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Francis Institute of Technology

Information Technology
IoE Mini Project (ITL702)

Air Quality Monitoring System

Zohair Merchant 25
Sumit Kumar 26
Darshit Rupapara 27
Alastin Porathur 28

Dr Prachi Raut
• Introduction
– Need for the project
– Problem statement
– Objectives
– Literature Review
– Circuit Diagram
• Requirements
– System requirements
– Data analytics algorithm
• Performance parameters
• References
Need for the Project
● Air Pollution is one of the most serious and major
environmental problem worldwide.

● Human health gets majorly affected due to Air Pollution.

● An early system is required for monitoring and calculating

the level of AP using Air Quality Index (AQI)

● After knowing the quantity of pollutants, proper

precautions can be taken to minimize the air pollution
Problem Statement
● To develop an IoT based Air Quality Monitoring System
and send sensor data to a remote server (ThingSpeak) to
perform predictive analysis using ML algorithms for
forecasting AQI value.
● To measure the amount of pollutants in air using IoT sensors.

● To store the sensor data on cloud server using open source

Software (ThingSpeak).

● To research and analyze the collected data and build a

predictive model using machine learning for forecasting AQI

● To create a metric and calculate the parameters and compare

the differences across various times and environment.
Literature Review
Sr. No. Name Methodology Future Scope

1. Air Quality Monitoring and The Air Quality Index is measured A more efficient
Disease Prediction Using IoT and its impact on human health is data modeling
and Machine Learning predicted in industrial areas. techniques like
Multilabel Classification XGBoost can be
method-Random Forest classifier. used in building
Sensors: MQ-7 and MQ135. the predictive
Data analysed at local server. model.

2. IoT Based Air Pollution A three-phase pollution monitoring Predictive

Monitoring System which system. analysis based
monitor the Air Quality over The system then determines the air on the past
an internet server. quality in PPM using MQ2 and MQ7 reported values is
and display it on the LCD and also as missing.
on webpage so that it can be
monitored very easily.
Literature Review
Sr. No. Name Methodology Future Scope

3. IoT Based Embedded System ESP32 are used as a microcontroller. Addition of more
for Real time Air Quality MQ5 and MQ135 gas sensors are gas sensors to get
Monitoring with Multi-Model used along with Sound Sensor and additional
Analysis using Machine DHT sensor. parameters.
Learning Algorithms Other models
The system logs the data collected apart from
to cloud server (ThingSpeak) for Random Forest
analysis and prediction using and Logistic
multiple ML algorithms for better Regression can be
accuracy used to validate
the system.

4.. Air Pollution Monitoring An IoT based Air pollution monitoring A suitable
System Using IoT and Data system which includes a MQ Series machine learning
Analytics sensor interfaced to a NodeMCU model to predict
equipped with a ESP8266 WLAN the air pollution
adaptor to send the sensor level and a
reading to a ThingSpeak cloud. forecasting model

The values are

recorded at a very
long interval.
System Design
Circuit Diagram
System Requirements
1. Arduino UNO
2. WiFi Module - ESP8266
3. Sensors -
• DHT11 (Temp & Humidity)
• MQ135
• MQ7(Carbon Monoxide)
4. Arduino IDE
5. Accessible Wi-fi
6. Thingspeak
7. Google Collab
Data Analytics Algorithm
● These algorithms will be used for analyzing the Raw weather
data collected from the sensors:
❖ Linear Regression
❖ Random Forest
❖ XGBoost

● This Algorithm will be used to display it in a time series

❖ ARIMA, short for 'AutoRegressive Integrated Moving
Performance Parameters
• Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
➔ Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is quantitative measurements of
difference between the values those are actually observed and the
values (sample and population values) predicted by a model or an
[1] Darshini Rajasekar, Aravind Sekar, Magesh Rajasekar; “Air Quality Monitoring and Disease Prediction Using IoT and
Machine Learning”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST)
ISSN: 2347-5552 Volume- 8, Issue- 6, November 2020

[2] AnandJayakumar A, Praviss Yesyand T. K, Venkstesh Prashanth K.K, Ramkumar K, “IoT Based Air Pollution
Monitoring System,” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 2458-2462,
March, 2021

[3] I. R. Shaikh and S. Tankkar, “IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring with Multi-Model Analysis using Machine Learning
Algorithms”, IJRESM, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 125–126, Nov. 2021.

[4] Ramya D , Rohini V S , Uma Maheshwari G , Vinitha Shree D , Mr. Hariharan B; “AIR POLLUTION MONITORING
SYSTEM USING IOT AND DATA ANALYTICS,” International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering Volume
6, Issue 7, March-2019.

[5] Harsh N. Shah, Zishan Khan, Abbas Ali Merchant, Moin Moghal, Aamir Shaikh, Priti Rane, “IoT Based Air Pollution
Monitoring System,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 62-65, February,

[6] Ayaskanta Mishra ; “Air Pollution Monitoring System based on IoT: Forecasting and Predictive Modeling using
Machine Learning”, 2018 International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing and
Communication (AESPC)

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