Bedmaking Occupied Bed 22

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ST. Luke’s College of Nursing

NCM 103- Fundamentals of Nursing
Return Demonstration on Making Occupied Bed

Name: _____ Date: __________ Score______________

Section: ______


1. Checks patient’s medical record for orders or specific
precautions/restrictions concerning patient’s movement or
2. Assembles all supplies /linens needed in the order to be
3. Introduces self and verifies patient’s identity
4. Explains to the patient what to be done, why it is necessary
and how the patient can cooperate
5. Performs hand hygiene and apply clean gloves if necessary.
Observes other infection control procedures.
6. Provides privacy to the patient by pulling the curtain and
close the door.
7. Places fresh linen on the bedside chair or overbed table
8. Adjusts the height of bed to a comfortable working position
with bed flat if patient can tolerate. Lowers side rail on one
side of bed.
a. Loosens the top sheet at the foot of the bed.
b. Assists the client to turn on the side facing away from
the side where the clean linens are.
c. Raises the side rail nearest the client.
d. Loosens the foundation of the linen under the patient.
e. Fanfolds the bottom sheet, draw sheet and the
underpads at the center of the bed towards the
patient, tucks old linens under patient’s back.
f. Places the new bottom sheet, draw sheet and the
underpads on the bed, and vertically fanfold the half to
be used on the far side of the bed tucking it under the
soiled bottom sheet.
g. Tucks the new sheet under the near half of the bed and
miter the corner. Tucks the head part of the sheet.
h. Places and tucks the draw sheet and underpad.
i. Assists the patient to roll over toward you onto the
clean side. Keep patient covered.
j. Raise the side rail up before leaving the side of the
k. Moves to other side of bed and lowers the side rail
l. Removes the used/soiled linen and places it in the
m. Unfolds the fan folded clean bottom sheet, draw sheet
and the underpad from the center of the bed.
n. Uses both hands to pull the bottom sheet, draw sheet
and the underpad then makes the other side of the
bed. Tuck the excess under the side of the mattress.
o. Moves the client to the center of the bed.
p. Replaces old top sheet with a new one by spreading
the new top sheet over the old one.
q. Had the patient hold new top sheet while old sheet is
removed. Pulls the top sheet and maintain privacy.
r. Discards the linen at linen hamper.
s. Makes horizontal toe pleat at the bottom of bed.
t. Tucks remaining sheet under mattress. Makes modified
mitered corner with top sheet.
u. Changes the pillowcase with new one and place the
close side of the pillowcase facing the door.

10. Evaluation
Ensures continued safety of the patient
a. Raises the side rails. Place the bed in the low
position before leaving the bedside
b. Attaches the signal cord/call bell to the bed within
patient’s reach
c. Checks the patient’s reaction to the procedure
11. Does aftercare of supplies and equipment used and does
hand hygiene
12. Documentation
Record pertinent observations noted during the procedure

Total Score: _____________

Instructor Signature/Date



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