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Received 12 September 2018; revised 24 April 2019; accepted 3 May 2019.

Date of publication 7 May 2019; date of current version 16 September 2021.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TETC.2019.2915287

A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods

of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence,
Cybersickness, and Usability
stoles Madrid 28933, Spain
J. Mayor is with U-tad, Las Rozas de Madrid, Madrid 28290, Spain, and also with the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Mo
L. Raya is with U-tad, Las Rozas de Madrid, Madrid 28290, Spain
A. Sanchez is with the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles, Madrid, 28933, Spain and also with CCS, Madrid, Spain

ABSTRACT In recent years, virtual reality has experienced notorious technological advances in a quite
short time. In an attempt to quickly response to this technical developments, some designs and developments
of inmersive environments have caused different symptoms such as dizziness or disorientation. This work
aims to analyze different methods of interaction and locomotion used in inmersive environments (Point of
Interest, Gamepad, Teleport, and Room-Scale) in three different aspects: presence, cybersickness, and usabil-
ity. We have designed and developed an experimental environment to carry out an empirical analysis with 48
subjects comparing the results obtained in different perceptual experiments. As a result, we provide a guide-
line for the use of these methods of interaction and locomotion in virtual reality.
INDEX TERMS Human-computer interaction, virtual reality, interaction techniques, virtual environment

I. INTRODUCTION used by VR companies. Then we analyze them by comparing

The emergence of more affordable Virtual Reality (VR) devices the following aspects:
for consumers (such as Oculus Go and HTC Vive) has caused 1) Presence. It defines a state of consciousness that indicates
both the number of users and companies in this area to grow in the psychological sensation of being inside the virtual envi-
recent years. The commercial momentum of these head- ronment [7]. Presence should be subjectively quantified
mounted displays (HMDs) has led to a heightened interest in through the particular user experience, e.g., psychological
the use of this immersive technology in different types of appli- exposure to phobias [8], pain distractor in medical proce-
cations, such as medicine [1], psychology [2], or education [3]. dures [9], or stress management training in the military [10].
However, its adaptation has been excessively rapid in some The level of presence significantly influences how the user
cases, e.g., offering just stereoscopy. An adapted VR experi- perceives the VR experience. The way of interacting or
ence should provide users the ability to interact with virtual navigating in the virtual environment may affect the user’s
objects and move through the virtual three-dimensional space. perception of presence [4], [11]. Matthias and Beckhaus
The capacity to interact with virtual objects in a similar way to indicate that emotions are an essential factor to increase the
the real world may increase realism, improve manipulability of levels of presence [12]. Additionally, the simultaneous use
virtual objects and enhance the sensation of presence [4]. Nev- of the different sensory channels (vision, touch, sound)
ertheless, if virtual locomotion is not correctly adapted to the may increase the sensation of presence [13], [14], [15].
movement perceived by the vestibular system, the user could 2) Cybersickness. This effect is similar to motion sickness,
perceive unwanted dizziness when moving in virtual environ- as it can generate sensations such as dizziness, nausea,
ments [5]. Therefore, it is necessary to understand which factors vertigo, or sweating. People who suffer or are prone to
affect the effectiveness of virtual experiences [6]. vertigo may experience these symptoms in an increased
For this purpose, first we conduct a study to identify the manner [16]. Cybersickness is the result of a discrepancy
locomotion and interaction methods that are most widely between the visual simulation of movement and the input

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Mayor et al.: A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence, Cybersickness and Usability

stimuli to the vestibular system [5]. This effect is quite continuous evaluation, etc. being the questionnaires the most
common in virtual experiences if they are not properly used. Specifically, the state-of-the-art survey conducted by
designed, and can make people reject this technology. Schuemie et al. [27] shows a compendium for the subjective
Therefore, reducing cybersickness is one of the most crit- evaluation of presence. The authors show the different theories
ical milestones in the state of the art [17]. LaValle that define presence and their main related questionnaires to
presents a guide on how to reduce these symptoms by measure it, including the relevant and widely used Igroup Pres-
correctly designing VR experiences [18]. The choice of ence Questionnaire (IPQ) [28], which we have used in our
one or another method of locomotion could influence the study. For example, Hernandez-Ossa et al. [29] conducted a
emergence of this effect. comparative study of a real world versus a virtual environment
3) Usability. The use of VR in different areas such us educa- performing tasks with a wheelchair. They determined a similar
tion or training requires not only high presence and low level of presence between the two scenarios through the IPQ.
cybersickness, but also good mechanisms to perform tasks On the other hand, objective measures often require the
efficiently. The way users interact and manipulate virtual use of specialized measuring devices, such as biofeeback
objects can be very different according to the interaction sensors. For example, we can measure the skin conductance
methods used. These methods can influence the effective- or heart rate with sensors placed on the hands or fingers [30].
ness when carrying out a given task. A poor design may This biometric data related to emotional arousal is associated
cause frustration or discomfort [19], improper training, or with presence, but is also altered by other factors such as
inadequate learning [20]. Thus, it is essential to evaluate anxiety caused by the experiment or cybersickness [12]. For
the interaction methods with usability in mind. The time it this reason, objective measures are sometimes used to rein-
takes to perform certain tasks (task performance) and the force the results obtained by subjective measures [25].
dropout rate (percentage of users who cannot complete Regarding cybersickness, different articles ask users about the
the task) are becoming increasingly meaningful aspects to symptoms they felt when using a VR environment through ques-
measure usability in virtual environments [21]. tionnaires. One of the most relevant questionnaires regarding
These three aspects are significantly affected by the methods cybersickness is Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) [31].
of interaction and locomotion used during the virtual experi- For example, all of the following articles use SSQ to achieve their
ence [22]. For instance, cybersickness is notoriously influenced results. Almeida et al. [32] compared the results of prior warning
by the method of locomotion used [23], due to a remarkable or not of the possible symptoms (dizziness, feel bad, etc.). They
variation between the visual and balance feedback in each determine that the prior warning worsened the symptoms show-
method. An incomplete interaction may worsen usability, or a ing a hypochondriac effect on cybersickness. Budhiraja et al.
limited locomotion may reduce the sensation of presence. In [33] conducted a study with a first person shooter game. They
addition, these three aspects can also influence each other. For found that the use of motion blur, at moments of greater motion
instance, presence can decrease as a result of the level of cyber- dissonance, can reduce cybersickness when using a keyboard
sickness or usability may decrease if the user feels dizzy [24]. and mouse. David et al. compared the cybersickness produced in
In this article, we carry out a simultaneous analysis of these different scenes. They determine that a scene with more realism
three virtual characteristics in order to evaluate which methods (or level of detail) could produce more cybersickness [34].
of locomotion or interaction produce the best results in terms of Regarding usability (in this case, with reference to the task
presence, cybersickness and usability in virtual worlds. performance and dropout rate), Bowman et al. present a com-
This article is organized as follows. Section II shows the plete guide for designing 3D interfaces [19] where it exhaus-
related work. Section III explains the different methods used in tively analyzes the state of the art in order to find the best
our experiment. Section IV describes the experimental design. practices and recommendations. Note that the most classic way
Section V explains the results obtained for the methods ana- to measure task performance is by measuring the time it takes
lyzed. These results are discussed in Section VI, defining a to perform a task and the number of errors [25]. Yao et al.
guide for selecting the most appropriate methods of interaction developed other guide for the design of both 3D interfaces and
and locomotion. interactions with elements of the virtual environment [35].
Among other recommendations, they advise to integrate the
II. RELATED WORK interfaces in the virtual environment or to take into account the
In this section we present a brief description of methods for mea- depth of vision to implement the reticle. Both guides are not
suring VR aspects such as presence, cybersickness and usability. based on empirical studies. Concerning the task performance,
Different research works indicate methods to measure the Christiansen et al. use this measure to determine how good was
sensation of presence in virtual worlds. Baren and Ijssel- the rehabilitation of brain-injured patients through VR [36].
steijn [25] indicate two groups of methods for evaluating pres- The study showed the potential of this type of treatment.
ence: subjective measures or objective corroborative measures. Most of the above studies measure presence, cybersickness
On the one hand, presence should be measured through the or usability separately, without assessing the influence they
user experience by subjective methods [7], [26] because it is a have on each other. However, these three main aspects can be
mental sensation or manifestation. Subjective measures are dependent on each other [24], and they could be significantly
usually obtained from questionnaires, qualitative methods, affected according to the method of interaction or locomotion

VOLUME 9, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2021 1543

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Mayor et al.: A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence, Cybersickness and Usability

used. For instance, Weech et al. [23] reviewed articles relating This questionnaire considers three groups of items. They
cybersickness and presence, concluding that there is a nega- can be evaluated separately as metrics for specific aspects of
tive correlation between both variables. Focused on naviga- presence:
tion techniques, Zielasko et al. measured different hands-free  Spatial Presence (SP). The sense of being physically
locomotion methods inside a virtual environment through present in the virtual environment.
data visualization [37]. This study evaluated the appropriate-  Involvement (INV). Measurement of the attention to the
ness of these methods by measuring presence and cybersick- virtual environment and the involvement experienced.
ness. However, they did not indicate how usability might be  Realism (REAL). Measurement of the subjective experi-
affected, and the methods analyzed are currently not the most ence of realism in the virtual world.
used by the VR companies. Buttussi and Chittaro measured Furthermore, the questionnaire contains an additional sin-
the presence generated by different devices using a gamepad, gle-item general group, General (G), to measure a level of
[6] although natural interaction methods were not analyzed. overall presence. The use of specific measures (SP, INV,
Fernandes and Feiner reduced the cybersickness produced by REAL) is useful to validate the subjective opinion about the
the Gamepad method modifying the user’s field of view general presence (G) of the user. Besides, the authors recom-
(FOV) according to the amount of movement applied [38]. mend calculating the final scores of these groups by calculat-
Langbehn et al. [11] analyzed different methods of loco- ing the mean of all their items.
motion: Joystick, Teleport and Redirected Walking. They
conclude that Redirected Walking provides better spatial rec- B. CYBERSICKNESS MEASUREMENT: SSQ
ognition compared to the other two. They also indicate that We have selected SSQ [31] among the different methods for
the Joystick is the locomotion method that produces more measuring user symptoms produced by VR exposure. This ques-
cybersickness. Nonetheless, they did not analyze other meth- tionnaire, developed through the results obtained by multiple
ods widely used, such as Room-Scale or Point of Interest, flight simulators, is also widely used today. For instance, Ragan
nor did they assess the impact of the type of interaction. et al. used this questionnaire to evaluate the cybersickness pro-
In contrast to the previous works mentioned above, our duced by scaling HMD rotations to increase workspace [42].
approach evaluates four methods of interaction and locomotion They demonstrate that the vestibular dissonance produced by a
indicated as most used by VR companies: Gamepad, Points of scaled rotation causes cybersickness. Chessa et al. compared the
interest, Room-Scale and Teleport. These methods are widely levels of cybersickness produced by different types of displays
used in VR environments (see Section IV-A). We simulta- (including modern VR devices) [43] in three different settings: a
neously analyzed the impact of the three main aspects: presence, railway environment, a skyscraper and a roller coaster. Balk
cybersickness and usability in these methods. The objective of et al. validated a modern translation of this questionnaire into
this simultaneous analysis is to define the main properties of Portuguese, demonstrating that it remains valid twenty years
each method and to determine its conditions of use in virtual after its creation [44].
environments. The questionnaire consists of 16 items that follow a 4-point
Likert scale, where 0 means “none” and 3 “severe”, dividing it
into three item clusters. It applies specific weights to the differ-
ent answers. Consequently, the result of these clusters may
Our study combines subjective measures for presence and
exceed the maximum value of a single question because it is
cybersickness characteristics with objective measures to
not just an average. High outcomes mean worse symptoms for
evaluate usability in the virtual world.
the user. The clusters defined in the SSQ are:
We have work with two of the most relevant questionnaires
 Oculomotor (O). Symptoms related to eye function
in the state of the art for presence and cybersickness. In the
problems (eyestrain, difficulty focusing, blurred vision,
case of usability, we evaluate objective measures like perfor-
mance, through the time automatically measured in completing
 Disorientation (D). Loss of orientation or related sensa-
a task, and efficiency, through the dropout rate.
tions (dizziness, vertigo).
 Nausea (N). Related to stomach upset or similar reac-
A. PRESENCE MEASUREMENT: IPQ tions (nausea, stomach awareness, increased salivation,
There are different questionnaires for measuring presence burping).
levels. We have selected IPQ [28] because it is widely used Finally, the level of cybersickness is determined by the
to measure presence [39], [40]. Total Score (TS), obtaining the results through these clusters.
The IPQ was designed through the analysis of items from
other questionnaires [24], [41]. IPQ extracts 14 of the most sig- C. USABILITY MEASUREMENT
nificant items related to presence. These evaluated items follow As other studies [19], we refer to the task performance and
a 7-point Likert scale where 0 means “completely disagree” dropout rate. The time to perform a task in VR training sys-
and 6 “completely agree”. Some questions are inverted to cor- tems can indicate the appropriateness of using one or another
roborate the result where 6 means “completely disagree” and 0 interaction and locomotion technique depending on the
“completely agree”. application [19], [36], [45].

1544 VOLUME 9, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2021

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Mayor et al.: A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence, Cybersickness and Usability

We measure the task performance as the time needed to The methods with the highest percentage of use in the dif-
perform a specific task using the cumulative method defined ferent companies were: Room-Scale with a percentage of
by Das et al. [46]. The summation of the sample interval con- 27.08 percent, Gamepad with 25.01 percent, Teleport with
stitutes a measure of task performance. The time is automati- 20.83 percent, and Points of interest with 18.75 percent. The
cally recorded and obtained by the average time taken for small remaining percentage is distributed among the other
each task. Additionally, we measure the dropout rate, record- different options. We have grouped the methods obtained
ing whether the user completes the task or not. We have mea- according to the type of interaction with the environment:
sured two types of tasks in this study:  Directed by sight: Methods that use the sight to move, inter-
 3D Graphical User Interface: Interaction with menus act or indicate the direction through the movement of the
and/or 3D interfaces. This type of tasks is very common head with the HMD. In Points of interest the vision deter-
in VR experiences, e.g., in the interaction when the user mines the movement and interaction with virtual objects. In
has to select a dialog. VR experiences, Gamepad uses sight to move through the
 Manipulation: The user must manipulate virtual objects virtual world. It is combined with buttons on an external
to complete the task. There are a wide variety of possible controller that is not visible within the virtual environment.
manipulation tasks. Not all interaction methods allow  Natural movement or interaction: Methods that use nat-
users to perform each one of them with the same usabil- ural or realistic movement (with external controllers
ity (take an object or two objects at the same time, rotate visible within the virtual environment) to move or inter-
objects, move them, etc.). Therefore, it is important to act. Room-Scale only uses natural movement to interact
model the interaction methods accurately. In our study, with the virtual objects while in Teleport, the user dis-
the interactions have been designed to allow users to placement is combined with external controllers.
manipulate the objects in different ways. We classified
the different types of interactions as: sequential and par- B. DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPLEMENTED METHODS
allelizable; simple and complex. Sequential interactions 1) POINTS OF INTEREST
are those that must be performed once the previous one The Points of interest method, also called “hotspots” or “run-
is finished. Parallelizable interactions are those that can ning on rails”, is a purely directed by sight method, where the
be performed at the same time using both hands. Com- subjects use the centre of the fixed FOV area to interact with
plex interactions requires the combination of different the different elements and navigate through the virtual
movements, using 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) to han- world [47]. The user can move through the virtual environ-
dle the object (3 positional DOF and 3 rotational DOF). ment observing different visual indicators that stand out in the
Simple interactions only use 3 positional DOF. scenario. In our implementation, when users stare at the indi-
cators, a reticle with the charging process is displayed to start
the default movement. Our process takes three seconds to
complete in which the user cannot change the view to another
This section defines the procedures and design decisions
place. This three-second stand-by confirmation is considered
made to carry out the developed experiment.
not too annoying and prevents unwanted movements. We use
ray casting from the position and orientation of the HMD to
A. SELECTION OF THE METHODS OF INTERACTION detect where the user is pointing, which does not have to
AND LOCOMOTION exactly correspond to where he/she is looking with his/her
There are multiple methods of locomotion used for virtual real- eyes. Horizontal movements in the real world are not allowed
ity. We have analyzed the most commonly used methods because the user remains seated, as shown in Section IV-C.
under three main aspects (presence, cybersickness and usabil- In the implementation of this method, we set the displace-
ity). To this end, we have previously conducted a study to ment velocity to 1.5 m/s, which is close to the real walking
know the methods that companies use most frequently. We speed [38]. Yao et al. recommended the use of this human
contacted the project managers of 14 international VR compa- natural walking speed [35]. This movement provides 2 DOF
nies (Future Lighthouse - USA, Virtual Voyagers - Spain, Tar- in the horizontal plane in the virtual world (see Figure 1).
sier Studios - Sweden, HTC Vive - USA, Estudio Future - The interaction model with the virtual objects is similar to
Spain and others). We asked them through a questionnaire the movement, showing a reticle close to the objects. We have
about the methods of interaction and locomotion most used in implemented the operation of the reticle using of an overlaying
their VR projects. All the items mentioned in the questionnaire grid to the surface pointed by the HMD according to Yao et al.
were widely explained, including the required explanatory vid- In the same way as navigating, the users must stare at the object
eos about them. The survey was conducted by offering a cate- they wish to interact with and it is then highlighted. Once
gorization of the most common research methods found in the again, after three seconds, the object is fixed to the center of
literature (Room-scale, Points of interest, Gamepad, Teleport, the FOV and it remains at the same distance in the direction
Walking in place, Specialized device to simulate real displace- pointed by the HMD as long as it is selected. Then users can
ment and Special actions with hands). If desired, they were move the objects using the head movement (with 3 DOF in ori-
free to add any additional options. entation). When the users want to release the object, they just

VOLUME 9, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2021 1545

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Mayor et al.: A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence, Cybersickness and Usability

FIGURE 1. The figure shows the different DOF allowed in the user’s real movement (orange/light color) and additional DOF thanks to the
virtual locomotion method used (blue/dark color). The sum of both indicates all the possibilities that the user has to move in the virtual
environment for each method.

have to keep the orientation of the HMD fixed for three sec- the place where the user wants to move. Users move instantly to
onds. All these actions have visual feedback that reflects the this position when the button is released. Simple cut-off transi-
loading time on the displayed reticle. tions or instantaneous transitions are most appropriate to avoid
The user usually moves through the virtual world and breaking presence levels [39]. We have replicated the implemen-
interacts with its objects at the same time. Both actions are tation made by Bozgeyikli [49] to develop this method.
performed directly by sight in this method. For this reason, In this method, the users have 3DOF in orientation and 1DOF
the users can keep their eyes still to look at a displacement in position on the vertical y-axis. Users can rotate, bend down
point without releasing the previously gripped object. and stand up but are not allowed to move around in the horizon-
tal plane of the real world to force them to use the trackable con-
2) GAMEPAD trollers. To interact with virtual objects, the users can operate
In this method, the user employs a gamepad controller to interact with the same trackable controllers. They can place the controller
with virtual objects and move around the scenario. The move- closer to a virtual object and press the button specified to pick it
ment of the used HMD (see Section IV-C) allows users to up. They can manipulate it with the natural movement of the
observe the scenario in 3DOF in orientation [6], [48]. Users can hand, rotating and moving the object in 6 DOF.
then use the joystick of the gamepad forward or backward and
point with the HMD to select the direction of movement in 4) ROOM-SCALE
2DOF (horizontal plane position on x and z axes). Vertical In this method, the users can physically walk in the real world by
movements (on y-axis) in the real world are not allowed because using the tracking capabilities of the HMD, observing their dis-
the user remains seated. Our displacement velocity is also close placement in the virtual environment. Room-Scale is the closest
to 1.5 m/s, as in the previous method. to the actual user movements and provides 6 DOF of motion
In our implementation, there is a reticle in the center of the (orientation and position). We develop the method in a similar
FOV to allow users to interact with virtual objects. Similarly way to [50].
to Point of interest, the reticle indicates the objects which the The user can see the limits of the tracking space thanks to vir-
user can interact with, but instead of waiting three seconds tual lines. These lines allow the user to move around safely
users can press two buttons on the remote control to interact increasing confidence within the virtual space. Similar to Tele-
with the object. The first one is pressed to indicate that the port, users have to use the trackable controllers in their hands to
user want to grab the selected virtual object, attaching it to the interact with objects. With the natural movement of the hand, the
same distance in the direction pointed by the HMD. If the subject can rotate and move the object with controllers in 6 DOF.
user presses the same button again, the virtual object will be
released. The second button can be pressed to perform differ- C. ENVIRONMENT
ent actions (rotate, activate, change position, etc.) depending We chose HTC Vive VR HMD as the experimental device.
on the selected object. This facilitates its usability. This device offers a high resolution (2160 x 1200, FOV-110
degrees) and performance (90-Hz) compared to other
3) TELEPORT well-known devices, such as Samsung Gear VR or CAVE
In this method, users can manipulate trackable devices (which [51]. HTC Vive allows us to develop all the methods of inter-
can be seen within the virtual scene) for displacement. This type action and locomotion studied in this article. In addition it pro-
of device detects the position of the user’s hands and, at the same vides lighthouses to send the signal to track the HMD. All
time, provide a way to select objects and to navigate through sce- experiments were performed in an area of 4m  4m (limited
narios. When the user presses one of the buttons of the device, a by HTC Vive) with the same temperature avoiding reflective
laser appears in the virtual world. The position of the laser means surfaces that could affect the behavior of the lighthouses (using

1546 VOLUME 9, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2021

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Mayor et al.: A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence, Cybersickness and Usability

to guide the user through the experience. The experiment is

described as a story divided into four chapters, where each
chapter tries to associate the four possible combinations of
interactions according to our previously defined classification
(sequential-parallelizable and simple-complex). We used
Maya 2017 and Unity 5.5.2 to develop the experience, ensuring
that the computer-generated content is as realistic as possible.
A video has been provided as supplementary content, which
can be found on the Computer Society Digital Library at http://, in
which the visual quality of the different chapters can be appre-
ciated. The storyboard used in each chapter is the following:
1) In the first chapter, the user can explore the virtual sce-
nario. The characters appear for the first time in a cheer-
ful and reliable atmosphere. In Figure 2 A we observe
FIGURE 2. Different images of the scenario and models created
the user’s interaction with a robot. The user has to
for the experiment.
comb the robot antennas. The interactions defined for
this chapter are simple (requiring low maneuverability)
black/opaque room). We configured the scenario for a correct and designed to be performed sequentially.
implementation of each method. Figure 1 shows a visual dia- 2) In the second chapter the user must perform tasks indi-
gram summarizing and explaining the environment and con- cated by the virtual avatars, such as manipulating tools
figuration used for the experiment of each of the methods of around the virtual world or serving water from a teapot
interaction and locomotion: to a glass, (see Figure 2 B.) In this chapter, the defined
 Points of interest. This method has been performed from interactions are complex (requiring 6 DOF to be com-
a sitting position to limit the DOF of the head. We used a pleted) and designed to be performed sequentially.
rotating stool that enables the rotation of the subject to 3) In the third chapter the user must complete a mini puzzle
observe the virtual environment without moving from to open an inter-dimensional portal (see Figure 2 C).
the same place. Although the HMD allows 6 DOF, we When the portal is open, users discover that it is a deep
limit three of them to adapt to this method. pit. In this case, the task is complex and parallelizable,
 Gamepad. Similarly, we also use a rotating stool to being able to use both hands in the methods that allow it.
limit the DOF. We have used an Xbox controller 4) The last chapter, the user must manipulate objects by mov-
because of its wireless connection and ergonomic con- ing them around the virtual environment, including dis-
sistency that make it widely used as a method of loco- placements that can cause fear. In Figure 2 D we can see
motion [48]. This gamepad allows users to perform all the jump into the pit that takes the user to another scenario.
the functionality explained above for this method. In this last chapter the type of interaction is simple and
 Teleport. This method allowed the user to have move- parallelizable.
ment only with the controllers, without having to walk The user’s movements through the virtual environment of
around. HTC Vive trackable controllers were used for each chapter have been designed to be similar in distance. In
natural interaction [51]. Then, as the user was standing, addition to the types of interaction already indicated in each
the center of the room was marked to check that the sub- chapter, all chapters include interaction functions with 3D user
ject was not moving from the mark (avoiding the use of interfaces. Therefore, the same interface task can be compared
two of their walking DOF). We wanted to differentiate between all chapters without being affected by each of them.
this method clearly from Room-scale by limiting the dis-
placement of the user in the real environment. We told D. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURES
the subjects that they could turn or bend over to look at First, we carried out a pilot study with four people to evaluate
the environment, but not walk around the workspace. If the adequacy of the duration of the experiment and the num-
at the end of the experiment the subject had moved more ber of questions in the questionnaires. The results indicated
than 30 cm from the mark, the test was invalidated. that the duration and number of questions had been appropri-
 Room-Scale. For the implementation of this method we ately designed. The average duration of each chapter was
used Vive head tracking to control the position of the 6.25 minutes. Between the chapters, the subjects carried out
user in the room, allowing free movement (6 DOF) the questionnaires with a rest time similar to the time
through the defined workspace. We also used HTC required to complete the VR experience.
Vive controllers in order to track users’ hands position. The number of subjects who finally performed the experi-
The spoken instructions and the environmental sounds of the ment was 48 participants; 24 women and 24 men, with a
virtual experience were played through closed over-ear head- median age of 28.5 (range = 18-62, mean = 30.59, standard
phones. We have used positional audio as a narrative resource deviation (SD) = 11.996). The participants did not necessarily

VOLUME 9, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2021 1547

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Mayor et al.: A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence, Cybersickness and Usability

TABLE 1. Results (mean values) obtained throughout the study 1) In terms of presence (IPQ): SP (Chi-Square (x2 ) = 5.69,
for the IPQ and SSQ questionnaires including the average p = 0.128); INV (x2 = 4.46, p = 0.216); REAL (x2 =
duration of tasks (3D interface and manipulation). 1.42, p = 0.699). Therefore, there were not any statisti-
Variable Mean/Max. SD cally significant differences among the chapters with
respect to presence.
G 5.112/6 1.04
SP 4.79/6 0.850 2) In terms of cybersickness (SSQ): N (x2 = 3.56, p =
IPQ 0.313); O (x2 = 3.77, p = 0.287); D (x2 = 3.23, p =
INV 4.46/6 1.13
REAL 3.04/6 0.996 0.357). Similarly, no statistically significant differences
TS 7.72/200.34 10.86 were found for cybersickness.
N 8.50/159.18 16.37 3) In terms of task completion times, interaction with 3D
O 9.71/292.32 15.73 graphical user interfaces reported x2 = 4.37 (p =
D 20.66/92.54 28.98 0.224), which showed no significant differences for the
Interface 15.58/300 14.28 chapters, as it was the same type of interaction. On the
Task Manipulation 14.28/300 90.90 other hand, the manipulation with objects reported x2 =
Max.= Maximum value each variable can take.
15.08 (p = 0.002) which showed statistically significant
differences, as the interaction varied by chapter.
have previous VR experience. All subjects carried out the These results indicate that the content of the different
experiment under the same conditions (same device, same chapters does not significantly affect the presence and cyber-
computer, same procedure and in the presence of the same sickness. As expected, we only found statistically significant
supervisor). The order of the chapters was the same for all differences for the different manipulation tasks. It will there-
users, but the order the locomotion methods (one different per fore be studied in a further analysis, separating it by chapters.
chapter) changed for each user in a balanced way. The balanc- In the following sections we detail the comparative analy-
ing strategy consisted of giving each participant a possible per- sis of the different methods of interaction and locomotion
mutation of methods, completing all possible permutations regarding presence, cybersickness, and usability.
with all participants. We used the balanced latin square algo-
rithm, which allowed us to eliminate consecutive dependen-
cies between methods. This way, the participants had to
perform the experiment with all methods described above but
In order to determine whether there are significant differen-
in a different order. Thus, the content of each chapter does not
ces between the different methods of locomotion we con-
affect the results of the selected locomotion method.
ducted an inter-method analysis through hypothesis contrast
testing. We used a Friedman test with a significance level of
p < 0.05, finding significant differences. Table 2 shows the
In this section, we detail the results obtained from the experi-
results obtained for IPQ, SSQ and 3D interface task meas-
ments carried out. We have used SPSS v24 for statistical analysis
ures. In Table 3 we can see the results obtained by grouping
and chart creation. First, we evaluate whether there are statistical
in pairs the methods that showed statistically significant dif-
significant differences between the methods of interaction and
ferences in the previous Friedman test. The manipulation
locomotion in terms of presence and cybersickness. Then, we
task is not reflected in both tables because it showed statisti-
present the results about usability. Subsequently, we detail the
cally significant differences among the chapters.
conclusions of the subjective evaluation of the same methods.


First, we verified whether the sample collected from the 48 In the case of IPQ, we detected statistically significant differ-
participants followed a normal distribution. A Kolmogorov- ences in the variables G (x2 = 22.353, p = 0.001) and SP
Smirnov normality test was performed resulting in a signifi- (x2 = 11.978, p = 0.007) (see Table 2). These differences are
cance level of p < 0.05, meaning that the sample do not fol- reflected in the spatial perception that users have of the vir-
low a normal distribution. For this reason, we use non- tual environment. We used a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test to
parametric tests for statistical analysis. study the relationship among the different locomotion
The first experiment carried out analyzed the whole experi- methods. Table 3 represents the results obtained for all varia-
ence (the 4 chapters) in terms of presence and cybersickness. bles that showed statistically significant differences in the
Table 1 shows the scores for each variable relative to presence previous Friedman test (G and SP). We did not detect any
(G, SP, INV and REAL) and cybersickness (TS, N, O, and D). statistically significant differences for IPQ in the case of the
In addition it includes the average time of the tasks performed. methods of Point of Interest and Gamepad (p > 0.05).
Second, we contrasted whether the separation into four dif- Nonetheless, we found statistically significant differences for
ferent chapters may have affected affect presence or cyber- spatial presence between Gamepad and Teleport (p < 0.05),
sickness. We used the non-parametric Friedman test of but there are no such statistically significant differences in
differences. The test reported the following values: general presence (G). In addition, we found statistically

1548 VOLUME 9, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2021

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Mayor et al.: A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence, Cybersickness and Usability

TABLE 2. Friedman’s test results on the different methods of

interaction and locomotion for IPQ, SSQ and the duration of the
3D interface tasks.

Variable p-value
G 0.000 **
SP 0.007 **
INV 0.839
REAL 0.101
TS 0.000 **
N 0.122
O 0.000 **
D 0.000 **
Task Interface 0.002 **

(* = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01).

significant differences between the methods of Point of Inter-

est and Teleport in REAL (p = 0.003).
Finally, following the guidelines of the IPQ test, we ana-
lyzed the final scores obtained of general presence (G) and
spatial presence by the four methods of interaction and loco-
motion. Figure 3 shows that the method that obtain the high-
est sense of presence is Room-Scale (with GP: Mean = 5.45,
SD = 0.798, and SP: Mean = 5.08, SD = 0.696) that presents FIGURE 3. Igroup Presence Questionnaire results: Comparison
a statistically significant difference from the rest: Teleport among the mean scores obtained. The score obtained for each
of the methods is shown on the vertical axis. The variables that
(with GP: Mean = 5.18, SD = 0.790, and SP Mean = 4.83,
obtained statistically significant differences from this question-
SD = 0.756), Gamepad (with GP: Mean = 5.02, SD = 1.19, naire are displayed on the horizontal axis. The outliers are plot-
and SP: Mean = 4.65, SD = 0.937) and Points of interest ted by circles. The asterisks are extreme outliers (more than
(with GP: Mean = 4.81, SD = 1.21, and SP: Mean = 4.59, three times the height of the boxes).
SD = 0.921). In summary, the methods with the highest pres-
ence are those that have a closer interface to the natural one. Friedman test (TS, O, D). We observed statistically significant
differences (p < 0.05) in all combinations of methods except
between Points of interest and Gamepad, and Teleport and
In the case of the SSQ questionnaire, as shown in Table 2, we Room-Scale. These groups may be due to the fact that they have
detected statistically significant differences for the variables: the same type of interaction: Directed by sight or Natural move-
Oculomotor (O) (x2 = 18.495, p = 0.000), Disorientation (D) ment. Gamepad and Points of interest have a similar movement
(x2 = 31.051, p = 0.000) and Total Score (x2 = 28.401, p < speed but Gamepad do not use rotatial movements. Meanwhile,
0.000). The results of Friedman test indicate that the locomo- the dissonance with the senses is similar in Teleport and Room-
tion methods clearly affect the cybersickness levels. Scale, although the displacement is completely different.
We used a Wilcoxon signed-rank test with the aim of studying Finally, the weighted mean is defined as the final score of
the relationship among the different methods of locomotion. the different groups of symptoms. The methods that produce
Table 3 represents the results obtained for all variables that less cybersickness are Teleport (Mean = 4.61, SD = 8.27) and
showed statistically significant differences in the previous Room-Scale (Mean = 5.35, SD = 7.7) with a statistic-
ally significant difference from the rest: Points of interest
TABLE 3. Results of the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test in pairs
(Mean = 9.47, SD = 12.20) and Gamepad (Mean = 11.46,
between the different methods of interaction and locomotion. SD = 13.05). The reason for this difference between pairs of
methods may be because the methods that use vision to move
Variable POI-GP POI-TL POI-RS GP-TL GP-RS TL-RS in the virtual world produce more discrepancy between the
G 0.230 0.018* 0.001** 0.401 0.029* 0.031* real (perceived by the vestibular system) and virtual move-
SP 0.706 0.146 0.002** 0.043* 0.003** 0.042* ment. Figure 4 shows a representation of these scores and the
TS 0.261 0.000** 0.003** 0.000** 0.001** 0.327 differences between methods. We can see how disorientation
SSQ O 0.597 0.000** 0.003** 0.000** 0.006** 0.427 (D) is the symptom group that shows the most differences.
D 0.323 0.000** 0.008** 0.000** 0.000** 0.272
Task Interface 0.013* 0.119 0.630 0.000** 0.182 0.032* 3) USABILITY EVALUATION
[POI = Points of interest, GP = Gamepad, TL = Teleport, RS= Room-Scale] In relation to the task performance, as shown in Table 2, we
(* = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01). observed statistically significant differences when interacting

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Mayor et al.: A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence, Cybersickness and Usability

FIGURE 4. Simulator Sickness Questionnaire Results: Quantitative

results in the SSQ. The score obtained for each of the methods is
plotted on the vertical axis. The horizontal axis is classified
according to the symptom groups that showed significant differ-
ences. The outliers are plotted by circles. The asterisks are
extreme outliers (more than three times the height of the boxes).

with 3D interfaces (p = 0.002). We conclude that the method

of interaction affects the performance in 3D interface selec-
tions. To study the relationship between the different meth-
ods of interaction we used a Wilcoxon signed-rank test (see
Table 3). We have detected significant differences between
the Points of Interest and Gamepad methods, and between
the Teleport and Room-Scale methods. FIGURE 5. 3D Interface Task: Average efficiency results by
responding to menu options. The average time obtained for
Finally, we used the mean value of the recorded time-marks
each of the methods is measured on the vertical axis, and each
to obtain the final score. Higher time values indicate worse per- method is plotted on the horizontal axis. The outliers are plotted
formance in the execution of the tasks of each method. Figure 5 by circles. The asterisks are extreme outliers (more than three
shows the box plots obtained in the interaction with 3D interfa- times the height of the boxes).
ces. We found that Gamepad (Mean = 11.45, SD = 9.54) and
Room-Scale (Mean = 14.6, SD = 11.73) score better when independence test comparing the methods of interaction with
interacting with 3D interface than Points of interest (Mean = the number of dropouts. We found a statistically significant
14.7, SD = 8.66) and Teleport (Mean = 21.55, SD = 21.65). interaction between both variables (x2 (3) = 27.23, p < 0.001),
As it can be seen in the initial analysis, in the case of the being the dropout ratio for each interaction and locomotion
manipulation task, it was necessary to carry out an independent method: Points of interest (65.4 percent), Gamepad (15.4 per-
analysis by chapter. The interaction times depend on the type of cent), Teleport (15.4 percent) and Room-Scale (3.8 percent).
interaction designed in each chapter. As indicated in Section III- We have also analyzed the relationship between the dropout
C, we study the interaction with virtual elements by modeling rate and the interaction of each chapter. The Chi-square inde-
four different types of manipulation tasks: simple-sequential, pendence test shows that there is a statistically significant inter-
complex-sequential, complex-parallelizable and simple-paralle- action between both variables (x2 (3) = 22.24, p < 0.001).
lizable. In this case, we have used the non-parametric Kruskal The reported values are: complex-sequential (57.7 percent),
Wallis test because there are not repeated measures (in the differ- complex-parallelizable (30.8 percent), simple-parallelizable
ent chapters the users do not repeat a questionnaire for each (7.7 percent) and simple-sequential (3.8 percent). Figure 6
method). The results show statistically significant differences for shows the average elapsed time of the tasks, where the drop-
complex-sequential interactions (H(3) = 32.61, p < 0.001), outs can be observed. Complex-sequential interaction and
complex-parallelizable (H(3) = 26.35, p < 0.001) and simple- Points of Interest had the most dropouts.
parallelizable (H(3) = 16.745, p = 0.001). We made a compari- These results indicate that methods with natural interaction
son of methods in pairs for the different chapters, by using the (Teleport and Room-Scale) allow the user to optimize the
Mann-Whitney U-test. Table 4 shows the results for this test, task in the case of complex interactions. For the tasks that are
which has been performed at a level of p < 0.05. characterized as simple, the method that requires the least
Additionally, there was a 13.5 percent dropout in the 192 time is Teleport in the case of Simple-Sequential, and Room-
tests carried out. We have performed a Chi-square Scale in the case of simple-parallelizable.

1550 VOLUME 9, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2021

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Mayor et al.: A Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Methods of Interaction and Locomotion Based on Presence, Cybersickness and Usability

TABLE 4. Results of the Mann-Whitney U-test that analyzed the dif-

ferent methods of interaction in pairs, classifying them according
to the different interactions studied in the different chapters.

Simple Complex Complex Simple

Sequential Sequential Parallelizable Parallelizable
POI&GP 0.128 0.003** 0.020* 0.002**
POI&TL 0.114 0.000** 0.049* 0.266
POI&RS 0.630 0.000** 0.000** 0.002**
GP&TL 0.114 0.189 0.799 0.006**
GP&RS 0.266 0.000** 0.000** 0.887
TL&RS 0.266 0.001** 0.000** 0.010**

[POI = Points of Interest, GP = Gamepad, TL = Teleport, RS= Room-Scale]

(* = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01).


In this latest questionnaire, users indicated which method of FIGURE 6. Manipulation task: Average time of each of the meth-
locomotion they considered to be the best in general terms. The ods in each of the interactions studied is displayed on the verti-
objective was to detect the user’s preference among the different cal axis. The horizontal axis displays the interaction of the
locomotion methods analyzed and to study whether there was a chapters with the different methods.
relation with those that offer a higher presence, less cybersick-
ness or better usability. Therefore, we asked the users at the end, needed. If the experience does not require interaction, it
which method they thought was the best. The worst rated method is an alternative for developers.
according to the subjective opinion was Gamepad (2.08 percent  Gamepad. This method obtains medium values in all three
of the users selected it as the best option). Points of Interest had a aspects, standing out as the best alternative to interact with
percentage of 4.17 percent, Teleport 12.5 percent, and Room- static 3D interfaces. The results suggest that users are
Scale 81.25 percent. As expected, the most chosen methods familiar with this type of interaction. This method is appro-
were those that have obtained more presence and less cybersick- priate for users who want a familiar experience with simple
ness in the analysis with IPQ and SSQ, respectively. It was inter- interactions that does not require high levels of presence.
esting to note that, between Teleport and Room-Scale, users This method does not gets good results in cybersickness,
preferred (by a significant margin) the Room-Scale method. but there are recent studies trying to reduce it [38].
 Teleport. This method obtains high scores in cybersickness
VI. DISCUSSION and presence. However, the ability to interact with objects
The present study has analyzed the simultaneous impact of may be limited by the dependence of a hand on locomotion.
presence, cybersickness, and certain aspects of usability Teleport shows great versatility since it has no technical
according to the method of locomotion and interaction used in limitations (the workspace is unlimited; the interaction is
virtual environments. Specifically, we have designed a virtual natural and can be parallelized). This method can be used
experimental environment in which 48 subjects are exposed to in place of Room-Scale in VR experiences that require a
some of the most common methods of interaction and locomo- larger workspace. The not-so-good results reflected in the
tion: Points of Interest, Gamepad, Teleport and Room-Scale. task performance indicate that this method is not as intuitive
We found statistically significant differences between the as Room-Scale or Gamepad. Note that this difficulty does
four methods analyzed in terms of presence, cybersickness, not appear to affect the levels of presence.
and usability. In order to classify the different methods used
according to the three aspects evaluated, we summarize the TABLE 5. Classification for each of the methods, considering
data obtained in Table 5. The conclusions obtained regarding those that reported statistically significant differences between
each of the method of locomotion and interaction analyzed are them or not (equal position).
presented below: POI GP TL RS
 Points of Interest. This method obtains the lowest scores
Locomotion Cybersickness 2nd 2nd 1st 1st
in presence, cybersickness, and usability. It is notewor-
thy the high number of dropouts produced in the interac- Both Presence 3rd 2nd 1st 1st
tion task. Its low usability reduces the possibility of Simple 2nd 1st 2nd 1st
being used for applications that require high interaction Complex 3rd 2nd 2nd 1st
with the virtual world, unless combined with another spe- Sequential 3rd 2nd 2nd 1st
Parallelizable 4th 2nd 3rd 1st
cific method of interaction. In the case of operating with
3D interfaces, this method gets better scores. The main 3D Interface 2nd 1st 3rd 2nd
advantages of this method are that it does not require the (POI = Points of Interest, GP = Gamepad, TL = Teleport and RS = Room-
use of hands, and absolute positioning devices are not Scale)

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tive rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury,” Archives Phys. Med. Reha- ity dynamizer with U-tad. His main fields of
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and spatial orientation,” IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., vol. 23, no. 8, degree in marketing from the Universidad Autonoma
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[43] M. Chessa, G. Maiello, A. Borsari, and P. J. Bex, “The perceptual quality sor and researcher with the Universidad Rey Juan Car-
of the oculus Rift for immersive virtual reality,” HumanComput. Interac- los and CCS, Spain. He has also done long placement
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07370024.2016.1243478 centers, such as CERN, NeSC, NRC, and the Univer-
[44] S. A. Balk, M. A. Bertola, and V. Inman, “Simulator sickness question- sity of Melbourne. His primary research areas are high-
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Driver Assessment Training Vehicle Des., Mar. 2013, pp. 257–263. and visualization.

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