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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

In the name of Allah the most merciful and gracious.

First and foremost, I want to thank Allah SWT, Alhamdulillah, finally I was able to complete my
research from chapter one to chapter three given by Dr. Hayati Ismail. Her guidance and advice carried
me through all the stages of writing my research. I would like to thank my friends for letting me defense
be an enjoyable moment, and fir brilliant comments and suggestions in my decisions.

I would also like to express my special gratitude to Dr. Hayati Ismail for my lecture, since my
research cannot be done without her guidance. She still advises me on how to do the research proposal in
correct way to obtain a successful result from research that has been studied.

Not to forget too, I would also like to give special thanks to my family members as a whole for
their continuous support and understanding when undertaking my research. Your prayer for me was what
sustained me this far.

Last but not least, I would like to thank God, for letting me through all the difficulties. I have
experienced your guidance day by day. You are the One who let me finish my research.
Factors that Contribute the Students Having Mental Health at Such Young Age

Having Problematic Families

Pelajar yang mempunyai keluarga yang bermasalah lebih cenderung untuk mengalami masalah mental
walaupun pada usia muda. Ini kerana pelajar meluangkan banyak masa di rumah berbanding di sekolah
jadi apa yang terjadi akan memberi kesan yang besar kepada mereka terutama apabila ia berkait dengan
ibu bapa. Menurut kata Pengarah Kesihatan Terengganu, Dr Mohd Jusoh, ketidakstabilan institusi
kekeluargaan merupakan antara faktor yang membawa kepada masalah kesihatan mental di kalangan
remaja (Awani, 2018). Institusi kekeluargaan yang harmoni serta penjagaan teliti daripada ibu bapa yang
memahami kehendak generasi muda, akan membantu pelajar menghadapi permasalahan hidup harian.
Namun begitu, keluarga bermasalah hanya akan menambah masalah dalam hidup pelajar di samping tiada
sesiapa memahami diri mereka. Oleh itu, penting untuk sesebuah keluarga itu menjaga keharmonian dan
hubungan sesama sendiri agar dapat membendung Students Having Mental Health at Such Young Age.

Students with problematic families are more likely to experience mental problems even at a young age.
This is because students spend more time at home than at school so what happens at home will have a big
impact on them especially when it comes to parents. According to Health Director of Terengganu, Dr
Mohd Jusoh, the instability of family institutions is one of the factors that lead to mental health problems
among adolescents (Awani, 2018). A harmonious family institution as well as careful care from parents
who understand the needs of the younger generation, will help students cope with the problems of daily
life. However, troubled families will only add to the problems in the lives of students as well as no one
understands themselves. Therefore, it is important for a family to maintain harmony and relationships
with each other in order to curb students having mental health at such young age.

Be a Victim of Bullies at School

Mangsa kepada pembuli di sekolah juga turut menjadi punca kepada Students Having Mental Health.
Masalah buli di sekolah telah muncul semenjak dari dahulu lagi dan sehingga kini masalah ini masih lagi
hangat berlaku terutama di kalangan pelajar sekolah dan university. Pegawai Psikologi Kanan, Siti
Fatimah Abdul Ghani mengatakan bahawa terdapat kajian menunjukkan lebih 85 peratus mangsa buli
terpaksa menderita kesan psikologi dan emosi dalam jangka masa panjang selain menghidapi penyakit
berkaitan dengan tekanan dalam kehidupan. si mangsa masih terpaksa menanggung derita dan trauma
akibat perbuatan berkenaan,”. Masalah ini boleh membawa kepada perkara lebih teruk kerana dikhuatiri
akan menyebabkan mangsan tiada keyakinan diri, merendah diri malah sosial turut merosot. Oleh itu,
penting untuk sesebuah sekolah itu mengambil berat akan permasalahan buli yang berlaku di sekolah agar
dapat membendung masalah ini.

Victims of bullying at school are also a cause of students having mental health. The problem of bullying
in schools has arisen since time immemorial and to this day this problem still occurs. Senior Psychology
Officer, Siti Fatimah Abdul Ghani said that there are studies showing that more than 85 percent of victims
of bullying must suffer from psychological and emotional effects in the long run in addition to suffering
from stress-related illnesses in life. The victim still must bear the pain and trauma as a result of the act.
This problem can lead to worse things because it is feared that it will cause the victim to lack self -
confidence, humility and even social decline. Therefore, it is important for a school to be concerned about
the problem of bullying that occurs in schools in order to curb this problem.

Always Difficult to Control Emotion

Difficult to control emotion juga punca kepada students having mental health. Emosi yang tidak terkawal
boleh membuatkan seseorang itu berfikir secara tidak sihat yang akan menyebabkan overthinking
sehinggakan mereka sukar berfikiran dengan waras pada satu tahap. Menurut Setiausaha Agung Persatuan
Pediatrik Asia Pasifik, Datuk Dr Zulkifli Ismail mengatakan bahawa peranan, perhatian dan sikap peka
ibu bapa sangat penting dalam membesarkan anak yang kuat dari segi emosi. Hal ini kerana seorang yang
mempunyai semangat kental boleh menyesuaikan diri dalam situasi sukar malah juga mampu bangun
semula daripada kegagalan atau pengalaman yang menyebabkan trauma. Oleh itu, pengaplikasian sikap
yang kental untuk mengawal emosi amat penting diterapkan dalam diri pelajar agar apabila menghadapi
masalah hidup dengan baik.

Difficult to control emotion is also a cause for students having mental health. Uncontrolled emotions can
make a person think unhealthily which will lead to overthinking so that they find it difficult to think
rationally on one level. According to the Secretary General of the Asia Pacific Pediatric Association,
Datuk Dr Zulkifli Ismail said that the role, attention and sensitivity of parents is very important in raising
a child who is emotionally strong. This is because a person with a strong spirit can adapt to difficult
situations and even be able to recover from failures or experiences that cause trauma. Therefore, the
application of a strong attitude to control emotions is very important to be instilled in students so that
when faced with problems living well.
4.0 Impacts to the Students in Studies and Lifestyle when They are Having Mental Health

4.1 Cannot Focus on Study

Firstly, impak kepada pelajar yang lihat paling ketara ialah mereka cannot focus on study terutama di
dalam kelas. Pelajar yang mengalami masalah mental sukar untuk kekal focus bagi sesuatu perkara jadi
guru dapat mengambil perhatian semasa mengajar di dalam kelas. According to Association for
Children’s Mental Health (ACMH) stated that mental health issues can have an impact on social
interactions and school performance, both of which are crucial for students to succeed. Tidak dapat focus
semasa study hanya membawa kepada permasalahan dalam school performance. Hal ini akan
mendatangkan masalah kepada pelajar juga untuk masa depan mereka. As a result, focus dalam study
sangat penting bagi pelajar agar dapat menerima pengetahuan sebanyak mungkin dalam kelas.

Firstly, the impact on students who see the most significant is they cannot focus on study especially in the
classroom. Students with mental problems find it difficult to stay focused on something so teachers need
to pay more attention to them. According to Association for Children’s Mental Health (ACMH) stated
that mental health issues can have an impact on social interactions and school performance, both of which
are crucial for students to succeed. Not being able to focus during study only leads to problems in school
performance. This will cause problems for students as well for their future. As a result, focus in study is
very important for students to be able to receive as much knowledge as possible in class.

4.2 Being Harsh on Themselves

Pelajar menjadi cenderung untuk Being Harsh on Themselves apabila mengalami masalah mental.
Mereka menganggap masalah tersebut satu kelemahan dan keburukan yang perlu mereka tutup
sehinggakan mereka menjadi mengkritik dan menyalahi diri sendiri. Being hard on ourselves by using
negative labels, finding fault with our thoughts, and emotions doesn't help us thrive and achieve mental
wellness (Chris, 2018). Ini jelas kelihatan impak ini hanya menambahkan lagi bara ke delam api kerana ia
tidak akan membawa seseorang itu maju kehadapan. As a result, pelajar yang mengalami masalah mental
akan kekal dalam keadaan itu tanpa ada treatment untuk lebih baik.

Students become prone to being harsh on themselves when experiencing mental problems. They consider
the problem a weakness and a disadvantage that they need to cover up so they become self-critical and
self-defeating. Being hard on ourselves by using negative labels, finding fault with our thoughts, and
emotions does not help us thrive and achieve mental wellness (Chris, 2018). This impact only adds more
embers to the fire because it will not make a person better. As a result, students with mental problems will
remain in that condition without any treatment for the better.

4.3 Be Problematic Student at School

Last but not least, pelajar terkait masalah ini juga cenderung untuk menjadi problematic student at school.
Mereka tidak boleh mengawal tingkahlaku, emosi atau cara social dengan baik maka ia akan
menimbulkan masalah dan menurunkan prestasi merit. According to Association for Children’s Mental
Health (ACMH), nationally, compared to the national average of 76 percent, just 40 percent of kids with
emotional, behavioural, and mental illnesses complete high school. Peratusan ini merangkulkan bahawa
pelajar mengalami masalah mental juga berpotensi untuk tidak graduate di sekolah. As a result, perkara
ini perlu diambil serius agar impak ini boleh dibendung bagi membuka peluang kepada pelajar untuk

Finally, students related to this problem also tend to be problematic students at school. They cannot
control their behavior, emotions or social ways well then it will cause problems and lower merit
performance. According to Association for Children’s Mental Health (ACMH), nationally, compared to
the national average of 76 percent, just 40 percent of kids with emotional, behavioral, and mental illnesses
complete high school. This percentage implies that students with mental health problems also have the
potential not to graduate from school. As a result, this matter needs to be taken seriously so that this
impact can be curbed to open up opportunities for students to succeed.
How the Students Can Overcome Their Mental Health Problems

5.1 Find Psychology Consultation

Firstly, students can seek for psychology consultation to overcome mental health problem. They can go to
school counselor first as it was the easiest and nearest place, they can hope in getting help. Seeking help
with consultation with psychotherapist for a mental health issue can make a big difference. Menurut Dr.
Merry Dame Cristy Pane (2022), psikoterapi adalah salah satu metode yang umum dilakukan untuk
menangani berbagai masalah kejiwaan, seperti depreses, depresi, dan gangguan mental. Seek consultation
untuk diri sendiri adalah satu permulaan kea rah membaiki diri sendiri. Therefore, guru dan orang
sekeliling hendaklah memberi galakan agar mereka lebih yakin untuk berkongsi derita yang dialami
dengan orang lain bagi mengatasi masalah ini.

Firstly, students can seek for psychology consultation to overcome mental health problem. They can go to
school counselor first as it was the easiest and nearest place, they can hope in getting help. Seeking help
with a psychotherapist for a mental health issue can make a big difference. According to Dr. Merry Dame
Cristy Pane (2022), psychotherapy is one of the most commonly used methods to deal with various
psychiatric problems, such as depression and mental disorders. Seek consultation for yourself is a start
towards self -improvement. Therefore, teachers and people around should give encouragement so that
they are more confident to share the suffering experienced with others to overcome this problem.

5.2 Take a Short Break from Everything

Seterusnya, pelajar boleh take a short break from everything untuk overcome this problem. Mereka perlu
melangkah satu langkah ke belakang dan berehat seketika daripada terlibat dengan perkara yang
menyumbang kepada masalah mental menjadi semakin teruk. Kajian juga menunjukkan Taking a short
breaks benefits employees' mental health and well-being by relieving some of their stress (Tork, 2018).
Perkara ini jarang diketahui dan dipraktikkan oleh pelajar yang menghidap masalah ini kerana mereka
terlalu mengejar untuk sesuatu benda walaupun mengabaikan tanggungjawab untuk diri sendiri. As a
result, take a short break from everything membolehkan seseorang mengatasi masalah mental apabila
kurang terlibat dengan perkara menjadi punca.

Next, students can take a short break from everything to overcome this problem. They need to take a step
back and a break from getting involved that contribute it getting worse. Studies also show taking a short
breaks benefits employee’s mental health and well-being by relieving some of their stress (Tork, 2018).
This is rarely known and practiced by students because they busy chasing for something despite
neglecting responsibility for themselves. As a result, taking a short break from everything allows them to
overcome mental problems when less involved with things being the cause.

5.3 Keep Active in Exercise

Akhir sekali, keep active in exercise juga boleh overcome mental health problems. Exercise in almost any
form can act as a stress reliever. Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from
daily worries. According to Lauren Ragland (2021), those who exercise express feeling less worried and
more secure in themselves. Our mind frequently follows your body when it feels wonderful. Exercise
seems to help mood increases also make overall health and sense of well-being, which puts more pep in
step every day. In conclusion, menjadi seorang yang aktif dalam exercise sangat penting bagi mengatasi
masalah ini kerana ia menjadikan seseorang gembira dan senang.

Mental health is a condition in which an individual is aware of self -efficacy, able to handle stress well,
able to work productively and able to contribute to society (Ministry of Health Malaysia; Nurasyikin,
2017). Namun begitu, kesedaran tentang mental health di Malaysia masih di tahap mengecewakan
walaupun kian hari makin ramai masyarakat menghadapi masalah ini. Setiap tiga daripada 10 rakyat
Malaysia berumur 16 tahun dan ke atas (atau 29.2 peratus) mengalami pelbagai masalah kesihatan mental
(Harian Metro, 2018). Oleh itu, saya terpanggil untuk membuat kajian berkaitan tajuk ini bagi membantu
pelajar yang terjebak dengan masalah ini dan membantu mereka jika berkemampuan.

Moreover, Menurut Pakar Perunding Psikiatri, Pusat Pakar Universiti Malaya, Profesor Madya Dr Ng
Chong Guan, ramai pesakit mental enggan mendapatkan rawatan disebabkan malu dan merasakan mereka
tidak sakit. Perkara ini membimbangkan apabila pesakit itu sendiri tidak dapat menerima akan keadaan
diri mereka malah enggan mendapat rawatan sewajarnya. Setelah diselidik, saya dapati mental health ini
mempunyai factor yang mencetusnya terjadi dan impak daripadanya juga boleh memberi kesan negative
dalam diri pelajar untuk jangka masa panjang. Oleh itu, bagaimana cara mengatasinya juga saya selidiki
agar boleh memberi cadangan atau membantu pelajar yang memerlukannya.

Mental health is a condition in which an individual is aware of self -efficacy, able to handle stress well,
able to work productively and able to contribute to society (Ministry of Health Malaysia; Nurasyikin,
2017). However, the awareness of mental health in Malaysia is still at a disappointing level even though
more and more people are facing this problem. Every three out of 10 Malaysians aged 16 and above (or
29.2 per cent) suffer from various mental health problems (Harian Metro, 2018). Therefore, I am called to
do research related to this topic to help students who are stuck with this problem and help them if I can.

Moreover, according to Consultant Psychiatrist, University of Malaya Specialist Center, Associate

Professor Dr Ng Chong Guan, many mental patients refuse treatment due to embarrassment and feel they
are not sick. This is worrying when the patients themselves cannot accept their condition and even refuse
to receive proper treatment. After research, I found that mental health has a factor that triggers it to occur
and the impact from it can also have a negative effect on students for a long time. Therefore, I also
researched how to overcome it so that I can give suggestions or help students who need it.


Dalam chapter ini, saya memfokuskan kepada melihat pandangan ahli-ahli falsafah daripada beberapa
view mengenai mental health. Nampaknya isu ini telah pun muncul sememnjak dahulu dan setiap
pandangan berbeza. Di samping itu, saya juga mengkaji mengenai factor, impak dan cara mengatasi
masalah kesihatan mental di kalangan pelajar agar dapat melihat dengan lebih jelas dan terperinci
mengenai perkara ini. Therefore, setiap parties seperti pelajar, guru, ibu bapa, sekolah dan masayarakat
sangat berperanan penting dalam membendung masalah ini.

Mental health problem merupakan isu yang sensitive terutama di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Sesiapa yang
mengalami masalah ini kebanyakannya akan dipandang serong malah ada yang mengatakan kerana
kurangnya penghayatan iman menyebabkan terjebak dalam masalah ini. Kajian mendapati, para pelajar
juga tidak ketinggalan mengalami masalah kesihatan mental lebih-lebih lagi selepas pandemic Covid-19
yang melanda dunia dua tahun lepas. Mereka turut terkesan kerana kehidupan belajar dan suasana
persekolah tidak lagi sama ekoran wabak itu seperti belajar secara online dan tidak dapat ke sekolah
bertemu rakan dan guru. Hal ini sedikit sebanyak memberi kesan negative apabila mereka hanya terperuk
di Rumah sahaja tanpa interaksi dengan dunia luar. Lantaran itu, para pelajar sekolah sepatutnya dijaga
dan diberi perhatian secukupnya agar dapat belajar untuk berbakti pada negara di masa hadapan. Oleh itu,
kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti factor yang menyebabkan pelajar terjebak dengan masalah
kesihatan mental, mengetahui kesan daripada masaalah ini dan juga mengkaji cara mengatasi pelajar yang
telah terjebak masalah ini. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pengkaji
akan menjalankan kajian secara temu bual, membuat selidik, membuat pemerhatian dan melayari Internet
bagi mendapatkan maklumat. Pelajar yang terlibat adalah pelajar menengah rendah di Sekolah Menengah
Kebangsaan Nilai Impian, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. Hasil kajian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi titik punca
kepada masyarakat dan pihak berwajib untuk membuka minda, menerima dan membantu pelajar yang
terlibat dalam masalah kesihatan mental.

Mental health problems are a sensitive issue, especially among Malaysians. Anyone who suffers from this
problem will mostly be looked down upon and some even say that due to lack of appreciation of faith
causes them to get stuck in this problem. The study found that students are also not left behind to suffer
from mental health problems, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world two years ago.
They were also impressed because the study life and the school atmosphere were no longer the same due
to the epidemic such as studying online and not being able to go to school to meet friends and teachers.
This to some extent has a negative effect when they are only at home without interaction with the outside
world. Therefore, school students should be taken care of and given enough attention in order to learn to
serve the country in the future. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the factors that cause
students to be stuck with mental health problems, find out the effects of these problems and also study
how to overcome students who have been stuck with these problems. This study was conducted using
qualitative and quantitative methods. Researchers will conduct research through interviews, make
surveys, make observations and surf the Internet to obtain information. The students involved are lower
secondary students at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Nilai Impian, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. The results
of this study are expected to be a starting point for the community and the authorities to open minds,
accept and help students involved in mental health problems.

Learning and teaching methods in schools nowadays are no longer the same as it was used to be
before especially after the country was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. Students and teachers had
to use a variety of different initiatives than before in order to approach teaching and learning to
students more effectively. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has brought various negative
impacts not only to adult matters but also to school students from primary to secondary school.
Moreover, students who also feel burdened with various problems that arise especially when
involving socio-economic differences are adding to the adverse effects.

This is even more worrying when the students at this school also feel that their academic
performance is deteriorating, thus affecting their mental health even though their age is still
considered very young. This becomes even worse when in Malaysia the awareness of the dangers
of mental health and the way to solve it is still at a disappointing level. Therefore, it is common
for students or anyone with a deteriorating mental health problem are preferring to remain silent
and not tell anyone else. This is because their own families look down on and will blame the
victim when it comes to mental problems.

- put one ayat quran or hadis related to mental health or the importance of mental health care.

On the other hand, students who are dealing with this issue, can be controlled and treated
appropriately. For sure, the closest person such as the family should bring the victim to get proper
treatment by consulting a proper consultation or treatment specialist not looking down and
blaming them for everything happened.

Mental health problem telah muncul sejak lama dahulu namun kurang diambil perhatian dan
kesedarannya dalam masyarakat. Namun begitu, selepas dilanda wabak Covid-19, masalah ini
kian naik mencanak ekoran pelbagai masalah yang muncul seperti kewangan, persekitan tidak
sihat dan perubahan cara hidup. Pelajar sekolah juga tidak ketinggalan daripada terjebak dalam
masalah ini dan perkara ini mendatangkan keresahan kerana mereka merupakan penyambung
generasi akan datang. Dalam hadith Nabi SAW yang diriwayatkan oleh Aisyah R.Anha menyebut
tentang masalah mental:

َ ‫ير َحتَّى يَ ْكبُ َر َوع َْن ْال َمجْ نُو ِن َحتَّى يَ ْعقِ َل َأوْ يُفِي‬
‫ق‬ ٍ ‫ُرفِ َع ْالقَلَ ُم ع َْن ثَاَل‬
َّ ‫ث ع َْن النَّاِئ ِم َحتَّى يَ ْستَ ْيقِظَ َوع َْن ال‬
ِ ‫ص ِغ‬

Maksudnya :” Diangkat pena pada tiga golongan iaitu orang yang tidur sehingga terjaga , anak
kecil sehingga dia besar dan orang gila sehingga dia berakal atau sedar.”
Orang gila disini bermaksud seseorang yang hilang kewarasan yang membuat sesuatu perkara
namun amalan catatannya tidak diambil kira sehingga dia sedar. Oleh itu, mereka yang
mengalami masalah mental berpotensi untuk melakukan perkara di luar kawalan jika tidak
dipantau sebaiknya.

Oleh itu, kajian ini dibuat untuk membendung masalah kesihatan mental dengan mengkaji dengan
detail perkara berkaitan dengannya. Justeru itu, this research will explore the factors that
contribute the students having mental health, the impacts to the students in studies and lifestyle
and lastly how the students can overcome their mental health problems

Mental health problems have appeared for a long time but receive less attention and respect in
society. However, since being affected with COVID-19, this issue has gotten worse because of a
number of issues, this problem has increased due to various problems such as finances, unhealthy
environment and lifestyle changes. School students are also not left out of getting caught up in
this problem and this is a matter of concern as they are the connectors of the next generation. In
the hadith of the Prophet SAW narrated by Aisyah R. Anha mentions about mental problems:

َ ‫ير َحتَّى يَ ْكبُ َر َوع َْن ْال َمجْ نُو ِن َحتَّى يَ ْعقِ َل َأوْ يُفِي‬
‫ق‬ ٍ ‫ُرفِ َع ْالقَلَ ُم ع َْن ثَاَل‬
َّ ‫ث ع َْن النَّاِئ ِم َحتَّى يَ ْستَ ْيقِظَ َوع َْن ال‬
ِ ‫ص ِغ‬

Meaning: "The pen is raised on three groups, namely people who sleep until they wake up, small
children until they are big and crazy people until they are sane or conscious."

A madman here means a person who has lost his sanity who does something, but his practice of
recording is not taken into account until he is conscious. Therefore, those with mental problems
have the potential to do things out of control if not monitored properly.

Therefore, this study was made to curb mental health problems by studying in detail the matters
related to it. Therefore, this research will explore the factors that contribute the students having
mental health, the impacts to the students in studies and lifestyle and lastly how the students can
overcome their mental health problems.

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