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Phase-2 (Concept Testing)

Group Members

Dawood Rashid SP19-BBA –057

Syed Usama Zahid SP19-BBA-069

Asad Nawaz SP19-BBA-078

Mubbashar Ali SP19-BBA-085

Zeeshan Rasheed SP19-BBA-060

Due to changes in the lifestyle, people are more inclined toward a healthy life and move toward
the meal that fulfills their taste preferences and also helps them to maintain their healthy life such
as Working women, Adults, Student class who is getting more and more occupied in their busy
routines the trend of getting quick and accessible food like the products available at the fast food
chain is becoming extremely common in daily life consumption of high calories food on daily
basis is not of for the individual & health in the long-term and people are more concern about it.
By keeping that in mind we introduce a meal where the carbs, protein & calories are
estimated and have the basic calories and dietary requirements as needed an opportunity for a
product can be utilized as a healthy meal which is quick and easy to consume and safe for daily
 Technological Dimension:
In order to make this user-friendly with respect to technology, so we’re looking at designing an
app containing the profiles and meal patterns of all the end users, hence our customers. Today,
everyone got an access to smartphones and internet, so we just need to create a user-friendly,
easy to use application in which all our customers will submit their body dimensions like height,
weight, age, etc. Then as everyone might not have the same eating routine so they will be able to
set the timings of getting fresh meals according to their routine.
 Market Dimension:
Customer group:
Our main focus is to sell and appeal to the people who work in offices, bachelors, Fitness
athletes, students who are living in hostels etc.


 Healthy Meal for Parents
 Ready to Eat Meal for Women
 Homemade Meal for Hostilities
 Hygienic Meal for Travelers
 Special Diet Meal for Gym Going

 Full Meal (Product) - A

 Special Diet Meals (Product) – B


As mentioned above, after thoroughly researching we have found these pros and cons of our first
shortlisted product. Now, let’s go through the second shortlisted idea, and then we will decide.

The above are the pros and cons for our second shortlisted idea “Special Diet Meals”.
CONCEPT (B): Special Diet Meals
CHOSEN CONCEPT (Benefit Analysis)
 Value to Customer: Hygienic, Full of Nutrition, Quality Assurance, Safe Consumption,
Time Saving.
 Value in Market: Innovation, Customization.

 Value for Firm: Brand image, Customer Engagement, Market Share, Growth, Trust
Eating a well-balanced and a composed diet can help you get the calories and nutrients you need
to fuel your daily activities, including daily exercise at gym when it comes to eating foods to fuel
your exercise performance, it’s not as simple as choosing vegetables over doughnuts. You need
to eat the right types of food at the right time of the day, for which we will be providing you with
the hygienic and yummiest diet meals on time.
For: Gym Going & Fitness lovers
Who: Diet conscious
My Product: Special Diet meal
Trait: Yummiest (As diet meal are not tasty usual)
 Sample Size: 50

 Methodology: Face-to-Face survey with target audience

 Procedure:

 Step1: Individual Approach

 Step2: Asking them to read, review
 Step3: Getting Feedback
 Step4: Catering to Frequent Ask Questions (FAQs)
 Total Sample: 50

 Option 1 (I will definitely buy) = 23 (46%)

 Option 2 (I may buy) = 19(38%)

 Option3 (I may or may not buy) =4(8%)

 Option 4 (I may not buy) = 2(4%)

 Option 5 (I definitely will not buy) = 2 (4%)

Above are the findings, we got after conducting a complete suvey!

 People choose the first two options mostly.

46%+38%= 84% (greater than 80%)

As the result is above 80%, so we will for surely move this product towards phase-3, and after
that will launch it.
 “Is it real?”

 “When will you start?”

 “How can we contact you?”

 “Thank You for doing this!”

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