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Operating and Service Procedure

Apollo 3 Intelligent Control

System User Manual

UM-00019 Rev NR
15 January 2015

Apollo 3 Intelligent Control System User Manual ................................................................................................. 13
1 Quick Start Guide .................................................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Log on to Access Drive Configuration............................................................................................... 13
1.2 Quick Start ..................................................................................................................................... 13
2 I Want To... .............................................................................................................................................. 18
2.1 Set Pump Speed ............................................................................................................................ 18
2.2 Change Color Scheme .................................................................................................................... 18
2.3 Log In/Access the Main Menu.......................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Set the Date and Time .................................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Change the Passwords ................................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Set the Pump Direction ................................................................................................................... 19
2.7 Set the Well Name/Site Name ......................................................................................................... 19
2.8 Set the Motor Overload ................................................................................................................... 19
2.9 Set the Motor Underload ................................................................................................................. 19
2.10 Set the Drive Mode ....................................................................................................................... 20
2.11 Set the Transformer Ratios ............................................................................................................ 20
2.12 Setup a Downhole Tool ................................................................................................................. 20
2.13 Setup Restarts.............................................................................................................................. 20
2.14 Setup Pump Curve........................................................................................................................ 20
2.15 Set the Control Source .................................................................................................................. 20
2.16 Add Apollo I/O Board .................................................................................................................... 21
2.17 Add a Data Display Screen to the Level 1 Data Rotation ................................................................. 21
2.18 Add a Setting to the Settings Rotation ............................................................................................ 21
2.19 Change the Automatic Screens...................................................................................................... 21
2.20 Log In to Level 3 from Level 2 ........................................................................................................ 21
2.21 Add a Limit to a Channel ............................................................................................................... 21
2.22 Add a Digital Output to a Trigger .................................................................................................... 21
2.23 Communicate with the drive using SCADA ..................................................................................... 21
2.24 Communicate with the drive using the Remote User Interface.......................................................... 21
3 System Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Hardware ....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Apollo HMI (Human Machine Interface)................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Apollo I/O Board Assembly .................................................................................................... 27
3.2.3 Downhole Sensor Interface (DSI) Assembly ............................................................................ 30
3.2.4 RSTi Expansion I/O Module ................................................................................................... 33
3.2.5 Backspin Probes ................................................................................................................... 43
3.2.6 Block Diagram–Apollo System in a Vector VII or Vector Plus ESP Application ........................... 46
3.2.7 Block Diagram–Apollo System in a Switchboard Application..................................................... 47
3.2.8 Block Diagram–Apollo System in a Vector VII or Vector Plus SPS Application ........................... 48
3.3 Hardware Installation ...................................................................................................................... 48
3.3.1 Mechanical Installation – Non-Vector Plus Applications............................................................ 49
3.4 System Concepts and Definitions..................................................................................................... 56
3.4.1 Inputs ................................................................................................................................... 56
3.4.2 Channels .............................................................................................................................. 57

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3.4.3 Triggers ................................................................................................................................ 57

3.4.4 Outputs ................................................................................................................................ 57
3.4.5 Example – Input / Channel / Trigger / Output ........................................................................... 57
3.4.6 Templates ............................................................................................................................. 58
3.4.7 Configuration Wizards ........................................................................................................... 59
3.5 Drive Modes ................................................................................................................................... 59
3.5.1 Manual Frequency Mode ....................................................................................................... 59
3.5.2 Current Control Mode ............................................................................................................ 59
3.5.3 PID Speed Control Mode ....................................................................................................... 60
3.5.4 Analog Follower Mode ........................................................................................................... 60
3.6 User Interface Conventions ............................................................................................................. 60
3.6.1 LEDs .................................................................................................................................... 61
3.6.2 Function Buttons ................................................................................................................... 61
3.6.3 Arrow Buttons ....................................................................................................................... 61
3.6.4 Start/Stop Buttons ................................................................................................................. 61
3.6.5 System State ........................................................................................................................ 62
3.6.6 Trigger Ticker ........................................................................................................................ 63
3.7 User Levels .................................................................................................................................... 63
3.7.1 Level 1 Users “Logged-out”.................................................................................................... 63
3.7.2 Level 2 Users “Logged-in”...................................................................................................... 64
3.7.3 Level 3 Users “Advanced”...................................................................................................... 64
3.8 Screen Types ................................................................................................................................. 65
3.8.1 Home Screen........................................................................................................................ 65
3.8.2 Data Display Screens ............................................................................................................ 66
3.8.3 Settings ................................................................................................................................ 70
3.8.4 Event Log Screen/Relevant Triggers Screen ........................................................................... 74
3.8.5 Graph Screens ..................................................................................................................... 77
3.8.6 USB Menu Screen................................................................................................................. 78
3.8.7 Automatic Screens ................................................................................................................ 79
4 Basic Setup Sequence ............................................................................................................................. 82
4.1 Log In ............................................................................................................................................ 82
4.2 Settings Screen (Logged In) ............................................................................................................ 85
4.3 Main Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 85
4.4 Other Initial Setup Menu.................................................................................................................. 87
4.4.1 Set Date/Time ....................................................................................................................... 89
4.4.2 Set Well and Site Names ....................................................................................................... 90
4.4.3 Set Global Restart Time......................................................................................................... 93
4.4.4 Set DHXFormer Ratio............................................................................................................ 94
4.4.5 Setup Power Fail Restarts ..................................................................................................... 96
4.4.6 Setup Password Protection .................................................................................................... 98
4.4.7 Setup Com2 SCADA ........................................................................................................... 100
4.5 Configure Drive Settings ............................................................................................................... 101
4.6 Set Drive Mode............................................................................................................................. 106
4.7 Configure Motor Overload ............................................................................................................. 107
4.8 Configure Motor Underload ........................................................................................................... 109
4.9 Configure Downhole Limits.............................................................................................................112
4.10 Enable Autostart ..........................................................................................................................117
4.11 Adjust Setpoint.............................................................................................................................118

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5 Additional Setups ....................................................................................................................................119

5.1 Add I/O Board ...............................................................................................................................119
5.2 Setup a Downhole Tool ..................................................................................................................119
5.3 Install RSTi I/O Module ................................................................................................................. 122
5.4 Setup Analog Inputs...................................................................................................................... 125
5.5 Setup Digital Inputs....................................................................................................................... 130
5.6 Setup Drive Mode ......................................................................................................................... 132
5.6.1 Manual Frequency Mode ..................................................................................................... 135
5.6.2 Current Control Mode .......................................................................................................... 136
5.6.3 PID Speed Control Module................................................................................................... 138
5.6.4 Analog Follower Mode ......................................................................................................... 140
5.7 Setup Restarts.............................................................................................................................. 142
5.8 Communication Parameters .......................................................................................................... 145
5.9 Control Source ............................................................................................................................. 149
5.10 Pump Curve Setup...................................................................................................................... 149
5.11 PLC Analog Control..................................................................................................................... 151
5.12 2-Wire Run/Stop ......................................................................................................................... 151
5.13 Drain Mode................................................................................................................................. 152
5.14 PID Speed Control Mode............................................................................................................. 153
5.15 Add a 2nd IO Board .................................................................................................................... 154
5.16 Edit a Screen.............................................................................................................................. 154
5.17 Add a Data Display Screen to the Level 1 Data Screen Rotation .................................................... 158
5.18 Add or Delete a Setting in the Settings Rotation ............................................................................ 158
5.19 Change the Drive State Automatic Screens .................................................................................. 163
5.20 Add a Trigger to a Channel .......................................................................................................... 167
5.21 Add a Digital Output to a Trigger .................................................................................................. 171
5.22 Load a Template ......................................................................................................................... 174
5.23 Miscellaneous Settings................................................................................................................ 174
5.24 SPS Setup ................................................................................................................................. 175
6 Apollo Simulator..................................................................................................................................... 178
6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 178
6.2 Installation/ Licensing.................................................................................................................... 179
6.3 Simulation Features ...................................................................................................................... 184
6.4 File Operations ............................................................................................................................. 184
6.5 Online Training ............................................................................................................................. 185
6.6 Using the Simulator to Configure a Pumping System....................................................................... 186
7 Apollo Archive Viewer............................................................................................................................. 186
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 186
7.2 Installation and Learning ............................................................................................................... 187
7.3 Importing Apollo Data.................................................................................................................... 190
7.4 Displaying the Archive Data........................................................................................................... 193
7.5 Channel Menu .............................................................................................................................. 194
7.6 Changing Displayed Channels....................................................................................................... 195
7.7 Displaying Previously Imported Data .............................................................................................. 196
7.8 E-mailing or transferring Apollo Archive Data .................................................................................. 197
8 Apollo Applications ................................................................................................................................. 199
8.1 Switchboard Application ................................................................................................................ 199
8.1.1 Equipment Needed.............................................................................................................. 199

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8.1.2 Electrical Wiring .................................................................................................................. 199

8.1.3 Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 202
8.2 Vector VII / Vector Plus ESP Application......................................................................................... 203
8.2.1 Equipment Needed.............................................................................................................. 203
8.2.2 Electrical Wiring .................................................................................................................. 203
8.2.3 Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 205
8.3 Vector VII/Vector Plus SPS Application........................................................................................... 205
8.3.1 Equipment Needed.............................................................................................................. 205
8.3.2 Electrical Wiring Table ......................................................................................................... 206
8.3.3 Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 207
9 Apollo Motor Overload Protection ............................................................................................................ 208
9.1 I2T Motor Overload Algorithm ........................................................................................................ 209
9.2 Advantages of the I2T Motor Overload Algorithm ............................................................................ 210
10 Trigger Definition .................................................................................................................................. 213
10.1 Trigger Definition ........................................................................................................................ 213
10.2 Basic Trigger Settings ................................................................................................................. 216
10.3 Trigger Types (Basic) .................................................................................................................. 217
10.4 Trigger States ............................................................................................................................. 217
10.5 Trigger Actions (Basic) ................................................................................................................ 218
10.6 Enable States ............................................................................................................................. 219
10.7 Trigger Screens .......................................................................................................................... 220
10.8 Trigger Types (full list) ................................................................................................................. 222
10.9 Trigger Actions (Full List)............................................................................................................. 223
10.10 Special Triggers ........................................................................................................................ 226
10.10.1 Internal Triggers .............................................................................................................. 226
10.10.2 Motor Control State Triggers............................................................................................. 227
11 Pump Curves ....................................................................................................................................... 228
11.1 Pump Curve Terminology............................................................................................................. 229
11.2 Apollo Pump Curve ..................................................................................................................... 230
11.3 How Apollo Uses the Pump Curve to Protect the Pump ................................................................. 232
11.4 Setting up the Pump Curve .......................................................................................................... 233
11.5 Pump Curve Screen .................................................................................................................... 236
11.6 Pump Thrust Screen ................................................................................................................... 237
11.7 Updating Pump Database............................................................................................................ 238
11.8 Creating a Custom Pump............................................................................................................. 239
11.9 Installing/Selecting a Custom Pump on Apollo............................................................................... 243
12 Appendix A–Full Installation of Apollo Software ...................................................................................... 246
12.1 Install Apollo ............................................................................................................................... 246
12.2 Load a Template (If Required)...................................................................................................... 247
12.3 Reset Drive To Defaults (If Required) ........................................................................................... 249
12.4 System Setup and Operation ....................................................................................................... 251
12.5 Updating a Configuration from Apollo 2.x...................................................................................... 251
13 Appendix B .......................................................................................................................................... 252
13.1 USB Menu.................................................................................................................................. 252
13.1.1 Historical Data Text File Setup Screen ................................................................................ 260
13.1.2 Event Log Text File Setup Screen ....................................................................................... 261

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List of Figures
Main Menu Display ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Apollo HMI ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Apollo HMI Terminal Locations (Rear View) ......................................................................................................... 24
SPI Data Flash ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Apollo I/O Board Assembly Terminal Locations .................................................................................................... 28
DC Input Relay Install ........................................................................................................................................ 30
ESP Downhole Sensor Interface (DSI) Assembly (Part Number 197146)............................................................... 32
8 Channel RTD Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 35
ST-3704 Interface Design................................................................................................................................... 37
ST-3708 Interface Design................................................................................................................................... 38
ST-1218 Interface Design................................................................................................................................... 38
ST-7588 Interface Design................................................................................................................................... 39
ST-3218 Interface Design................................................................................................................................... 39
ST-4112 Interface Design ................................................................................................................................... 40
ST-1214 Interface Design................................................................................................................................... 40
ST-2324 Interface Design................................................................................................................................... 41
ST-2744 Interface Design................................................................................................................................... 41
ST-3214 Interface Design................................................................................................................................... 42
Backspin Probes-Drawing 1 ............................................................................................................................... 44
Backspin Probes-Drawing 2 ............................................................................................................................... 45
Apollo System in a Vector VII or Vector Plus ESP Application ............................................................................... 46
Apollo System in a Switchboard Application ........................................................................................................ 47
Apollo System in a Vector VII or Vector Plus SPS Application ............................................................................... 48
Remove Amp Chart ........................................................................................................................................... 50
Insert Apollo HMI ............................................................................................................................................... 50
Tighten Center Studs ......................................................................................................................................... 51
Side brackets on Studs ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Clear Safety Shield Attached .............................................................................................................................. 52
Window Kit Installed .......................................................................................................................................... 52
Apollo I/O Board/ESP DSI Panel Assembly (Part Number 197207) ....................................................................... 53
Zenith Configuration-Drawing 1 .......................................................................................................................... 55
Zenith Configuration-Drawing 2 .......................................................................................................................... 56
Various Structures in a Well Control System ........................................................................................................ 58
Apollo User Interface ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Home Screen .................................................................................................................................................... 65
Downhole Screen .............................................................................................................................................. 66
Digital I/O Screen .............................................................................................................................................. 67
Analog I/O Screen ............................................................................................................................................. 68
Amp Chart Screen ............................................................................................................................................. 69
Setpoint Screen (Manual Frequency Mode)......................................................................................................... 70
Setpoint Screen (PID Speed Control Mode)......................................................................................................... 71
Setpoint Screen (Current Control Mode).............................................................................................................. 71
Setpoint Screen (Analog Follower Mode) ............................................................................................................ 72
Setpoint Screen (I-Limit Controlling Pump Speed)................................................................................................ 72
Color Scheme Setting Screen............................................................................................................................. 73

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Event Log Screen .............................................................................................................................................. 74

Relevant Triggers Screen................................................................................................................................... 75
Graphs Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 77
USB Menu ........................................................................................................................................................ 78
Fault Status Screen ........................................................................................................................................... 80
Fault Status Screen with Auto-Start Warning ....................................................................................................... 81
Fault Status Screen with Restart Countdown ....................................................................................................... 81
Home Screen .................................................................................................................................................... 82
Setting Function Button ...................................................................................................................................... 83
Login Function Button ........................................................................................................................................ 83
Login Screen ..................................................................................................................................................... 84
Select OK on Login Screen ................................................................................................................................ 84
Menu Function Button ........................................................................................................................................ 85
Main Menu ....................................................................................................................................................... 85
Main Menu-Screen 2.......................................................................................................................................... 86
Main Menu-Screen 3.......................................................................................................................................... 86
Select Function Button ....................................................................................................................................... 87
Other Initial Setup Menu..................................................................................................................................... 88
Other Initial Setup Menu-Screen 2 ...................................................................................................................... 88
Other Initial Setup Menu-Screen 3 ..................................................................................................................... 89
Apollo Clock Display .......................................................................................................................................... 89
Select Time Zone and Set the Time Screen......................................................................................................... 90
Set Well Name-Screen 1 .................................................................................................................................... 91
Set Well Name-Screen 2 .................................................................................................................................... 92
Initial Setup Updated Well Name Screen ............................................................................................................. 92
Initial Setup Updated Site Name Screen.............................................................................................................. 93
Global Restart Edit Screen ................................................................................................................................. 94
DHXFormer Ration Edit Screen .......................................................................................................................... 95
Menu Initial Setup Screen .................................................................................................................................. 95
Power Fail Rst Screen ....................................................................................................................................... 96
Restarts/Allowed Edit Screen ............................................................................................................................. 97
Power Fail Restart Menu.................................................................................................................................... 97
Updated Power Fail Restart Screen .................................................................................................................... 98
Password Protection Menu................................................................................................................................. 99
Other Initial Setup Menu................................................................................................................................... 100
Com 2SCADA Setup Menu .............................................................................................................................. 100
Main Menu ...................................................................................................................................................... 101
Drive Settings Screen ...................................................................................................................................... 102
Drive Settings-Screen 2 ................................................................................................................................... 104
Drive Settings Menu-Screen 3 .......................................................................................................................... 106
Motor Overload Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 107
Overload Menu-Screen 2 ................................................................................................................................. 108
Motor Underload Menu .....................................................................................................................................110
Underload Menu-Screen 2 ................................................................................................................................ 111
Downhole Limits Menu......................................................................................................................................113
Trigger Info Screen ..........................................................................................................................................113
220°F Example.................................................................................................................................................114
Save Change Screen........................................................................................................................................114

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Downhole Limits Screen....................................................................................................................................115

Download Limits-Screen 2.................................................................................................................................116
Selecting Manual StartOnly ...............................................................................................................................117
Frequency Setpoint Screen ...............................................................................................................................118
DH Tool Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 120
Motor Temp Screen ......................................................................................................................................... 123
Setting Up Limits for a Channel ........................................................................................................................ 123
Selecting a Trigger........................................................................................................................................... 124
Trigger Info Screen Indicating the Trigger is “Not In Use”.................................................................................... 124
Trigger Info Screen Indicating the Trigger with Limit Set to 250°F........................................................................ 125
Channel Information Screen ............................................................................................................................. 125
Edit Name Screen ........................................................................................................................................... 126
Trigger Name Change Screen .......................................................................................................................... 126
Channel Info Screen For The Configured Analog Input....................................................................................... 127
Calibration Screen ........................................................................................................................................... 127
Calibration Screen- Screen 2............................................................................................................................ 128
Channel Info Screen ........................................................................................................................................ 128
Hightlight the Trigger Name .............................................................................................................................. 129
Trigger Info Screen .......................................................................................................................................... 129
Changing the Trigger Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 130
Resulting Trigger Info Screen ........................................................................................................................... 130
Channel Info Screen for 1st Digital I/O on the Apollo I/O Board........................................................................... 131
Murphy Switch Trigger-Example 1 .................................................................................................................... 131
Murphy Switch Trigger-Example 2 .................................................................................................................... 132
Set Drive Mode Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 132
Drive Mode Menu-Screen 2.............................................................................................................................. 133
Frequency Mode Screen .................................................................................................................................. 135
Current Control Mode Screen ........................................................................................................................... 136
PID Speed Control Mode-Screen 1 ................................................................................................................... 138
PID Speed Control Mode-Screen 2 ................................................................................................................... 138
PID Speed Control Mode-Screen 3 ................................................................................................................... 139
Analog Follower Mode Screen .......................................................................................................................... 141
Follower Src Channel Info Screen..................................................................................................................... 142
Communication Parameters Menu-Screen 1 ..................................................................................................... 145
Communication Parameters Menu-Screen 2 ..................................................................................................... 146
Port Configured-Screen 1................................................................................................................................. 147
Port Configured-Screen 2................................................................................................................................. 148
Control Source Screen..................................................................................................................................... 149
How to Customize–Screens 1........................................................................................................................... 155
How to Customize–Screens 2........................................................................................................................... 155
How to Customize Screens–Screen 3 ............................................................................................................... 156
How to Customize–Screens 4........................................................................................................................... 156
How to Customize–Screens 5........................................................................................................................... 157
How to Customize–Screens 6........................................................................................................................... 157
Adding Screens to Level 1 Data Screen ............................................................................................................ 158
Edit Mode Screen ............................................................................................................................................ 159
Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation ........................................................................ 160
Object Selection Screen................................................................................................................................... 160

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Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation-Screen 2.......................................................... 161
Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation-Screen 3.......................................................... 161
Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation-Screen 4.......................................................... 162
Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation-Screen 5.......................................................... 163
Edit Mode Change–Screen 1............................................................................................................................ 164
Pump Curve Screen Change–Screen 1............................................................................................................. 165
Select Object–Screen 1 ................................................................................................................................... 165
Select Object–Screen 2 ................................................................................................................................... 166
Pump Curve Screen Change–Screen 2............................................................................................................. 166
Osiris Motor Temperature ................................................................................................................................. 167
Add a High Temperature Warning Trigger ......................................................................................................... 168
Low or High Limit Screen ................................................................................................................................. 168
Temperature High Warning............................................................................................................................... 169
Final Trigger Info Screen .................................................................................................................................. 169
Final Channel Info Screen ............................................................................................................................... 170
Motor Temperature High Warning Trigger ......................................................................................................... 170
Motor Temperature High Warning Trigger–Screen 2........................................................................................... 171
Highlight the Drive a Digital Output ................................................................................................................... 172
Select the M3–M4 Ouput.................................................................................................................................. 172
Digital Output Screen....................................................................................................................................... 173
Final Trigger Info Screen .................................................................................................................................. 173
SPS Configuration Utility .................................................................................................................................. 177
Apollo Simulator .............................................................................................................................................. 178
Apollo 3 Simulator Setup Wizard....................................................................................................................... 179
Confirm Installation Screen .............................................................................................................................. 180
Select Installation Folder Screen....................................................................................................................... 180
Installation Complete Screen ............................................................................................................................ 181
Computer Desktop Shortcut ............................................................................................................................. 181
License Request Code Screen ......................................................................................................................... 182
Pasted License Response Code Screen ........................................................................................................... 183
License Validated Screen ................................................................................................................................. 183
Simulation Screens.......................................................................................................................................... 184
Simulator and Online Training Window.............................................................................................................. 185
Navigation Panel ............................................................................................................................................. 185
Apollo Archive Viewer ...................................................................................................................................... 187
Desktop shortcut for Archive Viewer.................................................................................................................. 188
License Request Code-Screen 1 ...................................................................................................................... 188
License Response Code-Screen 2.................................................................................................................... 189
License Validated Screen ................................................................................................................................. 190
Importing Apollo Data-Screen 1 ........................................................................................................................ 191
Import Apollo Data-Screen 2 ............................................................................................................................ 192
Import Data-Screen 3....................................................................................................................................... 193
Graph Screen.................................................................................................................................................. 194
Channel Menu................................................................................................................................................. 195
Viewing Previously Imported Data..................................................................................................................... 196
Selecting Previously Imported Well Data ........................................................................................................... 196
Choose the Well Data (on USB Drive)............................................................................................................... 197
Creating a Zip File .......................................................................................................................................... 198

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The Field Data Transfer Folder ......................................................................................................................... 199

Motor Overload Setup Menu-Screen 1 .............................................................................................................. 208
Motor Overload Setup Menu–Screen 2 ............................................................................................................. 209
I2T Motor Overload Algorithm........................................................................................................................... 209
Apollo Overload Simulator.................................................................................................................................211
125% of Overload Threshold (Left), 250% of Overload Threshold (Right) ............................................................ 212
How Overload Affects Time To Overload ........................................................................................................... 213
Trigger Logic Flowchart.................................................................................................................................... 215
Trigger Info-Screen 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 220
Edit Trigger-Screen 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 221
TE5500 1 stage @ 60Hz 3500 RPM Specific Gravity 1.0.................................................................................... 229
Apollo Pump Curve Labeled ............................................................................................................................. 231
Home Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 232
Setup Pump Curve Wizard ............................................................................................................................... 234
Pump Curve Setup Menu ................................................................................................................................. 235
Pump Curve Screen ........................................................................................................................................ 236
Pump Curve Screen ........................................................................................................................................ 237
Pump Thrust Screen ........................................................................................................................................ 238
USB Menu ...................................................................................................................................................... 239
Update Pump Database Screen ....................................................................................................................... 239
Pump Test Results for TE-5500 S/N 203F2210P................................................................................................ 241
Custom Pump Data Entry................................................................................................................................. 242
Custom Pump Screen ...................................................................................................................................... 242
Install a Pump Curve File from USB Disk Screen ............................................................................................... 243
Make New Pump Avaliable Screen ................................................................................................................... 244
Selecting New Pump Screen ............................................................................................................................ 244
Highlight Desired Pump Screen ........................................................................................................................ 245
Final Custom Pump Screen.............................................................................................................................. 245
Updated Initial Setup Pump Curve Screen......................................................................................................... 246
Fault Screen.................................................................................................................................................... 247
Home Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 248
Select Template Screen ................................................................................................................................... 248
New Configuration Loaded Screen.................................................................................................................... 249
Home Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 250
Main Menu Drive Settings ................................................................................................................................ 250
30 Second Cycle Power .................................................................................................................................. 251
On-Screen Instructions ................................................................................................................................... 252
USB Menu ...................................................................................................................................................... 253
USB Menu-Screen 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 257
Historical Data Text File Setup ......................................................................................................................... 260
Event Log Text File Setup ................................................................................................................................ 261

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List of Tables
Quick Start Parameters for Vector Plus and Vector VII Applications ...................................................................... 14
Quick Start Parameters for Switchboard Applications ........................................................................................... 16
DIP Switches..................................................................................................................................................... 25
Module Part Numbers ........................................................................................................................................ 26
USB Devices Part Number ................................................................................................................................. 26
Other USB Devices............................................................................................................................................ 27
DIP Switches..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Digital Input and Output Modules ........................................................................................................................ 29
DSI Switches..................................................................................................................................................... 33
RSTi Expansion I/O Module ............................................................................................................................... 33
DIP Switch Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Power Connections............................................................................................................................................ 36
Communication Connections .............................................................................................................................. 36
ST-3704 RTD Connections................................................................................................................................. 42
ST-3708 RTD Connections................................................................................................................................. 42
Templates ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Configuration Wizards........................................................................................................................................ 59
LED Status ....................................................................................................................................................... 61
System State Values.......................................................................................................................................... 62
Color Scheme ................................................................................................................................................... 73
Event Type........................................................................................................................................................ 74
Drive Settings Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 102
Drive Settings Menu Screen 2 .......................................................................................................................... 104
Drive Settings Menu Screen 3 .......................................................................................................................... 106
Motor Overload Menu Common Installations ..................................................................................................... 107
Motor Overload Menu Common Installations Screen 2 ....................................................................................... 109
Motor Underload Menu Common Installations ....................................................................................................110
Underload Menu 2 Common Installations ...........................................................................................................112
Download Limits Common Installations ..............................................................................................................115
Download Limits 2 Common Installations ...........................................................................................................116
Manual Start Only.............................................................................................................................................118
Apollo Serial Communication Ports ................................................................................................................... 121
Sensors .......................................................................................................................................................... 121
Drive Mode Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 133
Drive Mode Menu 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 133
Frequency Mode Parameters ........................................................................................................................... 135
Current Control Mode Parameters .................................................................................................................... 137
PID Speed Control Mode Parameters ............................................................................................................... 139
Analog Follow Mode Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 141
Setup Restart ................................................................................................................................................. 143
Serial Communication Ports ............................................................................................................................. 146
Automatic Screens........................................................................................................................................... 163
Templates ....................................................................................................................................................... 174
Miscellaneous Settings .................................................................................................................................... 175
Equipment....................................................................................................................................................... 199

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Apollo HMI ...................................................................................................................................................... 200

Apollo I/O Board .............................................................................................................................................. 200
ESP DSI Board................................................................................................................................................ 202
Vector VII/Vector Plus ESP Application ............................................................................................................. 203
Equipment....................................................................................................................................................... 203
Apollo I/O Board (If Needed) ............................................................................................................................ 204
ESP DSI ......................................................................................................................................................... 205
Equipment....................................................................................................................................................... 205
Apollo HMI ...................................................................................................................................................... 206
Apollo I/O Board (if needed) ............................................................................................................................. 206
RSTi I/O Module (if needed) ............................................................................................................................. 207
Basic Trigger Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 216
Trigger Types (basic) ....................................................................................................................................... 217
Trigger States.................................................................................................................................................. 217
Trigger Actions (basic) ..................................................................................................................................... 219
Enable States.................................................................................................................................................. 219
Trigger Types (full list)...................................................................................................................................... 222
Trigger Actions (full list).................................................................................................................................... 224
Internal Triggers .............................................................................................................................................. 226
Motor Control State Triggers............................................................................................................................. 227
Pump Curve Terminology ................................................................................................................................. 229
USB Menu Options .......................................................................................................................................... 254
USB Menu 2 Options ....................................................................................................................................... 257

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1 Quick Start Guide
This section will guide your drive configuration for a basic GE Oil & Gas ESP installation. Please see Section 4:
Basic Setup Sequence, page 82 for additional details.

1.1 Log on to Access Drive Configuration

If another screen is displayed, press “Home” to display the Home Screen.

1. Starting at the home screen press “Settings”.
2. From the Settings screen press “Login”.
3. Login as Level 2, the default password is 9. Advanced users may want to log in at Level 3, the default
password is 8.
4. Press “OK” and the Main Menu is displayed (see Figure 1: Main Menu Display , page 13.)

Figure 1: Main Menu Display

1.2 Quick Start

Highlight Quick Start on the Main Menu and press the “Select” function button. The first Quick Start setting
is displayed.
Use the Settings button (F3) to navigate through the list of Quick Start settings.
Change the settings as appropriate for the pumping application.
Use Table 1: Quick Start Parameters for Vector Plus and Vector VII Applications, page 14 to navigate the
quick start parameters.

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Table 1: Quick Start Parameters for Vector Plus and Vector VII Applications

Parameter Name Default Information

Date and Time None Set the timezone, date, and time. Use the Left and
Right Arrow buttons to select a digit to change. Use
the Up and Down Arrow buttons to change a value.
Use the F1 and F5 function buttons to navigate
between screen fields.
Well Name Blank Well Name. Up to 15 characters. Use the Left and
Right Arrow buttons to move the insert location. Use
the Up and Down Arrow buttons to change the letter
to the right of the insert position. Note that Apollo
supports USB Keyboards which simplifies text entry.
Site Name Blank Up to 15 characters. Use the Left and Right Arrow
buttons to move the insert location. Use the Up and
Down Arrow buttons to change the letter to the right
of the insert position. Note that Apollo supports USB
Keyboards which simplifies text entry.
DriveMaxVolts 480 Volts Vector Plus Drive output voltage when running at
Maximum Frequency. Usually set to the drive power
source voltage.
DHXFormer Ratio 0.00 Transformer Ratio of the step up transformer used to
drive the medium voltage motor from the low voltage
drive. Calculated by dividing the transformer tap
voltage by the transformer rated input voltage (usually
480 Vac). For example, if a 480 Vac transformer is
tapped for 2400 Vac, set the DHXFormer Ratio to
2400 Vac/480 Vac = 5.0. Note that the default setting
of 0.00 requires this parameter be set prior to running
the drive.
Min Frequency 30.0 Hz Minimum speed, in Hertz, of the Vector Plus drive
in the current pumping application. Min Frequency
should be set to ensure adequate fluid is pumped
past the pump for cooling. For ESP applications,
Min Frequency settings lower than 30 Hz are not
Max Frequency 60.0 Hz Maximum speed, in Hertz, of the Vector Plus drive
in the current pumping application. Max Frequency
should be set to prevent overstressing the pumping
system components.

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Table 1: Quick Start Parameters for Vector Plus and Vector VII Applications (cont'd.)

Parameter Name Default Information

Accel Seconds 5.0 Seconds Acceleration ramp time, in seconds, for the Vector
Plus drive from 0 Hz (stopped) to Maximum
Frequency. For ESP applications, maximum
recommended Accel Seconds is 10.0.
Decel Seconds 5.0 Seconds Deceleration ramp time, in seconds, for the Vector
Plus drive from Max Frequency to stopped. For
ESP applications, maximum recommended Decel
Seconds is 10.0.
Motor Overload 0.0 Amps Set to motor nameplate amps. This setting is used to
protect the motor from heat damage associated with
excess loading. Note that the default setting of 0.0
Amps requires this parameter be set prior to running
the drive.
Motor Underload -9,999 Amps This setting is used to protect the motor from heat
damage associated with the loss of cooling fluid
moving by the motor caused by well pump-off. Note
that the default setting of -9999 Amps requires this
parameter be set prior to running the drive.
Motor Temp High Limit 0.0 °F Downhole Tool Motor Temperature High Limit.
Drive will Fault if the Motor Temperature exceeds
the specified limit. Note that the trigger is Not In
Use by default. The trigger will be set to “In Use”
automatically when the Limit is changed.
Intake Temp High Limit 0.0 °F Downhole Tool Intake Temperature High Limit. Drive
will Fault if the temperature exceeds the specified
IntakePressLow Limit 0.0 Psi Downhole Tool Intake Pressure Low Limit. Drive will
Fault if the Intake Pressure drops below the specified
Global Restart 60 MInutes The default auto-restart time, in minutes, for all
system faults. Note that the restart time for any trigger
(fault detection mechanism) can be customized from
the Trigger Info screen.
PwrFail SysStop 0 Restart delay after a power loss when running. The
Restarts/Allowed default value is the global restart time. When the
value is changed, the user can specify whether the
new value applies only to the PwrFail SysStop trigger
or if the global restart time should be changed.

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Table 1: Quick Start Parameters for Vector Plus and Vector VII Applications (cont'd.)

Parameter Name Default Information

PwrFail SysStop Restart G60 Minutes Restart delay after a power loss when running. The
Delay default value is the global restart time. When the
value is changed, the user can specify whether the
new value applies only to the PwrFail SysStop trigger
or if the global restart time should be changed.
No-Load Test Mode G60 Min Set to No-Load Test if you plan to run no-load tests.
Drive Setpoint Drive Mode Adjust the setpoint as desired. Note that changes to
Dependent the setpoint are applied immediately.
ManualStartOnly True When set to true, the drive will only start when
the Start button on the keypad is pressed. When
set to false, the drive will also start on automatic
restarts and SCADA start commands. By default,
ManualStartOnly is set to true any time a configuration
or a template is loaded to prevent unexpected startup.

Setting ManualStartOnly to false enables automatic starts without warning and may cause
equipment damage, injury to personnel or death.

Table 2: Quick Start Parameters for Switchboard Applications

Parameter Name Default Information

Date and Time None Set the timezone, date, and time. Use the Left
and Right Arrow buttons to select a digit to
change. Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons
to change a value. Use the F1 and F5 function
buttons to navigate between screen fields.
Well Name Blank Well Name. Up to 15 characters. Use the
Left and Right Arrow buttons to move the
insert location. Use the Up and Down Arrow
buttons to change the letter to the right of the
insert position. Note that Apollo supports USB
Keyboards which simplifies text entry.

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Table 2: Quick Start Parameters for Switchboard Applications (cont'd.)

Parameter Name Default Information

Site Name Blank Up to 15 characters. Use the Left and Right
Arrow buttons to move the insert location. Use
the Up and Down Arrow buttons to change the
letter to the right of the insert position. Note
that Apollo supports USB Keyboards which
simplifies text entry.
CT Ratio 0.0 A Input Amps required to yield 5 Amps on the
output of the CT.
PT Ratio 0.0 VoltsAC Input AC Voltage required to yield 120 volts
on the output of the PT.
Motor Overload 0.0 Amps Set to motor nameplate amps. This setting is
used to protect the motor from heat damage
associated with excess loading. Note that
the default setting of 0.0 Amps requires this
parameter be set prior to running the drive.
Motor Underload -9,999 Amps This setting is used to protect the motor from
heat damage associated with the loss of
cooling fluid moving by the motor caused by
well pump-off. Note that the default setting of
-9999 Amps requires this parameter be set
prior to running the drive.
Motor Temp High Limit 0.0 °F Downhole Tool Motor Temperature High Limit.
Drive will Fault if the Motor Temperature
exceeds the specified limit. Note that the
trigger is Not In Use by default. The trigger
will be set to “In Use” automatically when the
Limit is changed.
IntakePressLow Limit 0.0 Psi Downhole Tool Intake Pressure Low Limit.
Drive will Fault if the Intake Pressure drops
below the specified limit.
D/H VibrationHi Limit 10.00 G’s Downhole Tool Vibration High Limit. Drive will
Fault if the Vibration exceeds the specified
Global Restart 60 MInutes The default auto-restart time, in minutes, for
all system faults. Note that the restart time for
any trigger (fault detection mechanism) can be
customized from the Trigger Info screen.

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Table 2: Quick Start Parameters for Switchboard Applications (cont'd.)

Parameter Name Default Information

PwrFail SysStop 0 Restart delay after a power loss when running.
Restarts/Allowed The default value is the global restart time.
When the value is changed, the user can
specify whether the new value applies only
to the PwrFail SysStop trigger or if the global
restart time should be changed.
PwrFail SysStop Restart G60 Minutes Restart delay after a power loss when running.
Delay The default value is the global restart time.
When the value is changed, the user can
specify whether the new value applies only
to the PwrFail SysStop trigger or if the global
restart time should be changed.
ManualStartOnly True When set to true, the drive will only start
when the Start button on the keypad is
pressed. When set to false, the drive will also
start on automatic restarts and SCADA start
commands. By default, ManualStartOnly is set
to true any time a configuration or a template is
loaded to prevent unexpected startup.

Setting ManualStartOnly to false enables automatic starts without warning and may cause
equipment damage, injury to personnel or death.

2 I Want To...
2.1 Set Pump Speed

See Section 4.11 Adjust Setpoint, page 118.

2.2 Change Color Scheme

From the Home Screen, repeatedly press the Settings function button until the Color Scheme setting
window appears. Use the Right and Left Arrow buttons to select the desired color scheme. Press the
Save function button and then confirm the change.

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2.3 Log In/Access the Main Menu

You must be logged in to access the Menu. From the Home Screen, press the Settings function button and
then the Menu function button. If you are not logged in, the log in screen will appear. By default, the level 2
password is 9 (press the Down Arrow button one time). After logging in, the Main Menu will appear.

2.4 Set the Date and Time

See Section 4.4.1 Set Date/Time, page 89.

2.5 Change the Passwords

Best practice is to change the passwords from the defaults to protect the system configuration from
unauthorized changes. From the Main Menu, select Other Initial Setup and then Setup Password
Protections. Set values for the Level 2 and Advanced passwords as desired.

2.6 Set the Pump Direction

The Pump Direction setting is available in the “Logged In” settings rotation and in the Config Drive Settings
menu. To access in the settings rotation, from the Home Screen repeatedly press the Settings function
button. If a window appears asking you to log in, log in and then continue to press the Settings function
button until the Forward/Reverse parameter is shown. Set the direction as desired and press the Save
function button. Confirm the change.
To access from the Config Drive Settings menu, from the Main Menu select the Config Drive Settings option.
Select Forward/Reverse and change the setting as described above.
See Section 4.5 Configure Drive Settings, page 101 for more information.

2.7 Set the Well Name/Site Name

See Section 4.4.2 Set Well and Site Names, page 90.

2.8 Set the Motor Overload

See Section 4.7 Configure Motor Overload, page 107 for additional details.
The Motor Overload limit is also available in settings rotation if you are logged in. To access in the settings
rotation, from the Home Screen repeatedly press the Settings function button. If a window appears asking
you to log in, log in and then continue to press the Settings function button until the Motor Overload
parameter is shown. Set the limit as desired and press the Save function button. Confirm the change.

2.9 Set the Motor Underload

See Section 4.8 Configure Motor Underload, page 109 for additional details.
The Motor Underload limit is also available in the “Logged In” settings rotation. To access in the settings
rotation, from the Home Screen repeatedly press the Settings function button. If a window appears asking

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you to log in, log in and then continue to press the Settings function button until the Motor Underload
parameter is shown. Set the limit as desired and press the Save function button. Confirm the change.

2.10 Set the Drive Mode

See Section 5.6 Setup Drive Mode, page 132 for additional details.
The Drive Mode setting is also available in the “Logged In” settings rotation. To access in the settings
rotation, from the Home Screen repeatedly press the Settings function button. If a window appears asking
you to log in, log in and then continue to press the Settings function button until the Drive Mode parameter is
shown. Set the mode as desired and press the Save function button. Confirm the change.

2.11 Set the Transformer Ratios

See Section 4.4.4 Set DHXFormer Ratio, page 94.

In a Switchboard application, transformer ratios for the CT and PT transformers will need to be set. In the
Switchboard template, use the Quick Start procedure to set the CT and PT transformer ratios.

2.12 Setup a Downhole Tool

See Section 5.2 Setup a Downhole Tool, page 119.

The Wizard will allow the user to select the type of downhole tool, select the units for pressure and
temperature, and set the most commonly used limits.

2.13 Setup Restarts

General Restart Information—See Section 5.7 Setup Restarts, page 142.

Power Fail Restarts—Section 4.4.5 Setup Power Fail Restarts, page 96.

2.14 Setup Pump Curve

See Section 5.10 Pump Curve Setup, page 149.

2.15 Set the Control Source

The Control Source determines the source of Start commands and set speed commands. Selections are
SCADA + Keypad, SCADA only, and Keypad only.
See Section 5.9 Control Source, page 149.
The Control Source setting is also available in the “Logged In” settings rotation. To access in the settings
rotation, from the Home Screen repeatedly press the Settings function button. If a window appears asking
you to log in, log in and then continue to press the Settings function button until the Control Source
parameter is shown. Set the limit as desired and press the Save function button. Confirm the change.

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2.16 Add Apollo I/O Board

See Section 5.1 Add I/O Board, page 119.

2.17 Add a Data Display Screen to the Level 1 Data Rotation

See Section 5.17 Add a Data Display Screen to the Level 1 Data Screen Rotation, page 158.

2.18 Add a Setting to the Settings Rotation

See Section 5.18 Add or Delete a Setting in the Settings Rotation, page 158.

2.19 Change the Automatic Screens

See Section 5.19 Change the Drive State Automatic Screens, page 163.

2.20 Log In to Level 3 from Level 2

Select the Log In or Log Out screen from the Main Menu. Enter the Level 3 password. By default, the
Level 3 password is 8.

2.21 Add a Limit to a Channel

Limits are added to a channel by connecting a trigger to the channel. See Section 5.20 Add a Trigger to
a Channel, page 167.

Analog and digital input option channels come pre-configured with triggers (limits). You need only
navigate to the Channel Info screen, select the trigger, and then set the trigger limit.

2.22 Add a Digital Output to a Trigger

See Section 5.21 Add a Digital Output to a Trigger, page 171.

2.23 Communicate with the drive using SCADA

See the Apollo 3/Vector Plus Communications Manual, UM-00014.

2.24 Communicate with the drive using the Remote User Interface

See the Apollo 3/Vector Plus Communications Manual, UM-00014.

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3 System Overview
3.1 Introduction

The Apollo™ Intelligent Control System consists of up to 4 different electronic assemblies that can be used
to control a Variable Speed Drive (VSD), a Switchboard/Full Voltage Motor Starter (SWB), or a Solid State
Reduced Voltage Motor Starter (Soft Start). Apollo was designed for use in a variety of different applications
including Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP) and Surface Pumping Systems (SPS). Apollo can monitor
process sensors and switches including Downhole sensors. Apollo uses the information it gathers from
the pumping system to provide increased protection for pumps and other equipment. It can also be
programmed to control specific process variables such as pressure, tank level, or motor current, etc. The
information that Apollo gathers is logged and stored in the HMI or the information can be communicated
to a remote monitoring site.
The 4 electronic assemblies that make up the Apollo Intelligent Controls System are the Apollo HMI (Human
Machine Interface), the Apollo I/O Board Assembly, the RSTi Expansion I/O Module and the Downhole
Sensor Interface (DSI) Assembly.

3.2 Hardware

3.2.1 Apollo HMI (Human Machine Interface)

The Apollo HMI functions as both a graphical user interface and as the system master controller.
It also functions as a motor drive interface, a flash file-based database, and as an interface to the
other control boards that comprise the Apollo system. Features include:
• Full Color Graphical Display with Operator Keypad
• Run/Stop/Fault Lights (LEDs)
• USB Port
• ModBus Communications Port (SCADA Interface)
• Ethernet Port (Supports Wireless Router or Cell Modem for SCADA or Remote User Interface)
• Drive Communications Port
• Apollo Sub-System RS-485 Interface (Apollo I/O Board, Osiris Downhole Sensor Interface,
RSTi Module)

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Figure 2: Apollo HMI

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Figure 3: Apollo HMI Terminal Locations (Rear View)

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The DIP switches on the controller are as follows:

Table 3: DIP Switches

Designator Description Default

SW1 Boot Select 1 Off
Boot from SPI Data Flash 2 On
Leave at default 3 On
No SD Card is used in this 4 Off
*SPI Data Flash is required!
SW1 Boot Select 1 Off
Boot from SD Card 2 Off
Leave at default 3 On
A SD Card with the 4 Off
appropriate boot file is
required in this configuration.
SW2 Isolated RS-485 Termination 1 On
1. Shield Termination (Gnd) 2 Off
2. 120 Ohm A to B Bus 3 On
4 On
3. 4.7K Ohm Bus Pull-up
4. 4.7K Ohm Bus Pull-down

*The SPI Data flash is found on the back of the HMI board at position U7 (see Figure
4: SPI Data Flash , page 26).

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Figure 4: SPI Data Flash

The Expansion Port (COM2) can be configured as RS-232 or RS-485 by installing the
appropriate Expansion Port Module. Module part numbers are:

Table 4: Module Part Numbers

Module Part Number

Expansion Port Module RS-232 129112
Expansion Port Module RS-485 800638

The Apollo system comes with the RS-232 port module pre-installed unless
The following USB devices have been tested with the Apollo HMI and have been given a part

Table 5: USB Devices Part Number

Device Part Number

Wireless mini-keyboard 197705
4GByte USB Flash Drive 810280
USB to WIFI Adapter 197350
USB to RS-232 Serial Adapter 197349

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Table 5: USB Devices Part Number (cont'd.)

Device Part Number

USB to USB Adapter 197351
(Allows use of the USB to WIFI Adapter inside plastic door)

Other USB devices that can be used with the Apollo HMI include:

Table 6: Other USB Devices

Device Description
Other flash drives Most USB flash drives will work with the Apollo
HMI. If you are unable to use the 810280
device, the SanDisk Cruzer is recommended.
USB Keyboard/Mouse Standard USB keyboards and mice work with
the Apollo HMI.

Users are strongly discouraged from using any USB device not listed above. Such
devices will likely not work and could impair system functionality.

3.2.2 Apollo I/O Board Assembly

The Apollo I/O Board Assembly provides an I/O interface for the Apollo system. It communicates
the information it gathers to the CPU Board via the Apollo Sub-System RS-485 Communication
port. Features include:
• Quantity 8-12 bit Analog Inputs (0-5V, 0-10V, 4-20mA)
• Quantity 12- Digital I/O (can be programmed as either inputs or outputs) (AC or DC modules)
• Quantity 2- 12 bit Analog Outputs (0-10V)
• Backspin inputs
• PT Voltage Inputs (3 Phase AC)
• CT Current Inputs (3 Phase AC)

The Apollo I/O Board Assembly is not always required since the Vector VII and Vector
Plus power modules have enough I/O for many ESP applications.

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Figure 5: Apollo I/O Board Assembly Terminal Locations

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The DIP switches on the Apollo I/O Board are as follows:

Table 7: DIP Switches

Designator Description Default

SW2 Board Address 1 Off
Leave at default unless multiple 2 Off
I/O boards are being used. See
Section 5.15 Add a 2nd IO Board,
page 154 for more information.
SW13 Diagnostics/Programming 1 Off
Leave at default 2 Off
3 Off
4 Off
AN1-AN8 Analog Function Select Use the table below to set the
appropriate input ranges.
Used to program the analog range
for analog inputs 1 – 8. Switch 1 Switch 2 Range
Off Off 0-5V
On Off 0-10V
Off On 4-20mA

Digital Input and Output Modules for the I/O board are available as follows:

Table 8: Digital Input and Output Modules

Description Part Number Voltage Range Max Output Color

Current Input
DC Input Module 129130 3.3 to 32 Vdc 1000 Ohms White
DC Output 129131 3 to 60 Vdc 1.5 Amperes Red
AC/DC Input 129132 90 to 28 K Ohms Yellow
Module 140 Vac/Vdc
AC/DC Input 801632 180 to 75 K Ohms Yellow
Module 280 Vac/Vdc

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Table 8: Digital Input and Output Modules (cont'd.)

Description Part Number Voltage Range Max Output Color

Current Input
AC Output 800864 24 to 280 Vac 1.5 Amperes Black
Relay (Dry 801633 120 Vac/100 Vdc 1.5 Amperes Red
Contract) Output

These modules are installed in the IO 1–IO 12 sockets on the I/O board. The picture below
shows how a DC Input Relay module would be installed.

Figure 6: DC Input Relay Install

The Digital I/O is configured as inputs or outputs in the Apollo System. By default, Digital I/O
are configured in the Apollo system as inputs¹. Set an I/O as an output by connecting it to the
desired Trigger using the “Connect this Trigger to a Digital Output” selection on the Trigger Info
screen. See Section 5.15 Add a 2nd IO Board, page 154 for more details.
¹There is an exception to the “input by default” rule. In the switchboard template, Digital I/O 7
is set by default as an output and connected to the Contactor On trigger used to start and
stop the motor.

3.2.3 Downhole Sensor Interface (DSI) Assembly

The Osiris Downhole Sensor Interface (DSI) Assembly works in conjunction with a GE Oil & Gas
supplied Osiris Downhole Tool to acquire well information and communicate that information to

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the Apollo HMI via the Apollo Sub-System RS-485 Communication port. Apollo also supports
an interface for the following downhole tools:
• Zenith E-Series Sensors using ZIU or the Zenith Surface Panel
• GRC Tools using SPS1500 or Scout 3000 panels
• Centinel
By default, the “Standard” template is pre-configured for the Osiris Downhole Sensor displaying
pressures as PSI and temperatures as Degrees F. To remove Osiris, interface with a different
sensor, or to change engineering units for downhole channels, See Section 5.2 Setup a
Downhole Tool, page 119.

The Osiris Downhole Sensor Interface (DSI) Assembly is only required for ESP
applications that employ a GE Oil & Gas Osiris Downhole Sensor. It is not required in
applications that do not employ a Downhole Sensor. It cannot be used as an interface
to Downhole Sensors manufactured by others.

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Figure 7: ESP Downhole Sensor Interface (DSI) Assembly (Part Number 197146)

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The switches on the DSI are as follows:

Table 9: DSI Switches

Designator Description Default

SW2 Operating Mode (16 position Should be set based on
rotary switch)a application.
0 = Vector VII or CTI RTU
6 = Apollo
SW3 Diagnostics/Programming 1 Off
Leave at default 2 Off
3 Off
4 Off

aTheboard must be powered off and back on after the Operating Mode has been

3.2.4 RSTi Expansion I/O Module

Apollo is especially suited for complex Surface Pumping System (SPS) applications. Many SPS
systems include Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) to monitor several locations within
the motor and thrust chamber. To fulfill this requirement, the Apollo system supports the GE
Intelligent Platforms RSTi Expansion I/O modules. Current support is limited to up to 16 RTD
inputs using the 4 and 8 input RTD Modules shown in Table 10: RSTi Expansion I/O Module,
page 33. The system can use any combination of these two modules limited to 16 inputs.
RSTi I/O Components include:

Table 10: RSTi Expansion I/O Module

Description GE AL Part GE IP Part Notes

Number Number
Network Adapters
I/O Network Adapter, 3000341 Modbus I/O Module – Required
GE,Modbus -485 in all systems
Power Distribution

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Table 10: RSTi Expansion I/O Module (cont'd.)

Description GE AL Part GE IP Part Notes

Number Number
I/O Remote, GE, RSTI, 3000338 ST-7588 Potential Distribution Module
Common Module common for 0 and 24 Vdc
Required for systems that
need to provide 24 Vdc power
for field sensors.
Digital Inputs
I/O Remote, GE, RSTI, 3000337 ST-1218 GE RSTI 8x Digital In 12/24 Vdc
8CH Dig In positive logic
RSTI, 4x, Digital In, 3004919 ST-1214 GE RSTI 4x Digital In 12/24 Vdc
(12/24V) positive logic
Digital Outputs
RSTI, 4x, Digital Out, 3004920 ST-2324 GE RSTI 4x Digital Out (12V, 0.5A)
(12V, 0.5A)
RSTI, 4x, DIGITAL OUT, 3004923 ST-2744 GE RSTI 4x Digital Out
230 Vac/2A, 24 Vdc/2A 230 Vac/2A, 24 Vdc/2A
Analog Inputs
I/O Remote, GE, RSTI, 3000336 ST-3704 4 Channel RTD Module
Requires Breakout Box (see
I/O Remote, GE, RSTI, 3000340 ST-3708 8 Channel RTD Module
Requires Breakout Box (see
I/O 3000339 ST-3218 GE RSTI 8x Analog In
Remote,GE,RSTI,8CH, 4~20mA 12bit
4-20 Analog In
RSTI, 4x, Analog In, 3004924 ST-3214 GE RSTI 4x Analog In
Module 4~20mA 12bit
Analog Outputs
RSTI, 2x, Analog Out, 3004918 ST-4112 GE RSTI 2x Analog Out 0-20mA
Other Components

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Table 10: RSTi Expansion I/O Module (cont'd.)

Description GE AL Part GE IP Part Notes

Number Number
Module,interface 3003172 Breakout Box – One required for
Screw/Ribbon Conn each 8 or 4 channel RTD module.
Each Breakout Box requires one
of the 3 cables listed below.
Ribbon,Cable Flat 20PIN 3003169 Connects Field Wiring Block
FEM 18INCH RSTi to RTD Module
Ribbon,Cable Flat 20PIN 3003170 Connects Field Wiring Block
FEM 10INCH RSTi to RTD Module
Ribbon,Cable Flat 20PIN 3003171 Connects Field Wiring Block
FEM 6INCH RSTi to RTD Module

Figure 8: 8 Channel RTD Setup

A typical 8 channel RTD setup is shown in Figure 8: 8 Channel RTD Setup, page 35. The
breakout box is not shown.

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Table 11: DIP Switch Settings

Description Setting
Comm Settings Switch Switch 1-4 ON
Switch 5-8 OFF
X10 Dial 0
X1 Dial 2

The DIP switch settings above define the following configuration:

• 115,200 baud, Watchdog On, N81, Modbus RTU mode.
• Modbus address is 2.

Table 12: Power Connections

Position Connection Sub-System I/O Bus

0 System Power (+24V) +24 Vdc
1 System Power (0V) GND
2 Ground
3 Ground
4 Field Power (0V) External 24V Supply – GND
5 Field Power (0V) External 24V Supply – GND
6 Field Power (+24V) External 24V Supply ±24V
7 Field Power (+24V) External 24V Supply ±24V

Communication Connections:
Communication Connections Apollo communicates with the RSTi I/O using the Sub-System
communication port (COM3) which can be shared with the Apollo I/O board.

Table 13: Communication Connections

Position Connection Sub-System I/O Bus

1 (Top) Data + A
2 Data - B
3 Ground/Signal Common GND

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Table 13: Communication Connections (cont'd.)

Position Connection Sub-System I/O Bus

4 Shield SHIELD
5 (Bottom) Field Ground

Sensor Types:
The RSTi I/O is compatible with Platinum PT-100 RTDs.

If RSTi analog input modules are used, they need to be connected to the Modbus
Network Adapter before all other modules.
Figure 9: ST-3704 Interface Design, page 37 shows the interface design for ST-3704.

Figure 9: ST-3704 Interface Design

Figure 10: ST-3708 Interface Design, page 38 shows the interface design for ST-3708.

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Figure 10: ST-3708 Interface Design

Figure 11: ST-1218 Interface Design, page 38 shows the interface design for ST-1218.

Figure 11: ST-1218 Interface Design

Figure 12: ST-7588 Interface Design, page 39 shows the interface design for ST-7588.

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Figure 12: ST-7588 Interface Design

Figure 13: ST-3218 Interface Design, page 39 shows the interface design for ST-3218.

Figure 13: ST-3218 Interface Design

Figure 14: ST-4112 Interface Design, page 40 shows the interface design for ST-4112.

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Figure 14: ST-4112 Interface Design

Figure 15: ST-1214 Interface Design, page 40 shows the interface design for ST-1214.

Figure 15: ST-1214 Interface Design

Figure 16: ST-2324 Interface Design, page 41 shows the interface design for ST-2324.

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Figure 16: ST-2324 Interface Design

Figure 17: ST-2744 Interface Design, page 41 shows the interface design for ST-2744.

Figure 17: ST-2744 Interface Design

Figure 18: ST-3214 Interface Design, page 42 shows the interface design for ST-3214.

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Figure 18: ST-3214 Interface Design

Table 14: ST-3704 RTD Connections

Pin No. Description

1 RTD Ch#0+
2 RTD Ch#0-
3 RTD Ch#1+
4 RTD Ch#1-
5 RTD Ch#2+
6 RTD Ch#2-
7 RTD Ch#3+
8 RTD Ch#3-

Table 15: ST-3708 RTD Connections

Pin No. Description

1 RTD Ch#0+
2 RTD Ch#0-
3 RTD Ch#1+

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Table 15: ST-3708 RTD Connections (cont'd.)

Pin No. Description

4 RTD Ch#1-
5 RTD Ch#2+
6 RTD Ch#2-
7 RTD Ch#3+
8 RTD Ch#3-
11 RTD Ch#4+
12 RTD Ch#4-
13 RTD Ch#5+
14 RTD Ch#5-
15 RTD Ch#6+
16 RTD Ch#6-
17 RTD Ch#7+
18 RTD Ch#7-

3.2.5 Backspin Probes

ESP motors do not immediately come to a stop when power is removed. Instead the column of
fluid from the top of the pump to the surface falls back down the tubing causing the pump to spin
backwards. Starting the ESP motor during this “backspin” can cause damage to the pump or
motor. Backspin Probes provide Apollo the ability to detect when backspin is occurring. Apollo
can then be programmed to wait until the backspin has ended before starting the ESP motor.
A motor in backspin generates a voltage back up the motor lead cables to the transformer.
Backspin Probes measure this motor voltage at the output of the step-up transformer. The
probes are connected to the Apollo EIO board via three AC inputs and are installed inside an
external enclosure mounted to the VSD as shown in Figure 19: Backspin Probes-Drawing
1, page 44. Part Number 197543 consists of the external enclosure and the backspin probe
assembly. Currently, backspin input is not supported by RSTi.

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Figure 19: Backspin Probes-Drawing 1

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Figure 20: Backspin Probes-Drawing 2

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3.2.6 Block Diagram–Apollo System in a Vector VII or Vector Plus ESP Application

Figure 21: Apollo System in a Vector VII or Vector Plus ESP Application

• The Apollo I/O Board is not required in applications where the drive module provides
sufficient I/O.
• The ESP Downhole Sensor Interface (DSI) is only required for ESP applications that
employ a GE Oil & Gas Osiris Downhole Sensor.
• The voltage sensing PTs and current sensing CTs are seldom used in drive
• Apollo version 3 also works with the GE Vector Plus VSD.

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3.2.7 Block Diagram–Apollo System in a Switchboard Application

Figure 22: Apollo System in a Switchboard Application

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3.2.8 Block Diagram–Apollo System in a Vector VII or Vector Plus SPS Application

Figure 23: Apollo System in a Vector VII or Vector Plus SPS Application

• The RSTi I/O is only required in systems with RTD sensors.

• Apollo version 3 also works with the GE Vector Plus VSD.

3.3 Hardware Installation

The Apollo Intelligent Control System can be installed in new GE Oil & Gas manufactured Vector Plus
Variable Speed Drives. It can also be provided in component form suitable for installation in existing GE Oil
and Gas legacy drives.
New Vector Plus Variable Speed Drives equipped with the Apollo Intelligent Control System will have
the Apollo HMI installed at the factory. For new Vector Plus drive applications that require additional I/O
or a GE Oil & Gas Downhole sensor, the Apollo I/O Board Assembly and ESP DSI Assembly will usually
also be installed at the factory.
The Apollo Intelligent Control System can be added to an existing Vector VII drive if that Vector VII drive is
equipped with the new style Vector VII Operator Control Panel.

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The Apollo Intelligent Control System cannot be added to a Vector VII drive equipped with a “Blue
Box” type Operator Panel. Retrofit Kits (Part Numbers 810283, 810286, 810215) are available to
convert existing Vector VII drives with “BlueBox” type Operator Panels to the new style Vector VII
Operator Control Panel. The Apollo Intelligent Control System can only be added to an existing
Vector VII drive with a “Blue Box” type Operator Panel after the existing drive has been converted
to a Vector VII drive with the new style Operator Control Panel.
• Part Number 810283– Vector VII “Blue Box” Retrofit Kit (Includes new style Operator Control
Panel, Memory Stick with Firmware Upgrade Files, and all cables required to upgrade firmware
in both the DriveModule and the Operator Control Panel.
• Part Number 810286– Same as 810283 except it is stainless steel.
• Part Number 810215– Vector VII Operator Panel Replacement Kit (Includes new style Operator
Control Panel only). This is for use by those who already have a copy of the needed firmware
files and all the cables required to upgrade firmware in both the Drive Module and the Operator
Control Panel.
Adding the Apollo Intelligent Control System to an existing Vector VII drive (one equipped with the new style
Operator Control Panel) requires a “full install” of the Apollo Operating System. For additional information on
how to perform a “full install”, see Section 12: Appendix A–Full Installation of Apollo Software, page 246 .

3.3.1 Mechanical Installation – Non-Vector Plus Applications

Apollo HMI Installation

The Apollo HMI can be easily mounted into an existing Variable Speed Drive, Switchboard, or
other panel that has an existing cutout for an Amp Chart Recorder (13 9/16” High x 10 5/16”
Wide). For these applications select Part Number 197144 which is the Apollo HMI suitable for
mounting in an Amp Chart Opening.
1. Remove Amp Chart and clean surface of the Amp Chart cut-out opening.

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Figure 24: Remove Amp Chart

2. Insert Apollo HMI (Part Number 197144) into Amp Chart opening.

Figure 25: Insert Apollo HMI

3. Use fender washer and nut to tighten center studs from panel onto the door.

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Figure 26: Tighten Center Studs

4. Place side brackets on studs and tighten down.

Figure 27: Side brackets on Studs

5. Attach clear safety shield to outside of brackets with supplied hex head hardware.

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Figure 28: Clear Safety Shield Attached

6. Install Window Kit on the outside of the enclosure.

Figure 29: Window Kit Installed

For applications where an Apollo HMI will be mounted into an existing Vector VII drive with the
old “Blue Box” HMI, use Part Numbers 810283, 810215, or 810286 (depending on existing
mounting arrangement) and follow the mounting instructions provided with those items. See
Section 3.3 Hardware Installation, page 48 to determine the appropriate part number.
Apollo I/O Board/ESP DSI Panel Assembly

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Part Number 197207 is the Apollo I/O Board/ESP DSI Panel Assembly. It consists of a Mounting
Panel that includes both the Apollo I/O Board Assembly (Part Number 197148) and the ESP DSI
Assembly (Part Number 197146). The panel dimensions are 14” x 20” with the mounting holes
lined up on 12” vertical and 18” horizontal centers.
This Mounting Panel is designed to mount on the inside of the door of a Vector Plus drive in
the area reserved for options mounting. It can also be used as a convenient mounting panel
for use in applications where an Apollo Intelligent Control System is being added to an existing
Variable Speed Drive, Switchboard, or Soft Start product. When using this assembly with a
product other than the Vector Plus, always make sure that adequate space is available to mount
this panel. See Figure 30: Apollo I/O Board/ESP DSI Panel Assembly (Part Number 197207),
page 53 for mounting dimensions.

Figure 30: Apollo I/O Board/ESP DSI Panel Assembly (Part Number 197207)

Two other versions of this Mounting Panel Assembly are available for applications that may not
require both the Apollo I/O Board and the ESP Downhole Sensor Interface.
• Part Number 197209 consists of the Mounting Panel with the Apollo I/O Board Assembly only.
• Part Number 197208 consists of the Mounting Panel with the ESP DSI Assembly only.
The Apollo I/O Board Assembly and the ESP DSI Assembly are also available as stand alone
items. Each item is provided with its own compact mounting plate.
• Part Number 197148 is the Apollo I/O Board Assembly only.
• Part Number 197146 is the ESP DSI Assembly only.
The Apollo I/O Board Assembly is also available with the Zenith Sensor Interface as shown in
Figure 31: Zenith Configuration-Drawing 1, page 55.

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• Part Number 3000252 consists of the Mounting Panel with the Apollo I/O Board Assembly
and Zenith Interface Unit.
• Part Number 810822 is the Zenith Interface Unit only.
The Zenith Interface Unit card connects to the Apollo I/O Board via a Serial/USB adapter (PN

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Figure 31: Zenith Configuration-Drawing 1

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Figure 32: Zenith Configuration-Drawing 2

3.4 System Concepts and Definitions

3.4.1 Inputs

Inputs are information sources from the well site (like a pressure gauge). These sources can be
Analog or Digital Inputs, Downhole Sensor data, or Drive data.
Examples of Inputs:
• Pressure sensor connected to an analog input
• Vibration sensor connected to a digital input
• Drive frequency read from the drive using a serial link
• Motor temperature read from a downhole tool using a serial link
How inputs are used in the Apollo system:
• Input data is collected periodically (polled). Polling rate is about 10 times per second for inputs
on the I/O board, about 5 times per second for drive data, once a second for RSTi modules
and about every 5 seconds for downhole data.
• Channel values are formed when input data are scaled and an algorithm is applied.
• The Apollo system handles all digital and analog inputs the same, whether the inputs are on
the Apollo HMI, the Vector VII drive, the Apollo I/O board, or the downhole sensor.

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3.4.2 Channels

Channels are real-time information collected and displayed by the system. Often, channels are
based on a system input that is scaled to engineering units (like Tank Level scaled to feet).
However, channels can also be based on other channels (derived channels).
Examples of Channels:
• Channel based on an analog input (Tank Level, Flowline Pressure)
• Channel based on a downhole tool input (Intake Pressure)
• Derived channel (Average Motor Amps)
Using derived channels and the flexible menu of algorithms provided by the Apollo system allows
for complex control to be programmed without resorting to a PLC.

3.4.3 Triggers

Triggers monitor channel information. They signal significant events or conditions concerning
the pumping system. They are called triggers because they can be used to trigger various
shutdowns, warnings and other actions. For example, a High Limit trigger tests the value of a
channel against a limit. If the limit is exceeded the trigger is activated (set) and the system state
is affected (depending on the Trigger Action).
Examples of Triggers:
• Tank Level High Trigger-Starts motor if a tank level exceeds the programmed threshold.
• Intake Pressure Low Trigger-Stops the motor if the downhole pump intake pressure is less
than the specified value.
See the Section 10: Trigger Definition, page 213 of this manual for more information.

3.4.4 Outputs

Outputs connect channel and trigger values to other systems or devices outside the Apollo
system. For example, a digital output could be connected to the Motor Temperature High
trigger. The output could activate a signal to inform a user that the motor had stopped due to
a high temperature.
Select “Connect this TRIGGER to a DIGITAL OUTPUT” from any Trigger Info screen to attach
an output to a trigger. Or, go to Main Menu, see Section 4.3 Main Menu, page 85 and select
“Connect a Trigger to Dig Out”. See Section 5.15 Add a 2nd IO Board, page 154 for more

3.4.5 Example – Input / Channel / Trigger / Output

The diagram below shows a simple example of the various structures in the Well Control System.

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Figure 33: Various Structures in a Well Control System

3.4.6 Templates

A template is a set of channel, trigger, and output configurations that define the functionality for
an application. For example, the Standard template includes predefined channels and triggers
needed in a basic ESP pumping system.
The purpose of a template is to define the functionality of the system. Templates allow the
Apollo system to be pre-configured for a variety of applications, thus minimizing the manual
setup required by the installer.
The following templates are available:

Table 16: Templates

Template Use
SWB Use in switchboard and soft-start applications.
Standard Installed by default. Used in all Vector VII and
Vector Plus applications.
Analog Use in variable speed drives that Apollo does not support
via a serial (RS-232, RS-485) connection.
A1KBasicIHM Mimics the Vector VII (white screen) user interface.
Note that it also Limits Apollo’s functionality to that of
the Vector VII. Not recommended for new installations
and only when requested by the customer.

Templates are loaded from the Load a New Template selection on the Figure 60: Main
Menu-Screen 2, page 86.

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3.4.7 Configuration Wizards

Configuration Wizards are automated procedures that lead the user through the steps necessary
to accomplish various configuration tasks in the Apollo system. Commonly used Configuration
Wizards include:

Table 17: Configuration Wizards

Wizard Name Wizard Function

Add 1st IO Board Add support for the Apollo I/O board. Menu/Other Initial
Setup->Page 2
Setup DH Tool Select a downhole tool to use, pressure and temperature
units, and limits. Menu/Other Initial Setup->Page 2
Setup Pump Speed PID Set up the parameters needed to use the pump speed
control PID. Menu/Drive Mode/PID Mode
Setup Pump Curve Set the parameters needed to activate the Pump Curve
monitoring capabilities of Apollo. Menu/Other Initial
Setup->Page 2/Pump Curve Setup/Setup Pump Curve
SPS Setup Converts the Standard Template for use in an SPS
application. Menu/Other Initial Setup->Page 2/SPS Setup

Other wizards are available at Menu/Initial Setup->Page 3/Configuration Wizards.

New Configuration Wizards can be added to the system using a USB Flash drive. New
Wizards will be made available via the SupportCentral Drives and Controls Product
Support website.

3.5 Drive Modes

This section includes an overview of the available drive modes. For additional information, see Section 5.6
Setup Drive Mode, page 132.

3.5.1 Manual Frequency Mode

Control mode in which the drive runs at a programmable speed.

3.5.2 Current Control Mode

Control mode in which the drive speed is varied in an attempt to provide a fixed output current.
Current Control is sometimes used in gassy wells, when a pump encounters a gas pocket, the
load will be reduced and the output current of the drive will drop. The drive will speed up in an

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attempt to clear the gas pocket from the pump. If the gas pocket clears, the load will return and
the drive speed will slow back to the speed needed to maintain the specified current setpoint.

3.5.3 PID Speed Control Mode

Control mode in which the drive speed is varied in an attempt to keep a system parameter
(referred to as the control or feedback parameter) at a specified level.
Common control parameters include:
• Pump Intake Pressure (ESP system)
• Tank Level (SPS system)

3.5.4 Analog Follower Mode

Control mode in which the drive speed is based on a scaled analog input. Analog Follower mode
is often used in situations in which another controller, such as a PLC, dictates the speed at
which the drive should run.

3.6 User Interface Conventions

Figure 34: Apollo User Interface

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3.6.1 LEDs

Three high intensity LEDs are located just above the LCD screen. These can be used “at a
glance” to determine the operating state of the Apollo system. The table below relates the
LED status to the drive state.

Table 18: LED Status

Drive State Stop (Red) Fault (Amber) Run (Green)

Locked Out On Off Off
Fault On On Off
Ready On Off Off
Restart (More than On Flash Off
1 minute)
Restart (Less than Flash Flash Off
1 minute)
Prepare to Start (SPS Off Off Flash
start sequence or
ESP Backspin)
Running Off Off On
Running with Warning Off Off Flash

3.6.2 Function Buttons

Function buttons F1-F5 are defined by the labels located above them. For example, in the image
above function button F3 will take the user to the Settings screen.

3.6.3 Arrow Buttons

The arrow buttons are used for navigation and editing. Their use is screen dependent and will be
described in the Screen Types section. For most screens, Up/Down is used to select a screen
object (you must be logged in) while Left/Right is used to move to the Previous or Next page. On
editing screens, Left and Right are often used to select the digit to be modified while Up and
Down increment and decrement the value.

3.6.4 Start/Stop Buttons

The Stop button is used to stop a running drive and to put it in the Locked Out state. The Start
button is used to advance the drive from its current drive state toward a running state. The Start
button may have to be pushed more than one time to advance the drive to the Running state.
For example, a locked out drive will require one Start to clear the lockout. A second Start may
be required to actually start the system. Warning: Pushing the Start Button may advance the
System State and cause the system to automatically start.

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3.6.5 System State

The System State shows the up-to-date state of the Apollo system. The System State is
displayed in the upper left corner of most drive screens.
Values for the System state include:

Table 19: System State Values

System State Description

No Drive Comm Communications between the drive controller and the drive power
module have not been established.
The drive will not start in the No Drive Comm state.
No IO Comm In a Switchboard application, this state indicates that
communications with the IO board have failed.
The drive will not start in the No Drive Comm state.
Locked Out* Drive is locked out.
The drive will not start until the lock-out is cleared by a local
operator or remotely via SCADA.
Fault Drive is stopped. A fault is active.
When the fault clears, the drive will enter the Ready state (if
Restarts are not enabled) or the Restart State (if Restarts are
The drive will not start in the Fault state.
Ready-Manual Drive is stopped. No faults are active. The system goes to this
state only when the ManualStartOnly parameter is set to TRUE.
The drive will not start without user intervention by a local operator.
Ready Drive is stopped. No faults are active. Restarts are enabled.
The drive may start automatically from this state.
Prepare2Start The drive is performing pre-run checks. An example of a pre-run
check is a backspin check in an ESP system.
The drive will start automatically when the pre-run checks are
StartSequence In an SPS system, this state will be labeled StartSequence.
Starting The drive has started and is ramping up to the Start Frequency.
Running The drive is running.

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Table 19: System State Values (cont'd.)

System State Description

Run Mode 2 The drive is running in an alternate run mode. These modes must
be set up by Level 2 or Level 3 users.
The mode name may be changed to better reflect the operation
being performed. For example, Run Mode 2 could be programmed
to run the drive for a fixed amount of time at a higher drive
frequency to drain off excess fluid in the well. “Run Mode 2”
could be renamed “Draining” to better reflect the operation being
Run Mode 3 The drive is running in an alternate run mode. These modes must
be set up by Level 2 or Level 3 users.
The mode name may be changed to better reflect the operation
being performed.
Stopping The drive is stopping.

*Timed and/or Triggered restarts may occur if the drive is not locked-out. Do
not clear a lock-out until it is safe to start the drive.

3.6.6 Trigger Ticker

The Trigger Ticker is shown on select screens. The Trigger Ticker is a changing 1 line marquee
that includes relevant information including; Drive Name, Drive Control Mode, Motor Direction,
and the first five items from the Relevant Triggers screen.

3.7 User Levels

The Apollo system supports three user levels denoted Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Each user level
has specific privileges.

3.7.1 Level 1 Users “Logged-out”

The lowest level of privilege in the Apollo system is Level 1. This level is designed for operators
who need to run the drive and monitor its performance but are not trained to configure the
drive. Level 1 users are not required to log in.
Level 1 users have the following permissions:
• View data on a limited number of data display screens
• View the Event Log and Relevant Triggers screens

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• View graphical data associated with the parameters displayed on a data display screen
• Make very limited changes to the system operation. The system changes allowed in the
default configuration are:
– Start the drive
– Stop the drive
– Adjust the drive speed setpoint
– Select the drive display color scheme
• Collect historical data and events on a USB Flash drive

3.7.2 Level 2 Users “Logged-in”

Level 2 access requires a login. This level is designed for service personnel who need to setup
the drive at installation or modify the drive’s configuration to optimize its performance. Many of
the information screens are simplified at this level in comparison to Level 3 Users..
Level 2 users have the following permissions:
• All Level 1 permissions
• View all data display screens
• View all Trigger screens
• Access configuration menu
• Configure the drive

3.7.3 Level 3 Users “Advanced”

Level 3 access requires a login. This level is designed for experts who need to add functionality
to the drive.
Level 3 users have the following permissions:
• All Level 2 permissions
• Advanced editing of Channels and Triggers
• Configure New Channels and Triggers

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3.8 Screen Types

3.8.1 Home Screen

Figure 35: Home Screen

The Home Screen is the default screen when the drive is powered up. It displays the data
most relevant to the user.
Keypad Functions:
F1: “Data” – Used to view available data display screens.
F2: “Home” – Closes the current screen and displays the Home screen.
F3: “Settings” – Access drive settings that can be changed.
F4: “Events” – Activates the Event Log screen containing the 4096 newest events.
F5: Graphs” – View historical graphs of the data shown on this page.
Arrows: When logged in, arrow keys allow selection of a screen object which brings up an
info screen for the selected object.

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• Level 2 and Level 3 users can customize the data on this screen. See Section 5.16
Edit a Screen, page 154.
• Default data shown in image is for an ESP system. SPS and Switchboard applications
have different default data.

3.8.2 Data Display Screens

Level 1 users access Data Display screens by pressing the Data function button from the Home
Screen. Repeatedly pressing the Data function button allows the user to view all of the available
data display screens.
By default, Data Display Screens include the Downhole screen, Digital and Analog I/O screens,
and the Amp Chart screen.
A list of all the Data Display screens appears when a Level 2 or Level 3 user presses the Data
function button on the Home Screen. The user can then highlight the desired screen using the up
and down arrows and navigate to the highlighted screen by pressing the Select function button.
Additional screens are also added based on the configuration. For example, if a level 2 user
configures the pump curve parameters, the pump curve screen will be added to the Data
Display screens.
• Downhole Screen:

Figure 36: Downhole Screen

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The Downhole screen displays the data from the downhole sensor (usually GE’s Osiris
downhole sensor). This screen will not be available if there is no downhole tool configured
in the system.
• Digital I/O Screen:

Figure 37: Digital I/O Screen

The Digital I/O screen displays the state of all the digital inputs in the system. Figure 37: Digital
I/O Screen, page 67 a minimal configuration. If an Apollo Extended I/O board is configured in
the system, its digital I/O will be shown on this screen. This screen cannot be edited.
Screen Data:
Screen data on the Digital IO screen shows the current state of all the digital inputs and
outputs in the system.
– Digital I/O Name
♦ V7 Dig In x indicates an input on the drive power module.
♦ HMI Dig In x indicates an input on the HMI.
♦ EIO Dig Opt x indicates a digital I/O on the Apollo I/O board.

The Digital I/O Name will normally be changed to reflect the meaning of the input
or output.
– Value Field Digital Inputs

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♦ False: Digital Input is in its inactive state (e.g., a Normally Open contact is open or a
Normally Closed contact is closed.)
♦ True: Digital Input is in its active state (e.g., a Normally Open contact is closed or a
Normally Closed contact is open.) Digital Outputs
♦ 0 indicates the relay is OPEN. If the Digital Output is configured as Normally Open, the
controlling trigger is CLEAR. If the Digital Output is configured as Normally Closed, the
controlling trigger is SET.
♦ 1 indicates the relay is CLOSED. If the Digital Output is configured as Normally Open,
the controlling trigger is SET. If the Digital Output is configured as Normally Closed,
the controlling trigger is CLEAR.
• Analogs Screen:

Figure 38: Analog I/O Screen

The Analogs screen displays the values of all analog inputs in the system. The screen above
shows a minimal configuration. If an Apollo Extended I/O board is configured in the system, its
analog inputs will also be shown on this screen.
Screen Data:
Screen data on the Analogs screen shows the current values of all the analog inputs in the
– Input Label – The label assigned to the analog input (e.g., Tubing Pressure.)
– Input Value – The input value assigned to the corresponding label (e.g., 140.0 psi.)
• Amp Chart Screen:

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Figure 39: Amp Chart Screen

The Amp Chart screen displays one day or seven days of drive output current data in the
familiar circular format. Data is saved based on a dead band algorithm up to once per second.
Screen Data:
Screen data on the Amp Chart screen shows the drive output current in Amps.
– Amp Chart Date
– Graphical Output
– Outer Ring – Amps at the outer ring of the chart
– Each Ring – Amps per minor division
Keypad Functions:
F1: “Data” – Display the next data display screen.
F2: “Home” – Closes the current screen and displays the Home screen.
F3: “Settings” – Access drive settings that can be changed.
F4: “Events” – Activates the Event Log screen containing the 4096 newest events.
F5: “Graphs” – View historical graphs of the data shown on this page.
– Up, Down – Change the chart format between 1 and 7 days.
– Right, Left – View the amp chart for a different date.

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• Other Screens:
Some applications or customers may require level 1 users to access other data display
screens. Level 2 and Level 3 users can add other screens to the sequence as needed.

3.8.3 Settings

Settings Screens provide easy access to commonly modified parameters. By default, only the
Pump Speed and the Color Scheme are the only Settings Screens available without logging in.
Additional Settings Screens can be added as needed to give non-logged in persons access
to specific settings.
After logging in, users access a wider range of Settings Screens using the Settings button.
• Setpoint Screens:
The Setpoint screen allows the user to change the setpoint for the currently active drive mode.
The settings screen can be accessed by pressing the Settings function button from the home
screen. Repeatedly pressing the Settings function button will allow the user to access all
available settings. The data displayed on this are:
– Drive Status-The current state in which the drive is operating.
– Drive Mode Dependent Setpoint Screen
– Manual Frequency Drive Mode: The Frequency Setpoint will be displayed.

Figure 40: Setpoint Screen (Manual Frequency Mode)

– PID Speed Control Drive Mode: The PID setpoint will be displayed. By default the setpoint
is labelled "DHPrsSetpoint" (Downhole Pressure Setpoint). This label can be given an
application specific name when the PID is configured.

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Figure 41: Setpoint Screen (PID Speed Control Mode)

– Current Control Drive Mode: The Drive Output Current setpoint (iMode Setpoint) will be

Figure 42: Setpoint Screen (Current Control Mode)

– Analog Follower Drive Mode: No setpoint is displayed. Instead, a notice is shown explaining
that the user cannot modify the drive speed in Analog Follower mode.

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Figure 43: Setpoint Screen (Analog Follower Mode)

– Limit: I-Limit is not a drive mode. However, if the I-Limit has been set and is currently
controlling the drive frequency, the I-Limit setting is displayed instead of the current drive
mode setpoint screen.

Figure 44: Setpoint Screen (I-Limit Controlling Pump Speed)

Keypad Functions:
F1: “Exit” – Exits the settings screen.
F2: “Home” – Closes the current screen and displays the Home screen.

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F3: “Settings” – Display the next setting that can be changed.

F5: “Menu” – If Logged-in or “Login” If Logged-out.
– Up, Down – Change the digit to the right of the flashing insertion point.
– Right, Left – Move the insertion point.
• Color Scheme:

Figure 45: Color Scheme Setting Screen

The Color Scheme settings screen allows the user to change display’s color scheme.
Choosing a different color scheme may make the display easier to read in bright sunlight.
Screen Data:

Table 20: Color Scheme

Color Scheme Description

Color On Black Different system structures are displayed in different
colors on a black background. The colors provide
additional information, but the screen is harder
to read in direct sunlight.
White on Black White text appears on a black background. This
is the default setting.
Black on White Black text appears on a white background.

• Other Settings:

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As programmed by Level 2.
Other settings available to Level 2 and Level 3 users are configuration dependent and can be
programmed by users at Level 2 or above.

3.8.4 Event Log Screen/Relevant Triggers Screen

• Event Log Screen:

Figure 46: Event Log Screen

The event log is a time and date stamped list of the most recent 4095 system events. The
newest events are at the top of the list. Move forward in the list (use Right Arrow to advance to
Next Page) to view older events.
Screen Data:

Table 21: Event Type

Event Type Description

System State Transition System states are denoted by square brackets [ ].
Trigger Activation Events Triggers are activated whenever the system detects a
monitored system event. For example, “U-Load PreTrig” and
“Underload Stop” are trigger activations in the screen shot
above. Underload Stop caused the drive to stop at 16:24:52.
Trigger Clear Events Some triggers also create an event when they transition from
SET to CLEAR. The “Vibration Clear” event in the screenshot
above is an example.

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Keypad Functions
F1: “Exit” - Exits the settings screen.
F2: “Home” - Closes the current screen and displays the Home screen.
F4: “Triggers” - Display the Relevant Trigger screen.
– Up, Down - Login required to select objects.
– Right, Left - Page through events to view older or newer events.
• Relevant Triggers Screen:

Figure 47: Relevant Triggers Screen

Relevant triggers are system events that are currently affecting the system state of the drive. If
a drive won’t start, it is highly recommended to review the relevant triggers to identify what
is keeping the drive from starting.
Screen Data:
Triggers that are currently affecting the system state of the drive.
In the above example, the drive shut down and locked out on an underload. The underload is
no longer set (the underload state can only be active when the drive is running). As there are
no triggers on the Relevant Trigger screen that show “Set”, pressing the Start button should
start the drive startup sequence.
Relevant Trigger – The fault which triggered the change in drive state Each relevant trigger
consists of a trigger name, trigger state, and a trigger detail.
– Trigger Name – “Underload” in the screenshot. Name of the relevant trigger.

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– Trigger State – “Clr” (Clear) in the screenshot. Clear (Clr) indicates that the condition that
caused the trigger to occur is not currently present. Set indicates that the condition that
caused the trigger to occur is still present.

A trigger is Clear if it is not enabled in the current drive state.

– Trigger Detail – “Locked Out” in the screenshot. The Trigger Detail describes how the trigger
is affecting the drive state. Common trigger details include:
♦ Needs Limit Set: The trigger will prevent the drive from running until its limit is set. This
prevents the drive from running before important protections, such as motor overload,
are configured.
♦ Locked Out: The trigger locked out the drive. A locked out drive cannot be started
without user interaction.
♦ Clr Dly xx:yy: The trigger is set, but the condition that caused the trigger is no longer
active. The trigger will clear when the clear delay counts down to 0.
♦ Rstrt xx:yy: The trigger restart countdown completes in xx minutes, yy seconds.
♦ Shutdown: The trigger shut down the drive.
♦ Not Enabled:The trigger is not enabled in the current drive state.
♦ Hold: The trigger is holding the drive in the Prepare2Start state.
♦ No Start: The trigger is preventing the drive from starting.

The only trigger screen available to Level 1 users is the Relevant Trigger screen.
Level 2 users will rotate through the following trigger screens screens:
– Relevant Triggers – described above
– Active Triggers – triggers in the Set state
– Stop Triggers – triggers with an action of Stop->Fault
– AutoStart Triggers – triggers with restarts allowed
– Stop-Ready Triggers – triggers with an action of Stop->Ready
– Start Triggers – triggers with an action of Start Motor
– Hold Triggers – triggers with an action of Hold in Prestart
– In Use Triggers – all triggers currently in use by the system
– All Triggers – all 256 triggers
Keypad Functions:

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F1: “Exit” – Exits the settings screen.

F2: “Home” – Closes the current screen and displays the Home screen.
F4: “Next Type” – Displays the next trigger screen in the sequence.
– Up, Down – Select Event (Login required) to view more info.
– Right, Left – Page through relevant triggers if there is more than 1 page.

3.8.5 Graph Screens

Pressing F5 “Graph” from most display screens will display a graph screen as shown below
depicting historical data from the first graphable channel on the screen. Pressing F5 again
will show the next channel.

Figure 48: Graphs Screen

The Graph Screen displays the historical data in a graphical format. Each parameter on the data
display screen is shown on a separate graph.
Screen Data:
Historical data for the system parameter shown on the top of the screen is shown on the graph.
In the example shown, the Motor Temperature (y-axis) is graphed against time (x-axis).
• Numeric Value – The current value of the parameter is displayed just below the parameter
• Graphical Value – The value of the parameter being measured is graphed along the y-axis

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• Range – The range of time of the parameter being measured is graphed along the x-axis
Keypad Functions:
F1: “Exit” – Returns to the calling data display screen.
F2: “Home” – Closes the current screen and displays the Home screen.
F5: “Graphs” – Displays the graph screen for the next parameter on the calling data display
• Up, Down – Zoom In/Zoom Out of the graph. The shortest graph displayed is 5 minutes. The
longest graph displayed is 14 days.
• Right, Left – Move forward/backward in time. When scrolled all the way to the right, the graph is
labeled “REAL-TIME” and new data will be automatically displayed. When not in “REAL-TIME”,
the graph will show “HISTORIC” and new data will not automatically be displayed.

3.8.6 USB Menu Screen

Basic information needed to capture history for troubleshooting is included in this section.
See Section 13.1 USB Menu, page 252 for more USB information.

Figure 49: USB Menu

The USB Menu is automatically displayed when a USB Flash disk is inserted into the drive. The
USB Menu allows a user to transfer data to and from the USB Flash drive. Level 1 users will use
the USB Menu to collect data from the drive for archiving or troubleshooting purposes. The “Get
Archive Files” option is highlighted by default when the USB menu is displayed. Press the Select
function button. The files will be copied to the USB Flash drive.

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The file path on the USB Flash drive is \Site Name\Well Name\archived data.
Where Site Name and Well Name are the site and well names assigned during configuration.

To send files to GE for review or troubleshooting, do the following:

• Insert the USB Flash drive into your computer.
• Navigate to the folder \Site Name on the USB Flash drive.
• Right-click the folder Well Name and select the Sent To option and then select
“Compressed (zipped) folder from the pop-up menu.
• Wait for the data to be compressed.
• Send the file Well to GE Oil and Gas at: with a
description of the problem the pumping system is experiencing.
• If the compressed file is too big to send by e-mail (current limit is 10MB), use the
following link and upload the zip file: Field Data.

3.8.7 Automatic Screens

Drive State transitions can be programmed to display screens automatically. By default, the
following automatic screen transitions are active.
• Drive State: Lock Out
On a state transition to lock out, the Fault Status screen is automatically displayed.
The fault or faults that caused the lock out will be displayed.
This screen will be shown if restarts are disabled (ManualStartOnly is set to true) or if all the
restarts for the fault have been used.

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Figure 50: Fault Status Screen

• Drive State: Stopped-FAULT

On a state transition to Stopped-FAULT, the Fault Status screen is automatically displayed.
The active fault or faults will be displayed.
The screen will have a Flashing warning displayed informing the user that the drive will
automatically restart after the listed fault(s) clear.
When the fault(s) clear, the drive will enter the restart state and the Restart Automatic screen
will be displayed.

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Figure 51: Fault Status Screen with Auto-Start Warning

• Restart
On a state transition to Restart, the Fault Status screen is automatically displayed.
The fault or faults whose restarts are counting down will be displayed.
The screen will have a FLASHING Restart warning displayed that counts down the time
until the restart.

Figure 52: Fault Status Screen with Restart Countdown

• Run/Ready

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On a state transition to a Running or Ready state, the standard Home Screen will be
automatically displayed.

Figure 53: Home Screen

Level 2 and Level 3 users can change the screens automatically displayed as needed
for specialized applications.

4 Basic Setup Sequence

The Basic Setup Sequence allows a Level 2 user to quickly configure a simple ESP application. This process is more
complete than the Quick Start (see Section 1: Quick Start Guide , page 13), allowing access to complete menus
instead of individual parameters. Like the Quick Start, the Basic Setup Sequence assumes no I/O is present in the
system. See the Section 5: Additional Setups, page 119 for information on configuring I/O.

4.1 Log In

The Apollo Control System provides password protection to prevent unauthorized configuration changes.
Access the log in screen from the Home Screen by pressing the Settings function button and then the
Login function button.

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Figure 54: Setting Function Button

Figure 55: Login Function Button

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Figure 56: Login Screen

1. Use the up and down arrow buttons on the keypad to change the value of the selected digit. Use the left
and right arrow buttons on the keypad to select a digit.
2. The right most digit is selected by default.
3. The default Level 2 password is 9. Simply press the down arrow 1 time to change the value to 9.
4. Press the OK function button to log in.

Figure 57: Select OK on Login Screen

The Login function button on the Settings Screen is changed to Menu and the Main Menu is displayed.

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The default Advanced Level password is 8. Advanced level is only required to access Channel and Trigger
Edit screens and is not needed for normal installation and configuration tasks.

4.2 Settings Screen (Logged In)

If you are already logged in, the Settings screen appears as shown in Figure 58: Menu Function Button,
page 85. The Menu is accessed by pressing the Menu function button.

Figure 58: Menu Function Button

4.3 Main Menu

Figure 59: Main Menu

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The Main Menu consists of 3 screens (pages). Press the right and left arrow buttons to navigate between
the pages of the menu. Use the up and down arrow buttons to select a submenu to access or a parameter
to change. The image shown below is the second screen of the Main Menu. See Figure 60: Main
Menu-Screen 2, page 86.

Figure 60: Main Menu-Screen 2

The image shown in Figure 61: Main Menu-Screen 3, page 86 is the third screen of the Main Menu. See Figure 61:
Main Menu-Screen 3, page 86.

Figure 61: Main Menu-Screen 3

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The last page of the Main Menu shows several important system values, including the Apollo Revision
(CPU SoftwareRev) and the installed Template.

4.4 Other Initial Setup Menu

The Quick Start is discussed in Section 4: Basic Setup Sequence, page 82 of this manual.
From the first page of the Main Menu, access the Other Initial Setup menu by using the up and down arrows
to highlight Other Initial Setup and then press the Select function button.

Figure 62: Select Function Button

The Other Initial Setup menu is shown in Figure 63: Other Initial Setup Menu, page 88.

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Figure 63: Other Initial Setup Menu

The Other Initial Setup menu is composed of 3 screens (pages). Generally, this menu provides access
to settings that are modified during the initial setup of the pumping system and further adjustment is not
required unless the pumping system is reconfigured. The first page includes the setups required in almost
all installations. Use the left and right arrow buttons to navigate between the three pages.
The second screen of the Other Initial Setup menu is shown in Figure 64: Other Initial Setup Menu-Screen
2, page 88. It contains a number of setups that are required on some installations.

Figure 64: Other Initial Setup Menu-Screen 2

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The 3rd screen of the Other Initial Setup menu is shown in Figure 65: Other Initial Setup Menu-Screen
3 , page 89. Less common setups are included.

Figure 65: Other Initial Setup Menu-Screen 3

Use the left arrow button to navigate back to the 1st screen of the Other Initial Setup menu.

Figure 66: Apollo Clock Display

4.4.1 Set Date/Time

Use the up and down arrow buttons as needed to highlight Set Clock. Press the Select function
button. The clock screen is displayed. Verify or correct the Time Zone, date, and time. Use the
F1 and F5 function buttons to move between vertical fields. Use the left and right arrow buttons to

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move between sections of a field. Use the up and down arrow buttons to change a setting. Press
the Set function button to set the new time or timezone. Always check the Local Time setting for
correctness before leaving the screen. Sometimes, if the time has been lost (see note below),
the first time the clock is set, the Local Time will be one hour off and will need to be set again.

Apollo’s Clock runs on a rechargeable “super cap” and is designed to keep time/date
without external power for 2 to 3 months. The Apollo display may lose the time/date
settings if the unit is in storage or is unpowered for longer. It takes several hours to
fully charge the super cap.

Figure 67: Select Time Zone and Set the Time Screen

4.4.2 Set Well and Site Names

Use the up and down arrow buttons as needed to highlight Well Name. Press the Select function
button to activate the edit screen.

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Figure 68: Set Well Name-Screen 1

Use the up and down arrows to change the character to the right of the cursor. Use the right and
left arrows to select different letters in the name.
• Moving to the right of the name adds a character to the name.
• Use the down arrow from a blank to access numbers and symbols.
• Use the up arrow from a blank to access capital and then lower case letters.
• Use the <- function button to delete the current character.
Also note that a USB keyboard can be used to ease name entry. Plug the USB keyboard into the
USB port on the front of the drive.
A wireless mini-keyboard is available from GE AL, Part Number 197705

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Figure 69: Set Well Name-Screen 2

Press the Save function button. Acknowledge the confirmation screen by pressing the Yes
function button. Press the Exit function button to return to the Other Initial Setup menu. The
Other Initial Setup menu screen now reflects the well name you entered.

Figure 70: Initial Setup Updated Well Name Screen

Repeat to set the Site Name. A Site Name is not required, but can be used to group well data
from a specific field in one folder.

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Figure 71: Initial Setup Updated Site Name Screen

4.4.3 Set Global Restart Time

The restart time is the delay between when a trigger stops the Apollo system and the Apollo
system will automatically try to restart. Note that for the system to automatically restart, the
trigger that stops the system has to have a restarts/allowed count > 0. Also note that the system
will never try to restart if the ManualStartOnly parameter is set to true.
Each trigger in Apollo has its own restart time. However, by default, all restart times are set to
the Global Restart time. Best practice is to set the Global Restart time to the normal restart time
on the system (for an ESP system, this is likely the fluid fallback – backspin time). Then change
the restart time on individual triggers only where necessary. For example, in a slow recovering
well, Underload (due to pumping off all the fluid in the well bore) may require a restart time
significantly longer than the fluid fallback time.
Use the up and down arrow buttons as needed to highlight Global Restart. Press the Select
function button to activate the edit screen.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to select a digit. Use the up and down arrow buttons to
change the selected digit. Note that the selected digit is just to the right of the insert in the field.
Change the Global Restart to the desired value.

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Figure 72: Global Restart Edit Screen

Press the Save function button. Acknowledge the confirmation screen by pressing the Yes
function button. Press the Exit function button to return the Other Initial Setup menu.

4.4.4 Set DHXFormer Ratio

A step-up transformer is used in ESP applications. Program the transformer ratio in terms of the
volts out of the transformer for each volt in. For example, if a transformer is rated at 480 Volts
and you have selected a tap reading 2256 Volts, then set the transformer to 2256/480 = 4.70.
Use the up and down arrow buttons as needed to highlight DHXFormer Ratio. Press the Select
function button to activate the edit screen.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to select a digit. Use the up and down arrow buttons to
change the selected digit.

The selected digit is just to the right of the insert in the field.

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Figure 73: DHXFormer Ration Edit Screen

Press the Save function button. Acknowledge the confirmation screen by pressing the Yes
function button. Press the Exit function button to return to the Other Initial Setup menu.

The Other Initial Setup menu reflects the changes you have made.

Figure 74: Menu Initial Setup Screen

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4.4.5 Setup Power Fail Restarts

A common feature of well control systems is the ability to automatically restart if power is lost
while the system is running. By default, this feature is disabled in the Apollo Well Control System.
Do the following to enable the power fail restart function.
Use the up and down arrow buttons as needed to highlight Setup Power Fail Restarts. Press the
Select function button to activate the Power Fail Restarts menu.

Figure 75: Power Fail Rst Screen

Use the up and down arrow buttons to select Restarts/Allowed. Press the Select function button.
The edit screen will appear.

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Figure 76: Restarts/Allowed Edit Screen

Use the left and right arrow buttons to select a digit. Use the up and down arrow buttons to
change the selected digit.

The selected digit is just to the right of the insert in the field.

Figure 77: Power Fail Restart Menu

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In this example, the restarts/allowed value has been set to 50. Press the Save function button.
Acknowledge the confirmation screen by pressing the Yes function button. Press the Exit
function button to return to the Power Fail Restart menu.

The Power Fail Restart menu reflects the changes you have made.

Figure 78: Updated Power Fail Restart Screen

If it is necessary to change the restart delay for the power fault restart, select Restart Delay
and change the value using the edit screen.
Press the Exit function button to return to the Other Initial Setup menu.

4.4.6 Setup Password Protection

By default, there are 3 passwords pre-programmed into the Apollo Control System. If the system
is accessible to non-authorized personnel, it is recommended that you change the passwords to
prevent unauthorized access to the drive configuration.
Use the up and down arrow buttons as needed to highlight Setup Password Protection. Press
the Select function button to activate the Password Protection menu.

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Figure 79: Password Protection Menu

Using the techniques you learned when editing the transformer ratio and the power fail restart
restarts/allowed values, change the Level 2 and Advanced Passwords as needed to prevent
unauthorized access to the configuration.

• Advanced Password 3 is not currently used.

• A password of 65535 indicates disabled.
• Record new passwords. It’ll be a pain to log back in if you forget the passwords!
• Low Level Password logs in to User Level 2. Typically used by installers. No access
to Edit Channel and Edit Trigger screens.
• Advanced Passwords log in to User Level 3. Full access to all Apollo features.
Press the Exit function button when the desired password changes are complete to return to the
Other Initial Setup menu.

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Figure 80: Other Initial Setup Menu

4.4.7 Setup Com2 SCADA

By default, communication port COM2 is set up for serial SCADA communication. Use the
Com2SCADA Setup screen to configure as needed. See the Vector Plus/Apollo Communication
manua, UM-00014,l for detailed information regarding communications.
Use the up and down arrow buttons as needed to highlight Com 2SCADA Setup. Press the
Select function button to activate the Com 2 SCADA Setup menu.

Figure 81: Com 2SCADA Setup Menu

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In most cases, the only changes required are the Modbus Address and the Baud rate. Set both
as needed to work with your SCADA system. Use the F1 and F5 function buttons to navigate
between fields. Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to change values.
When complete, press the OK function button to return to the Other Initial Setup menu.
Press the Exit function button again to return to the Main Menu.

Figure 82: Main Menu

4.5 Configure Drive Settings

Note that you are probably well versed at highlighting an item on a menu and pressing Select
at this time. This manual will use the phrase “Select xxx” to designate that the specified menu
entry should be highlighted using the up and down arrows and that the Select function button
should then be pressed.
Use the Drive Settings menu to configure parameters associated with low level drive (power module)
operations. Select Config Drive Settings from the Main Menu. The first page of the Drive Settings menu
is shown in Figure 83: Drive Settings Screen, page 102. This page contains the parameters that are
most often changed in an install.

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Figure 83: Drive Settings Screen

Table 22: Drive Settings Menu

Parameter Default Description

Min Frequency 30Hz Minimum frequency the drive is to run. Set based on
well conditions to ensure adequate flow of well fluids
across motor to ensure adequate cooling. For ESP
applications, Min Frequency settings below 30 Hz
are not recommended.
Max Frequency 60Hz Maximum frequency the drive is to run. The V/F curve
will ensure that the drive operates at the DriveMaxVolts
when running at Max Frequency. This parameter may
NOT be changed while the drive is running.
Accel Seconds 5 Seconds Time in seconds for the drive to ramp up from 0 Hz to
Max Frequency. For ESP applications, maximum
recommended Accel Seconds is 10.0.
Decel Seconds 5 Seconds Time in seconds for the drive to ramp down from Max
Frequency to 0 Hz. For ESP applications, maximum
recommended Decel Seconds is 10.0.
Forward/Reverse Run Forward Direction of Motor Rotation.

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Table 22: Drive Settings Menu (cont'd.)

Parameter Default Description

V/F Curve Select 60Hz Std Torque Select 1 of 6 preset V/F curves. These include
Standard, Medium, and High Torque settings for 50Hz
and 60 Hz operation. Standard torque is default.
Use medium or high torque when faced with a hard
starting motor. Medium and high torque settings apply
a voltage boost to the V/F curve at low frequencies.
This parameter may NOT be changed while the drive
is running.
V/F CurveVBias 0.0 Volts Applies a voltage bias to the drive’s V/F curve AT
MAX FREQUENCY. The bias is linearly interpolated at
frequencies less than Max Frequency.
DriveMaxVolts 480 Volts Drive voltage output at Max Frequency. This
parameter may NOT be changed while the drive is
I-Limit 2000 Amps Maximum current output allowed by the drive. When
the drive exceeds the specified I-Limit, the drive
frequency will be slowed to reduce the output current.
The I-Limit function will not slow the drive to less than
Min Frequency. I-Limit is usually used to try to prevent
Overload faults. See Enhanced I-Limit on Figure 87:
Overload Menu-Screen 2, page 108.
Coast To Stop True By default the drive will immediately release the motor
when the drive is stopped. Recommended setting
for ESP applications is “True”. Setting Coast To Stop
to false will cause the drive to ramp down from the
running frequency to 0 Hz when the drive is stopped.
This parameter may NOT be changed while the drive
is running.

Navigate between pages of the menu by pressing the Left Arrow and Right Arrow buttons. The second page
of the Drive Settings menu is shown in Figure 84: Drive Settings-Screen 2, page 104.

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Figure 84: Drive Settings-Screen 2

Table 23: Drive Settings Menu Screen 2

Parameter Default Description

No-LoadTestMode Normal Mode Set this to “No Load Test” when running the
drive unloaded to prevent Output Phase Loss
faults (designated LF) and to disable Underload
detection. Be sure to set back to Normal Mode
when you complete no load testing to re-enable
the protections.
Enhanced I-Limit I-Limit is activated Enhanced I-Limit is a function in which the I-Limit
whenever current protection is only activated if the drive is nearing
exceeds the i-Limit overload. When the overload bucket is low –
threshold. indicating that the motor is not yet very hot –
I-Limit will not be enforced. When the motor starts
heating up (the overload bucket gets above a limit),
the I-Limit function is enabled. Select Enhanced
I-Limit to run a wizard that will walk you through
setting the limit.
Setup Drive Port (Menu) None Contains the settings Apollo uses to communicate
with the drive power module. These settings
should not be changed without consulting with
Controls Engineering.

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Table 23: Drive Settings Menu Screen 2 (cont'd.)

Parameter Default Description

Config Freq Lockouts None Program frequency lockouts for the drive.
(Menu) The drive will skip the locked out frequencies.
Frequency Lockouts are rarely used, but can help
in situations where a pumping system exhibits a
resonant frequency that causes excess vibration.
Config Drive Fault None Provides access to the triggers activated when
Restarts (Menu) the drive power module shuts down on an internal
fault. It is strongly advised that only the Restarts
Allowed and Restart Delay be changed for these
triggers. Changing parameters for these triggers
will not prevent shutdowns.
Drv Model (Amps) None This is not a settable parameter. Shows the drive
rated amps of the drive power module. Consult
field support if this does not properly reflect the
drive size.
Drv Firmware None You cannot set this parameter. Shows the firmware
revision of the drive power module firmware.
Linear List None Activates the Linear List editing function used to
change internal drive power module parameters.
Note that an “L” to the right of a parameter
indicates that it is in use by Apollo and is locked
in the Linear List.
RstDrv2Defaults False Set to True to reset the drive power module to
its default settings. After setting to True and
acknowledging the change, wait 30 seconds and
then power cycle the system.

Navigate between pages of the menu by pressing the Left Arrow and Right Arrow buttons. The third screen
of the Drive Settings menu is shown below in Figure 85: Drive Settings Menu-Screen 3, page 106.

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Figure 85: Drive Settings Menu-Screen 3

Table 24: Drive Settings Menu Screen 3

Parameter Default Description

Drive Stability 0 Activates/Deactivates the drive
power module hunting prevention
select function. Set to 0 for
ESP systems. Set to 1 for SPS

The SPS Configuration Wizard will automatically change the value to 1.

Select any parameter that needs to be changed and make the necessary changes. Press the Save function
button. Acknowledge the confirmation screen by pressing the Yes function button. Press the Exit function
button to return the Drive Settings menu.
When all the necessary changes have been made, press the Exit function button to return to the Main Menu.

4.6 Set Drive Mode

See Section 5.6 Setup Drive Mode Section 5.6, page 132 for detailed information.

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4.7 Configure Motor Overload

Select Motor Overload from the Main Menu. The first screen of the Motor Overload menu is shown in Figure
86: Motor Overload Menu, page 107. This page contains the parameters that are most often changed in
common installations.

Figure 86: Motor Overload Menu

Table 25: Motor Overload Menu Common Installations

Parameter Default Description

Motor Overload 0.0 Amps(requiring the Nameplate rating of the motor. If the motor current
user to set it before exceeds the Motor Overload value, the Overload
running the drive) Bucket will begin to fill using an algorithm that takes
into account how far above the overload value the
actual current is (usually referred to as i2t algorithm).
This algorithm provides shorter trip delays for severe
overloads and longer trip delays for slight overloads.
OLoadStartDelay 0.0 Seconds Seconds after startup during which overload
is ignored. The default and recommended
OLoadStartDelay is 0 seconds.
OLoad Delay @ 25% 120 Seconds Time it will take for an empty overload bucket (0%) to
fault (reach 100%) when the motor current exceeds
the motor overload by 25%. This setting does not
normally need to be changed.
Restarts/Allowed 0 Set to non-zero to allow for automatic restarts after
a Motor Overload fault.

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Table 25: Motor Overload Menu Common Installations (cont'd.)

Parameter Default Description

Restart Delay Global Restart Delay between the overload fault and an automatic
Downhole Amps None Delay between the overload fault and an automatic
O-Load Bucket None Displays the up to date value of the Overload Bucket.
When the bucket reaches 100%, the drive will shut
down on overload. This is a channel and not a
parameter. It need not be changed. It is here for
informational purposes.

Navigate between pages of the menu by pressing the Left Arrow and Right Arrow buttons. The second page
of Overload menu is shown in Figure 87: Overload Menu-Screen 2, page 108.

Figure 87: Overload Menu-Screen 2

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Table 26: Motor Overload Menu Common Installations Screen 2

Parameter Default Description

OLoad@MinFreq 0.0 Amps Defines an enhanced Overload function. The
overload threshold is ramped up between this value
(at Min Frequency) to the Motor Overload setting (at
Max Frequency). The enhanced overload function
is disabled when the value is set to 0 (overload
threshold is the same at all frequencies).
OLoad Drain 3600 Seconds When motor amps is below the Overload threshold,
the bucket will be draining. This value is the time for
the overload bucket to drain from 100% to 0% when
motor amps is 0. This time models the motor cooling
time. Higher amps results in slower draining.
Downhole Amps None This is not a parameter to be changed. It is a channel
showing the downhole amps for informational
purposes. Note that the value shows ??? because
the channel is not initialized. In this case, the
downhole transformer ratio hasn’t been configured.
O-Load Bucket None This is not a parameter to be changed. It is a
channel showing the overload bucket level. The
drive will shut down on overload when the bucket
reaches 100%. This is displayed for informational
purposes. Note that the value shows ??? because
the channel is not initialized. In this case, O-Load
Bucket is a derived channel and takes Downhole
Amps as one of its inputs. Since Downhole Amps is
not initialized, O-Load Bucket is not initialized.
Motor OverCurrent None Select to access the Motor OverCurrent trigger
information screen. The motor overcurrent is a
simple high-limit fault that can be configured in
situations where the more advanced i2t algorithm is
deemed inappropriate. Using this trigger, the system
will fault if the motor current exceeds the Motor
Over Current limit for longer than the trip delay. The
amount of the overload is not considered.

For more information on the Motor Overload protection, see Section 9: Apollo Motor Overload Protection,
page 208 of this manual.

4.8 Configure Motor Underload

Use the Motor Underload menu to configure parameters associated with low current motor protection.
Select Motor Underload from the Main Menu. The first screen of the Motor Underload menu is shown in

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Figure 88: Motor Underload Menu, page 110. This screen contains the parameters that are most often
changed in common installations.

Figure 88: Motor Underload Menu

Table 27: Motor Underload Menu Common Installations

Parameter Default Desciption

Motor Underload -9999 Amps Minimum allowable current to the motor. If the
motor goes below the Motor Underload value, the
controller will start timing down for a fault. Motor
Underload conditions are most frequently seen
in gassy wells and in wells that are pumped off.
By default, the Motor Underload is set to -9999
requiring the user to set it before running the drive.
Enable Delay 10.0 Seconds Seconds after motor startup during which underload
is ignored. Best practice is to set this delay about
the same as the Drive Acceleration Time.
Trip Delay 30.0 Seconds Time to tolerate an underload situation when the
drive is running. Set this time as long as possible
without causing heat damage to the motor.
Restartes/Allowed 0 Set to non-zero to allow for automatic restarts on
a Motor Underload fault.

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Table 27: Motor Underload Menu Common Installations (cont'd.)

Parameter Default Desciption

Restart Delay Global Restart Delay between the fault and an automatic restart.
ULoad@Min Freq 0 Amps Defines an enhanced motor protection mode in
which the underload limit is ramped up from the
ULoad@Min Freq to the Motor Underload value at
Max Frequency. Setting this parameter to 0 Amps
(default value) disables the enhanced Underload
protection mode (the underload threshold the same
at all frequencies).

Navigate between pages of the menu by pressing the Left Arrow and Right Arrow buttons. The second
screen of menu is shown in Figure 89: Underload Menu-Screen 2, page 111. Changes on this page would
be very rare.

Figure 89: Underload Menu-Screen 2

The Apollo underload detection is not a simple threshold/trip delay trigger. It is actually formed by a
combination of the Pre-Trigger and the actual Underload trigger. Apollo shuts down the motor on underload
to prevent motor overheating (low load implies insufficient fluid movement past motor for cooling). A simple
threshold to detect underload would fail to protect the motor in the following condition.

If the load occasionally bumps above the threshold, even for a fraction of a second, the trip delay
timer will be reset. In effect, the motor can be run in an underload condition indefinitely without
stopping-as long as there are occasional bumps above the underload threshold!

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In Apollo, the underload pre-trigger is used as the input for the underload trigger. The underload pre-trigger
filters the motor current data to ensure that momentary bumps of the current above the underload threshold
do not cause the underload trip delay timer to restart. Underload Pre-Trigger default operation is as follows:
• The Enable Timer is set for 10 seconds – the underload pre-trigger can not activate until the drive has
been running for at least 10 seconds.
• The Set Trip Delay is set for 5 seconds – the underload pre-trigger can not activate until the motor current
has dropped below the motor underload threshold for at least 5 seconds.
• The Clear Delay is set for 10 seconds – here’s where the underload pre-trigger does its magic. The
underload pre-trigger will not clear unless the output current of the drive is above the motor underload
threshold for at least 10 seconds. Thus, the underload trigger does not see short bumps in the drive
output current – only those long enough to allow the underload pre-trigger to clear.
The purpose of the underload pre-trigger is to avoid the problem with a simple threshold.

Table 28: Underload Menu 2 Common Installations

Parameter Default Description

U-Load PreTrig None U-Load PreTrig is NOT a setting, but the state of the
Underload Pre-trigger.
U-Load PreTrig Clear 10 Seconds Time that the motor current must exceed the underload
Delay lmit to clear the underload pre-trigger. Set this value
such that the trigger filters out short bumps in the
motor current.
Underload None Underload is NOT a setting, but the state of the
Underload trigger.
Underload Limit None This is the underload limit based on the output
frequency and is presented here for reference only.
To set the Motor Underload value go to the first page
of this menu.

Select any parameter that needs to be changed and make the necessary changes. Press the Save function
button. Acknowledge the confirmation screen by pressing the Yes function button. Press the Exit function
button to return the Motor Overload menu.
When all the necessary changes have been made, press the Exit function button to return to the Main Menu.

4.9 Configure Downhole Limits

Use the Downhole Limits menu to configure parameters associated with downhole tool shutdowns. Select
Downhole Limits from the Main Menu. The first page of the Downhole Limits menu is shown in Figure 90:
Downhole Limits Menu, page 113. This page contains the parameters that are most often changed in
common installations.

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Figure 90: Downhole Limits Menu

Select a trigger to access its Trigger Info screen. Then adjust the trigger’s limit and make any other
changes needed. By default, all of the triggers are Not In Use. When you set a limit value, the trigger will
be automatically set to In Use.
Example: Selecting Motor Temp High yields the Trigger Info screen shown in Figure 91: Trigger Info Screen
, page 113.

Figure 91: Trigger Info Screen

In this example we select the Limit and change it to 220°F.

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Figure 92: 220°F Example

Pressing Save yields the Save change? prompt.

Figure 93: Save Change Screen

The trigger is automatically set to In Use. The screenshot below shows the result of the change. Note that
the trigger state indicates the trigger is currently Clear and the trigger limit is set to 220.

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Figure 94: Downhole Limits Screen

Table 29: Download Limits Common Installations

Parameter Default Description

Motor Temp High Not in Use The motor temperature high trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger
used to protect the motor. Select Motor Temp High to set the
limit. Set the Trip Delay and Restart parameters as desired.
Intake Temp High Not In Use The intake temperature high trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger
used to protect the motor. Select Intake Temp High to set the
limit. Set the Trip Delay and Restart parameters as desired
IntakePressLow Not In Use The Intake Pressure Low trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger used
to stop the drive when the intake pressure drops below a
programmed level. Select IntakePressLow to set the limit. Set
the Trip Delay and Restart parameters as desired. Note: The
“IntakePressStopStart” wizard sets up the system to STOP on
low Intake Pressure and RESTART when Intake Pressure has
IntakePressHigh Not In Use The Intake Pressure High trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger used
to stop the drive if the intake pressure exceeds a programmed
limit. Select IntakePressHigh to set the limit. Set the Trip Delay
and Restart parameters as desired.
D/H VibrationHi Not In Use The Downhole Vibration High trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger
used to protect the motor. Select D/H VibrationHi to set the
limit. Set the Trip Delay and Restart parameters as desired.

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Table 29: Download Limits Common Installations (cont'd.)

Parameter Default Description

Leakage High Not In Use The Leakage High trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger used to
protect the motor. Select Leakage High to set the limit. Set the
Trip Delay and Restart parameters as desired.
DH Data Invalid DH Data Invalid is a Log Only trigger used to monitor the
validity of the downhole data. Select DH Data Invalid to access
its Trigger Info screen. If you wish to shut down the drive if the
downhole data is invalid, change the Action to Stop->Fault.
After saving the trigger as Stop->Fault, the restart parameters
will appear and allow restarts to be configured, if desired.

Navigate between pages of the menu by pressing the Left Arrow and Right Arrow buttons. The second page
of menu is shown in Figure 90: Downhole Limits Menu, page 113.

Figure 95: Download Limits-Screen 2

Table 30: Download Limits 2 Common Installations

Parameter Default Description

Discharge High Not In Use The discharge pressure high trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger
used to protect the system. Select Discharge High to set the
limit. Set the Trip Delay and Restart parameters as desired.
Discharge Low Not In Use The discharge pressure low trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger used
to protect the system. Select Discharge Low to set the limit. Set
the Trip Delay and Restart parameters as desired.

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Table 30: Download Limits 2 Common Installations (cont'd.)

Parameter Default Description

DeltaPressHigh Not In Use The delta pressure high trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger used to
protect the system. Delta pressure is the differential pressure
across the pump (Discharge Pressure – Intake Pressure).
Select DeltaPressHigh to set the limit. Set the Trip Delay and
Restart parameters as desired.
DeltaPress Low Not In Use The delta pressure low trigger is a Stop->Fault trigger used to
protect the system. Delta pressure is the differential pressure
across the pump (Discharge Pressure – Intake Pressure).
Select DeltaPress Low to set the limit. Set the Trip Delay and
Restart parameters as desired.

Select any trigger you wish to adjust and make the necessary changes. Press the Save function button.
Acknowledge the confirmation screen by pressing the Yes function button. Press the Exit function button
to return the Downhole Limits menu.
When all the necessary changes have been made, press the Exit function button to return to the Main Menu.

4.10 Enable Autostart

By default, the ManualStartOnly parameter is set to True. The only way to start the drive when
ManualStartOnly is True is by pressing the Start button on the keypad. Change ManualStartOnly to False if
the drive should start under any other conditions. ManualStartOnly should be set to False in most systems.

Figure 96: Selecting Manual StartOnly

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Table 31: Manual Start Only

Parameter Desciption
ManualStartOnly Options:
True (default): The drive can only be started by
pressing the Start button on the keypad.
False: The drive can be started from the Start button
on the keypad, a SCADA command, a fault restart,
a power up autostart, or a Start Motor trigger.

Setting ManualStartOnly to false can initiate an automatic start without warning and may
cause equipment damage, injury to personnel or death.

4.11 Adjust Setpoint

The System Setpoint is Drive Mode dependent and is used to adjust the drive output frequency. Access the
Setpoint by pressing the Home function button on the Main Menu screen and then pressing the Settings
function button.
In the example shown in Figure 97: Frequency Setpoint Screen, page 118, the drive is in Manual Frequency
mode so the Frequency Setpoint is displayed.

Figure 97: Frequency Setpoint Screen

Use the left and right arrow buttons to select a digit. Use the up and down arrow buttons to change the
selected digit.

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The selected digit is just to the right of the insert in the field. By default, the right most digit is
The basic setup is now complete.

5 Additional Setups
5.1 Add I/O Board

Execute the Add 1st IO board wizard to enable Apollo to use the Apollo I/O board. To execute the wizard,
from the Home Screen select
Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Next Page (Right Arrow) -> Add 1st IO board.
Follow the on-screen directions.
Information needed by the Add 1st IO board wizard:
• Are you connecting PTs or CTs to monitor AC Voltage and current?
– The answer will be no in most VSD applications. If you do wish to add PTs or CTs, you will be prompted
for the ratios.
• Are you connecting Backspin probes?
– The answer will be no in most applications.
When the wizard is complete, the I/O board analog inputs (Analog Opt 1 – Analog Opt 8) and digital I/O
(EIO Dig Opt 1 – EIO Dig Opt 12) will appear in the Analogs and Digital IO screens. From the Home
Screen select Data -> Analogs or Digital IO

5.2 Setup a Downhole Tool

The Standard template has an Osiris downhole tool pre-configured. To adjust the Osiris Modbus address,
Communication port, or to select a different downhole tool, navigate to Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial
Setup -> Setup DH Tool.
The DH Tool menu is displayed in Figure 98: DH Tool Menu, page 120.

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Figure 98: DH Tool Menu

To change Osiris settings, choose any of the parameters shown in Figure 98: DH Tool Menu, page 120. To
select a different downhole tool, run the Select Down Hole Tool wizard. This wizard is also used to select
different engineering units for downhole pressure and temperature readings. If you have no downhole tool,
this wizard can be used to remove downhole tool channels and screens.
Information needed by the Select Down Hole Tool wizard:
• Tool to use, current choices include Zenith E, Osiris-Smartguard, GRC Scout 3000, Centinel and No
Downhole Tool.
• Units for pressure channels, current choices include PSI, Bar, kPa, MPa.
• Units for temperature channels, current choices include DegF, DegC.
• Surface Panel or I/O board only (Zenith E only)
• Communication Port
The Apollo Serial Communication Ports are summarized in Table 32: Apollo Serial Communication Ports,
page 121:

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Table 32: Apollo Serial Communication Ports

Comm Port Normal Use Notes

Com2 SCADA Normally RS-232.
Can use as RS-485 with
Expansion Port Module RS-485
(P/N 800638)
Com3 Apollo I/O and Osiris RS-485.
Typically runs at 115KBaud.
Com4 VSD RS-485.
Shared use with other devices is
not recommended.
Com5 Not Used Requires USB to RS-232 Serial
converter (P/N 197349)

Table 33: Sensors

Sensor Communications Notes

Zenith E/Surface Panel RS-232 Com3 (RS-485) recommended if no I/O board
Com2 (RS-232) OK if not used for SCADA.
Com5 (USB to RS-232 converter) OK.
Zenith E/Interface RS-232 Com2 (RS-232) recommended if not used for
only (ZIU) SCADA.
Com3 (RS-485) with RS-485 to RS-232 adapter
OK if no I/O board present.
COM5 (USB to RS-232 converter) Ok.
Osiris/Smartguard RS-232 Always use COM3 at 115KBaud (even with I/O board

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Table 33: Sensors (cont'd.)

Sensor Communications Notes

GRC Scout 3000 RS-485 Com3 (RS-485) recommended if no I/O board
Com2 (RS-485) OK if not used for SCADA. Requires
P/N 800638.
Centinel RS-485 Com3 (RS-485) recommended if no I/O board
Com2 (RS-485) OK if not used for SCADA.
Requires P/N 800638.

• Low Intake Pressure Limit: A low intake pressure limit may be set. Also note that the trigger action and
restart parameters may also be adjusted as necessary.
• Motor Temperature High Limit: A high motor temperature limit may be set. Also note that the restart
parameters may also be adjusted.
• Intake Temperature High Limit: A high motor temperature limit may be set. Also note that the restart
parameters may also be adjusted.
When the wizard is complete, the Apollo system will reboot.
Data for the downhole tool appears on the Downhole data screen. The navigation path is Home Screen
-> Data -> Downhole Sensor Screen.
To configure limits on the downhole parameters, navigate to Home Screen -> Settings -> Menu -> Downhole

5.3 Install RSTi I/O Module

Execute the Install IO Module wizard to enable Apollo to use the RSTi I/O Module. To execute the wizard,
from the Home Screen select.
Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Next Page (Right Arrow) -> Install IO Module.
At this time, only the RSTi 8 RTD setup wizard is available. Contact product support if more than 8 RTD
channels are required.
Follow the on-screen directions.
Information needed by the Install IO Module wizard:
• Units (Degrees F or Degrees C) for the temperature channels.
When the wizard is complete, the RSTi I/O, RSTi temperature channels will appear on a new Data display
screen named Motor Temp.

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Figure 99: Motor Temp Screen

To set up limits for a channel, use the up/down keys to select the desired channel. Use the left/right arrow
keys for previous/next page if required.

Figure 100: Setting Up Limits for a Channel

You may rename the channel from this screen if necessary.

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Figure 101: Selecting a Trigger

Each channel has a warning trigger (trigger name has “Hot” appended to the channel name) and a fault
trigger (trigger name has “OH” (Over Heat) appended to the channel name). Warning triggers will keep
the drive from starting but will not stop the drive if it is already running (LOG->NO_START action). Fault
triggers will shut down a running drive (STOP->FAULT action). Select the trigger you wish to set up. By
default, the triggers are Not In Use.

Figure 102: Trigger Info Screen Indicating the Trigger is “Not In Use”

Adjust the limit as needed. The trigger will be set to “In Use” automatically.

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Figure 103: Trigger Info Screen Indicating the Trigger with Limit Set to 250°F

5.4 Setup Analog Inputs

Analog inputs are configured using the Channel Info screens for the inputs. The navigation path is Home
Screen -> Data -> Analogs -> the desired analog to configure. Use the left/right arrow keys for previous/next
The Channel Info screen for the first analog input on the drive module is shown in Figure 104: Channel
Information Screen, page 125.

Figure 104: Channel Information Screen

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Configure the analog input by setting the Offset (Engineering value to be displayed at 0 input) and the
Span (sensor range in Engineering units).
Set the channel’s name and units by pressing the Rename function button.

Figure 105: Edit Name Screen

When saved, Apollo will propose changing the name of any trigger connected to the channel to match the
channel name. Best practice is to allow the trigger names to be changed.

Figure 106: Trigger Name Change Screen

The Channel Info screen for the configured analog input is shown in Figure 107: Channel Info Screen For
The Configured Analog Input, page 127.

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Figure 107: Channel Info Screen For The Configured Analog Input

If necessary, the channel can also be calibrated. Press the Calibrate function button. The Calibration screen
is shown in Figure 108: Calibration Screen, page 127.

Figure 108: Calibration Screen

Enter the measured value and press the Calibrate function button.

Filtering can also be enabled to smooth out a noisy analog signal.

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Figure 109: Calibration Screen- Screen 2

Press Exit to return to the Channel Info screen. The Channel Info screen for the configured and calibrated
channel is shown in Figure 110: Channel Info Screen, page 128.

Figure 110: Channel Info Screen

It is very easy to access the Trigger Info screen for any triggers connected to this channel. Simply Highlight
the trigger name and press the Select function button.

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Figure 111: Hightlight the Trigger Name

Figure 112: Trigger Info Screen

Change the trigger parameters as needed to fulfill the needs of the application. Note that triggers attached
to analog inputs are “Not In Use” by default. When you change any trigger settings the trigger will be
set to “IN USE” automatically.

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Figure 113: Changing the Trigger Parameters

The resulting Trigger Info screen is shown in Figure 114: Resulting Trigger Info Screen, page 130.

Figure 114: Resulting Trigger Info Screen

5.5 Setup Digital Inputs

Digital Inputs are configured using the Channel Info screens for the inputs. The navigation path is Home
Screen -> Data -> Digital I/O -> the desired I/O to configure.
The Channel Info screen for the first digital I/O on the Apollo I/O board is shown in Figure 115: Channel Info
Screen for 1st Digital I/O on the Apollo I/O Board, page 131.

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Figure 115: Channel Info Screen for 1st Digital I/O on the Apollo I/O Board

Digital Inputs on the drive module (V7Dig In x) are input only. Digital I/O on the Apollo I/O board can be
configured as either inputs or outputs. Note that the correct relay/input module must be installed in the I/O
board. Digital Outputs are configured when they are attached to a trigger. See Section 5.21 Add a Digital
Output to a Trigger, page 171 for discussion on setting up digital outputs.
Digital inputs are Normally Open by default and are connected to a Stop->Fault trigger. This allows Apollo to
run without adding any jumpers across unused digital inputs. Most field sensors are normally closed and
then open to report a fault. Configure the N.O./N.C. as needed and rename the channel (and connected
trigger) as in the Section 5.4 Setup Analog Inputs, page 125.

Figure 116: Murphy Switch Trigger-Example 1

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It is very easy to access the Trigger Info screen for the trigger connected to this channel. Simply Highlight
the trigger name and press the Select function button.

Figure 117: Murphy Switch Trigger-Example 2

Change the trigger parameters as needed to fulfill the needs of the application.

5.6 Setup Drive Mode

Navigate to the Set Drive Mode menu (in the Main Menu). A screenshot is shown in Figure 118: Set Drive
Mode Menu, page 132 . The Drive Mode can be set from this menu or any of the specific mode submenus.
Use the Right and Left Arrow buttons to view both pages of the Set Drive Mode menu.

Figure 118: Set Drive Mode Menu

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Drive Modes include:

Table 34: Drive Mode Menu

Mode Description
ManualFrequency Manual Frequency Control Mode. Control mode in which the drive runs
at a programmable speed.
CurrentControl Current Control Mode. Control mode in which the drive speed is
automatically varied in an attempt to provide a fixed output current.
PID Speed Ctrl PID Speed Control Mode. Control mode in which the drive speed is
automatically varied in an attempt to keep a system parameter (referred
to as the control parameter) at a specified level.
Analog Follower Analog Follower Control Mode. Control mode in which the drive speed
is based on a scaled analog input.

Figure 119: Drive Mode Menu-Screen 2

Table 35: Drive Mode Menu 2

Parameter Description
Rock Start Rock Start is a feature used with hard starting pumps. If Rock Start is set
to On, the motor will rock back and forth based on the RockStartCycles
and the RockStart Time parameters. This rocking occurs while the drive
is in the Starting state. After the defined cycles and the output frequency
reaches the Start Frequency, the system enters Running mode.
RockStartCycles The number of rock cycles to perform. Each cycle consists of rocking
backward and then forward.

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Table 35: Drive Mode Menu 2 (cont'd.)

Parameter Description
RockStart Time The rock start cycle time is the time to complete 1 rock start cycle,
including both the backward and the forward motion.
Rock StartCount Current rock start cycle in progress. This is NOT a parameter to be
edited. It is a channel included on this screen for information purposes.
Setup Rock Start Enable By default, the drive performs the rock start on every startup when
Rock Start Mode is enabled. Selecting Setup Rock Start Enable allows
the operator to set the limit of the RockStartEnable trigger. Rock Start
will only occur when this trigger is set during the Starting state. A
default value of 0A ensures that Rock Start occurs on every motor start.
Increasing this limit results in rocking starts ONLY if the Downhole Amps
exceeds the limit during the Starting State. Note that if Rock Starts are
initiated, the full number of RockStartCycles will complete even if the
downhole amps drops below the specified limit.
Ramp 1 Speed Frequency Ramps are available only in Manual Frequency Mode and
only after the drive has reached the Start Frequency and transitioned to
one of the Run Modes. A frequency ramp allows for a slow fixed rate
ramp when the drive frequency setpoint changes. This ramp is only
invoked when the Ramp 1 Enable trigger is set. Note that the ramp time
is in minutes per Hertz.
Ramp 1 Enable Trigger to control the Ramp 1 Speed. Edit this trigger to be active when
the ramp should take effect. By default , the trigger is “Not In Use”,
“Active when Enabled”, and “Enabled only in Run Mode 1”. To enable the
ramp feature, select the Ramp Enable Trigger and from the Trigger Info
screen, press F3 “On/Off” to activate the trigger. This is all that is required
to enable ramping during every speed change. More selective enabling
of the ramp can be done by re-configuring the Ramp Enable trigger.
Ramp 2 Speed Frequency Ramps are available only in Manual Frequency Mode and
only after the drive has reached the Start Frequency and transitioned to
one of the Run Modes. A frequency ramp allows for a slow fixed rate
ramp when the drive frequency setpoint changes. This ramp is only
invoked when the Ramp 2 Enable trigger is set. Note that the ramp time
is in minutes per Hertz.
Ramp 2 Enable Trigger to control the Ramp 2 Speed. Edit this trigger to be active when
the ramp should take effect. By default , the trigger is “Not In Use”,
“Active when Enabled”, and “Enabled only in Run Mode 2”. See Ramp 1
Enable for details on how to enable the ramp feature.

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5.6.1 Manual Frequency Mode

Control mode in which the drive runs at a programmable speed.

Figure 120: Frequency Mode Screen

Table 36: Frequency Mode Parameters

Parameter Description
Drive Mode See Table 34: Drive Mode Menu, page 133.
Start Frequency The initial drive frequency setpoint used when the drive is
started. The drive stays in the Starting state until the start
frequency is achieved, and then transitions to the Running state
and is commanded to the Freq. Setpoint for the running state. If
an enable delay is configured for a trigger, the delay does not
start until the drive reaches the Start Frequency.
Freq Setpoint The drive frequency setpoint when the drive is in the normal
Running mode. Note that triggers can be used to transition
the drive between the normal running mode and the alternate
running modes “Run Mode 2” and “Run Mode 3”.

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Table 36: Frequency Mode Parameters (cont'd.)

Parameter Description
Freq Setpoint2 The drive frequency setpoint when the drive is in the alternate
run mode “Run Mode 2”. Note that triggers can be used to
transition the drive between the normal running mode and the
alternate running modes “Run Mode 2” and “Run Mode 3”.
Freq Setpoint3 The drive frequency setpoint when the drive is in the alternate
run mode “Run Mode 3”. Note that triggers can be used to
transition the drive between the normal running mode and the
alternate running modes “Run Mode 2” and “Run Mode 3”.

5.6.2 Current Control Mode

Control mode in which the drive speed is varied in an attempt to provide a fixed output current.
Current Control is sometimes used in gassy wells – when a pump encounters a gas pocket, the
load will be reduced and the output current of the drive will drop. The drive will speed up in an
attempt to clear the gas pocket from the pump. If the gas pocket clears, the load will return and
the drive speed will slow back to the speed needed to maintain the specified current setpoint.

Figure 121: Current Control Mode Screen

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Table 37: Current Control Mode Parameters

Parameter Description
Drive Mode See Table 34: Drive Mode Menu, page 133.
iMode Setpoint The desired Amps. The drive speed is varied to try to keep the
Source1 value (Downhole Amps by default) at this level.
iMode PID ‘P’ The Proportional Gain used by the Proportional Integral Derivative
(PID) control loop used to control the drive speed. This parameter
can be changed to tune the PID for optimal performance.
iMode PID ‘I’ The Integral Gain used by the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)
control loop used to control the drive speed. This parameter can be
changed to tune the PID for optimal performance.
iMode PID ROC PID Rate Of Change (ROC) limits how fast the PID will change.
ROC is the amount of time it takes the PID to ramp from the drive
Min Frequency to the drive Max Frequency.
iMode Rev.Act This should be set to “False” for current control. This parameter
describes the PID’s output relationship to the control value. A PID
is forward acting if increasing the speed of the drive increases the
control value (i.e. running the drive faster creates more downhole
current). A PID is reverse acting if increasing the speed of the drive
decreases the control value (i.e. running the drive faster decreases
the fluid level in a tank that is being pumped out of).
Change only if you change the Source1 channel to a channel that
acts in reverse from the pump speed.
iModeUpdateRate Run period for the PID loop. Best practice is to keep at the same
rate as the control value (Source1) is updated. The drive is polled
every 200 ms (and Downhole Amps is derived from the drive output
current). Change only if the Source1 channel is changed to a device
that is polled at a different rate.
Source1 The channel supplying the current to compare against the iMode
Setpoint. By default, this is the Downhole Amps and need not be
Low Clamp Minimum drive speed that the PID control will output. Leave at
the default 0 to use Manual Param 058 Min Frequency. Note that
the drive speed will never be commanded lower than 058 Min.
High Clamp Maximum drive speed that the PID control will output. Leave at the
default 0 to use Manual Parameter 059 Max Frequency. Note that
the drive speed will never be commanded higher than 059 Max

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5.6.3 PID Speed Control Module

Control mode in which the drive speed is varied in an attempt to keep a system parameter
(referred to as the control parameter) at a specified level.
Common control parameters include:
• Pump Intake Pressure (ESP system)
• Tank Level (SPS system)

Figure 122: PID Speed Control Mode-Screen 1

Figure 123: PID Speed Control Mode-Screen 2

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Figure 124: PID Speed Control Mode-Screen 3

Table 38: PID Speed Control Mode Parameters

Parameter Description
Drive Mode See Table 34: Drive Mode Menu, page 133.
Setpoint The desired value of the control channel Source1. The drive speed
is varied to try to keep the Source1 value at this level. By default,
Source1 is the downhole tool Intake Pressure channel.
Setup Pump Speed PID Runs a configuration wizard to walk the user through setting up a
Proportional Integral Differential (PID) control loop.
Mtr Spd PID ‘P’ The Proportional Gain used by the Proportional Integral Derivative
(PID) control loop used to control the drive speed. This parameter
can be changed to tune the PID for optimal performance.
Mtr Spd PID ‘I’ The Integral Gain used by the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)
control loop used to control the drive speed. This parameter can be
changed to tune the PID for optimal performance.
Source1 The channel supplying the current to compare against the Setpoint.
By default, this is the downhole tool Intake Pressure channel.
Pump Speed Ctrl Speed control output (i.e. drive frequency commanded by Apollo at
this time). It will reflect the PID output if 055 Drive Mode is “PID
Speed Ctrl” and Trigger 159 “Run SpdCtrl PID” is SET.This is NOT a
parameter to be edited. It is a channel (Chan 076 Pump Speed Ctrl)
included on this screen for information purposes.

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Table 38: PID Speed Control Mode Parameters (cont'd.)

Parameter Description
Run SpdCtrl PID Trigger 159 “Run SpdCtrl PID” is used to control when the PID
should be run if M055 Drive Mode is set to PID. If T159 is CLEAR,
(not SET), the PID will not be run and the Manual Frequency setting
for the current system mode will be used as the output. Select this
trigger to access its Trigger Info screen to adjust as needed. By
default, the PID will be run whenever the drive is running and has
reached the Start Frequency.
Low Clamp Minimum drive speed that the PID control will output. Leave at the
default 0 to use the drive Minimum Frequency.
High Clamp Maximum drive speed that the PID control will output. Leave at the
default 0 to use the drive Maximum Frequency.
Mtr PID Rev.Act Parameter that describes the PID’s output relationship to the control
value. A PID is forward acting if increasing the speed of the drive
increases the control value (i.e. running the drive faster creates
more downhole current). A PID is reverse acting if increasing the
speed of the drive decreases the control value (i.e. running the drive
faster decreases the fluid level in a tank that is being pumped out
of). Change as needed to match the relationship between the pump
speed and the Source1 variable.
Mtr PIDUpdate Run period for the PID loop. Best practice is to keep at the same
rate as the control value (Source1) is updated. The downhole tool is
polled every 5 seconds, and the Intake Pressure is read from the
downhole tool. Change only if the Source1 channel is changed to a
device that is polled at a different rate.
Mtr PID ROC PID Rate Of Change (ROC) limits how fast the PID output will
change. ROC is the amount of time it takes the PID to ramp from 0
Hz to the drive Max Frequency.
Mtr Spd PID ‘D’ The Derivative Gain used by the Proportional Integral Derivative
(PID) control loop used to control the drive speed. This parameter
can be changed to tune the PID for optimal performance. It is
usually recommended to leave the ‘D’ gain at 0.

5.6.4 Analog Follower Mode

Control mode in which the drive speed is based on a scaled analog input. Analog Follower mode
is often used in situations in which another controller, such as a PLC, dictates the speed at which
the drive should run using an analog signal.

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Figure 125: Analog Follower Mode Screen

Table 39: Analog Follow Mode Parameters

Parameter Description
Drive Mode See Table 34: Drive Mode Menu, page 133.
Follower Src Analog input that the drive speed should follow.
Setup Analog Follower Runs a configuration wizard to walk the user through setting up
Mode the Analog Follower mode.

The Analog Follower mode frequency is controlled by the Follower Source channel. Select the
Follower Src to access its Channel Info screen. Edit the channel to reflect the drive speed
required. For example, the screenshot below shows V7 Analog 2 set up to run the drive between
45 Hz (at 4mA input) and 70 Hz (at 20mA input). The channel value (57.25 Hz in Figure 126:
Follower Src Channel Info Screen, page 142 ) is the speed command to the drive.

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Figure 126: Follower Src Channel Info Screen

5.7 Setup Restarts

Auto-restart capability is integral to well control systems. In Apollo, restarts can be enabled/disabled
individually for any trigger. Key elements in Apollo’s support for restarts are described in Table 40: Setup
Restart , page 143.

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Table 40: Setup Restart

Name Location Description

ManualStartOnly Home Screen -> ManualStartOnly is a global restart enable.
Settings -> ManualStartOnly = True
Menu -> • Drive can only be started by pressing the
Start button on the keypad.
ManualStartOnly = False
• Drive can be started by the keypad Start
button, SCADA start commands, Autostart
on Power Up, and restarts from any trigger.
Global Restart Home Screen -> By default, all triggers have their Restart delay
set to the Global Restart Time. Best practice
Settings -> is to set the Global Restart time to the normal
Menu -> restart time on the drive (for an ESP system,
this is likely the fluid fallback – backspin time).
Other Initial Setup ->
Global Restart
Restarts/Allowed Trigger Info Screen Every Stop trigger can be set to allow restarts.
Restarts/Allowed is shown as x/y on the
trigger info screen. The y is the number of
restarts allowed. X is the number of restarts
that have been attempted. Setting the allowed
restart to 0 disables restarts for that trigger.
By default, all triggers have 0 allowed restarts.
Restart Delay Trigger Info Screen Every Stop trigger has a Restart Delay. By
default, the Restart Delay is the Global Restart
Delay designated by the G in the parameter
Change the restart value as required by
the application. When the restart value is
changed, the user will be asked if the global
value should also be changed or just the
restart delay for this trigger.
Set a trigger’s Restart Delay to 0 to use the
Global Restart Timer.

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Table 40: Setup Restart (cont'd.)

Name Location Description

StrtCounterRst Home Screen -> Restart Counter Clear Time. After the drive
has run for the StrtCounterRst time, all
Settings ->
triggers’ restart counts are reset to 0.
Menu -> Default value is 60 minutes.
Other Initial Setup ->
General Restart Params
ProgRstDelay Home Screen -> Progressive Restart Delay Time. This time is
added to a trigger’s restart delay each time
Settings -> the fault is repeated.
Menu -> Default value is 0 minutes.
Other Initial Setup ->
General Restart Params
WaitRestrtTimer Home Screen -> When set to true, manual restarts (after
any fault occurs) will be held off until the
Settings -> fault’s restart timer has counted down. If the
Menu -> ManualStartOnly (M 014) parameter is true,
pressing the start button will advance the
Other Initial Setup -> state machine to Ready-Manual but the drive
General Restart Params will not start until the start button is pressed
again after the restart timer has expired. If the
ManualStartOnly parameter is false, pressing
the start button will clear the lockout and the
drive will enter the Restart Timer state and will
restart after the countdown.
Default value is False.

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Table 40: Setup Restart (cont'd.)

Name Location Description

LocalLokOutClr Home Screen -> Set to True to allow a local lockout to be
cleared by SCADA or Remote.
Settings ->
Default Value is True.
Menu ->
Other Initial Setup ->
General Restart Params
RemoteLokoutClr Home Screen -> Set to True to allow a Remote Lockout to be
cleared by local controls.
Settings ->
Default Value is True.
Menu ->
Other Initial Setup ->
General Restart Params

5.8 Communication Parameters

Communications parameters determine how the Apollo Well Control System communicates with the other
hardware in the system. Navigate to the Communication Parameters by Home Screen -> Settings -> Menu
-> Right Arrow -> Right Arrow -> Communication Params.

Figure 127: Communication Parameters Menu-Screen 1

The second screen of the Communication Parameters menu is shown in Figure 128: Communication
Parameters Menu-Screen 2, page 146.

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Figure 128: Communication Parameters Menu-Screen 2

Communication interfaces available are RS-232 and RS-485 Serial ports and Ethernet network ports.

Table 41: Serial Communication Ports

Port Standard Use Notes

Com1 Reserved Cannot be assigned.
Com2 RS-232/RS-485 By default, Com2 is RS-232. Can be used as
RS-485 by installing P/N 800638, Expansion
Port Module RS-485.
(Master Port)
Can be reassigned for use with another
vendor’s downhole tool if not used for
Com3 RS-485 Can be reassigned for use with another
vendor’s downhole tool if the Apollo I/O and
Apollo I/O board and Osiris
Osiris are not used in the system.
Downhole Tool
(Slave Port)
Com4 RS-485 Dedicated for drive communications. Do not
Drive Communications
(Slave Port)

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Table 41: Serial Communication Ports (cont'd.)

Port Standard Use Notes

Com5 RS-232 Requires USB to RS-232 adapter, S/N
197349. Can be used for SCADA or
communications with another vendor’s
downhole tool.
Com6 Reserved Please do not assign.

Serial ports are configured as either Master ports or Slave ports based on their function. Slave ports are
used to poll slave devices, like the Apollo I/O board and the Osiris downhole tool. The configuration screen
for a port configured as a Slave port is shown in Figure 129: Port Configured-Screen 1, page 147. This
is the default configuration for Com3.

Figure 129: Port Configured-Screen 1

Com3 would need to be configured if the Apollo I/O board and Osiris surface sensor were not used
and another vendor’s downhole tool was being used. Set the communications parameters to match the
downhole tool to be used.

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Figure 130: Port Configured-Screen 2

Com2 might need to be configured to connect Apollo to a serial SCADA system. Set the Modbus Address
as specified by the SCADA host. Set the communication parameters to match the SCADA requirements.

If the port type (Master/Slave) is changed, the system will need to be power cycled before the
change takes effect. Other changes do not require a restart.
Serial Slaves in the system include the drive, the Apollo I/O board (EIO), the RSTi Expansion I/O Module
and the downhole tool. The Drive Port and the EIO port setups should not be changed. The downhole tool
setup should not be changed unless another vendor’s tool is used.
Modbus Maps
The Apollo Modbus map can be customized using the Install Modbus Map function. Please see the Vector
Plus/Apollo Communication Manual, UM-00014, for more details.
Network Ports
2 network ports are available on the Apollo controller board. The standard wired Ethernet port is configured
using the IP Address, DHCP Enable, and Default Gateway parameters. These parameters should be
configured as necessary for the attached networking equipment. The second interface is a USB to Wireless
connection requiring USB to WIFI Adapter P/N 197350 and is configured using the parameters USB IP
Address and USB DHCP Enable. The USB parameters should not require adjustment.
The wired Ethernet connection is most often used in conjunction with a cellular or satellite modem to provide
SCADA and/or Remote User Interface connections. The WIFI is most often used for on-site monitoring
and control using the Remote User Interface. Please see the Vector Plus/Apollo Communication Manual,
UM-00014, for more details.

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5.9 Control Source

The Control Source parameter controls where the Apollo system will accept Start and Speed Control
commands. Navigate to the Control Source by Home Screen -> Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup ->
Right Arrow -> Control Source.

Figure 131: Control Source Screen

By default, Apollo will accept Start and speed control commands from both SCADA and the Apollo keypad.
Other options are SCADA Only and Keypad Only.

5.10 Pump Curve Setup

Execute the Pump Curve Setup wizard to configure the pump curve monitoring and control functionality of
Apollo’s Pump Curve Database contains information on hundreds of GE and competitor’s pumps. When
configured, up-thrust and down-thrust limit triggers can shutdown the system and provide warnings when
the pump is operated out of or nearly out of the recommended operating range.
Apollo’s Pump Curve tracking also provides:
• Calculated flow.
• Calculated pump head
• Calculated pump power.

The pumping system must provide both Intake and Discharge pressure to Apollo for Pump Curve
monitoring to be used.

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To execute the wizard, from the Home Screen select:

Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Next Page -> Pump Curve Setup.
Follow the on-screen directions.
Information needed by the Pump Curve Setup wizard:
• Units for Calculated Flow.
– Options are barrels per day (BBL/Day), cubic meters per day (m3/Day), and gallons per minute (GPM).
• Units for the Pump Head channel.
– Options are Feet and Meters
• Units for the Power channel.
– Options are Horsepower (HP) and kilowatts (kW).
• Units for Differential Pressure.
– Options are pounds per square inch (PSI), Bar, kiloPascals (kPa), megaPascals (MPa). These units
MUST MATCH the units used for Intake and Discharge pressure.
• Pump Manufacturer and Model
• Number of pump stages
• Pump Type
– Options are Floater, Compression, and SPS.
• Water Specific Gravity
– If you plan to use Viscosity Compensation, enter the specific gravity of the water in the Oil/Water
mixture being pumped.
– If you do not plan to use Viscosity Compensation, enter the specific gravity of the Oil/Water mixture.
• If Viscosity Compensation is used, you will also have to enter
– Water Cut
– Oil Specific Gravity
– Well fluid viscosity
♦ Options are Viscosity Compensation Disabled, Pump Curve Interpolation Method, Hydraulic Institute
– Flow Adjustment Factor
When the wizard is complete, the configuration parameters can be adjusted by navigating to Home Screen
-> Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Next Page -> Pump Curve Setup
The Pump Curve and Thrust Limits screens are available by navigating to Home Screen -> Data -> Pump
Curve Screen (or Thrust Limits Graph)

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More details about pump curves are available in the Section 11: Pump Curves, page 228 of this manual.

5.11 PLC Analog Control

The PLC Analog Control wizard allows an external device to control motor speed with an analog signal
and optionally control motor start/stop using a digital input. Execute the PLC Analog Control wizard to put
Apollo into this “dumbed down” mode.
To execute the wizard, from the Home Screen select:
Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Next Page -> Next Page -> Configuration Wizards -> PLC Analog
Control. Note: If you just need start/stop control and don’t need analog speed control, select the 2-wire
RunStop wizard.
Follow the on-screen directions.
Information needed by the PLC Analog Control wizard:
• Analog Input to use for Speed Control:
– Options are V7 Analog 1, V7 Analog 2, EIO Analog Option 1, EIO Analog Option 2.
• Analog Input Offset (desired pump speed when input is 0V/4mA ).
• Analog Input Span (desired pump speed range,pump speed when input is 10V/20mA minus pump speed
when input is 0V/4mA. For example, (with a 4-20mA input) if the desired pump speed at 4mA is 30Hz and
the desired pump speed at 20mA is 65Hz, set the Offset to 30 Hz and the Span to 35Hz.
• You will be asked if want to use 2-Wire Stop/Start control. If you choose yes, the 2WireRunStop Wizard
will be executed from within the PLC Analog Control Wizard. See information on 2-wire Stop/Start Wizard
This wizard changes the Drive Mode to “Analog Follower”. To restore local frequency control, change the
Drive Mode to “Manual Frequency” or any other Drive Mode. (Settings -> Menu ->Set Drive Mode->Drive
Mode). The Drive Mode setting does not affect operation of the 2-Wire Run/Stop feature.

5.12 2-Wire Run/Stop

2-Wire Run/Stop allows an external controller to control motor start/stop using a digital input. Execute the
2WireRunStop wizard to put Apollo into this “dumbed down” mode.
To execute the wizard, from the Home Screen select:
Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Next Page -> Next Page -> Configuration Wizards ->
Follow the on-screen directions.
Information needed by the 2WireRunStop wizard:
• Digital Input used to Start and Stop the drive. Options are V7 Digital S1, V7 Digital S2, EIO Digital
Option 1, EIO Digital Option 2.

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• Digital Input used to enable or disable Start/Stop control (optional). Options are HMI Dig In 1, HMI Dig
In 2, V7 Digital S3, V7 Digital S4, EIO Digital 3 and EIO Digital 4.
2 Wire Control is enabled or disabled using either a Manual Parameter or switch connected to another
Digital Input. Either the Manual Parameter or the Digital Input can manually override the 2-wire control so
that the drive can be started even when the Run signal is not present. This override will not affect PLC
Analog speed control.
When you are ready to start the drive under remote 2-wire control:
• Make sure Manual Parameter 014 ManualStartOnly is set to FALSE.
• Make sure the Digital Run/Stop signal is indicating RUN.
• Take the drive out of Locked Out by pressing the Start button 1 time.
• If the system goes to Ready, you must press the Start button again. When the system goes to Restart and
starts counting down, you can either wait for the countdown or press the start button again.
The drive will now start and stop based on the Run/Stop digital input. The procedure above will need to be
repeated If the system is manually stopped or a fault occurs (for which no restarts are programmed).

5.13 Drain Mode

When Drain Mode is active, the drive will run at Frequency Setpoint2 for a fixed amount of time before
transitioning to the standard Frequency Setpoint. The feature was originally intended to allow the drive to
run at a higher frequency for a time to quickly get the intake pressure down in the desired range. However,
the “drain” speed can be faster or slower than the standard setpoint.
To execute the wizard, from the Home Screen select
Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Next Page -> Next Page -> Configuration Wizards -> Next
Page -> DrainMode.
Follow the on-screen directions.
Information needed by the DrainMode wizard:
• Drain speed (Freq Setpoint2)
• Drain Complete Limit (the amount of time to run at Freq Setpoint2)
• Custom name for the drain activity. Note that the standard name is Run Mode 2, but the name can be
changed to better represent the function taking place; such as Draining.
When the wizard is complete, start the drive. The drive will accelerate and run at the Freq Setpoint2
frequency for the drain time with the drive state displaying the custom name and then transition to Running
at the standard frequency setpoint.
To disable Drain Mode, use the Advanced Triggers Config screen and disable the trigger named Drain Start.
To disable a trigger, navigate to the Trigger Info screen and press the On/Off function button.

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5.14 PID Speed Control Mode

Control mode in which the drive speed is varied in an attempt to keep a system parameter (referred to as the
control parameter) at a specified level.
Common control parameters include:
• Pump Intake Pressure (ESP system)
• Tank Level (SPS system)
Setting up PID Speed Control Mode is aided by the Setup Pump Speed PID wizard. To execute the wizard,
from the Home Screen select
Settings -> Menu -> Set Drive Mode -> PID Control Mode -> Setup Pump Speed PID
Follow the on-screen directions.
Information needed by the Setup Pump Speed PID wizard:
• Control Parameter.
• Custom name for the setpoint.
• Minimum (Low Clamp) and Maximum (High Clamp) frequencies for the PID control. Leaving these
values at 0 will set the low and high clamp frequencies to the drive’s Min Frequency and Max Frequency,

The low clamp is set by the “Offset” parameter and the high clamp is set by the “Span” parameter.
• PID Reverse Acting. A reverse acting PID is one in which the control variable with decrease when the
pump speed is increased. Pump Intake Pressure in an ESP system is an example of a reverse acting PID
(pump intake pressure should decrease as pump speed increases). Tank Level while pumping into a tank,
however, would be an example of a forward acting PID (tank level increases as pump speed increases).
• PID Update Time. The control variable is tested against the setpoint and the drive frequency is adjusted
on this time period. A 5 second period is recommended for slow moving signals such as signals from the
downhole sensor. A 1 second period is recommended for faster moving signals.
• Conditionally run the PID? The user can optionally set the PID to run only when specific conditions are
met. To use this option, set up T159 Run SpdCtrlPID trigger to be active when you want the PID to run.
When the trigger is CLEAR, the PID will not run and the motor speed is based on M028 Freq Setpoint. For
example, if you want the drive to run at a fixed speed for 2 minutes before using the PID, set the Trip
Delay for T159 to 120 seconds. At startup, the motor will go to the Start Frequency, then change to the
Manual Frequency for 120 seconds and then start using PID control. If you answer No at this step, the
PID will control motor speedas soon as it reaches the Start Frequency.
• Set system to Pump Speed Control Mode now? The Drive Mode can be changed to PID Speed Control
within the wizard, or it can be changed at any time from Settings -> Menu -> Set Drive Mode.

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When the wizard is complete, the PID Control Mode menu will reappear. Set the Setpoint (label will be
based on what you set up in the wizard) to the desired control value.
If the Drive Mode wasn’t changed in the wizard, change it now to PID Speed Cntrl. Start the drive. The drive
speed will vary to try to make the control parameter match the setpoint.
Mtr Spd PID ‘P” and Mtr Spd PID “I” are the PID Loop proportional and integral constants. Adjust these
to tune the PID.

5.15 Add a 2nd IO Board

The Apollo Well Control System can support a second Apollo I/O board. A second I/O board system may
be needed in SPS Systems with lots of sensors.

Set Switch S2 position 1 to ON, position 2 to OFF on the second Apollo I/O board.
To execute the wizard, from the Home Screen select:
Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Right Arrow -> Right Arrow -> Configuration Wizards -> 2nd IO
Follow the on-screen directions.
The 2nd IO Board wizard requires no information.
When the wizard is complete, the analog and digital I/O from the added Apollo I/O board will appear in the
Analogs and Digital IO Data Display screens. Analog options are denoted E2 Analog Option 1-8 and
digitals are denoted E2 Dig Opt 1-12.

These new channels can be added to a Data Display screen, if desired.

5.16 Edit a Screen

Apollo Data Display screens can be customized as needed by the application. Figure 132: How to
Customize–Screens 1, page 155 illustrates the process.
1. Log on as level 2 or level 3.
2. Navigate to the screen to be customized. In this example, we’ll customize the Home Screen.
3. Use the Down Arrow button to highlight the screen name.

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Figure 132: How to Customize–Screens 1

4. Press the Select function button.

Figure 133: How to Customize–Screens 2

The screen in now in Edit mode.

5. Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to select the field to change. In this example, we’ll replace the
downhole sensor Intake Temperature with the Tubing Pressure that is connected to the drive chassis
analog input 1.

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Figure 134: How to Customize Screens–Screen 3

6. Press the Select function key to bring up the edit screen. Use the F1 and F5 function buttons to select
the object type or object field. Use the Up and Down Arrows to select the object you wish to display.
In our example, we wish to display the TubingPressure Channel.

Figure 135: How to Customize–Screens 4

7. Press the Save function button to exit back to the Home Screen.

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Figure 136: How to Customize–Screens 5

8. Press the EndEdit function button to exit the screen edit mode.

Figure 137: How to Customize–Screens 6

The Home Screen has been customized to show the Tubing Pressure. If one needs to display several
channels, he may wish to add them to one of the Custom Screens that are included in the Data Display

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5.17 Add a Data Display Screen to the Level 1 Data Screen Rotation

By default, the only Data Display screens in the Level 1 Data rotation are the Downhole Sensor screen, the
Digital I/O screen, the Analogs screen, and the Amp Chart screen. In some cases, it may be desirable for
other screens to be added to the Level 1 Data rotation.
1. Log on as level 2 or level 3.
2. Navigate to the Edit Screens Menu wizard.
a. Home Screen -> Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Right Arrow -> Right Arrow ->
Configuration Wizards -> Set Level1 Screens
3. A list of screens appears with a check mark next to each screen. A check mark indicates that the screen
is in the Level 1 Data Screens rotation. Use the Right and Left Arrow buttons to move between pages.
Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to highlight the screen you wish to be in the Level 1 Data Screens
rotation. Use the check mark function button (F4) to set or clear the check boxes as desired.

Figure 138: Adding Screens to Level 1 Data Screen

4. In this example, the Custom Screen 1 has been checked so that it will be in the Level 1 Data Screen
rotation. Press Continue to finish the wizard.
The Custom Screen 1 will now appear in the Level 1 Data Screen rotation.

5.18 Add or Delete a Setting in the Settings Rotation

By default, the only Settings in the Level 1 settings rotation are the Speed Setpoint and the Color Scheme.
Level 2 and Level 3 users have access to more settings in the settings rotation. Level 2 and Level 3
users can add or remove parameters in the Settings rotation and control which are available to Level 1
users using the Edit Settings wizard.
1. Log on as level 2 or level 3.

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2. Navigate to the Edit Settings wizard

a. Home Screen -> Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Right Arrow -> Right Arrow ->
Configuration Wizards -> Edit Settings
3. A list of parameters appears. Use the Right and Left Arrow buttons to move between pages. Use the
Up and Down Arrow buttons to highlight a parameter or a blank line. Parameters BEFORE the first
blank line will be available to Level 1 users. Parameters after the first blank line will be available to
Level 2 and Level 3 users.

Figure 139: Edit Mode Screen

4. Only the Setpoint and the Color Scheme are available to Level 1 users by default. In this example, we
will add the motor underload limit to the Level 1 settings rotation. Highlight the FIRST blank line below
the parameters already assigned to the Level 1 rotation.

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Figure 140: Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation

5. Press the Select function button. The Object selection screen appears.

Figure 141: Object Selection Screen

6. The Motor Underload is a Manual Parameter. Use the F1 function button to highlight the leftmost field
on the screen and use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to change the field to Man. Val.

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Figure 142: Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation-Screen 2

7. Use the F5 function button to highlight the right field on the screen and use the Up and Down Arrow
buttons to change the field to Motor Underload.

Figure 143: Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation-Screen 3

8. Press the Save function button. The Motor Underload setting now appears with the other parameters in
the Level 1 Settings rotation.

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Figure 144: Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation-Screen 4

9. Press the Continue function button to complete the wizard.

The Motor Underload parameter now appears in the Level 1 Settings rotation.

If you wish to add a parameter to the Settings rotation but have it only available to Level 2 and Level
3 users, use the procedure above but insert the parameter after at least one blank line. Likewise, if
you wish to prevent level 1 users from changing the freq. setpoint, you can delete it from the list.
To delete a setting from the list, use the wizard as described above and select the item to be deleted.
When the screen below is displayed, press F1 to select the selection box on the left and then press the
down-arrow and select “None”.

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Figure 145: Add the Motor Underload Limit To The Level 1 Settings Rotation-Screen 5

5.19 Change the Drive State Automatic Screens

Automatic screens are displayed without user interaction when the drive changes states. By default the
automatic screens are:

Table 42: Automatic Screens

Drive State Automatic Screens

Comms (with drive chassis) bad Home Screen
Locked Out Error Mode screen
Fault Error Mode screen
Ready Home Screen
Ready-Manual Home Screen
Restart Error Mode screen (shows countdown)
Prepare2Start Blank-No screen assigned
Starting Home Screen
Running Home Screen
Run Mode 2 Home Screen
Run Mode 3 Home Screen
Stopping Blank-No screen assigned

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Some configuration wizards will change the automatic screens. For example the SPS wizard will
change the Prepare2Start automatic screen from blank to a screen that displays the SPS startup
sequencing information.
Level 2 and Level 3 users can change the automatic screens using the Edit Mode Change Screens wizard.
1. Log on as level 2 or level 3.
2. Navigate to the Edit Mode Change Screens wizard.
a. Home Screen -> Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Right Arrow -> Right Arrow ->
Configuration Wizards -> Edit Mode Change Screens.

Figure 146: Edit Mode Change–Screen 1

3. Select the line associated with the drive state shown in the table above. In this example, the Running
automatic screen will be changed to the Pump Curve screen.

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Figure 147: Pump Curve Screen Change–Screen 1

Figure 148: Select Object–Screen 1

4. Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to select the desired screen.

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Figure 149: Select Object–Screen 2

5. Press the Save function button.

Figure 150: Pump Curve Screen Change–Screen 2

6. Press the Continue function button to finish the wizard.

The Pump Curve screen will be displayed automatically when Apollo enters the Running state.

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5.20 Add a Trigger to a Channel

Channels are real-time information collected and displayed by the system. Often, channels are based on a
system input that is scaled to engineering units. Triggers are used to make decisions based on channel
information. Many channels have triggers attached to them by default. View the triggers attached to a
channel on the Channel Info screen. Figure 151: Osiris Motor Temperature, page 167 is for the Osiris
Motor Temperature.

Figure 151: Osiris Motor Temperature

The pre-attached trigger is the Motor Temp High trigger. If the channel you need to set a limit on does not
have a pre-attached trigger or if you need to add another limit to a Channel. A trigger can be added to
the channel.
1. In this example, a High Temperature Warning trigger will be added to the Motor Temperature Channel
with a limit of 180°F. Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to highlight the Add a Trigger option.

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Figure 152: Add a High Temperature Warning Trigger

2. Press the Select function button. A screen appears asking if the limit is a Low Limit or a High Limit.

Figure 153: Low or High Limit Screen

3. In our example, we are creating a Temperature High Warning, so press the YES function button.

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Figure 154: Temperature High Warning

4. In our example, the trigger is a warning. Use the Rename function to change the name to Motor Temp
High Warning (MtrTempHi Warn).

Figure 155: Final Trigger Info Screen

5. Select the Trigger Action and change it to Log->NoStart. Select the Limit and set it to 180 DegF. The
final Trigger Info screen is shown in Figure 156: Final Channel Info Screen , page 170.

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Figure 156: Final Channel Info Screen

The final Channel Info screen for the Motor Temp channel is shown in Figure 157: Motor Temperature High
Warning Trigger , page 170.

Figure 157: Motor Temperature High Warning Trigger

The Motor Temp Hi Warning trigger is also displayed on the Channel Info screen.

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5.21 Add a Digital Output to a Trigger

The Apollo system can be used to control relay activated external devices using digital outputs. This control
is accomplished by attaching the digital output to a trigger. Connecting the digital output to a trigger is
done via the Trigger Info screen.
In our example, we’ll connect the Motor Temperature High Warning trigger we created in Section 5.20 Add a
Trigger to a Channel, page 167 to the drive module digital output 2 (also referred to as M3-M4). The output
will be a Normally Open digital output that closes when the trigger is set. This relay could be used to turn
on an external lamp or trigger a callout.
1. Navigate to the Motor Temperature High Warning Trigger Info screen shown in Figure 158: Motor
Temperature High Warning Trigger–Screen 2, page 171.

Figure 158: Motor Temperature High Warning Trigger–Screen 2

2. Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to highlight the Drive a Digital Output with this trigger option.

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Figure 159: Highlight the Drive a Digital Output

3. Press the Select function button. Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to select the M3-M4 output.

Figure 160: Select the M3–M4 Ouput

4. Press the Select function button.

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Figure 161: Digital Output Screen

5. The digital output was specified as Normally Open so press the NO function button. The final trigger info
screen appears in Figure 162: Final Trigger Info Screen, page 173.

Figure 162: Final Trigger Info Screen

The output is shown and has been renamed to include the trigger name.
The digital output will remain open as long as the MtrTempHi Warn trigger is clear. If the motor temperature
exceeds 180 DegF, the trigger will transition to Set and digital output M3-M4 will close.

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5.22 Load a Template

Select Load a New Template from the second page of the Main Menu. Navigate by Home Screen ->
Settings -> Menu -> Right Arrow.
Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to highlight the desired template and press the Select function button.
Push the YES function button when prompted to Overwrite Configuration. It is usually a good practice to
clear event and history data, so push the YES function button when prompted. The LEDs will flash for
about a minute and the Apollo system will reboot.
Templates included with the released software are shown in Table 43: Templates, page 174.

Table 43: Templates

Template Use
SWB Use in switchboard and soft-start applications.
Standard Installed by default. Used with Vector VII and Vector
Plus applications.
Analog Use in variable speed drives that Apollo does not
support via a serial (RS-232, RS-485) connection.
A1KBasicIHM Mimics the Vector VII (white screen) user interface.
Note that it also Limits Apollo’s functionality to
that of the Vector VII. Not recommended for new
installations and only when requested by the

5.23 Miscellaneous Settings

Apollo settings that haven’t already been discussed are included in Table 44: Miscellaneous Settings,
page 175.

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Table 44: Miscellaneous Settings

Name Location Description

Max Start Time Home Screen -> The maximum acceptable delay between
sending a start command to the drive
Settings -> power module and detecting that the
Menu -> Other Initial Setup drive is running.
(page 3) If the Max Start Time is exceeded, Apollo
will report a Start Failed.
Default value is 8 seconds.
Pre-Start Delay Home Screen -> The minimum time that Apollo remains in
the Prepare2Start state. Note that Apollo
Settings -> can remain in the Prepare2Start state
Menu -> Other Initial Setup longer if there is an active trigger with
(page 3) action “Hold in Prestart”. An example of a
“Hold in Prestart” trigger would be charge
pump minimum pressure trigger in an
SPS system.
The default value is 2 seconds.
Screen Timeout Home Screen -> The Apollo LCD display will be turned
off when the keypad is inactive for the
Settings ->
Screen Timeout.
Menu -> Other Initial Setup
Note that any logged in user will be
(page 3)
logged out at the same time the screen
is turned off.
The default value is 10 minutes.
Group Memberships Home Screen -> Group Memberships allow a SCADA
system to send a “Broadcast” group
Settings ->
shutdown command to all drives on a
Menu -> Other Initial Setup network. The group shutdown command
(page 3) will contain a 16 bit shutdown mask. If
a logical AND of the Group Membership
and the shutdown mask results in a
non-zero value, Apollo will shut down the
The default value is 32768 (bit 15 set).

5.24 SPS Setup

The most complex applications faced by the Apollo Control System are Surface Pumping System (SPS)

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In the past, complex SPS applications required an expensive Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to
handle such applications. The Apollo Intelligent Control System can handle the vast majority of such
systems. SPS Specific Functionality built in to Apollo includes:
• Startup Sequencing
• Charge Pump control
• Suction Pressure Monitoring
• Discharge Pressure Monitoring
• Pump Curve Monitoring
• Lube Pump Control
• Lube Oil Pressure/Flow Monitoring
• Lube Oil Temperature Monitoring/Control
• Tank Level Monitoring
• Tank Level PID Speed control
• RTD Analog Input Support (motor temperature monitoring)
Configuration of such complex systems can be challenging. Two tools are provided to simplify the
configuration of SPS systems:
• The SPS Setup Wizard is installed in Apollo drive and walks the user through configuring an SPS system.
• The SPS Configuration Utility runs on a PC and creates an SPS configuration wizard with all possible
information pre-configured. The SPS Configuration Utility is available through the GE network.

Both of these tools are described in the Vector Plus Online training course as described in
Section 6: Apollo Simulator, page 178.
To execute the wizard, from the Home Screen select:
Settings -> Menu -> Other Initial Setup -> Next Page (Right Arrow) -> SPS Setup
Proceed through the screens and input the requested information.
Information needed by the SPS Setup wizard:
• Information for the Install I/O board wizard
• Motor Overload
• Information for the Install IO Module wizard
• Oil Pump Control Information
• Thrust Chamber Oil Pressure/Flow Sensor Information
• Oil Heater/Temperature Sensor Information

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• Charge Pump Information

• Suction Pressure Transducer Information
• Discharge Pressure Transducer Information
• Information for the Pump Curve Setup wizard
• Tank Level Transducer Information
• Lease Kill Switch Information
• ManualStartOnly setting
The SPS Configuration Utility allows the user to configure an SPS system on a PC and create a macro to
install on the Vector Plus drive.
Click here to activate the SPS Configuration Utility. Full URL is .

Figure 163: SPS Configuration Utility

Proceed through the screens activating the features used in your system. When a feature is activated, the
fields required for that feature appear. On the final screen of the SPS Configuration Utility, press the Build
Wizard button to create the wizard. Copy the wizard file to the \WCS\Shortcuts folder on a USB flash drive.

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Proceed through the screens activating the features used in your system. When a feature
is activated, the fields required for that feature appear. On the final screen of the SPS
Configuration Utility, press the Build Wizard button to create the wizard. Copy the wizard file to the
\WCS\Shortcuts folder on a USB flash drive.
To install the configuration on an Apollo system, insert the USB flash drive into the Apollo user interface.
Activate the Run Config Wizard function (second page of the USB Menu) and select the wizard file you
created. Note that you will be asked to enter a few values (Motor Overload, Pump Type, ManualStartOnly)
and do any necessary sensor calibrations when the wizard is executed. All other information will be filled
in automatically.

6 Apollo Simulator
6.1 Introduction

The Apollo Simulator is the Apollo Control system software cross-compiled to run on a Windows PC. This
software is enhanced by adding the ability to simulate the conditions in the pumping system, including
simulations of the variable speed drive and its inputs, the downhole conditions, and inputs to the Apollo I/O
expansion board.

The installation of Apollo Version 3 simulator will not interfere with the installation of your version
2 simulator. Although both versions can be installed, it is not recommended to run more than
1 simulator at once.

Figure 164: Apollo Simulator

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6.2 Installation/ Licensing

The latest release version of the Apollo Simulator is available on the GE Support Central Drives & Controls
Support page ( Download the
latest version and open the zip file. Double-click on the Apollo 3 Simulator.msi file to begin the installation.

If a previous version of the version 3 simulator is already installed on your computer, please use
the Control Panel to remove it before installing a new version. You do not have to uninstall the
Apollo Simulator version 2.

Figure 165: Apollo 3 Simulator Setup Wizard

1. Click the Next button to proceed.

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Figure 166: Confirm Installation Screen

2. Click the Next button to proceed.

Figure 167: Select Installation Folder Screen

3. Change the destination folder if desired. Click the Next button. A Windows confirmation prompt may
appear. Acknowledge it. The installation will take a few seconds.

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Figure 168: Installation Complete Screen

4. Click the Close button to Exit.

A Shortcut was installed on the computer desktop during installation.

Figure 169: Computer Desktop Shortcut

Double-click the shortcut to start the simulator. A dialog will appear informing you that the license file is
missing. Click the “Self-serve License Site” button and follow the instructions. If you have problems with this,
click the “Send E-mail request for New License” to create an e-mail request for a license. Send the e-mail. If
you cannot send the e-mail from the computer on which the simulator was installed, send the request code
as text to Please do not send a screen shot or image of the request code.

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Figure 170: License Request Code Screen

The response for e-mail requests is not automated and will be sent back as soon as possible
during USA Central Time office hours.
Copy and Paste the response code from the website or e-mail into the License Response Code field.

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Figure 171: Pasted License Response Code Screen

Click the “Write New License” button. The license will be validated.

Figure 172: License Validated Screen

Click the OK button. The simulator will start.

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6.3 Simulation Features

The simulator is an Apollo training platform and a platform for Field Service Engineers to set up and test well
configurations before implementing them in an actual pumping system.
Simulation windows are accessed via the View menu. Open the simulation screens as needed. Figure 173:
Simulation Screens, page 184 shows the simulator with the simulation windows open.

Figure 173: Simulation Screens

To access simulation windows, click on View on the menu bar and select the device.

6.4 File Operations

• Load Configuration allows for loading configurations from any location on your PC including USB drives.
• Save Configuration allows you to save a configuration to any location including USB drives.
• Save Config as Text provides a text output summary of the most commonly referenced configuration
items. It is not a complete listing of the configuration.
• Run Wizard allows you to run a Configuration Wizard from any location on your PC.

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6.5 Online Training

The Vector Plus online training course is available and is accessible through the simulator. The online
training window is accessed in the View menu. Note that you must have access the GE Folders to access
the online training. The simulator and online training window are shown in Figure 174: Simulator and Online
Training Window, page 185.

Figure 174: Simulator and Online Training Window

The online training consists of a series of lessons and configuration exercises designed to help you gain
proficiency in the use of Apollo in conjunction with the Vector Plus drive.
Navigation between sections is accomplished using the navigation panel.

Figure 175: Navigation Panel

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Navigate between sections of the training using the drop down box. Press the Check Configuration button
as directed in the exercises to check your configuration.

6.6 Using the Simulator to Configure a Pumping System

The primary function of the Simulator is to allow field engineers to configure and test a pumping system
before deploying it in the field. This can be accomplished using the following procedure:
1. Configure the Apollo simulator to the pumping system requirements.
2. Use simulator and simulated I/O to test startup sequencing (SPS only).
3. Use simulator and simulated I/O to verify that the drive runs as expected.
4. Use simulator and simulated I/O to test all safety shutdowns.
5. Use simulator and simulated I/O to test any automatic starting conditions.
6. Use the Save Configuration menu option to save the pumping system configuration to a USB Flash
drive. Save to the folder \WCS\CFG\ on the Flash drive. Name the configuration as desired.
7. Insert the USB Flash drive into the Apollo User Interface on the “real” pumping system. Select the “Load
Configuration” option from the USB Menu. Select the desired configuration. Press the YES function
button on the “Overwrite Configuration?” prompt. Best practice is to clear the Events and Data Archives
when a new configuration is loaded and press the YES function button when prompted. The Apollo
system will reboot.
8. The ManualStartOnly parameter is set to True when a new configuration is loaded to ensure the drive
does not start unexpectedly. Navigate to the main menu and set ManualStartOnly to false if the pumping
system utilizes any kind of automatic starts or if it can be started by SCADA.
The simulated configuration is now installed on the Apollo field system.

It is possible to test SCADA using the simulator. Network based SCADA (Modbus/TCP) is
accessible using the host computer’s IP address. Serial SCADA can be tested if COM2, COM5, or
COM6 is available on the computer.

7 Apollo Archive Viewer

7.1 Introduction

The Apollo Archive Viewer is a PC-based Windows program for viewing archive data extracted from Apollo
controllers using the USB function “Get Archive Files”. See Section 12: Appendix A–Full Installation of
Apollo Software, page 246 for information on using the USB menu. Selecting “Get Archive Files” will retrieve
data from the controller and update the archive files on your USB disk. The data can be imported from the
USB disk and saved or updated on your PC. If data is periodically updated from the pumping system, it is
possible to build a continuous log of the system data.

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7.2 Installation and Learning

The latest release version of the Apollo Archive Viewer is available on the GE Support Central Drives
& Controls Support page (
Download the latest version.

If a previous version of the archive viewer is already installed on your computer, please use the
Control Panel to remove it before installing a new version. Note that the Archive Viewer works with
all versions of Apollo Software 2.10 or greater.
Double-click on the file Apollo Archive Viewer x.xx then double-click on “Apollo Archive Viewer.msi” to
begin the installation.

Figure 176: Apollo Archive Viewer

Follow the on-screen instructions. When installation is complete, a shortcut will be placed on your desktop.

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Figure 177: Desktop shortcut for Archive Viewer

Double-click on the icon to start the Archive Viewer. A dialog may appear informing you that the license
file is missing. If so, click the “Self-serve License Site” button and follow the instructions, otherwise skip to
Section 7.3 Importing Apollo Data, page 190. If you have problems with the self-serve site, click the “Send
E-mail request for New License” to create an e-mail request for a license. Send the e-mail. If you cannot
send the e-mail from the computer on which the Archive Viewer was installed, send the request code as text
to Please do not send a screen shot or image of the request code.

Figure 178: License Request Code-Screen 1

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The response for e-mail requests is not automated and will be sent back as soon as possible
during USA Central Time office hours.
Copy and Paste the response code from the website or e-mail into the License Response Code field.

Figure 179: License Response Code-Screen 2

Click the “Write New License” button. The license will be validated.

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Figure 180: License Validated Screen

Click OK to continue.

7.3 Importing Apollo Data

To Import new well data, click on “Update or Import New Data”.

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Figure 181: Importing Apollo Data-Screen 1

Navigate to the folder that contains the data retrieved from the Apollo Controller. If you are getting it directly
from the USB stick inserted in the drive, the files will be located in <Site Name>\<Well Name>. If there is no
Site Name the folder will be the Well Name. Within the data folder, click on the file “<Well Name>.sbc” to
import the data. Every time you retrieve data from the Apollo Controller and then Import the data using the
import function, the new data is merged with the prior data. If the data is retrieved periodically, the Archive
Viewer will attempt to build a continuous log of the Apollo system data.

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Figure 182: Import Apollo Data-Screen 2

Using the drop-down menus, select the channels you want to view. If you know the date for the data you
want to view, use the drop-down calendar to select it.

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Figure 183: Import Data-Screen 3

7.4 Displaying the Archive Data

1. Click on "Show Graph" to view the data.

2. Click on the channel labels to bring up a channel menu to change the vertical scaling.
3. Color-coded vertical scales for each channel.
4. “Write Text File” writes a spread-sheet type text file (.csv) of the historical data currently shown on
the graph.
5. Event drop-down window allows you to choose “No Events”, “Faults” or “All Events”.
6. Click on the ARROW buttons to move forward and backwards in time. Double Arrows move a full
page while the Single Arrows move one division.
7. Click on the “+” button to “zoom-in” or the “-“ button to “zoom-out”.
8. Chart Size drop-down allows you to choose the amount of time shown on the horizontal scale. This
can also be accomplished with the zoom buttons.
9. Clicking anywhere on the graph draws a vertical line, prints the time/date and numeric high and low
values for all channels at that point in time.
10. Click on Maximize to increase the size of the graph.
11. Close the graph screen to exit or change the channels you want to view.

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Figure 184: Graph Screen

If you are viewing the data on a computer that is in the same time-zone as the Apollo system,
the time/date stamps will be the same as the Apollo clock. The Archive Viewer always shows
the time/date as if the data was logged using local time on the computer displaying the data.

7.5 Channel Menu

Click on one of the Channel Labels at the top of the graph to display the channel menu.

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Figure 185: Channel Menu

Vertical Scaling can be modified on a channel-by-channel basis.

• Manual Scaling allows the user to select the vertical scale for the channel.
• Auto Scale (High & Low) automatically sets the minimum and maximum value so that all the points
on the page fit on the vertical scale.
• Auto High Scale (Low Manual) provides an automatic high scale and a fixed low scale. This is the default
setting with the Min Value set at 0.

The auto scaling works well to position all the traces on the screen but can be deceiving because
the scaling may automatically change when zooming or moving forward and backwards in time.
The “Don’t show this trace” check-box can be used to temporarily hide this channel if you need to simplify
the graph by reducing the number of traces shown.
“Previous” and “Next” changes the Channel Menu to a different channel.
“OK” closes the Channel Menu dialog.

7.6 Changing Displayed Channels

If you want to see different channels, close the graph screen using the X in the upper right corner. Use
the drop-down channel lists to change the channels you want to view.

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7.7 Displaying Previously Imported Data

Click on “View Existing Well Data” to select data previously imported.

Figure 186: Viewing Previously Imported Data

The Archive Viewer files are saved in “My Documents\Apollo Data”. This set of files is a merged copy of the
imported data which is updated every time you “Update or Import New Data”. If you are importing multiple
data sets from the same controller, make sure you import the oldest set first, followed by the next oldest
and so on. When you view files using the “View Existing” button, the Archive Viewer will have retained
which channels you selected to view.

Figure 187: Selecting Previously Imported Well Data

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7.8 E-mailing or transferring Apollo Archive Data

To E-mail or otherwise transfer Apollo Archive Data, insert the USB disk (used to extract data) into your
computer and look for a folder named the same as the pumping system’s Site name. Within the Site Name
folder, look for a folder with the same name as the Well Name. If there is no Site Name used, look for
the Well Name in the root of the USB.

Figure 188: Choose the Well Data (on USB Drive)

Select the Well Name folder and right click. Click on “Send to” then on “Compressed (zipped) folder.

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Figure 189: Creating a Zip File

This will create a zip file containing all the required data for the Archive Viewer. If the zip file is too big to
e-mail (limit is usually 10MB), you can transfer the zip file to the Field Data Folder: Field Data.

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Figure 190: The Field Data Transfer Folder

Click on the Upload button, select “File”, fill out the Upload form and click on “Upload”. Send the above link
to the intended recipient (they must also be a GE employee) and have them click on the file you uploaded
and choose “Save File” to download the zip file to their computer.

This folder is for transfer only and files more than a week old may be deleted.

8 Apollo Applications
8.1 Switchboard Application

8.1.1 Equipment Needed

Table 45: Equipment

Part Part Number

Apollo HMI 197144
Apollo I/O, ESP DSI Panel 197207

8.1.2 Electrical Wiring

For Switchboard Applications refer to Drawing 810624.

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Not all connections will be made in every application.

General Wiring Table

Table 46: Apollo HMI

From To
Power Supply Line (85-265 Vac) Apollo HMI J21-3
Power Supply Line Neutral (85-265 Vac) Apollo HMI J21-2
Ground Apollo HMI J21-1
Apollo I/O Board J106-6 (+24 Vdc) Apollo HMI J25-6 (+24 Vdc)
Apollo I/O Board J106-5 (GND) Apollo HMI J25-5 (GND)
Cable Shield Apollo HMI J25-4 (SHIELD)
Apollo I/O Board J106-3 (B) Apollo HMI J25-3 (B)
Apollo I/O Board J106-2 (A) Apollo HMI J25-2 (A)

Table 47: Apollo I/O Board

From To
Apollo HMI J25-6 (+24 Vdc) Apollo I/O Board J106-6 (+24 Vdc)
Apollo HMI J25-5 (GND) Apollo I/O Board J106-5 (GND)
Apollo HMI J25-3 (B) Apollo I/O Board J106-3 (B)
Apollo HMI J25-2 (A) Apollo I/O Board J106-2 (A)
Backspin Probe A+ Apollo I/O Board (1) PRB A+
Backspin Probe B+ Apollo I/O Board (2) PRB B+
Backspin Probe C+ Apollo I/O Board (3) PRB C+
Backspin Probe A- Apollo I/O Board (4) PRB A-
Backspin Probe B- Apollo I/O Board (5) PRB B-
Backspin Probe C- Apollo I/O Board (6) PRB C-
Backspin Probe A Shield Apollo I/O Board (7) SHIELD-Jumper (7) to (8)
Backspin Probe B Shield Apollo I/O Board (8) SHIELD-Jumper (7) to (8)
Backspin Probe C Shield Apollo I/O Board (8) SHIELD-Jumper (7) to (8)
Current Transformer CT A+ Apollo I/O Board (9) CT A+
Current Transformer CT A- Apollo I/O Board (10) CT A-

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Table 47: Apollo I/O Board (cont'd.)

From To
Current Transformer CT B+ Apollo I/O Board (11) CT B+
Current Transformer CT B- Apollo I/O Board (12) CT B-
Current Transformer CT C+ Apollo I/O Board 13) CT C+
Current Transformer CT C - Apollo I/O Board (14) CT C -
PT AC Line Apollo I/O Board (15) PTAC H
PT AB Line Apollo I/O Board (16) PTAB H (Jumper
to (15) for single PT)
PT AC/AB Neutral Apollo I/O Board (17) PTAC N
PT AC/AB Neutral Apollo I/O Board (18) PTAC N
ESP DSI J204-6 (+24 Vdc) Apollo I/O Board J108-6 (+24 Vdc)
ESP DSI J204-5 (GND) Apollo I/O Board J108-5 (GND)
ESP Cable Shield Apollo I/O Board J108-4 (SHIELD)
ESP DSI J204-3 (B) Apollo I/O Board J108-3 (B)
ESP DSI J204-2 (A) Apollo I/O Board J108-2 (A)
Motor Contactor Relay Apollo I/O Board (32) Digital I/O 7
Motor Contactor Relay Neutral Apollo I/O Board (31) Digital I/O 7
(Optional) Run Pilot Light [Green] Apollo I/O Board (32) Digital I/O 7
(Optional) Run Pilot Light Neutral [Green] Apollo I/O Board (31) Digital I/O 7
(Optional) Fault Pilot Light [Red] Apollo I/O Board (34) Digital I/O 8
(Optional) Fault Pilot Light Neutral [Red] Apollo I/O Board (33) Digital I/O 8
(Optional) Underload Pilot Light [Amber] Apollo I/O Board (36) Digital I/O 9
(Optional) Underload Pilot Light Apollo I/O Board (35) Digital I/O 9
Neutral [Amber] (UNDERLOAD OUTPUT)
(Optional) Hand Switch Apollo I/O Board (20) Digital I/O 1

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Table 47: Apollo I/O Board (cont'd.)

From To
(Optional) Hand Switch Neutral Apollo I/O Board (19) Digital I/O 1 Common
(Optional) Auto Switch Apollo I/O Board (22) Digital I/O 2
(Optional) Auto Switch Neutral Apollo I/O Board (21) Digital I/O 2 Common
(Optional) Start Switch Apollo I/O Board (24) Digital I/O 3
(Optional) Start Switch Neutral Apollo I/O Board (23) Digital I/O 3 Common

Table 48: ESP DSI Board

From To
Apollo I/O Board J108-6 (+24 Vdc) ESP DSI J204-6 (+24 Vdc)
Apollo I/O Board J108-5 (GND) ESP DSI J204-5 (GND)
Apollo I/O Board J108-3 (B) ESP DSI J204-3 (B)
Apollo I/O Board J108-2 (A) ESP DSI J204-2 (A)
Downhole Sensor Choke Panel (Ve+) ESP DSI J206-1 (VE+)
Downhole Sensor Choke Panel (Ve-) ESP DSI J206-2 (VE-)

8.1.3 Configuration

Install the SWB template as described in Section 5.22 Load a Template, page 174. Perform
basic setup sequence as described inSection 4: Basic Setup Sequence, page 82.

The drive specific parameters will not be available in the Switchboard template.

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8.2 Vector VII / Vector Plus ESP Application

8.2.1 Equipment Needed

Table 49: Vector VII/Vector Plus ESP Application

Part Part Number

Apollo HMI (only if upgrading from old “Blue 810283 (810286 if stainless steel)
Box” HMI)
Apollo I/O, ESP DSI Panel 197207
(if adding full panel with I/O and ESP DSI
Apollo I/O board 197148
(if adding I/O board to existing panel with ESP
DSI already installed)
Mounting Hardware 4 x 196352 SCREW, PHP M5-0.8X10MM
18-8 4SS
(if adding I/O board to existing panel with ESP
DSI already installed) 4 x 196354 WASHER, LOCK M5 SPLIT 18-8

8.2.2 Electrical Wiring

For Vector VII ESP Standard Applications refer to Drawing 810619.

Not all connections will be made in every application.

General Wiring Table

Table 50: Equipment

From To
Power Supply Line (85-265 Vac) Apollo HMI J21-3
Power Supply Line Neutral (85-265 Vac) Apollo HMI J21-2
Ground Apollo HMI J21-1
Apollo I/O Board J106-6 (+24 Vdc) Apollo HMI J25-6 (+24 Vdc)
Apollo I/O Board J106-5 (GND) Apollo HMI J25-5 (GND)
Cable Shield Apollo HMI J25-4 (SHIELD)

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Table 50: Equipment (cont'd.)

From To
Apollo I/O Board J106-3 (B) Apollo HMI J25-3 (B)
Apollo I/O Board J106-2 (A) Apollo HMI J25-2 (A)

Table 51: Apollo I/O Board (If Needed)

From To
Apollo HMI J25-6 (+24 Vdc) Apollo I/O Board J106-6 (+24 Vdc)
Apollo HMI J25-5 (GND) Apollo I/O Board J106-5 (GND)
Apollo HMI J25-3 (B) Apollo I/O Board J106-3 (B)
Apollo HMI J25-2 (A) Apollo I/O Board J106-2 (A)
Backspin Probe A+ Apollo I/O Board (1) PRB A+
Backspin Probe B+ Apollo I/O Board (2) PRB B+
Backspin Probe C+ Apollo I/O Board (3) PRB C+
Backspin Probe A- Apollo I/O Board (4) PRB A-
Backspin Probe B- Apollo I/O Board (5) PRB B-
Backspin Probe C- Apollo I/O Board (6) PRB C-
Backspin Probe A Shield Apollo I/O Board (7) SHIELD-Jumper (7) to (8)
Backspin Probe B Shield Apollo I/O Board (8) SHIELD-Jumper (7) to (8)
Backspin Probe C Shield Apollo I/O Board (8) SHIELD-Jumper (7) to (8)
Current Transformer CT A+ Apollo I/O Board (9) CT A+
Current Transformer CT A- Apollo I/O Board (10) CT A-
Current Transformer CT B+ Apollo I/O Board (11) CT B+
Current Transformer CT B- Apollo I/O Board (12) CT B-
Current Transformer CT C+ Apollo I/O Board 13) CT C+
Current Transformer CT C - Apollo I/O Board (14) CT C -
PT AC Line Apollo I/O Board (15) PTAC H
PT AB Line Apollo I/O Board (16) PTAB H (Jumper
to (15) for single PT)
PT AC/AB Neutral Apollo I/O Board (17) PTAC N
PT AC/AB Neutral Apollo I/O Board (18) PTAC N
ESP DSI J204-6 (+24 Vdc) Apollo I/O Board J108-6 (+24 Vdc)

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Table 51: Apollo I/O Board (If Needed) (cont'd.)

From To
ESP DSI J204-5 (GND) Apollo I/O Board J108-5 (GND)
ESP Cable Shield Apollo I/O Board J108-4 (SHIELD)
ESP DSI J204-3 (B) Apollo I/O Board J108-3 (B)
ESP DSI J204-2 (A) Apollo I/O Board J108-2 (A)

Table 52: ESP DSI

From To
Apollo I/O Board J108-6 (+24 Vdc) ESP DSI J204-6 (+24 Vdc)
Apollo I/O Board J108-5 (GND) ESP DSI J204-5 (GND)
Apollo I/O Board J108-3 (B) ESP DSI J204-3 (B)
Apollo I/O Board J108-2 (A) ESP DSI J204-2 (A)
Downhole Sensor Choke Panel (Ve+) ESP DSI J206-1 (VE+)
Downhole Sensor Choke Panel (Ve-) ESP DSI J206-2 (VE-)

8.2.3 Configuration

Vector VII/Vector Plus applications use the Standard template that is automatically installed with
Apollo. Perform basic setup sequence as described in Section 4: Basic Setup Sequence, page
82. If an Apollo Extended I/O board is included in the system, activate the board as described in
Section 5.1 Add I/O Board, page 119.

8.3 Vector VII/Vector Plus SPS Application

8.3.1 Equipment Needed

Table 53: Equipment

Part Part Number

Apollo HMI (only if upgrading from 810283 (810286 if stainless steel)
old “Blue Box” HMI)
Apollo I/O, ESP DSI Panel 197207
(if adding full panel with I/O and ESP
DSI boards)

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Table 53: Equipment (cont'd.)

Part Part Number

Apollo I/O board 197148
(if adding I/O board to existing panel with
ESP DSI already installed)
Mounting Hardware 4 x 196352 SCREW,PHP M5-0.8X10MM
18-8 4SS
(if adding I/O board to existing panel with
ESP DSI already installed) 4 x 196354 WASHER, LOCK M5

8.3.2 Electrical Wiring Table

General Wiring Table

Table 54: Apollo HMI

From To
Power Supply Line (85-265 Vac) Apollo HMI J21-3
Power Supply Line Neutral (85-265 Vac) Apollo HMI J21-2
Ground Apollo HMI J21-1
Apollo I/O Board J106-6 (+24 Vdc) Apollo HMI J25-6 (+24 Vdc)
Apollo I/O Board J106-5 (GND) Apollo HMI J25-5 (GND)
Cable Shield Apollo HMI J25-4 (SHIELD)
Apollo I/O Board J106-3 (B) Apollo HMI J25-3 (B)
Apollo I/O Board J106-2 (A) Apollo HMI J25-2 (A)

Table 55: Apollo I/O Board (if needed)

From To
Apollo HMI J25-6 (+24 Vdc) Apollo I/O Board J106-6 (+24 Vdc)
Apollo HMI J25-5 (GND) Apollo I/O Board J106-5 (GND)
Apollo HMI J25-3 (B) Apollo I/O Board J106-3 (B)
Apollo HMI J25-2 (A) Apollo I/O Board J106-2 (A)
Backspin Probe A+ Apollo I/O Board (1) PRB A+
Backspin Probe B+ Apollo I/O Board (2) PRB B+

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Table 55: Apollo I/O Board (if needed) (cont'd.)

From To
Backspin Probe C+ Apollo I/O Board (3) PRB C+
Backspin Probe A- Apollo I/O Board (4) PRB A-
Backspin Probe B- Apollo I/O Board (5) PRB B-
Backspin Probe C- Apollo I/O Board (6) PRB C-
Backspin Probe A Shield Apollo I/O Board (7) SHIELD-Jumper (7) to (8)
Backspin Probe B Shield Apollo I/O Board (8) SHIELD-Jumper (7) to (8)
Backspin Probe C Shield Apollo I/O Board (8) SHIELD-Jumper (7) to (8)
Current Transformer CT A+ Apollo I/O Board (9) CT A+
Current Transformer CT A- Apollo I/O Board (10) CT A-
Current Transformer CT B+ Apollo I/O Board (11) CT B+
Current Transformer CT B- Apollo I/O Board (12) CT B-
Current Transformer CT C+ Apollo I/O Board 13) CT C+
Current Transformer CT C - Apollo I/O Board (14) CT C -
PT AC Line Apollo I/O Board (15) PTAC H
PT AB Line Apollo I/O Board (16) PTAB H (Jumper
to (15) for single PT)
PT AC/AB Neutral Apollo I/O Board (17) PTAC N
PT AC/AB Neutral Apollo I/O Board (18) PTAC N

Table 56: RSTi I/O Module (if needed)

From To
Apollo I/O Board J108-6 (+24 Vdc) RSTi Power 0, 6
Apollo I/O Board J108-5 (GND) RSTi Power 1, 5
Apollo I/O Board J108-3 (B) RSTi Comms – 2 (Data -)
Apollo I/O Board J108-2 (A) RSTi Comms – 1 (Data +)

8.3.3 Configuration

Vector VII/Vector Plus applications use the Standard template that is automatically installed with
Apollo. Perform setup operations as described in Section 4: Basic Setup Sequence, page 82
and Vector VII/Vector Plus ESP Application for SPS systems, run the SPS Setup wizard (see
Section 5.24 SPS Setup, page 175).

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9 Apollo Motor Overload Protection

The Apollo Control System provides two types of motor overload protection.
• I2T Motor Overload– The I2T overload algorithm protects the motor from heat damage by modeling the heat
buildup in the motor. The parameters for setting up the I2T overload are shown in Figure 191: Motor Overload
Setup Menu-Screen 1, page 208.

Figure 191: Motor Overload Setup Menu-Screen 1

• Fixed Threshold/Time Delay Overload– The fixed threshold overload algorithm is referred to as Motor
OverCurrent in the Apollo system and protects the motor from heat damage by monitoring motor current using a
simple thresholding algorithm. The parameters for setting up the overcurrent protection are accessible by selecting
Motor OverCurrent in Figure 192: Motor Overload Setup Menu–Screen 2, page 209.

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Figure 192: Motor Overload Setup Menu–Screen 2

9.1 I2T Motor Overload Algorithm

The purpose of the motor overload algorithm is to protect the motor from heat damage. The I2T algorithm
protects the motor by modeling the heat buildup in the motor.

Figure 193: I2T Motor Overload Algorithm

The graph above shows the time it takes for the system to progress from normal running to an overload as
a function of 2 factors:
• Amount of overload: The higher the overload, the faster the system will shut down.

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• Overload Time Constant: The longer the time constant, the slower the overload will respond.
For example, a system running at 150% (1.5 on graph) of overload threshold with a 120 second overload
delay will trip in 70 seconds while a system running a 250% will trip in about 20 seconds.
Changing the OL Delay will change the trip time proportionally. For example, doubling the OL Delay will
double the trip time at any overload level.

9.2 Advantages of the I2T Motor Overload Algorithm

An I2T overload algorithm is superior to a fixed threshold/time delay algorithm in several respects.
Advantages include:
• I2T will tolerate light overloads for quite a while. A well tends to pull more current at startup than at steady
state. When using a fixed threshold/time delay algorithm, users tend to artificially raise the overload limit
to accommodate this (for example, by always setting overload to 15% above nameplate), making the
overload less sensitive in steady state conditions. The I2T algorithm can handle the starting current
without compromising protection after the current has stabilized. See Figure 194: Apollo Overload
Simulator, page 211.
• I2T will trip faster on heavy overloads. For example, assume we have a fixed threshold overload with
a delay of 30 seconds. The I2T algorithm will trip faster than the fixed threshold algorithm for loads
greater than about 210%. See screenshots below.
• I2T will not forget about the heat buildup just because the load occasionally drops below the overload
threshold. In a fixed threshold/time delay algorithm, the timer is reset each time the load drops below the
overload value. This could allow a system to run in overload indefinitely and damage the motor. See
Figure 194: Apollo Overload Simulator, page 211.

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Figure 194: Apollo Overload Simulator

The screenshot above simulates a motor that starts at 110% of the motor overload threshold and then the
load linearly decreases to 95% of the overload threshold in 5 minutes.

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Figure 195: 125% of Overload Threshold (Left), 250% of Overload Threshold (Right)

Left image illustrates loading at 125% of overload threshold. Right illustrates 250%.
Screenshots of Apollo Overload Simulator showing how overload affects time to overload.

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Figure 196: How Overload Affects Time To Overload

The screenshot above illustrates how the overload bucket drains off slowly when the current drops below
overload. In this simulation the motor is started at 125% of the overload threshold. The system detects
overload in 2 minutes and stops. The system restarts 2 minutes later with load still at 125%. The system
shuts down almost immediately (as the heat in the motor has not had time to dissipate). The system
is restarted a second time 2 minutes later with loading at 100% of overload. As you can see, at 100%
overload the motor temperature is stable.

10 Trigger Definition
10.1 Trigger Definition

Triggers are used to define events or conditions in the pumping system and to take actions that affect the
state of the motor controller (MC). When the condition is met, the trigger is said to be SET. If the condition is
not met, the trigger is said to be CLEAR. For example, a High Limit trigger tests the value of a channel
against a limit. If the limit is exceeded the trigger is SET and the system state is affected by the ACTION
defined for the particular trigger.
Examples of Triggers:
• Tank Level High Trigger-Starts motor if a tank level exceeds the trigger limit (sometimes referred to as
setpoint or threshold).

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• Intake Pressure Low Trigger-Stops the motor if the downhole pump intake pressure is less than the
trigger limit.

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Figure 197: Trigger Logic Flowchart

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10.2 Basic Trigger Settings

Table 57: Basic Trigger Settings

Item Description
Name Name of the trigger. When naming a trigger, use a name that describes
the condition when the trigger is SET such as Tank Level Hi. Trigger
names cannot exceed 15 characters.
Trigger Type The type of trigger. The Trigger Type determines the condition that causes
the trigger to be activated (SET). The Trigger Types are described below.
Trigger State The current state of the trigger. Basically, a trigger is either clear (all
conditions specified in the trigger definition have not been met) or set (all
of the conditions specified in the trigger description have been met). See
Section 10.4 Trigger States, page 217.
Limit The allowed limit that the current value of the trigger’s input channel is
being compared to. Sometimes referred to as the trigger setpoint or trigger
Action The action that is performed when the trigger transitions to the set state.
See Section 10.5 Trigger Actions (Basic), page 218.
Enable States Motor Control states in which the trigger is enabled. See Section 10.6
Enable States, page 219.
Enable Delay The time for which the trigger is not checked (and will not be activated)
after the motor control state transitions from a not enabled state to an
enabled state. Typically, this will be the time the trigger is not checked
after the motor is started.
Trip Delay (Set) Time to tolerate the trigger’s input channel exceeding the limit before the
trigger transitions to the set state.
Trip Delay (Clear) The time the trigger conditions must remain unmet before a set trigger
will transition to clear.
Restarts/Allowed This field holds 2 numbers. The number of restarts that have been
attempted on this trigger (automatically generated) and the number of
allowed restarts. Set the number of allowed restarts to 0 to disable restarts
for this trigger.
Restart Delay Delay before attempting to restart the well.
Restart Delay Start Determines the time from which the Restart Delay begins. Options are
Starts when Set (the restart countdown begins when the trigger transitions
to the set state) and Starts when Clear (the restart countdown begins
when the trigger transitions to the clear state).

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10.3 Trigger Types (Basic)

“Basic” Trigger Types are appropriate for at least 90% of the triggers that will need to be field configured.
These types are automatically selected when the user executes the “Add a Trigger” function from the
Channel Info screen. See Trigger Types (full list) below for all trigger types.

Table 58: Trigger Types (basic)

Action Description
(User Level)
Is ON or SET Activates when the Source 1 digital channel is ON. This type of
trigger is added when the user Adds a Trigger to a digital channel
from the Channel Info screen.
Is LESS THAN Activates when the Source 1 value is less than the limit. This type
of trigger can be selected when the user Adds a Trigger to an
analog channel from the Channel Info screen.
Is GREATER THAN Activates when the Source 1 value is greater than the limit. This
type of trigger can be selected when the user Adds a Trigger to an
analog channel from the Channel Info screen.

10.4 Trigger States

Table 59: Trigger States

Trigger State Color Scheme Description

(Text Color)
Clr-Not In Use Gray The trigger is not in use in this template (or has been
disabled by a user). This trigger will never affect the
motor control state machine.
Clr-No Init. Gray The trigger has not been initialized. This indicates
that it depends upon a channel or another trigger that
has not been initialized. Navigate to the Trigger Info
screen to trace back to the channel or trigger that
is not yet initialized.
Clr-Not Enabled Gray The trigger is not enabled in the current motor control
state. Triggers that are not enabled are always
considered clear (not activated). For example, many
triggers associated with a drive running are not
enabled in the Stopped states.
Clr-Locked Out Red This trigger is now clear – but it was active and is
the trigger that caused the motor control state to be
locked out.

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Table 59: Trigger States (cont'd.)

Trigger State Color Scheme Description

(Text Color)
Clr – TrpDly min:sec Yellow The trigger is now clear but the set condition has
been met. The trigger will be activated (set) when the
trip delay has been satisfied.
Clr-Rstrt: min:sec Yellow The trigger is now clear and is counting down to
attempt a restart. If several of these triggers are
active at the same time, the well will not start until all
of them have completed their restart times.
Clear Purple The trigger is enabled (the motor control is in a state
that has been checked in the “Enable States”) and
the conditions have not been met to activate (set)
the trigger.
Set Yellow All conditions have been met and the trigger is active

Text colors are only as listed when the Apollo Color Scheme is set to “Color on Black”.

10.5 Trigger Actions (Basic)

“Basic” Trigger Actions are appropriate for at least 90% of the triggers that will need to be field configured.
See Trigger Actions (full list) below for all trigger actions.

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Table 60: Trigger Actions (basic)

Action Color Scheme Description

(User Level) (background)
Logic Only Brown The trigger has no effect on the motor control
state machine and is not logged. The Logic
Only trigger can be used as an input to other
(derived) triggers.
Log Only Dark Purple The trigger has no effect on the motor control
state machine but is logged in the Event Log.
STOP->FAULT Red The trigger will cause the motor to stop. On
drives, the motor will stop according to the
normal acceleration/deceleration times or
coast as configured. A fault will be declared. If
no restarts remain on the trigger, the system
will Lock Out.

Text colors are only as listed when the Apollo Color Scheme is set to “Color on Black”.

10.6 Enable States

Enable States can only be selected on the Trigger Edit screen (Advanced Access required).

Table 61: Enable States

Enable State Description

STOPPED States Check if you wish the trigger to be enabled when the drive is stopped.
Stopped motor control states include Initializing, Locked Out, Fault, No
Restart, Hold, and Restart. See Note 1.
Prepare2Start Check if you wish the trigger to be enabled during the startup sequence. The
motor control state associated with this is Prep to Start (non ESP templates)
or Wait Backspin (ESP templates).
STARTING State Check if you wish the trigger to be enabled during the STARTING state.
RUN MODE 1 Check if you wish the trigger to be enabled when the drive is in Running.
Note that you can use the different run modes to have different active
triggers… i.e. you can create multiple underload triggers and have them
enabled in different run states to better protect your system.
RUN MODE 2 Check if you wish the trigger to be enabled when the drive is in RUN MODE 2.
RUN MODE 3 Check if you wish the trigger to be enabled when the drive is in RUN MODE 3.

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If a trigger has been enabled in all states AND has an enable delay set, then it will be disabled in
the STOPPED States.

10.7 Trigger Screens

Trigger Info Screen

Shown as logged in at Level 2.
Trigger parameters that can be edited from this screen are:
• Trigger Limit
• Trigger Action
• Enable Delay
• Trip Delay
• Restarts Allowed
• Restart Delay
• The trigger can be disabled (Not In Use) or enabled using the On/Off function button.
• The Trigger Name can be edited using the Rename function button.

Figure 198: Trigger Info-Screen 2

Edit Trigger Screen

Only available to Level 3 (Advanced) users.

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All trigger parameters can be edited from this screen.

• Trigger Name
• In Use (trigger enabled/disabled)
• Trigger Limit
• Enabled States
• Enable Delay
• Trigger Action
• Restarts Allowed
• No Log on Clear – check this box if you don’t wish for the trigger to be logged when it transitions from
Set to Clear.
• Restart Delay
• Restart Delay Start
• Trip Delay (Set)
• Trip Delay (Clear)

• One way to read the Edit Trigger screen is to follow it like a narrative. The Motor Temp High
trigger will be set (activated) if the Motor Temp is greater than 220 degF. The trigger is enabled
in all states and will stop the system when activated.

Figure 199: Edit Trigger-Screen 3

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Some triggers are predefined in the Apollo system and cannot be modified. See Section 10.10
Special Triggers, page 226.

10.8 Trigger Types (full list)

“Basic” Trigger Types are appropriate for at least 90% of the triggers that will need to be field configured.
These types are automatically selected when the user executes the “Add a Trigger” function from the
Channel Info screen. “Advanced” Trigger Types should not be used without direction from engineering
or until advanced training courses are completed.

Table 62: Trigger Types (full list)

Action (User Level) Description

SET Whenever ENABLED Activates whenever the motor control is in a state that has been
enabled (has a check mark by it).
Is ON or SET Activates when the Source 1 digital channel is ON. This type
of trigger is added when the user Adds a Trigger to a digital
channel from the Channel Info screen.
Is LESS THAN Activates when the Source 1value is less than the limit. This
type of trigger can be selected when the user Adds a Trigger to
an analog channel from the Channel Info screen.
Is GREATER THAN Activates when the Source 1 value is greater than the limit. This
type of trigger can be selected when the user Adds a Trigger to
an analog channel from the Channel Info screen.
Is EQUAL TO Activates when the Source 1 value is equal to the limit.
LESS THAN or = TO Activates when the Source 1 value is less than or equal to the
GREATER or = TO Activates when the Source 1 value is greater than or equal to
the limit.
AND Activates when the logical and of Source 1 and Source 2 is
TRUE. (i.e. both inputs are TRUE)
OR Activates if the logical or of Source 1 and Source 2 is TRUE. (i.e.
either of the inputs are TRUE)

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Table 62: Trigger Types (full list) (cont'd.)

Action (User Level) Description

AND (block from 1 to 2) Activates when the logical and of all the triggers between Source
1 and Source 2 is TRUE.
Only use advanced trigger types under direction from
OR (block from 1 to 2) Activates when the logical or of all the triggers between Source
1 and Source 2 is TRUE.
Only use advanced trigger types under direction from
Internal Trigger Only use advanced trigger types under direction from
External Trigger Only use advanced trigger types under direction from
Is SET, Cleared on Activates when Source 1 is SET. Clears when Source 2 is SET.
(Advanced) Only use advanced trigger types under direction from
Is SET or Counting Activates if Source 1 is SET or is counting down for a restart.
(Advanced) Only use advanced trigger types under direction from

10.9 Trigger Actions (Full List)

“Basic” Trigger Actions are appropriate for at least 90% of the triggers that will need to be field configured.
These actions are automatically selected when the user executes the “Add a Trigger” function from the
Channel Info screen. “Standard” Trigger Actions may be necessary in a small number of situations – like
implementing tank level control from an ESP template. “Advanced” Trigger Actions will rarely be used by
the field engineer.

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Table 63: Trigger Actions (full list)

Action (User Level) Color Scheme Description

Logic Only Brown The trigger has no effect on the motor control
state machine and is not logged. The Logic
Only trigger can be used as an input to other
(derived) triggers.
Log Only Dark Purple The trigger has no effect on the motor control
state machine but is logged in the Even Log.
STOP->FAULT Red The trigger will cause the motor to stop. On
drives, the motor will stop according to the
normal acceleration/deceleration times. A fault
will be declared. If no restarts remain on the
trigger, the system will Lock Out.
STOP->Ready Red The trigger causes the motor control to stop the
motor without issuing a fault or a lockout. In
(Standard) the hold state, a trigger with the START Motor
action can cause the motor to start.
STOP->Timer Block Red The trigger causes the motor control to stop
the motor AND will restart only on that trigger’s
(Advanced) restart timer. The system will not allow manual
starts to override the timer.
HOLD in Prestart Blue The trigger will cause the motor control to wait
in the Prestart state. The motor control will
(Standard) remain in the Prestart state until the trigger is
cleared (and then the motor will be started) or
until another trigger causes a transition to the
fault or lockout state. The HOLD in Prestart
trigger is usually used as a permissive for
running the system.
START Motor Green The trigger will cause the motor to start IF the
motor control is in the HOLD state.
Go to Run Mode 1 Dark Green The trigger will cause the motor control to
transition to Run Mode 1.
Go to Run Mode 2 Dark Green The trigger will cause the motor control to
transition to Run Mode 2.
Go to Run Mode 3 Dark Green The trigger will cause the motor control to
transition to Run Mode 3.

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Table 63: Trigger Actions (full list) (cont'd.)

Action (User Level) Color Scheme Description

Clear LockOut Dark Green The trigger will clear any lockout and allow
the motor control to begin counting down
(Advanced) for a restart (if any trigger have any restarts
Save 100ms Trace Dark Green The trigger will activate the 100ms trace
function. This function saves all channels
(Advanced) defined on the Trace Channels screen at 100
ms intervals from approximately 3 minutes
before the trigger enters the set state to 3
minutes after the trigger enters the set state.
Latched Logic Brown The trigger when set will stay set until a “Clear
Latches” trigger is set. Note that the Latched
Logic trigger has no effect on the motor control
– but can be very used as an input when
creating derived trigger.
Clear Latches Dark Green The trigger when set will clear all “Latched
Logic” triggers. Note that the Clear Latches
trigger has no effect on the motor control.
E-STOP->FAULT Red Only for drives.
(Advanced) The trigger will cause control of the motor to
immediately cease, allowing the motor to coast
to a stop. A fault will be declared. If no restarts
remain on the trigger, the system will Lock Out.
LOG->NO_START Red This trigger will NOT cause the motor to stop.
It will, however, prevent the motor from starting
when it is set. Primarily used to designate
warning conditions that should prevent the
motor from starting. LOG->NO_START triggers
are often used to detect warning conditions.
When any trigger with LOG->NO_START
action is set, Internal Trigger 228 “Any Warning”
will be set. Trigger 228 can be used to indicate
that a warning condition is present. Note that
the Green RUN LED will blink when a warning
trigger is SET.

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10.10 Special Triggers

10.10.1 Internal Triggers

These triggers are set or cleared by logic built in to the software.

Table 64: Internal Triggers

Trigger Trigger Name Description

201 EIO 1 Comm Fail Com Failure with IO board
202 SG Comm Fail Com Failure with DH Tool Surface System
203 Drive Comm Fail Com Failure with Drive Chassis
204 EIO 2 Comm Fail Com Failure with IO board #2
206 IO Mod ComFail Com Failure with RSTi IO Module
219 Self-Stop The drive (or motor) has stopped without
being commanded to do so.
220 Self-Start The drive (or motor) has started without
being commanded to do so.
221 Remote Start Motor was started by SCADA or Remote
222 Manual Start Motor was started manually.
223 Rst Timer Start Motor was started by auto-restart timer.
224 Triggered Start Motor was started by a trigger.
225 Start Failed The drive (or motor) failed to start after
being commanded to do so.
226 Stop Failed The drive (or motor) failed to stop after
being commanded to do so.
228 Any Warning A Warning (LOG->NO START) trigger is
229 Group Shutdown Motor was stopped by SCADA Group
Shutdown Command.
230-240 System State See table below.
244 PwrFail SysStop The System was shut down by power failure.
245 Warm Start The System was restarted with memory
246 Cold Start The System was restarted with Event Logs
and History erased.

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Table 64: Internal Triggers (cont'd.)

Trigger Trigger Name Description

247 Any Fault A fault caused the motor to be stopped.
Latched until cleared.
248 Remote Lockout System Stopped and/or Locked-Out by
SCADA or Remote User.
249 Local Lockout The System has been Locked-Out locally
(usually by STOP button).
255 Watchdog Reset The System had to be restarted due to a
hardware or software failure.

10.10.2 Motor Control State Triggers

At any given time, only one of the following triggers will be set to indicate the current state
of the system.

Table 65: Motor Control State Triggers

Trigger Trigger Name Description

230 [No IO Comm] Initial State—Cannot communicate with
motor-controller. See Note 1.
231 [Locked Out] System is locked out and will not restart
232 [Stopped-FAULT] Motor is stopped and will not restart because
a fault is active.
233 [Ready-Manual] Motor is stopped, no fault is active but
auto-restarts are not enabled.
234 [Ready] Motor is stopped, holding for a start request.
235 [Wait4Restart] Motor is stopped, counting down to
automatically restart.
236 [Prepare2Start] Checking for any “Pre-start hold” triggers.
See Note 2.
237 [Starting] Motor has been commanded to start.
238 [Running] Running in Mode 1.
239 [Run Mode 2] Running in Mode 2.

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Table 65: Motor Control State Triggers (cont'd.)

Trigger Trigger Name Description

240 [Run Mode 3] Running in Mode 3.
241 [Stopping] Motor has been commanded to stop.

• Labeled “No IO Comm” in Switchboard applications and “No Drive Comm” in drive
• Labeled “Prepare2Start” in ESP systems and “StartSequence” in SPS systems.

11 Pump Curves
What is a Pump Curve?
A pump curve is a chart that shows the relationship between pump flow, head, power, and efficiency. Published
curves are for a single stage pump operating at 60 Hz. The pump curve shown below is from page 56 of the GE Oil
& Gas Artificial Lift 2013 Product Catalog.

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Figure 200: TE5500 1 stage @ 60Hz 3500 RPM Specific Gravity 1.0

Pump curves are published for each pump stage sold by GE Oil & Gas. They are published in the GE Product Catalog
and maintained in Solutions Sizing Software. Applications engineers utilize these pump curves along with customer
production requirements, fluid and reservoir data to select the proper ESP or Surface Pumping System.
In the Apollo Control System, the pump curve is used in reverse. Apollo assumes the pump curve represents the
pump’s performance. Then, utilizing the real-time operating conditions of the pumping system, Apollo determines
where on the pump curve the pump is operating and uses that information to improve pump protection.

11.1 Pump Curve Terminology

Table 66: Pump Curve Terminology

Term Description
Best Efficiency Point (BEP) The flow rate associated with the pump’s Best Efficiency Point.
Down Thrust Condition in which the pump is operating at a flow rate lower than the BEP.
Note that some down thrust is permitted within the operating range.
Efficiency Curve Illustrates the relationship between the fluid flow through the pump and
the efficiency of the pump.

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Table 66: Pump Curve Terminology (cont'd.)

Term Description
Frequency/Speed The pump speed (in RPM) or frequency (in Hz) for which the pump curve is
valid. Published pump curves are valid at 60 Hz.
Head Curve Illustrates the relationship between the fluid flow through the pump and the
head (amount of lift) generated by the pump.
Operating Point The flow rate, head, power, and efficiency at which the pump is currently
Operating Range The range of flow over which the pump was designed to run.
Power Curve Illustrates the relationship between the fluid flow through the pump and the
power required by the pump.
Pump Curve Graph composed of the Head Curve, Power Curve, and Efficiency Curve
plotted against the fluid flow through the pump.
Up Thrust Condition in which the pump is operating at a flow rate higher than the BEP.
Note that some up thrust is permitted within the operating range.

11.2 Apollo Pump Curve

The picture Figure 201: Apollo Pump Curve Labeled, page 231 shows the Apollo pump curve with each
part labeled.

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Figure 201: Apollo Pump Curve Labeled

The Apollo pump curve is recalculated as the drive output frequency changes. The Current Operating Point
is updated as the differential pressure across the pump changes.

The pumping system MUST HAVE both pump intake and pump discharge pressure to use the
Pump curve.
The Pump Curve’s thrust limits can also be seen in the Diff. Press. Meter on the Home Screen. The red
regions are outside the operating range of the pump.

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Figure 202: Home Screen

11.3 How Apollo Uses the Pump Curve to Protect the Pump

One of the most important functions of a motor control system is to protect the pumping equipment. This
protection is accomplished by monitoring a variety of system parameters in real-time. Such parameters
usually include variable speed drive parameters (output current, output frequency, output voltage), pump
parameters (intake pressure, discharge pressure, fluid temperature), as well as other system parameters
(such as motor temperature, tubing pressure). If one or more of these parameters move outside of
designated safe ranges, the controller will modify the system operations or shut down the system to
protect the equipment.
Integrating the pump curve into Apollo adds another layer of protection for the pump. Centrifugal pumps,
such as those designed and manufactured by GE, are designed to work within a limited operating range.
Operating outside the design criteria will shorten the pump life. Unfortunately, determining if the pump is
operating within its design limits is too complex for simple fixed thresholds, leaving the pump unprotected
from this failure mode. The pump curve allows Apollo to continuously monitor the pump for operation
outside its design limits. Apollo can use this information to adjust the system operations or shut-down the
system as necessary to prevent pump damage.
Protections include:
• Choke Valve Control – If enabled, Apollo uses a Proportional/Integral/Derivative (PID) control loop to
control a proportional choke valve connected to the discharge side of the pump. The PID adjusts the
choke valve to keep the pump in its operational range.
• Up-Thrust Alarm/Fault Detection – Apollo monitors the pump operation for excessive up-thrust. Limits
for both Alarms (creates an Event in the Event Log/can be programmed to signal a digital output) and
Faults (Faults the system) are monitored.

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• Down-Thrust Alarm/Fault Detection – Apollo monitors the pump operation for excessive down-thrust.
Limits for both Alarms (creates an Event in the Event Log/can be programmed to signal a digital output)
and Faults (Faults the system) are monitored.
In addition to the protections provided by the pump curve, the pump curve also allows Apollo to calculate the
fluid flow rate through the pump.

11.4 Setting up the Pump Curve

From the Home Screen, navigate as follows to the Pump Curve Setup menu.
Home Screen-> Settings-> MENU-> Other Initial Setup-> Right Arrow-> Pump Curve Setup
When you first navigate to the Pump Curve Setup menu, only the “Setup Pump Curve” wizard is shown.
Press the Select function button to walk through the pump curve configuration.
Information needed by the Pump Curve Setup wizard:
• Units for Calculated Flow: Options are barrels per day (BBL/Day), cubic meters per day (m3/Day),
and gallons per minute (GPM).
• Units for the Pump Head channel: Options are Feet and Meters.
• Units for the Power channel: Options are Horsepower (HP) and kilowatts (kW).
• Units for Differential Pressure: Options are pounds per square inch (PSI), Bar, kiloPascals (kPa),
megaPascals (MPa).
• Pump Manufacturer and Model
• Number of pump stages
• Pump Type: Options are Floater, Compression, and SPS.
• Water Specific Gravity:
– If you plan to use Viscosity Compensation, enter the specific gravity of the water in the Oil/Water
mixture being pumped.
– If you do not plan to use Viscosity Compensation, enter the specific gravity of the Oil/Water mixture.
• If Viscosity Compensation is used, you will also have to enter:
– Water Cut
– Oil Specific Gravity
– Well Fluid Viscosity
– Viscosity Method
♦ Options are Viscosity Compensation Disabled, Pump Curve Interpolation Method, Hydraulic Institute
– Flow Adjustment Factor

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Figure 203: Setup Pump Curve Wizard

Viscosity compensation using Pump Curve Interpolation (on pumps with viscosity curves available)
and the Hydraulic Institute viscosity compensation calculations can be enabled in the wizard.
Viscosity compensation is in field test at this time and should be considered a “beta” function.
After the Wizard is complete, the Pump Curve Setup menu will appear as shown in Figure 204: Pump
Curve Setup Menu, page 235.
See the wizard information for details on the parameters.

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Figure 204: Pump Curve Setup Menu

Pump Thrust Limits are adjusted by selecting the Pump Thrust Limits option on this screen.
Set the parameters in this menu to configure Pump Curve Thrust Limits.
• Upthrust Fault %: Sets the fault level as a % of the range between the pump BEP and the top of the
operational range. Set to 100% to use the operational range as the thrust limit. The default value is 100%.
• Upthrust Alarm %: Sets the alarm level as a % of the range between the pump BEP and the top of
the operational range. The default value is 75%.
• Downthrust Fault % and Downthrust Alarm % are set as a % of the range between the pump BEP and
the bottom of the operational range.
• Each fault/alarm has a trip delay. Set the value to be the time to tolerate the condition before

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Figure 205: Pump Curve Screen

11.5 Pump Curve Screen

Access the Pump Curve screen by navigating as follows:

Home Screen-> Data -> Pump Curve Screen.

The Pump Curve screen will not appear in the list of data screens until after the Setup Pump
Curve wizard has been executed.

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Figure 206: Pump Curve Screen

11.6 Pump Thrust Screen

The Pump Thrust Screen graphically illustrates the pump operating position over time. Its capability is
best illustrated in a condition where the pump’s speed is changing. The Red and the Blue curves on
the graph are the Down-Thrust and Up-Thrust fault limits. The Green curve is the differential pressure
measured across the pump.
In the scenario at right, the SPS Setup wizard has been executed. By default, this wizard enables the choke
control PID using Differential Pressure as the feedback (control) value. Apollo uses the pump curve to
determine the Target Pressure (the differential pressure that causes the pump to run at its best efficiency
point or BEP) and controls the choke valve to achieve that pressure.
Notice that the drive starts up and runs for a while at 60 Hz. The frequency setpoint is changed to 40 Hz
and then later to 50 Hz.
As the drive frequency settles, the Valve PID adjusts the (simulated) choke valve to move the pump
performance to the best efficiency point.

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Figure 207: Pump Thrust Screen

11.7 Updating Pump Database

From time to time, the pump database will be updated. The latest version will
be available on the Support Central Drives & Controls Product Support site
( ).

It is currently in the Apollo Wizards drop-down box; look for “Pump Database Upgrade”. Download
the .zip file and copy the 2 files into the root directory of a USB Flash drive.
Insert the USB Flash drive into the Apollo system. The USB Menu will appear. Use the right arrow button to
advance to the second screen of the USB Menu.
Use the up and down arrow buttons to highlight “Update Pump Database” and press the Select function

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Figure 208: USB Menu

The new pump database will be copied over to the Apollo system.
Power the Apollo system off and back on again to start using the new pump database.

Figure 209: Update Pump Database Screen

11.8 Creating a Custom Pump

The Custom Pump Spreadsheet (CustomPump.xls) allows a user to add a new pump to Apollo’s list of
pumps. Two possible reasons to do this include:

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• The pump in the system is not in the engineering database.

• The user desires to use the pump curve for the actual pump being used instead of the reference curve.
The Custom Pump spreadsheet is available on the Support Central Drives & Controls Product Support site
( ).
Every pump is tested to verify its operation to the catalog curve (within an acceptable limit). A pump curve
for that specific pump is created as part of the test. The pump curve information is included on the pump test
sheet provided with each pump. A customer or field engineer can use the Custom Pump spreadsheet to
generate a pump curve file for their pump using the test data. An example is shown in Figure 210: Pump
Test Results for TE-5500 S/N 203F2210P, page 241:

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Figure 210: Pump Test Results for TE-5500 S/N 203F2210P

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The steps for creating a Custom Pump file for use with Apollo are listed below:
1. Open the CustomPump.xls spreadsheet
2. Click the “Create Custom Pump” button
3. On the resulting dialog, click the “Enter Pump Test Data” button
4. Enter the test data. See Figure 211: Custom Pump Data Entry, page 242.

Figure 211: Custom Pump Data Entry

5. Click the OK button. The Custom Pump spreadsheet will perform a regression on the test data to create
the pump curve information.

Figure 212: Custom Pump Screen

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6. Make any changes desired. Click the “Update Graph” button and review the pump curve.
7. Click the “Create Pump File”. Enter the name of the file as desired.

11.9 Installing/Selecting a Custom Pump on Apollo

Install the custom pump on an Apollo system.

• Copy the .pmp file created by the Custom Pump spreadsheet into the root directory of a USB Flash drive.
• Insert the flash drive into an Apollo system.
• The USB Menu will appear. Press the right arrow button to advance to the second page of the USB Menu.
• Select Install Pump File from the menu.

Figure 213: Install a Pump Curve File from USB Disk Screen

• Select the filename of the new pump.

• Press the Select function button.
Power the Apollo system off and back on again to make the new pump available.

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Figure 214: Make New Pump Avaliable Screen

Select the new pump.

• Navigate to the Pump Curve Setup menu. Home Screen-> Settings-> Menu-> Other Initial Setup-> Right
Arrow-> Pump Curve Setup
• Highlight Select Pump and press the Select function button.

Figure 215: Selecting New Pump Screen

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• Highlight Custom and press the Select function button.

That Custom will not appear in the list if no custom pumps have been installed.

Figure 216: Highlight Desired Pump Screen

The Serial number of any custom pumps that have been installed will appear. Highlight the desired pump
and press the Select function button.

Figure 217: Final Custom Pump Screen

The custom pump has been selected.

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Figure 218: Updated Initial Setup Pump Curve Screen

12 Appendix A–Full Installation of Apollo Software

Use the following procedures to do a full installation of the Apollo Intelligent Control System – over an existing
Apollo system or a Vector VII HMI system.
A full installation is comprised of the following steps:
1. Install Apollo
2. Load a Template (if required)
3. Reset Drive to Defaults (if required)
4. System Setup and Operation

If an Apollo version 2.x drive is being upgraded to version 3.x and you wish to preserve the configuration,
please see Updating a Configuration from Apollo 2.x before beginning this procedure.

12.1 Install Apollo

You will need the Apollo software installed on a USB flash drive to complete this procedure.
1. Power the system off.
2. Insert the USB flash drive containing the Apollo software.
3. Power on the system.

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4. When the system begins to boot, press and hold the F1 button. Release the F1 key when a white
window appears and files are being copied.
5. When the operation is complete, power off the system. Wait until the screen goes down and then
wait an additional 10 seconds.
6. Power on the system.
The Fault Screen will appear listing parameters that must be set up before running the drive.

Figure 219: Fault Screen

12.2 Load a Template (If Required)

Apollo is pre-loaded with the Standard template that works in Vector VII and Vector Plus applications. If
you are using the Apollo in a Switchboard application or with a different drive, follow the procedure in this
section to install the appropriate template.

Skip this section if Apollo is being used with a Vector VII or Vector Plus drive.
1. Navigate to the second page of the Main Menu. Settings-> Menu-> Right Arrow -> Load a New Template
The Select Template screen appears.

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Figure 220: Home Screen

2. Select the desired template and press the Select function button. See Section 5.22 Load a Template,
page 174 for additional information.

Figure 221: Select Template Screen

3. Press the YES function button when prompted with “Overwrite Configuration?”.
4. The screen at right appears. Press the YES function button. Wait until the Apollo system reboots.

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Figure 222: New Configuration Loaded Screen

12.3 Reset Drive To Defaults (If Required)

Please reset the drive to defaults when Apollo is installed on a Vector VII drive. Skip this step if Apollo
is being used with any other system.
When the Apollo software is first loaded onto a Vector VII drive, the drive should be set to defaults. This
procedure will show you how to set the drive to default.

Communications between the Apollo software and the drive chassis must be established before
this procedure is run. Ensure that the drive state in the upper left corner of the Home Screen is
not “No Drive Comm”.

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Figure 223: Home Screen

1. Navigate to the second page of the Drive Settings screen using the following selections:
a. Settings-> Menu -> Config Drive Settings-> Right Arrow
2. Highlight the RstDrv2Defaults option.
3. Press the Select function button.

Figure 224: Main Menu Drive Settings

4. Use the Right Arrow button to change the value to True.

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5. Press the Save function button and Confirm the changes. Wait at least 30 seconds. Then power the drive
off and wait until the screen goes dark. Wait an additional 10 seconds and turn the drive power back on.

The procedure is successful if no errors are displayed during the 30 second wait.

Figure 225: 30 Second Cycle Power

12.4 System Setup and Operation

Configure the Apollo system as described in Section 4: Basic Setup Sequence, page 82 of this manual.

12.5 Updating a Configuration from Apollo 2.x

When updating an Apollo system from 2.x to the current release, it is possible to update the configuration.
This procedure is not recommended for simple configurations based on the standard templates. In these
cases, it is recommended to reconfigure the system manually after the software update. However, if the
system used a custom template or a complex configuration in Apollo 2, add the following steps to the
procedure above to update the configuration for Apollo version 3.
1. Prior to beginning the software update:
a. Insert a USB flash drive and select the “Get Configuration Files” option.
b. Note the name of the filename saved.
2. Install the Version 3 Apollo software by inserting the USB flash drive used in Step 1, page 251.
a. Select the “Load Configuration” option… select the configuration saved off earlier.
b. Press F3 Settings and the following will be displayed:

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Figure 226: On-Screen Instructions

c. Press YES and follow the on-screen instructions.

When the Wizard is complete, you will need to press the Home button to redraw the
Home Screen.

13 Appendix B
13.1 USB Menu

When the Apollo System detects a USB Flash Drive, the following screen is displayed:

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Figure 227: USB Menu

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Table 67: USB Menu Options

Option File Description

Get Archive Files 1Site\Well\Archive\*.arc Archive files are binary files that
contain the history data for all
channels that are being archived. This
3WCS\CFG\date stamp Well.sbc function will create the archive files
on the USB Flash drive if they do not
WCS\CFG\date stamp Well.s01 exist there. If the archive files already
exist on the USB Flash drive, the files
will be updated to include the new
archive data. This is the most efficient
method for collecting history data –
and the preferred method when using
the Archive Viewer to view the files.
Archive files can be viewed using the
Apollo Archive Viewer program or
using the Apollo Amp Chart program.
These viewer programs are available
on the GE Drives and Controls
Support site.
Note that this function also saves off
the Event Log and Configuration files,
making it the only function typically
needed to collect Apollo data.
If you need to send files to OKC for
problem solving, ZIP all of the files
and folders in the Site\Well folder on
your flash drive. Send the ZIP file to
Get Event File Site\Well\Event.Log The Event file is a binary file that
contains the Apollo system event data.
Event data includes all data as seen in
the Event Log. This function will create
the Event.Log file on the USB Flash
drive if it does not exist there already.
If the Event.Log file already exists on
the USB Flash drive, it will be updated
to include the new Event data. Event
log files can be viewed using the
Apollo Archive Viewer program.

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Table 67: USB Menu Options (cont'd.)

Option File Description

4Get Historical Text File 2Site\Well\date and time stamp.csv The Historical Text file is a text file
containing the archived data for all
archived channels for a specified
period of time at a specified sample
rate. See details below on how to
specify the historical date and sample
rate. The Historical Data Text file can
be viewed in Excel.
4Get Event Text File Site\Well\Event date and time stamp.txt The Event Log Text file is a text file
containing all event data for a specified
time period. See details below on how
to specify the time period. The Event
Text file can be viewed using any text
editor (like Notepad or Word).
Get Configuration Files 3WCS\CFG\date stamp Well.sbc and The configuration files are binary files
WCS\CFG\date stamp Well.s01 that define the configuration of the
system. They cannot be viewed. They
can, however, be loaded back into any
Apollo system to make it a clone of
this system.
Load Configuration WCS\CFG\date stamp Well.sbc The Load Configuration function allows
the user to select a configuration file
and load it into the Apollo system. The
configuration files should be placed
in the \WCS\CFG\ folder on the USB
flash drive.
Get Default Modbus Site\Well\MBDefaultMap.txt The Default Modbus Map file is a text
Map file that shows the default Modbus
mapping for the system. The default
Modbus map does not apply if a
Custom Modbus map has been
installed or selected. The Modbus
Map file can be viewed using any text
editor (like Notepad or Word).

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Table 67: USB Menu Options (cont'd.)

Option File Description

Get Digital IO Report Site\Well\IO Configuration Report.txt The Digital IO Report file is a text
file that contains all of the digital I/O
available in the system. The report
includes the I/O name, direction (input
or output), and the channel to which
the I/O is connected. The Digital IO
Report file can be viewed using any
text editor (like Notepad or Word).
Get 100ms Trace Files Site\Well\date and time stamp.csv 100ms trace files are files that contain
data on 100ms intervals for about
3.5 minutes before to 3.5 minutes
after a trigger is activated. Triggers
that activate 100ms trace files to be
captured are defined in the Assign
Trace Channels menu. This function
allows the user to select and save
the 100ms trace files to their USB
Flash drive. 100ms Trace files can be
viewed in Excel.
Get Apollo Manuals ManualName.pdf Various Apollo and Vector Plus Drive
Manuals are stored within the Apollo
filesystem. Select this function to
copy manuals to your flash drive. The
manuals are copied into the root folder
of your flash drive.

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Figure 228: USB Menu-Screen 2

Table 68: USB Menu 2 Options

Option File Description

Get Old Config Files Site\Well\date stamp.sbc Backup files are created once each
day if a change has been made to the
Apollo configuration. These allow the
user to revert the system to a previous
configuration using the System Restore
menu. This function allows the user to
save a backup file onto the USB Flash
drive. The Backup file is a binary file
and cannot be viewed.
Install Modbus Map *.map Modbus remapping files allow the
Apollo to mimic other systems when
(root level of the USB Flash drive)
queried by a SCADA host. The
Apollo system includes remap files
for the Vector VII and the CTI RTU
Standard map. The Install Modbus
Map function allows a user to install a
new Modbus remapping file onto an
Apollo system when one is needed.
Modbus remapping files are binary and
cannot be viewed.

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Table 68: USB Menu 2 Options (cont'd.)

Option File Description

Install Pump File *.pmp The Apollo system contains a database
containing the characterization
(root level of the USB Flash drive) information for the current pumps. As
new pumps are created, the Install
Pump File function allows them to be
added to the system. Pump files are
created using the CustomPump Excel
Update Pump Database Event.lg1, PumpManfact.txt The database containing the data for
pumps is occasionally updated. This
(root level of the USB Flash drive)
function allows the new database to
be loaded into the Apollo system in
the field. After updating the pump
database, please re-select the pump
you are using to ensure the latest
pump data is being used.
Run Config Wizard \WCS\Shortcuts\*.mac Configuration wizards can be used to
automate many different configuration
tasks. Numerous wizards are included
in the release software and can be
executed from the Other Initial Setup
menu. New wizards will be distributed
via the Drives & Controls Product
Support page on Support Central.

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Table 68: USB Menu 2 Options (cont'd.)

Option File Description

Install DH Tool *.DHT Support for additional downhole tools
will be added over time. This function
(root level of the USB Flash drive)
allows the installation and use of
a new tool. Note that support for
Smartguard/Osiris, Zenith E, and GRC
Scout 3000 tools are supported in the
released software and can be selected
using the Setup DH Tool function in the
second page of the Other Initial Setup
Install IO Module *.IOM Support for additional I/O modules
and/or configurations of I/O modules
(root level of the USB Flash drive)
will be added over time. This function
allows the installation and use of the
new modules or configurations. Note
that support for the RSTi 8 Analog Input
module is supported in the released
software and can be configured using
the Install IO Module function in the
second page of the Other Initial Setup

1. Site\Well indicate the Site Name\Well Name. This is the path on the USB Flash Disk. These
names are defined during the quick start procedure.
2. Date and time stamp indicate the start time of the historical log. For example, if the data
begins on November 28, 2010 at 4:46PM, the file name will be 28Nov2010-16h46m.csv.
3. Date stamp is just the date the file was created. For example, 2010-11-30.sbc.
4. Use the Get Historical Text File and Get Event File export routines if you (or a customer) wish
to review the data in standard office format (Excel, Word). Note that both of these functions
require the user to provide additional data as shown in Figure 229: Historical Data Text File
Setup , page 260.

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13.1.1 Historical Data Text File Setup Screen

Figure 229: Historical Data Text File Setup

• Use the F1 and F5 function buttons to navigate to the various fields on the screen.
• Set the Start Time and Data and the EndTime and Date to match the time period of the data
you wish to export. Set the data interval as desired.
• Set any other fields if necessary.
• Press the Save function button to export the data.

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13.1.2 Event Log Text File Setup Screen

Figure 230: Event Log Text File Setup

• Use the F1 and F5 function buttons to navigate to the various fields on the screen.
• Set the Start Time and Data and the EndTime and Date to match the time period of the data
you wish to export.
• Set any other fields if necessary.
• Press the Save function button to export the data.
Remove the USB Flash Drive when all necessary functions have been executed. The menu will
be automatically removed.

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