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Quiz 1

Question 1:
One of the two difficult questions that make up greater part of study morality is...?
1- How persons ought to act?
2-What are the human states and traits which are regarded as valuable and desirable?
3- What are the human standers by which such decision can be made?
4-What is moral principle of justice?

Conclusion of Descriptive Approach to study Professional Ethics is…...?
1-Human beings should always act in their own self-interest.
2-Human beings should always act in the interest of others.
3-Human beings should always act in the interest of all concerned, self-included.
4- Human beings often act in their own self-interest

The principles of such a system are understood by its users as the essential characteristics of
the system.
• True
• False

Professional Ethics provides us with a way of looking at the reasons behind the situations.
• True
• False

Ethics is the science of human duties. This is the definition of ethics at:
1- Ancient Greece
2-Modern times
3-Ancient Roman
4-Seventeenth century

A Principle is a method used by philosophers to analyze Ethical Language.
• True
• False

People may undergo some pain or unhappiness in order to attain.
1- a human standards
2- some pleasure or happiness in the long run
3-a good or bad person
4-right or wrong action
Observation, collecting data, and drawing certain conclusions are steps of....
1-Normative ethics
2-Prescriptive Ethics
3-Analytic ethics
4-Scientific approach

Greek ethos means:
1-Science of human duties
2- Character
3-Intellectual origins of moral codes
4- Code of conduct

Profession means:
1-simple set of rules.
2-A special level of quality of goods or tools.
3-A person in a profession.

Code of conduct and Gravity are examples for:
2-Professional ethics

………is the abstract area of moral philosophy, It deals with questions about the nature of
1-Scientific approach
3-Descriptive Ethics
4-Normative Ethics

Normative ethical philosopher would go beyond the conclusion of the psychological and want
to know whether human beings often act in their own self-interest
• True
• False
The concept of Profession tells us what a professional should or should not do in the work
• True
• False

Select the correct examples from the following groups to support the idea "Ethics is a social
1-Services, administrative, marketing.
2- Professional ethics, Profession, Professional person.
3-National ethics, professional ethics, company ethics
4-Knowlege, freedom, Love.

The differences between ethics and morality are just
2-individual character and relationship among human
4-all them

The term good should be defined in the abstract sense

Egoism, Altruism and utilitarianism are conclusion
of 1-scentidic approach
2- Metaethics
3- Descriptive Ethics
4-Normative Ethics

Knowledge and power themselves are
According to ancient philosophers’ wisdom was identified
with :
1-Theoretical Knowledge
2-Career preparation
3-practical Knowledge

Professional ethics means
1-Occupation or vocation
2-A simple set of rules
3-A special level of quality of goods or tools
4-A parson in profession

Human being should always act in the interest of others

Philosophical approach to study professional ethics consist of two
1-prescriptive ethics and analytic ethics
2-Descriptive and philosophical
3-Metaethics and analytic ethics
4-normative ethics and prescriptive ethics

Ethics define personal character, while morals stress a social system in which those morals
are applied
Quiz 2

Question 1:
In the Hedonistic issue, Utility is measured in terms of ?
1. Interest and Desire.
2. Happiness and Pleasure.
3. Value and Virtue.
4. Pleasure and Pain.

Question 2:
Which is the following theories states that right and wrong are subjective?
1. Ethics of Duties
2. Theory of Obligation
3. Theory of Egoism
4. Theory of Utilitarianism

Question 3:
According to theory of obligation, corruption is wrong not because its generally leads to
more pain than pleasure.

Question 4 :
Rightness and wrongness are determined by themselves according to ...
1. Utilitarianism theory
2. Absolutism theory
3. Selfishness theory
4. Egoism theory

Question 5:
Ethical absolutism claims that there are moral ideals valid for all people at all times.

Question 6:
The right action for the Utilitarianism theory is...
1. Right and wrong are in themselves
2. Do what's good for yourself.
3. Moral values are things that are morally good for the most parts of our live.
4. An action is right if it produces greater ratio of good or least evil.
Question 7:
It is a universal law that all people can rationally think and make a morally correct decision
based on their own desires.

Question 8:
Theory of Duties claims that there are internal principle applicable moral principles.

Question 9:
Values are objectives according to...
1. Principle of Utility
2. Theory of Utilitarianism
3. Theory of Obligation
4. Theory of Egoism

Question 10:
The scope of Utilitarianism theory is...
1. Majority of people including yourself
2. Specific group of people.
3. One person
4. Universal

Question 11:
According to the principle of utility the "only suitable strategy of a person to achieve a good
life is to follow his own desire or interest".

Question 12:
One of the similarities between Utilitarianism and Egoism is that it focuses on collective
Question 13:
It gives us a set of instructions explaining how to apply the general definition of right and
wrong on concrete cases". Which is the following theory stated that?
1. Absolutism theory.
2. Selfishness theory
3. Egoism theory.
4. Utilitarianism theory.

Question 14:
Where is the Egoism theory applied?
1. China, Japan and Korea.
2. Greece and Britain.
3. USA, France, and Germany
4. Anglo-Saxon world.

Categorical imperative is like principle of Utility that both describe this sense of
unconditional duty that lies within all of us.

The right action for the Utilitarianism theory is:
• Right and wrong are in themselves
• To produces collective well-being
• Do what’s good for yourself
• Moral values are thing that are morally good for the most parts of our live

Acting based on personal utility, It is a maxim..
a. Consistency
b. None of them
c. University
d. Human dignity

One of the similarities between Utilitarianism and Egoism is that both focuses on everyone
involved in the action.
Which is the contemporary ethics theory from the following theories?
• Utilitarianism theory
• None of them
• Selfishness theory
• Egoism theory

Adam smith encouraged individual self-interest because it produced a morally desirable
outcome for society through the visible hand of the marketplace.

According to principle of utility the "only suitable strategy of a person to achieve a good life is
to follow his own desire or interest

Acting based on properties of actions, It is a maxim of .
• Universality
• Unity
• Human dignity
• consistency

9-In the Hedonistic issue, Utility is measured in terms of .

• Pleasure and pain
• Pleasure and value
• Interest and desire
• Happiness and pleasure

10-Categorical imperative and greatest happiness principle are describe this sense of
unconditional duty that lies within all of us

11-It is a universal law that all people can rationally think and make a morally correct decision
based on their own desires.
12-Which is the following theories states that right and wrong are subjective?
1. Ethics of Duties
2. Theory of Obligation
3. Theory of Egoism
4. Theory of Utilitarianism

13-The scope of Ethics of Duties is....

• Majority of people including yourself
• Specific group of people.
• One person
• Universal
Question1: Corporations outsource production to less developed countries LDC in order to:
• improvement of new technologies Easier to communicate throughout the boundaries
• Easier to communicate throughout the boundaries
• Decrease the financial risks.
• A reduce costs in global marketplace

Question2: Globalization as westernization, the issue is...

• Global spread of products, lifestyles, and ideas.
• The numbers of cross border transactions.
• Western culture.

Question3: Globalization as internationalization, the critics argument is:

• The percentage of cross-border transactions worldwide was not very much lower than at
the end of the twentieth century
• The timé of colonization in the nineteenth century resulted in the export of western
culture to the colonized entries
• World religions such as Christianity or Islam have spread over large parts of the globe with
the same power and effects on people lives

Question4: Morally issue is not explicitly covered by the law:

• Capital punishment
• Abortion
• executive pay
• finance

question5: Recklessness is a mean between two extremes:

• Recklessness and Courage
• There is no mean for this.
• Recklessness and Abstinence
• Cowardice and Abstinence

Question6: The principle of professional ethics is "every event has a cause"

• True
• False

Question 7: Globalization as universalization, the supporter argument is

• Export of western culture to different world regions.
• Increasing the numbers of cross border transactions.
• Increasing global spread of products, lifestyles, and ideas
Question 8: Globalization as internationalization, the supporter argument is.
• Increasing global spread of products, lifestyles, and ideas.
• increasing the numbers of cross border transactions
• Export of western culture to different world regions

question9: Human beings should always act in the interest of others.

• Utilitarianism
• Relativism
• Egoism
• Altruism

Question 10: Globalization as westernization, -the critics argument is:

• The time of colonization in the nineteenth century resulted in the export of western
culture to the colonized countries
• World religions such as Christianity or Islam have spread over large parts of the globe
with the same power and effects people lives
• The percentage of cross-border transactions worldwide was not very much lower than
at the end of the twentieth century

Question11: Normative Ethics is most often used in the social sciences, which, Ike ethics, deal
with human behavior and conduct
• True
• False

Question12: Studying Professional Ethics should help you to make right decision but this is not
the same as making clearly better decision
• True
• False

Question13: Psychologists suggested that any living thing was good or bad because it
functioned well or poorly
• True
• False

Question14: There is a definitive right answer to professional ethics problems

• True
• False

Question15: Destroying your own stuff is…….

• Neither legal nor immoral
• Immoral and legal
• Immoral and illegal, immoral and legal
Question16: Issue is covered by the law but which is not really about ethics:
• Animal testing of products
• Sales techniques
• Finance
• Executive

Question17: Globalization as westernization the supporter argument is:

• Export of western culture to different world regions
• Increasing the numbers of cross border transactions
• Increasing global spread of products, lifestyles and ideas

Question18: Sales techniques is........

• Immoral and Legal.
• Legal and Immoral.
• Ethical issue.
• Immoral and Illegal

Question19: Temperance is a mean between the following two extremes:

• Indulgence and abstinence
• Generosity and temperance
• Cowardice and abstinence
• Recklessness and courage

Question20: certain geographical space plays an important role today

• True
• False

Question21:one of the impacts of globalization is “circulation of money leads to increase the

prosperity of countries”.
• True
• False

Question22: Globalization as universalization, the critics argument is:

• The percentage of cross-border transactions worldwide was not very much lower than at
the end of the twentieth century
• The time of colonization in the nineteenth century resulted in the export of western
culture to the colonized entries
• World religions such as Christianity or Islam have spread over large parts of the globe with
the same power and effects on people lives

Question23: Globalization as internationalization, the issue is...

• Global spread of products, lifestyles, and ideas.
• The numbers of cross border transactions.
• Western culture.
Question24: courage is a mean between two extremes:
• Recklessness and Cowardice
• There is no mean for this.
• Recklessness and courage
• Cowardice and Abstinence

Question 25: A professional is an occupation, or career where specialized knowledge of a

subject, or science is applied
• True
• False

Question26: Analytic ethics is analytic human behavior.

• True
• False

Question27: Globalization creates a political and an economical union, such as...

• World Health Organization.
• Human Right Organization
• World Bank
• European Union

Question28: According to Aristotle ethical theory, the three diminutions of human being are:
• Mind, body, and five senses
• Mind, five senses, and emotion
• Intention, motives and feeling
• Biological, psychological and intellectual

Question29: Globalization as universalization, the issue is...

• Global spread of products, lifestyles, and ideas.
• The numbers of cross border transactions.
• Western culture.

Question 30: stinginess is a mean between two extremes

• Recklessness and Courage
• There is no mean for this.
• Recklessness and Abstinence
• Cowardice and Abstinence
Question31:one of the advantages of globalization is exploitation of workers and growers in
developing countries
• True
• False

Question32: cheating and stealing are

• Immoral and Legal.
• Legal and Immoral.
• Immoral and illegal
• Neither legal nor immoral

Question33: golden mean theory seeks to describe how ethics decisions are made in business
according to the legal system
• True
• False

Question34: Assisted suicide and capital punishment are:

• Legal and Immoral.
• Immoral and illegal
• Neither legal nor immoral

Question35: profession is high quality work in:

• None of them
• Admistrative
• Product
• Marketing

Question36: cowardice is a mean between two extremes:

• Recklessness and Cowardice
• There is no mean for this.
• Recklessness and courage
• Cowardice and Abstinence

Question36: self-denial in pleasure is a mean between:

• self-denial in pleasure and abstinence in pleasure
• There is no mean for this.
• Temperance and abstinence in pleasure
• Recklessness and Irresponsibility
Question 37: select the correct group of virtues from the following groups:
• Patience, loyalty and stealing
• Mercy, Modesty, and friendship
• Courage, Temperance, and lying
• Honesty, cheating, and morality

Question 38: Bribery and corruption are:

• Legal and Immoral.
• Immoral and illegal
• Neither legal nor immoral
• Immoral and legal

Question39: According to Aristotle ethical theory, the three diminutions of human being are:
• Intention, motives, and feeling
• Mind, body, and senses
• body, soul and mind
• Mind, senses and emotion
Final exam

Question 1:
Customer service, Insurance and Integrity are an examples on the
1. Industry Codes of Ethics
2. Professional Codes of Ethics
3. Program or Group Codes of Ethics.
4. Organizational Codes of Ethics

Question 2:
Values are subjective according to..
1. Obligation theory.
2. Virtue theory.
3. Relativism theory.
4. Egoism theory.

Question 3:
Ethical Relativism theory claims that
1. regardless of the fact that people have different moral beliefs, there is a correct set of
2. the goal of normative ethics, to find the correct set of obligations and values
3. there is no correct set of moral obligations and values.
4. the values are truly important for our happiness.

Question 4:
Ethical code concentrates on self-utility
• True
• False

Question 5: (ch.2)
Lack of regulation of global capital markets, leading to.
1. financial risks.
2. direct interaction with local communities.
3. increases the company responsibility for jobs, and welfare.
4. raised potential for exploitation of employees with different cultural background.

Question 6: (CH.4)
Majority of traditional ethical theories tend to be absolutist in nature and more contemporary
ethical theories often tend toward a more relativism position.
• True
• False
Question 7: (ch.3)
Adam Smith's argument as saying that one is likely to find a moral outcomes as the end
product of a system based on free competition.
• True
• False

Question 8:
Cultural Relativism theory claims that.
1. moral beliefs different from culture to culture.
2. none of the moral obligations and values is any better than any other.
3. regardless of the fact that people have different moral beliefs. there is a correct set of
4. there is no correct set of moral obligations and values

Question 9: (CH.2)
Social interaction traditionally needed a certain geographical space to take place
• True
• False

Question 10:
Professional ethics is
1. a study of theories about the intellectual origins and Justification of moral codes and
morality in general.
2. an expert who is a master in a specific field.
3. a simple set of rules, but a comprehensive educational guide
4. a law or rule that must be, or usually is to be folowed,

Question 11:
Which is the folowing theory determined that the rightness and wrongness are determine by
some property substance to the type of action ta which they refer
1. Utlitarianism theory.
2. Absolutism theory
3. Egoism theory
4. Relativism theory

Question 12:
There is a threat to Normative Ethics comes from Ethical Relativism.
• True
• False

Question 13:
Studying Professional Ethics should help you to make right decision.
• True
• False
Question 14: (CH.2)
Professional ethics can be said to begin where the law starts.

Question 15:
According to Aristotle's golden mean theory, the mean between stinginess and overly
generous is
1. Generosity
2. Courage
3. Temperance
4. There is no mean

Question 16:
Which is the correct group of moral values from the following orders according to virtue
1. Certain type of car. Kind of children. Good character
2. Good character, Good intentions Good motives.
3. Kind of children, Good intentions. Certain type of car.
4. Good motives, Kind of children, Good character

Question 17:
There is no difference between the principle of utility and the greatest happiness principle.

Question 18:
Human beings should always act in the interest of others. (utilitarianism).

Question 19:
What is the correct set of contemporary ethical theories from the following groups?
1. Virtue ethics Feminist ethics. Discourse ethics, Postmodern ethics
2. Ethical Egoism. Discourse ethics. Theary of Duties, Postmodern ethics.
3. Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism. Theory of Duties. Ethical Relativism.
4. Utilitarianism. Feminist ethics, Postmodern ethics. Discourse ethics.

Question 20:
Select the correct group of virtues from the following groups.
1. Honesty. Cheating and Morality.
2. Patience, loyalty, and Stealing.
3. Mercy, Modesty, and Friendship.
4. Courage.Temperance. and Lying
Question 21:
Golden mean theory seek to describe how ethics decision are made in business according to
the self-utility.
• True
• False

Question 22:
The scope of Obligation theory is.
1. one person
2. specific Society
3. universal
4. majority of peoples

Question 23:
It is important for code of ethics to include such guidance for two reasons
1. to promote high standards of practices and to define acceptable behaviors.
2. the organization make collective agreements about what conduct is ethical and what
conduct is unethical and the practice of ethicsis always specific situation.CO
3. to provide a benchmark for members, and to establish a framework for professional
4. to concerns that the professional is a cooperative citizen, and avoid personal actvibes

Question 24:
Regardless of the fact that people have different moral beliefs there is a correct set of beliefs.
Which is ethical theory stated this?
1. Utilitarianism theory.
2. Relativism theory
3. Virtue theory
4. Obligation theory.

Question 25:
Select the correct group of vices from the following groups?
1. Cowardice, irresponsiblity. and corruption.
2. Honesty. Ethics, and Cheating.
3. Courage. Temperance and Lying.
4. Patience. loyalty, and Stealing,

Question 26:
Kant give us a principle as our guide to discover what list of moral rules we ought to follow.
• True
• False
Question 27:
is general principle about an organization's beliefs on matters such as quality, employees or
the environment. It is a definition of.
1. Principle of Utility
2. Greatest Happiness Principle
3. Codes of Ethics
4. Categorical imperative

Question 28:
Cultural relativism theory makes a factual claim that focuses on collective welfare
• True
• False

Question 29:
When you analyzing two possible actions in a single business decision based on utlitarianism
theory. you should know something about the person's intentions, motives, and
• True
• False

Question 30:
According to Virtue theory, economic success is
1. satisfaction of employees. good relations among all members of the company, and good
relations with all stakeholders being equally important.
2. all of them
3. none of them
4. to get good material profits.

Question 31:
According to Aristotle's ethic theory. the function of human beings is.
1. to function well or poorly.
2. to figuring out what is the function of living things
3. to live according to reason.
4. to avoiding the excesses of self-indulgence in pleasure.

Question 32:
Principles, Rules and Actions, these are three levels of.
1. Relativism theory.
2. Utilitarianism theory
3. Theory of Duties
4. Virtue Ethics theory
Question 33:
it gives us a set of instructions explaining how to apply the general definition of right and
wrong on concrete cases". Which is ethical theory stated this?
1. Egoism theory.
2. Relativism theory.
3. Utilitarianism theory.
4. Absolutism theory.

Question 34:
It wil always be actions and not persons that are right and wrong based on value theory.
• True
• False

Question 35:
Relativism theory contends that morality correct actions are those undertaken by actors with
moral characters.
• True
• False

Question 36:
The Types of Professional Ethics Code are.......
1. World Health ,Human Rights World Trade, and World Bank.
2. Medicine, Law, Marketing, and Engineering.
3. Customer service, Insurance, Financial services, and Integrity
4. Organizational, Professional, Industry, and Program

Question 37:
All the values are ours by birth according to virtue theory.
• True
• False

Question 38:
Please select the correct set of moral values from the following orders according to virtue
1. Good motives, Kind of children, Good character.
2. Good character, Good intentions, Good motives
3. Certain type of car, Kind of children, Good character.
4. Kind of children, Good intentions, Certain type of car
Question 39:
Theory of Duties focuses on the collective welfare
• True
• False

Question 40:
What is the correct examples of the Program Codes of Ethics from the following orders?
1. Medicine, Law, and engineering.
2. Integrity, Customer service, and Financial services.
3. Software, Social program ,and Statistical program.
4. World Bank, World Health, and Human Rights.

Question 41:
In the Hedonistic issue , Utility is measured in terms of ...
1. Value and Virtue.
2. Interest and Desire.
3. Happiness and Pleasure.
4. Pleasure and Pain.

Question 42:
Golden mean help us to make a right decision in business.
• True
• False

Question 43:
Certain Geographical space play an important role nowadays.
• True
• False
Question 44:
Corporations outsource production to less developed countries LDC in order to reduce costs
in global marketplace, raised potential for exploitation of ...
1. Consumers
2. Government and regulation
3. Employees
4. Civil society

Question 45:
Code of Business Ethics attempts to develop professional manners
• True
• False

Question 46:
Act is immoral if it cannot be made into a rule for all humankind to follow” which is the
following principles stated that?
1. Law of liberalist economics.
2. Categorical Imperative
3. Greatest happiness principle.
4. Principle of Utility.

Question 47:
Free competition is considered a moral action according to……
1. Kant theory
2. Theory of Egoism
3. Categorical Imperative.
4. Greatest happiness principle

Question 48:
One of the differences between the principle of utility and the greatest happiness principle is
in the scope of their actions.
• True
• False

Question 49:
Kant theory is used to judge persons not actions.
• True
• False
Question 50:
The person who is moved by insensitive to others in seeking to removes his suffering caused
by their problem………..
1. Selfishness person
2. Hedonist person
3. Altruism person
4. Egoism person

Question 51:
Virtues are objectives according to...
1. Theory of Absolutism
2. Principle of Utility
3. Theory of Egoism
4. Theory of Utilitarianism

Based on Aristotle’s ethics theory the function of human begins is:
1. To figuring out what is the function of living things
2. to live according to reason
3. to avoiding the excesses of self-indulgence in pleasure
4. to function well or poorly
Liberalist economics designed by...
O 1. Jeremy Bentham
O 2. Stuart Mill
O 3. Adam Smith
O 4. Plato

The scope of obligation theory is

O 1.One person
O2 Specfic group of people
03 Universal
O4. Majority of peoples including yourself


One of the differences between the principle of utility and the greatest happiness
principle is in the scope of ther accions ( False)


The person who is moved by insensitive to others in seeking to removes his suffering
caused by their problem.
1. Hedonist person
2. Selfishness person
3. Egoism person
4. Altruism person

"Act is immpral if it cannot be made into a rule for al humankind to follow which is the
folowing princigles stated that
O 1. Greatest happiness principle.
O 2 Law of liberalist economics.
O 3. Principle of Ublity.
04. Categorical Imperative


Free competition is considered a moral action according to

1. Kant theory
2. Categorical Imperative.
3. Greatest happiness principle
4. Theory of Egoism

One of the differences between the principle of utility and the greatest happiness princple
is inthe scope of ther acte ( False)


Virtues are objectives according to…

1. Theory of Absolutism
2. Theory of Egoism
3. Principle of Utility
4. Theory of Utilitarianism


is a universal law that all people can rationally think and make a morally comrect
decision based on their desire ( False )


Theory of Duties claims that there is internal principle applicable moral principles (


Jeremy Bentham encouraged people to search of their self interest because it produced a
morally desirable outcome for society ( False )


Theory of Duties claims that there is internal principle applicable moral principles. (
False )


when you analysing two possible actions in a single business decision based on
utitarianism theory you shou ow something about the persens entons motives and
circumstances ( True)


Acting based on personal utility, It is a maxim.

1. None of them
2. Human Dignity
3. Universality
4. Consistency
New questions:

1- Which is the following theory states that Virtues and Vices are properties of actions?
A. Utilitarianism theory
B. Selfishness theory
C. Egoism theory
D. Kant theory.

2- The scope of Ethics of Duties is....

A. Majority of people including yourself
B. Specific group of people.
C. One person
D. Universal

3- The similarity between Hedonistic and Egoism is…

A. None of them
B. Focused on the desire and pleasure
C. Focused on the interest and desire
D. Focused on the pain and pleasure

4- Which is the following theory states that right and wrong are subjective?
A. Ethics of Duties
B. Theory of Egoism
C. Theory of Utilitarianism
D. Theory of Obligation
5- The person who is moved by insensitive to others in seeking to removes his suffering
caused by their problem……….
a. Egoism person
b. Altruism person
c. Selfishness person
d. Hedonist person

6- Ethics is a controversial field of study because…..

A. Virtues and Vices are subject to cultures .
B. In ordinary language, whether we call a person ethical or moral, or an act unethical or
immoral doesn’t really make any different.
C. When we speak of people as moral or ethical , we usually mean that they are good
people , and when we speak of them as immoral or unethical , we mean that they are
bad people.
D. Ethics asks questions about moral principle ,and about happiness, justice, and courage.

7- when you analysing two possible actions in a single business decision based on
utitarianism theory you shou ow something about the persens entons motives and
circumstances ( FALSE)

8- Accounting is ………..
A. legal issue only.
B. Legal and Immoral.
C. Neither legal nor immoral.
D. Immoral and Illegal.

9- …… concerned with questions of how persons ought to act.

Code of ethics
A. Metaethics
B. Ethics
C. Code of ethics
D. Normative ethics
10- if you want to know whether human beings ought to act in their own self interest. It
means you are following the way of Psychologists. (False)

11- The meaning of Principle is …..

A. law or rule that must be followed.
B. a high quality work in products, services, presentations
C. an occupation where specialized knowledge of a subject is applied.
D. a high standard of professional ethics.

12- The decision about which side we should drive is an ethical decision. (False)

13- Select the correct group of vices from the following groups?
A. Courage,Temperance, and Dishonest.
B. Honesty, Sin, and Morality.
C. Irresponsibility, Corruption, and Cowardice
D. Patience, loyalty, and Robbery.

14- Based on Aristotle’s good life theory, the three diminutions of human being are……..
A. Intention, Motive , and Feeling.
B. Mind, Senses, and Emotion.
C. Mind , Body , and Senses.
D. Body, Soul, and Mind.

15- One of the positive impact of globalization is…………..

A. changes how humans would identify themselves.
B. the winners are businesspeople and big companies.
C. decrease the gap between poor and rich people.
D. attract foreign capital as well as foreign updated technology
16- …..was considered by ancient philosophers to be much more valuable than practical
knowledge .
A. Ethics
B. Sophia
C. Morality
D. Philosophy.

17- Academic training and formal qualification are usually requirements to the ……
A. Special level of quality of goods
B. Professional Ethics
C. Wise person
D. Profession

18- Human beings should always act in the interest of others.

A. Egoism
B. Altruism
C. Utilitarianism
D. Relativism

19- The Law and Professional Ethics are equivalent. (False)

20- Professional ethics is ……………

A. law or rule that must be, or usually is to be followed.
B. asking questions about any human states and traits.
C. set of rules followed by professional in workplace.
D. a high quality work in products, services, presentation

21- at present, national borders have been eroded. (True)

22- Egoism, Altruism, and Utilitarianism are prescribing not describing how the human
behave. (False)

23- Altruism stated that, human beings should always act in the interest of all concerned.
Self-included”. (False)

24- Capital punishment is…….

A. Immoral and illegal
B. Legal issue only
C. Neither legal nor immoral
D. Legal and Immoral

25- The main job of legal system in to interfere with our private lives. (Flase)

26- One of the principle of professional ethics is every event has a cause (False)

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