzyme involve for the reaction is • What happens here is from diphosphate
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase specie which is the 1,3-bisposphylglecerate it
• The NAD is also reduced forming your NADH will become monophosphate hence, we will
• The Pi it will bond to carbon 1 of have 3-phosphoglycerate because the
glyceraldehyde it will replace the hydrogen phosphate that comes from carbon 1 can be
that is bound to carbon 1, the hydrogen of utilized to form ATP hence, step 7 is known to
aldehyde it will be replaced by the phosphate be energy generating because this is where
group from the Pi forming the 1,3- ATP production takes place
bisphosphoglycerate that is why bis the • ATP produce 2 molecules
phosphate group is bounded to different • The enzyme involve is phosphoglycerokinase
carbon atoms • ATP production in this step involves
• The newly added phosphate group in 1,3- substrate-level phosphorylation.
bisphosphoglycerate is a high-energy • Substrate-level phosphorylation is the
phosphate group. A high-energy phosphate biochemical process by which a high energy
group is produced when a phosphate group phosphate group from an intermediate
is attached to a carbon atom that is also compound (substrate) is directly transferred
participating in a carbon–carbon or carbon– to ADP to produce ATP.
oxygen double bond. • The high energy phosphate compound is 1,3-
o High-energy phosphate group – when the bisposphylglecerate forming the 3-
phosphate group is bonded to a carbon phosphoglycerate once the phosphate group
participating in a double bond it could be was removed from the 1,3-
double bond to an oxygen or carbon bisposphylglecerate
• Since the two glyceraldehyde the
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate the ones that
undergo oxidation and phosphorylation
means need two NAD and two phosphate
groups meaning two molecules of 1-3
bisphosphoglycerate, two molecules of
NADH and two molecules of hydrogen ions
are produced after the reaction
Step 8: Isomerization: Formation of 2-
Phosphoglycerate. In this isomerization step, the
phosphate group of 3-phosphoglycerate is moved
from carbon 3 to carbon 2.
• The isomerization of 3-phosphoglycerate it
forms 2-phospoglycerate therefore from being
attached to carbon 3 it will go to carbon 2
• The enzyme involve for this reaction is
• Step 7: Phosphorylation of ADP: phospoglyceromutase it moves the phosphate
Formation of 3-Phosphoglycerate. The from carbon 3 to carbon 2 forming the 2-
diphosphate species just formed is phospoglycerate
converted back to a monophosphate • Once it is isomerized it will then proceed to
species. the step 9
• Meaning two bisphosphoglycerate will • Mutase – it changes or transfers the position of
participate it means that it will be utilized 2 one functional group to another functional
ADP to produce 2 ATP molecules group within a molecule

• 2 ATP molecules and 2 pyruvate molecules
that being produced after the glycolysis

Step Reaction ATP Change

per Glucose
1 Glucose -> glucose 6- -1
Step 9: Dehydration: Formation of phosphate
Phosphoenolpyruvate. The result is another 3 Fructose 6-phosphate -> -1
compound containing a high-energy phosphate fructose 1,6- bisphosphate
7 2(1,3-bisphospoglycerate -> +2
group; the phosphate group is attached to a
3 phosphoglycerate)
carbon atom that is involved in a carbon–carbon
10 2 (phosphoenolpyruvate -> +2
double bond pyruvate
• The reaction is alcohol dehydration Net +2
• The enzyme involve is enolase Net overall equation: (glycolysis)
• Same as the Step 1 and Step 3 enzyme it also Glucose + 2NAD + 2ADP + 2Pi -> 2 pyruvate +
requires magnesium for its activity 2NADH + 2ATP + 2H+ + 2 H20
• Carbon 2 and 3 are dehydrated to form a
double bond Entry of Galactose and Fructose into Glycolysis
• Since dehydration the reaction involved it • Galactose and Fructose, they are not directly
means water-molecule will be released it is utilized in the bloodstream they were
one of the product in the reaction converted first in the liver. When they are
• 2 water-molecule will be produced because 2 converted then they can enter the glycolysis
molecules of 2-phosphoglycerate will be pathway
utilized • The galactose it undergoes isomerization and
• The final product is phosphoenolpyruvate phosphorylation to produce glucose 1-
• Energy rich compound produced same as the phosphorate
step 6 • For the galactose it can enter step 2 which is
the glucose 1-phosphate will be isomerized to
glucose 6-phosphate then it will proceed with
the same step of the glycolysis
• The fructose will be phosphorylated forming
the fructose 1-phosphorate it will not go
through step 1-3 it will go straight to step 4
and the it can be cleaved into 2 triose species
Step 10: Phosphorylation of ADP: Formation of
Pyruvate. Fates of Pyruvate
• Pyruvate kinase as the enzyme
• From ADP we could now produce ATP
• The phosphate will come from
phosphoenolpyruvate the phosphate group
that will bond to ADP to form the ATP
• The pyruvate kinase it requires 2 ions to
activate it, it needs a magnesium and
potassium ions for its activity
• Once your pyruvate kinase react with the
phosphoenolpyruvate it will now for the
• The Pyruvate is also a ketose because at
carbon 2 its double bonded to an oxygen
hence, pyruvate is derivatives of acetone
• Phosphoenolpyruvate transfers its high-
energy phosphate group to an ADP molecule
to produce ATP and pyruvate

• When it is aerobic condition or oxygen-rich Oxidation to Acetyl CoA
condition it will proceed with oxidation to • This reaction, which involves both oxidation
acetyl CoA and decarboxylation (because Co2 is
• When it is anerobic it can be lactate or produced)
ethanol fermentation o You removed the carboxyl group in pyruvate
then it will be produced carbon dioxide.
Oxidation to Acetyl CoA Oxidation hence, the enzyme is pyruvate
Under aerobic (oxygen-rich) conditions, dehydrogenase complex because it is
pyruvate is oxidized to acetyl CoA. oxidation
• The overall reaction process involves four
separate steps and requires NAD, CoA—SH,
FAD, and two other coenzymes (lipoic acid and
thiamine pyrophosphate, the latter derived
from the B vitamin thiamine)
• Most acetyl CoA molecules produced from
• The pyruvate it has a carboxyl group, the pyruvate enter the citric acid cycle
carboxyl group is the one that was removed • Th citric acid cycle – it change more NAD to its
and it will be replaced by CoA to form your reduced form, NADH from glycolysis and from
acetyl CoA pyruvate to acetyl CoA and also from the citric
• The removed carboxyl group will become acid cycle, all NADH can enter the electron
carbon dioxide transport chain directly or indirectly
• Pyruvate formed in the cytosol through • Electron transport chain – the electrons from
glycolysis crosses the two mitochondrial the NADH are transferred to the oxygen it
membranes and enters the mitochondrial means NADH was converted back into NAD
matrix, where the oxidation takes place. • The NAD needed for glycolysis is the one from
• Utilizes CoA -SH and NAD it because of the citric acid cycle and the pyruvate acetyl
oxidation it requires oxidizing agent CoA conversion is regenerated when NADH
• The enzyme involve is pyruvate goes to ETC, the NAD that is produced can be
dehydrogenase complex used again in glycolysis in oxidation to acetyl
• The acetyl CoA is being produced CoA of pyruvate and citric acid cycle
• The acetyl CoA they enter TCA and most of • Net overall rection:
the pyruvate they are converted into acetyl Glucose + 2ADP + 2Pi +4NAD + 2CoA-SH ->
CoA 2acetyl CoA + 2CO2 + 2ATP + 4NADH + 4H+ +
Lactate Fermentation
• Fermentation is a biochemical process by Lactate Fermentation
which NADH is oxidized to NAD without the • When the reaction for conversion of pyruvate
need for oxygen. to lactate is added to the net glycolysis
• Lactate fermentation is the enzymatic reaction, an overall reaction for the conversion
anaerobic reduction of pyruvate to lactate of glucose to lactate is obtained:
o The sole purpose of this process is the • The red blood cells also form lactate it because
conversion of NADH to NAD. The lactate so RBC has no mitochondria therefore it will
formed is converted back to pyruvate always form lactate. Lactate is coming from
when aerobic conditions are again the RBC as well as from the muscles
established in a cell.
• The enzyme id lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

Ethanol Fermentation
• Ethanol fermentation is the enzymatic
anaerobic conversion of pyruvate to ethanol
and carbon dioxide

• The first step in conversion of pyruvate to Regeneration of NAD+ from NADH+
ethanol is a decarboxylation reaction to
produce acetaldehyde.
• Decarboxylation – carboxyl group will be
removed hence it will produce carbon
• The hydrogen ion it will be replacing the
carboxyl group in pyruvate forming the
acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide
• The enzyme involve is pyruvate
• Ethanol fermentation – involving yeast, when
there is yeast after undergoing ethanol
fermentation it can cause the rise of bread
and other related products because carbon ATP Production for the Complete Oxidation of
dioxide is produced, so the carbon dioxide Glucose
bubbles is the reason why there is a rise of • NADH produced during Step 6 of Glycolysis
bread and other related products during cannot directly participate in the electron
baking. Also, in alcoholic beverages they are transport chain (ETC) because mitochondria
produced by the ethanol fermentation are impermeable to NADH and NAD+
• Glycerol 3-phosphate-dihydroxyacetone
phosphate transport system shuttles electrons
from NADH, but not NADH itself, across the
o Dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glycerol
phosphate freely cross the mitochondrial
• The second step involves acetaldehyde membrane
reduction to produce ethanol. o The interconversion shuttles the electrons
• Redox is the reaction then dehydrogenase is from NADH to FADH2
the enzyme
• Specifically, we have alcohol, • Total of 30 ATP molecules produce of muscle
dehydrogenase from acetaldehyde it will and nerve cells
now form the ethanol o 26 ATP– ETC
o 2 ATP – oxidation of glucose to pyruvate
o 2 ATP – GTP -> ATP

• The aerobic condition of glucose is 15x more

efficient to produce ATP production as
compared to when aerobic lactate and ethanol
• An overall reaction for the production of processes are used
ethanol from glucose is obtained by
combining the reaction for the conversion of • In other cells, instead of 30, 32 ATP
pyruvate with the net reaction for glycolysis molecules (heart and liver cells) it can
• The ethanol and lactate fermentation the produced
NADH and NAD they do not appear in the
equation but they are both generated and
consume during the process

Glycogen Synthesis and Degradation:
• Glycogen it’s the storage form of
carbohydrates in humans and animals and it
is also known as animal starch
• Glycogen it is primarily found in muscle and
liver tissue
o When glycogen is in the muscle it is the
source of glucose when needed for
o When glycogen is in the liver it is the
source of glucose to maintain the normal
blood glucose level

Step 2: Formation of UDP-glucose. Glucose 1-

phosphate from Step 1 must be activated before it
can be added to a growing glycogen chain. The
activator is the high energy compound UTP
(uridine triphosphate).
• In the formation of UDP-glucose you need UTP
• The Uridine Monophosphate (UMP) will be
Glycogenesis is the metabolic pathway by which
attached there in the phosphate group of
glycogen is synthesized from glucose 6-
glucose 1-phosphate
• The enzyme involve is UDP glucose
• Step 1: Formation of Glucose 1-phosphate.
The starting material for this step is not
• For the Step 2 high-energy compound the one
glucose itself but rather glucose 6-phosphate
used (UTP) and the UMP it will be bonded to
(available from the first step of glycolysis).
the phosphate of the glucose1-phosphate
• The glucose 6-phosphate was the one which
hence, we remove the UMP, ATP will have 2
was formed during the first step of glycolysis
phosphate group as a product as well
it means we need to convert glucose into 6-
• Product: Uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-
phosphate first
glucose) and 2 phosphate groups
• It utilizes hexokinase as the enzyme for the
• It requires high-energy compound as activator
phosphorylation of the glucose
• When there is glucose 6-phosphate from step
1 of glycolysis, glucose 6-phosphate can
enter glycogenesis, it enters when it needs to
store glucose in the body
• If you think you have enough glucose in the Step 3: Glucose Transfer to a Glycogen Chain. The
circulation and we need to store some of the glucose unit of UDP-glucose is then attached to the
glucose in our body in form of glycogen from end of a glycogen chain.
conversion of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate • Glycogen synthase as the enzyme
it could now enter glycogenesis • The UDP it will then remove in the UDP-
• The enzyme is phosphoglucomutase it needs glucose it means we will have a free UDP
to isomerized glucose 6-phosphate to after the glucose unit from UDP glucose is
glucose 1-phosphate attached to your glycogen chain
• The reaction involve is isomerization • The UDP form in the product it can be
• From carbon 6 where phosphate is attached converted back to UTP
or bonded, it will go now to carbon 1 which • UDP will be converted to UTP through the
will form the glucose 1-phosphate help of ATP (UDP + ATP -> UTP + ADP)
• Once it forms the glucose 1-phosphate it • UDP + ATP -> UTP + ADP – the UTP form
could now proceed in the second step here can be used again in step 2 that is the
reason why we need to convert the UDP that
was formed in step 3

Glycogen Synthesis and Degradation: • A low level of glucose is the stimulus that
Glycogenolysis initiates glycogenolysis is liver cells. Here, the
glucose 6-phosphate produced must be
converted to free glucose it can be enter the
bloodstream, as glucose 6-phosphate cannot
cross cell membranes.
• This change is affected by the enzyme glucose
Glycogenolysis 6-phosphatase that will covert glucose 6-
• Breakdown the glycogen, when the glycogen phosphate to glucose for it to be converted it
break it will return to glucose 6-phosphate needs water
• is the metabolic pathway by which glucose 6- • an enzyme found in liver cells but not in
phosphate is produced from glycogen. muscle cells or brain cells
• It does not require high-energy compounds
which is your UTP hence, it’s not simply the Glycogen Synthesis and Degradation:
reverse of the glycogenesis Gluconeogenesis
Step 1: Phosphorylation of a Glucose Residue. • Gluconeogenesis is opposite to the glycolysis
• Phosphorylation – it needs phosphate group but not exact opposite
to react with glycogen • Gluconeogenesis is the metabolic pathway by
• In glycogen will remove a glucose unit, the which glucose is synthesized from
glucose unit that comes from glycogen is noncarbohydrate materials.
phosphorylated to form glucose 1-phosphate • The noncarbohydrate starting materials for
• The enzyme involve is phosphorylase. gluconeogenesis are lactate (muscles),
Specifically, glycogen phosphorylase glycerol (triacyl glycerol hydrolysis) and
• The enzyme it catalyzes the cleavage of the certain amino acids (protein hydrolysis,
bond by phosphate muscle protein during starvation).
• In hydrolysis the cleavage of the bond is • About 90% of gluconeogenesis takes place in
through the help of water, when the liver. Hence gluconeogenesis helps to
phosphorylase is the enzyme used it uses to maintain normal blood-glucose levels in times
cleave the bond by phosphate group. That is of inadequate dietary carbohydrate intake
why we could attach the phosphate group in
glucose taken from the glycogen

Step 2: Glucose 1-phosphate Isomerization

• Once we have glucose 1-phosphate it can be
converted to glucose 6-phosphate through
• The enzyme is phosphoglucomutase
• It is the reverse of the step 1 of glycogenesis

Glycogen synthesis and degradation:

• In muscle and brain cells an immediate need
for energy is the stimulus that initiates
glycogenolysis • Step 1: the pyruvate it converted first to
• The glucose 6-phospahte that is produced oxaloacetate
directly enters the glycolysis pathway at step • For it to be converted the enzyme requires is
1 and its multistep conversion to pyruvate pyruvate carboxylase it means we add a
begins carboxyl group to pyruvate, carboxylic acid
becomes carbon 4 of pyruvate
• The carboxyl group will be coming from the
carbon dioxide

• In pyruvate it has only 3 carbon molecules
when it is converted into oxaloacetate it will The Cori Cycle
be 4 carbon molecules, it requires ATP and
carbon dioxide for the conversion of
pyruvate into oxaloacetate
• It also needs water during the reaction and
the carbon dioxide it utilizes and bonded in
the carbon 4 (after the reaction: ADP + Pi) Cori cycle is a cyclic biochemical process in which
• For the oxaloacetate together with the acetyl glucose is converted to lactate in muscle tissue, the
CoA they can procced in the citric acid cycle lactate is reconverted to glucose in the liver, and
• If our body needs energy it will enter the the glucose is returned to the muscle tissue
TCA, but if will need glucose in our body it • Lactate forms from glucose under anerobic
will proceed to the metabolic pathway of condition in muscle cells, and when it is
gluconeogenesis transferred to the liver, that is the time at
• The process after if it will proceed with which it is converted into glucose, then it can
gluconeogenesis it will be converted into be transferred back again into muscles
phosphoenolpyruvate the enzyme involve is • The enzyme involve is lactate dehydrogenase
phosphoenolpyruvate carbokinase it means (LDH)
it requires energy
• Cori cycle – the substrate and as oxidizing
• This time the energy that we will used is GTP
agent it will reduced into NADH and from
• GTP its phosphate group will remove the 4th
lactate it will be pyruvate, it means it has an
carbon of oxaloacetate, the carboxyl group of
oxaloacetates will be removed, which means extra hydrogen that will be become your
it will produce carbon dioxide during the hydrogen ion
step, and then there is also phosphorylation. • The pyruvate form it can be converted via
A phosphorylation reaction is also involved gluconeogenesis to form your glucose, then it
• The phosphate group will come from the GTP will go into the bloodstream and then will go
• In carbon 2 of phosphoenolpyruvate there the muscle
the phosphate group will bond
• Phosphoenolpyruvate – because there is a
phosphate group and it has a pyruvate as the
sugar and then enol because it has a carbon-
to-carbon double bond, and OH group.
However, the hydrogen of the OH group it
has been replaced by phosphate
• The enzyme involve is phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxykinase (the carboxyl will be
removed and kinase it requires high-energy
compound during the process)
• For the gluconeogenesis in step 9 instead of The glycogenesis is a 3-step process
phosphofructokinase the enzyme required is • The glycogenesis is the formation of the
fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (no ATP glycogen from the glucose 6-phosphate
required) • The glucose 6-phosphate is from the glycolysis
• The step 9 and step 11 of gluconeogenesis
they don’t require ATP. However, in step 1 The glycogenolysis is a 2-step process wherein its
and step 3 the ATP is required for glycolysis lice’s the glycogen into glucose 6-phosphate
• In step 11 of gluconeogenesis to convert • The glucose 6-phosphate can be converted to
glucose 6-phosphate into glucose the enzyme glucose
required is glucose 6-phosphatase • The glycogenolysis produce the glucose 6-
• For the overall net reaction (gluconeogenesis): phosphate it could proceed to glycolysis
2Pyruvate + 4ATP + 2GTP + 2NADH + 2H20 -> • For the gluconeogenesis it could also produce
glucose + 4ADP + 2GDP + 6Pi + 2NAD the glucose which usually regulates for the
• Gluconeogenesis it happens in the liver; blood glucose level
glycolysis active skeletal muscle •

• For the pyruvate produced by glycolysis can
proceed with lactate fermentation, acetyl CoA
and ethanol fermentation
• Pyruvate could also enter to the
• The reason why lactate has 2 arrows is it can
be converted back again to pyruvate if its
condition is aerobic

The Pentose Phosphate Pathway

• Pentose phosphate pathway is the
metabolic pathway by which glucose is used
to produce NADPH, ribose 5-phosphate (a
pentose phosphate), and numerous other
sugar phosphates.
• Major function of the alternative pathway
is • glucose 6-phosphate is the initial substrate
o To produce co-enzyme NADPH • it has 3 steps and therefore, it also has 3
o To produce ribose 5-phosphate (which is a enzyme that is involved
pentose derivative that is needed in the • 1st and 3rd steps are both utilizing NADP
nucleic acid) • Glucose 6-phosphate it reacts with the enzyme
• NADPH it needed to produced/synthesized glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Once it
is because it is needed for lipid synthesis reacts with its enzyme it will then form your 6-
• NADPH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide phosphoglucono-1,5-lactone. And after it will
Phosphate) it is the reduced form react with gluconolactonase forming your 6-
• NADPH is structurally similar to NADH but phosphogluconate. It also needs NADP for the
step 3. The enzyme needed for it is 6-
the difference is NADPH has phosphate
phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Remember
that since it has NADP, it is still oxidation that
• NADPH is mainly involved in the reaction to is why the enzyme has dehydrogenase it means
lipids and nucleic acids there is a redox reaction for step 1 and step 3
• NAD is mainly for the common metabolic • The first 3 steps are under oxidative stage
pathway • The product for the oxidative stage is the
ribulose 5-phosphate. This will undergo non-
Two stages within the pentose phosphate
oxidative stage
• For the non-oxidative stage, you will convert
• Oxidative stage- involves three steps
the ribulose 5-phosphase into ribose 5-
through which glucose 6-phosphate is
phosphate or into aldose especially if it will be
converted to ribulose 5-phosphate and CO2.
used for nucleic acid synthesis.
• Nonoxidative stage- first step involves
• For the other product aside from ribose 5-
isomerization of ribulose 5-phosphate (a
phosphate we use the ribulose 5-phosphase 3-
ketose) to ribose 5-phosphate (an aldose)
epimerase it can form xylulose 5-phospjate,
and then further conversion of ribose 5-
this xylulose 5-phosphate is basically a ketose
phosphate to numerous other sugar
o Xylose – aldose
phosphates. Ultimately, glyceraldehyde 3-
o Xylulose – ketose
phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate (both
glycolysis intermediates) are formed.
o Ribose 5-phosphate is a ketose that is
needed to be converted into aldose which
is the ribose 5-phosphate
o Its goal is to produce glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate which
are both intermediates of glycolysis

• Insulin, Glucagon and Epinephrine are the
three major hormones for the regulation of
carbohydrate metabolism
• The second major method for regulating the
carbohydrate metabolism is the hormonal
Insulin- is a hormone produced by the beta cells
of the pancreas.
• Insulin is a 51 amino acid protein (51 A.A)
which is considered as hormone. This
hormone is producing by the beta cells of the
• Transketolase: is a key enzyme in the non- pancreas and insulin promotes the uptake
oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate and utilization of glucose by cells. Thus, its
pathway that transfers a two-carbon function is to lower blood glucose levels.
aldehyde unit from ketose-donor to aldose- • It is the only hormone in our body that could
acceptor sugars. lower the blood glucose level.
• Transaldolase: is a key enzyme in the non- • It is also involved in lipid metabolism.
oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate • The release of insulin is being triggered if the
pathway that transfers a three-carbon blood glucose level of the body is too high.
aldehyde unit from ketose-donor to aldose- The mechanism for the insulin action is that it
acceptor sugars. binds to the protein receptor in the outer
• The difference between the two is the number surface of the cell which facilitates the
of carbon aldehyde unit that they can transfer entrance of glucose inside the cell.
• Your insulin also produces an increase in the
• The pentose phosphate pathway, with its rates of glycogen synthesis
many intermediates, helps meet cellular Glucagon- polypeptide hormone it has 29 amino
needs in numerous ways: acid (20 A.A) produced in the pancreas by alpha
1. When ATP demand is high, the pathway cells. It is released when blood-glucose levels are
continues to its end products, which enter low. Its principal function is to increase blood-
glycolysis. glucose concentrations by speeding up the
2. When NADPH demand is high, intermediates conversion of glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis)
are recycled to glucose 6-phosphate (the start of and gluconeogenesis in the liver.
the pathway), and further NADPH is produced. • Your glucagon is only polypeptide hormone
3. When ribose 5-phosphate demand is high, for because it is less than 40 amino acids
nucleic acid and coenzyme production, most of • For the glucagon, it is released when the
the nonoxidative stage is nonfunctional, leaving blood glucose level is low
ribose 5-phosphate as a major product it means • Blood glucose level is being increased by
when the product is converted to the oxidative speeding up the conversion of glycogen into
stage and the product is the ribulose 5-phosphate glucose which is your glycogenolysis and also
• The pentose ribose is a component of ATP, gluconeogenesis in liver it means the effect of
GTP, UTP, CoA, NAD, FAD and RNA glucagon is opposite with the effect of insulin
• For the non-oxidative stage, it contains Epinephrine- stimulation of glycogenolysis, the
provision for the conversion of ribose 5- release of glucose from glycogen. Its primary
phosphate and it could proceed to numerous target is muscle cells, where energy is needed for
sugar phosphate quick action. It also functions in lipid metabolism.
• For the overall net reaction of pentose • Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline. It is
phosphate pathway: release in the adrenal glands in response of
3 glucose-6-phosphate + 6NADP + 3H2O -> 2 being excited, afraid, angry.
fructose-6-phosphate + 3CO2 + • Epinephrine is similar with the effect of
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate + 6NADPH + H+ glucagon. They both increase the blood
glucose levels
Hormonal Control of Carbohydrate • Epinephrine acts by binding in the receptor
Metabolism outside the cell membrane


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