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And I will quote for you sayings of Imam Malik that show his Aqeedah.

Imam Malik says: Iman

are sayings and actions and it increases and decreases. Ibn Abdulbar mentioned this in Alintiqa.
This is the aqeedah of Ahlussunnah wal Jamah in Iman. Imam Malik says: The Quran is the
word of Allah, and the words of Allah are from Allah, and nothing from Allah is created. Ibn Im'ie
mentioned this in Alhilya. And he also said: Whoever says that the Quran is created, he is to be
hit and kept in prison until he dies. Ibn Abdulbar mentioned this in Alintiqa. This was his
aqeedah in the Quran, that it is the word of Allah and this is the aqeedah of Muslims.

Imam Malik says: Allah is in the heavens and His knowledge is everywhere, nothing is free of it.
Ibn Abdulbar mentioned this in Alintiqa. He says that Allah is in the heavens on the Throne in a
way that befits His Majesty, and this shows the attribute of 'ulu that Imam Malik proves. And he
said that His knowledge is everywhere, meaning He is everywhere with His knowledge and He
is on the Throne in a way that befits His Majesty so he proved 'ulu and that His knowledge is
everywhere, and that is the aqeedah of Ahlusunnah.

Abul Qasim said: Abul Simhi asked Malik and said: O Abu Abdullah, will Allah be seen on the
Day of Judgement? He replied: Yes. Allah said: Faces on that day looking at their Lord, and
regarding another set of people He said: Nay, they shall be blocked (from seeing) their Lord.
This is the aqeedah of Ahlussunnah regarding seeing Allah, and he quoted Allah's saying:
Faces on that day looking at their Lord. And His saying: Nay, they shall be blocked (from seeing)
their Lord. If the kuffar are blocked from seeing their Lord then the believers shall see Him.

Imam Malik also said: The ones who insult the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) have no right
in the war spoils. Allah has divided it into three categories. "For the poor immigrants who were
turned out of their homes" the verse, "And those who settled and adopted the faith" the verse,
"And the ones who came after them saying O our Lord forgive us and our brothers who
preceded us in faith" the verse. He said: The war spoils are meant for these three categories.
The third category are meant by the ones who pray for the companions, and the ones who insult
the companions have nothing in the war spoils. So his aqeedah in the companions is the
aqeedah of Ahlussunnah.

Jafar ibn Abdullah said: I was with Malik and a man came to him and said: O Abu Abdullah, the
Merciful is established on the Throne. How did He establish? He said: And Malik found nothing
in this matter. He looked at the ground touching a pick until he sweat. Then he raised his head
and threw the pick and said: "How" is not reasonable, and establishment is not unknown, and
belief in it is obligatory and questioning it is bidah and I think you are a person of bidah. And he
ordered him to be taken out. Abu Alnaeem mentioned this in Alhilya. And this saying from Imam
Malik became a principle in names and attributes. A man asked how Allah established Himself
on the Throne and see Imam Malik's reaction. He looked at the ground touching a pick until he
sweat, and this is in glorification of Allah, how he can be asked about something he has no
knowledge in and Allah did not say what it is. For that reason he said "How" is not reasonable.
Allah did not teach us how He established Himself. This is not reasonable. And he said
"establishment is not unknown". It is known, in texts and in language. Meaning levitated, settled.
And he said "belief in it is obligatory and asking about it is bidah, and I think that you are a
person of bidah" so he ordered him to be taken out. And that shows that who ever says the
sayings of the people of bidah then he is to he thought of badly and that he is from the people of
bidah and desires. For that he said "and I think you are a person of bidah". He thought badly of
him because he said the saying of the people of bidah. And he ordered him to he taken out. And
that is because of his harshness towards people of bidah.

And it was narrated that he said: The people of desires are wretched people. They are not to be
greeted, and isolating them is beloved to me. Ibn Maieen mentioned this in Altarikh. This and
other sayings show his aqeedah, the aqeedah of Ahlussunnah that he does not differ in with
Imam Ahmad and Alshafiee and Abu Hanifa because it is one aqeedah. Therefore, their
differences are in permissible matters like ijtihad. Every school said a thing and the reason for
their difference is known. Not witnessing the hadith, an Imam being blessed by Allah with
something not given to another Imam like looking into evidence and texts, so differences occur.
As for aqeedah, their aqeedah is one.

For this reason, I said that if someone calls for following a madhab, if he follows a madhab not
blindly but maybe following the usul and doing ijtihad and if he finds the truth opposite to the
madhab and he follows it then that's fine, but what's prioritised in following is following
something that has no difference in it, the usul they followed and the aqeedah that they didn't
differ in, the aqeedah of Ahlussunnah wal Jamah.

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