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Cold calling simply means phoning a person (prospect) who isn’t ex-
pecting a call. It’s not an easy activity, since people generally don’t
like being surprised by phone calls. On average, an agent needs to
make 6 phone calls in order to close a sale.

What is cold calling used for? It’s often an attempt to establish con-
tact with potential clients, presenting them with an offer, and, of
course, selling. To help your agents organize calls and monitor their
performance, you can use software such as CloudTalk. With its help,
agents can tag each call as they choose and also make notes about
each conversation. It boosts productivity and makes call manage-
ment a little bit easier to handle. What’s also a pretty handy fea-
ture is voicemail drop – each agent can record a series of voice
messages and then decide which one is preferable to leave for a
given client.

Besides choosing the best software, your agents might appreciate

some scripts to make cold calling even more efficient. Below you will
find seven ready-made templates that can deliver a dose of relief to
your agents on a daily basis. What needs to be remembered is that
each conversation should begin with the agent’s introduction. More-
over, the following templates should be modified depending on the in-
dustry and, of course, the situation. Using them word for word may
not always sound natural or correspond to a specific conversation.

Let’s start from the very beginning, which means first

calling a prospect.

01 Grand opening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

02 Providing a good introduction. . . . . . . 6

03 Voice message templates. . . . . . . . . . 8

04 Reconnect after a voice message. . 10

05 Making referral calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

06 Reaction to clients’ excuses . . . . . . . 14

07 Propose a special offer or

information about promotions . . . . . 16

Wrap up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Grand opening 4


If the customer has just appeared in your circle of interest and has
no history with you yet, it’s time to call them and say a few words
about the company. This type of cold calling isn’t focused on selling a
specific product but on an interest in your company and its offer. It’s
worth making an appointment for a sales call at a later date when,
firstly, the customer will have time specifically for this conversation
and, secondly, they will have a moment to think about their expecta-
tions of your company. back to contents

Grand opening 5

“Hello, Mr./Mrs./Miss [client’s surname]. I am calling from [company’s

name]. My name is [agent’s name]. I hope that this is a good time for
you to talk?”

Wait for the prospect’s answer.

“Many of our clients have struggled with establishing their workflow.

It’s tough to crack, but at the same time it’s an important factor in
getting a job done. Regardless of whether the whole team works to-
gether in the office or remotely, sometimes it’s challenging to man-
age workflow at such a level that everything goes smoothly enough.
Does this sound similar to you?”

Let them speak about their issues.

“I understand you perfectly. Our company offers several solutions

that would prove useful in these situations. In order to discuss them in
detail and propose an offer, I would like to arrange another call. What
day would be best for you?”

Let the client answer, save the date, and politely say goodbye.

When making the first call, it’s important to emphasize why you are
phoning this person and how your company may help them, etc. It’s
also nice to be flexible about meeting times. The first impression is
crucial; never forget this. back to contents

Providing a good introduction 6

a good intro-

Some people call such conversation an

elevator pitch. Its purpose is to explain
who you are, why you are calling, and
get the customer interested in your of-
fer. This isn’t a proper sales conversa-
tion. Elevator pitches are made in or-
der to arrange an appointment at a time
convenient for the customer, when ”I
don’t have time” won’t be an excuse any-
more. It’s also a good chance to praise
your company’s good work. back to contents

Providing a good introduction 7

“Hello, Mr./Mrs./Miss [client’s surname]. My name is [agent’s name],

and I am calling from [company’s name]. I hope this is a good time
for a quick chat?”

Let the prospect answer.

“I am contacting you because several products that have recently

been in our offer may be interesting for you. For example, our pride
and joy, the [product name] that would be a perfect option in your
industry. It has dozens of features that would facilitate daily work-du-
ties. We have prepared a tailored offer just for you. You would
be our first client who receives this product. Do you want to hear
more about it? When would you have time to arrange a longer call
on this topic?

Wait for the client’s proposition.

“Excellent, [scheduled time and date] would be great. I will call you
then. Thanks for your time, and have a nice day!”

What your agent needs to emphasize here is the quality of your offer.
It’s a good idea to highlight the uniqueness of the client, too. For ex-
ample, being the first of anyone to obtain a product. back to contents

Voice message templates 8


As you have read above, CloudTalk allows your agents to record some
ready-made messages and then choose the best one for a given situ-
ation. But first, agents need to know what they should record. Impor-
tantly, such messages shouldn’t be too long. Firstly, voicemails have
time restrictions, and secondly, the client cannot ask about anything
while listening to such a communique so the information should be
as short and condensed as possible. This way, it will be easier for the
recipient to remember. There is a dose of inspiration below. back to contents

Voice message templates 9

“Hello, Mr./Mrs./Miss [client’s surname]. This is [agent’s name] from

[company’s name]. I am contacting you regarding our latest offer.

Based on research conducted by the sales department, our company

has introduced a new device that is very much awaited by custom-
ers. It’s the first type of such a solution on the market and can truly
revolutionize it. This device has many advantages that facilitate work
in industries such as [industry names]. I think it would be the perfect
solution for you.

I would appreciate it if you give me a call back if you’re interest-

ed, and I will tell you more about the device. Once again, this is
[agent’s name] from [company’s name]. You can reach me via this
number [agent’s business number].”

It’s important to speak succinctly but not too quickly. There is an ac-
ceptable time frame to fit the message into, but the client still needs
to understand it. When recording voice messages, many people have
a tendency to rush. A good agent must focus on communicating
clearly but not too quickly, in a short, interesting message as above.
The client needs to feel encouraged enough to call back. back to contents

Reconnect after a voice message 10

after a voice

Once you have recorded a message you’ll be waiting for an answer,

but sometimes it may not come. Every agent must reply to each mes-
sage left on their voicemail, but customers don’t have such a duty. If
the client does not respond to the voice message, it’s worth trying
to contact them again. What can be helpful with preparing for such
conversation are custom fields. Thanks to this feature, all information
is gathered in one place - from the basics such as name and orders,
etc., to additional notes that an agent can enter to improve the cus-
tomer service. Such details and subtleties can be real game-changers
in the case of a difficult and seemingly uninterested client.

Here is an example of how an agent should reconnect with a client. back to contents

Reconnect after a voice message 11

“Hello, Mr./Mrs./Miss [client’s surname]. My name is [agent’s name],

and I am calling from [company’s name]. I am reaching out to you
because you didn’t respond to my previous voice message. I under-
stand you are busy and don’t have much spare time, but it won’t be a
long conversation.

So I want to present to you our latest offer and propose unique con-
ditions for you. Do you have a few minutes to listen to it?”

The crucial aspect of such situations is that agents can’t sound like
they blame clients for not calling back. Another call is a fresh start
for the agent to talk personally with the client, share details, and
not worry that at any moment a sound will signal that the recording
time has passed. back to contents

Making referral calls 12


If the prospect is already known,

such a phone call will be much
easier to make. You can build an
entire conversation’s background
that is adapted to the client’s
specificity. Remember, therefore,
that the following script should
just be an inspiration rather
than an instruction that must be
strictly followed. back to contents

Making referral calls 13

“Good morning/evening, am I speaking with [clients’ name]?

We haven’t had a chance to talk beforehand, but Mr./Mrs./Miss
[name of mutual contact] gave me your number and indicated that
you may be interested in the offer we provide.

Our company provides several solutions that can be of great help in

your industry, and I would be glad to tell you more about them. Do
you have some time to discuss our offer?”

In this case, it’s important to clarify who the agent has obtained the
phone number from and start the conversation in a neutral manner.
The client cannot feel as if their company has been the subject of
many conversations with the recommending person, or that the agent
already knows everything about it. back to contents

Reaction to clients’ excuses 14

to clients’

The most significant disadvantage of

cold calls is that the customers don’t ex-
pect them, and they can easily be end-
ed. A short and very familiar, I don’t
have time, or I’m not interested can and
the discussion in seconds. Did you know
that 44% of sales agents give up af-
ter a first negative response? This isn’t
the right approach. In order not to end
such a conversation with one of these
statements, it’s worth having a quick an-
swer sheet prepared. An example can be
found below. back to contents

Reaction to clients’ excuses 15

“I understand that this may not be your main concern right now, but
could you please spare me 30 seconds of your time? I will briefly tell
you about our offer, which I believe you may be interested in. Would
that be a problem for you?”

If the client has pointed out that this isn’t the best time to talk be-
cause, for example, they are on the way to a meeting, it would be an
excellent idea to propose an alternative time and/or date for the call.

“I understand it’s a bad time now, so I propose to schedule a call at

[proposed time and date of call]. Does that suit you, or would you
prefer another time?”

A situation when someone is dismissed is never pleasant, but a good

agent has to deal with it. First of all, it’s worth emphasizing that the
caller understands the client and their shortage of time, but it should
be emphasized that this conversation won’t be a waste of it. The
agent should also be understanding, and if the customer remains de-
fiant then they need to be left alone and another call only attempted
after some time has passed. back to contents

Propose a special offer or information about promotions 16

Propose a
special offer
or information
about promo-

It’s worth rewarding your customers. So if your company provides a

special offer or promotions, you should inform clients and prospects
about them. It’s also worth considering free trials or discounts for
new members. back to contents

Propose a special offer or information about promotions 17

“Hi [client’s name], my name is [agent’s name] from [company’s

name]. I am calling you because we have some surprises for our new
members. Our company offers solutions that may be handy in your
industry. If you are interested, there is a [X]% discount for new clients
joining this month. Do you want to hear more about the offer?”

And now is the time to present the offer or schedule an appoint-

ment to do so.

If the agent calls to remind the customer about a promotion or pro-

pose a special offer, what needs to be emphasized are all the adjec-
tives that will make the customer feel special. If there is a time lim-
it on the promotion, this should also be mentioned. Sometimes time
pressure is the best decision-making factor. back to contents

Wrap up 18

To wrap up

Cold calling can be an effective way to gain

new clients and offer new products or services
to existing ones. But in order for this to happen,
your customer service or sales team should know
how to deal with clients who don’t expect a call
and seem uninterested. Agents can’t simply allow
themselves to be dismissed once and for all.

Here you will find some more practical tips for

cold calling. After reading that advice and this
ebook, your agents will be ready to start making
effective cold calls and thus closing more deals. back to contents

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