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Lesson Idea Online Projects, Collaboration Sites and Publishing Opportunities

Lesson Title A Story for the Key Characters (online)

Content Area Algebra II – 11th grade

Content Standards MGSE9-12.F.IF.4 Using tables, graphs, and verbal descriptions, interpret the
key characteristics of a function which models the relationship between two
quantities. Sketch a graph showing key features including: intercepts; interval
where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative
maximums and minimums; symmetries; end behavior

Technology Standards Knowledge Constructor

1.3.c.- Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of
tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate
meaningful connections or conclusions.

Integrated Technology Computer, tablet, phone, etc.

Reference or
Supporting Resources

Bloom’s Taxonomy  Understanding

Levels  Applying
 Evaluating
 Analyzing

Integration Level LoTi Level 5: Expansion

Usage Plan This online project can be used for a variety of reasons; review, extra
practice for struggling students, or for missed days. For this example, we will
assume the class had a virtual day for whatever reason and students will use
the website Art of Problem Solving to complete the objectives for the day.
Students would explore Alcumus Play to review the previous learned content
of key characteristics of functions.

The site has features for students to ask questions and discuss their
findings with a peer. These interactions are monitored with privacy settings.
Once students have completed the task, they would have to communicate
their understanding, questions, concerns, etc in the form of a paper to
conclude the project.

Design Features a. Collaboration with peers, near-peers, mentors outside their

classroom and often beyond their school: Collaboration will take place
with mentors outside the classroom through the tool that allows students to
ask/answer questions.

b. Student-centered learning and knowledge creation (creating original

data and or producing original products as a result of engaging in a
project): Students will complete the module at their own pace in order and
collect original data in order to complete the paper they will turn in at the end
of the day.

c. Higher-order thinking: Higher-order thinking will be needed when

students write about their own experiences and what they learned from
completing the module. This requires understanding and analyzation the
material covered and navigating the website as a resource.

d. Students publishing their original work to others who will use/care

about their product: Students will not be publishing any work, but if needed,
students can publish a question onto the website. They may help other
students may have the same question or are struggling with the same

Universal Design This online project allows for multiple means of representation since it gives
Rationale students pictures, graphs, and diagrams to view and work with. Students also
receive feedback on their problems which serves as a self-assessment tool.
Step-by-step solutions are available to the students once they have answered
a question so their reasoning can be justified or corrected instantly. This
online source also allows students to collaborate with others which can help
students deepen their knowledge of a concept. This interaction can spark
engagement and interaction outside of the classroom since seeing the
content in a different way is beneficial.

Lesson Idea Students would be given the module to complete online for the school day. In
this module, I will address the standards and expectations of the students in a
video. At the end of the video, I will introduce the Art of Problem Solving
website and have to navigate through the site to complete the given task.
After students watch the video the will logon and explore the Alcumus Play on
key characteristics of functions. Students are able to work at their own pace,
but the site will flag any prolong inactivity. Students will be able to pick up
where they left off but should be self-motivated to finish in a timely manner.

Once completed, students will end the module with a reflection paper about
what they gained from the lesson and their experience with the site. They can
also share questions, concerns, victories, etc. This will conclude the lesson
and students will submit the paper for a participation grade for the day. I will
provide feedback via email or verbally during the next in person class.

Internet Safety This website requires an account; however, students are allowed to ask
questions to others. Language that is used may vary and students must use
internet safety rules, just like on any online social platform. When creating an
account, users are asked to not use their real name for safety. Students are
asked to create an account with their email address. The use of avatars is
encouraged. You will notice that most of the accounts have an avatar icon
instead of a photo.

Design Reflection After creating this lesson, I feel like this website is a great tool to use to
complete an online project or simply collaborate with others outside of the
classroom in a safe, beneficial way. This tool does not have to be used only
during an online day but is a great resource for struggling students, review, or
multiple means of representation of a topic. To further extend this lesson, I
could have students engage in a discussion with their classmates to reflect on
the topic and how they felt about the website, and if it helped with their
learning process.

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