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In this chapter, the goal of the literature review is covered along with an overview of the research

on several aspects of consumer behavior. The literature and studies mentioned are taken into account

while proving the significance of the current study. Understanding the study's primary idea, points of

distinction, and connections to other works of literature and studies is the goal of this chapter. The

researchers gathered the information for this chapter from books and the internet.


According to Samoggia & Riedel (2018), Coffee is one of the beverages which in its

development has gone through various phases. Coffee developed as a very broadly distributed commodity

product, and later became a classy product offered through coffee houses, and finally offered in a

narrower geographic scope through small roasters. Coffee is a crucial and ubiquitous component of

hospitality. Consuming coffee, as demonstrated by coffee shops, is a resource for the growth of coffee-

related business. Coffee shops need to be barrier-free, accessible to everybody, and uses the idea of access

and facilities if they want to draw in more consumers and have a compelling value proposition. (Wiastuti

et al., 2020)

According to Zhang (2020), People around the world love coffee more and more. The ensuing

“coffee culture” is full of every moment of life. Whether at home, in the office, or at various social

occasions, people are sipping coffee, which is gradually associated with fashion and modern life.

According to Solomon (2019), Consumer behaviour is defined as the process showing the pre-

purchase behaviours, purchase behaviours and post-purchase behaviours of consumers. To be detailed,

consumer behaviour is the process researching what the consumers select, why they buy it, how they use

it and how they evaluate or dispose it after they purchased it.

According to (Crosta et al., 2021) Consumer Behavior is a study of individuals or groups who

actively seek out, use, evaluate, and discard goods and services to satisfy their needs is known as

consumer behavior. It's important to remember that this also requires investigating the client's emotional,

mental, and behavioral responses prior to or following these operations. Numerous factors, such as a

person's social, economic, psychological, environmental, and personal situations, might affect their

purchasing decisions. Consumer behavior is a research on how consumers make decisions. Consumers

who use available resources, such as money, spending time and effort purchasing goods and services

keeping in mind what to purchase, why to purchase, and when often to purchase. (Thongrawd &

Rittboonchai, 2018)

According to the article of Nasidi (2016) in “Luring the Undecided: Factors that Influence

Purchasing Behavior”, Consumers have challenges as a result of everyday exposure to a variety of

windows of information and products; the market's abundance of options and choices influences

consumers' purchasing decisions. Many consumers are given a number of options, yet they each have

varied tastes for the products they choose to purchase. One of these choices is impacted by a brand's

popularity or just the consumer's basic needs. As a result, many companies use marketing strategies to

reach their target market; advertising is one of the factors that helps to control a consumer's purchasing


According to Erkan & Evans (2018) Many consumers are turning to social networking sites to

explore unknown brands, and social networks. That means social media have also been found to influence

consumer purchase intent. Consumer behavior is changing as social networking sites become more and

more common, linking people and facilitating the sharing of information. Consumers can now simply

watch an engaging advertisement online while publishing and discussing their own thoughts on it with

friends. (Chopra & Gupta, 2020)

According to Ariyanti, K., & Fachrodji, A. (2021). Choosing a location for the business is

essential. It will make it easier for consumers to access the coffee shop, and it is a factor that consumers

consider before deciding to buy a product.The Influence of Location, Product Quality, and Service

Quality on Customer Loyalty with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable. A person's interaction with

the environment at the point of sale is becoming more and more significant to the purchasing process, but

it's not just the environment that encourages impulsive behavior in consumers (Platania et al., 2016).

Often, the sensory and psychological factors related to the type of goods, awareness of them, and

brand loyalty take precedence over the physical environment.

According to Mahmood & Khan (2014, as cited in Jalel Rajeh Hanaysha, 2018) Businesses  can

use the physical environment to differentiate their brands from those of competitors and influence

consumers' purchasing decisions. Previous studies showed a positive correlation between store ambiance

and customer purchase behavior.

According to Albino et al. (2009, as cited by Virya et al.2021), Product quality is defined as a

product's capacity to fulfill its purpose. It may include qualities like toughness, dependability, accuracy,

ease of use, growth, and other beneficial qualities. According to marketing theory, a product's quality

refers to its capacity to meet consumer needs and can be gauged by how well it is understood by


According to Liebe et al. (2015, as cited by Adarsh Birendra Shrivastav 2020), Price is an

important factor which widely affects the decision of buying coffee. Coffee drinkers are very sensitive to

price and hence, a small change in price could inversely or directly react to customer buying behaviour.

Consumers use pricing when determining the worth and quality of they will receive the expected

goods (Thongrawd & Rittboonchai, 2018). The suitable pricing for the product is partially determined by

the reason for buying. The environment in which a high cost could be a driving factor for some groups of

consumers will purchase a product if they feel pride from purchasing expensive goods.


 Samoggia, & Riedel. (2018, October 1). Coffee consumption and purchasing behavior review:
Insights for further research - PubMed. PubMed. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
 Wiastuti, Lestari, & Mulyaningrum. (2020, December). The Coffee Shop Experience For All.
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 Solomon and Bamossy (2019) Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective. England: Prentice
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 Crosta, A. D., Ceccato, I., Marchetti, D., Malva, P. L., Maiella, R., Cannito, L., Cipi, M.,
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 Nasidi, Q. Y. (2016). Luring the Undecided: Factors that Influence Purchasing Behaviour. IOSR

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 Chopra, & Gupta. (2020, June 6). Impact Of Social Media On Consumer Behaviour.





 Erkan, I., & Evans, C. (2018). Social media or shopping websites? The influence of eWOM on
consumers’ online purchase intentions. Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(6), 617-632.
 Ariyanti, K., & Fachrodji, A. (2021). The Influence of Location, Product Quality, and Service
Quality on Customer Loyalty with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable. Dinasti
International Journal of Digital Business Management, 3(1), 42-53.
 Platania, M. (2016). Entertainment marketing, experimental consumption and consumer behavior:

the determinant of choice of wine in the store. Wine Econ. Policy 5, 87-95. Doi:


 Mahmood, R. and Khan, S.M. (2014), “Impact of service marketing mixes on customer

perception: a study on Eastern Bank Limited, Bangladesh”, European Journal of Business and

Management, Vol. 6 No. 34, pp. 164-167.

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 Shrivastav. (2020, August). Factors which influence customer’s purchase decision at the coffee
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