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1.2 problems
1.3 conditions

2.1 inspirations
2.2 Proposald 4.1 What problems
2.3 choice+justification did they have?

3.1 Dimensions
3.2 Design and spaces
3.3 materials and tools
3.4 budget
.1 Need
The idea of the Brooklyn Bridge
started with a problem, they were
running out of space in Manhattan
and needed to find a WAY to GET to
Brooklyn easyly.
They needed To find a WAY to travel
aproximately 1825m safely and
The brookyn Bridge was built for the necesity of coming across new York without
boat, since , it wasnt safe at all , so in 1876 they worked day and night to buy accions
in a really famous company and making the americans Dream come true.

In 1867 a creative engineer had an idea, which was building a spectacular bridge
from manhattan to brooklyn, his first concept was about making it with ropes, but
they weren't resistent enough, so they did it with Steel cables, another concept was
making a hanging bridge, but since the one in france did fail, they rejected the idea
3-development of the idea

3.1 3.2 desingn 3.4 budget
dimensions and spaces
and tools
3.1 dimensions

This bridge is a total

of 1834 m of longitud
and 84 meters
longitud, also, is
about 120 000 tons
heavy, each tower is
238 meters long
3.2 design

The design was a

hanging Bridge ,wich
acctually was a
concept, because
then they reenforce
constructed by
ropes made from
3.3 materials and tools

It was mainly
made of granite,
they were and
Steel ropes
about 78 000
tons of
3.4 budget

The budget for

the Bridge was
15 million
dollars, which
would be 436
million dollars
The construction wasnt easy at all, first in
1869 John, died and the only one that truly
knew jhons plan was his son, Washington,
which continued building until 1873 in which
suffered from paralisis, finally emily
finished the build in 1883.

4.1- another of the problems was that for they building of the
caissons, they neded those mens called "sandpigs" wich worked 4
hours for a dollar, those had to work 238 meterse down the ground,
wich ment they were in terrible conditions, they died over 20 Sand
pigs because of the caisson sickness
Caisson sickness
The caisson sickness happens when
then the pressure dicreasses fast,
creating bubbles of inert gas (
nitrogen and helium) in the blood
and tissues that explote once the
preassure is back up
Emily warren roebling
ly Warr

Emily warren roebling is Known for
contributing to the build of the
brooklyn bridge after his husband got
really sick, emily didnt study because
she didnt have the chance to. even
thought she have would been briyant,
she died in september 1903, but as a
hero, some People even think she was
the one behind Washington's part in
the built
For the Last step of the project, they had to verify THAT
the bridge was Safe to Cross, but it wasn't. And THAT was
because the people Who distributed the cables were
giving THEm weak and cheap cables.
so, they cancelled the contract with the people Who
gave THEm weak cables in 1867 and started using BETTER
quality cables.
One of the most importAnt
modifications was when they had to
change all the cables because they
werent the cuality they needed to ,
which ment they got scammed by the
company they bought them, years
later the owner would get in prisión
for more scams he did.

By paula merino and Carla bailach

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