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Target: I can self-assess my friendly letter. Name________________________________Date________________

I would give myself a score of ________. On the back of the page, write one thing that you are going to set as
your target work for next time.!
 The Greeting is written
!  The Heading (date) is written in
in the correct place.
!  There is a comma
the top right corner of the
! after the greeting.
! paper.
! !
 The word Dear is !
capitalized. !
! !  Every sentence
9 – 20 – 10 begins with a
 The name of the
Dear Sarah, capital letter.
person you are
writing to is !
capitalized. It was so fun to play with you over the weekend!
Thank you for coming over to my house. Did you  Every
sentence ends
 The Body of the with a
have fun? What was your favorite part? Mine was
letter has punctuation
indented mark.
paragraphs. jumping on the trampoline. !
I am going to Denver next weekend to watch the

Broncos play football. Would you like to come

with me? Ask your parents if you can. It would be  The Closing
begins with a
capital letter.
so much fun! !
 The letter is
legible (neat and
can be read by Your friend,
others.)  The Closing
! Megan has a comma
after it.

 There are spaces  I have read my  The Signature is

between my words. letter to an active  The Heading,
! listener, and it Closing and
makes sense to both Signature are
of us. lined up.
! !

 15 = 4
 <6=1  7- 8 = 2.5  9 - 10 = 2.5  11 - 12 = 3  13 - 14 = 3.5

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