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1 Heat and Gases Chapter 3 Change of State

Practice 3.2 (p.86) =

1 A
2 C = 314 W
3 C (c) Any two of the following:
4 Energy loss Temperature of the liquid
= mlv = 1.5  2.26  10 = 3.39  10 J
6 6 Surface area of the liquid
5 When we get out of a swimming pool, water Density of vapour
on our skin absorbs energy from our bodies 8 (a) Energy taken away = mlv
and evaporates. Therefore, we lose energy and = 0.2  2.26  106
feel cold. = 4.52  105 J
If it is windy, the evaporation rate, and (b) By Q = mcT,
therefore the rate at which our bodies lose decrease in temperature =
energy, will be higher. We would feel much
cooler. =
6 When water vapour meets a cool surface, it
= 2.58 C
will condense on the surface and release
9 Water vapour condenses to droplets on cold
(a) The glasses are cooler than the
Since the temperature is lower than the
surroundings when the person has just
freezing point, the droplets solidify to form
got out of the car. Therefore, water
vapour condenses on them.
10 As glass A is half covered by a plastic sheet,
(b) The reason is similar to (a). The water
some water vapour that evaporates from the
vapour in the steamy bathroom is at a
hot water is trapped in the glass and the
higher temperature than the glasses.
density of vapour increases. Therefore, the
Also, the large amount of vapour
rate of evaporation is lower in glass A. Also,
enhances the condensation.
water vapour condenses on the plastic sheet
7 (a) Assume that the latent heat of
and drips back into the glass. As a result, the
vaporization is solely obtained from his
water level in glass A drops more slowly than
that of glass B.
Q = mlv = 0.5  2.26  106 = 1.13  106 J
The maximum amount of energy
removed is 1.13  106 J.
(b) Rate of cooling by sweating

New Senior Secondary Physics at Work (Second Edition) 1

 Oxford University Press 2015

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