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Faculty of Business Administration




Internship Report Submitting to the Faculty of Business Administration for Fulfillment of the
degree “Bachelor of Business Admiration” (BBA)

Supervised By

Associate Professor

Department Of Marketing

American International University-Bangladesh

Submitted By

ID: 18-37755-1


Date of Submission: 04 January, 2021

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Letter of Transmittal

Date: 04 January, 2021

Mr. R. Tareque Moudud, FCMA
Director, Office of Placement & Alumni (OPA)
American International University-Bangladesh
Kuratoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “Agri. Stimulus Scheme”

Dear Sir,

With Due respect, I am very glad to submit the internship report titled “Agri. Stimulus scheme”
which I was assigned to as a requirement for the completion of Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA) degree.

It is my honor to work for a leading organization of Bangladesh and gain an in-depth knowledge
on lending process and monitoring techniques. Throughout the study, I have tried with my best
effort to accommodate as much information and relevant issues as possible and tried to follow
the instructions as you have suggested. I have tried with my best possibility to make this report
as much as possible.

I am very grateful to you for your proper instructions and cooperation at every time during my
internship. I will be very grateful to you if you kindly go through the report and evaluate my

Yours Sincerely

Mia, Md. Sohan

Operations and supply chain management
Faculty of Business Administration
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)

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Letter of Endorsement

The Internship Affiliation Report titled by “Agri. Stimulus Scheme” has been submitted to the
Office of Placement & Alumni, to fulfillment of the requirements for the completion degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) , Major in Operation And supply chain management,
Faculty of Business Administration on January 4, 2021 By Md. Sohan Mia, ID 18-37755-1. The
report has been accepted and may be presented to the Internship Defense Committee for

(Any opinions, suggestions made in this report are entirely that of the author of the report. The
University does not condone nor reject any of these opinions or suggestions).


Associate Professor
Department Of Marketing
American international university-Bangladesh

Internship Supervisor

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To make a proper report, sincere supervision, guidance of expert and experienced of

professionals are 1st requirement. I have got sincere co-operation, suggestions, inspirations, and
references from my respected Teachers and the Staffs of Brac Bank Ltd. At first I Want to give
thanks from my heart to my supervisor Soumendra Sankar Das Sir, honorable Faculty member of
AIUB Business School for providing his important instructions, proper suggestions and
corrections for improvement of our Activities.

I would like to give thanks to Brac Bank Ltd. for giving me the opportunity, appointment for the
internship program that I have completed from there. I also want to acknowledge the guidance of
the Managers and all Officers and staffs of Brac Bank Ltd. who gives me their valuable time. I
will always remember their kindness and nice behavior.

I am grateful to my colleague and fellow internship students and friends who are always with me
during internship program. And who helped me to complete this report as an intern in an
organization Brac Bank Ltd. To prepare this report,. I got full support from the all staffs of the
Brac Bank Ltd. Specially, I want to give my gratitude towards the Head of Agriculture finance,
Md. Saiful islam sir, Associate relationship Manager liton kumar Biswas, Associate relationship
manager Forhad Ahmed, Brac Bank Ltd. (Head office).

Who gave me all the support that I needed to prepare the report.

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Executive Summary

Agri. Stimulus scheme is a package which helps entrepreneur to make their dream true. The year
2020 was not bring bless for us. “COVID19” corona virus was took place during the end of year
2019 all over the world. So the world economy has been fall down. Developing countries like
Bangladesh has been suffer more. Basically the lower income people of our country lost their
jobs, hampered there business as a result they was unable to earn their basic livelihood. So to
recover the economy of our country central bank of Bangladesh name “Bangladesh bank” has
given an opportunity to the middle and lower income citizen to get rid from this economic crisis.
So keep this target in front, central bank has been published a circular 13 April, 2020, where they
mention that all the bank operating over the country can finance to their lower income customer
under agri. Stimulus package with very low interest rate like 4% to recover their economic crisis.
As a result, it will affect overall economy of our country towards positive. To make sure this
plan according to central bank of Bangladesh brac bank limited has took this project to finance
their customer under agri. Stimulus scheme.
Bangladesh bank gives us a yearly target of financing equal of 20 thousand crore of TAKA under
agri. Finance. There is also CMSME finance whose target is yearly 25 thousands crore TAKA.
Both of these 2 is under agri. Stimulus package. We are on the track of financing towards our
target volume. Brac bank is always ready to finance people who have ability to fulfill
some basic requirements. Our target is to finance who wants to start agri. Business like Dairy
farm, Fishing Farm, Poultry Farm, agri. Farm like rice, corn flower, jute etc. our target is also to
finance 1st party middle man who want to start trading business. A farmer reserve the rights to
borrow 1-25 lakhs BD TAKA according to the type of there proposed business.
Our goal is to fulfill the target given by central bank.
Out of this internship I will get knowledge about how to fulfill target, I will also able to know
how banks finance to their customer, what are requirements, how banks operates there operations

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Table of Content
Chapter (I)...................................................................................................................................................8
1.1.1 Rationale of the Study................................................................................................................8
1.1.2 Objectives:.........................................................................................................................................9
1.2.3 Background of the Organization:.....................................................................................................10
1.3.1 History:.............................................................................................................................................11
1.3.2 Mission:............................................................................................................................................11
1.3.3 Vision:..............................................................................................................................................12
1.3.4 SWOT analysis of BRAC Bank...........................................................................................................12
Chapter (II)................................................................................................................................................14
2. ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN.................................................................................................................14
2.1 Work Related Activities:.....................................................................................................................14
Accounts Operating by Brac bank:...........................................................................................................15
Savings account:.......................................................................................................................................16
Current Account:.......................................................................................................................................16
2.2 Organization Wide Activities:.......................................................................................................21
Chapter (III)...............................................................................................................................................22
3. CONSTRAINTS/CHALLENGES.................................................................................................................22
3.1 Observed in The Organization:...........................................................................................................22
3.1.2 Problem Details:..............................................................................................................................22
3.2 Academic Preparation:..................................................................................................................23
3.2.1 Mismatch:.........................................................................................................................................23
3.2.2 Missing Knowledge and Skills:..........................................................................................................24
Chapter (IV)...............................................................................................................................................25
Lesson Learnt............................................................................................................................................25
4. LESSONS THAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM INTERNSHIP PROGRAM.....................................................25
4.2 Lesson Learned from AIUB:.................................................................................................................27
Chapter (V)................................................................................................................................................28
CONCLUDING STATEMENTS......................................................................................................................28

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5.1 Summary:......................................................................................................................................28
5.2 Recommendation for BRAC Bank Ltd:..........................................................................................28
Chapter (VI)...............................................................................................................................................30
Proposed improvement plan....................................................................................................................30
6 Suggestions for Improvement or Course of Action..........................................................................30

Chapter (I)


1.1.1 Rationale of the Study

I am doing my internship At Brac Bank Ltd. (Head office). The topic of my report is “Agri.
Stimulus Scheme” of BRAC Bank Ltd. “The reason of choosing this topic for my report is to
know the program of “Agri. Stimulus Scheme”
The rapid growing competition among national, foreign, private and public commercial banks
attractive, the expectation of the customer has immensely increased. Reciprocating the sentiment,
commercial/ Private Banks are trying to elevate their traditional banking service to a better
stranded, to meet the challenging needs and demands.
From my side these bank have now concern their attention towards diversification of their
products and services for better performances. For the above circumstances, it have become
necessary for Brac bank Ltd. one of the leading commercial banks in bangladesh, to focus its
attention towards improvement if the products and services. That’s why it is quite justified to
make a depth study about its operation and evaluate the service provided by this bank scope for
its improvement.

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It helped me a lot to know all things practically and gather experience about banking sector
which will help me in the future to build my career in banking industry. The study may also help
in formulating policies regarding the ideas relating to the feeling of the customers and bankers.
The report has been prepared of my experienced basis what I gathered during my internship from
12 October, 2020 to 12 January, 2021.
I hope these criteria will be enough to find out different financial performance of Brac Bank.

1.1.2 Objectives:
The objective of BRAC Bank Limited is specific and targeted to its vision and to position itself in
the mindset of the people as a bank with difference.

The objective of BRAC Bank Limited is as follows:

Building a strong customer focus and relationship based on integrity, superior service.

►To finance the industry, trade and commerce in both the conventional way and by offering customer
friendly credit service.

►To encourage the new entrepreneurs for investment and thus to develop the country’s industry
sector and contribute to the economic development.

►To work as a team to serve the best interest of our owners

►To develop the standard of living of the limited income group by providing Consumer Credit.

►To base recognition and reward on performance

►To responsible, trustworthy and law-abiding in all that we do

►To mobilize the savings and channeling it out as loan or advance as the company approve.

1.2.1 Broad Objective:

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The Broad objective of the report is to know about “Agri. Stimulus Scheme” and Analysis of
Activities with the perspective of BRAC Bank Ltd.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives:

 Analyzing Customer satisfaction.
 To achieve some ideas about Brac Bank.
 To know about operations of SME Banking.
 To know about loan procedure.
 To know the criteria for giving Loan.
 To gain knowledge about overall banking sector.

1.2.3 Background of the Organization:

BRAC Bank Limited, with institutional shareholdings by BRAC, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
and Shorecap International, has been the fastest growing Bank in 2004 and 2005. The Bank operates
under a “double bottom line” agenda where profit and social responsibility go hand in hand as it strives
towards a poverty free, enlightened Bangladesh. BBL started off in July 2001, and has now grown to 26
branches, 368 SME unit offices and 54 ATM sites across the country, and the customer base has
expanded to 200,000 deposit and 45,000 advance accounts through 2006. In the years ahead BRAC Bank
expects to introduce many more services and products as well as add a wider network of SME unit
offices, Retail Branches, POS and ATMs across the country.

A fully operational Commercial Bank, BRAC Bank focuses on pursuing unexplored market niches in the
Small and Medium Enterprise Business, which hitherto has remained largely untapped within the
country. In the last five years of operation, the Bank has disbursed over BDT 1500 crore in loans to
nearly 50,000 small and medium entrepreneurs. The management of the Bank believes that this sector
of the economy can contribute the most to the rapid generation of employment in Bangladesh.

BRAC Bank is a performance-driven organization, where its values are at the core of every activity.

BRAC Bank Limited began with the vision to provide banking solutions to the ‘unbanked’ Small and
Medium Entrepreneurs. Taking inspiration from its parent organization BRAC, the largest NGO in the
world, BRAC Bank introduced small ticket loans to the small and medium enterprises (SME), to
specifically bring the grassroots entrepreneurs under the umbrella of formal banking service.
Approximately half of BRAC Bank’s lending portfolio comprises of small and medium enterprises –
popularly known as the ‘SME’.

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In 2001 BRAC Bank did not start its journey like any other conventional bank. The visionaries who led the
bank realized that the previously neglected Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector plays significant
role in generating growth and creating employment in the country. Over the past few decades,
traditional banks were reluctant to invest in this sector. At a time when it was almost impossible for the
SME entrepreneurs to get financing from the banking sector in Bangladesh, BRAC Bank stepped forward
and came to finance these unbanked SME entrepreneurs.

BRAC Bank is a performance driven dynamic organization, where its values founded at the core of each
and every activity as pillars. It is the only member of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV)
from Bangladesh. The Global Alliance comprises of 48 (as of May 2018) financial institutions operating in
countries across Asia, Africa, Australia, Latin America, North America and Europe - serving more than 41
million customers, holding up to USD 127 billion of combined assets under management and powered
by a network of 48,000 co-workers.

BRAC Bank shares the 3P Philosophy – People, Planet and Profit with the other partners of GABV. We
believe that we have responsibility towards the people we work with and the places we operate in. As a
mission-driven bank, we prefer to work for the welfare of our people and society.

BRAC Bank has become the first Bangladeshi Bank to be rated the best by three of the top domestic
credit rating agencies in Bangladesh (CRAB AA1/ST-1, CRISL- AA+/ ST-1 and Emerging Credit Rating- AA+/
ST-1) and two of the world’s leading credit rating agencies (S&P Global Ratings - B+ and Moody's
Investor Service - Ba3) – portraying quality portfolio, higher capital base, stability and steady growth

1.3.1 History:

BRAC Bank was founded on 4 July 2001 to reach the large number of unbanked people which were not
covered by traditional bank. The main concept of the bank was to facilitate Small and Medium
Enterprises (SME).

1.3.2 Mission:
 Sustainable growth in Small & Medium Enterprise sector;
 Continuous low-cost deposit Growth with controlled growth in retail assets;
 Corporate Assets to be funded through self-liability mobilization;
 Growth in Assets through syndications and investment in faster growing sectors;
 Continuous endeavor to increase non-funded income;
 Keep our debt charges at 2% to maintain a steady profitable growth
 Achieve efficient synergies between the bank’s branches, SME unit offices and BRAC field offices
for delivery of remittance and the bank’s other products and services;
 Manage various lines of business in a full controlled environment with no compromise
compliance and on service quality;

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 Keep a diverse, far flung team fully motivated and driven towards materializing the bank’s vision
into reality

1.3.3 Vision:
Building a profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on market and business with
growth potential, thereby assisting BRAC and its stakeholders to build a just, enlightened, healthy
democratic and poverty free Bangladesh.

Corporate Values:
Our Strength emanates from our owner – BRAC. This means, we will hold the following values and will
be guided by them as we do our jobs.

Value the fact that we are member of the BRAC family.

Creating an honest, open and enabling environment.

Have a strong customer focus and build relationships based on integrity, superior service and mutual

Strive for profit & sound growth.

Work as a team to serve the best interest of our owners.

Relentless in pursuit of business innovation and improvement.

Value and respect people and make decisions based on merit.

Base recognition and reward on performance.

Responsible, trustworthy and law-abiding in all that we do.

1.3.4 SWOT analysis of BRAC Bank


BRAC bank is a very reputed bank and that is top strength of Brac Bank. Reputation is the key to achieve
company’s vision. Brac bank has a wide range of sponsors that is also another strength. BRAC NGO is a
part of Brac bank that is another strength. Top management is very efficient that is another strength of
BRAC bank.

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Centralized decision making sometimes make process length. Management of Promotion of BRAC bank
is very weak. BRAC bank has low remuneration package for employees.


BRAC bank ltd. Now diversifies its operations and banking activities which bring it to a new banking
edge. Brac bank has various strategies alliances which bring brac bank to a new era of banking sector.
Brac bank not only work within national territory but also international territory which name is probashi
banking. So it is a very important opportunity to spread out the business pf brac bank.


Multinational banks are very important treat for brac bank. As well as any other private and public bank
of Bangladesh. New local banks are also treat for brac bank. Other banks of our country sometimes
launch something new to their valuable customers it is also a treat.

1.3.4 Diagram of Brac Bank Ltd.

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Chapter (II)

2.1 Work Related Activities:

October 12, 2020 I have joined as an intern In Brac Bank Ltd. (Head Office). After that a
schedule of the internship program was given me consist of the working schedule along with the
job responsibilities. I have worked SME Banking Division, Department of Agriculture And MFI
Finance of the Bank.

I work there in some different kinds of work. I had to perform the core function of bank
operations to day to day Work Activities. The department is very rush and the employee are to
upgrade to their duty. Tasks of SME banking that I have done in the bank given below.

 Arranging Sanction letter from branches over the country:

Every month branch manager approved some loan applications form. Then they disburse the
amount to the desired loan account. Then we collect all of those sanctioned letter from all the
branches over the country. Then we checked carefully all the requirements fulfilled or not. If not
then we email to the respective RO regional officer to rectify the sanctions letter. If everything is
ok then we print the statement of the account holder whether he receive the money or not. If yes
then we print the statement of account and then we attached the sanction letter and statement. To
submit in Bangladesh Bank to refinance. As our program is under refinance scheme.

 Check mailing in different branches.

I checked mails regular basis to keep communication all the moments. Employees of brac bank
are very co operative. They reply to the mails as soon as they got the mails. From different
branches they maintain communication with head office every moment.

 Submitting Sanction letter to Bangladesh bank According to their guidance.

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I have submitted sanction letter with account statements to central bank according to the proper
guidance given by Bangladesh Bank.

 Communicating to Staffs Who Are working in Field.

I have maintained communication with officers working in the field. I got valuable feedback
from them about Customers satisfaction and customers need and wants. They are the staffs of
bank who meet directly with the valuable customers or brac bank.

 Communicate with Customer to know how they operate their Business.

I have communicate with the officers and customers to entry the data into excel shit. Which is
required to submit the monthly report to brac bank as well as Bangladesh Bank. I talked to them
what actually they are doing by taking money from brac bank. What actually there business and
what actually they are doing. Is there any mismatch what they proposed to bank before applying
loan and what are they doing after getting loan from bank.

 Checking Account Statement of Customer and making interest Bill for Each Quarter of
the year.

Every quarter of the month brac bank give the summary of interest amount to their valuable
customers to keep reminding about there interest amount against there loan amount. So I have
printed those account statement according to the loan account number to send the hardcopy of
the statement.

I have also learned and tried to got information as much as I can about the products and
services offered by brac bank. I want to discuss all of learnings bellow:

Accounts Operating by Brac bank:

This two type of account is operated by the account holder of the bank. There are mainly two
types of account-

 Savings account.
 Current account.

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Savings account:
To encourage savings habit amongst the general public, bank allows depositors to open savings
account. As the name indicates, these accounts are open for the purpose of savings. These are
two types of saving account. One is “Single Saving Account” and another is “Joint Saving

Current Account:
Current account is an account where account numerous transactions can be made by the account
holder within the funds available in its credits, no profit is paid on those deposits. Current
account is mainly suitable for businessman though nobody is debarred from opening such an
account for any purpose. Recruitments to open an account are almost same to that of savings
account except the initial deposit.

Non-Operating Account:
There are mainly two types of time deposit:

Term deposit (TDR)

Scheme Deposit (SD)

Term Deposit Receipt (TDR):

An adult person (individually or jointly) having sound mind or any institution/organization can
open TDR account with any branch of the bank by depositing at least 25000/= and above. One or
more account can be open in the same name at the same branch of the bank.

Scheme Deposit (SD):

Different of deposits are also operated in to the bank.

These deposit a/c may be classified as-

1. Super savings account

2. Multiple Savings Account
3. Monthly Income Scheme

Terms and Conditions of the Scheme:

 An existing current account holder of the Bank.

 Officials of the Bank not below the rank of an Assistant officer.

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 Two copies of passport size photo graphs from individual are taken, in case of firms
photographs of all partners are taken.
 National ID card, Nationality certificate given by ward commissioner or union porishad
chairman or passport copy.
 Application must submit with required documents.
 Applicants must sign signature sheet and give mandate.
 Introducer’s signature and account number verified by legal officer.
 Signature Admit.
 Officer accepts the application.
 Approval of manager.
 Allot A/C No.
 Minimum balance should be deposited (500 TAKA)
 Account is opened and a cheque book and pay in slip book is given.

Product & Services Offered by Brac Bank Ltd.:

Retail banking

Corporate Banking

Small and medium enterprise (SME) Banking

Probashi banking

Retail banking:

 Deposits
 Investment
 Cards
 Internet Banking
 SMS Banking
 Locker Service

Corporate Banking:
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 Investments
 Foreign Exchange & Trade Finance
 Import Finance
 Export Finance

SME Banking:




 Foreign Remittance
 International Operation

Small and Medium Enterprise:

The biggest operational division of BRAC bank is the SME (Small & Medium Enterprise)
Division. SME is directly related to business of the bank. BRAC Bank extends loans to potential
small and medium trading, manufacturing and service enterprises. This loan is able to provide
quick and quality banking services to targeted business at any places of the country. Potential
women entrepreneurs will also get the facilities of SME loan; this initiation is to play a role in
the socioeconomic development of the country by expansion of business as well as creation of
employment. BRAC Bank was titled to be the fastest growing bank in 2004 & 2005, and it had a
profit of 14 crore TAKA. The profitability of the bank came mostly from the SME sector. SME
division is enriched with more than 700 staffs and it has 367 unit offices all over the country.

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Retail Banking:

Retail Banking is known as general banking where the individual customers get services time to
time from the local branches of the larger commercial banks. In BRAC Bank Retail section has
been divided into four parts –

Distribution – Serve the acquired customers

Sales – Business acquisition.

Non Funded Business, Alternate Delivery Channels, Priority Banking

Phone Banking

They are interdependent and work closely with each other. Retail offers different types of
competitive banking products to the customers. The retail division of the BRAC Bank also offers
some special types of deposits and loan scheme for the customer attention.


Corporate department has also two different wings – Corporate Banking division & Cash
Management. Corporate Banking is a specialized area of BRAC Bank, which addresses the
diverse financial needs of Corporate Clients. This division exists to provide banking services and
financial partnership with local and foreign business houses (Public and Private Limited
Companies), NGO’s, trading houses, joint ventures and various government bodies/corporations
etc. As the financial partner of choice for the corporate sector, BRAC Bank wants to be
distinguished by its:

Quality of service

Value of innovative solutions

Level of trust with clients

Customer knowledge

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Probashi Banking:

This offers an array of products and services that are targeted towards the nonresident
Bangladeshis living in different parts of the world, a milestone for BRAC bank as to becoming
the pioneer in such operation. The official launching of Probashi Subidha Account took place on
16 January 2007 with a prospective to catering the beneficiaries of NRB customers with their
different banking needs.

With a goal to provide fast and expeditious services to deliver remittances even in the most
remote corner of Bangladesh, the network of electronically connected field offices have been
expanded more than 1200 BDP outlets across the country for remittance payment. In 2007 the
remittance services has turned out to be one of the core business areas of the Bank. The year
remained as a rewarding and successful one in terms of new tie-ups and partnerships with a focus
on pursuing unexplored and niche markets around the world.


February 6th 2007 marks the beginning of BRAC Bank’s Credit Cards business. Being the latest
entrant into the cards market, the card division’s greatest challenge was to establish itself in an
already demanding marketplace and create its own niche. In a space of one year, BRAC Bank’s
today has become the fastest growing issuers of credit cards in Bangladesh. Staying true to its
motto of being the banks of the masses BRAC Banks has successfully managed to penetrate and
enlist a large segment of the middle class society who has adopted the plastic card as part of their
everyday life. With an aim to becoming the Credit Card of choice, regular product innovations
and value added services round the year ensured acquisition of new users and also aided in
retention of existing clients. Aggressive promotional and brand building campaigns have created
a niche that serves to distinguish BRAC Bank Credit Card from the competition. Apart from
these five business units, BBL has other support units, which provide the functional assistance to
smoothly run the business.

These are:

1. Treasury & Financial Institutions

2. Central Operations

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3. Enterprise Risk Management
4. Financial Administration
5. General Infrastructure Services
6. Credit
7. Consumer Service Delivery (CSD)
8. Impaired Assets Management
9. Information Technology
10. PSRM
11. Human Resources
12. Marketing & Corporate Affairs
13. 13. Company Secretariat

2.2 Organization Wide Activities:


While doing my internship in Brac Bank Ltd, our trainee officer has taken me to the Household
that they gave SME loan to collect the installments. It’s like a campaign for the Bank to their
customer to extend the positive thought about the Bank. It’s like an intangible asset to them.
There I have learned how to communicate with the people and get to know the way to explain
them the different schemes and advantage of opening account in Brac Bank ltd . That was a vast
work but as an intern, I did not get so much responsibility. There I have explained the customers
and their family members about the facilities of Brac Bank and who were interested have opened
account there in that time. It was a great experience during my internship period. I have gathered
knowledge about campaigning and improve my communication skill.

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Chapter (III)

3.1 Observed in The Organization:

3.1.1 In my internship program I have traced some problem which is related to “Agri. Stimulus
Scheme” Department of Agriculture and MFI Finance of BRAC Bank Ltd. These problems
affect the growth of Brac Bank and it also creates negative effect to their customer. So in the
following I have tried to expose those problems:

3.1.2 Problem Details:

 Credit card charge.
 Sitting arrangement for premium customers in some VIP areas.
 Premium banking should lounge
 Some managerial experts should be assigned each branch for premium banking
 In case of opening new account, the customers do not brings all the necessary documents
which sometimes create problem to the respective employees.
 Server of the bank is strong but sometimes it go down and work activities getting slow.
 The account opening process is quite difficult it should be more easier.

As it is a service business so Brac Bank should be more responsible to give the proper service to
its customers. They should take some necessary steps towards the problems as it creates negative
impact to the prosper of the bank.

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3.2 Academic Preparation:

I am a student of operations and Supply Chain Management. My university teaches me a lot of

things which was very helpful for my internship course. Like time management, Communication
skills, technical skills, like excel, word, power point etc. How to attached with the business world
this skills helped me to work here properly.

3.2.1 Mismatch:

 As Brac Bank Ltd. is not a foreign bank, it can not attract as much as clients for Foreign
Trade. Because some exceptional client prefer Global bank for foreign transaction.
 According to some clients, opinion introducer is one of the problems to open an account.
If a person who is new of the city wants to open account, it is a problem for him/her to
arrange an introducer of SB or CD accounts holder.
 Government new regulations like as L/C margin reduce the Foreign Exchange
 Strict controlling of Central Bank in foreign currency endorsement is major problem.
 All Decisions of the bank are centralized.
 Sometimes the valuation of properties are does not calculate properly for that reason
customer is sufferer. It does not offer various loan projects then other Banks operating in
the country.
 In some cases, number of employees engaged for specific services is not sufficient.

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3.2.2 Missing Knowledge and Skills:

 Brac Bank Ltd. is use a software which name is finacle. So I don’t know how to use the
software when I joined the bank. So the bank had provided us training to operate the
 Brac bank kept information in a form in details of a customers, so we had fill it up with
customer’s details. I had no knowledge about this.
 In Brac Bank we had to entry the information of a customer in a software. So I had not
any knowledge about this before.
 Brac bank ltd. Is very advance bank operating in the country. They use some advance
software’s and technologies but I have no ideas about that. But they gave me training to
use all of them. Which helps me a lot.

3.2.3 Missing skills that need to be learned in the university:

During my BBA program, I have learned a lot of things from different courses but there are a lot
of gap as well between academic knowledge and organization work activities. I have strongly
felt these gaps while working at brac bank Ltd. Some of the learning gaps that I have noticed are
given bellow:

 Excel is very important for corporate sector. It will be better if we were learned some
advance knowledge on excel.
 Stock Exchange is a very important topic for Business. But I have no idea about Stock
 In our academic courses we couldn’t learn how the real bank operates.
 Remittance is another important part in a bank. But I have no knowledge about

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Chapter (IV)
Lesson Learnt

4.1 Lessons Learned from The Internship Program:

As a part of BBA program American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) allow their

student for internship. It is a big opportunity for us to know the Organizations Activities through
internship. So it’s a big chance to gather knowledge through practical experience. In these 3
months a lot of things I have earned. It is a big opportunity to know about the banking
operations. It is over all activities, activities of specific departments and so on. These following
things I have learned during my Internship Program.

4.1.1 Organizational Culture:

All the Banks over the country has its own culture so, this bank also have their own culture.
Before attending internship, I don’t have any idea about corporate culture. Within a very few
days I have successfully adapted their culture. I have acquired a tremendous upgrade in my self-
assessment criteria, now I can realize my confidence in a way that gives me hidden backup of
working in an organization. I also learned how to maintain time, working under pressure.

4.1.2 Acquiring Knowledge:

It is a big achievement for me to gathering knowledge through practical experience. This

Internship opportunity help me to find out the way to enter in the corporate world. Where getting
the real life knowledge of corporate world. Not only that the way of different work done is the
way to gaining from internship program.

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4.1.3 Interpersonal and Communication Skills:

Throughout the internship program one of the most valuable and important things that I have
learned is how to communicate with Staffs and colleague. This Bank highly emphasized on
communication, they prefer virtual and face to face communication. But due to COVID 19 they
prefer virtual communication more than physical or face to face communication.

4.1.4 Time Management Skill:

Another good things that I have learned from my internship program is time management. I
badly needed to learn how to manage time because I have faced problems to manage both my
work and study. While working there I had to do work priority basis, I had to make a list of work
on the basis important the mark on the calendar. This gives me a clear idea of time schedule. The
benefit of the process is job breaking in small parts with estimate time. This highly increase the
efficiency and performance and reduces time wastage. Time management skills helped me a lot
to cope up with big assignments.

4.1.5 Professional Skills:

Working in the bank teaches me how to be a good professional. They highly emphasize on
professionalism. It is also one of the standards to fulfill the requirements. They are formal and
very professional on their jobs. The professionalism increases the efficiency and reduces the
errors which ensure standard and quality service as a result maximum client satisfaction is
received. It is all about being accurate.

4.1.6 Earned Experiences:

With no doubt I have achieved some experience from my Internship program. This experience
leads me to reach the career for leading. If I am appointed for the bank job, this work will help

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me to solve various problems which I learned from that experience. Actually every person helps
me so much. I really thankful to Liton Kumar Biswas sir & Forhad Ahmed sir they treat me a
very friendly way. And for there hard work and valuable instruction I have learned so many

4.1.7 Responsibility performed:

Responsibility is a thing that all liability goes to one person and that person is responsible for
that job. So from my internship I learned how to perform duty and that person is responsible for
that job. So from my internship I learned how to perform duty with proper responsibility, it was
very much challenging any fault can make us penalty.

4.2 Lesson Learned from AIUB:

 I have learned that an internship program brings a student closer to the real life situation
and thereby helps to launch a career with some prior experience.
 I have learned that a better balance between theoretical knowledge and practical
knowledge can be gained through an internship program.
 I have learned that the main purpose of an internship is to learn, by working in a practical
environment and to apply the knowledge acquired, during the studies, in a real world
scenario in order to tackle the problems.
 I have learned that internship gives an opportunity to the students to gain valuable work
 I have learned that internship gives an opportunity to the students to explore a career
 I have learned that students can establish critical networking connections through
 I have learned that practical knowledge is always greater than theoretical knowledge.

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Chapter (V)

5.1 Summary:

It was great achievement for me to work with this organization and a dynamic group of expert
people for three months at Brac bank Head office. Banking sector has a great scope to expand the
country’s economy and business sector. Brac Bank Ltd. is always ready to mention the highest
quality of services by upgrading banking technology and systems to manage and by applying
high standing of business ethics through its established commitment and heritage objective of a
private institution like Brac Bank Ltd. To maximize profit through optimum utilization of
resources by providing best customer service. I spent my last 3 months in Brac bank Head office
to Acquire knowledge that will help me in future and will also help to build my career if I
wanted to start my career in banking sector. During last 3 months internship program, I observed
the banking activities and mostly all the activities of Agri. Stimulus Scheme Today the banking
service is very competitive. My internship program helped me to see it from closer view. From
my understanding about Agri. Stimulus Scheme I can recall several activities that I have

5.2 Recommendation for BRAC Bank Ltd:

In order to remain competitive in the industry and become profitable by improving business
performance, BRAC Bank Ltd. can think about the following recommendations:

Bank is a financial service-oriented organization. Its business profit depends much on its
customer’s satisfaction level. That’s why the authority always should be concern about their
customers and the quality of service they are providing to them.

Credit card charge: Credit card charges should be immediately reversed because customers
seem to be very much disappointed regarding the credit card charge. As a premium Banking
client they are not supposed to pay any charge for their credit card or ATM card, but still bank is

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deducting the charge by mistake. BRAC Bank should put serious effort to make sure that this
sort of mistakes doesn’t happen again and reverse the charges immediately.

Increase branch premises: BRAC Bank Motijheel should have bigger branch premises for
increased number of customer and more sitting arrangement should be made for Premium

Premium banking service: Premium banking lounge should setup in the branch to provide
quick and better service to valued and important customers

Increase facility: Bank should offer more facilities to the Premium Banking customers such as
travel facilities, medical facilities, send flowers and cakes to customer’s birthday or any other
anniversary etc.

Promote new product: The using period of the service indicates there is only a few number of
clients have signed up for this service recently. BRAC Bank should promote their product
accordingly so that they can draw in new clients as well as provide quality service to existing

Offer new promotions: BRAC Bank should use specific marketing or promotion strategy
rather then just promoting their services through relationship managers

Appointment of employee: There suppose to be one relationship manager and two associate
relationship managers and minimum two computers dedicated to Premium client for each
branch. Though there is only one computer and one relationship manager for Premium Banking
in Motijheel branch. BRAC Bank authority should assign at least one associate relationship
manager and one computer for Motijheel branch.

Increase service quality: When a customer will go to the Premium Banking for a particular
service or problem BRAC Bank authority should make sure that he or she gets all the services
from one booth rather moving from one desk to another desk for service.

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Chapter (VI)
Proposed improvement plan
6 Suggestions for Improvement or Course of Action

Existing Actions to be Strategy Office/ Resource Expected

Problem/Weak Taken/ (Mode of Personnel Requireme Concrete
Areas of the Proposed implemen Involved nts Result/Out
Organization as Solution tation or (Who will (Manpowe come
identified in the ways of implement r and
AR addressin and who Financial)
g the will
problem) benefit/affec
ted by the

1.Lack of office Need to increase Need to Bring Manpower Faster

Employee their number of recruit Benefit for will be service
employee. more staffs customers as required as from the
in the well as bank well as for more
department the number of
. compensati employees
on of the and thus it
employees, improve the
financial bank’s
resources image to the
are needed. customers.

2. Lack of Job Interns should To Top Manpower. Interns will

Rotation be given inform management face less
permission to the and difficulty in
enter all the manage authority. studying
areas and ment of and
departments. Brac analyzing.
Bank by
sending a

Page 30 of 32
ng letter.

3. Less Number Brac Bank For this It will be Need Employees

of Printer and need to set proble benefited for financial will be
Photocopy more Printer m, they employees resources satisfied
and need to
Machines: and for and they
Photocopy address
machines organiz customers. purchasing don’t waste
ation Printer and working
authori Photocopy hours and
ty machines. thus their
status will

4. Lack of 1. Talked to HR Give Top Increase

proper team to provide proper management Manpower customer
instructions proper direction and dept. service by
instructions .. to achieve head HR giving
good team proper
services direction by

5. Increase 1. Talk to top More Top Increasing

space. management to space in management Financial space will
increase space. office give and HR increase
more more
2. decoration employee outcome
can be changed. satisfactio from
n. employee. .



1) Books, Publications and Journals of BRAC Bank Limited

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2) Valuable discussion of supervisors during the period of internship.

3) Prospectus Of BRAC Bank Limited published in July 2013.

4) Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Policies & Programmers by Bangladesh Bank

5) Annual Report of BRAC Bank 2018

6) SME PPG (Product Program Guideline) of BRAC Bank Ltd.



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