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Le Hong Phong High school

Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien


1. Arson (n): vụ phóng hỏa  arsonist (n)
2. Break into sth: đột nhập  break-in (n)
3. Burglary (n): vụ trộm đêm  burglar (n): tên trộm đêm  burgle (v)
4. Theft (n): vụ trộm cắp  petty theft (n): vụ trộm cắp lặt vặt  thief (n)
5. Drop litter
6. Forge (v): làm giả  forgery (n): tội làm giả  forger (n)
e.g. The student was punished for forging his mother’s signature.
7. Rob sb OF sth: cướp  robber (n)  robbery (n)
8. Shoplifting (n): trộm cửa hàng  shoplift (v)  shoplifter (n)
9. Speeding (n): tội chạy quá tốc độ cho phép  speed up ≠ slow down
10. Steal sth from sb

11. Trespassing (n): sự xâm phạm  trespass (v)  trespasser (n)

12. Vandalism (n) : tội phá hoại của công  vandal (n) : kẻ phá hoại của công  vandalise (v)

13. Blackmail (v) (n): tống tiền  blackmailer (n)

14. Kidnap (v) (n): bắt cóc  kidnapper (n)

15. Accident-prone area: khu vực hay xảy ra tai nạn disaster-prone area

16. Accuse sb of sth: kết tội ai vì điều gì  accusation (n)

17. Charge sb with sth = convict sb of sth = prosecute sb for sth: kết tội ai

18. Arrest sb for sth: bắt giữ ai vì  arrest (n)

19. Avoid (v) doing sth  avoidance (n)  (un)avoidable (adj)

20. Confess to (doing) sth: thú nhận  confession (n)  make a confession

21. Witness (n) TO sth: nhân chứng  witness (v)

22. Scene of the crime: hiện trường vụ án

23. Commit murder/ fraud: lừa đảo/ arson/ rape: hiếp dâm/ adultery: ngoại tình/ treason:

phản quốc/ suicide/ a crime/ an offence: phạm tội

24. Fight crime: chống lại tội ác

25. Crime (n)  criminal (n) (adj): tội phạm

26. Clue (n): manh mối

27. Judge (n) (v): quan tòa / giám khảo / phán xét  judgement (n)

28. Jury (n): bồi thẩm đoàn

29. Prosecutor (n): công tố viên

30. Defender (n): luật sự bào chữa

31. Courtroom (n): phòng xử án

32. Evidence (n) = proof (n): bằng chứng

33. Food court (n): khu vực bán đồ ăn

34. Collide with sth: đâm vào  collision (n)

Le Hong Phong High school
Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien

35. Magnet (n): nam châm  magnetic (adj)  magnetism (n): từ trường  magnetize (v): hút/thu

36. Swerve (v): lạng qua, e.g. The car swerved sharply to avoid the dog.

37. volunteer (v): tình nguyện  volunteer (n): tình nguyện viên  volunteer/voluntary work (n)

 voluntary (adj) ≠ involuntary (adj)  voluntarily (adv)

38. literacy (n): khả năng biết đọc biết viết ≠ illiteracy (n)

 literate (adj): biết đọc biết viết ≠ illiterate (adj): mù chữ  literacy (n) vs. numeracy (n)
e.g. computer literacy, high literacy rate
39. remedial class = a special class that helps students who have difficulty learning sth (lớp phụ

đạo)  conduct remedial class (tổ chức lớp phụ đạo)

40. remedy (n) FOR Sth = cure for sth: biện pháp chữa bệnh

41. set off/out= start to go somewhere: khởi hành

42. bring Sb along = take Sb with you when you go somewhere: dẫn theo ai

43. evaluate (v) = assess (v): đánh giá  evaluation (n)

44. come to / reach an agreement = reach a compromise = arrive at a consensus: đi đến thỏa

45. benefit (v) from Sth (e.g. Surely, the students will benefit from the project.): hưởng lợi từ ai/cái

benefit (v) Sb (e.g. The illiteracy eradication will benefit the community.): có lợi cho ai
 beneficial (adj): có lợi
 beneficiary (n) = someone who gets advantages from sth (người được hưởng)
46. attain (v) = achieve (v): đạt được  attainment (n)

47. skill (n)  be skilful AT Sth  skilful (khéo tay) vs. skilled (được đào tạo)

48. gratitude (n): biết ơn ≠ ingratitude (n)

 be grateful TO Sb FOR Sth = be thankful TO Sb FOR Sth = be indebted TO Sb FOR Sth = be

obliged TO Sb FOR Sth ≠ ungrateful
49. firsthand experience= hands-on experience = experience etc that has been learned or gained

by doing something yourself (kinh nghiệm bản than tự có)

50. the aged (plural) = old people = the elderly = the old
51. disadvantaged children: trẻ em bất hạnh
52. handicapped children: trẻ khuyết tật
53. mow the lawn: cắt cỏ  lawn mower (n)
54. invalid (n): thương binh
55. martyr (n): liêt sĩ
56. fundraising (n): hoạt đông quyên góp
57. campaign (n): chiến dịch
58. ethnic minority: dân tộc thiểu số
59. eradicate (v) = get rid of Sth (e.g. eradicate illiteracy): loại bỏ  eradication (n)
60. disaster (n)  disastrous (adj)  disaster area = disaster-stricken area (khu vực hay bị thiên tai)
Le Hong Phong High school
Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien

1. The students ………voluntarily.………………spend their summer vacations teaching …
illiterate……….………. people to read and write. (volunteer / literate)
2. A swept through the museum late last night. (disaster)
3. Without ……skilled.…….………workers ………industrialization…………….…….. would be out of the
question. (skill / industry)
4. In the next century the demand for …….skillful……………..……………….labor will go down. (skill)
5. It is said that ……….…illiteracy…………………………….gives rise to poverty. (literate)
6. We were shocked by her………ungratefulness.………………………..She didn’t appreciate what we
had done for her. (grateful)
7. No one has better qualifications than me. I’m sure to be…….…promoted……………………….
8. Wood is a poor ……conduction…….…………. of heat. (conduct)
9. Everything ……basic……..………….to life here must be imported. (base)
10. Teenagers always need ……parental….…….…………………….guide. (parent)
11. The thief has replaced the real diamond with a ………valueless………….…………one. (value)
12. The table shows the ……illiteracy….………..………rates of the population in rural areas from
1981 to 1999. (literate)
13. ……Unused.…………..……… the city, I’ve got lost many times. (use)
14. If you are hard of hearing, you will find our hearing aids ……valuable………….…………….. (value)
15. I was so embarrassed when I dropped the ......armful...................... of boxes I’d been
carrying right in the middle of the road. (arm)
16. It is ……understandable……..………. that you wish to change jobs, but the company will be very
disappointed to lose you. (understand)
17. He is a rude man and speaks ……unpleasantly………….…………… to everyone. (pleasant)
18. He joined a charity organization to help ………disadvantaged.…………………..children.
19. The ……happy………………..people in the world are those who bring ……
happiness……………………to others. (happy)
20. She often spends her weekend in a nearby ……orphanage…………………………..(orphan)
21. Students………aged.……………15 and above can apply for the scholarship. (age)
22. No one will believe his ………baseless.……………….accusations. (base)
23. Thanks to your help, we could have…………overcome.………………….our problem. (come)
24. The school should …………enforce……………stricter regulations to stop students from cheating
in exams. (force)
25. The government will provide food for residents in the …….……disaster-stricken……….
……………..area. (disaster)
26. It was ……dishonorable….………………..of her to cheat in the exam. (honor)
27. I hate standing in a long line at the …….checkout………………… a supermarket. (check)
28. The ………donor…..……………..prefers to remain anonymous. (donate)
29. He spends his free time reading books for the ……old.……………….in a nursing home. (old)
30. During their vacation, volunteers helped conduct ……remedial………….classes for weak
students. (remedy)
People volunteer for a number of different (1) _______, ranging from a desire to learn new skills, (2)
_______ fun or (3) _______ a difference. Some are completely (4) _______ to the cause, while others
simply wish to do their bit where they can. In actual (5) _______, many of the reasons for volunteering
abroad are the same as (6)_______ for volunteering at home but here there is the added bonus of
getting to travel. (7) _______, volunteering abroad is a much more meaningful experience, taking you
further out of your comfort zone and offering (8)_______ greater rewards.
Le Hong Phong High school
Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien

1. a. results b. reasons c. aims d. measures

2. a. make b. seek c. have d. do
3. a. make b. result c. create d. draw
4. a. devoted b. objected c. used d. according
5. a. truth b. reality c. actuality d. fact
6. a. those b. this c. that d. these
7. a. Though b. Moreover c. However d. Thus
8. a. far b. long c. wide d. broad

VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) (1) ______to relieve poverty by sending volunteers on two-year
placements to work (2)________ people in less developed countries. Unlike other charities, VSO sends
people, not money, to the country (3) ________. It has been described as an organization that cares (4)
_______ the unequal distribution of material goods and opportunities in the world. Since the first
volunteers trekked out 30 years ago, more than 19,000 volunteers (5) _________throughout Africa, Asia,
the Caribbean and the Pacific, training the local workforce in vital skills. Many (6) ________ in places with
no electricity or running water but, equally, many are allocated jobs in an environment (7) ______ one
back home. Some find work in a capital city, while (8) _____ are employed in a university or clinic.
1. a. gets b. heads c. aims d. tends
2. a. alongside b. towards c. along d. together
3. a. needy b. which need c. needed d. in need
4. a. to b. of c. for d. about
5. a. have worked b. work c. worked d. are working
6. a. work b. working c. works d. worked
7. a. alike b. familiar to c. same as d. similar to
8. a. the others b. others c. other d. another

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is always a great idea for people in their 20s. Many youngsters want to
join it. But how are volunteers selected? Competition for the 750 places on offer each year is fierce –
every day the VSO offices receive hundreds of enquiries from potential applicants. For this reason, VSO
has introduced a rigorous selection procedure. The 8-stage application form is the first stage of the
application process. Next comes a one-day assessment, in which groups of applicants are put through
tests to measure their motivation and ability to work well with others. Those accepted also go on a post-
selection training and briefing weekend. Qualities looked for include adaptability, flexibility, open-
mindedness, and a willingness to learn. But the selection process is not infallible and, despite its rigors,
10% of volunteers return home within nine months. Obviously, some return because of things going
wrong back home, but a proportion find they just can’t take the lifestyle.
1. Which statement is NOT true?
a. Willingness to learn is an expected quality of the applicants.
b. The chosen applicants are briefly instructed before they start work.
c. The application form is eight pages long.
d. Ten percent of the volunteers return home within nine months due to problems at home.
2. What does it mean ‘rigorous’?
a. strong b. severe c. careful d. modern
3. What do applicants have to do after filling in the application form?
a. to sit for some tests c. to select their post
b. to try to work with each other for a time d. to be brief on their work
4. Why do volunteers come back home?
a. They are not used to the lifestyle. c. The instructions for them are so brief.
b. There are more applicants than needed. d. They are not trained enough.
5. VSO looks for applicants who are all of the following EXCEPT
a. ready to learn b. infallible
c. flexible d. adaptable
1. They denied (be)………having been……………………………there.
2. I told her many times, but she didn't remember (buy) buy..................the tickets for us.
3. The children admitted (take)………to taking………………………..the money.
Le Hong Phong High school
Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien

4. ……………Drinking………………..(drink) too much, he didn’t drive home himself.

5. They found a tree (lie)………lying ……………………….across the road.
6. If she catches you (read)……reading…………………….her diary, she’ll be furious.
7. If you go on (let)………letting……………..the dog (run)……run……………………after cars, he’ll end up
(run)…………being run……………..over.
8. Don’t forget (invite)………to invite…………………….him for coffee when you see him.
9. He’ll soon forget (be)……being……………………..involved in the accident.
10. Don’t you remember (meet)………meeting……..………………her last week? _ I’m sorry I can’t
remember (see)………seeing…………………….her.

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