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We take great opportunity to represent this project report on “Shabd Kosh” and put
before readers some useful information regarding our project. We have made sincere
attempts and have tried to present this matter in precise and compact form, the language
being as simple as possible. We are sure that the information contained this volume would
certainly prove useful for better insight in the scope and the dimension of this project in
this true prospective. The perseverance and deep involvement shown by our group
members made this vague task look very interesting and simple. We have designed this
software project completely from scratch and we have not incorporated any readymade
material from the Internet or any other sources to make our project seemingly more
attractive and meaningful.

In this project we will basically try to parse a Sanskrit sentence so that later on it could
be easy to translate it in some other language. We take input as a Sanskrit sentence or
paragraph. We tokenize the whole sentence(Lexical analysis). We recognize the parts of
the speech from individual tokens(Parsing) and then we parse the sentence or try to make
sense out of it(Parsing).

Worldwide demand of translation services has dramatically accelerated in the last

decades, as an effect of the market globalization and the growth of the Information
Society. Human translation provides the best quality but is in general time consuming and
expensive. Machine translation, on the other hand, is fast and cheap but far from
publication quality. Computer assisted translation (CAT) tools are currently the dominant
technology in the translation and localization market, and those including machine
translation (MT) engines are on the increase. In fact, empirical studies conducted with
professional translators have reported significant productivity and even quality gains when
translators post-edit MT suggestions rather than translate from scratch.

Parsing or syntactic analysis is the process of analysing a string of symbols, either in

natural language or in computer languages, according to the rules of a formal grammar.
The tern parsing comes from Latin pars (orationis), meaning part of speech.Traditional
sentence parsing is often performed as a method of understanding the exact meaning of a
sentence, sometimes with the aid of devices such as sentence diagrams. It usually
emphasizes the importance of grammatical divisions such as subject and predicate.

According to many researchers, Sanskrit is a very scientific language. Sanskrit behaves

very closely as programming language. So if we are able to make a translator that
translates Sanskrit into other language, then it would prove to be a significant development
in the field of NLP(Natural Language Processing).

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