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1.1 Background of the Problem.

A novel expresses some aspect of human’s love and human existences. Its

mean that novel talks about human activities and describes of our surrounding.

Wherein, novel aims to improve the experience on past day and present day. We

can pour all the things of human psyche such as angry, revengefull, and revenge

through a figure in the novel.

Klarer (11:2004) says that novel appear in Spain during seventeenth century

then continue in England during eighteenth century. The characteristic of the

novel based on the realism and individualism. The existence of novel has the

interested that bring the people on their action.Anyone who wants to pour his or

her imagination or experience acceptable to write a novel, Klarer (130:2004). Its

mean that novel is a place to pour all idea in human mind when the human

attempted to express their imagination they out some words that write in the

paper. Sometimes, the author as who meditate which bring they are to dreams.

Then, they will pour they dream or their imagination through the character that

there in the novel.

Novel also explores the human life, so that gives the effect, result, and

destruction or the human movement, Purba (63:2010). The novel is not far from

the human life because it is always giving the reflection to the imagination that

appears in the human mind. In order to makes, the readers understand and interest

to the novel then the author also takes some elements, they are plot, character,

setting and point of view, Klarer (14:2004). It is important to give the attention to

the elements of novel because the elements give the function to make the reader

easy to understand.

Wuthering Heights told about a boy who name is Heathcliff. He found by

Earnshaw’s family, Mr Earnshaw. Mr Earnshaw found Heathcliff on the street

when he wants to home in Wuthering Heights. Mr Earnshaw has two children

they are Hindley and Cathy. They dislike him because they will not let the other

child lives with them. Although they do not likes to him, Heathcliff try to makes

friend with them. Hindley dislike Heathcliff, yet Cathy likes him. Sometimes,

Cathy behaved badly but Heathcliff likes her and they are becomes friend.

Hindley always treat Heathcliff badly until the end Heathcliff decided wants to

revenge. Not only Hindley but also Edgar Lintons that humiliate him and make

Cathy loves him because he is rich man while Heathcliff is poor man. Heathcliff

wish so that he was going to be rich man. The end of the story, Heathcliff gets his

revenge on two families are Wuthering Heights and Thruscross Grange.

Heathcliff is a figure or fiction character in Wuthering Heights novel by

Emily Bronte. His character told that his childhood treat badly and humiliated by

Hindley and Edgar Lintons. Therefore, makes his life wants to gets revenge to

them and all the people that has the relationship to them including their children.

The researcher interested in analysis the main character of this novel that is

Heathcliff. Which there is changing character of Heathcliff who turn is a resentful


person. When he was child, he often bad threatening. Therefore, Heathcliff wants

to gets his revenge. This research uses a psychological approach to describe the

revenge of Heathcliff. When he was still little boy, he humiliated and treated

badly. When he was adult, his behaved changes and he wants to get revenge. It is

interesting to see how an author describes the main character in this novel.

Therefore, after reading Wuthering Heights novel, the researcher thought

that case is interesting to discuss deeply. Therefore, the researcher intention talked

further about it and interested to give a title “The Analysis of Revenge of

Heathcliff as seen on Wuthering Heights Novel by Emily Bronte.”

1.2 The Identification of the Problem

In this research, there are some problems can be identified as seen follow:

1. How the characters of Heathcliff are described in “Wuthering Heights

novel”by Emily Bronte?

2. What revenge are describes in this novel?

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

In this research, the researcher focuses revenge of Heathcliff who wants to

gets his revenge and Heathcliff turn into a resentful person. Based on

psychological approach in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte according Freud’s


1.4 Research Purposes

The purposes of this research are:

1. To describe the character of Heathcliff in this novel.

2. To describe the revenge of Heathcliff in this novel.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The result of the research hopefully give :

1. Theoretically, for the Students of Language Faculty of Muara Bungo

University in analyzing the literary work based on Freudian’s Theory.

2. Practically, for the Researcher herself, make the researcher knows with

approaching literary work and for the readers, convey the analyzing through

in approaching literary work especially in analyzing “Wuthering Heights” by

Emily Bronte.

3. For Faculty, to makes the Students of Language Faculty understand in

analyzing the novel especially in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

4. For Library, will be source information and references in doing analyzing the

novel based on Freud’s theory.

1.6 Methods of the Research

The Researcher used the qualitative method. This is important to be used

by the Researcher. Because, this method suitable in collecting and presenting the


McRoy (1997) Qualitative research is concerned with nonstatistical

methods of inquiry and analysis of social phenomena. It draws on an inductive

process in which themes and categories emerge through analysis of data collected

by such techniques as interviews, observations, videotapes, and case studies.

Samples are usually small and are often purposively selected. Qualitative research

uses detailed descriptions from the perspective of the research participants

themselves as a means of examining specific issues and problems under study.

The researcher takes the primary source from the novel of Wuthering

Heights by Emily Bronte. The Secondary source, the researcher takes the

secondary source from the books, website and journal to support the analysis.

1.6.1 Technique of Collecting the Data.

The collection of the data are:

1. The researcher reads towards “Wuthering Heights” By Emily Bronte.

2. The researcher conducts critical reading towards “Wuthering Heights”

3. The researcher finds the theory to analysis the data.

1.6.2 Technique of Analyzing the Data

The technique in analyzing of the data are:

1. The researcher takes the relevant quotations and explains (i) the descriptions of

Heathcliff character, (ii) The descriptions of revenge of Heathcliff .

2. The researcher entered the theories of Freudian psychoanalytic approach from

the source such as books, Websites, and journal.


3. The researcher interprets (i) the descriptions of Heathcliff’s character,(ii) the

descriptions of revenge of Heathcliff.

4. The researcher draws the conclusion according to the analysis.




2.1 Reviews on Previous Research

After reading the novel, the researcher found some comments on this

novel. The first is Sondag told that Heathcliff is the main character in Emily

Brontë’s classic novel Wuthering Heights, and the whole plot revolves around this

fascinating man from the time when he arrives at Wuthering Heights as a dark and

dirty foundling and until he ends his days as a powerful landlord of both

Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. This evolvement of the character and

the fact that he is merely described by three narrators and never makes a clear

statement of his own makes him one of the most fascinating characters in


The second is Trent Lorcher that thinks of character of Heathcliff. He

thinks that Heathcliff is selfish boy. Meanwhile, the researcher analysis of revenge

of Heathcliff that using psychological approach to Analyzes the revenge of

Heathcliff. Heathcliff has the revenge on somebody who has treated him when he

was child. Therefore, when he was adult he wants to continue his desires to gets

his revenge.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

In analyzing the revenge of Heathcliff as seen on Wuthering Heights by

Emily Bronte , The researcher uses the intrinsic approach especially on describing

character And also the researcher uses the psychological approach to describe of

revenge of main character in this novel. Which is told that most of the

individual‘s mental processes are unconscious, Freud (in Wilfred L, Guerin. et, al,

126:1999) it means that individual mental process appear from the unconscious

aspect. The aspects bring the individual on some emotional including revenge.

2.3 Character

Character is figure which introduced in literary work. While, character

including main character or protagonist and minor character , Klarer (134:2004).

Main character is the primary figure that gets much attention among the other.

Character is important in novel and short story where makes some conflicts.

Through characters the novel be excited and gives a sense. In other hand, the main

character appears in a novel that are describing as crying, angry, anxiety and the

other feelings.

Klarer (16:1962) states that Methods which informed by character is the

psychoanalysis that one way to evaluate the characters. Therefore, this is

acceptable to used in analyzing the character. Its means that, character is suitable

to used by psychological approach where the psychological approach related to

the figure.The same thing happen in characters. The social background also gives

the influence to psychologycal of characters.

Endaswara (179:2008) explains that Character related to the content of the

story in novel or short story by some aspect like psychological aspect. The

researcher describes the psychological aspect of the characters. Through the


psychological aspect it can describe how the human feeling. Therefore, to solve

the problems that happen of the characters the psychology unsure is need. A

psychological aspect is the way to evaluate the characters and it is possible to

analyze the character. There are two basic of the characters are flat character and

round character

2.3.1 Flat Character

According to Klarer (17:2004) a typified character which dominant on

character trait, a flat character. A flat character is defining a single quality without

much individualizing detail. A round character is a complex individual incapable

of be easily defined. The degree to which characters given roundness and

individual complexity depends upon their function in the plot some only need to

be seen at a distance, like strangers or acquaintances, rather than known


Meanwhile, Flat character is not complex, they are simple and they did not

think another one but only one aspect. In story, they just play a single role.

2.3.2 Round Character

Klarer (17:2004) Round characters are often looks as developments of

types. The distinction between flat and rounded characters, while useful, should

not obscure the fact that there is a continum of level of character development;

many characters will fall between the two poles, lightly sketched, or even

caricatured. Round character is also the complex features and differentiated

features. Its mean that round character has special character.

2.4 Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and human relations

Crow (3:1963).It means that the experience of human life also the human

behavior that happen in their surrounding or their social is very influence to their

life. The human life with many problems in their surrounding. From childhood

and adult has the experinces in her or his living. An individual forces their actions

by the outside ,Crow (5:1963)

Many factors that related to the human behavior. The human behavior

related to the character because, psychology approach is the way to evaluate the

character especially the main character.

According Klarer ( 16:1962 ) Psychological approach is a method to

analyzes the character. Therefore, the researcher knows that psychological

approach is possible to analyzing character. The psychological approach is a

method that tell about human nature that consider to the human relationship

because the psychological approach to the social study relationship. Whether the

human activities are simple such as describing someone or the functions of the

extensive areas this is important to knows and implicates in our life,Crow

(6:1963). On the other hand, psychology has developed to the modern theories.

One of the theory that related to the psychology is psychoanalysis.


2.5 Psychoanalytic Based on Sigmund Freud’s Theory

Sigmund Freud was the first psychoanalyst and a true pioneer in the

recognition of the importance of unconscious mental activity. His theories on the

inner workings of the human mind, which seemed so revolutionary at the turn of

the century, are now widely accepted by most schools of psychological thought.

In 1896, Freud coined the term of psychoanalysis, and for the next forty years of

his life, he worked on developing its main principles, objectives, techniques, and


Psychoanalysis developed by Sigmund Freud that has the aims to search

both of unconscious and conscious aspect in human mind, Barry (5:2002).

Therefore, patient let to speak or free to speak so that what there in they heart will

out and unconsciously they has talk what they feel. While, every problem will

solve and fears and conflict brought into the conscious mind.The theory of

psychoanalytic concerns on how the mind, the instinct, and sexuality work

According to Freud (Peter Barry, 96:2002) state, that unconscious aspect is

part of our mind in ouside that has strong influences toward all the actions.

Psychoanalysis based on the concept that individuals are unconscious of the many

factors that cause their behavior and emotions. The unconscious factors produce

unhappiness such as disturbing personality traits and difficult to relationship with

others. Fudyartanta (2005) states that psychoanalysis is unconscious psychology

which gives the attention to conflict, emotions, motivations, dreams and

characteristic of person. We know that the emotions, conflict and characteristic of

person come from the unsconscious aspect.


Based on the explanations above, we can conclude that psychoanalysis is

method of understanding mental functioning and the stages of growth and

development, which is individual human behavior and experience, and it has both

contributed and enriched by many other disciplines. Psychoanalysis seeks to

explain the complex relationship between the body and the mind and furthers the

understanding of the role of emotions in medical illness and health. Many insights

revealed by psychoanalytic treatment have formed the basis for other treatment

programs in child psychiatry, family therapy, and general psychiatric practice

Farrell (1981)

2.5.1 The Id

The Id is the first structure that an infant possesses at the time of birth.

Freud believed that humans are born as a pool of energy. He called this energy the

libido, which contains all the instincts and reflexes that drive the Id. The Id does

not act based on logic or reality, and its role is to gratify instinctual and biological

needs of the infant, such as eating, and drinking, at any cost. As the child begins

to gain experience and interacts with his/her environment, a new psychic

structure, called Ego, develops. While Id acts based on the pleasure principle. Id is

a source of psychic energy in which it does think pleasure principle that part of

our personality which unclear, Guerin, et al, (129:1999)

Id is a source of agression and desires that is to satisfy our instinct. It does

not attention to the social rules, legal ethnics, or moral command .Human feeling

appear from the human itself and that impulsion makes someone do the desires as

their wish, Guerin, et al, (130:1999)

Before, has explained that id based on the human feelings that think their

wish. Id is a source human psyche that is libido, which is sexual desire, Palmquist

(2005). Therefore, id is source of libido of human psyche that doing the impulsion

to gets the desire in the human feeling. Eros and Thanatos

Freud (Peter Barry, 97:2002) classified two categorized of instinct they are

Eros and Thanatos. Eros is the instinct of life that motivates the people to focus on

pleasure tendency. While, thanatos is the instinct of death which motivates people

to use the aggressive impulsion to destroy.

2.5.2 The Ego

Ego acts based upon reality principle. Ego recognizes that certain instinctual

needs lead to punishment and guilt. Consequently, Ego begins to repress such

instincts and the unconscious begins to form. Eventually the child begins to

internalize societal values and norms, and a new structure called Superego

differentiated from the Ego. Superego makes guilt possible and sets a limit on the

types of gratification one would seek.

Freud’s theory of personality considered a conflict model because there is a

continuous conflict between the Ego and the other two structures. If Id wins, it

demands for gratification. Ego is the structures of the human psychic that which

protects the individual and society. This structures is cceptable to protect the

individual. Freud ( Wilfred L. Guerin, et al, 130:1999) says that ego is concerns

on reason and carefully.

Therefore, Ego is part of the human psychic that has the carefully and it can

control the desires and impulsion of individual and society. The human needs the

other psychic to protects the individual and to balance the other psychic zones.

2.5.3 The Superego

Superego is a the primary functions that which to protects society aand

individual. The superego concerns on moral values. Freud ( Wilfred L. Guerin,et

al, 130:1999 ) says that the superego described all of the moral, it can persist of

psychologically or the higher of human life. So, the higher of the human life is

superego which is prevent all the things that related to the moral values and social

life including the desires or impulsion of human.

Superego generates guilt. On the other hand, if Ego does not permit Id to

gain gratification, a state of tension develops. In order to deal with the conflict,

Ego develops elaborate defensive mechanisms to keep the conflicts in the

unconscious. These defense mechanisms include, but are not limited to,

repression, denial, and rationalization. Anxiety develops when defense

mechanisms are unable to keep the conflict unconscious.

Therefore, from a psychoanalytic viewpoint, anxiety is a signal that

undesired wishes are beginning surface. Children experience conflicts in different

stages of development. In each stage, conflict centers on a different theme. The


first stage (oral stage), between birth and one year, conflict center on feeding.

Children in this stage want to eat things that the Ego tells them is not good for

them. The second stage (Anal), in the second year of life, conflict centers on

bowel training. If a child is able to successfull negotiate these stages, and then

healthy personality develops. However, if through over-gratification or under-

gratification, conflicts are not resolved adequately, specific traits and characters


The three of psychic zones have the identical are id based on the pleasure

principle, ego dominated by the reality principle, and superego dominated by

morality principle. Therefore, its have each functions which can’t separated and

has the relationship each other, Corey (2003)

The superego contains of moral and social values that are learn about the

right and wrong on childhood. We learn by our parents, they introduce which one

the right and wrong for us. Therefore, id will counterbalance by superego.

Because, the human often get the desires from id that are think the pleasure


2.6 Revenge

Hornby (1006:1995) Revenge that doing by somebody aims to get

satisfaction on someone that injures them. The people who harm someone will

return the deliberate punishment itself. The desire for revenge will do by anyone

who had treated him or her. Then, they will not stop before their desires for

revenge are satisfy and fulfilled. The desire for revenge toward the person who

had hurt him or her. It is desirous feeling the satisfaction of the pain suffered by

that person. Revenge appears it human cannot restrain the emotion like anger.

Revenge is bad trait because if revenge does not satisfy it will influence toward

whole aspects of life.

2.7 The psychology of Revenge

Grohol (2009) Psychology research on the study of revenge suggests we

are feeling happy if we get the revenge because desire of somebody fulfilled and

satisfied. It’s means that someone that has the experience in her/his past time will

gets their revenge to makes them happy. Because, if is not doing it can makes no

feel better.

Successful revenge appears to make the avengers feel satisfied that equity

has been restore, but in many cases the recipient of revenge will perceive the

aftermath of revenge as marked by inequity and negative out comes, Stillwell and

her coauthors conclude in a 2008 issue of Basic and Applied Social Psychology.

The divergent perceptions of avenger and recipient will make it difficult to end the

cycle of revenge in a way that both avenger and recipient will regard as satisfying,

positive, and fair.

Carlsmith conclude that in 2008 issue of the Journal of Personality and

Social Psychology, people erroneously believe revenge will make them feel better

and help them gain closure, when in actuality punishers ruminate on their deed

and feel worse than those who cannot avenge a wrong. Therefore, revenge is taken

from the behavior of someone who has harm them in their experience. But, the

revenge must be satisfied. Another hand, the fair and negatives will comes after

the revenge.



In this chapter, the researcher presents the character of Heathcliff and

some revenge that happen between Heathcliff and Hindley, Heathcliff and Edgar.

Heathcliff wants to get his revenge between two families are Thruscross Grange

and Wuthering Heights.

3.1 The Descriptions of Heathcliff’s Character

Heathcliff is strength child, hopeless and resentfull person after he was

adult When Heathcliff found by Mr. Earnshaw. Mr Earnshaw is the owner of

Wuthering Heights. He went for business in Liverpool. Then, Mr Earnshaw found

Heathcliff on the street. A child was cold Mr Earnshaw brough Heathcliff into his

life. Mr Earnshaw has two children name is Hindley and Cathy. Hindley hates

Heathcliff also Cathy that because they will not to let the other boy lived with

them. Which happen as describes in this quotation below:

(1) “At first, neither Cathy nor Hindley wanted the boy in their house. But
after a few days, things changed. Hindley began to hate Heathcliff, but
Cathy began to like him. She was a wild and mischievous girl and it
was difficult to like her. But Heathcliff liked her and became her
friend”. (p.20)

Hindley is unpleasant to Heathcliff, but Heathcliff still be a friend for

Cathy that is Hindley’s sister. Although, Catherine is a noughty girl but Heathcliff

still like her and be closer friend for Catherine. Based on the statement above,

Heathcliff is good person. Another Hindley, Hindley’s servant was hates too on

Heathcliff. Namely is Nelly Dean that hates to Heathcliff for the first time. Below

is the description about Heathcliff.

(2) “I hated Heathcliff too, at first. Hindley and I used to hit him and hurt him
as much as we could. But he never cried perhaps he was used to people
treating him badly.”(p.20)

Heathcliff is a strength child he does not parents which to love him.

Heathcliff will not bit back on Hindley. When Hindley and Nelly Dean want to

hurt him but he was keeping silent.

(3) “In the winter of 1773, all the children were ill and I had to look after them.
Cathy and hindley were miserable and they behaved badly. But heathcliff
who was much more ill than they were, was quite and never cried. He was
much easier to look after than the other two and I began to him a little more.
And, when the doctor told me that I had saved heathcliff’s life by looking
after him so well, I felt pleased. But I knew that heathcliff wasn’t quite
because he was a gentle child. He was quite because he was hard”. (p.20)

On the winter, Heathcliff still hold out than Hindley and Catherine. He is

ill more than others are. However, Heathcliff is strength child although he does

not looks like as pain. Based on the quotation above, Heathcliff is a strength

figure in this story.

(4) “ Hindley was much bigger and stronger than heathcliff and he picked up
a heavy stone to throw at him”. (p.20)

Heathcliff described as a weak child, which is not like Hindley that big

and strong child. Yet, the researcher assumes Heathcliff is a diligent and strong

child as the quotation described before.

(5) “After Hindley went away, cathy and heathcliff became closer friends.
They were always together- either in the house or on long walks over the
moors. But life was not peaceful. It was Joseph who caused trouble. He
was a very religious old man. When he tried to make Cathy and Heathcliff
read religious books for many hours, they often behaved badly.”(p.21)

This is the first time is Heathcliff behaved badly. Cathy and Heathcliff had

trait by someone who gave the influences. Someone who made him changed so

badly. In psychological, a child is not behaving badly if there is not the support or

factors from the outside.

(6) “Cathy’s behavior became worse and worse. Sometimes she shouted at me
or tried to hit me, even if we were playing a game. She behaved badly to
everybody, even heathcliff –but he did not mind what she said or did. He
would do anything for her, and she always wanted to be with him. The
best way we could punish Cathy was to keep her away from Heathcliff”.

Cathy behaved badly and curious but Heathcliff is never far away from

her.Heathcliff will to do anything for Cathy. Its means that Heathcliff love to

Cathy but he did not want Cathy know about his heart. Heathcliff was afraid to

tell his heart because he knows that Cathy did not love him. Heathcliff is a poor

man not likes her who was rich woman. Although, Heathcliff try to near with her

may in bad or good situation. As likes as the quotation below:

(7) “In October 1777, Mr. Earnshaw died. It was a wild, windy evening.
Cathy sat on the floor with her head on her father knee. Heathcliff lay with
his head on Cathy’s knee. The old man was touching Cathy’s hair gently
and she sang to him very quietly. Soon he was asleep, and when Joseph
tried to wake him later, he found that his master was dead”.(p.22)

Heathcliff lives with Mr Earnshaw as a lead of Earnshaw family.

Heathcliff show his love toward this family. When Mr Earnshaw dead not only his

children but also Heathcliff too. Heathcliff was sad and average because as far

along time Mr Earnshaw protected him from his children.

Heathcliff is very sad at the time. However, after he gets some traits he

wants to gets a revenge and here, the character of Heathcliff is changed its cause

some events. Hindley married since he sent by his father to school and Hindley

back brought his wife. Hindley is very hate Heathcliff but after Hindley’s father

dead .Therefore, the all property inherited by Hindley. Based on the statement


(8) “Then Frances decided that she didn’t like Heathcliff, and Hindley
quickly remembered how much he hated him. He made Heathcliff
live with us in the kitchen, instead of living with the family.
Heathcliff had been taught by the minister, but now Hindley ended his
education. He made him work on the farm” (p.23)

It is clearly Hindley and his wife is unlike of Heathcliff since Mr

Earnshaw was dead. In addition, his suffering badly and he does not go to school

and he is being a farm worker. Yet, Heathcliff does not hopeless and he is self-

confindence to learn any lesson.

Heathcliff wants to learn although his studied stopped by Hindley.

Heathcliff stand to patient. He did not care what Hindley do for him. Every days

Heathcliff treat badly by Hindley besides that Hindley’s wife who dislike to him.

As the quoatation below:

(9) ” At first, Heathcliff did not care that Hindley had stopped his lessons
with his minister. Cathy taught him what she learnt in her lessons and
they are often ran away to the moors together and stayed away all day.
They were growing up as wild as animals. Hindley did not care what
they did. He was only interested in his wife”. (p.23)

Another hand, Heathcliff and Cathy playing together and grew without

anyone who intention of them. There is no the special intention since Mr and Mrs

Earshaw was dead. Heathcliff and Cathy lives together with Hindley. Still,

Hindley does not give the attention to Cathy and he is very hate on Heathcliff.

Heathcliff lives in the kitchen with another servant he cannot lives

together with him. Hindley makes Heathcliff’s life is bad different with Mr

Earnshaw who always gives the attention. Although, Heathcliff was happy live

with another servant. He was never gets the instruction inhis life his life be a wild

and Cathy included. They are always play together there are not the intention to

them. As the description below:

(10) “Our lives continued like this. Heathcliff and Cathy became wilder
and wilder. They listened to no one. They did whatever they
wanted to do. Hindley was often angry, but they did not care”.

This is a process of the growth of children morality.Here, the morality of

child or the personality it is very important. Heathcliff and Cathy behaved badly

because their environment is not supported their growth. They just play as their

like and not supported from their parents.

The children will behave badly if there is no attention from their parents.

Heathcliff and Cathy is a child who less loved from their environment.

(11) “Then, one Sunday, something happened which changed all our lives for
ever. Cathy and Heathcliff disappeared. When it was time for supper, no
one knew where he or she was. Hindley made me search all over the house
and farm. When I couldn’t find them, he became so angry that he ordered
me to lock all the doors of the house”. (p.23)

Based on the story above, Hindley was angry to Heathcliff and his sister,

Cathy. Because, they went to outside without informed to Hindley. If we see that,

there is no love and the attention for them so that they behaved like that. Hindley

did not give the attention to them although Heathcliff is not his brother but Cathy

is his sister. Meanwhile, Heathcliff adopted with his father so he must show his

love to him.

(12) “ We were out on the moors and we saw the lights at Thruscross Grange,
‘he said ‘so we decided to go and see what te lintons were doing. We
wanted to see if Edgar and Isabella are punished by their parents like
we are by hindley and joseph. We climbed onto a window ledge and
looked in through the window of the sitting-room. It was very
beautiful, nelly. It was all white and gold, with red chairs and carpets.
Cathy and I could be so happy in a room like that! But edgar and
Isabella weren’t happy. They were crying and fighting over a little dog!
What stupid children! We laughed and laughed at them”.

Heathcliff and Cathy out of the Wuthering Heights because they never out

of the house or know their surrouding. They are happy so Heathcliff talk to others

like Nelly Dean. Nelly Dean is a person that he believes. Nelly Dean hears the

story about Thruscross Grange by Heathcliff. Heathcliff talk the all property that

he looks in the Thruscross Grange. Heathcliff likes to the house that he looks in

Thruscross Grange different with him. He just once a week to makes himself was

clean. How Hindley treat him badly as likes as this quotation:

(13) “Heathcliff was hiding behind the settle in the kitchen. I don’t think he
knew what to do when he saw the beautiful young lady with clean
white hands and a fine new dress. Heathcliff was now dirtier than ever.
I had made him wash himself once a week but no one else had cared
about him while Cathy was away”. (p.26)

He only bath once a week Heathcliff still dirty and rough. If we see this

situation, Heathcliff is patient. In happy day all people is happy and they wear a

clean clothes. In contrast, Heathcliff have not clean clothes. Heathcliff has

patience characteristic. How feeling bad if we can not celebrate of happy day with

our family but heathcliff does not have family to celebrate of Christmast.

(14)”How funny and dirty and bad-tempered you look!’she said. ‘That’s because
I’ve been with Edgar and Isabella and they’re so clean and tidy. Have you

forgotten me, heathcliff? But heathcliff was ashamed and he was angry
and he wouldn’t answer”.(p.26)

Heathcliff after hear the explanation from Cathy and he does not answer.

He just keeps silent. Heathcliff unlike with Cathy’s explanation. Cathy assumes

that Heathcliff is a rough, dirty farworker. It it makes Heathcliff down. Heathcliff

wants to be better than Edgar Linton, the Thruscross Grange family. Here, the

decision of Heathcliff to be good man as the description below:

(15) “Nelly, I’m going to be good, he said suddenly.will you make me clean and
tidy, please? We talked while I helped him to wash and dress I clean
clothes. I tried to make him fell better. Don’t be jealous of Edgar linton, I
said.’you’re younger then he is, but you’re taller and stronger. You could
knock him down whenever you wanted to do!”(p.28)

Cathy and Hindley went to Thruscross Grange in Edgar Residence.

Hindley wants to make relationship with Edgar. Edgar is a rich man but he is

older than Heathcliff. It is makes he was jeolous. Still, Heathcliff wants to change

his appearance for Cathy.

Here, the researcher see that Heathcliff wants to repair his appearance by

Nelly Dean helped. Heathcliff is not the types of people who hopeless. Heathcliff

has the impulsion to gets something. He has a big wish to change. However, it is

not a long time. At the moment, Hindley come and broke all his wish to He gets

the attention of Cathy.

3.2 The Description of Revenge of Heathcliff on Hindley

At first, Heathcliff wants to gets his revenge on Hindley who has treat

him when he was child. Heathcliff was change may in appearance and clotes that

he wear. Hindley did not know if in front of him is Heathcliff because He was be

handsome man and inteligent man. its describes in this quotation below:

(16) “ Heathcliff stayed and played cards with them all day by the end of day,
Hindley owed Heathcliff a lot of money. So he let him stay at Wuthering
Heights. Heathcliff was going to get his revenge on Hindley by taking all
his money”. (p.43)

Based on the paragraph is the main character gets his revenge on played

cards. Heathcliff is not difficult to play the cards. However, Hindley is unable to

play the cards. Unconsciously, Hindley has no money to pay Heathcliff’s money

so Hindley decided to give His property to Heathcliff.

Heathcliff gets his revenge by his intelligent. Heathcliff describes an

intelligent man although he does not force Hindley but his revenge fulfilled by his

intelligent. He gets all the Hindley’s money. Here, the main character has revenge

on Hindley, which is Chaterine Earnsaw’s brother. Hindley has treated him badly

when his past time. As the quotation below:

(17)“Hindley threw the stone . it hit Heathcliff on the chest and knocked him
to the ground”.’take my horse, shooted Hindley’and i hope you fall off
and break your neck’’(p.20)
Therefore, Heathcliff really revenge on Hindley by doing the way of

Hindley had treat Heathcliff when Heathcliff gets the horse from Mr Earnshaw .

Heathcliff never avenge or attack back on Hindley. While, Hindley always treat


Based on the description above, we can see that why Heathcliff wants

gets his revenge on Hindley and his behaved changed . A children will copied all

the happen in their environment. When Heathcliff was child, he is weak child.

Meanwhile, Hindley is strong child. There is no power on Heathcliff but he has

intelligent to revenge.

(18) “Hindley’s son, Hareton , inherited nothing from his father. Hindley
had mortgaged everything he owned to borrow money for gambling.
And it was Heathcliff who had given him mortgage. Hindley’s house
and his land now belonged to Heathcliff”. (p.58)

Hindley has pawned his house to Heathcliff so his son can’t inherited his

property and the all have by Hindley. Here, climax of Heathcliff’s revenge. He

gets his revenge to Hindley including his son, Hareton Earnshaw who live with

Heathcliff and be a farmworker in Wuthering Heights. After he win the gambling

card and inherited Hindley’s property Heathcliff makes his son like Hindley doing

to him as the quotation below:

(19) “Hindley had treated Heathcliff badly after the death of old Mr.
Earnshaw. So now Heathcliff has treated Hindley’s son in the same

Heathcliff continue his revenge to Hindley’s son, Hareton. Hareton hates

to Heathcliff but Heathcliff want revenge that cause from his father. Heathcliff’s
behave was change be a resentfull person. Which before cause Hindley was treat
Heathcliff in his experience when still a child. It can see in this quotation below:

- “Then Frances decided that she didn’t like Heathcliff, and Hindley
quickly remembered how much he hated him. He made heathcliff live
with us in the kitchen, instead of living with the family. Heathcliff had
been taught by the minister, but now Hindley ended his education. He
made him work on the farm”.(p.23)

As regards, the aims of Heathcliff to treated Hindley’s son in order to

revenge to his father. Here, we can see how Heathcliff said to Hareton:

(20)“ Now”, he said. ‘you are mine. I can treat you the same way as
Hindley treated me”(58)

As Hindley doing to Heathcliff, Heathcliff take the revenge on Hareton.

When he was child, Hindley treated Heathcliff badly he try to pawn Heathcliff in

which his father like to Heathcliff and Hindley unlike to Heathcliff.

(21) “you meet Hareton, Mr.Lockwood. ‘She said.’ You have seen that he
live like a servant in his own house. He can’t read or write and he is a
rough, dirty farm worker. He does not even understand how Heathcliff
has harmed him”.

Based on the statement above, Heathcliff pawned Hindley’s child.

Heahtcliff show the revenge to Hareton. the way of Heathcliff revenge are makes

Hareton be a farmorworker, does not know to read or write and dirty including

rough. Here, Heathcliff treated Hareton as like as Heathcliff in the past.

(22) “Hareton tried to make friends with Catherine but she was unkind and
laughed at him. Heathcliff had made him into a rough, dirty farm worker
who could not read or write” (p.76)

Heathcliff makes Hareton be a little Heathcliff. Heathcliff behaved badly

by Hindley, He wants to avenge Hindley’s son after he has success to gets his

revenge on Hindley. Hindley’s son lives with Heathcliff, the desires for

Heathcliff’s revenge appears to deliberate Hindley’s son.

(23) “Heathcliff was gone from the house all day yesterday. He would not let
me go to Cathy’s funeral. Hindley was going to go to Cathy’s
funeral , but he was drunk”.(56)

Hindley’s wife is dead, Hindley was to be drunker. He has nothing again .

Here, Heathcliff success makes Hindley into a rough.

(24) “Hindley will shoot you if you come in,” I shouted back.”Suddenly the
glass in the window broke and i could see Heathcliff . Hindley ran to the
window with his knife and gun, but Heathcliff put his arm through the
window and got hold of the gun. He pulled it away from Hindley’s knife
went into his own arm. H fell onto the floor with blood running from his

arm. Heathcliff smashed the rest of the glass and jumped into the kitchen.
He began to kick and hit Hindley. I tried to stop him, but he picked up a
knife from the table and threw it at me. So I ran away, Nelly.”(p.57)

Hindley be a wild, he attempted to hurt Heathcliff but Heathcliff prevent

from Hindley’s attacks. Heathcliff can takes himself and he does not anone who

hurt him again including Hindley which is be a wild after he has not anything.

(25) “Six months after Cathy died, Hindley was dead too. The doctor told me
that he had died because he drank so much.”(p.58)

The desires for revenge has gets by Heathcliff. Hindley was dead and
Hareton will treat like Heathcliff was child. Heathcliff was happy because his
enemy was dead. But, his revenge is not there, he will continue to Edgar,
Hindley’s son and the people that still the relationship with the Earhawn and
Linton’s family will destroy by him.

(26) “Hareton Tried to make friends with Catherine, but she was unkind and
laughed at him. Heathcliff had made him into a rough, dirty farmworker
who could not read or write”.(p.76)

As Heathcliff life when he was child, Hareton be a farmworker in his own

house. Heathcliff makes his life be a farmer and as likes as Heathcliff who was

dirty and did not wash his body. Here, Heathcliff gets his revenge on Hindley’s

son after his father was dead cause Hindley drunk too much.Succesfull revenge

although Heathcliff did not show that he harmed somebody. Heathcliff is not

satisfy yet because he wants to revenge on Hindley’s son. He wants that Hindley’s

son, Hareton felt what his feel before. Actually, Heatchliff did not wants to makes

Hareton like that. But, His desires for revenge are strong and dominated whole his


Revenge will makes someone satisfied unless revenge itself does not too

long and untill bring to die. Heathcliff start to revenge when conflict appear.

Conflict between someone who was humiliated him and treat him. Also, if

revenge did not fullfilled, it was gives the influence to the whole life aspect.

Another hand, Heathcliff makes Hareton’s life as his life where he can not reads .

His life to Heathcliff be farmworker who have not friend. But, Catherine

attempted to makes friend to him. Yet, Hareton was afraid if he must makes friend

to Catherine. His life be confusion and he just thoughts that work, eats and sleeps.

We can see from the description below:

(27) “ Hareton’s just like a dog, Nelly,’ She said one day. ‘He just eats and
sleeps and works and there’s nothing in his mind. ‘ I know why he won’t
speak , Nelly. He was afraid that I will laugh at him. He began to teach
himself to read, but because i laughed he burnt his books. Wasn’t he
stupid?” (p.79)

Since Hindley was dead Hareton be orphan and must live with Heathcliff

and revenge that he must done to him. Hareton can not read and makes him stupid

because he never learned. Fortunately, Catherine wants to makes friend to

him.Beside that, Hareton ever hurt his arm as below :

(28) “In the early spring Hareton hurt his arm and could not work on the farm
for a while. He used to sit in the kitchen by the fire with Joseph, and
Catherine tried to make friends with him.” (p.79)

In fact, what Heathcliff will is fullfilled. He makes Hareton won’t to speak

with the others. Hareton really afraid to front of the other people although he try

to communicates with another. Below, Heathcliff revenge on Hindley’s son,

Hareton :

(29) “I gave the parcel to Hareton and he quietly began to open it. Catherine
went to sit next to him. Hareton stopped looking bad-tempered. He was
still afraid to speak to her, but soon i saw them looking at the book
together and quietly they started to talk.”(p.79)

Therefore, Heathcliff has gets his revenge on Hindley by Hindley’s son.

Heathcliff had made Hareton going to bad tempered but Catherine try to help

Hareton so that he does not afraid to speak on somebody who wants to be friend

with him.

3.3 The Description of Revenge of Heathcliff on Edgar

Heathcliff wants to revenge on Edgar too. Yet, Heathcliff di not to Edgar

first but he wants to treat Hindley’s sister at first. As looks likes this quotation:

(30) “ Heathcliff was silent for a few minutes. Finally, he said, ‘She will inherit
her brother’s property, won’t she?‘No, she won’t. I am going to have lots
of sons who will inherit Edgar’s property. Leave Isabella alone. You
think too much about your neighbours’ property and money.”(p.44)

From the statement above, we can see that how Heathcliff wish to gets his

revenge on Edgar. Although, Heathcliff show his avenge to his sister and

Heathcliff knows that Edgar’s sister, Isabella likes him. Heathcliff was changed,

he was very handsome and taller. So that, Isabella likes to him yet.

(31) “ I knew then that Cathy did not understand how much Heathcliff wanted
revenge. He wanted revenge on the people who had harmed him first
Hindley and now Edgar.”(p.45)

Based on the quotation above, Heathcliff will revenge until his revenge

fulfilled toward someone who harmed him. Meanwhile, Heathcliff must gets his

revenge on anyone who harmed him. He did not care how long he wants to gets

his revenge.

(32) “I’ll marry Isabella if I want to. I don’t have to ask for anyone’s
permission-either yours or Edgar’s.”(p.45)

Isabella loves Heathcliff very much. Therefore, Heathcliff used Isabella to

gets his revenge on Edgar. Isabella and Heathcliff married although Cathy told

that Heathcliff wants to gets his revenge on Edgar. Then, Heathcliff thoughts that

Isabella is used to revenge on his brother. Here, the description of Heathcliff on

Edgar through Edgar’s sister:

(33)” We heard nothing from Isabella for two months. Then, a short letter
arrived. The letter was polite and told us that Isabella Linton had married
Heathcliff . But at the end of it there was another message. Isabella wrote
that she hoped her brother would forgive her. She also wrote that she was
sorry she had married Heathcliff. Edgar did not write back to his

At the time, Heathcliff often behaved badly on Isabella. Isabella felt that

curios on Heathcliff. she does not know what Heathcliff wants to her. Cathy had

told that before about Heathcliff. He married Isabella because he wants revenge

on his brother. Heathcliff makes Isabella torture and makes him be a servant. Live

with Heathcliff is unhappy. Isabella is not likes as wife but treat like servant. As

the quotation below :

(34) “ This is a terrible place. I am treated like a servant. Joseph and Hareton
hate me. I think Hindley is mad. He showed me a gun and a knife which
he caries with him always. He told me to lock our bedroom door every
night. If the door is ever unlocked he will come in and murder

In fact, Heathcliff unlike to Isabella. Heathcliff just used her to Gets his

revenge on Edgar. Heathcliff hates to Edgar because he ever humiliated him when

he wants to repair his appearance and decided to be good. Heathcliff wants to

makes Cathy likes him. Still, Edgar humiliated him. Then, conflict is appear that

start from quotation below :


(35)“Heathcliff hates me. He told me about Cathy’s illness and said that my
brother had made her ill. He said that he cannot punish Edgar, so he is
going to punish me because I am Edgar’s sister”. (p.51)

Heathcliff married Isabella, Edgar’s sister. Heathcliff knows that Isabella

liked him and this is a time for him to get his revenge on Edgar througing his

Sister. Heathcliff and Edgar have a conflict that make Heathcliff forgot his

decision to be good man.

Unfortunately, Edgar comes and makes him to behaved badly .Actually,

Heathcliff is good person but someone who harmed his feeling makes him be

wicked person and cruel man.

From the sentences, the researcher see that not only Hindley but also

Edgar which is marry with Catherine makes Heathcliff angry to him, so

Heathcliff revenge on Edgar. Meanwhile, Isabella is Edgar’s sister likes Heathcliff

so that he married with Isabella with the aim gets the revenge on her brother.

Heathcliff hated to Isabella, because the woman that his love illness by Edgar. In

addition, Heathcliff will punish Isabella’s brother if her Brother makes Cathy gets

illness. Here, Heathcliff is describes the revenge toward anyone who hurt him.

(36)” I did go to Wuthering Heights. It was a terrible place, as Isabella had said
in her letter. Isabella looked pale and ill, her hair was untidy and her dress
was dirty. The house was dirty and untidy too.”(p.51)

Based on the quotation above, we can see that how Heathcliff treat

Isabella. Heathcliff revenge on Edgar but Heathcliff wants Edgar’s sister feel his

heart and Heathcliff’s heart was hurt caused his brother. Edgar has humiliated

him when he try to decided to be good at that time.

(37) “I have run all the way from wuthering heights,’she said. I ‘ll tell you what
happened. But first,tell the servants to find me some clothes. And tell them

to get the carriage . so I can leave here. I cannot stay because Heathcliff
might come to look for me. He hates me but he would take me back to
Wuthering Heights because he wants to hurt Edgar”.(p.56)

Heathcliff wants to gets his revenge through in Edgar’s sister. He was

unpleasant to Edgar’s sister, Isabella. Isabella gets the pressured from Heathcliff.

(38) “ Yes, Nelly, I will look after my son,’ Heathcliff went on. ‘ i want him to
marry catherine and inherit Thruscross Grange. So i don’t want him to
die before. Edgar Linton. I want to make sure that i have that land and
that property,”(p.63)

Heathcliff wants to marry his son so that Heathcliff gets the all property

that Edgar’s has. Not only on Isabella also to Catherine, Edgar’s son. Heathcliff

wants to revenge on Catherine altough Catherine does not know what Heathcliff


Heathcliff used all the way to gets Catherine so that Catherine wants to

married with his son. Beside that, Heathcliff wants his child married with

Catherine. Heathcliff’s son know if his father want to revenge on Edgar through

his child.

(39) “it’s your father’s house, isn’t it?’ she asked.’Are you a servant?’ Hareton
began to look angry. I got hold of Chaterine and took her out of the
house.‘go and get my horse, said Catherine to Hareton.’I won’t. I’m not
a servant,’he replied angrily.’you shouldn’t speak like that to him,’Zillah
said to Catherine.’Hareton is your cousin.’‘He is not my cousin! He’s a
farmworker,’said Catherine. My cousin is a gentleman’s son. My father
has gone to get him from London”.(p.61)

After his father was dead, Hareton lives with Heathcliff b a farmworker in

his own house that which has be Heahcliff’s house. Hareton feel uncomfortable

lives with Heathcliff. Meanwhile, Hareton is not worse but Heathcliff has the

desicion to gets his revenge on Earshawn family.


(40)“I want her to see Linton,’ he said.’ I want the two cousins to fall in love
and get’ married. Then, Thruscross Grange will belong to my son when
Edgar Linton dies. And it will belong to me when my son dies”. (p.64)

Heathcliff wants his son and Edgar’s son married. This is the way to gets

his revenge. Heathcliff will inherit all Edgar’s property. Edgar knows the goals of

Heathcliff. Heathcliff must do his revenge because the human who wants revenge

does not satisfied. So, to makes his desire for revenge is fulfilled and makes him

happy. The desires to gets his revenge comes from the id that thinks pleasure

principle, how the desire for revenge can be satisfied.

Edgar knows Heathcliff aims toward him. Heathcliff wants to gets his

revenge on him. But, Isabella wants to play to Wuthering Heights. Isabella thinks

that Heathcliff is a good person.

Actually, Heathcliff does not want to hurt Isabella. But, Heathcliff wants

to revenge and he wants to be a rich man likes Edgar. Still, his way is wrong.

Heathcliff just thinks that how to gets Edgar’s property and gets his revenge.

Edgar has informed his child about Heathcliff but his child assumes that

Heathcliff not like his father said. Edgar knows Heathcliff wants to takes all the

things that his has. As the description below:

(43)“I didn’t tell you because Mr. Heathcliff dislike me very much. He is an evil
man. Edgar replied. I knew that he would be unkind to you because he dislike
me”. (65)

Edgar says that Heathcliff is wicked man. Here, Heathcliff’s behave was

change after he gets all the pressure. Heathcliff be a resentfull person and be a

cruel people where Heathcliff wants to gets his revenge..


Based on the quotation above, Heathcliff is described as unfriendly man

and wicked. He wants all the things that he wish.

(44) “Edgar realized that Catherine did not believe that Heathcliff was evil. So
he told her how Heathcliff had treated Isabella. He also told her how
Heathcliff had become the owner of Wuthering Height”.(66)

Heathcliff married with Isabella. Before, Isabella does not know Heathcliff

is very hated his brother. Where, Heathcliff also see the unpleasant feeling to his

brother. Heathcliff makes Isabella fall in love to him, Heathcliff is handsome man

who was makes anyone who seen him will fall in love. So, Heathcliff gets an

occupation to gets his revenge on Edgar.

(45) “I will keep you here. I am pleased that your father will be miserable”.(71)

Heathcliff knows that Edgar will dead. Then, Heathcliff thinks that he will
gets all the property that Edgar’s has. Heathcliff is satisfied after hear Edgar will

(46) “By the time that Heathcliff came to Linton’s room, his son was dead.
Catherine would not leave her bedroom for two weeks after Linton’s death.
Heathcliff went to see her once to show her Linton’s will. Linton had left
everything he owned to his father . So now Catherine has nothing and
Heathcliff owns both Wuthering Heights and Thruscross Grange.(76)

Heathcliff gets what he wish for along time. He had broken two families,

they are Wuthering Heights and Thruscross Grange. Wuthering Heights is

Hindley’s own and Thruscross Grange is Edgar’s own. Heathcliff gets his revenge

on two families after he waits for along time. But, the people as like Heathcliff

does not has friends and all the people will thinks that he was cruel man.

Actually, the human must communicate and relationship with their

surrounding and their neighbour.We have relationship with other people and we

are in social individual who communicates each other. Heathcliff has covered by

the desires for revenge, he does not thinks his surrounding.




4.1 Conclusion

The following conclusion of the Analysis of Revenge of Heathcliff as seen

on ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte based on the psychological approach,

the description of Heathcliff’s character and the description of revenge of

Heathcliff . The description and analysis used the psychologicall approach based

on Freudian Psychoanalytic.

Heathcliff is adoptive child by Hindley’s father. He found Heathcliff on

the streets. There is no people wants to care. Fortunately, Hindley’s father found

him and let him to follow and lives in his house that is Wuthering Heights.

Then, Heathcliff miserable by his children but Hindley dislike. Therefore,

makes Heathcliff wants to gets revenge. Here, not only to Hindley but also to

Edgar. After gets his revenge on Hindley, Heathcliff continue his revenge on his

child, Hindley including Edgar’s child.

Based on the explanation above, Heathcliff is difficult to relationship with

another. Because, his surrounding knows that Heathcliff is unfriendly man. He

does not communicated with his neighbour.

Based on the psychological analysis, the revenge of Heathcliff influence

by someone who harmed him. So, Heathcliff decided to gets his revenge on

someone who harmed him when he was a child. The revenge must satisfied if its

not satisfied it will influence to the whole of aspect’s life


The description of Heathcliff’s revenge is show that if uncounterbalance

human characteristic is pressured into problems it will makes her/his behaved


4.2 Suggestion

Based on the research description and analysis, the following suggestion is

needs for this research. There are some suggestions can be gives in this research.

1. For the reader, can gives the critic toward of this analysis that research by

the researcher and gives the suggestion to this thesis because the

researcher knows this thesis has many mistakes may in written or


2. For the Students of English Literature, can gives suggestion for this

research especially in analyzing “Wuthering Heights” novel based on

Freudian Theory.

3. For the next researcher, can find the additional source for approaching

literary work.

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