DRM - Assignment 1 - Dianata Panji Prasugi

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Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Surachman Surjaatmadja, M.M.

By :
Dianata Panji Prasugi



According to the law of the Republic of Indonesia number 34 of 2004
concerning the Indonesian National Army, it is stated that the TNI is a state defense
tool. As for its function as a deterrent, suppression and recovery against any form of
military threats and armed threats from outside and within the country, which
endanger the sovereignty of the state, territorial integrity, and National Safety. The
duties and functions of the TNI are realized through the development of an
appropriate, effective and efficient TNI posture in the face of every threat. The
development of TNI posture is adjusted gradually, through the fulfillment of basic
strengths, so that effective prevention and action forces can be formed.
The government is aware of the magnitude of the risks posed by acts of
terrorism and the impact caused, the government of Indonesia to prevent and
eradicate acts of terrorism. These efforts are carried out by creating a legal umbrella
that provides the legality of the authority to prevent before terror attacks and take
action against perpetrators of terror acts. Facing the development of the threat of
terrorism that continues to experience changes, the government has given authority
to the TNI in eradicating acts of terrorism based on Law No. 34 of 2004 on the TNI
and Law No. 5 of 2018 on combating criminal acts of terrorism. The legislation states
that the task of the TNI in dealing with acts of terrorism is Military Operations Other
than war (OMSP).
For the TNI, the task of overcoming terrorism is part of Military Operations
Other than war (OMSP). Arrangements regarding the boundaries of the duties and
authorities of each agency still cause differences in interpretation. This causes the
mandate of Law No. 5 of 2018 in Article 43I paragraph 3 concerning further
regulatory orders regarding the implementation of overcoming the act of terrorism,
will be regulated by Presidential Regulation, which until now has not been
completed. The difference in perception about the role of the TNI in overcoming
terrorism reached its partners in the House of representatives, namely Commission I
for State defense which is a partner of the TNI and Commission III for security which
is a partner of the police.
Talk about the involvement of the TNI in acts of terrorism is still a matter of
debate and discussion, especially regarding whether the TNI will be involved in all
acts of terrorism or only in special actions. The TNI has proposed an approach so
that terrorism events are included in the draft Presidential Regulation. However, in
the discussion of the terrorism law, it was agreed that the involvement of the TNI in
acts of terrorism depends on the spectrum of threats. This arrangement is important
considering the handling of terrorism in Indonesia is still based on the principle of law
enforcement that refers to the judicial system. This happens due to the assessment
of the event of terrorism as a crime. According to Arsul Sani, the involvement of the
TNI in counter-terrorism is a must. The limited ability of police personnel in tackling
terrorism and not all terrorism threats can be handled by the police (Arsul Sani,
In fact, until now the government has not formulated and made regulations
regarding the implementation of the Assistance Tasks of the TNI and Polri which are
the mandate of Article 30 paragraph (5) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia and also Article 7 paragraph (2) letter b point 10 of the TNI Law. As a
result, the TNI's task with the OMSP method raises various problems in the field.
Mutual claims of authority between the Police and the TNI also occur, even in the
lower level the issue of claiming authority has sparked clashes between the
personnel of the two institutions.
The logical consequence of the formulation of Article 5, Article 7 paragraph
(3), Article 17 and Article 18 The TNI Law places the TNI as a passive state
instrument while waiting for military attacks or armed threats and the inability of
civilian authorities to deal with large-scale threats that potentially threaten the
integrity of the nation and state. Likewise, the involvement of the TNI in dealing with
acts of terrorism, not much different from the implementation of the TNI's duties with
other OMSP methods, TNI's authority in this case will experience juridical problems,
because of the involvement of The TNI is very dependent on the policies and
decisions of the State Politics. It means, when, where, and how the TNI can be
involved in dealing with acts of terrorism requires discussion and approval from the
DPR (Rusli, 2019:120).
The development of TNI posture with an ideal approach will greatly ensure the
country's defense capability and national security conditions. However, this approach
will require very large costs as well. In the opinion of Connie Rahakundini in his book
entitled” State defense and ideal TNI posture", states that to realize the ideal TNI
posture required the allocation of Defense/TNI budget of about 5.7% of GDP per
year (Connie Rahakundini, 2007). Meanwhile, according to Prabowo, the defense
planning he designed for the next 25 years will still use a budget of 0.8 percent of the
country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Kompas, 2021). Therefore, the TNI
posture development strategy must consider the priority of defense needs, so that
the development of people's welfare and defense can run side by side.

Arsul Sani. (2020, December). Arsul Sani: Raperpres Peran TNI Atasi
Terorisme Jangan Sampai ‘Overlapping.’
Ahmad Rusli Purba. (2019). Rekontruksi Kewenangan TNI Dalam Mengatasi
Terorisme Dalam Perspektif Masyarakat Sipil (Civil Society) Berbasis
Kepastian Hukum Dan Keadilan. [Disertasi] Universitas Sultan Agung
Connie Rahakundini, Pertahanan Negara dan Postur TNI Idea, , Yayasan
Pustaka Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, 2007

Kementerian Pertahanan RI. (2015). Buku Putih Pertahanan Indonesia 2015.

Jakarta: Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia.
Kementerian Pertahanan RI. (2015). Ilmu Pertahanan dan Pendidikan Bela
Negara Dalam Pembangunan Wilayah Perbatasan. Media Informasi
Kementerian Pertahanan WIRA. Vol 54 No. 38

Kementerian Pertahanan. (2021). Kebijakan Pertahanan Negara. Jakarta:

Kementerian Pertahanan.
Kompas.com, "Prabowo Sebut Anggaran Pertahanan RI Tetap 0,8 Persen
Dari GDP", https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2021/07/09/21465031/
Kusuma, Geri, Detiknews, "Kontras: Pelibatan TNI Tangani Terorisme
Gunawan, I. (2013). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif : Teori dan Praktik. Jakarta:
PT Bumi Aksara.
Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945.

Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia No.34 Tahun 2004 Tentang

tentara Nasional Indonesia.

Undang-Undang No. 3 Tahun 2002 Tentang Pertahanan Negara.

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