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Consumer behavior
Principles of Marketing
Gloria QUERALT -
Course – 22/23

1. Consumer Behavior Influences

2. Decision Making Unit (DMU)
3. Consumer buying decision
4. Irrational Consumer behavior
5. Model of consumer behavior
1. Consumer behavior influences

Consumer influences


• Culture • Reference • Age
• Subculture Groups • Stage in Life Cycle
• Social Class • Family • Occupation
• Social Roles • Economic
• Statuses circumstances
• Lifestyle
• Personality
• Self concept
Research in:

① Culture
② Social Groups
③ Individual – Personal

Can provide clues to REACH and SERVE the

2. Decision Making Unit (DMU)
As Marketers we want to influence the consumer buying

Important to identify who makes and has input into the

buying decision

Buyers roles :
Initiators – Influencers – Deciders – Buyers – Users
Initiators The person who first suggests or thinks of the idea
of buying

Influencers A person whose view or advice influence the buying


Deciders The individual with the power and / or financial

authority to make the ultimate choice regarding
which product to buy
Buyers The person who concludes the transaction

Users The person (or persons) who actually uses the

product or service.
3. Consumer Buying Decision Process

5 stages Model of the consumer buying process

①Problem Recognition

②Information Search

③Evaluation of alternatives

④Purchase Decision

⑤Post Purchase Evaluation

Explain the process of buying the following product
4. Irrational Consumer Behavior

There are many situations where

consumers don’t take decisions in a
rational manner.
5. Model of consumer behavior
6. Digital consumer
People who use technology to buy and sell products
and services are known as digital consumers

• Well informed
• Want relevant and quick information:
For example, if your website is not responsive or
slow, the visitors are likely to move on to the next
• They share a lot: talk about their experiences, share
valuable information, ask for recommendations,
provide reviews, and leave comments.
Class exercise – In groups (be ready to present)

How do I look How I want to look

Ø From the consumer perspective:

Analyze the consumer buying process for this “problem/


Ø From the company perspective:

In which stages and which tools the companies can use

to influence the consumers.

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