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GROUP PROJECT DUE DATE: 17 May - 17 June 2022

1. The report of your story should contain:

a. Motivation of your story.

We collected the data and do this project to illustrate to the audience about our group member’s daily
routine for breakfast for the past 2 weeks. By considering a few variables and some correlation between
two or more variables.

b. Detail explanation of your storyline.

This project consists of data for 4 people which is from our group members only. We collect data based
on a few variables such as the time we take breakfast, type of food, calories we take for breakfast, hours
of exercise also the type of exercise, and our level of productivity throughout the day. For the level of
productivity, we measure using a scale from 1 to 5. All these data are we get from each person’s breakfast
record every day. In this storyline we use several types of visualization such as packed bubble, bar chart,
scatter plot, stacked bar chart, time series chart and many more.

c. Detail analyzation of each story point.

Group Members Introduction.
Our group consists of 4 people, where 3 female and a male. Firstly, we have Nur Syazreen binti Ismail,
then Noramera binti Azman and then Mychaela a/p Gunaseelan. The only male we have is Muhammad
Hilman bin Azmi.

Overview of Group Members Location.

As we can see from the filled map, our group members came from 3 different states which is Johor is
2 people, Pahang, and Penang. Amera and Syazreen were from the same states but in different cities
where Amera is from Kota Tinggi and Syazreen from Muar. Meanwhile Hilman from Kuantan,
Pahang and Mychaela from Simpang Ampat, Penang.
Story point 3.
Picture in story point 3 shows us examples of breakfast others take. Breakfast is a kick-start your
metabolism, helping you burn calories throughout the day. It also gives you the energy you need to
get things done. In this project we had collect data from each our group members of their personal
daily breakfast routine. To find out is it breakfast give us energy to be productive or not.

Story point 4.
For the past 2 weeks, there have been about 17 different types of food that were consumed by our
group members. The type of food ranked first is Nasi Lemak. As we know that Nasi Lemak is one of
the popular cuisines in Malaysia so it’s not weird if Nasi Lemak is the most favorite food for breakfast
among our group members. The second-ranked type of food is Toast. Toast is quite an easy breakfast
to prepare, especially for students who have a morning class, and this simple breakfast is convenient
for them. The third food type is Roti Canai. Even though this food is not originally from Malaysia, but
Roti Canai is quite popular among Malaysians and being as a common breakfast in Malaysia. Fried
rice is ranked fourth among the 17 types of food consumed by our group members. These four foods
have been consumed 8 times, 6 times for the other 3 food respectively. The least favorite food
consumed by our group members is Bananas. According to Amera, she can’t eat bananas due to her
weak stomach so for the past 2 weeks she never ate bananas for her breakfast.

Story point 5.
Does the story point describe that is its level of productivity based on the calories taken? There is a
theory that when the amount of calories taken is high, the level of productivity is high as well. The
calorie intake will boost your energy to the next level. Based on the visualization the number of
calories taken as the total calories for two weeks of each food. Nasi lemak (2784) was the highest
amount of calories while bananas (178) have the lowest calories. Moreover, we can see that the level
of productivity follows the amount of calories trend mostly. But in a scenario where bananas have the
lowest calories but the level of productivity (4) is high compared to Maggi Goreng, roti, and sandwich
the calories of food are high but the productivity level is low (2). Additionally, the type of exercise by
the hour is done by the group members. Overall, nine types of exercise have been done by the group
members. The most hours spent in the two weeks were walking, which is 18.25 hours. Walking was
among the top exercises we did. Then weightlifting for 16.50 hours. Followed by weightlifting and
jogging for 12.50 hours. Of the 4 of us, Hilman has done long hours of exercise such as jogging (2
hours), weightlifting and jogging (12.50 hours), and weightlifting (16.50 hours).

Story point 6.
The visualization time take breakfast and calories taken by all showed that the maximum breakfast
calories taken by Amera is 1139 calories at 8:30 AM. Meanwhile, the maximum breakfast calories
taken by Syazreen is 985 calories at 11:00 AM. As we can see, both of us are taken high calories for
breakfast but at different times, which is Amera’s time breakfast is earlier than Syazreen’s time
breakfast. As a result, Amera’s level of productivity, which is at 45 is higher than Syazreen’s level of
productivity, which is at 40. Next, even though Hilman and Mychaela had breakfast at the same time
at 9:45 AM but they had different numbers of calories as the calories taken by Hilman is 696 calories
which is higher than the calories taken by Mychaela which is at 282 calories. As a result, Hilman’s
level of productivity, which is at 50, is higher than Mychaela’s level of productivity, which is at 44.

Story point 7.
The first graph shows our group members chosen exercise in the past 2 weeks. The most preferred
exercise by all the members is Walking. As for Amera, she is from a rural area or easy to says as
kampung area. She really like to take a morning walk before starts her classes. She said its because the
breeze in the morning is really freshen her up and help her become more awake and focus on her class.
Afterall, walking is very effortless exercise that suitable for student despite from their busy schedule
and didn’t take up much time. By walking also could burn your calories, average calories burn if
walking for 30 minutes is around 100 to 300 calories but it’s depending on their weight and total
distance they are walking. Only Hilman choose weightlifting as his exercise. He does this exercise
around 7 times in the past 2 weeks and if he has freer time, he would be weightlifting plus jogging in
the same day which is 5 days. The least exercise chosen by our group members is squat which is only
Amera does this. Next graph is daily calories taken by all members in the past 2 weeks. Normal calories
taken for breakfast in about 200 to 400 calories. Mostly everyday our group members consume normal
calories in their breakfast. On 29 May, Amera and Syazreen consume low calories where it’s lower
than the minimum normal calories taken for breakfast which is 155 and 144 respectively. The specific
number calories taken is varies individual because many factor need to be taken into consideration. If
you click in one of our group names, you can see animation from the first graph which is show us the
distribution type of exercise the choose in the past 2 weeks.
Story point 8.
This story point is about why we need to exercise. This project is about breakfast intake. In order to
stay healthy, we should burn some of those calories that we take from breakfast. The scatter plot shows
the relationship between given hours for exercise and the level of productivity in daily recorded days.
The trendlines shows a positive linear increase which says that the longer the time we exercise the
higher productivity for the day. The line graph ents the hour of exercise per day from our group
members. The raw information we can take is that males exercise longer than female, but we cannot
simply conclude that since our data sample only consist of 4 person and only 1 male in that group.
However, from the graph we can see that Hilman never spent his exercise time less than an hour
because he loves to work out.

Based on all the stories point we can see breakfast is kick-start our metabolism, give us energy to get
things done and helps us more focus in our study, as well increase our productivity level. We can see
this in story point 6, where the more calories you take, the more productive you throughout the day.

CLO Description PLO mapping Percentage Marks

Demonstrate the data PLO2: Cognitive Skills and Functional 10% 30
CLO2 visualization skill using an work skills with focus on Numeracy skills
effective storytelling. C3: Application


1 5
2 Emerging 3 Developing 4 Good
Inadequate Excellent


At least 2 weeks daily data from all
At least 1 Date data type in the dimension
c. At least 2 Categorical/qualitative data
1&2 5
types in the dimension shelf.
d. At least 1 Geographic data type in the
dimension shelf.
e. At least 3 Quantitative data types in the
measure shelf.

A catchy title and a clear storyline.
At least 7 story points.
Combination of text, image, worksheets,
and dashboards.
3 d. 5
Combination of several types of
visualization from each data field types.
Interactive visualizations (include filters
and animation).

TOTAL (10)


1 2 3 4 5
Inadequate Emerging Developing Good Excellent
Motivation of Motivation
your story of the story Clear and Very clear and
No Very little Motivation of
provided good excellent
motivation motivation of the story
of the story the story
provided but
motivation of motivation of 0.5
missing all the story the story
provided provided unclear
major provided provided

Not Efficiently, Partly
Details and Accurately
effectively, accurate, Effectively
Failed to effectively but effectively,
explanation and but not explain the
explain the
accurately effectively
not and efficiently 1
of the storyline
storyline but efficiently explain the
storyline explain the explain the not accurate explain the storyline
storyline storyline

Not Efficiently, Partly
Details and Accurately
effectively, accurate,
Failed to Effectively effectively but effectively,
analysation and but not
of each story
analyse the
accurately effectively
analyse the not and efficiently 2
story points. story points efficiently analyse each
point analyse the analyse the
analyse the story point
story points story points
story points

Very little remarks Concluding Clear and Very clear and
concluding provided remarks good excellent
Concluding concluding
remarks but provided but concluding concluding 0.5
remarks remarks
provided and unclear partly remarks remarks
provided and
inaccurate inaccurate provided provided

TOTAL (20)
CLO Description PLO mapping Percentage Marks
Display a powerful data PLO3: Functional work skills with focus 10% 30
visualization, report, dashboard or on Practical, and Digital skills
CLO3 stories in solving various P4: Mechanism
applications using appropriate

1 2 3 4 5
Inadequate Emerging Developing Good Excellent
Theory/ Some
Knowledge knowledge Some Excellent
Very little
on data or knowledge or Good knowledge on
No knowledge on
information information knowledge data
visualization theoretical data
observed observed on on data visualization
and knowledge visualization
on data data visualization and
dashboard on data and visualization
visualizatio dashboard
visualizatio and dashboard 1
n and and dashboard observed;
n and observed or dashboard but
dashboard observed, provides all
dashboard some
but still missing some necessary
observed information is
missing all missing some minor points background
major major points principles

Partly Efficiently
efficient, and
Not efficiently, but not Efficiently, but effectively Efficiently,
Efficiency/ Failed to
effectively and effectively not effectively effectively and
demonstrat but not
Assembly/ e the given
and neatly
and neatly
neatly 1
Tidiness demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
task demonstrat demonstrate
the given task the given task the given task
ed the d the given
given task task

correct Correct Competent
Techniques Inappropriate on story are
techniques techniques on techniques on
Failed to demonstrate
on Story & techniques on on story are story are story are
create a
demonstrat demonstrated,
d, with valid
demonstrated, 2
Data story are
but not
story ed, with
Validation demonstrated with partly with valid and
partly valid valid data accurate data
Clear and
Story points are neat Very Clear and
presented but presentation neat
Lack of story at low of story presentation of
points / zero readability. points. All story points. All
Failed to readability of Partly Reader has to required required results
Results (the guess some of results are
create a the result. Poor complete are presented. 1
story points) the missing presented.
story originality , story points High
taking credits of information. Readability. readability.
others work Less originality, Complete Complete with
copy paste with labels, labels, title,
here and then title, axes, axes, etc.

Result presented
Lack of but at low
Clear, neat Very Clear, neat
interactive data readability /
Results (the Very minimal presentation. presentation.
No visualization and some result
interactive All required All required
interactive interactive story presented.
data results are results are
data data points / zero Reader has to
visualizatio presented. 1
visualization visualizatio readability of guess some of
n and story Readability. High readability.
and story n and story the result. Poor the missing
points are information. Complete Complete with
points) points originality,
shown Less originality, with labels, labels, title,
taking credits of
copy paste here title, axes, etc axes, etc
others work
and then

CLO Description PLO mapping Percentage Marks
Work collaboratively as part of PLO4: Functional work skills with focus 5% 15
a team to solve given problem on
through group discussion and Interpersonal skills
presentation. A3: Valuing


1 2 3 4 5
Very Weak Weak Fair Good Very Good

Foster Good
Relationship No clear Able to foster
Able to foster
evidence of relationship
relationship and High ability to
ability to foster and work Able to foster
work together foster good
good together with good
with other group relationship and
relationships other group relationship and
members work together
and work members work together
towards goal effectively with 1
together towards goal with other group
achievement other group
effectively with achievement members
with some members towards
other group but with limited towards goal
effect(s) and goal
members effect and achievement.
require minor achievement.
towards goal require
achievement. improvements.

Roles Attempt to Able to
No clear demonstrate in demonstrate in Able to
evidence of practice the practice the demonstrate in Show clear
ability to ability to ability to assume practice the evidence to
assume alternate roles alternate roles as ability to assume assume alternate
alternate roles as a group
a group leader alternate roles as roles as a group
as a group leader and 1
and group a group leader leader and a
leader and group
members with and a group group member
group members but
members some effect(s) member to demonstrated in
with limited
demonstrated effect and and require achieve the practice.
require minor same goal.
in practice.
improvements. improvements.

and accept Limited respect
Not able to Able to well
and Able to respect
opinions respect and
acceptance and accept
respect and Able to very well
accept accept opinion respect and
of others’ opinion of others
opinion of of others in accept opinion of 1
opinions in in achieving
others that achieving others in achieving
achievement group’s
leads to group’s group’s objectives
group’s objectives
conflicts objectives

TOTAL (15)

*Note: A self and peer review questions will be given to each of the student to assess their group
member and their teamwork and the outcome will assist lecturer to assess the CLO4 rubric.
CLO Description PLO mapping Percentage Marks
Demonstrate an active PLO5: Functional work skills with focus 5% 15
communication through group on
discussion and presentation. communication skills A3:


1 2 3 4 5
Very Weak Weak Fair Good Very Good

Not able to Able to deliver

Clear Able to deliver
deliver ideas ideas fairly Able to deliver
ideas and Able to deliver
delivery of clearly and clearly and ideas with great 3/5
require further ideas clearly
ideas require major require minor clarity
improvements improvements

Able to deliver Able to deliver

Confident Not able to ideas with limited ideas fairly Able to deliver Able to deliver
delivery of deliver ideas confidence and confidently and ideas ideas with great 3/5
ideas confidently require further require minor confidently confidence
improvements. improvements

Effective Able to deliver Able to deliver

Able to deliver Ability to deliver
and Not able to ideas with limited ideas fairly
ideas ideas with great
articulate deliver ideas effect and effectively and 3/5
effectively and effect and
delivery of effectively require further require minor
articulately articulate
ideas improvements improvements

Able to
understand and
Understand Not able to Able to Able to fully
answer questions Able to
and understand understand and understand and
but not able to respond to 3/5
respond to and respond to answer questions respond to
accurately questions well
questions a question satisfactorily questions very well
answer the

Able to deliver
Able to deliver Able to deliver
Adapt Not able to ideas with limited
ideas Able to fully deliver
deliver appropriateness ideas
delivery to appropriately to ideas
appropriately to the target appropriately 3/5
audience the target appropriately very
to the audience and to the target
level audience well
audience level require further audience well
TOTAL (15)

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