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RFID Based Attendance System With Storing Data On Google Spreadsheet

Synopsis of Major Project

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree


(Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

Submitted To


Submitted by

Enroll No.
0133EX191005 , 0133EX191010 , 0133EX191020 , 0133EX191025, 0133EX191034

Under the supervision of

Prof. Vivek Tiwari


(Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering)



(Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering for acceptance, a project report entitled “RFID Based Attendance System
With Storing Data On Google Spreadsheet” submitted by “ AKSHAT SHARMA ,AMIT KUSHWAHA
,BANTI MEENA , DEEPAK PAWAR , JAI UKANDE ” in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Electrical & Electronics Engineering.

Prof. Vivek Tiwari

Department of electrical & electronics

Dr.Smita Shandilya
Head of Department
Department of electrical & electronic

(Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

of “Bachelor of Engineering” in Sagar Institute of Research & Technology” , session 2022-
2023, Bhopal (M.P.) here by informed that the work presented in this dissertation entitled “RFID
Based Attendance System With Storing Data On Google Spreadsheet”is the outcome of my own work,
is bonafide and correct to the best of my knowledge and this work has been carried out taking
care of Engineering Ethics. The work presented does not infringe any patented work and has not
been submitted to any other University or anywhere else for the award of any degree or any
professional diploma.

Name of Scholar
Akshat Sharma (0133EX191005)
Amit Kushwaha (0133EX191010)
Banti Meena (0133EX191020)
Deepak Pawar (0133EX191025)
Jai Ukande (0133EX191034)

(Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering)


I take an opportunity to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to my guide and the pivot of
this enterprise, Prof. Vivek Tiwari who is most responsible for helping me to complete this work. He
showed me different ways to approach the problems and the need to be persistent to
accomplish my goal. Her discernment in the choice of topic, her confidence in me when I doubted
myself and her admirable guidance are some cogent reasons that make me over that
Without her support this thesis would be a chimera.

I am also thankful to Dr.Smita Shandilya , Head of Department of Electrical & Electronics

Engineering for cooperation and support to complete this work. I would also like to express my
thanks to Dr. Rajiv Shrivastava Director SIRT Bhopal providing necessary facilities. I
would also convey my
Thanks to Prof. Vivek Tiwari and Prof. Dr.Smita Shandilya of Department of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering for their continuous support. Thanks are due to all the staff members and lab staff of
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering SIRT for providing all help and support.

Name of Scholar
Akshat Sharma (0133EX191005)
Amit Kushwaha (0133EX191010)
Banti Meena (0133EX191020)
Deepak Pawar (0133EX191025)
Jai Ukande (0133EX191034)

(Department of Electrical & Electronics



This project is developed by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system and
student card to get student attendance. Before this project, lecturers needed to use paper to get
the student attendance. There were a lot of problems when using the paper as student attendance
such as cheating. This project can help lecturers to reduce these problems by the design of an
automatic attendance using RFID and student card. The project system runs by the process of
getting the code of the student card to compare with the database in XAMPP Control Panel.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed using NetBeans IDE 8.1 to make the database
easier to access.Firstly, lecturer needs to fill forms in an interface like lecturer name, subject and
subject code. This part is important because we need the information in this part to use in the
next interface. In the next interface, lecturer needs to choose port and speed to make connection
with RFID reader. After the reader is ready, process to get attendant will start. Students need to
swipe their card on the reader and the code from the card will use to compare with database in
XAMPP Control Panel. When the code is match with database, the student information like ID
number and time will show on interface and that information will trigger into a list and it will
lead to the opening of the class room door. This list will use as a student attendance. In that list,
all information like student name, ID number and time will be saved in the database of the
server. If the code does not match with the database, it means that the student is in the wrong
class or he (or she) is not yet registered for that course. When this happen, lecturer can register
that student by using registering form and the information of that student will be update into
database. This project will help lecturer taking the student attendance more easily and
automatically. As a conclusion, RFID technology can be used in student attendance application.

Certificate of Approval………………………………………….. i
Declaration……………………………………………………… ii
Acknowledgement………………………………………………. iii



Figure 2.1: Firdaus base Attendance System Using RFID System and Student card 6
Figure 2.2: RFID Reader 10
Figure 2.3: RFID Tag 11
Figure 2.4: RFID transceiver that communicates with a passive Tag 11
Figure 3.7: RFID tag 17
Figure 3.10: ATmega 328 Arduino Microcontroller 17
Figure 3.12: Push button 18
Figure 3.14: RFID-RC522 Reader Module 18
Figure 3.21: Pin diagram of arduino Uno card 20
Figure 3.22: RFID reader symbol 26


RFID (radio frequency identification) is a new technology that incorporates the use of
electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency (RF) portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify an object, animal, or person. RFID tags are
not an "improved bar code" as the proponents of some technologies would like you to
believe. An RFID system consists of three components: an antenna and transceiver (often
combined into one reader) and a transponder (the tag). The antenna uses radio frequency
waves to transmit a signal that activates the transponder. When activated, the tag transmits
data back to the antenna. RFID technology differs from bar codes. RFID can read the tag
using RF, meaning that the RFID reader can be read from a distance, right through your
clothes, wallet or purse. Besides the RFID tag consist of unique ID for each tag. The
technology used in RFID has been around since the early 1920s. In our country, this
technology is less frequent and the mostly use technology is the biometric systems using
finger print. Our government less applies this technology by using RFID as I.C
(identification card). In some places of our country, people prefer to use Barcode which is
cheaper than RFID. Technology spread very fast and in few years, the possibility that
RFID replaces the barcode system will just be a reality.

Nowadays, there are many of universities around our country and each of this university
consists of student up to 10 thousand. To handle a large amount of student may be problem
specially to get the attendance. Now, process to get attendance in majority universities still
used the manual process. The manual process means that when the class (or lecture) starts,
lecturer will give a piece of attendance paper and students will check their name and then
will sign on it. At the end of class, lecturer will take back the attendance paper and keep it
as a record.
Normally, the attendance paper need much time to be signed by all students especially for
classes with a lot of student. Students also forget to sign that attendance and they are
assumed absent for that class. The problem also will happen when lecturer forget to bring
the attendance paper to class. Students need to write their name on a piece of paper and
sometimes student will take this opportunity to cheat during the process of getting the
attendance. The suitable solution for this problem is to design a system that will record
attendance automatically.In this project, which is based RFID system is used to record
student attendance automatically. This project will use student ID card as RFID tag and a
RFID reader. This RFID system will be integrated with a software. This method is more
effective to prevent problems in the process of getting the attendance manually.


RFID is an acronym which stands for Radio Frequency Identification. Generally, a RFID
system consists of 2 parts, a reader and one or more transponders also known as Tags.
RFID systems evolved from barcode labels to automatically identify and track products and
2. Access Control
RFID Readers placed at entrances that require a person to pass their proximity card (RFID
tag) to be read before the access can be made.
3. Contact less Payment Systems
RFID tags used to carry payment information. RFIDs are suited to electronic toll collection
systems. Tags attached to vehicles, or carried by people transmit payment information to a
fixed reader attached to a toll station. Payments are then routinely deducted from a user’s
account, or information is changed directly on the RFID tag.
4. Product Tracking and Inventory Control
RFID systems are commonly used to track and record the movement of ordinary items such
as library books, clothes, factory pallets, electrical goods and numerous items.
5. Antenna
This is a device built to produce a dispersing electric or magnetic field. When attached to a
source of radio frequency signal generator or transmitter, an antenna acts as a transmitting
device, converting AC voltage and currents into electromagnetic waves energy. Antennas
also can intercept electromagnetic waves and convert it in to AC voltage and current. In
this case, the antenna acts as a receiving device.
6. Tags (Transponders)
An RFID tag is comprised of a microchip containing identifying information and an
antenna thattransmits this data wirelessly to a reader. At its most basic, the chip will
contain a serializedidentifier, or license plate number, that uniquely identifies that item, like
the way many bar codesare used today.
7. Data capacity
The amount of data storage on a tag can vary, ranging from 16 bits on the low end to as
much asseveral thousand bits on the high end. The greater the storage capacity, the higher
the price per tag.
8. Frequencies
Like all wireless communications, there are a variety of frequencies or spectra through
which RFIDtags can communicate with readers. Again, there are trade-offs among cost,
performance and application requirements. For instance, low-frequency tags are cheaper
than ultra-high-frequency (UHF) tags, use less power and are better able to penetrate non-
metallic substances. They are ideal for scanning objects with high water content, such as
fruit, at close range. UHF frequencies typically offer better range and can transfer data
9. EPC Tags
EPC refers to "electronic product code," an emerging specification for RFID tags, readers
and business applications first developed at the Auto-ID Center at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. This organization has provided significant intellectual leadership
toward the use and application of RFID technology.
10. RFID Transceiver
The RFID transceiver is the source of the RF energy used to activate and power the passive
RFID tags. The RFID transceiver may be enclosed in the same cabinet as the reader or it
may be a separate piece of equipment.
11. Microcontroller
A microcontroller is a single chip microcomputer which consists of at least a
microprocessor, program memory, data memory and input/output devices. A
microcontroller is characterized by its integration, a lower electric consumption (that is
some milliwatt when ON and some nanowatt when OFF).
13. Electronic filter
These are analog circuits which perform signal processing function, specifically to remove
unwanted frequency components from the signal, to enhance wanted ones or both.
14. Smoothening
This is the process of reducing or eliminating irregularities in the voltage or current from a
DC power source. This is the process of reducing or eliminating irregularities in data or
signal amplitude.
15. Rectification
This is the process of converting AC to pulsating DC by any other means other than the use
of motor-generator.
16. Regulated power supply
A power supply whose output is healed automatically. Due to a constant level or within a
narrow range, regardless of loading variations.
17. Regulation
The adjustment or control of a components, device or system. It should be noted that the
device that performs regulation is called regulator.


The application of RFID to student attendance monitoring as developed and deployed in
this study can eliminate time wasted during manual collection of attendance, cheating on
the part of the students, bulkiness of the papers, stressful, cost full after a long period. This
project also gives the opportunity for the educational administrators to capture face-to-face
classroom data for allocation of proper attendance scores and for further managerial
decisions. Hence the ability to achieve higher accurate automatic personal identification is
Furthermore, by using this system it will make attendance become more easy to use. Also,
RFID has more capability to receive, store and forward data to a remote source. Hence
leads to reduction of work, better student attendance management and less administrative


The main goal of this project is to develop a student attendance using RFID technology.
There are two scopes that will be cover in this project. Firstly, is to use appropriate RFID
Tag & Reader for this application. Secondly is to design GUI to integrate with RFID
There are lots of RFID reader and tag sold at market. Not only brand, but also frequencies
of the RFID itself need to be considered. Since this system will be applied to a university,
the RFID reader must use same frequencies as university student ID card.the type of
tag/student card is MIFARE type and its frequency is 50MHz. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT A SYSTEM IN STUDENT ATTENDANCE
The RFID reader will use to detect the student ID card code. The code will use to compare
with Access database and the information in database will be display and store by using
interface on XAMPP Control Panel.

For the design and realization of an electronic attendance system, many technologies have been
developed. In this chapter, we present the different conc
epts on electronic attendance system


A radio-frequency
frequency identification system comprises hardware, known as interrogators or readers
and tags also known as labels as well as RFID software or RFID middleware. RFID tags are of
two major types, which include Active Tag and Passive tags. However, this system does not have
an incorporate door unit which allows access to only registered users. Figure 2.1 show Mohd
Firdaus base Attendance System Using RFID and Student card.

It’s generally said that the roots of radio frequency identification technology can be traced back
to World War II. The Germans, Japanese, Americans and British were all using radar which had
been discovered in 1935 by Scottish physicist Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt to warn of
approaching planes while they were still miles away. The problem was that, there was

no way to identify which planes belonged to the enemy and which were a country’s own pilots
returning from a mission.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) research and discovery began in earnest in the
1970s. RFID is commonly used to transmit and receive information without wires. RFID readers
and tags communicate through a distance using radio waves. There are a lot of advantages in
RFID system, included their price, size, memory capacity and their capability. The pure
memory-based RFID chip without a co-processor is cheap, and its footprint is small and usually
use in car immobilizer applications where the IC should fit in a tiny glass tube buried in the key.
RFID fast processing speed is also essential.

Advances in radar and RF communications systems continued through the 1950s and 1960s.
Scientists and academics in the United States, Europe and Japan did research and presented
papers explaining how RF energy could be used to identify objects remotely. Companies began
commercializing anti-theft systems that used radio waves to determine whether an item had been
paid for or not. Electronic article surveillance tags, which are still used in packaging today, have
a 1- bit tag. The bit is either on or off. If someone pays for the item, the bit is turned off and a
person can leave the store. But if the person doesn't pay and tries to walk out of the store, readers
at the door detect the tag and sound an alarm.

The First RFID Patents Mario W. Cardullo claims to have received the first U.S. patent for
an active RFID tag with rewritable memory on January 23, 1973. That same year, Charles
Walton, a California entrepreneur, received a patent for a passive transponder used to unlock a
door without a key. A card with an embedded transponder communicated a signal to a reader
near the door. When the reader detected a valid identity, number stored within the RFID tag, the
reader unlocked the door. Walton licensed the technology to Schlage Lock of San Francisco, a
lock maker and other companies.

Later, companies developed a low-frequency (125 kHz) system, featuring smaller

transponders. A transponder encapsulated in glass could be injected under the cows’ skin. This
system is still used in cows around the world today. Low-frequency transponders were also put
in cards and used to control the access to buildings.

Over time, companies commercialized 125kHz systems and then moved up the radio
spectrum to high frequency (13.56 MHz), which was unregulated and unused in most parts of the
world. High frequency offered greater range and faster data transfer rates. Companies,
particularly those in Europe, began using it to track reusable containers and other assets. Today,
13.56 MHz 12 RFID systems are used for access control, payment systems (Mobile Speed pass)
and contactless smart cards. They’re also used as an anti-theft device in cars. A reader in the
steering column reads the passive RFID tag in the plastic housing around the key. If it doesn’t
get the ID number it is programmed to look for, the car won't start.

In the early 1990s, IBM engineers developed and patented an ultra-high frequency (UHF)
RFID system. UHF offered longer read range (up to 20 feet under good conditions) and faster
data transfer. IBM did some early pilots with Wal-Mart, but never commercialized this
technology. When it ran into financial trouble in the mid-1990s, IBM sold its patents to Intermec,
a bar code systems provider. Intermec RFID systems have been installed in numerous different
applications, from ware house tracking to farming. But the technology was expensive at the time
due to the low volume of sales and the lack of open, international standards RFID READER

The RFID reader sends a pulse of radio energy to the tag and listens for the tag’s response.
The tag detects this energy and sends back a response that contains the tag’s serial number and
possibly other information as well.

In simple RFID systems, the reader’s pulse of energy functioned as an on-off switch; in more
sophisticated systems, the reader’s RF signal can contain commands to the tag, instructions to
read or write memory that the tag contains and even passwords.
Historically, RFID reader were designed to read only a king of tag, but so-called multimode
readers that can read many kinds of tags are becoming increasingly popular.

RFID readers are usually on, continually transmitting radio energy and awaiting any tags that
enter their field of operation. However, for some applications, this is unnecessary and could be
undesirable in battery-powered devices that need to conserve energy. Thus, it is possible to
configure an RFID reader so that it sends the radio pulse only in response to an external event.
For example, most electronic toll collection systems have the reader constantly powered up so
that every passing car will be recorded. On the other hand, RFID scanners used in veterinarian’s
offices are frequently equipped with triggers and power up the only when the trigger is pulled.

Like the tag, themselves, RFID readers come in many sizes. The largest readers might
consist of a desktop personal computer with a special card through shielded cable. Such a reader
would typically have a network connection as well so that it could report tags that it reads to
other computers. The smallest readers are the size of a postage stamp and are designed to be
embedded in mobile telephones.

Nowadays lot of RFID reader sold with multiple brands such as Mifare, Hitachi, and Philip.
Because of the major application used in worldwide, many systems require the simultaneous use
of more than one operating frequency. Most systems available on the world market at present
operate at one of the following frequencies or frequency ranges: below 135 kHz (125 kHz,
134.2kHz for example), 13.56MHz, UHF (860/960 MHz), 2.45GHz and 5.8GHz. The operating
and control characteristics are different for each of these frequencies, and therefore each of them
is more appropriate for certain types of application or certain countries. RFID TAG

The tag, also known as the transponder

sponder (derived from the terms transmitter and responder),
holds the data that is transmitted to the reader when the tag is interrogated by the reader. The
most common tags today consist of an Integrated Circuit with memory, essentially a
microprocessor chip. Other tags are chip less and have no onboard Integrated circuit. Chip less
tags are more effective in applications where simpler range of functions is all that is required;
although they can help achieve more accuracy and better detection range, at po
tentially lower
cost than their Integrated Circuitbased counterparts. From here on out, we will use the term tag to
mean Integrated Circuit-based
based tag. We will refer to chip less tags explicitly, when needed.

RFID tags come in two general varieties which aare

re passive and active tag. Passive tags
require no internal power source, thus being pure passive devices (they are only active when a
reader is nearby to power them), whereas active tags require a power source, usually a small


Before the RFID system smart-card and barcode are more popular for all purpose like
supervision, attendance or for monitoring student, employees etc. In this we are going to
implement the RFID system in our project for improvement of old attendance system and
checking system for better result and security of the student. An RFID tag is an object that can be
applied to or inserted into a product, person, or animal for identification and tracking using radio
waves. Some identifiers can be read from several centimeters or meters away and beyond the line
of sight of the reader. Several related works exist in works, application of RFID Technology to
different areas and specifically to the area of academic attendance monitoring problem. In
authors designed and employed a model of a secured and portable embedded reader system to
read the biometric data from the electronic passport. The authors attempted to solve problems of
trustworthiness, security
and confidentiality in E-passports by authenticating holder online using Global System of Mobile
Communications (GSM) network. The GSM network is the main edge between identification
center and the e passport reader. The communication data is protected between server and e-
passport reader by using AES to translate data for protection while transferring through GSM

The use of Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology in automated electronic

environment and for tracking objects has been widely researched upon by researchers and
deployed by various organizations as part of their automation systems. RFID is a technology that
uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag, called RFID tag or label, attached to an
object, through a reader for identifying and tracking the object.

In 1945, Leon Theremin invented an espionage tool (for spy activities) for the Soviet Union
which retransmitted incident radio waves with audio frequency information. Sound waves
vibrated a diaphragm which slightly altered the shape of the resonator, which modulated the
reflected radio frequency even though this device was covert listening device, not an
identification device or tag, it is a predecessor of radio frequency identification (RFID)
technology because it was likewise passive, being energized and activated by waves from an
outside source. Similar technologies such as the IFF (identification friend and foe) transponder
developed in the United Kingdom, was
routinely used by the allies in the World War II to identify aircrafts as friend or foe.
Transponders are still used by most powered aircrafts to this day.

Mario.W. Cardullo was the first to have received the United States patent for an active RFID tag
withre-writable memory on January 23, 1973. In that same year, Charles Walton, a California
entrepreneur, received a patent for a passive transponder used to unlock a door without a key. A
card with an embedded transponder communicates a reader near a door, when the reader detects
a valid identification number stored within the tag, the reader unlocks the door. Walton licensed
the technology to Schalge lock of San Francisco, a lockmaker and other companies.

Time and attendance systems are a major part of today’s human resource systems, take
organization towards better human resource practice, systems and excellence. The
implementation of time and attendance system has a lot of advantages for the manager. The kind
of system that is implemented depends upon what the organization is trying to achieve by
implementing the system. There are different types of automatic attendance systems; each type
of system is suited to different needs and requirements. Some of the most common types include;
biometric attendance system,n magnetic stripe attendance system, barcode attendance system,
and RFID attendance system.
The RFID attendance system offers the organization, the efficiency and convenience
associated with RFID technology at a low cost. Each employee uses an RFID card and the reader
records the data when the student enters or exits.

RFID devices and software are supported by a sophisticated software architecture that
enables the collection and distribution of location based information in near real time. A
complete picture of the RFID attendance system combines the RFID Tags and readers with
access to global standardized database, ensuring real time access to up-to-date information on the
card. The card contains a unique identification number called an electronic product code (EPC).
The RFID tag can be read from a distance and the embedded electronic information for each card
can be over written repeatedly. This increases technologies like surveillance cameras to be
activated in conjunction with an employee being in their vicinity. The RFID attendance system is
faster, and does not require line
of sight. The RFID system has higher data storage. In the RFID systems, the transponders are
also easy to conceal or incorporate in other items. For example, in 2009, researchers successfully
glued RFID micro transponder to live ants to study their behavior. Furthermore, multiple RFID
cards can be read all at the same time. Information about the employees’ access and attendance
can be stored on the database.


Frequency refers to the size of the radio waves used to communicate between the RFID
system’s components. It can be assumed that higher frequency resulting faster data transfer rate
and longer reading distance. However, as frequency increases, the sensitivity to environmental
factor also increases. RFID system currently operates at Low Frequency, High Frequency and
Ultra High Frequency. Generally, a lower frequency means a lower read range and slower data
read rate, but increased capabilities for reading near or on metal or liquid surfaces. The
frequency chart is shown in the table below;

In this chapter, we have presented the existing technologies on Radio Frequency Identification
for attendance systems and related works which are used for the achievement of the same
purpose. In the following chapter, we will present the hardware and software designs for the
realization of an electronic attendance system based on RFID with an automatic door unit.
Student Attendance Using RFID System is the automatic record of student attendance
develops especially for university. This system consists of two modules which are RFID module.
module will be combined for this system fully functioning. Each module carries own function
and special features which will be discussed in detail in this chapter.


When designing electronic circuits (or diagrams), a good knowledge of the components to be
used is necessary. Concerning this project, to reach the stated goal and objectives which is to
build an electronic attendance system based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) with an
automatic Attendance unit, we must first study some key components.


This project is constituted by the following named components; RFID Tag

The tag, also known as the transponder, holds the data that is transmitted to the reader when the
tag is interrogated by the reader. The most common tags today consist of an Integrated Circuit
with memory, essentially a microprocessor chip. Other tags are chip less and have no onboard
Integrated circuit. Chip less tags are more effective in applications where simpler range of
functions is all that is required; although they can help achieve more accuracy and better
detection range, at potentially lower cost than their Integrated Circuit-based counterparts. From
here on out, we will use the term tag to mean Integrated Circuit-based tag. We will refer to chip
less tags explicitly, when needed. MICROCONTROLLER
A microcontroller is a single chip microcomputer which consists of at least a
microprocessor, program memory, data memory and input/outputt devices. A microcontroller is
characterized by its integration, a lower electric consumption (that is some milliwatt when ON
and some nanowatt when OFF). PUSH BUTTON
Pushbutton switches are two-position
position devices actuated wi
with a button that is pressed and released.
Most pushbutton switches have an internal spring mechanism retur
ning the button to its “out,” or
“un pressed,” position, for momentary operation. Some pushbutton switches will latch alternately
on or off with every push of thee button. Other pushbutton sw
itches will stay in their “in,” or
“pressed,” position until the button is pulled back out. RFID-RC522
In this RFID based attendance system, the RFID read
er is a device which is used in collecting the
information or data from the RFID card or RFID tag. IItt is used for individual object and transfers
the data from the RFID tag to RFID card reader thro
ugh radio waves. The RFID reader does not
scan all the RFID tag; it’s only scanned the tags which is 3 to 300 feet. The RFID technology
allows several items to be scanned quickly and fast identification of the specific objects. ARDUINO UNO CARD
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal
oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Uno differs from all
preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features
the Atmega8U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter.

"Uno" means one in Italian and is named to mark the upcoming release of Arduino 1.0. The
Uno and version 1.0 will be the reference versions of Arduno, moving forward. The Uno is the
latest in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform;

1. Microcontroller ATmega328

2. Operating Voltage 5V

3. Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V

4. Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V

5. Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

6. Analog Input Pins 6

7. DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA

8. DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA

9. Flash Memory 32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader SRAM 2 KB


11. Clock Speed 16 MHz

The Arduino Uno can be powered via the USB connection or with an external power supply.
The power source is selected automatically. External (non
USB) power can come either from an
AC-to-DC adapter (wall-wart)
wart) or battery. The adapter can be connected by plugging a 2.1mm
center-positive plug into the board's power jack. Leads from a battery can be inserted in the Gnd
and Vin pin headers of the POWER connector.

The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 volts. If supplied with less than 7V,
however, the 5V pin may supply less than five volts and the board may be unstable. If using
more than 12V, the voltage regulator may overheat and damage the board. The recommended
range is 7 to 12 volts.

The power pins are as follows:

• VIN: The input voltage to the Arduino board when it's using an external power source (as
opposed to 5 volts from the USB connection or other regulated power source). You can supply
voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via the power jack, access it through this pin.

• 5V: The regulated power supply used to power the microcontroller and other components on
the board. This can come either from VIN via an on-board regulator, or be supplied by USB or
another regulated 5V supply.

• 3V3: A 3.3volt supply generated by the on-board regulator. Maximum current draw is 50 mA.

• GND: Ground pins.

The Atmega328 has 32 KB of flash memory for storing code (of which 0,5 KB is used for
the bootloader); It has also 2 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM (which can be read and
written with the EEPROM library). Each of the 14 digital pins on the Uno can be used as an
input or output, using pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions. They operate at 5
volts. Each pin can provide or receive a maximum of 40 mA and has an internal pull-up resistor
(disconnected by default) of 20-50 KΩ. In addition, some pins have specialized functions:

• Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. These pins
are connected to the corresponding pins of the ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip.
• External Interrupts: 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt on a low
value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See the attachInterrupt() function for details.

• PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function.

• SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI communication,
which, although provided by the underlying hardware, is not currently included in the Arduino

• LED: 13. There is a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When the pin is HIGH value, the
LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it's off. The Uno has 6 analog inputs, each of which provide 10
bits of resolution (i.e. 1024 different values). By default they measure from ground to 5 volts,
though is it possible to change the upper end of their range using the AREF pin and the
analogReference() function. Additionally, some pins have specialized functionality:

• I2C: 4 (SDA) and 5 (SCL). Support I2C (TWI) communication using the Wire library.
There are a couple of other pins on the board:

• AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analogReference().

• Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add a reset button to
shields which block the one on the board.

The Arduino Uno has several facilities for communicating with a computer, another
Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega328 provides UART TTL (5V) serial
communication, which is available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An ATmega8U2 on the
board channels this serial communication over USB and appears as a virtual com port to
software on the computer. The '8U2 firmware uses the standard USB COM drivers, and no
external driver is needed. However, on Windows, an *.inf file is required.

The Arduino software includes a serial monitor which allows simple textual data to be sent
to and from the Arduino board. The RX and TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being
transmitted via the USB-toserial chip and USB connection to the computer (but not for serial
communication on pins 0 and 1).

A Software Serial library allows for serial communication on any of the Uno's digital pins.

The ATmega328 also support I2C (TWI) and SPI communication. The Arduino software
includes a Wire library to simplify use of the I2C bus; see the documentation for details. To use
the SPI communication, please see the ATmega328 datasheet.

The Arduino Uno can be programmed with the Arduino software (download). Select
"Arduino Uno w/ ATmega328" from the Tools > Board menu (per the microcontroller on your
board). For details, see the reference and tutorials.

The ATmega328 on the Arduino Uno comes preboned with a bootloader that allows you to
upload new code to it without the use of an external hardware programmer. It communicates
using the original STK500 protocol (reference, C header files).

You can also bypass the bootloader and program the microcontroller through the ICSP (In-
Circuit Serial Programming) header; see these instructions for details.

The ATmega8U2 firmware source code is available. The ATmega8U2 is loaded with a DFU
bootloader, which can be activated by connecting the solder jumper on the back of the board
(near the map of Italy) and then resetting the 8U2. You can then use Atmel's FLIP software
(Windows) or the DFU programmer (Mac OS X and Linux) to load a new firmware. Or you can
use the ISP header with an external programmer (overwriting the DFU bootloader).

Rather than requiring a physical press of the reset button before an upload, the Arduino Uno
is designed in a way that allows it to be reset by software running on a connected computer. One
of the hardware flow control lines (DTR) of the ATmega8U2 is connected to the reset line of the
ATmega328 via a 100 nanofarad capacitor. When this line is asserted (taken low), the reset line
drops long enough to reset the chip. The Arduino software uses this capability to allow you to
upload code by simply pressing the upload button in the Arduino environment. This means that
the bootloader can have a shorter timeout, as the lowering of DTR can be well-coordinated with
the start of the upload.

This setup has other implications. When the Uno is connected to either a computer running
Mac OS X or Linux, it resets each time a connection is made to it from software (via USB). For
the following half-second or so, the bootloader is running on the Uno. While it is programmed to
ignore malformed data (i.e. anything besides an upload of new code), it will intercept the first
few bytes of data sent to the board after a connection is opened. If a sketch running on the board
receives one time configuration or other data when it first starts, make sure that the software with
which it communicates waits a second after opening the connection and before sending this data.

The Uno contains a trace that can be cut to disable the auto-reset. The pads on either side of
the trace can be soldered together to re-enable it. It's labeled "RESET-EN". You may also be able
to disable the auto-reset by connecting a 110ohm resistor from 5V to the reset line; see this
forum thread for details.

The Arduino Uno has a resettable polyfuse that protects your computer's USB ports from
shorts and overcurrent. Although most computers provide their own internal protection, the fuse
provides an extra layer of protection. If more than 500 mA is applied to the USB port, the fuse
will automatically break the connection until the short or overload is removed.

The maximum length and width of the Uno PCB are 2.7 and 2.1 inches respectively, with the
USB connector and power jack extending beyond the former dimension. Three screw holes allow
the board to be attached to a surface or case. Note that the distance between digital pins 7 and 8
is 160mil (0.16"), not an even multiple of the 100mil spacing of the other pins.
Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can
affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller on
the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the
Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone
or they can communicate with software on running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing,
This board is based on the RFID-RC522 Module. Using the board with microcontrollers to
read a card's data is very simple and requires just a serial connection. The board has a 3V voltage
regulator so it can be powered by 9~15V DC adaptor. This module can also be powered through
header wires (+3V & GND) from other interfacing board. The board has power indication LED
(Labeled red in color) and to indicate the detection of Card/Tag, it has a LED (Labeled green in
color) and Buzzer. SEL selection jumper is used to switch between two output formats:
 Serial O/P from TTL/CMOS Pin (Microcontroller Compatible) and RS232 O/P from DB9
Female Connector. (Note that Data is available at both TTL/CMOS and DB9
 Weigand26 O/P from ONLY DATA2 (It is DATA0 pin of EM-18) & DATA1 (It is DATA1
pin of EM-18) Pins. (Note that this is a different mode which uses different protocol, so if
selected data can’t be read using SERIAL Protocols, Like on UART or HyperTerminal.)
1. Low-cost method for reading passive RFID transponder tags.
2. 9600 bps serial interface.
3. 125 KHz Operating Frequency.
4. Reads EM4100 compatible transponders.
5. 64bit Read Only (Manchester 64-bit, Modulus64).
6. Read Distance up to: 6~10cm for cards, and 5cm for key-tags.
7. On board LED (Green) for Pass indication.
8. On board Buzzer for Pass indication.
9. Integrated RFID Coil Antenna.
10. Serial UART out from pin headers (TTL/CMOS) and RS232 (DB9).
Technical Specification:
1. Supply Voltage: 3.0 V to 3.3 V DC
2. Current: 65mA
3. Card/Tag Format: EM4001 or Compatible
4. Frequency: 125KHz
5. Encoding: Manchester 64-bit, Modulus64
6. Operating Temperature: 00C to 850C
 RFID based attendance system consists of RF reader ,RF tag, LCD display and
Microcontroller unit ,
 RFID can be transferred interfaced to microcontroller through user data is transferred
from RFID card to reader and from there is Microcontroller
 RFID tags are of two types

1 passive tag
2 active tag
➤ Passive tags
gs contain 13 digit number tag inbuilt in it, where as active tag is read/write tag i.e.
one can read from the tag and write to the tag.

➤ RFID projects uses passive tag. In real time, one can issue active tags to the students, with
their roll numbers as their tags.
➤ RFID reader contains a copper winding in it. This winding acts as an antenna.

➤ When the tag is placed near the reader, due to the induced mutual inductance energy, data is
transferred to reader. Reader then transfers data to the microntroller.

> Microcontroller checks for the data continuously, if any data is received, microcontroller
compares the data in data base. If the tag is authenticated, microcontroller takes the attendance.

Operation of Working Project

➤ After making all the above connections, Switch on the circuit.

➤ On LCD it is displayed "PLEASE SWIPE THE CARD”.

➤ Place the RFID based attendance tag near the reader.

➤ Reader then reads the data in the tag and transmits to the controller.

➤ Microcontroller compares the tag with the database. If the tag is matched LCD displays
"authenticated" and takes your attendance.

> Now place another card which is not present in the database and check for authentication.

➤ Now LCD displays "Un authorized" and it will never take the attendance.

➤ In this way, we can use implement this circuit.

At the end of this end of study report, we need to stipulate the steps enabling us to the
realization of a prototype electronic attendance system based on RFID with an automatic door
unit; the various stages are defined in this report in chapter I, we had the general introduction in
which we state the context of the study to carry out the problem statement, then we have look at
the research question, to be able to do the research hypothesis. In chapter II we had the review of
the related literature where we talked about the different types of attendance system (such as the
barcode, biometric finger print, the magnetic stripe and the RFID attendance systems.), the
history of RFID, the RFID Reader and the RFID Tag. In chapter III we had the research
methodology which was the occasion for us to show our reflection line to carry out this project
through the study of the system, the hardware development for the system and finally the
software development for the system. In chapter IV we had the results which presents the
different parts (such as the circuit to control the motor of the door unit, the circuit of the UNO
Card for storing hardware program, the LCD wiring for displaying messages of the attendance
system, development of the interface using JAVA with NetBeans IDE 8.1 and the storing of the
attendance of the system in the database found in XAMPP Control Panel) of the materialled
piece that we have already realize and the method we used.
In conclusion, the objective to build an attendance system based on RFID with an automatic
door unit was successfully achieved. In terms of performance and efficiency, this project has
provided a convenient method of attendance marking compared to the traditional method of
attendance system (that is paper attendance). By using databases, the data is more organized.
This system is also a user-friendly system as data manipulation and retrieval can be done via the
interface, making it a universal attendance system. Thus, it can be implemented in either an
academic institution or in organizations.
Every good engineering design innovation has limitations and the limitations of this design
would be improved upon in future by considering however some improvements that can be made
on this project to increase its reliability and effectiveness. Some of these improvements are listed
1. An IP camera can be integrated into this system to monitor the actions like buddy-punching
wherein a person cheats by scanning for another person.

2. Also, a GSM can be incorporated into the system for sending messages to students to
confirm their presence or absence after a lecture class.

3. Finally, Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) active RFID tags (that is 3m to 9ft) can be used rather
than High Frequency (HF) active RFID tags (that is 1m to 3ft) for better performance and
flexibility of users.

 Proxy attendance can be caught.

 Hard copy paper work of attendance sheets is reduced.

 Data can be store long time compare to attendance sheets.

 This system is fully automated and it does not require any human interaction except
setting the initial time setting.

 LCD and PC interface both are provided with RFID based attendance system. This gives
benefit of viewing attendance on the spot on LCD or remotely from computer.

1. RFID attendance system is secured, but there is a chance of misusing the cards. One person can
give another person's attendance if he/she had RFID card.

2. If the card was swiped for more than once, there is a chance of giving attendance for next days
also if code is not written properly.
Future Scope

1. Range of the RFID reader can be increased, so the reader can detect the tag from far

2. RF TRANSRECEIVER module can be used for long distance communication to transfer


3. The transferred data can be save and store in computer as a database using specific

4. Timely attendance can be monitored i.e. time in and time out can bar corded using RTC
(real time clock) and can be stored in the database

5. This attendance system's data base can be linked with college website and can be shared
and monitored by the student's parents.

6. We can send this data through internet to the user. So that user can access it remotely via

7. We can implement GSM technology


[1] S. Lahiri, “RFID Sourcebook”, New Jersey: IBM Press, 2006.

[2] S. Shepard, “RFID Radio Frequency Identification”, s.l.: MacGraw-Hill, 2005.

[3] Radio-frequency identification. Wikipedia (online). Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2009.

[4] Sato DCS & Labeling Worldwide, “The RFID Guidebook (Revision 8)”, 2004.

[5] HID Corporation, “Understanding Card Data Formats”, Technology Basics White Paper,

[6]Automated Time and Attendance System. Retrieved from

[7] L. Sandip, “RFID Sourcebook”, IBM Press, USA, (2005)ISBN: 0-13- 185137-3 .

[8] D. R. Hancox, “Using RFID Technology to Enhance Corporate Effectiveness” ,April 2016.

[9] S. Shepard, (2005), “RFID Radio Frequency Identification”, (2005), USA, ISBN:0-07-

[10] Roy, W. (2006). An Introduction to RFID Technology. Pervasive Computing and

Communications. IEEE Press. pp 25- 33.

[11] International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (2003). Identification cards --

Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Vicinity cards. ISO/IEC 14443.

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