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the honorable, the chairman general of the nahdlatul ulama of cianjur mr. kh kamali
abdul ghani
the hohorable mr. kh deden utsman
the honorable judges who are wise . the honorable the audiences who ae come to this
place who I love.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.

The sky in the morning is incomplete whitout the sun.the sky in the night is incomplete
whitout the moon. But sky in the night with the moon is not beautifull whitout the stars.
Much star that that recould intersterral. Intersterral will be nothing whitout only one god
and the all thing. He is only god, Allah swt. The lord of the world, the masters of
judgment, the grather of everything. He makes nothing to be something, he makes no
one to be someone he makes impossible to be possible. He only needs to say ‘ kun
kayakun”. Lets thanks and pray to uor good allah swt.
Yeaa, soekarno was the first president of indonesia, george washington was the first
president of USA. LOUIS NAPOLEON BONAPARTE was the first president of
But muhammad saw is the prophet and the mesenger of allah swt. He doesn’t have
instagram, but he have many followers more than us. He is doesn’t a youtuber, but he
have many subscribers. He was broughts us from the darkness to bgirhtness, from the
bad moral to the good moral. From the jahiliyyah era to the islamiyah era. Namely
islamic religion.
And thanks a lot of the master of ceremony who has given me oppurtunity to deliver my
speech under the title “ KNOWLAGDE, PRACTICE AND GOOD BEHAVIOR”.

Leadis and gantlemen, knowlagde has important role in human life. The most
important thing is religion knowlagde. Why that, do you know the reason? No. because
of religion scienes, someone will be steadier to do their worship to allah almighty.
Know the actual purpose and essence. However, in contrast to someone who is blind
from science of religion then everything they do will not know the basic and real
Knowlagde can also heps us in improving our personality. Is shapes our point of view
of looking at life. Also helps us to overcame obstsacles in a proper and good way.
Francis Bacon one said “ knowlegde is power”. We humans are not physically the
strongest creatures in this world, yes. We dominate this world. It is because we are
intellegent. The knowlagde that we have and the ability act on knowlagde allow us to
have more power than any animal whse body is stronger than us.
By learning about science, which brings positive vibes, it will be more meaningful,
knowledge will increase, knowledge will be strenght "because knowledge is power..

Leadis and gantlemen. when Shaykh Muhammad Hasan bin Abdullah in the

book Ta'limul Muta'alim said’

Must be must seek knowledge, because knowledge will be a decoration for the experts.

Decoration is very beautiful to look at, very beautiful when displayed. right or not? Right.

Therefore, let's compete to find knowledge as much as possible. to be a decoration for us

when we already have knowledge, then, it is obligatory for us to apply that

knowledge to ourselves. the rest to others. make the practice of knowledge into a positive

habit and bring a positive influence for others who want to accept our knowledge.

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