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CHAPTER Stresses in Beams EE 7.1. A beam is loaded by a couple of 1400 N-m at each of its ends, as shown in Fig, 7-8. The beam is of steel and has a rectangular cross section, as shown, Determine the maximum bending stress in the beam and indicate the variation of bending stress over the depth of the beam. 1409 Nm 400 8m T, Ba Jom es i Tat SOLUTION: Bending takes place about the horizontal neutral axis denoted by N.A, which passes through the centtoid of the cross section, ‘The bending stress ata distance y from the neutral axis is given by 0 My/f, where y is measured from the neutral axis. Since M and / are constant along the length of the bar, the maximum bending stress occurs on those fibers where y takes on its maximum value. These are the fibers along the upper and lower surfaces of the beam, From inspection itis obvious that for the ditection of loading shown in Fig, 7-8, the upper fibers are in compression and the lower fibers in tension, For the lower fibers, y =2 cm and the maximum bending Me __ 1400.02 T goax00anz = 262% 10° Pa or 262 MPa (ten) For the fibers along the upper surface, y may be considered to be negative and we have Me _1400%0.02 __ 569.4108 Pa or 262 MPa (comp) T 9.02x0.0872 ‘Thus the peak stresses are 262 MPa in tension for all fibers along the lower surface of the beam and 262 MPa in compression for all fibers along the upper surface, According to the formula ¢ = My/f. the bending stress varies linearly {rom zero at the neviral axis to a maximum at the outer fibers and hence the variation over the depth of the beam may be sketched as in Fig. 7-9. as aaiall a ae rene LH Fig. 79 7.2. A beam of circular cross section is 18 em in diameter. It is simply supported at each end and loaded by ‘ovo concentrated loads of 80 KN each, applied 90 em from the ends of the beam as shown in Fig. 7-10(a). Determine the maximum bending stress in the beam, SOLUTION: Here the moment is not constant along the length ofthe beam, as it was in Problem 7.1. The bending ‘moment diagram of Fig. 7-10(b) was oblained by the methods of Chapter 6. Its to be noted that the portion of CHAPTER 7 Stresses in Beams s08N s0kN cy Fig, 70 the beam betwen the two downward loads i in pure bending and everywhere in that region the bending mament is equal to 80 x 0.9 = 72 kN: m, ‘The bending stress at a distance y from the horizontal neutral axis shown is o = My/f. The maximum bending stresses occur where y is maximum at A and , This maximum streee is the same at all such points between the applied loads. At point I, y = 9 em and the siress becomes = -_72009 6000 ura o 126 MPa em) Tex 0.18" /64 At point A the stress is 126 MPa (comp), A steel cantilever beam 6 m in length is subjected to a concentrated load of 1200 N acting at the free end of the bar. The beam is of rectangular cross section, 4 cm wide by 6 cm deep. Determine the magnitude and location of the maximum tensile and compressive bending stresses in the beam. As usual, neglect the weight of the beam, SOLUTION: The bending moment diagram is tiangular with a maximum athe supporting wal, as shown below in Fig. 7-11(@). The maximum bending moment is merely the moment of the 1200-N force, 1200 x 6 = 7200 Nm. “The bending stress at a distance y from the neutral axis i o= My/l. Av the supporting wall, where the ‘bending moment is maximum, the peak tensile stress is 7200 x 0.03 2200.03 __ 300x108 Pa or 300 MPa 04x 0.062 ‘This stress must be in tension because all points ofthe beam deflect downward, AC the lower fibers adjacent to the wall the peak compressive stress occurs and is equal to 300 MPa 1200 ’ ] Sem zh 7200 am Bending moment © © Fig. 741 CHAPTERT Stresses in Beams 7.4. Letus reconsider Problem 7.3 for the case where the rectangular beam is replaced by a beam with cross section shown in Fig. 7-12, Determine the maximum tensile and compressive bending stresses, 6 em! Vet Fig. 742 SOLUTION: The bending stress = ¢ and atthe wall where the bending moment is maximum, a distance y from the neutral ais is given by = My/f_ At the outer fibers, y Me _ 7200%0.03 T 36x10" ‘Again, since the fibers along the top of the beam are stretching, the stress there will be tension, Along the lower face of the beam the fibers are shortening and there the stress is compressive and equal to 386 MPa. 386% 10°Pa or 386 MPa 7.5. A.cantilever beam 3-m long is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 30 KN per meter of length. ‘The allowable working stress in either tension or compression is 150 MPa. If the cross section is to be rectangular, determine the dimensions if the height is to be twice as great as the width. SOLUTION: The hending moment diagram for a uniform load acting over a cantilever beam was determined in Problem 6.1. It was found to be parabolic, varying from zero at the free end of the beam to a maximum atthe supporting wall. The loaded beam and the accompanying bending moment diagram are shown in Fig. 7-13. The maximum moment at the wall is given by M,., = -30G)(1.5) = -135 KN m Tis to be noted that this problem involves the design of a beam. The only cross section that needs to be considered for design purposes is the one where the bending moment is maximum, i., atthe supporting wall. Thus we wish to design a rectangular beam to resist a bending moment of 135 kN-m with a maximum bending stress of 150 MPa, The moment of inertia about the neutral axis is given by 1 sap) = bab" = 2 ‘At the cross section of the beam adjacent to the supporting wall the bending stress in the beam is given by o= Myil. The maximum bending stress in tension occurs along the upper surface of the beam, and at this surface y= band ¢ = 150 MPa. Then, 135.0005 150% 10° u wR O11 m 220 mm, from which, SokNIn (COLT Ee 1SKNom CHAPTER 7 Stresses in Beams 7.6. A cautilever beam is of length 1.5 m, loaded by a concentrated force P at its ip as shown in Fig, 7-14, and is of circular cross section (R = 100 mm), having two symmetrically placed longitudinal holes as indicated. The material is titanium alloy, having an allowable working stress in bending of 600 MPa, Determine the maximum allowable value of the vertical force P. Radius Fig. 724 SOLUTION: First, it is necessary to determine the moment of inertia. The moment of inertia of a solid circular cross section about a diametral axis 2 R*/4. Using this value forthe solid section and subsracting the moments of inertia of each ofthe holes (Irom the paralel-axis theorem), we have Ry (RY “ AY (E) fossa J The bending stresses in the uppermost and lowermost fibers are denoted by points A and B, respectively, are, using R = 0.1 m, o rst 5 gt AG) 168x10° I, +5625(40.3) and For the oan sown, the fiber ow the sats ae in non, Lat nd, denote the distances of the cxreme fiber the neutral ti xp as hows: Obviously 2 403 mutand = 867 mm, The E> “6 ‘maximum tensile stess occurs in thse fibers along B-B and i given by Iz=5 3 = DSS mB Me, __$000% 0.0403 96 > 10% or 262.MP2 To 7x10) x1 ‘The maximum compressive stress occurs in those fibers along A-A and is given by Me, __ $000 x 0.0847 T” Gaxi0)x 107 = 55x 10'Pa or SSMPa 7.10. A simply supported beam is loaded by the couple of 1500 Nm as shown in Fig. 7-19. The beam has a channel-type cross section as illustrated. Determine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses in the beam, SOLUTION: The centroid is located above the x-axis. Its located by OxIST 30x 4Sem CHAPTERT Stresses in Beams TAL. 1800 Som The moment of inertia is |- 180 x 4.5? = 2835 ¢ We considered this particular loading in Problem 6.9, The couple formed by the forces at and C is found from SR, = 1500. Thus R, = 300 N L and R= 300 N 7. This provides the tension in the top fibers between A and Band compression inthe top fibers between t and C, The bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. 7-20 Just tothe left of point the normal stresses are = 2000105 saan Pa em Aggy = 2000245 aac a eompy "3835 %10 2535 «10 Just to the right of B the normal stresses are 600 x 0.105 6, = 2.2210 Pa (comp) wr 383510 = 0.952x 10% Pa (ten) © 2835x107 ‘The maximum (ensile and compressive stresses must now be selected from the above four values. The ‘maximum tension is 3.33 MPa occurring in the upper fibers just to the left of point B; the maximum com- pression is 2.22 MPa occurring in the upper fibers also but just to the right of point B. Consider the beam with overhanging ends loaded by the three concentrated forces shown in Fig. 7-21 ‘The beam is simply supported and is of T-type cross section as shown. The material is gray cast iron having an allowable working stress in tension of 35 MPa and in compression of 150 MPa, Determine the maximum allowable value of P. 7S.00 75mm faa! | Fg 721 SOLUTION: From symmetry each of the reactions denoted by ‘consists ofa series of staigh lines connecting the ordinates representing bending moments atthe points A,B, ACB the bending moment is given by the moment ofthe force P acting atA about an axis through B. Thus, is equal to 2P. The bending moment diagram D, and. My =-Px1=-PN-m ‘ALC the bending moment is given by the sum of the moments of the forces P and R = 2P about an axis through C. Thus, PX2.5+2PX1.5=05P Nom CHAPTER 7 Stresses in Beams ‘The bending moment at D is equal to that at & by symmetry and the moment at each of the ends A and E is zero, Hence, the bending moment diagram plots as in Fig, 7-22. We find the distance from the lower fibers af the flange to the centroid to be 58.7. mm and the moment of inertia of the area about the neutral axis passing through the centroid to be 40 x 10° mam’ Me — OS P Tension Compression j Tompreenon "Teasion Fig. 7.22 Fig. 7.23 Fig, 724 ‘The upper fibers at B and D are in tension and the lower fibers are subject to compression, as shown in Fig. 7-23. We shall first calculate a value of P, assuming thatthe allowable tensile stress of 35 MPa is real- ized in the upper fibers. Applying « = My/I to these upper fibers, we find as xcto = 2X08) 4x00") Next, we shall calculate a value of P. assuming that the allowable compressive stress of 150 MPa is set up inthe lower fibers at B. Again applying the flexure formula, we find P=12070N (Px 0.0587) 150% 10° or P=102200N 4ox1000™) We shall now examine point C, Since the bending moment is opposite in sign from that at B, the upper fibers are in compression and the lower fibers are subject to tension, as shown in Fig, 7-24. First we will calculate a value of P, assuming thatthe allowable tension of 35 MPa is setup in the lower fibers, From the flexure formula we find 0.5P x 0.0587 oxi) We shall now assume that the allowable compression of 150 MPa is set up inthe upper fibers. Applying the flexure formula, we have 35x 108 P=47700N (0.5P x 0.116) 40x10%00"") 150x108 = P =103000N ‘The minimum of these four values is P = 12.07 KN, Thus the tensile stress at points B and D is the con- trolling factor in determining the maximum allowable load. 7-12. A beam of rectangular cross section is simply supported at the ends and subject tothe single concentrated force shown in Fig, 7-25(a), Determine the shearing stress at a point 3 cm below the top of the beam at a section 1 m to the right of the left reaction. Also, determine the maximum’ shearing stress duc to the vertical shear V. Fig k= aie 18k uN isk @ "The ahening see i undoubtedly maritaun athe locaton where the nor ates i uainnu nan outeroa fiber, determined ‘sng Mot’ circle CHAPTERT Stresses in Beams 743. SOLUTION: The reactions are readily found from statics to be 9 kN and 18 kN as shown. The shearing force diagram for this type of loading appears in Fig, 7-25(b). ‘From the shear diagram, the shearing force acting a a section 1 m to the right of the left reaction is 9000 N. ‘The shearing stress Tat any point in this section ata distance y= 3 em from the neutral axis is 3000 (0.06 x 0.03) x 0.045 To ~~ (0.06% 0.12/12) 0.06 = 141108 Pa ‘The maximum shearing stress due to the vertical shear force occurs at the neutral axis where y = 0. Thus, — YO _ 18.000 (0.08 x 0.06) x 0.03 Tae < 3.75 x 108 Pa or 3.75 MPa To” (0.06 x 0.12712) x 0.06 Consider the cantilever beam subject to the concentrated load shown in Fig. 7-26. Determine the ‘maximum shearing stress due to V in the beam and also determine the shearing stress 25 mm from the lop surface of the beam at a section adjacent to the supporting wall. A —s0 2 pd [aa ZZ Fig. 726 ‘SOLUTION: ‘The shear force has a canstant value of SO KN at all points along the length of the beam, Because of this simple, constant value the shear diagram need not be drawn. ‘The location of the centroid and the moment of inertia about the centroidal axis for this particular cross section are found as usual (see Problem 7.9), The centroid is found to be 58.7 mm above the lower surface fof the beam and the centroidal moment of inertia is found to be 40 x 10° mm ‘The shearing stress is maximum atthe neutral axis and is VQ _ $0000 x (0.1163 x 0.05) x 0.1163/2 hb 45x 10° Pa or 8.45 MPa where, once again, Q represents the first moment of the area between the neutral axis and the outer fibers of the beam: this area is represented by the shaded region in Fig. 7-27. The value of the integral could also, of ‘course, be found by taking the first moment of the unshaded area below the neutral axis, but that calculation would be somewhat more difficult Fg. 727 ‘The width B was taken to be 50 mm, since that isthe width ofthe beam at the point where the shearing stress is being calculated. Thus the maximum shearing stress due to V is 8.45 MPa and it occurs at all points on the neutral axis along the entire length of the beam, since the shearing force has a constant value along the ‘entre length of the beam,

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