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Formal Letter

Eng 201 Name: ______________

Unit 6 Education Class: ______________
Lesson 6.5 Writing Date: ______________

1 2

Have you ever written a formal letter in English in real
life? Tell us about that. 3
To whom of the following may you write a formal
letter? 4
A friend
The school principal
A company manager
A family member
A host family
A dean of a university
A business colleague B

Layout C
Look at the letter layout on the right column.
What should you write in the numbered parts?
Match them with the following: D
Writer’s address.
Body (topic) 6
Signing off (yours ….)
Receiver’s address 7
Dear _________ 8
Printed name and position.

Useful Phrases
Following are sentence starters and useful phrases used in
Are these statements true or false? writing formal letters. Read them and decide where in the letter
A formal letter should always have a date. layout (A – D) they should be written.
You put the address of the person you are writing to I find it most dissatisfactory that ____
directly under your address. Thank you for your letter (email) regarding _
You should begin a formal letter with Dear + first name + I look forward to hearing from you.
surname. I am writing to draw your attention to ____
If you begin your letter with Dear + name, you can finish If you require any further information, please don’t
the letter with Yours sincerely or Kind Regards. hesitate to contact me.
You should end a formal letter by signing it and typing I acknowledge the receipt of your letter.
your name and position under your signature. Please note that ___________
In formal letters, you should use idiomatic phrases and Will you kindly _____________
short forms such as I’m, we’re, isn’t, aren’t. I am writing with reference to __________
I would appreciate it if you could ________

Mr Hany Fouad 37709060

Formal Letter
Eng 201 Name: ______________
Unit 6 Education Class: ______________
Lesson 6.5 Writing Date: ______________

Decide if the following phrases are formal or informal:

Anyway, I am writing in response to ________

It gives me a great honour __________ Yours sincerely
I should like to ask you gently Thanks for ________
As you mentioned I would be so grateful
As you said I want to ask you about
You already said I really acknowledge _____
I’m very happy ________ You kindly stated

Now, use the “formal” phrases above to fill in the gaps in the following letter:

Head, Students’ Union CEO, Education Unlimited

University of Helensbrough Kungsbruhn 85
Scotland Uppgang G8….
6th, December, 2017
Dear Mrs Bloomfield

1) __________________________________________________ your invitation letter dated on 21 st August. 2)

____________________________________ to accept your invitation as a guest speaker in your panel discussion on Digital
Learning Resources. 3) ______________________________ the receipt of this invitation. However, there are some points I
need to clarify.

Firstly, 4) ________________________ in your welcomed letter that I am going to share my knowledge about digital learning
yet I need to be clear if there are specific points to talk about. Secondly, 5) ____________________ that there would be three
other experts on the panel and a student representative. My question is, how are we going to coordinate? Is there any sort of a
coordination meeting before the discussion?

Moreover, 6) ____________________________ to send me some information about the airliner and the travel tickets. 7)
_____________________________ if you provided me with information about the accommodation. I would also like to know
about the transportation and how I will go to and from the discussion venue. Finally, I would like to know something about
the expenses of the stay there.

Thank you again for your kind invitation. I look forward to hearing from you.
8) _____________________

Richard Kim

Mr Hany Fouad 37709060

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