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Practical No.

Preparation and Standardization of standard solutions

Preparation and standardization of sodium hydroxide


To prepare standard solutions of sodium hydroxide


0.1M NaOH, Phenolphthalein indicator , potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP), ,methyl orange,
sensitive balance, burette, pipette, conical flask.


Volumetric analysis is one of the most useful analytical techniques to accurately determine the
concentration of unknown substances. A titration must always involve the use of a standard
solution, that is, a solution whose concentration is known exactly (primary standard) but the
Secondary standard solutions needs to be standardized,


1. Sodium Hydroxide
For a 0.1M solution: Dissolve 0.42 g of sodium hydroxide in sufficient carbon dioxide-free water to
produce 100 ml (0.42g to be dissolved in 100ml).
(Mwt of NaOH=40g/mol)
Standardization of Hydrochloric acid
Aim :

Determination of the concentration of Hydrochloric acid solution. (mol/dm3) and (gm/dm3)

using standard solution sodium carbonate.

Given :

A) HCL Solution (0.1M theoretical concentration )

B) Na2CO3 Solution

Indicators: methyl red


Burette, Pipette, Conical flask (titration flask), Beaker, Funnel, Dropper, Washing bottle, steel


2HCL + Na2CO3 → 2NaCL+ H2O + CO2


(i) Titrate 10 cm3 of Na2CO3 solution (the solution in flask B) against standard HCL solution (the
solution in flak B ) from the burette using methyl red indicator. Repeat the titration until two
consecutive readings agree within ±0.1cm3


All Readings in cm3: HCL / Na2CO3 methyl red indicator

Titration No Initial Reading Final Reading Volume used

Practical No. 4

Back titration

Determination of calcium carbonate raw material


To determine the content percent of CaCO3


Calcium carbonate , 0.1M HCl , 0.1M NaOH, methyl red indicator, water bath, flame , conical
flask , volumetric pipette, measuring cylinder, burette.


CaCO3+ 2 HCl CaCl2 + H2O+CO2


Weigh 0.15g CaCO3, add 50ml 0.1M HCl ,heat on water bath till the solution is clear then cool,
titrate with 0.1M NaOH using 3 drops of methyl red indicator.

Mwt CaCO3= 100.1g/mol


- Calculate the content percent of CaCO3 as dried material if it was known that 0.5mg lose
0.003mg on drying.
Precipitation titration

Mohr’s method for determination of sodium chloride


- To determine the concentration of NaCl

- To calculate content


*Mohr’s method (determination of NaCl powder):

Weigh 0.1g of NaCl powder, dissolve in 20ml distilled water, and titrate with 0.1
M AgNO3, add 3drops of K2CrO4 as an indicator until a reddish brown ppt is

AgNO3+ NaCl AgCl + NaNO3


Mwt NaCl = 58.49g/mol

Practical No.3
Precipitation titration
Mohr’s method for Determination of sodium chloride

(Normal saline 0.9%)


- To determine the volume of AgNO3

- To calculate the concentration of sodium chloride %content, g /L and mg /L.

Weigh a volume containing 0.1g of sodium chloride then titrate with 0.1M silver
nitrate using K2CrO4 solution as indicator.

AgNO3+ NaCl AgCl + NaNO3


Mwt of Nacl =58.49 g/mol

Practical No.8
Complexometric titration
Determination of water hardness

- To determine the volume of EDTA from the experiments

- To calculate the hardness of tab water.


Determination of water hardness involves the determination of calcium and

magnesium ions dissolved in water, the total hardness being expressed as parts per
million of calcium and magnesium salts together calculated as calcium carbonate.

Ca2+ + [H2X]2- [CaX]2- +2H+

Mg2+ + [H2X]2- [MgX]2- +2H+


*Total hardness:

Add 5ml of ammonium buffer solution PH10.5 to 100ml of tab water, add 6 drops
of mordant black II indicator and titrate with 0.05M disodium edetate until there is
no further color change (reddish to blue).

*Calcium Hardness:

Add 5ml of a NaOH buffer solution to 100ml of tab water, add 0.02g of murexide
indicator ( to give the colour ) and titrate with 0.05M disodium edetate until the
pink color changes to purple and no further color change takes place.


Mwt CaCO3 = 100g/mol

Atomic wt Ca= 40g/mol

Atomic wt Mg=24g/mol

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