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Roll No te: | Invigilator’s Sign. ‘Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: 1. The question paper contains four sections A, B , C and D. 7, Please check that this question paper contains 6 pages. 3, Please check that this question paper contains 46 questions. 4. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. 5, Section A consists of 48 questions of 1 mark cach. Question 1-16 MCQ’s, Question, 17 - 20 Case Based Questions and Question 21-36 very short answer. 6, Section B consists of 4 questions of 2 marks each. 7, Section C consists of 3 questions of 3 marks each. 8, Section D consists of 3 questions of 5 marks each. 9. Use of calculator is not allowed. SECTION A IFHCF (x,14) = 6, LCM (x,14) = 28, then x is, (a)10 (o)8 (0) 12" @14 The HCF of smallest prime number and the smallest composite number is (@2- (&)4 ©6 @8 |An irrational number between 2 and 3 is, @y3- (v6 ©25 @v2 fone zero of the polynomial p(x) = 28? + 13x 4k is the rec Ape vesvstus'ollc is is the reciprocal of the other, @2 ®2 ©F @% t The number of polynomials having 2er0es as -2 and 5 is (a)1* 2 (3 (@) more than 3 Fis a zeroof the polynomials x? - ¥— (2k +2), then the value of kis (@s (0) 6 ©: Bot {histone av, MATHNEMACTIESOAerm Ham esand 4, i | 2% ‘A quadratic polynomial, whose zeroes Ae l (pat bx t 12 (xt -x~ 12 [Pic pair of equations + 2y 45 = 0 ad 3x — by +1 = 0 | (©) a unique sotution s tions ei : (b) exactly two solu (©) infinitely many solutions @ no. tiie be i: ——_ ie 9 For what value ok, do the equations 3¢-y F 8 =O and 6x— ky tepresent coincident lines: @? ®t ©2 @2 [28.5] The roots of te quediadic equation 3.2 10x + 7V3 = 0 an @v3,-v3 @) V3, a | @-v3, @ none of these U1. | Ifone root of the quadratic equation kx? — 14x + 8 = Ois six times the others) then the value of k is @6 3" (9 (18 12. | The common difference of the AP. ae @p b)-p ©-le @1 |13. |The 11% term ofthe APs, =. 0, S- @-20 )20e = @) 30 (@30 TEDEIBC, then x equals to 20m. y Sony £ = @) 6cm (b) Sem o () 100m (4) 25cm 18. | The distance of the point P(@ , 3) from the y-axis is: © i Sunits (@) 2 units (b) 3 units (© 1 unit (A) 5 unit le ri ne dat C, if cos , right angleé 4 O3 Due io heavy storm, an electric wire got bent as shown mathematical shape, Answer the following questions beloyy: (® Name the shape in which the wire is bent? (@) Spiral (6) Ellipse (©) Linear (@) Parabola « (ii) How many zeroes are there for the polynomial (shape of the wire)? (a) 2° (3 © @o (iii) The zeroes of the polynomial are: (@)-1,5 O-13: ©35 (d)-4,2 (iv) What will be the expression of the polynomial? (a) x? +2x-3 (b) x? -2x +3 (©) x? —2x-3 (dx? +2x+3 Two trees are standing parallel to each other. The bigger tree 8m high, casis a shadow of 6m. On the basis of given information, answer the following questions: (i) IFAB and CD are the two trees ancl AE is the shadow of the longer tree, then (a) AAEB ~ ACED (b) ABE ~ ACED (c) AAEB ~ ADEC (@) ABEA ~ ADEC (ii) Since ABI|CD, so by the basic proportionality theorem, we have, BE DE ‘AE AE _ BD ac 0k @=2 wea (Ohratara ae retary Og=oa cE il ——— kadow ofthe smaller re eig of two wets + BP the shad | Tf the ratio of the height o! tree is 8m (a) 2m. oom ©) £m @ (iv) The distance of the point B from the point E is: (@) 10m em ( 29, cc) ©1%m — @ om Tihs followine diazram shows the posii-=-SF Eee mobile tawers P, Qand Rin ‘The following diagram shows the position of three mobile towers P, 1 Delhi. Use the concept of coordinate goometry, answer the following questions i) The rdinates of P are: (e2) e “) (4) (©) 2) @) G2) (ii) The distance between Qand Ris: (a) 3V2 units « (b) 2V5 units (©) V3 units (d) 2V3 units (iii) The midpoint of P and Q is: @24» G2 O03) @BD (iv) The distance between P and R is? (@) 3V5 units (b) 2V5 units (© 2N3 units (a) V5 units 20. Kriti saves 224 during the first month, 230 in the second month and 236 in the ‘third month. She continues to save in this manner. From the given information, answer the following questions: @ (i) Which of the following is true about monthly savings of Kriti? (a) It forms an AP with A=24, D=6 (b) It forms an AP with A=30, D=6 (©) It forms an AP with A=24, D=4 (d) It does not form an AP Pry 2. ATHEMATICSMterm xan PG ii) In whi (@10 (a)6 (bs 5% month is: (d) 880 Gif) The amount she will save in | (a) 8102 (b) €120 (c)8108 (iv) The common difference of an AP whose n'term 8-5n is (a8 (b) 5 ©8 @5 ~__ VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS —__ Thi. | What is the largest number that divides 70 and 125, leaving remainders 5 | respectively? and 8 e 2, | Explain why5 x4 X3 x2 X1+3 2isa composite number? 23, | The product of zeroes of the polynomial ax* — 6x — 12 is 4, then find the value of a. 24. | Find the quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 3+V2 and 3— V2 : 25, _ | Ifone zero of the quadratic polynomials kx? + (k — 2)z + 6 is negative of thee other, then find the value of k. 26. Find the value(s) of k for which the pair of equations kx + 2y = 3 and 3x-+ 6y = 10 has a unique solution. 27.__|If19x —17y =55 and 17x — 19y = 53, then find the value of (x — y). 28. _ | What is the graphical representation of the lines whose equations: x+2y =3and 2x +4y +7=0 are given. Find the nature of roots of the quadratic equation x + x + 1 = 0. 30. _ | For what value(s) of “a” the quadratic equation Ox 31. _ | Find the 4" term from the end of the AP: -11, -8,-5, .... thas equal roots? ae + e-e-Ci)= fers 32. Find the sum of first ten multiples of 6. oo ee eee Tf the end-point of diameter of circle are (2,4) and (-3,-1), then find the radius of 33, the circle. © md ps eos. eam cy = a Evaluate: sin=60° + 2 tan45® — cos730 Tf AABC~ APQR, 2A = 32° andZR = 65°, then find 2B. ern MSDN22-2/%-MATITEMATICSIMMer Es ; B 36. [in figure, 2B = 28 = 459, BE =p, hoa and AI 7 then express x, in terms @ ofp, qandr. Section - B prove that 2+ V3 is a Given that V3 is an irrational nur rational number. 39, 4. 38. 40. | Find the point on the x axis which is equidistant from (2 , -5) and (-2 , 9). Solve for x: 4x?-+ 4bx — (a? — 52) = Eisa point on the side AD produced arallelogram ABCD and BE intersects CD at F. Show that AABE ~ ACKB, ¢ __Seetion = C 7 Inan AP given a,=15, ,9=125, find d and ao, a2, A train travels 360 km ai a uniform speed. Ifthe speed h ad been Skm/h more, it | would have taken 1 hour less for the same journey, F ind the speed of the train. ® 43. Draw the graph of the equation: «—y + 1 = O and 3x + 2y — 12 = 0, Using this graph, find the values of x and y which satis fy both the equations. Section - D 44, State and prove Basie Proportionality Theorem, 45, 46, @) Find the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial 62” — 3 —7x and verify the relationship between the zeroes and we coefficients of the polynomial. (2) (b) Ifa, B are the roots of the quadratic polynomial P(x) =2? ~ G+ 6)x+ 22k — 3 Find the Value of, ifa+ f= Lop Sap. eo + 49. —— +x-£207) eo a @) (@) Find the value of the middle mosti-rms of the AP. ©) Solve(4.447+104 Vaybe 24 ere $0, Be y2, 9B,84,40,96, lo2 lod ty i lla cca ——

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