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4 Practice: Developing Throughout Life Practice

Psychology Name:

Write your answers in complete sentences.

1. Define the terms moral development and moral reasoning. (5 points)

Moral Development- Development of one’s sense of right and wrong

Moral Reasoning- A person’s explanation of why he or she believes the decisions
made are right or wrong

2. Explain Erik Erikson’s term identity crisis, and explain how it applies to both an
adolescent and to a young adult. (15 points)

Erick’s term identity crisis is the stage in development where people do not know or
understand their identities, and those people have to work for solving that
uncertainty about themselves. It applies to both adolescents and young adults
because adolescents are in the stage of trying to figure out their identities. Young
adults are in the same group because they are trying to figure out their identities in
the future like marriage and life in the workforce
3. List and explain Kohlberg’s three stages of moral development. Then, explain
how an individual in each stage of moral development might answer the Heinz
dilemma. (15 points)

Pre-conventional Development- Right and wrong is determined by punishment and

Conventional Development- Right and wrong is determined by one’s approval or
society’s law.
Post- Conventional Development- Right and wrong are determined by the abstract
principle behind the decision made.

The pre-conventional development might not answer the Heinz problem because the
man stole the drugs without caring about the punishment he might receive. The
conventional development would not answer the problem because he knew that he
was breaking the law, but the man stole the drugs anyway. The post-conventional
development answers this problem the most because the man had an abstract
principle that the pills would heal his wife, so he stole the drugs because he believed
they would be a cure for his sick wife.

4. Explain at least one reason why Kohlberg's theory of moral development has
been criticized as being too narrow. Do you agree with the criticism? (15 points)

His theory is too narrow because he pays more attention to the development of men,
and he believes that men reach higher stages of development than women. I believe
in that criticism because men and women reach the same amount of stages, but I
think women reach higher stages than men.
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4.4.4 Practice: Developing Throughout Life

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