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Rewrite the sentences beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays

the same.
a. l'll call the police if you don't leave me alone!

b. She stsle the money and is in prison now.

tf she hd,,! ghler ILr* h"q\.t9, :\+ uou\d,o\L !'e. ,'"-t\ qsr h§.À'
Every time I add su§ar to the cake mix it tastes better!

HÍ edd - 5"Jp-r -c tht coltt ,+ d,tt {o<.[-eç rpi.+r," I

d. lf you hadn't told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn't have noticed it.

e. ln the snowy weather we don't go to school.
lf if i qbo,,iry
, ,^Jt uuar'u J& =a-.

f. I didn't have an umbrella with me so I got wet.

-4{. r,td *;i í hqd ';r,r '"r'or, o uri{i' ung '

Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning:stays

the same:
a. lt would be nice to be able to fly a plane.
twish I < c,trld l\y *o p\nv.<
b. What a pity we ate all the Íood.

lf only we didn'
c. lt's a shame we don't have a DVD player!

I vyi5h * k/q hg\rq q DUD pto y \- '

d. I don't like being so short.

lwish I ccu d ',* io-i!e" .

e. I regret not going to university.



f. Don't shout all the time, it's so annoying!

r \\l \ ,r
i., -
lwish-Su d,dht SI.pU' o\\ l\tç -ivre, [+5-ço q^irr>!i\-,!-:-

Name JA) ,A- Date I I
Choose the most suitable underlined word or sentence.
a. lf the machine stops / will 5!q!.Ihss / you will press this button,
b. I can't understand what he sees in herl lf anyone treats / trêated àe like that, I will
extremely angry!
c. lf I called / úoàe you tonight, are you / ÚillJou\be inz
d. This dish tastes / will\hc tasthg better if you +4^uill add spices to it.
e. lf you

f. Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing, And if fre

6@ nau .augtrt
a fish, hdthrows-Dwould throw it back.

Match the words to their definitions and then listen and write
down the sentences.



1. sun Wa\ Shrt',,

The through the clouds.

2. A realdiamond * §par Llq5 a lot.

3. The "i-,
lightning f\a.t^n* in the darkness of the night.
4. She " ."\rs5, .. . ...". . . with excitement.

iüê 28

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