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Lepzinski 1

Noah Lepzinski

Mrs. Cox

Advanced Composition 4th

Sept. 22 2022

Riot on the Capital

On January 6th of 2021, tragedy struck. The United States capital was attacked by an angry mob.

The attack shocked millions of Americans across the country. Seven days later on January 13th Donald

Trump gave a speech in response. Trump spoke about keeping peace in the country, as well as how this

act was a poor display of freedom of speech. Trump also brought up past mob violence from past protests.

Trump used anecdotes to further bring up past tragic connections from violence . Also, Trump used

anaphora to show the violence is not supported. To sum up, Donald Trump uses emotional connections as

well as other persuasive techniques to show that this violence is detrimental to America and its people.

During the speech Trump talked about how violence has no place in America. First of all, Trump

uses anecdotes to bring up past tragedies America has faced. Trump stated, “Tragically, over the course of

the past year, made so difficult because of COVID-19, we have seen political violence spiral out of

control”(Trump). Trump referred to the riots during the rise of COVID-19. Trump went on to talk about

how we have seen too many tragedies and must come together and stop the violence. Referring to

COVID-19 and civil rights tragedies. Trump also used pathos to make an emotional connection, he

brought up how the American people as a whole have been through hard times. Trump went on to say

everyone who wants to express themselves, can do so within the rules of the laws. Trump stated, “every

American deserves to have their voice heard in a respectful and peaceful way”(Trump). Trump went into

detail about how people should exercise free speech without violence, lawbreaking, and vandalism. When

all is said and done, Trump used persuasive techniques to show that the violence that occured has no place

in America.

Trump went on to connect with his supporters and talk about the American people's political

beliefs. Trump used anaphora in this quote to connect with his supporters. “No true supporter of mine
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could ever endorse political violence. No true supporter of mine could ever disrespect law enforcement or

our great American flag. No true supporter of mine could ever threaten or harass their fellow

Americans”(Trump), said Trump. Trump asked his supporters and other Americans to help. To do this

people need to listen to one another. The people need to help grow peace instead of violence in America.

Trump talked about how the mob attack was an attack on the “movement”(Trump). Movement referring

to Trump’s “Make America Great Again” group. The violence that took place has no place in america.

Everyone is allowed to express themselves how they want. With that being said everything must be done

within the laws. Ultimately, Trump talked about the beliefs and morals of Americans.

Donald Trump brought up some solutions for the problem with violence in America. Trump

stated, “America is a nation of laws. Those who engaged in these attacks last week will be brought to

justice”(Trump). Trump also called different agencies and put them into place to keep chaos to a

minimum. Members of the national guard were placed in D.C to provide protection. Trump believes

everyone needs to find a common ground and hear each other out instead of trying to silence each other.

To add on, Trump stated, “Every American deserves to have their voice heard in a respectful and peaceful

way”(Trump). Trump referred to the “interest” of the country, the people need to come together as one

country to “advance the interest of the whole nation”(Trump). In the end, Trump brought up a couple

solutions and called on the help of the American people.

In conclusion, Trump responded to the terrible mob riot at the capital. Trump brought up many

points about the violence and how it has no place in the country. The people of America need to come

together. Trump also referred to his supporters not being true supporters if they participate in these terrible

acts. Violence goes against everything Trump believes in. America has experienced too many tragedies.

Trump says we need to move forward as a whole nation to end this hardship. Trump uses rhetorical

techniques to further explain the importance of keeping violence out of america. Trump showed that

America is in a rough patch, the only way to fix it is to come together as a nation. To sum everything up,

Trump wants America to come together and move forward being able to exercise free speech without

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Works Cited

“January 13, 2021: Statement about the Violence at the Capitol.” Miller Center, 22

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