Practice 10401 Ans

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1 Heat and Gases Chapter 4 Transfer Processes

Practice 4.1 (p.109)

1 C
2 C
3 C
4 (a) An insulating handle allows us to grasp
the handle without getting burnt.
(b) Wood
5 Goose-down in the jacket traps air. Since air is
a poor conductor of heat, energy cannot easily
escape by conduction.
6 In conduction, particles vibrate and transfer
energy when they collide with each other.
Since there is no particle in a vacuum,
conduction does not occur.
7 Since fat is a good insulator, it reduces heat
transfer from the body to the surroundings by
8 Touch the objects at room temperature in turn.
The one that feels cooler has a higher rate of
9 (a) In both cases, heat flows from the hand
to the railing.
(b) Metal is a good conductor. When we
touch a metal railing, it conducts energy
away from our hands quickly. On the
contrary, wood is a good insulator.
When we touch a wooden railing, only
little energy is conducted away from our
hands. Therefore, a metal railing feels
colder than a wooden railing even if they
have the same temperature.

New Senior Secondary Physics at Work (Second Edition) 1

 Oxford University Press 2015

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