Linking Soil Design and Quality Control of Compacted Soils Through An Improvement of The Acceptance Zone of The RAMCODES Methodology

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Linking Soil Design and Quality Control of Compacted Soils

Through an Improvement of the Acceptance Zone
of the RAMCODES Methodology
Romer D. Oyola-Guzmán1 • Rómulo Oyola-Morales2

Received: 9 August 2018 / Accepted: 7 December 2018

Ó Indian Geotechnical Society 2019

Abstract We propose an enhancement in the generation of the soil was obtained using the RAMCODES approach,
the acceptance zone of the RAMCODES methodology; in and the optimum performance zone proposed in this
this research, the new zone is called ‘‘optimum perfor- research was also plotted. The response of a compacted
mance zone’’. The ‘‘optimum performance zone’’ for a soil, predicted by the optimum performance zone, was
compacted soil was obtained by applying concepts of linear verified using soil samples from earthwork built with the
programming to soil mechanics. This novel approach links soil that was previously analyzed, indicating that the
the mean variables of soil design (resistance and hydration optimum performance zone links the mean variables con-
conditions) with the traditional quality control (minimum sidered in design with the minimum compaction percent-
compaction percentage). The optimum performance zone is age established by past experiences or by soil
a geometric site in the water content–dry unit weight plane, specifications. These results imply that the optimum per-
within which any compaction state (defined by specific formance zone has field applications for quality control and
values of dry unit weight and water content) has a high for reception of compacted soils, guaranteeing an optimum
probability of fulfilling a pre-established value of mechanical performance that fulfills the minimum com-
mechanical response and a minimum compaction per- paction percentage and thus improves quality, security,
centage, while also satisfying pre-established hydration reliability, and efficiency of compacted soils.
conditions (minimum and maximum saturation degrees). In
order to ascertain the concordance of the mechanical per- Keywords Compacted soils  RAMCODES 
formance of compacted soils in situ with the mechanical Resistance maps  Quality control
performance of compacted soils in the laboratory, a soil
that later would be compacted in situ was submitted to
mechanical characterization, and a factorial experimental Introduction
design was developed and performed. A surface response
was plotted from experimental data; the resistance map of Civil engineering work uses manufactured materials, such
as compacted soils, concrete, or asphalt mixes, that should
be properly manufactured [1–4]. A soil is considered
& Romer D. Oyola-Guzmán suitable for use as structural fill [5] if it fulfills the speci-; fications required by particular standards during the quality
Rómulo Oyola-Morales control process of compacted soils (ASTM D1241 [6, 7]).; However, satisfying specific particle grain-size values,
plasticity conditions, and a minimum compaction per-
Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnologı́a
centage (e.g., as required by ASTM D1241) does not
Avanzada del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Legaria 694,
Col. Irrigación, 11500 Ciudad de México, México guarantee that the final manufactured product (i.e., the
2 compacted soil) will be suitable for use as structural fill
Facultad Politécnica. Av. Ejército Nacional s/n, Universidad
Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, designed by performance [8]; in other words, there is no

Indian Geotech J

guarantee that it will satisfy the resistance and the hydra- methodology proposed by Daniel and Benson for the
tion conditions. generation of resistance maps is deficient, in terms of the
Testing the mechanical response of a material is desir- minimum quantity of tests required to establish a reliable
able, before a batch of compacted soil is delivered to the resistance map [15].
client [9]; however, it is not a common practice in some An important approach that aims to close the gap
Latin American countries [10]. The quality control speci- between the work of design engineers and the work of
fications for a compacted soil are usually verified once a construction engineers and construction supervisors was
certain value of compaction percentage is reached [11]; at proposed by Sánchez-Leal et al. [28]; it is called RAM-
this value of compaction percentage, it is frequently CODES methodology (acronym of Rational Methodology
assumed by soil designers engineers that the mechanical for Compacted Geomaterial’s Density and Strength Anal-
property (i.e., frequently the resistance) has reached its ysis) and links variables of unsaturated soil mechanics
maximum. (e.g., suction and packaging) with variables frequently used
The minimum compaction percentage proposed by by work engineers (e.g., water content and dry unit
designers of compacted soils is sometimes based on rec- weight), through experimental design techniques [29].
ommendations given by past classic investigations [12], The RAMCODES methodology is based on factorial
and it is evident that this criterion has a historical focus experiments and in mechanical concepts of unsaturated
[13]. This focus is ingrained in the process of quality soils, offering an experimental and rational approach for
control of compacted soils [14], especially for some Latin quality control of compacted soils [16]. The RAMCODES
American engineers [10]. The minimum compaction per- methodology proposes three levels for the design of com-
centage that commonly appears in quality control specifi- pacted soils. In level 1 (called ‘‘code-driven level’’), the
cations is a value obtained from a ‘‘black box’’; this means minimum compaction percentage is verified, representing
that the minimum compaction percentage is often a value the classical historical approach. Level 2 (called ‘‘field
that is proposed from tradition and from previous experi- response’’) and level 3 (called ‘‘design by performance’’
ences and used to infer a mechanical performance (in terms because it uses design curves) represent the rational
of bearing capacity, waterproofing, counterweight, etc.). approach [28].
The minimum compaction percentage shows favorable The Venezuelan norm COVENIN [30] provided a
results for quality control in some cases [8], but not in completely rational and detailed methodology to obtain
others [15], because a ratio of dry unit weights alone is a reliable resistance maps; it is important to note that the
poor criterion to be used as a link between the design and COVENIN norm is based on the RAMCODES methodol-
the quality control of a compacted soil. ogy [28]. The RAMCODES methodology is applied to
Using the minimum compaction percentage for quality compacted soils, which are unsaturated by definition
control of a compacted soil is not necessarily erroneous [16, 28].
[16]. However, with the technical advances in geotechnical Siemens [31] states that there is a gap between saturated
research in the XXI century (e.g., advances related to the soil mechanics and unsaturated soil mechanics; he also
methodology and the technology for measuring the states that this gap should be overcome by increasing the
mechanical response in the field) [17–19], this practice number of publications dealing with soil mechanics in such
should be avoided, although it is still used [8]. According way that research engineers and field engineers can link
to Kodikara et al. [20, 21], establishing the quality of a suction with saturation degree, saturation degree with water
compacted soil using the minimum compaction percentage content, and packaging with dry unit weight [32].
and optimum water content is a common practice that will Resistance maps [16] and design curves are tools of the
not be abandoned easily, because it is a criterion that RAMCODES methodology associated with the resistance
accepts or rejects a batch of soil through a simple pass/fail of unsaturated soils [28]. The resistance of fine unsaturated
decision [22]. soil is influenced by suction and packaging, which are
Daniel and Benson [23] proposed the use of ‘‘maps and linked to the classic water content and the dry unit weight.
acceptance zone’’ for quality control. In their work, they Thus, RAMCODES methodology also provides design
described compaction states (i.e., dry unit weight and water curves that are tools for the determination of the minimum
content) with high probabilities of fulfilling pre-established compaction percentage in a rational way.
specifications of hydraulic performance. The resistance Even if design curves are useful during the design of a
maps and the acceptance zone proposed by Daniel and compacted soil, their use during quality control of com-
Benson [23, 24] do not link mechanic variables of saturated pacted soils is not intuitive. This deficiency of design
soils (i.e., water content and dry unit weight) with the curves for quality control may be overcome using resis-
mechanic variables of unsaturated soils (i.e., suction and tance maps of the RAMCODES methodology enhance-
packaging) [25], as other investigations do [26, 27]. The ment, by taking into account the hydration conditions and

Indian Geotech J

the minimum compaction percentage; this means using the designers, constructors, and supervisors in charge of the
optimum performance zone proposed in this research for quality control of compacted soils.
quality control of compacted soils.
It is worth noting that the Venezuelan norm for quality
control of compacted soils took into account the RAM- Methods
CODES methodology [30]. Venezuela is one of the few
Latin American countries that propose using resistance The material used in this investigation was provided by a
maps as an alternative to the traditional minimum com- production plant of soil mix material located in Colinas del
paction percentage for quality control of compacted soils. Urubó in Santa Cruz City, Bolivia. Conditions for the
It must be noted that, even if resistance maps are used as an compacted soil were minimum compaction percentage of
alternative to quality control, their acceptance zones do not 97% with respect to the maximum dry unit weight of
link the mechanical performance of the compacted soil modified Proctor and the minimum required unconfined
with the hydration range conditions. compressive strength of  251.4 kPa; the minimum and
The RAMCODES methodology has considerable maximum saturation degrees were 65% and 83%,
advantages for design and quality control of compacted respectively.
soils [1, 3, 4, 28]. This methodology could be used for The investigation was divided into two phases: The first
measuring any mechanical property, and it is possible to phase was the characterization of the material and obtain-
obtain a large amount of data. The main focus of RAM- ing the optimum performance zone, and the second phase
CODES design of compacted soil is the design by perfor- was dedicated to proving the results obtained in the first
mance [3, 16, 28, 33], which implies that the soil designer phase using soil samples of compacted material acquired
engineer will consider some parameters that are associated from earthwork construction.
with the mechanical resistance of the soil (e.g., CBR,
California bearing ratio), elasticity modulus, parameters of First Phase
the classic model Mohr–Coulomb (internal friction angle
and cohesion) [34, 35] in addition to the corresponding Mechanical Characterization of Soil
saturation degree (i.e., water content conditions) [36].
The information obtained from the design curves of the The following tests were performed: particle size [38],
RAMCODES methodology is especially useful for risk consistency limits [39], classification according to materi-
analysis of compacted soils (e.g., for the analysis of the als for highway construction purposes [40], specific gravity
potential sliding surface of the slope of a compacted soil) of solids [41], and compaction test in the laboratory [42].
[37]. Another advantage of the RAMCODES methodology
applied to compacted soils is that design curves can be Experimental Design
obtained from uncontrolled suction assays using resistance
maps. Our experimental design consisted of two factors with five
Despite the advantages of resistance maps of the treatment levels [43]. The independent variables were
RAMCODES methodology, their acceptance region has a water content and compactive effort. The response variable
few drawbacks for quality control of compacted soils; for was unconfined compressive strength. We obtained 15
example, resistance maps often generate a large acceptance compaction states; in each state, the unconfined compres-
region (called zone 1) [16], and also in the generation of sive strength of soil was evaluated.
the acceptance zone, the saturation degree in which the soil The range of variation of water content was established
is expected to perform is not taken into account. at the optimum value of water content from the compaction
In this study, we propose the use of linear programming test in the laboratory [42]. As shown in Table 1, w0 was the
techniques as an enhancement for the generation of the optimum water content obtained from the compaction test
acceptance zone of the RAMCODES methodology; in this in the laboratory, E1 was the compactive effort of 2700 kJ/
paper, the new zone is called ‘‘optimum performance m3, E2 was the compactive effort of 1200 kJ/m3, and E3
zone.’’ In addition to taking into account the mechanical was the compactive effort of 580 kJ/m3. It is evident that
performance, we propose that the hydration conditions and changes in compactive effort cause variations in dry unit
the minimum compaction percentage are taken into weight, because, until now, there is not any experimental
account for the generation of the acceptance zone of the methodology standardized to achieve a pre-established
RAMCODES methodology. The enhancement that we value of dry unit weight.
propose links the design and quality control of compacted In addition to the pre-established range of water content
soils and provides an additional level of safety for presented in Table 1, an additional tolerance for the water
content of  3% was provided.

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Table 1 Experimental configuration of independent variables (water content and compactive effort) used to obtain a resistance map for
unconfined compressive strength
Water content range
w0 - 2 w0 - 1 w0 w0 ? 1 w0 ? 3 w0 ? 5 w0 ? 7

Compactive effort E1 (56 blows per layer) x x x x x

E2 (25 blows per layer) x x x x x
E3 (12 blows per layer) x x x x x

Analysis of Soil Performance II), because each soil has its own resistance map. The
process for obtaining the optimum performance zone (zone
Soil specimens were prepared by triplicate according to the II) is shown in Fig. 1. The hypothetical contour line ful-
conditions presented in Table 1, and the unconfined com- filling the performance requirements, and the whole region
pressive strength [44] was then measured. containing contour lines with major or equal minimum
required value, was drawn (Fig. 1a). A straight line of
Plotting of Results hypothetical minimum compaction percentage required
(see Fig. 1b) was drawn. Equal saturation degree curves for
The response surface linking the variables water content the required minimum and maximum values were drawn
(X), dry unit weight (Y), and unconfined compressive (Fig. 1b), according to equation:
strength (Z) was obtained using commercial software for c
data plotting. The Kriging correlation was used for grid- cd sr ¼ 1 w w ð1Þ
G þ Sr
ding, with 20 columns and rows, a search radius of 2, and a
smoothing of 0.9. In Eq. 1, cdsr represents the dry unit weight obtained for a
given saturation degree, cw represents the dry unit weight
Drawing the Acceptance Zone of Mechanical Performance of water, G represents specific gravity, w represents water
(Zone 1) content, and Sr represents saturation degree.
In the hypothetical example, the point of intersection
According to the RAMCODES methodology, the contour between the minimum saturation curve and the straight line
lines on the plane of water content–dry unit weight are of the required minimum compaction percentage constitute
named resistance maps. The contour line that satisfies the the lower vertex for optimum performance zone (zone II).
minimum requirement of unconfined compressive strength Figure 1b, c shows a hypothetical minimum compaction
was visually identified, constituting the whole region that percentage (straight line), hypothetical curves of minimum
contains contour lines with values equal or higher than the and maximum saturation degree, a typical compaction
specified value (unconfined compressive strength). This curve, a saturation curve (Sr = 100%), and the hypothetical
plane region is named ‘‘acceptance zone of mechanical contour line which fulfills the performance requirements.
performance’’ (zone 1). Figure 1a shows the hypothetical In Fig. 1b, the vertexes of the optimum performance
contour line that fulfills the required unconfined compres- zone (zone II) are given by the points V1, V2, V3, and V4.
sive strength. In addition to the typical compaction and One side of the polygon is given by a segment of the
saturation curves, Fig. 1a shows the optimum performance minimum saturation degree curve; another side is given by
zone above the contour line. the segment of the straight line delimited by points V1 and
V2; another side of the polygon is given by the segment of
Obtaining the Optimum Performance Zone (Zone II) the hypothetical contour line that satisfies the performance
requirements between points V2 and V3; the remaining
We defined ‘‘optimum performance zone’’ (zone II) as the side of the polygon is given by the segment of the maxi-
region of the water content–dry unit weight plane, where mum saturation degree curve. It can be seen that the the-
any state of compacted material simultaneously satisfies oretical superior limit of the polygon is given by the point
performance conditions (unconfined compressive strength V4 (Fig. 1b). It is remarkable that in this hypothetical
within a range of saturation degree) and minimum com- example, the polygon has four sides; however, the shape of
paction percentage. the polygon and its number of sides are function of the
We describe a hypothetical example in order to show the shape of the contour line.
steps for obtaining the optimum performance zone (zone

Indian Geotech J

Fig. 1 Hypothetical example of how zone I and zone II are generated in a resistance map. a Zone I or ‘‘acceptance zone of mechanical
performance’’. b Vertexes of the optimum performance zone (zone II). c Zoom of the optimum performance zone (zone II)

In Fig. 1b, the optimum performance zone (zone II) is were taken randomly from the embankment after com-
confined within four points (V1, V2, V3, and V4). V1 paction process. The specimens were submitted to uncon-
corresponds to the intersection of the straight line of min- fined compression tests. The results of unconfined
imum compaction percentage with the minimum saturation compressive strength were plotted as dispersed points, and
curve. V2 corresponds to the intersection of the straight we verified if the points were within the optimum perfor-
line of minimum compaction percentage with the hypo- mance zone (zone II).
thetical contour line that satisfies the performance
requirement (Fig. 1c). V3 corresponds to the intersection of
the maximum saturation degree curve with the contour line Results and Discussion
that satisfies the performance requirement and point 4 (V4)
which was obtained according to Eq. 1 when the water The percentage of material passing the sieve N°200 was
content is equal to zero. 37.3%, the liquid limit of material was 19.1%, and the
plasticity index of material was 7.3%. The soil matched the
Second Phase designation A-2-4(0), according to ASTM D3282 [40]. The
specific gravity of solids was 2.7. The optimum water
Verification of the Optimum Performance Zone (Zone II) content was 10.3%, and the maximum dry unit weight was
19.87 kN/m3.
The unconfined compressive strength was measured for Figure 2a shows the response surface that links the
soil specimens obtained from the earthwork that was built variables water content, dry unit weight, and unconfined
with the same soil used in the first phase. The specimens compressive strength. It can be observed that the response

Indian Geotech J


Fig. 3 Acceptance zone (zone I). Compaction curves (CC) for

compactive efforts of 2700, 1200, and 580 kJ/m3. Saturation curve
(b) (Sr = 100%) and contour lines of unconfined compressive strength

with compactive effort of 2700 kJ/m3, the optimum value

of the compaction curve (2700 kJ/m3), plus a small part of
the wet side of the compaction curve (2700 kJ/m3).
In Fig. 3, the unconfined compressive strength was close
to 276.3 kPa at the maximum of the compaction curve with
compactive effort of 2700 kJ/m3. The unconfined com-
pressive strength was close to 301.2 kPa at the maximum
of the compaction curve with compactive effort of 1200 kJ/
m3. The unconfined compressive strength was 101.9 kPa at
the maximum of the compaction curve with compactive
effort of 580 kJ/m3.
Figure 3 shows that the maximum value of the com-
paction curve shifts to the left when compactive effort
Fig. 2 a Surface response. b Contour curves of the surface response increases. At a compactive effort of 580 kJ/m3, as com-
pactive effort increases, optimum water content decreases
surface by itself provides a limited link between the com- and dry unit weight tends to increase (Fig. 3).
paction and saturation curves; however, using the contour Figure 4a, b shows the optimum performance zone
curves, the desired link is established (Fig. 2b). The con- (zone II) and the experimental results of the unconfined
tour curves for unconfined compressive strength are shown compressive strength measured from soil samples obtained
in Fig. 2b. Figure 2b shows that, for water content from 7.4 from field (dispersed points in Fig. 4a). It can be seen that
to 19% and dry unit weight from 16.70 to 19.88 kN/m3, the the experimental values of unconfined compressive
unconfined compressive strength tends to increase. strength of the material satisfy the required condition of
Figure 3 shows the compaction curves in the laboratory unconfined compressive strength (  251.4 kPa) and
with compactive efforts of 2700, 1200, and 580 kJ/m3. showed different conditions of water content and dry unit
Figure 3 also shows the zero air void curve (saturation weight. Additionally, Fig. 4a shows that the experimental
curve), the contour curves for unconfined compressive values of unconfined compressive strength are contained in
strength, and zone I (the region on the plane in which a zone II, which means that, for the compaction states in
certain combination of water content and dry unit weight is which unconfined compressive strength was measured, the
expected to fulfill the required conditions of mechanical compacted soil satisfies the conditions of required perfor-
performance). mance and of required minimum compaction percentage.
Figure 3 shows that the contour lines for unconfined In this publication, an improved use of the resistance
compressive strength exhibit a slope. It can be noticed that maps of the RAMCODES methodology for quality control
zone I contains part of the dry side of the compaction curve was proposed. We propose that, when a resistance map is

Indian Geotech J

plotted on the water content–dry unit weight plane; this

(a) represents an advantage because on this plane the com-
paction curve, the saturation curve (zero air void curve),
the minimum saturation curve, the maximum saturation
curve, the minimum compaction percentage required, and
the minimum unconfined compressive strength required are
also plotted. In Fig. 3, it can be observed that the saturation
curve (also called zero air voids curve) is asymptotic to the
wet side of the compaction curves. According to Eq. 1, the
saturation curves are hyperbolic; however, in Fig. 4, due to
the size and scale of the figure, these look like straight
lines. The curve for zero air voids physically delimits the
possible compaction states for the compacted soil.
In the present study, the maximum resistance was not
associated with the maximum dry unit weight (Fig. 3),
because at the maximum dry unit weight measured in the
laboratory (2700 kJ/m3), the material showed an uncon-
fined compressive strength of 276.3 kPa for a water content
of 10.3%, and the maximum unconfined compressive
strength (326.1 kPa) was obtained at 7.3–9.0% water
content. This discrepancy is explained by the effect of the
(b) negative pore water pressure generated in the compacted
soil, which implies an effect of apparent cohesion in the
soil that contributes to the mechanical response of the
material, as long as a certain value of water content is not
The observed decrease in unconfined compressive
strength, as the compactive effort decreases, is due to fill-
ing of the void volume with air, because the void volume
was not reduced to the minimum possible value.
The use of one or several performance criteria for
compacted soils represents economic savings, because
Fig. 4 a Optimum performance zone. The graph shows a straight line
for 97% of maximum dry unit weight with respect to the maximum when calculations are performed, based on laboratory
dry unit weight of modified Proctor (MDUW), the resistance map, the experimental results, the minimum dry unit weight and
compaction curve (CC) with compactive effort of 2700 kJ/m3, and the water content can be established and will simultaneously
experimental results for unconfined compressive strength (UCS) fulfill the requirements of the design.
(dispersed points). b Zoom of the optimum performance zone
When calculations of mechanical properties are per-
formed using experimental results, the minimum dry unit
used to generate an acceptance zone for quality control of
weight and water content that simultaneously fulfill the soil
compacted soils, the mechanical resistance, the design
requirements can be established. At civil construction sites,
range of saturation degree, and the traditional minimum
this implies a lower number of passes on the compaction
compaction percentage or the minimum compaction per-
equipment and reduced use of water, which may represent
centage (obtained through the design curves of the RAM-
considerable economic savings.
CODES methodology) should be considered.
The use of the optimum performance zone can solve
This novel approach has the advantage of linking the
quality control problems frequently experimented by
design of a compacted soil with quality control, while
engineers in the field (especially between constructors and
taking into account the mean variables of the design.
supervisors), because the quality of a compacted soil does
We proposed and verified the use of a graphic zone as a
not depend only on a simple ratio of dry unit weights
tool for quality control of compacted soils; this graphic
(compaction percentage).
zone simultaneously satisfies the hydration conditions, the
We suggest that the minimum required compaction
minimum compaction percentage, and the minimum
percentage must be established using the section of design
unconfined compressive strength for this particular case.
curves of the RAMCODES methodology, because it pro-
The optimum performance zone has the advantage of being
vides a rational analysis. This minimum compaction

Indian Geotech J

percentage together with the development of an optimum show during its lifespan. The decision of whether a com-
performance zone can help to establish the range of com- pacted soil satisfies the required mechanical response can
paction percentage and the range of water content of a be taken faster using the optimum performance zone
compacted soil, based on experimental tests. (simply providing a pass/fail result), if the water content
The optimum performance zone links the potential and the dry unit weight of a compacted soil are known.
mechanical response of a soil at a civil construction site The optimum performance zone can be used to perform
with the mechanical response measured in the laboratory, quality control of compacted soils, because this graphic
which constitutes a significant link between design and tool links the traditional minimum compaction percentage
quality control. At civil construction sites, where the con- with the mechanical performance of the soil, meaning it
trol of the mechanical response is not commonly per- that links design with the traditional quality control.
formed, the optimum performance zone can be used as a The use of the optimum performance is not in conflict
tool for quality control in the field. with the minimum percentage of compaction, but also
provides an additional level of safety for designers, engi-
neers, constructors, and supervisor engineers, because it
Concluding Remarks takes into consideration the mean variables of the design
(i.e., hydration and mechanical response) and the tradi-
The ‘‘optimum performance zone’’ of a compacted soil tional minimum compaction percentage used in the field
proposed in this investigation takes into account the for quality control.
mechanical resistance, the range of saturation degree, and
Compliance with Ethical Standards
the minimum compaction percentage. The optimum per-
formance zone has the advantage of linking design with Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
quality control because it takes into consideration the mean interest.
variables of the design (i.e., hydration and mechanical
response) and the traditional minimum compaction per-
centage used in the field for quality control. References
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