Sheet 1-2

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Ministry of Higher Education Course: Logic design - BSC 215

Higher Technological Institute Lecturer: Dr. Ahmed Magdy

Computer Science Department
Second level

Sheet 1:
1. State the four main types of number systems?

2. Describe in details the meaning of complement?

3. Compare between the fixed point and floating points representation?

4. List the two main types of codes?

5. Describe the simple way of error detection code?

6. what is meaning of excess 3 gray code (X3Gray)?


6. Convert the following numbers:

a. (111010)2 = ( )10 b. (732)8 = ( )10 c. (𝐵13)16 = ( )10

d. (100)10 = ( )2 e. (0.8)10 = ( )2 f. (100.8)10 = ( )8

g. (100.8)10 = ( )16 h. (732)8 = ( )2 i. (𝐵13)16 = ( )2

j. (101001011)2 = ( )8 k. (101001011)2 = ( )16 l. (513)8 = ( )16

m. (𝐵13)16 = ( )8 n. (011010)2 = ( )𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑦 o. (010111)𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑦 = ( )2

p. (231.3)4 = ( )7 q. (1001101.010111)2 = ( )16

7. Using odd parity to right, convert from decimal to binary the following numbers

a. 29 b. 30 c. 31

8. Construct a table for 5-3-2-1 weighted code and write 9371 using this code.

Ministry of Higher Education Course: Logic design - BSC 215
Higher Technological Institute Lecturer: Dr. Ahmed Magdy
Computer Science Department
Second level

9. Convert each of the following numbers to its decimal equivalent using the visual inspection
a) (72.4)8 b) (10011.11)2 c) (A3)16

10. Convert (43.6875)10 to its

a) Binary equivalent. b) Octal equivalent c) Hexadecimal equivalent.

11. Convert each of the following binary numbers to its octal equivalent
a) (1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 )2 b) ( 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 . 1 1 0 0 0 1 )2

12. Convert each of the following binary numbers to its hexadecimal equivalent
a) (1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 )2 b) ( 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 . 1 1 0 0 0 1 )2

13. Convert each of the following octal numbers to its binary equivalent
a) (745)8 b) ( 2742.23)8

14. Convert each of the following hexadecimal numbers to its binary equivalent
a) (74A)16 b) ( B7F.23)16

15. Find the 9's complement of 546700 and 12389.

16. Find the 1's complement of 11011001 and 11101101.

17. Find the 7's complement of 546700 and 12357.

18. Find the 15's complement of 546700 and 12389.

19. Find the 10's complement of 546700 and 12389.

20. Find the 8's complement of 546700 and 12357.

21. Find the 2's complement of 1101111001 and 11001101.

22. Find the 2's complement of 11011001 and 11101101.

23. Find the 8's complement of 546760 and 1235710.

24. Find the 16's complement of 546700 and 12389.

Ministry of Higher Education Course: Logic design - BSC 215
Higher Technological Institute Lecturer: Dr. Ahmed Magdy
Computer Science Department
Second level

25. Find the 16's complement of 546760 and 1235710.

26. Find (25)10 + (18)10 using binary addition.

27. Using the complements find

a) (7342 – 2134)10 b) (2134 – 7342)10
c) (11011 – 00111)2 d) (00111 – 11011)2

28. Evaluate: a) (+19) – (+15). b) (+15) – (+19) .

29. Perform the following operations using 2's complement and 1's complement
a) 5 + 4 b) 5 – 4
c) 4 – 5 d) –5 –4

30. Perform (15)10 *(9)10 using shift left and addition operations.

31. Perform (11)10 * (12)10 in binary system.

32. Perform (53)10 / (7)10

33. Represent the fixed point decimal number (31.5)10 to

a) Normalized integer mantissa with base 2
b) Normalized integer mantissa with base 8
c) Normalized integer mantissa with base 16
d) If the data length is 20 bits (13 bit mantissa including sign bit and 7 bit exponent including
the sign), find the following representation: binary number, BCO, BCH, and BCD.

34. Convert the decimal number (327)10 into its BCD equivalent and excess-3 representation.

research question

35. Make research report to survey for functions of any electronic simulator such as
(Electronic workbench, ORCAD, PSPICE, multisim and etc....).

with all my best wishes


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